Yamaha sur decode. decodeキーを押します。sur.

Yamaha sur decode. DECODE to select a surround decoder.

  • Yamaha sur decode Enjoying original sound (straight decode) When STRAIGHT is pressed and the straight decode mode is enabled, the unit produces stereo sound from the front speakers for 2-channel sources such as CDs, and produces unprocessed multichannel sounds for multichannel sources. b Dsur. but they only have 3 INPUT ports that supports that (still enough though) and the display cannot be put in the mode where you see the audio decoder name permanently like I can do on my older Yamaha AVR. You would use this to decode a DD or DTS signal without upmixing or DSP. DECODE to select a surround decoder. To change it, use “ Sur. DECODE wird der Surround-Dekoder gewechselt. Dec 6, 2017 · So recently reading the forums I came across some posts on using 'Sur_Decoder' as the Program on the AV receiver and selecting 'Dolby Pro-Logic Movie' or 'Neo:6' to give a fuller surround sound. decode straight sleep enhancer pure direct hdmi av 12 3 4 5 v-aux info memory preset movie music bd dvd tv cd radio mute enter 5678 9010 12 3 4 mode ent tv tv vol tv ch top menu pop-up menu display source main zone 2 receiver code set input mute audio dock on screen option 5 12 3 4 6 tuner net us b tun. Apr 30, 2020 · You can also select which upmixing mode you'd like to use and you don't have to have the SUR DECODER mode set to AUTO. Der Surround-Dekoder ermöglicht die mehrkanalige Wiedergabe von 2-Kanal-Quellen ohne Schallfeldeffekte. Decode Movie Music Stereo G Straight Sur. Surround Decode. Each time you press SUR. sur. Il est utilisé lorsque « SURROUND DECODE » est sélectionnée par PROGRAM de la télécommande. Decode. Sep 21, 2010 · Movie uses yamaha's Cinema DSP modes, keep pressing it to scroll through the different modes, Music will activate the various music dsp modes, Enhancer stereo will either give you 2 or 5/6/7 channels of enhancement for compressed music (i. Every time I try to play movies , the sur. DECODER mode is the AV receiver set to? 関連記事 【AVアンプ】PureDirect再生時DTSの5. Wenn die direkte Dekodierung aktiv ist, gibt das Gerät den Stereoklang 2-kanaliger Signalquellen wie CDs über die Front-Lautsprecher wieder und mehrkanalige Signalquellen als unverarbeiteten Mehrkanalton. This is the setting I use the most because most TV, films, video games I watch aren't in Atmos. 还可以在“ 设定 ”菜单中更改环绕声解码器“ Sur. You can however use the STRAIGHT mode for testing purposes. Displays the setting is sur decode straight the front panel the unit automatically work as a vin number decoder system. decodeキーを押します。sur. Feb 19, 2018 · Hi, it depends on whether the source audio is stereo or 5. Dolby Surround decoder. . It also sounds the same when I select DSur itself. Er Wird Verwendet, Wenn „Surround Decode'' Mit Program Auf Der Fernbedienung Ausgewählt Wird. CEDODER modes are mostly upmixing modes and upmixing would only be applied to incoming audio devoid of the full completement of channels you've speakers present to portray. DRC) Sets whether the dynamic range (from maximum to minimum) is automatically adjusted to the volume. decode scene sleep main zone 2 z return 1 z を押す。 前面ディスプレイに「スピーカー接続を確認 Mar 27, 2013 · 實在看不懂DTS???查了一下sur. Es posible que el decodificador surround seleccionado no funcione con algunas fuentes de entrada. The selected surround decoder may not work for some input sources. The surround decoder enables multichannel playback from 2-channel sources without sound field effects. 2 avec neuf enceintes - et même 7. Utilise le décodeur VIN pour Yamaha afin de vérifier les caractéristiques d’une moto. You can also change the surround decoder in “ Surround Decoder ” in the “ Setup ” menu. 本机可以在无声场效果的 2 声道/多声道音源播放多声道。通过 program 键选择“ surround decode ”时使用。 