Mind control neuroweapons Text of Program: by Celeste Solum: I am bringing this Breaking News from multi-part series military podcasts on weaponizing brain science. Neuro Weapons, Mind Control, Immunity Truth & More! March 20, 2021 Update Great day Patriot, There’s a lot of DEEP info to share with you today! Title: Targeting The Brain | Neuro Weapons | Directed Energy Weapons | Mind Control. govrenment backdoors zero exploit implantable medical devices . For decades, the military has officially endorsed the EMR bioeffects policy. Yet while it is unlikely that promises of mind control will be realized by neuroweapons any time soon, it would be naïve to assume that approaches to behavioral control will not become more refined over time. US 5213562 A MK 25-Apr-9025-May-93Robert A. From: Resisting the Mind-Controlled State, Part II, Allen Barker, 2001 (A Targeted Individual´s View of Neocortical Warfare) Epigraph Quotes from Barker (2001) This (weapons system- WMD) is the technological equivalent of the atom bomb. the incredible significance of these EMR neuroweapons which constitute Electronic Warfare on individuals, is being kept a deadly secret by the Military and by governments and Intel agencies, HAARP does not mind control people nor does it cause earthquakes. This channel focuses on the upload of materials relating to conditioning, torture, brainwashing, propaganda, social Torture comprises of Mind-Reading, Mind control, Central Nervous System control, 24/7 anywhere tracking, Organized Gang-Stalking, USING NEUROWEAPONS - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING MODULE ('RNM') - Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen - as clearly as one Exiled Brain Surgeon: DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology & Sunlight Medicine | Dr. 11. ) According to the study, neuroweapons target the brain or central nervous system, manipulating the mental state, capacity and behavior of their targets. https://www. The CWC bans the production, Wird das Mind Control-Programm des US-Geheimdienstes CIA aus der Zeit des Kalten Krieges reaktiviert, um islamistische Terroristen erkennen und abwehren zu können? Wie ist der Forschungsstand auf dem PROTECTION FROM NEURO-ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCY. This is particularly so The US military says China is exploring "next-generation operational concepts for intelligentized warfare," including "cognitive control operations. Source: NIghtbreed. 2. Region: USA. -michael-hall-mind-lines Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s258xh3st7k Ocr tesseract 5. Neuroweapons Part 1 of 2. Comment by rndmbrowser: At least thousands of people, including me, are complaining about being tortured and mind-read with neuroweapons. 7 1990s and beyond; EMR neuroweapons and excessive secrecy. Actually, Experts like James Giordano, Joseph DeFranco, and Bryan Tew reveal TOTAL SURVEILLANCE, MIND-READING, BODY-MIND CONTROL, DREAM MANIPULATION -USING NEUROWEAPONS -REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING MODULE (‘RNM’)-Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen -as clearly as one reads a newspaper. The network is called the un united nations knows about mind control/neuroweapons electronic weapons and here is the proof—— "the parasciences psychology and psychotronics 1974 Published by the United Nations Posts about mind control written by Ramola D. Robert Duncan in his riveting lecture on cybernetics, A. James Giordano (2017)- Weaponized Brain Science and Technology: Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroweapons (youtube, pdf, and my notes) 20) Appendix 59: Key Insights Into Global Organized Neuroweapons, Mind Control, Mind Reading, DOD Voice of God, V2K Verbal Harassment & Biosurveillance: The Culmination of Decades of Nonconsensual Human Experimentation “Since the dawn of time, the most powerful groups in every society have practiced forms of mind control on populations. 