Iolani summer school. More than 1,200 people in our .

Kulmking (Solid Perfume) by Atelier Goetia
Iolani summer school The KA‘I Middle & High School Program is a partnership between ‘Iolani School and Jarrett Middle School that provides low-income students who are in the academic middle with a free, high-quality, six-summer program at ‘Iolani School during their middle and high school years. Academic excellence and personal growth flourish in an atmosphere that is challenging and competitive, yet caring and nurturing. 3 million students enrolled in summer school in 2019. org to download form. Click Continue 5 On the assigned registration day (or after) 1. 00 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Cost: Varies 6週間プログラム 寮滞在 ※2023年は実施なし. Join an international program or take one of our 300+ courses for Unique Among Its Peers 'Iolani's Residential Life Program is unique in many ways and reflects the island culture of ‘ohana. » T he On-Campus Programs are open to students who attended ‘Iolani School for the entirety of the 2021–22 school year, accepted and enrolling ‘Iolani admissions students for the 2022-2023 school year, and siblings of ‘Iolani students enrolled for 2 ‘Iolani School SUMMER PROGRAMS | 2020 »Registration and Payment Current ‘Iolani students: 2/10: Monday: Entering grades 4, 5, and 6 2/12: Wednesday: Entering grades 2 and 3 2/14: Friday: Entering grade 1 and ‘Iolani kindergarten applicants for the 2020-2021 school year 2/18: Tuesday: Entering grades 7, 8, and 9 2/20: Thursday: Entering grades 10, 11, and 12 Visit summer. these A partnership between ʻIolani School and Pālolo Elementary, the KA‘I Elementary Program is the newest of the KA‘I Programs and began in the summer of 2022 to close the achievement gap for underserved elementary-aged students, many of whom are English language learners and all of whom experienced a significant learning loss during the pandemic. Days off: June 11 (Tuesday), June 19 (Wednesday) and July 4 (Thursday). Its mission is to develop liberally educated, well-rounded individuals who are well-prepared for higher education and for responsible, moral citizenship. During his senior year, he was a 5-foot-7, 145-pound all-star center for Fr. m. 'Iolani School is committed to the following ideals: By engaging students in a free, high-quality, six-year summer program at ‘Iolani School throughout their middle and high school years, this program has been highly successful in counteracting the summer learning loss that usually occurs for low-income youth, closing the academic achievement gap, and drastically raising high school graduation ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. To arrange your visit to ‘Iolani, please submit the Visit Request Form below (boarding applicants only). The school’s mission is to develop liberally educated, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for The first mention of non-Iolani students being welcomed to campus for the summer occurred in 1956 when a course called The Select 30: A New Approach for Summer School was offered. The 'Iolani motto "One Team" expresses the spirit of unselfish cooperation and mutual support among faculty, staff, coaches, parents and students. Specifically, in period 3, residential students will be allocated the “Intramurals” class for the duration of their summer experience. Through dynamic and personalized instruction in a multitude of disciplines, ‘Iolani's day and boarding programs foster educational excellence and personal growth in an environment that values collaboration, humility, and respect for all ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. This may include ‘Iolani’s SAT® and ACT® Summer Courses (see the Summer School brochure to register), independent practice, or with an independent test prep company, either online or in person. Students entering the seventh grade adjust to departmentalized instruction and assume a more significant role in fulfilling their academic responsibilities. Keables taught English at ‘Iolani School from 1965 to 1980, after devoting 30 years to students in the Denver public school system. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer To foster academic excellence and personal growth, a school must be challenging and competitive yet compassionate and humane. o r g f o r C a l e n d a r C h a n g e s/ U p d a t e s 2021 M onda y, A ugus t 16 R e s i de nt i a l L i f e N e w S t ude nt A r r i va l a nd R e gi s t r a t i on T hur s da y, A ugus t 19 R e s i de nt i a l L i f e R e t ur ni ng S Iolani School Summer Residential Programs Type of Program: Academic Support, Summer School Grades: 7-12 Gender: COED Deadline to Register: Register by June 1. 寮に滞在しながらサマースクールを受講する イオラニスクールでは、2018年より学校内の寮に滞在をするボーディング生の募集を行っています。 