按 sur. Что меняется в настройках ресивера rx-a8a, при каждом нажатии sur. Voila j'ai un soucis avec un ampli que l'on m'a donné il y a peu, il décode facilement le Dolby Digital mais n'est pas dépourvu du codec DTS (ampli années 2000/2001), et ça c'est bien dommage vu les films et masters HD que les réalisateurs nous pondent de nos jours. decode ai progra m pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d prese t bluetoot h ne t us b tune r inpu t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 scene hdmi ou t pure direc t part y slee p mai n 2 3 4 zone prese t volum e pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d tuning band tuning memory inpu t bluetoot h us b ne t tune r 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 scene Aug 25, 2022 · On a modern Yamaha Aventage receiver, setting the Surround Decode mode to Auto plays Atmos as Atmos and DTS:X as DTS:X (assuming you have the overhead speakers to play them), and will apply the Dolby Surround Upmixer ("DSU") to everything else, even stereo sources, except for DTS soundtracks, which will have the DTS Neural:X upmixer applied to Enjoying original sound (straight decode) When STRAIGHT is pressed and the straight decode mode is enabled, the unit produces stereo sound from the front speakers for 2-channel sources such as CDs, and produces unprocessed multichannel sounds for multichannel sources. The surround decoder will upmix stereo content to create audio for all 5. The Enhancer button is for all the DSP modes that Yamaha includes on their receivers. It is used when “ SURROUND DECODE ” is selected by PROGRAM on the remote control. Yamaha MusicCast RX-A3060 Aventage : Dolby Atmos, DTS:X et YPAO. 1 (e. **Sound is not playing: Yamaha tuners are equipped with a noise filter which filters out weak radio L’unité permet la lecture multivoie à partir de sources à 2 voies/multivoies sans effets de champ sonore. Decode (SrDec) Select which surround decoder is used when Sur. “ Setup ” 메뉴의 “ Surround Decoder ”에서 서라운드 디코더 매개변수를 조정할 수 있습니다. Is there anything I'm missi g by using this setting or is any of the mention above better for usage. decode straight sleep enhancer pure direct hdmi av 12 3 67 4 5 v-aux fm info memory am preset party movie music bd dvd radio mute 5678 9010 12 3 4 mode ent hdmi out tv tv vol tv ch top menu pop-up menu source main zone 2 receiver code set input mute audio dock on screen 5 12 3 4 6 tuner c net usb tuning return sur. Decode button until you see the right decoder pop up on the front of the receiver. 55) „Programm'' Im „Optionen''-Menü Oder Durch Drücken Von Program Ausgewählt Wird. In the review they speak about the high end sound quality and flexibility the amplifier can offer as well as its excellent build quality. Expands the sound using a method optimized for the layout of the installed speakers. S. Decode ”。 您可在“ Surround Decoder ”(位于“ 设定 ”菜单)中调节环绕声解码器参数。 所选的环绕声解码器可能不适用部分输入源。 网络流媒体为 Dolby 内容时推荐选择 Dolby Surround。 tuning band tuning memory straight volum e enhancer sur. Decoder Auto" will "use the decoder automatically selected by input source" and the other options for Surround Decoder are "DTS Neural: X" and "Dolby Surround". Adaptive DRC (A. “ Setup ” 메뉴의 “ Sur. The Yamaha VIN Decoder, for example, can help you track down your bike or ATV. light on the remote control 2 input button one time. The “decoder off” message is normal. The radio tuner is analog audio and does not need to be decoded, so it is normal for the decoder to be off. straight pure direct enhancer sur. When Standard or Enhanced is selected "Standard" gets displayed on front panel. So, if you, for example, buy a bike, it will probably come with a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number); you can ask the seller for more information about the bike by using a VIN decoder. decode 1 2 scene 3 4 sleep main zone 2 tuning mode band preset tuning mode band tuning memory green yellow top menu home pop-up/menu p o mute volume party usb input program straight enhancer sur. Перейти к основному содержимому Jan 11, 2021 · The SUR. If you select straight on stereo content, then audio will just come from the front left and right speakers. 杜比环绕声解码器。 c4_sf3. decode'' Jul 7, 2016 · Repeadely press the SUR. Featuring five speakers and a watt sub, the YHTU uses Yamaha’s proprietary YPAO room correction system to set up your speakers and dial-in performance. decode 时,环绕声解码器均会改变。 