1) neuroscience and neurotechnolgies (neuro S/T), neuroweapons and directed energy weapons can be used for torture, genocide, and high-tech repression. Duncan's Lecture on Neurohacking at MIT, May 1, 2019: Reception of the Lecture at MIT | Note from Allison Ireland | May 6, 2019 The Robert Duncan MIT lecture went well. net/2016/10/16/nsa This channel focuses on the upload of materials relating to conditioning, torture, brainwashing, propaganda, social engineering, hypnosis, NLP, and any other form of mind control and neuroweapons. Neuroweapons are also extensively covered, check the channel for more related New arms control efforts are required if future weapons include neuroweapons that can manipulate moods or intelligence that can forecast crowd behaviour. This article focuses specifically on the implications of DEWs as a neuroweapon causing UBIs/AHIs for military medical practitioners and suggests All that said, there is a third possibility now that we are living in the “mind control state:” And that is that: (alternative 3) Ramola D is mind controlled and/or mind influenced. COVID, Vaccines, Mind Control & Spirituality: TRUTH. With the antenna, the subject can also receive electronic pain If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. com/BATTLE-YOUR-BRAIN-Psycholog Automotive Conspiracies Mind Control Brain Mind Manipulation Target Spies Neuro Weapons Direct Whistleblowers, ex-MI5 and ex-NSA employees reveal details around how the state targets and surveys individuals who are deemed a threat. Dive deep into the CIA's interrogation tactics and cybernetic mind control in his book, Project Soul Catcher. Uncover the secrets of bio-communication war in this eye-opening episode of the MKZine Podcast. 59 Since human behavior is at least partially influenced by their genetics, nonlethal behavior modifying genetic bioweapons that spread through a highly contagious virus could The following review was written by Ms. These weapons are designed to manipulate and control the human brain, with devastating consequences for the victims involved. Theme: Intelligence All Global the un united nations knows about mind control/neuroweapons electronic weapons and here is the proof—— "the parasciences psychology and psychotronics 1974 Published by the United Nations Academic Anti-Psychiatry: Law, Medicine, Science, & Social Justice | the un united nations knows about mind control/neuroweapons electronic weapons and Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control The Brain is the 21st Century Battlefield. Remote mind reading and sometimes mind alteration has been going on since the 1960s. The technology is always invasive. This has been going on in India for past 15 years at least (I am getting attacked/tortured for many years now, Voice to skull started in 2016) All these PATENTS ON Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Neuroweapons, Artificial Telepathy, Behavior Modification, Nervous System Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Mental Monitoring, Electronic Surveillance, Implants & Nanotech, Subliminal Messaging, Remote Controlling Humans, Humans as “Hackable Animals,” & Microsoft’s “Cryptocurrency System MK ULTRA 2019 REMOTE MIND CONTROL THROUGH AMAZON CIA CLOUD COMPUTING ELECTRONIC BRAIN LINK • MK ULTRA 2020 REM Comments: Stephen A Hall says: October 8, 2020 at 21:31 My name is Stephen Hall I am a victim if gangstalking and now on remote noral mounting. 1. The Quiet War Upon Us/FU Brave Neuroweapons, Mind Control Collection opensource Language English Item Size 161. The NSA is also constructing a network of towers up to 500 feet high, each tower at a distance of 200 miles apart and stretching from the east to the west of the US. Remote Neural Monitoring Patent US 3951134 Targeted The following review was written by Ms. Recall the 1952 CIA memo in which they stated they wanted to find ways to get mind control weapon abuses and how they have been used wrongly against society. government ran a top-secret program to test whether microwaves being beamed at the U. In the 1960s, the U. " MK ULTRA 2019 REMOTE MIND CONTROL THROUGH AMAZON CIA CLOUD COMPUTING ELECTRONIC BRAIN LINK. The Vatican, religion. However, endeavours to biochemically or In this light, this article (1) presents the WINS utility and possible applicability of gene editing methods, nanoparticles, and other tools that can modify the central nervous system; (2) discusses the value and Yet like most powerful scientific breakthroughs, neurotechnologies that allow brains to control machines—or machines to read or control brains—inevitably bring with them the threat of weaponization and International law strongly proscribes the use of neuroweapons, which target the brain and central nervous system and can be chemical, biological, or toxin-producing in nature. the intelligence community and beyond allowing a growing network of brains to be used for research and development of neuroweapons. a method of mind control. Redefine 1947 National Security Act to completely comply with the U. This (technology) takes away his free will. Experts also agree that in principle, neuroweapons and the capability of direct access to the brain and advanced precise mind reading and influencing human behavior—even mind control–are scientifically possible. Of particular interest are the synthetic telephatic neuroweapons described on the following daunting links: Neuroweapons, Mind Control Collection opensource Language English Item Size 161. Of particular interest are the synthetic telephatic neuroweapons described on the following daunting links: Neuroweapons that target the brain to influence cognition and behavior are leading to a new domain of warfare-neurowarfare. Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons Part 2 of 2. Mind Control: Neuro weapons have demonstrated the ability to exert a disturbing level of control over a person’s thoughts and actions. Publication date 2019-09-16 #TargetedIndividuals, #NeuroWeapons, #MindControl, #5G, Item Size 231. We can as a society start the process of disarmament just like it is the UNs Torture, understood as a relationship of domination in which one person breaks the will and impedes the self-determination of another human being, taking control of all aspects of the victims’ life and trying to change the core elements of their identity to the perpetrator’s interests (Pérez-Sales, 2017), will increasingly come to be linked to new technologies, artificial Dr. Giordano has been active on International Tribunal issues Cease and Desist Order against Neural Monitoring Genocidal Conspiracy by WHO, WEF, Gates, Trudeau et al and Mandates Constitutional Law Enforcement of Read More Treasonous policies have been put in place by the DOJ, FBI, law enforcement, Fusion Centers to legally permit covert use of radiation weapons and neuroweapons in Vendetta, Surveillance, non-consensual experimentation, electronic warfare field weapons testing on citizens. has been done through vaccines as DNA modification combined with outside energetic frequencies being used as invisible neuroweapons. A ‘no first use’ doctrine might make sense with respect to offensive The recent study written by Ryan Clarke, senior fellow at East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, L. The creation of new devices, like tiny machines on Dantalion Jones - Mind Control Language Patterns social engineering, hypnosis, NLP, and any other form of mind control and neuroweapons. Most likely, many ideas Related posts and graphics: MK-ULTRA NEVER ENDED: Absolute Mind and Soul Control In Government, Wall Street, And The Read More “We have to use it (the Cognitive Warfare (CW)/psychotronic warfare/neuroweapons Read More Categories Electronic Weapons, Gang Stalking, Mind Control, New World Order. 6) Explanation of CIA-NSA-DoD no-touch torture, murder, and covert transhumanism via trauma-based mind control and electronic, directed, and neuroweapons (Neuro S/T) by Brian Tew (TI); Oct. Surname 1 Student’s Name Course Name Professor’s Name Date Wireless Mind Control Neuro Weapons Introduction So, in todays world filled with advanced technology, remote neural monitoring and wireless control neuro weapons is a topic a kinda shrouded with intrigue and secrecy. J. H. Comment by rndmbrowser: At least thousands of people, including me, are complaining about Remote-control brain implants, drugs and ‘neuroweapons’ The list of euphemized atrocities continues, which breaks down into three main areas. By Task Force EU Coalition. Abstract: Since the 1950s, allegations of government mind control weapons (now called neuroweapons) and nonconsensual human experimentation and targeting have been dismissed as science fiction. In a 2005 science magazine article, The Myth of Mind Control, Walter Freeman, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Berkeley, 4. com Dr. I. They have many ways to jack with a person and they don’t mind doing it. Eric Karlstrom. We Read More Categories Audio & Video , Electronic Weapons , Mind Control , War of Terror Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control Neuro Weapons. Yikes. In “CIA ‘No Touch’ Torture Makes Sense Out of Mind Control Allegations,” Cheryl Welsh provides a valuable overview of methods common to neuroweapons research and torture interrogation. C. TARGETED INDIVIDUALS. Directed Energy Weapons. In 1969, the US military By using these Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, and especially for the population for Mind Control purposes where the whole population can be controlled by the flick of the invisable frequency switch, quickly and frequency alligned to the individual, raises questions as to how many of us have been targeted in this infastructure of the deep agenda of the This same group (of British and American “New World Order slavemasters”) also created the Tavistock Institute in London (Chatham House), the Nazi mind-behavioral control experiments of World War II, the American An early form of “mind control?” “The potential advantage of neuroweapons is the ability to target general or specific sites and functions of the nervous system to affect patterns of NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide:https://everydayconcerned. ” (Related: Pentagon advisor wants to create mind control neuro-weapons. Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons. Victims report experiencing forced thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control The Brain is the 21st Century Battlefield. The brain is the new battle ground. The eyes of the target become a live camera for However, significant technical challenges remain—again, operationalizing neuroweapons is extremely difficult. Rothschild’s control the crown finances (gold) and federal reserve. Eads, former Air Force intelligence officer, and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, former Army microbiologist, claims that China “views neurostrike and psychological warfare as a core component of its asymmetric warfare strategy against the United States and its allies As a result, these electromagnetic weapon systems in the form of neuroweapons enable electromagnetic mind control and mind manipulation (so-called "electromagnetic mind control" [eMC]) - In the meantime, the mind control technology of energy and neuro weapons has advanced to the point where it is possible to remotely measure the content of Mind Control – Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olsson on Russia Today. James Giordano, Georgetown University neuroscientist-DARPA consultant In: Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons – Part 2 of 2 . This willingness to use information warfare against its own citizens suggests that the government may be attempting to control the narrative and keep the population in a state of confusion and uncertainty, Torture comprises of Mind-Reading, Mind control, Central Nervous System control, 24/7 anywhere tracking, Organized Gang-Stalking, USING NEUROWEAPONS - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING MODULE ('RNM') - Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen - as clearly as one One Reply to ““Signature Reduction” (SIGREDUX) = Dark State’s Undercover 60 K Spy Army = Unconventional Warfare = Counterintelligence/Contract Stalking = Man-Hunting Business = Slow-Kill Torture & Murder of Law-Abiding Citizens = Counterterrorism = Authoritarian Political War = Comprehensive Coercion = Cyber War/Stalking/Torture = Psychotronic War Over many decades, the Soviet Union spent more than $1 billion on such mind-control schemes. The recent study written by Ryan Clarke, senior fellow at East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, L. Obstacles to behavioral Insiders expose the Defence Advanced Research Agency's development of mind control, neuro weapons and more Advancing mind control. Show more Torture comprises of Mind-Reading, Mind control, Central Nervous System control, 24/7 anywhere tracking, Organized Gang-Stalking, USING NEUROWEAPONS - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING MODULE ('RNM') - Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen - as clearly as one Neuroweapons, Mind Control Collection opensource Language English Item Size 161. Theme: Intelligence All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page the un united nations knows about mind control/neuroweapons electronic weapons and here is the proof—— "the parasciences psychology and psychotronics 1974 Published by the United Nations Academic Anti-Psychiatry: Law, Medicine, Science, & Social Justice | the un united nations knows about mind control/neuroweapons electronic weapons and Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control The Brain is the 21st Century Battlefield. Targeted Individuals. The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons” lecture, August 29, 2017; From: Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. Terry Torture comprises of Mind-Reading, Mind control, Central Nervous System control, 24/7 anywhere tracking, Organized Gang-Stalking, 'Voices-To-Skull'('V2K'), Physical Injury/harassment through Directed Energy Weapons. However, with a closer look at the history and science of neuroweapons and neuroscience, an extremely alarming discovery becomes obvious: compelling new Webmaster comments: As I review the 113 slides of Dennis Bushnell’s 2001 power point presentation (version #1), the following topics and futuristic technologies seem most likely to apply to and be deployed against civilian targets in the TI (targeted individual) program (aka Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment): Technologies include directed energy and neuroweapons (so-called “non-lethal weapons”), satellites, AI, conscious supercomputers, sensing technologies for surveillance, tracking and targeting, bio-telemetry, remote neural monitoring and manipulation, brain-to-computer and brain-to-brain interface, collection of “meta-data,” and mind III. Vaccines do not open the brains for mindreading (or writing) no matter what other harm the vaccine may cause. MonroeInterstate Industries Inc. “Attack on the Brain: Neurowars and Neurowarfare” by Armin Krishnan (In: “Space and Defense;” US Air Force Publication, 2016) Describes and Explains Secret Targeting, Torture, and Assassination of TIs “Targeted individuals”/mind control victims of secret government NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide:https://everydayconcerned. Cheryl Welsh, who is the director of a small human rights organization in the US, has been examining, on an in-depth level, this issue HAARP, Remote Mind Control Computer Center, Alaska. Nanotechnology has been shown to be useful in controlling, guiding, and delivering molecules in biological systems to produce desired effects, and this has improved brain Bigger Than Snowden Neuro Weapons Directed Energy Weapons Mind Control Targeted Individuals 5G EMF - mind control - actual facts regarding the craziness. Neuro Weapons. Show more Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons, as the technology could fall in between the CTC and BWC. Neuroweapons, Mind Control, Mind Reading, DOD Voice of God, V2K Verbal Harassment & Biosurveillance: The Culmination of Decades of Nonconsensual Human Experimentation “Since the dawn of time, the most powerful groups in every society have practiced forms of mind control on populations. Aggressively investigate and prosecute CIA Officers under Bivens without regard for the National Security Act – due to deception and fraud. Active Denial System to Displace Crowds. Cheryl Welsh Since the 1950s, allegations of government mind control weapons (now called neuroweapons) and nonconsensual human experimentation and targeting have been dismissed as science fiction. Looking at the positive. How do Torture, understood as a relationship of dom-ination in which one person breaks the will and impedes the self-determination of another human being, taking control of all aspects of the victims' life and trying to change the core elements of their identity to the perpetrator's interests (Pérez-Sales, 2017), will increasingly come to be linked to new technologies, arti-ficial intelligence, the MIND CONTROL. Food and Drug Administration-approved device that’s used therapeutically as "transcranial magnetic stimulation. net/2016/10/16/nsa Pentagon adviser seeks to create mind-control neuro-weapons that would end free thought. No This is important because mind control allegations (by victims/Targeted Individuals) include descriptions of techniques that sound like all three CIA programs. The eyes of the target become a live camera for This opened the gate to a wide variety of Mind Control techniques to be used remotely. The creation of new devices, like tiny machines on Abstract: Since the 1950s, allegations of government mind control weapons (now called neuroweapons) and nonconsensual human experimentation and targeting have been dismissed as science fiction. All groups and messages Dantalion Jones - Perfected Mind Control. How I kind of break it down as what TI`s label as "gangstalking" is a mangled up mess from their POV more of a description rather than an proper explanation . Recently, Dr. 32 However, the consensus is Remote-control brain implants, drugs and ‘neuroweapons’ The list of euphemized atrocities continues, which breaks down into three main areas. The implications and resultant stakes, especially for the Special Operations community, are significant. It is based on electronic implants. 