Iolani High School: Your Journey to Success Begins Here. • Our coaches are from our award winning ‘Iolani faculty and are updated with new testing trends, test taking skills, and up-to-date ‘IOLANI SCHOOL • COURSE CATALOGUE | 2024–25 ‘Iolani School is a co-educational, college preparatory school for grades K–12 founded in 1863 after a request by King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma to the Church of England . “At ‘Iolani you are known,” is one of our core values and defines faculty and student life. The office is located on the first floor of the Masao Nangaku Building, which is at the Ewa end of campus, near the Upper School Autoline. College counselors, teachers, and ʻIolani alumni currently attending schools are all great sources. Select the child for whom you are registering 3. Email: tmorehouse@iolani. Address and directions. Box 1300 Honolulu, HI 96807-1300. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; HANDBOOK 2016–17 • 5 ‘IOLANI SCHOOL is a coeducational, college-preparatory school for grades K–12 founded upon Christian principles. 27, 1928. How to Apply. org • (808) 943-2262 Upper School Summer Programs Director Natalie Hansen The ‘Iolani School KAʻI Programs raise life outcomes for under-resourced students from Pālolo Valley by providing access to high-quality education and comprehensive support from Monday, June 16 First Day of Summer School Classes Thursday, June 19 Juneteenth Holiday | School Holiday (Offices Closed) Friday, July 4 Independence Day | School Holiday (Offices Closed) Tuesday, August 26 FIRST DAY OF 2025-26 School Year »Visit www. Summer; After School; Check your child’s designated registration date All registrations begin at 12 p. Asking Questions. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; We invite you to join other leaders in the 'Iolani School community in providing exceptional opportunities for every student on campus by becoming a member of the 'Io Society. (noon) Hawaiʻi Standard Time Registration will close on Thursday, August 10, 2023 Many give back to the school as volunteers. 28, 1900, died in 1982 at age 82. The Rev. Please use the 2017 | SUMMER PROGRAM • ‘IOLANI SCHOOL 3 2/17/17 Friday: ‘Iolani kindergarten applicants for the 2017–2018 school year 2/21/17 Tuesday: Current ‘Iolani students and siblings entering grades 6, 7, and 8 ONLINE ORDERING OF UPPER SCHOOL SUMMER READING 2024. Summer 2024 -- demolition of original An additional benefit of the program is that it introduces prospective HPA students to the school, its programs, and its instructors. He grew up in the Punchbowl area and went to Ka‘ahumanu Elementary School before entering ‘Iolani School as a seventh grader in 1940. Parents are responsible for indicating on the registration form if the child has any health conditions, allergies or medications needed during the Summer Programs day PLEASE NOTE Submit completed forms electronically beginning in February to spo@iolani. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for students in kindergarten through 12th grade founded upon Christian values. According to Market Watch, 3. 563 Kamoku Street Honolulu , Hawai‘i 96826 'iolani offers an extensive summer and after school program with reinforcement, enrichment, elective and credit courses. on both days. Because of Hawai‘i’s extremely limited preschool seats, the children we serve would very likely otherwise not have access to early childhood education before entering kindergarten at Non-Hanalani LOWER SCHOOL Summer Program (Entering Grades K4-6) Process: To register for our Ka Imi Loa (Lower School) summer programs: 1) Fill out SUM-01 Registration Form, and you may review: Lower School Summer Program Course Descriptions. (Hawaii ‘Iolani School Mail Code 47911 P. The mission of ‘Iolani’s Summer Program is The KA‘I, or Kūkulu Alaka‘i ‘Iolani (meaning “Creation of Leaders”) programs include summer school for 7th–12th-grade students, keiki classes, tutoring, and postsecondary support. Program Dates: 6-Week Core Program: 6/10 to 7/19; Auxillary Program The Business Office oversees many aspects of ‘Iolani School, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, human resources and the Campus Store. the summer of 2019 was the first summer that a residential program was offered to students ages 11 - 17. Any family in the Admission process is considered New to Financial Aid, even if there is a sibling currently attending ʻIolani School. Login to the Registration Portal 2. 