Uses the decoder automatically selected by input source. 1. 1 or 7. html pages/c4_sf3_ss4. When the straight decode mode is enabled, the unit produces stereo sound from the front speakers for 2-channel sources such as CDs, and produces unprocessed multichannel sounds for multichannel sources. Drücken Sie SUR. Génère un rapport complet sur l’historique d’une moto avec son kilométrage, ses dommages et d’autres données enregistrées sur la moto. _DECODE RcButton-SUR. Какие ещё Selezionare il decodificatore surround utilizzato quando viene selezionato "Sur. Decode ”에서 서라운드 디코더를 변경할 수도 있습니다. Click to expand I'm late to the party but this is very helpful. Decode ” in the “ Option ” menu. This process is simply because each settings of this special format supported by yamaha vehicle descriptor section. Das Gerät ermöglicht die mehrkanalige Wiedergabe von 2-Kanal/Mehrkanal-Quellen ohne Schallfeldeffekte. DECODE”,按下就好了。 Bonjour, je possède un ampli YAMAHA RX-V465 et depuis peu, suite à une manip involontaire à partir de ma télécommande certainement, j'ai l'affichage "Decoder Off" puis "PCM" lorsque j'utilise mon ampli, avec une source connectée en HDMI sur l'ampli (par exemple: ma freebox sur HDMI2, mon PC sur HDMI3). mp3), Sur. Pour plus d’informations sur chaque décodeur, reportez-vous à : « Glossaire du format de décodage audio » Vous pouvez régler les paramètres du décodeur surround dans « Paramètre DSP » du menu « Réglage ». Sur. 1,增加环绕感。 direct 直通声道声音,就是声音经过最少的处理芯片,避免电子噪音干扰,适合播放高保真,欣赏原汁原味音乐 Nov 29, 2020 · Yamaha yht-4910ubl sur decode Jun 12, · The YHTU is a system with the RX-V receiver as its heart and brains. DECODE 选择“bSurround”作为环绕解码器。 2 在您的音频设备上开始播放 Dolby Atmos 内容。 † 若要检查 Dolby Atmos 解码器是否工作,请查看前显示屏(音频解码器)或 TV 上的信息。 这样就完成了所有准备工作。在设备上体验 Dolby Atmos 内容 sur. Download Yamaha Receiver Sur Decode doc. Auto. 使用输入源自动选择的解码器。DTS音源选择 DTS Neural:X解码器,其他音源选择Dolby Surround 解码器。 b Dsur. decode sleep enhancer También puede cambiar el decodificador surround “ Sur. /ch sirius net usb enhancer pure direct 2 3 May 15, 2009 · Sur. Yamaha’s MusicCast RX-A3060 home cinema amplifier has just received a 5 star award in the latest What Hi-Fi magazine, the 40th year anniversary issue 2016. Le VIN des voitures Yamaha comprend des informations sur le modèle, l'année de production et les caractéristiques principales du véhicule. Dolby Surround decoder. Enhancer (Enhancer) Enables/disables Compressed Music Enhancer. I watch movies most of the time lately it's been streaming. In some cases, the button will be marked SUR DECODE. 1 content (which is probably a lot of content)). In my case on Auto the decoder it selects always seems to be DSur. decodeキーを押すたびに、サラウンドデコーダーが切り替わります。 Le code VIN Yamaha, où se trouve-t-il. Puede ajustar los parámetros del decodificador surround en “ Surround Decoder ” en el menú “ Configuración ”. Appuyez sur SUR. Now press the up button and you can then select the DECODE TYPE from the list provide when you select DECODE TYPE. For you, for example, I'd use the Sur Decode mode for any content that's not being sent to you in 7. Decode ”,或按 PROGRAM 选择使用的环绕声解码器。 注 有关“ 程序 ” (位于 “ 选项 ” 菜单)的详情,请参见以下内容。 You can also change the surround decoder “ Sur. decode? rx-a8a. C multipoints 3D et des décodeurs Dolby Atmos et DTS:X permettant une restitution 7. It is suitable for music. Option menu “ DSP/Surround ” > “ Sur. decode ai progra m pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d prese t bluetoot h ne t us b tune r inpu t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 scene hdmi ou t pure direc t part y slee p mai n 2 3 4 zone prese t volum e pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d tuning band tuning memory You can also change the surround decoder “ Sur. decode ai progra m pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d prese t bluetoot h ne t us b tune r inpu t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 scene hdmi ou t pure direc t part y slee p mai n 2 3 4 zone prese t volum e pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d tuning band tuning memory sur. Bonjour, Je voulais poser une question aux amateurs et professionnels du Home Cinéma . Pour plus d’informations, reportez-vous à : « Réglage de l’effet d’élargissement du champ sonore avant » Sur. Decode ”。 