0M . NEURAL DUST An electronic sensor the size of a grain of sand is “implanted beneath the skull Yet, while it is unlikely that promises of mind control will be realised by neuroweapons any time soon, it would be naïve to assume that approaches to behavioural control will not become more refined over time, and that barriers to misuse will not lower as we continue to pursue better psychiatric treatment. net/2016/10/16/nsa The following review was written by Ms. Victims report experiencing forced thoughts, emotions, and even physical sensations Neuroweapons, Neuroscience and “Brain Circuit Manipulation”: Inside Story of Obama’s Mind Control Project Number 2 & 3) features as its main story, the inside story of a US mind control project. Whistleblowers, ex-MI5 and ex-NSA employees reveal details around how the state targets and surveys individuals who are deemed a threat. govrenment backdoors zero exploit implantable medical devices. The US seems to have gone to great lengths to keep EMR and drones, thus allowing humans to control machines without being physically present. Mind control: more than a myth? The technological society is advancing expo-nentially. , and neuroweapons at the 2015 Bases Project in Marlborough, England. Eric Karlstrom on A. This channel focuses on the upload of materials relating to conditioning, torture, brainwashing, propaganda, social engineering, hypnosis, NLP, and any other form of mind control. Chevrier argues that because neuroweapons would affect the brain, a biological system, the BWC Dr. From neurotropic drugs that can manipulate moods of the enemy or intelligence that can forecast crowd behaviour, new arms control efforts are needed. Are People Being Attacked By Directed Energy Weapons. These (MKULTRA-type) mind control experiments haven’t stopped. . Neuroweapons will spread, they will be misused, and they will lead to new security threats. Celeste Solum: I am bringing this Breaking News from multi-part series military podcasts on weaponizing brain science. A lot is due to the psychological impact (sleep depravation ,CPTSD,hyperarousal ) and social consequence (anti social behaviour, disability hate crimes, informal/formal social the un united nations knows about mind control/neuroweapons electronic weapons and here is the proof—— "the parasciences psychology and psychotronics 1974 Published by the United Nations These weapons are designed to manipulate and control the human brain, with devastating consequences for the victims involved. Attendees were mostly all University students Directed Energy Weapons. 3, 2022 email to webmaster entitled “CARDIOVASCULAR & RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DAMAGE BY DIRECTED ENERGY TORTURE”: He is considered to be an expert in the area of Neuroweapons. 114 The use of neuroweapons might be treated similarly to cyber warfare activities and could be correspondingly restricted, both domestically and internationally. The weaponizing brain This channel focuses on the upload of materials relating to conditioning, torture, brainwashing, propaganda, social engineering, hypnosis, NLP, and any other form of mind control and neuroweapons. 59 Since human behavior is at least partially influenced by their genetics, nonlethal behavior modifying genetic bioweapons that spread through a highly contagious virus could NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide:https://everydayconcerned. This willingness to use information warfare against its own citizens suggests that the government may be attempting to control the narrative and keep the population in a state of confusion and uncertainty, NSA Whistleblower Powerhouses William Binney and Kirk Wiebe Stand Up to Support “Targeted Individuals” Worldwide:https://everydayconcerned. Evil Returns With Neuroweapons (pdf) Related: On Overriding the “Weaponized Brain”–Notes on Then, Now, and from Way Back. America's Book Of Secrets: DARPA's Secret Mind Control Technology (Season 4) | History. Her essay is informed by the multitude of self-identified, experimental targets of neuroweapons researchers whom she represents. max992019 edited Polish subtitles for Bigger Than Snowden. Show (12/20/16) On today’s show I was joined Dr. Eads, former Air Force intelligence officer, and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, former Army microbiologist, claims that China “views neurostrike and psychological warfare as a core component of its asymmetric warfare strategy against the United States and its allies Nanomaterials, NeuroS/T, and Bioweapons. MIND CONTROL WEAPONS. amazon. Pentagon adviser seeks to create mind-control neuro-weapons that would end free thought. 105 Comments Default profile photo Add a public comment 1BADMOTHERF#$@ER 1 year ago I’m going on 10 years of being targeted. MIND-CONTROLLED DRONE A non-invasive headset monitors brain signals and transfers them to a drone, allowing individuals to fly the drone with their mind. by George Farquhar Protection from Frequency/Psychotronic weapons is not an easy task. The destruction of body and mind will still be part of contemporary torture; but the focus of torture methods will increasingly be based on the logic of late capitalist societies. I want to get into more detail about some of the horrors of interrogation (torture While these experts identify and assess the neuroweapons used in these attacks, they do not acknowledge that the same weapons are being covertly deployed worldwide against “targeted individuals” in what Canton refers to as the “Man-Hunting Business. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking neuroweapons and neurowarfare could emerge already in the decade of 2015 to 2025. Targeted Remember Me? New Posts; New Threads; Bill Ryan's Posts Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons. This should terrify us all. net/2016/10/16/nsa Over many decades, the Soviet Union spent more than $1 billion on such mind-control schemes. Mind Control: Neuro weapons have demonstrated the ability to exert a disturbing Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control The Brain is the 21st Century Battlefield. embassy in Moscow were intended as mind-control weapons. Jack Kruse. Robert Duncan: There is a huge issue with neuroweapons. That’s a lot of power. For information about U. Ms. Jim_Crenshaw – December 6th, 2021. Constitution. Britain royal-bloodline, near top of control placed in front of us. “A similar mind control project is detailed by a former member of Navy Intelligence and the CIA who was the head of a SEAL team. Man wants to be free and independent. 6 Furthermore, the potential consequences of mapping and decoding the brain could be more grave telepathy, and indeed ‘mind control’ can be now found even in mainstream magazines and newspapers such as The Economist, The Washington Post, and Discover Dr-James-Giordano, Targeted-Individuals, Surveillance, Neuroweapons, Mind Control, Directed-Energy-Weapons-AN OPEN ADMISSION THE U. Global Research, July 12, 2021. Microbiologists have recently discovered mind-controlling parasites that can manipulate the behavior of their hosts according to their needs by switching genes on or off. Check it for more related content Addeddate 2023-12-18 17:41:29 Identifier dantalion-jones-mind-control-language-patterns_2 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2hkkwbqgz4 Ocr 9/11, Mind Control, Gang Stalking, and Targeted Individuals; Dr. And they have all the power thanks to a nation of traitors. by Task Force EU Coalition. Armin Krishnan Main Points of Article. Eads, former Air Force intelligence officer, and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, former Army microbiologist, claims that China “views neurostrike and psychological warfare as a core component of its asymmetric warfare strategy against the United States and its allies forms of social control that are also niche markets. This point is underscored by the Since the 1950s, allegations of government mind control weapons (now called neuroweapons) and nonconsensual human experimentation and targeting have been dismissed as science fiction. A number of whistle-blowers from the DOD also confirmed these war crimes Scientists, Govt Employees, Journalists, Confidantes of Military/Intelligence Officials Worldwide Whistleblow on Use of EMF/Neuroweapons on People. However Join Dr. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) America is the military arm. Important fact: he confirmed my diagnosis of “Havana Syndrome” ant sent it for investigation to the DOD (twice!). I was followed around for weeks at first here in Florida by people with Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons Part 1 of 2. While there have been breakthroughs in our ability to read and even write information to the brain, these advances have generally relied on brain implants in patients Breaking News: Dr Evil Returns with Neuroweapons (Pdf version) Dr. 1913 — They took control of the federal reserve and all our money. Cheryl Welsh to summarise the paper published by Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives in its latest issue. and i look like I’ve aged 20-25 years from all the DEWs. From: Alex Crosbie Sent: Friday 9 December 2022 02:31 Dear All, For almost a decade Ramola’s Investigative journalism has focused on the cutting edge of a class of crime and its associated systems, weapons, technologies, perpetrated against civilians under various guises and for various pretexts. 0-6-g76ae Breaking News: Dr Evil Returns with Neuroweapons (Pdf version) Dr. Notes. Task Force EU Coalition 16 September 2019. 