563 Kamoku Street Honolulu , Hawai‘i 96826 Highly Improved High School Graduation: Because of the long-term support that KAʻI students receive through the 6-summer program as well as the school year Tutoring Program, 95% of KAʻI students have graduated on time, far exceeding the statewide averages for low-income students. In ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Course ID Course Title ISBN-13 Title Hardbook/ Paperbook iBook kindle Comments Author ENGLISH COURSES E103 English 7 978-0062387240 Divergent x No ebooks allowed Veronica Roth ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Grade Entering in the 2023-24 School Year: change to student grade level for school year 2023-24 4. More than 1,200 people in our Edward Kiyoshi Hamada was born on Jan. Find out the dates, policies, contact information and Jan 4, 2022 · O‘ahu’s iconic pristine Waikīkī Beach, ‘Iolani School is a world renowned co-educational college preparatory school, ranked as the #1 Best Boarding High School and #1 Learn about the mission, requirements, sessions, and COVID-19 policy of Iolani School's Summer Programs for students from the community and abroad. Inouye (Honolulu) International Airport on June 14, July 3, July 5, July 25, July 26, August 1, and August 8. Academic excellence and personal growth flourish in an atmosphere that is challenging and competitive, Summer; After School; ‘Iolani School's "One Team" ethos originated with the legendary Father Kenneth A. 563 Kamoku Street Honolulu , Hawai‘i 96826 Select Course Preferences 4 Visit summer. Please keep your tuition balance current. He established a tradition for modesty, sportsmanship and unity in athletics that was carried on by Edward K. org for Calendar Changes/Updates 2023 Tuesday, August 15 Residential Life New Student Move-in and ResLife Orientation Programming School Holy Day - Campus Closed-No Events Friday, April 19 'Iolani Fair Saturday, April 20 'Iolani Fair Monday, April 22 Head of School Holiday (Offices Closed) Friday, May 24 Last Day of US Select the appropriate Gmail account associated with your ‘Iolani School account; Click Confirm; NOTE: ‘Iolani School does not have or maintain personal Gmail account passwords. He was named Life magazine Teacher of the Year in 1960. 'Iolani Summer Day Programs Health Requirements Students who at tend school outside the United States during the regular school year must complete the following: Only the ‘Iolani Summer Day Programs Health Form will be accepted. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; and Queen Emma to the Church of England, ‘Iolani School is a co-educational school for grades K–12. to 11:15 a. Michael Moses '93 Director of the Harold Keables taught English at ‘Iolani from 1965 to 1980 after 30 years in the Denver public school system. Honolulu Magazine is a proud member of the aio Family of Companies. A Residential Summer program is also offered so that We understand that choosing an independent school is a major financial decision for many families, and we are committed to keeping tuition as affordable as possible. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer ‘IOLANI SCHOOL • SUMMER RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM | 2020 ‘Iolani will schedule chaperoned transportation for Daniel K. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer Advancement Director and ‘Iolani ‘Ohana Liaison Phone: (808) 943-2345 Email: wkaneda@iolani. The school’s mission is to develop liberally educated, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for higher education and for responsible moral citizenship. Located in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, ‘Iolani School has a K-12 student body of more than 2,100 students. Candice Sakuda '95 Director of Community & Civic Engagement Office: (808) 943-2254 Email: csakuda@iolani. 2 ‘Iolani School SUMMER PROGRAM Meal Cards (grades K–12, Type A hot lunch only) Register for the Meal Card using the following codes: • Six weeks (June 12- July 21): MP03S $140. All rights reserved. ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade founded upon Christian values. org Course. org • (808) 943-2368 Upper School Summer Programs Entering Grades 7–12 spo@iolani. The top ranked private schools offering summer programs in Hawaii include Iolani School, Hawaii Preparatory Academy, and Mid Pacific Institute. Visit summer. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; Mr. Senior Elyse Suzuki transferred from Saint Andrews Priory in ninth grade and attended summer school every year from first grade through ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Live on campus or study online. Please enjoy the video below ‘Iolani School Mail Code 47911 P. org for additional calendar listings. 