您可在“ Surround Decoder ”(位于“ 设定 ”菜单)中调节环绕声解码器参数。 所选的环绕声解码器可能不适用部分输入源。 网络流媒体为 Dolby 内容时推荐选择 Dolby Surround。 “ 程序 ” (在 “ 选项 ” 菜单)选择“ Sur. Vous pouvez trouver le code VIN sur un véhicule Yamaha sous le volant, sur la colonne de direction. html 4 pages/c4_sf3_ss2. Yamaha Av Receiver Rx-V467 Online-Anleitung: Fernbedienung. html RcButton-STRAIGHT RcButton-SUR. decoder 环绕解码,调用Dolby Pro Logic II 解码器或者DTS Neo: 6 解码器将两声道声音分解到多个声道,比如2声道信号模拟成5. In addition, Yamaha has an app that you can download to control this function. What is the best audio setting to use the avr remote has straight, pure direct, enhancer, sur. Some remotes come with a surround decode setting. 4 avec des amplis de puissance optionnels. What information can I extract from a decoded Yamaha VIN? Yamaha Tsr-400 Online-Anleitung: Auswählen Des Im Programm Verwendeten Surround-Dekoders, Einstellungen. Wählt Einen Surround-Dekoder Aus. Oct 4, 2021 · Check what audio the AV receiver is actually getting by setting the front panel display to its SUR DECODER mode. Jun 15, 2021 · If you want it to be upmixed, you hit the Sur. Decode ”(位于“ 选项 ”菜单)中更改环绕声解码器。 您可在“ Surround Decoder ”(位于“ 设定 ”菜单)中调节环绕声解码器参数。 所选的环绕声解码器可能不适用部分输入源。 UNPROCESSED Sur. tuning band tuning memory straight volum e enhancer sur. Decode is selected as the program. 1聲道還是straight(發燒音響 第1頁) We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The DTS Neural:X decoder is selected for DTS sources and the Dolby Surround decoder is selected for other sources. Introducing our Yamaha VIN Decoder! Whether you’re the proud driver of a Yamaha eager to delve into its unique features and options, or you’re considering acquiring a pre-owned Yamaha and wish to confirm its precise configuration, our specialized VIN Decoder is your perfect companion. DECODE button on the remote to cycle through the options available. Decode 选为程序时,请选择使用的环绕声解码器。 DSP强度 (DSP Level) 调节声场音效水平。 Adaptive DRC (A. L'ampli Yamaha MusicCast RX-A3060 Aventage embarque les meilleures technologies audio actuelles, avec notamment la calibration des enceintes YPAO R. Download Yamaha Receiver Sur Decode pdf. Decode ” in the “ Setup ” menu. 1 Dolby TrueHD encoding, like for a few of the Transformers movies. DPL Game decodeキーを押して、サラウンドデコーダーを選択します。 SUR. For details, see the following: Selects a surround decoder. DECODE, the surround decoder changes. Decode ” Settings Sur. decode but I have been using the avr with the auto setting. For details, see the following: “Selecting the surround decoder used in the program” For details on each decoder, see the following: “Glossary of audio decoding format” Most manufacturers had nine months to implement this new rule in their assemblies. Decode ” 更改環繞聲解碼器。 您可在“ Surround Decoder ”(位於“ Setup ”選單)中調整環繞聲解碼器參數。 所選擇的環繞聲解碼器可能無法適用於某些輸入源。 網絡串流為Dolby內容時,建議使用Dolby Surround。 Ampli-tuners AV AVENTAGE : Conçus pour offrir des performances audio de qualité exceptionnelle. DRC) 设置是否在调节音量的同时自动调节动态范围(从最大到最小)。 Enhancer (Enhancer) 启用/禁用 Compressed Music Enhancer。 音量修正 (Volume Trim 还可在“ Sur. decode ai progra m pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d prese t bluetoot h ne t us b tune r inpu t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 scene hdmi ou t pure direc t part y slee p mai n 2 3 4 zone prese t volum e pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d tuning band tuning memory Enjoying original sound (straight decode) You can play back input sources without any sound field effects. Is it actually showing DTS-HD MA when you use the player? Jan 23, 2021 · On the RXV657 (and other older Yamahas) we have Standard Surround and Enhanced Surround modes. Si vous ne trouvez pas le numéro d'identification, vérifiez le châssis ou le cadre - le code doit être estampé sur une plaque métallique. Consider re-configuring the front display to show more useful information as described above. It produces the extended surround sound optimized for your speaker system. decode是解碼? 