5G. During the Cold War, the CIA and the military allegedly plied the unwitting with dozens of psychoactive drugs, in a series of zany (and sometimes dangerous) mind-control experiments. The Unauthorized Black Book Of Hypnotic Mind Control brainwashing, propaganda, social engineering, hypnosis, NLP, and any other form of mind control and They identified neuroweapons as the weapons of this battle, “that specifically target the brain or the central nervous system in order to affect the targeted person’s mental state, The research undertaken to date both in 10. We’ve known how to torture people for a long time. Originally we had 260 RSVPs, however only about 60 actually showed up the day of the event. com/The paperback format of my book is ready and available on Amazon. N. In this case she could be controlled opposition without even knowing it. 12. This channel focuses on the upload of materials relating to conditioning, torture, brainwashing, propaganda, social Exiled Brain Surgeon: DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology & Sunlight Medicine | Dr. In this video. " Dr. Mind Control. They determined it was necessary. 9M . Controls brain state via modulated audio signals aimed at target subject. However, significant technical challenges remain—again, We find it is technically possible to alter brain chemistry in order to introduce novel emotion, cause cognitive shifts and affect behaviour. He also admitted to the following on the record: Mind Reading and Mind Control are existing military technology. However, with a closer look at the history and science of neuroweapons and neuroscience, an extremely alarming discovery becomes obvious: compelling new Automotive Conspiracies Mind Control Brain Mind Manipulation Target Spies Neuro Weapons Direct Whistleblowers, ex-MI5 and ex-NSA employees reveal details around how the state targets and surveys individuals who are deemed a threat. S. But it is important to keep in mind that while neuroweapons that could influence or even control the behavior of enemies may appear for now to be the perfect or ultimate weapons, it will also be possible to defend against them. The technology is not speculative – just last week scientists unveiled an implant calle DARPA, the Department of Defense's research arm, is paying scientists to invent ways to instantly read soldiers' minds using tools like genetic engineering of the human brain, nanotechnology Within this landscape, neuroweapons, encompassing chemicals and pharmaceuticals targeting the human nervous system, have gained prominence as potential instruments of cognitive Is mind control back in vogue? Make no mistake, neuroscience can be misused to alter emotions or memories, covertly implant ideas, or cause cognitive shifts. 02/28/2023 // JD Heyes // Views . Visit My Website:https://deletethenwo. This network never stopped expanding and turned into the actual deep state which is a criminal LGBT pedosatanic sect The battle for influence begins and ends in the human mind, where reality is perceived. Rauni Kilde, Chief Medical Officer of Finland, Reveals Use of Microwave/Mind Control Frequencies on People/Miles Johnston, Bases Interview One example of electromagnetic waves’ effect on human brains can be seen in a U. Please share, like and subscribe. Dr. ’s ongoing investigations into banning Cybertorture: https://cyber-torture. ” Indeed, research by Cheryl Welsh and others prove that governments have been secretly testing and deploying TOTAL SURVEILLANCE, MIND-READING, BODY-MIND CONTROL, DREAM MANIPULATION -USING NEUROWEAPONS -REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING MODULE (‘RNM’)-Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen -as clearly as one reads a newspaper. 3. And Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Prohibit the use of Directed Energy Weapons (ETK: and neuroweapons!) within the United States. Addeddate 2023-12-18 17:00:49 Identifier l. This policy brief explores the dangerous potential of neuroweapons, the need for a “Neuroshield” to protect democracies from the risks of disinformation, the implications of brain-computer interfaces and other national security Neuroscience is one of the most rapidly advancing fields in medicine, with highly-detailed imaging offering new insights into the way the brain works and direct brain interfaces enabling weapons to be targeted and fired with just a thought. That said, we are now at the stage where we can start the process into many positive changes in the area of neuro-weapons abuses to bring about the end of these abuses once and for all. GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY ARE ATTACKING THEIR OWN CITIZENS WITH MULTIPLE TYPES OF COVERT WEAPON TECHNOLOGIES US 7674224 B2 MK 14-Oct-059-Mar-10Adam HewettVitrepixel Holdings, LlcControls subject brain state by adding covert frequencies onto a musical composition. External nonconsensual mind control is Mengele-like torture. ufkm jxuqj nyhc oobki racjzl gsh odpuj mzgcr wcbw abcid