'iolani offers an extensive summer and after school program with reinforcement, enrichment, elective and credit courses. The Lower School experience focuses on providing each student with individualized attention, encouragement, a sense of belonging, friendships, a variety of subjects and experiences, and the foundation for a love of learning throughout their lifetime. The mission of ‘Iolani’s Summer Program is ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Select the class session type (e. ‘Iolani School Commencement The Class of 2025 will graduate from ‘Iolani School on Saturday, June 7. org • (808) 943-2262 Upper School Summer Programs Director Natalie Hansen ‘IOLANI SCHOOL • 2020 ONLINE SUMMER HANDBOOK Parents will need to think differently about how to support their children during online Summer Programs; how to create structures and routines that allow their children to be successful; and how to monitor and support their children’s learning. Program Dates: 6-Week Core Program: 6/10 Learn about the enrichment classes, activities, field trips and expectations for students who attend Iolani School's summer programs in 2022. Years indicate the end of the school year; for example, "1950" denotes 1949-50. Lower School Summer Programs Entering Grades K–6 LSsummer@iolani. He touched students and faculty at ‘Iolani with ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Further, the 'Iolani Swim Club and this prep program are independent and not a part of 'Iolani Summer Programs and After School Programs. Office Phone; Upper School Main Office: 949-5355: Lower School Main Office: 943-2227: Head of School : 943-2202: Day Summer Programs: 943-2262: After School Programs: 943-2262: Advancement Office: 943-2327: Alumni Office: 943-2309: Communications ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. 2023–24 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS ‘IOLANI SCHOOL 7 After School Care ASC is dedicated to providing a safe, well-supervised, and relaxed environment for ‘Iolani students grades Kindergarten through 6. to 5:15 p. org • (808) 943-2242 Lower School Summer Programs Director Melissa Matsuda mmatsuda@iolani. While striving to preserve and expand the One Team spirit and philosophy, students in the Residential Life program learn to live together as a family and help each other find a balance to take advantage of the fullness of an ‘Iolani life — study, play and 'IOLANI SCHOOL 2023-2024 Year-at-a-Glance (Subject to Change) Check www. org Login to Registration Portal 3 Currently enrolled ‘Iolani Families: Enter ‘Iolani-associated email and click Reset Password School Year 5. For $550 (with an additional $275 for round-trip airfare from San Francisco), 30 male high school students from the Mainland spent six weeks at ‘Iolani “living Hawaiian style”. Grade 6 at 'Iolani School consists of nine Contact ‘Iolani Summer Programs Office at spo@iolani. O. The 'Iolani Swim Club follows all 'Iolani School and USA Swimming guidelines and precautions to maintain its safety standards. Another one of Dr. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. The mission of the ‘Iolani School Summer Programs is to continue the tradition of leadership and academic excellence in offering students from the community and abroad an opportunity to Feb 27, 2024 · » Upper School Summer Programs are open to current ‘Iolani students who attended for the entirety of the 2023-2024 school year, accepted and enrolling ‘Iolani Feb 29, 2024 · » Lower School Summer Programs are open to current ‘Iolani students who attended for the entirety of the 2023-2024 school year, accepted and enrolling ‘Iolani Jul 15, 2023 · Learn how Iolani Summer School offers a comprehensive approach to college preparation, with challenging academics, personalized counseling, and diverse Iolani Summer Programs. `Iolani also offers a growing K-12 summer program, which is open to students throughout the community and from around the world. With completion estimated for the winter of 2025, the new Arrillaga Student Center will transform the heart of our campus as an engaging and inviting new gathering space for the entire school community. The average tuition cost is $16,716, which is higher than the Hawaii private school average tuition cost of $14,746. ‘Iolani School is excited to share images of a stunning new addition planned for our campus. The assigned readings must be completed by the first day of school, August 23, 2021. Sun met classmate Chung Kun Ai, who would become one of his lifelong friends and supporters. The college representatives that visit Iolani (and Hawaii in general) are frequently the more senior members of the staff. Six Week, Session 1 Program Type: Summer School (monthlong/multiple consecutive weeks), Summer Fun/Day Camp (daily/week-to-week/hourly) Holy Nativity School 5286 Kalanianaole Highway , Honolulu , HANDBOOK 2016–17 • 5 ‘IOLANI SCHOOL is a coeducational, college-preparatory school for grades K–12 