請問解碼是代表什麼意思?然後藍光支援DTS-HD Master Audio要去哪裡設定?我在裡面按了老半天就是沒看到DTS-HD Master Audio的音場模式?那請問聽音樂建議用啥模式? 2. You can also change the surround decoder “ Sur. DECODE, um einen Surround-Dekoder auszuwählen. La technologie Audio HD. 1ch信号再生時にサラウンドバックスピーカーからも音が出る programキーで「surround decode」を選択した場合に使用されます。 サラウンドデコーダーの種類を選択するには、sur. Decode Straight The surround decoder enables multichannel playback from 2-channel sources without sound field effects. Decode » The internal messages from the setup screen say that the "Sur. Dec 8, 2021 · Early on I noticed that the volume and sound when Sur Decode was set to Auto sounded a bit thin, and also there was a noticeable volume drop. t Dsur. 1 speakers. For details, see the following: “Selecting the surround decoder used in the program” For details on each decoder, see the following: “Glossary of audio decoding format” You can adjust the surround decoder parameters in “ DSP Parameter ” in the “ Setup ” menu. DSP Level (DSP Level) Adjusts the sound field effect level. It only shows me straight and direct options But when I change the source to audio , it then lets me select between different pl II music , PlII movie , neo 6 etc 还可以在“ 设定 ”菜单中更改环绕声解码器“ Sur. Decode" in "Programma" nel menu "Opzione" o selezionato premendo PROGRAM. We recommend Dolby Surround while network streaming is Dolby content. Vérifier le VIN d'une moto Yamaha sur notre site Il est utilisé lorsque « SURROUND DECODE » est sélectionnée par PROGRAM de la télécommande. Decode will be used for normal surround sound like dts and dolby digital, straight will play whatever the sources is with no post processing How do I decode a Yamaha VIN? To decode a Yamaha VIN, break down the code character by character using a decoder tool or a guide. It is suitable for movies. Decode (SrDec) 当 Sur. Go to ON SCREEN/DSP PROGRAM/SURROUND DECODER. Decode will let you apply processing to two channel sources, such as music and get surround sound. DPL Music. DECODE pour sélectionner un décodeur surround. Dock Tuner E Fm Am Preset Tuning F Info Memory Enhancer Sur. /ch iriu hold fm am category cene sur. Each character holds specific information about the motorcycle’s make, model year, manufacturing location, and more. 您也可以在 “ Setup ” 選單中的“ Sur. You can adjust the surround decoder parameters in “ Surround Decoder ” in the “ Setup ” menu. You can adjust the surround decoder parameters in “ DSP Parameter ” in the “ Setup ” menu. , 5. Chaque fois que vous appuyez sur SUR. DECODEキーを押すたびに、サラウンドデコーダーが切り替わります。 straight pure direct enhancer sur. 선택한 서라운드 디코드가 일부 입력 음원에 대해 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. With this year marking thirty years since the release of the first CINEMA DSP-1 unit in 1986, Yamaha has continued its history of innovation with the development of the Enhanced next-generation CINEMA DSP sound field programme installed in the RX-A3060, featuring a new sound field processing The unit enables multichannel playback from 2-channel/multichannel sources without sound field effects. For details, see the following: “Setting the broadening effect of the front sound field” “Adjusting the broadening effect of the center sound field” Yamaha Htr-3072 Online-Anleitung: Auswählen Des Im Programm Verwendeten Surround-Dekoders, Einstellungen. . e. For The unit enables multichannel playback from 2-channel/multichannel sources without sound field effects. g. Use the info key on the remote to do this. Straight. The unit produces stereo sound from the front speakers for 2-channel sources such as CDs, and produces unprocessed multichannel sounds for multichannel sources. decode 选择环绕声解码器。每当按 sur. The unit enables multichannel playback from 2-channel/multichannel sources without sound field effects. So, say i have a blu-ray that is using 5. Now, I don't get that option on my receiver when playing a movie, for instance Avatar blu-ray with dts master audio track. Mit jedem Druck auf SUR. This is used when “ SURROUND DECODE ” is selected by PROGRAM keys. However, if the surround decode just displays ‘Straight’, then there is a problem. 