founded upon Christian principles. The form ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade founded upon Christian values. Find out how to register, contact, and ‘Iolani Summer Residential Programs’ holistic approach offers students the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning through classes designed for review and enrichment, extracurricular ‘Iolani Summer Programs 2023 is pleased to offer an exciting array of classes on the ‘Iolani School campus. Bray, who was the school's football, basketball and baseball coach from 1932 to 1953. org ‘Iolani School St ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. HST / 4:55 p. 2) Allow 1-2 business days for processing your application. Determine if your family is New to Financial Aid or Returning. Andrew Arakawa Lower School Chaplain Office: (808) 943-2235 Email: aarakawa@iolani. CONTACT INFORMATION ‘Iolani School 563 Kamoku Street Visiting ‘Iolani School is the best way to get to know us and see all we have to offer. Except for personal use by Revised: 05/20/2022 Page 2 2022 Summer Reading Textbook List To order paperback books, go to the MBS Direct website https://bnck-12. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer If you have any questions or comments regarding ‘Iolani School, please email info@iolani. EST ‘IOLANI SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL ADMISSION WEBINAR Friday, November 8 3 p. i o l a n i . “‘Iolani is thrilled to be the first K-12 school to partner with View the 2024-25 top ranked boarding schools in Hawaii. 'Io Society members fuel the school's everyday excellence by making a five-year pledge of $1,000 or more annually to the 'Iolani Fund. Sun's trusted allies was Chang Chau, who attended ‘Iolani in the late 1870s. イオラニ・スクール(英語: Iolani School )は、アメリカ合衆国 ハワイ州 ホノルルにある私立、男女共学の学校である。 Visit summer. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; 2024-25 ‘Iolani Alumni Association Board of Directors. After school activities include arts and crafts, Iolani Summer Programs. COM for the 2020–21 school year. ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Access Registration Portal from summer. The 'Iolani Alumni Association is seeking energetic leaders to serve on its Board of Directors. Tuition covers approximately 70 percent of the true cost of educating a student at ‘Iolani School with the balance coming from our endowment, fundraising and gifts. The ‘Iolani School Campus Store is committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with each of your purchases. Thank you for considering ‘Iolani School. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; . org Mahalo for your interest in ‘Iolani School. org or 808-943-2262, • Over 200 students from the DOE and other private schools enrolled in last summer’s online course. Mr. Students entering grades 9, 10 and 11 for the 2025-26 academic year are welcome to apply, Over the next few months of summer school, teachers will learn how tools like Perplexity can support both their growth and their students’ development. Candice Miyashita Executive Assistant and Advancement Coordinator Phone: (808) 943-2348 Email: cmiyashita@iolani. Lifelong friendships are a hallmark of the ‘Iolani experience. ‘Iolani is a global close-knit community. students from hawaii, the neighbor islands, the u. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer 4 ‘IOLANI SCHOOL is a coeducational, college-preparatory school for grades K-12 founded upon Christian principles. Dates: 6-Week Session: 6/13-7/243 Thank you for considering ‘Iolani School. Harold R. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter (opens in new Grade 6 completes the final year of the Lower School at 'Iolani School. org to view catalogues. SUMMER: • All students must begin some focused preparation for these exams. All of our students will be the first generation in their family ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. and Queen Emma to the Church of England, ‘Iolani School is a co-educational school for grades K–12. Note: do not enter your student ID. If you have any questions or comments regarding ‘Iolani School, please email info@iolani. We gladly accept returns and exchanges on full-priced items within 30 days. Welcome ‘Iolani Summer Programs 2022 is pleased to offer an exciting array of classes in-person on the ‘Iolani School campus. org ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. All information must be completed in English by a U. ) Test Prep 6 ‘Iolani School SUMMER RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM | 2020 »Period 1 Class Offerings ENGLISH Language Arts for English Language Learners Grades 6–10 1st and 2nd Session (Available Period 1, Period 2 and Period 3) Description: This course is designed to further develop students’ communication skills in English. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer Head of School 'Iolani School This communication may contain information that may be confidential, privileged and/or prohibited from disclosure. Geri Ching St. A fee of $30 shall be assessed for returned payments. 563 Kamoku Street Honolulu , Hawai‘i 96826 info@iolani. org. 2024-25 ‘Iolani School Course Catalogue The Upper School is distinct from the Lower School in both geography and organization. Alban's Chapel Organist Office: (808) 943-2205 Email: geching@iolani. g. Keables, who was born on Jan. Parking will be available at Kaimuki High School. iolani. 'IOLANI SCHOOL 2021-2022 Year-at-a-Glance ( S u b j e c t t o C h a n g e ) C h e ck w w w. org (grades 7-12) or LSSummer@iolani. com/iolani. mainland, and asia attended the program. Payments received after the last business day of the month are subject to a $25 late fee. licensed physician. Please contact Alumni Relations Manager Shari Tapper '90 at (808) 943-2309 or stapper@iolani. ‘Iolani Fair 2025 "Cosmic Craze" The ‘Iolani Fair 2025 "Cosmic Craze" will be held on campus on Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26, from noon to 10 p. Many extracurricular and athletic opportunities are available. Alumni. In 2016, ‘Iolani School celebrated what would have been Sun Yat-sen's 150th birthday. If you have questions regarding tuition or need wire information, please email the Business Office at businessoffice@iolani. org for Calendar Changes/Updates 2023 Tuesday, August 15 Residential Life New Student Move-in and ResLife Orientation Programming Saturday, August 19 Residential Life Returning Student Move-in and ResLife Programming Tuesday, August 22 FIRST DAY of 2023-2024 School Year ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Program Type: Summer School (monthlong/multiple consecutive weeks) Grades: Grades K to 12. 27, 2024. He was named Life magazine Teacher of the Year in 1960 and died at age 82 in 1982. Its mission is to develop liberally educated, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for higher Revised: 4/13/2020 Page 1 2020 Summer Reading Textbook List To order paperback books, go to the MBS Direct website https://bnck-12. and licensed by the hawaii council of private schools. Students entering the seventh grade adjust to departmentalized instruction and assume a more significant ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. (Hawaii Standard Time) Click to view webinar ‘IOLANI SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL ADMISSION WEBINAR Friday, December 13 3 p. Summer reading must be completed by the first day of the next school year on Tuesday, Aug. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; Employment; Sitemap; Powered by ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. Check program eligibility and requirements 1a Required Documents & Submissions Summer Program Health Form - Completed by US licensed For Lower School Course Registration Make sure you have So go back with me 59 years, to a time prior to when Father Coon was Headmaster of ‘Iolani, a time when he wrote a letter for Imua, at the start of the school year, that challenged ‘Iolani students to enter into a national discussion, and dissent against the war in Vietnam, at a level of intellectual commitment that he was concerned was not ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade rooted in the tradition and values of The Episcopal Church. ‘Iolani School Summer Programs Dates: Session 1: June 10-28; Session 2: July 1-19; Auxiliary program: July 22-August 2; Location: ‘Iolani School Application Deadline: N/A. You will be emailed a link to complete BOARDING SCHOOL VIRTUAL FAIR (Parents League of New York) Tuesday, October 8 10:55 a. We recommend that you visit while school is in session (August-June), but we are happy to accommodate a visit at any point in the year. イオラニ・スクールのキャンパスは、アラワイ運河の向こう隣りがワイキキで、遠くにダイアモンドヘッドも見える場所にある。. S. Some students will thrive with distance learning A partnership between ‘Iolani School and Pālolo Homes, the KAʻI Keiki Program provides early childhood education to children living in Pālolo Homes. Find tuition info, acceptance rates, reviews and more. Its mission is to develop liberally educated, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for higher ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade founded upon Christian values. 1. About ‘Iolani School Located in the heart of Honolulu and walking distance from O‘ahu’s iconic pristine Waikīkī Beach, ‘Iolani School is a world renowned co-educational college preparatory school, ranked as the #1 Best Boarding High School and #1 Best Private High School in Hawai‘i by NICHE. Read about top ranked boarding schools like: Iolani School, Asia Pacific International School Hawaii and Hawaiʻi Preparatory Academy. Hamada '46, who was one of his players, and is still practiced today. 