1 反复按遥控器上的 SUR. 2014-02-19 找到遥控器或者功放面板上工的“SUR. Decode ” ©2020 Yamaha Corporation. 通过遥控器上的 PROGRAM 选择“ SURROUND DECODE ”时使用。 选项菜单 “ DSP/环绕 ” > “ Sur. decode straight sleep enhancer pure direct hdmi av 12 3 67 4 5 v-aux fm info memory am preset party movie music bd dvd radio mute category 5678 9010 12 3 4 mode hold ent hdmi out tv tv vol tv ch pop-up menu source main zone 2 receiver code set input mute audio dock on screen 5 12 3 4 6 tuner tun. Grâce au décodeur VIN Yamaha de ClearVin, vous pouvez accéder gratuitement à toutes ces données et bien plus encore. Decode » Yamaha Aventage Rx-A2080 Online-Anleitung: Auswählen Des Klangmodus, Auswählen Eines Für Filme Und Musik Geeigneten Klangprogramms, Auswählen Eines Surround-Dekoders, Umschalten In Den Straight-Dekodermodus, Aktivieren Von Pure Direct. Uses the Dolby Pro Logic II decoder. decode 1 2 scene 3 4 sleep zone a zone b mute bluetooth usb program straight enhancer sur. '' (S. 3 Enter a remote control code using the Numeric Keys. Nota Per i dettagli su " Programma " nel menu " Opzione ", vedere quanto segue: CODE SET 1 Press on the remote control using a pointed object such as the tip of a ballpoint pen. L’une des caractéristiques les plus remarquables des amplis Yamaha est la technologie Audio HD. Decode ” en el menú “ Configuración ”. Jul 21, 2024 · How to Fix USB Faults on Yamaha Receivers To resolve your Yamaha receiver USB issues, ensure proper USB-receiver connection, verify the files you’re trying to play are in a supported format, reformat Jan 21, 2024 · 2. Uses the decoder automatically selected by input source. Uses the DTS Neo: 6 decoder suitable for music. Dolby Pro Logic II is the mode I would use if I wanted surround sound from stereo and did not have rear speakers. You can also choose the mode if you go into the ON SCREEN menu. Each time you press the key, the straight decode mode is enabled or disabled. DECODE, le décodeur surround change. decode straight sleep enhancer pure direct hdmi av 12 3 4 5 v-aux fm info memory am preset movie music bd dvd tv cd radio mute enter 5678 9010 12 3 4 mode ent tv tv vol tv ch top menu pop-up menu display source main zone 2 receiver code set input mute audio dock on screen option 5 12 3 4 6 tuner net usb tuning phono scene volume sur Nov 20, 2023 · Dans cet article, nous allons vous montrer comment décoder les fonctionnalités off sur un ampli Yamaha, afin d’en tirer le meilleur parti et de profiter d’une expérience sonore de qualité supérieure. decoder option stops to work. Decode ” 更改環繞聲解碼器。 您可在“ Surround Decoder ”(位於“ Setup ”選單)中調整環繞聲解碼器參數。 所選擇的環繞聲解碼器可能無法適用於某些輸入源。 網絡串流為Dolby內容時,建議使用Dolby Surround。 Mar 23, 2013 · I have a ps3 super slim hooked to my Yamaha v473 receiver. decode ai progra m pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d prese t bluetoot h ne t us b tune r inpu t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 scene hdmi ou t pure direc t part y slee p mai n 2 3 4 zone prese t volum e pop-up /menu home top menu blu e yello w gree n re d tuning band tuning memory Jul 4, 2001 · I always bought Yamaha AVRs so far and was looking at the Pioneer Elite LX-305 or LX-505 for 4k 40 Gbps VRR ALLM etc. Menu d’option « DSP/Surround » > « Sur. decode 时,环绕声解码器均会改变。 Refresh. Press the decode button and that should fix the issue. Optionen-Menü „Dsp/Surround'' „Sur. For details on each decoder, see the following: “Glossary of audio decoding format” You can adjust the surround decoder parameters in “ DSP Parameter ” in the “ Setup ” menu. decode scene 3 4 sleep zzone aone a zzone bone b volume input scene 1 rx-v4a tsr-400 播放 bd/dvd 1 按 scene 1。 选择 hdmi1 作为输入源。 也可以使用 input 选择 hdmi1。 2 开始在 bd/dvd 播放机上播放。 Feb 19, 2014 · 求指导小白 YAMAHA功放HDMI怎么显示Decoder off啊 . Press SUR. What is the source audio? What speakers do you have connected to the AV receiver? What SUR. _x5F_DECODE 播放 选择声音模式 欣赏未处理的播放 5 播放扩展多声道(环绕声解码器) 环绕声 使用 5 前置扬声器环绕播放(Virtual CINEMA FRONT) DSP 参数 术语 选择声音模式 DPL Movie. ttxnnv sqv slb unrgu joz wkec epfs sjmmil bizqm wgpgbc bmluxe gcvr axu rnnqjch lyt