4. Harvard Summer School is an academically rigorous experience for learners of all ages. Titles were used inconsistently and sometimes interchangeably. 563 Kamoku Street Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96826. s. org (808) 949-5355. htm. 'iolani school is a college-prep school for grades k-12 whose mission is to develop educated, well-rounded individuals who are well prepared for college. Directors act as ambassadors for their alma mater and are involved in a The 'Iolani Esports Invitational is a student-led League of Legends tournament uniting high school esports teams from Hawaii and the mainland USA. It emphasizes community, fosters regional connections, and aligns with 'Iolani School's goal of nurturing teamwork, strategy, and critical thinking skills, while also promoting physical well-being. He touched students and faculty at ‘Iolani with his passion for learning and high standards for writing. Gender: Coed. WELCOME ‘Iolani Summer Residential Programs’ holistic approach offers ‘Iolani School is committed to the following ideals: students 12 to 17-years-old the opportunity to engage in • An education which reflects its Episcopal Church heritage hands-on learning through enrichment classes, extracurricular and provides a spiritual foundation for the development activities and months of Summer Program start date 3. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer; After School; Campus Store ; This list, compiled from sources in the ‘Iolani School Archives, is not definitive or all-inclusive; much of the early information is unavailable or unclear. org (grades K-6) The Lower School for K-6 students is situated at the Diamond Head end of the ‘Iolani campus. Bray’s first varsity football team after World War II. Intramurals Meet new people, make new friends, and have fun. Read guidebooks, both purely factual and subjective, and if ever possible visit during summer trips. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer ‘Iolani is a global close-knit community. Revised: 03/27/2023 Page 2 2023 Summer Reading Textbook List To order paperback books, go to the MBS Direct website https://bnck-12. We hope to make the application process an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for all students. SPRING SEMESTER: • ‘Iolani’s Morning (7:10–8:10 a. Aloha, and welcome to Iolani School! to Iolani School, a paragon of great education and well-rounded academic support located amidst the vibrant culture of Honolulu, We take Check www. Office Phone; Upper School Main Office: 949-5355: Lower School Main Office: 943-2227: Head of School : 943-2202: Day Summer Programs: 943-2262: After School Programs: 943-2262: Advancement Office: 943-2327: Alumni Office: 943-2309: Communications WELCOME ‘Iolani Summer Residential Programs’ holistic approach offers ‘Iolani School is committed to the following ideals: students 12 to 17-years-old the opportunity to engage in • An education which reflects its Episcopal Church heritage hands-on learning through enrichment classes, extracurricular and provides a spiritual foundation for the development activities and 2024-25 ‘Iolani School Course Catalogue The Upper School is distinct from the Lower School in both geography and organization. » Summer Programs are open to current ‘Iolani students who attended for the Due to ‘Iolani School COVID-19 policies, our summer 2022 course offerings will be limited. With an emphasis on leadership, team building, and About ‘Iolani School Located in the heart of Honolulu and walking distance from O‘ahu’s iconic pristine Waikīkī Beach, ‘Iolani School is a world renowned co-educational college preparatory school, ranked as the #1 Best Boarding High School and #1 Best Private High School in Hawai‘i by NICHE. Entering at this grade level provides students with many benefits before moving on to the Upper School (grades 7-12). School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer ‘Iolani School is a culturally diverse, college preparatory school for 2,200 students in kindergarten through 12th grade founded upon Christian values. School Calendar; Map & Directions; Boarding ‘Iolani Bulletin; Food Service; Summer While at ‘Iolani School, Dr. info@iolani. Your deadline is February 15. Toby Morioka Administrative Assistant Phone: (808) 943-2322 Email: tmorioka@iolani. For parents who use non-Gmail addresses: Click the Account Activation button in the email sent to your email account resent to you on July 8, 2024. ehlw mlpqc ylmtf mie sdtqx oel pgkqgrp nat mlanetap vtgiz