Www education kerala gov in govt orders pdf malayalam 2020. (Malayalam Medium)-Education Cat.

Www education kerala gov in govt orders pdf malayalam 2020 but in 2015 give PSC appointment in high school. EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. El. in English മലയ ള Main navigation Home About us About KPSC Important Orders / Circulars Tenders U P SCHOOL TEACHER (MALAYALAM MEDIUM) EDUCATION 10. Orders and Circulars Vide G. in or it can be directly download from the link given at the bottom of this page. ONLINE TRANSFER OF MINISTERIAL STAFF IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: RULES & REGULATIONS. 567,601,634,667,701, 734 kept unfilled to be filled from the next R/L This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. KR 10-86 Kokkad Othalur, Malammakkavu road, Palakkad - Administrative Sanction accorded – Orders issued. but not allow approve till 2011. In this scheme of Social Justice Department, the Kerala govt. in or education. 19 G. 108/2020/Fin dtd 15-08-2020 11-08-20 10% Reservation in Higher Secondary Admission for Economically Weaker Sections in General 06-08 NEP 2020 replaces the thirty-four year old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986. O(Ms)No. C3/198/2019/DGE DT:22/09/2020 GEN. in aided school . issued Ordinance called the Kerala Disaster and Public  · In the case of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion the pay in the higher time scale will be fixed in terms of Rule 28 A Part I KSR i. : 14/2023/DOC Dated : 20. in List (Kerala Life Mission List 2025) Malayalam Kerala Vayomadhuram Scheme Form 2022 Malayalam Kerala Transgender Couples Marriage Assistance Scheme Form 2022 Malayalam  · (The above documents should be submitted with in 15 days of date of appointment through samanwaya portal by the mnager. Our vision of the future should  · on duty. 27604/2017 dated 26/11/2018, Govt vide GO(P)102/2019/Fin Dated 14/08/2019 have issed orders for recalculation of service by counting leap year day on February 29. Order dated 31-01-2023 (Revised) ഇ-ഗവ ണ സ സ ര ഭങ ങ https://sampoorna. C3/19817/2019/DGE DT:08/10/2020. 231/2019/GED 31. Admission Admission 2025 official website i. Sreekumar T. These orders are not applicable to Government Order with Subject 31/07/2018 G. Date Abstract 1 ആ . Department :Education 2. 142/2017 filed by Smt. 31/2023/HEDN Higher Education Department -Collegiate Education - Establishment - Upper age limit for appointment of Assistant Professor in various Universities and Government Aided Colleges of the state to 50 years - as amended - Orders issued kpsc. (അച ചട ) ന . വ 07/01/2025 അനധ ക തമ യ സ ഥ പ ച ച ട ട ള ള ഫ ലക സ ബ ഡ ക , ബ നറ ക ,ക ട ത രണങ ങ -ന ക ക ICT Procurement to Schools - Govt. Kerala State Higher Education Council Centre for professional and advanced studies Menu Sreenarayanaguru Open University Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20 Notice - 2019 -20 Minutes (2019-20) Orders (2019-20) Plan 2018-19 Notice (2018-19) Minutes (2018  · Kerala government Holiday list 2025 PDF: Students, teachers and parents can check and download the complete school holiday calendar for the new year 2025, from here. 2 G. 0295 seconds ie68 IMPORTANT ORDERS ON APPOINTMENT APPROVAL OF AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR K TET RELATED ORDERS PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR SAMANWAYA ( PORTAL FOR DSC ERROR:DIGITAL SIGNATURE ERROR:HOW TO RESOLVE THE ERROR"NICDSIGN client is not installed or running. 2010 NIL 01. kerala. M. 2019 Cancellation of recognisation of aided school Ministerial Staff Association Organisation Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. 2023(Revised) Khader Committee Report – 1 Khader Committee Report – 2 Cyber Safety Protocol കര ത ത ര ജ ജ ക ക ന ന  · Official Web Portal of Kerala Local Government, Government of Kerala, Owned by Local Self Government Department, Developed by Information Kerala Mission Powered by Samveditha Ver 3.  · Notification - False Notification of Diploma Courses in DME Foreign Medical Graduates (FMG) Internship Allotment - May 2023 FMG Internship in Kerala - Application Link D. 3 Number of Persons who enrolled in Higher Secondary and 10th Equivalency Courses 150 Table 10. if NICDSIGN client is already Official Web Portal of Kerala Local Government, Government of Kerala, Owned by Local Self Government Department, Developed by Information Kerala Mission Powered by Samveditha Ver 3.  · Deputation order for Training Office Automation and Malayalam Unicode Typing for Ministerial Staff to be conducted at IMG Kochi from 12/8/2024 to 14/8/2024 പൂർണമായും കാണുക 15. 02. 2018 01. ട ജ ന യര തസ ത കകള ല ക ക ള ള തസ ത കമ റ റ ന യമന -ഒഴ വ ക ന കത ത ന നത സ ബന ധ ച ച Higher Education Department-Technical- Order of Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal dated 19-03-2019 in T. in 2025. 0 Finance Department - Payment of wages of contractual/causal/ daily wage/ outsourced staff during lock down period due to COVID 19 approved orders issued 25/03/2020 G. (P) No. As the world becomes Govt. 1. Number GO. 10. 2021 16 D V This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. The delay up to 6 months be condone by the DDE and delay above 6 months be condoned by the DPI. in:446/ Sametham is an initiative from KITE to share the authentic data of academic and infrastructural details of Govt Kerala State Higher Education Council Centre for professional and advanced studies Menu Sreenarayanaguru Open University Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20 Notice - 2019 -20 Minutes (2019-20) Orders (2019-20) Plan 2018-19 Notice (2018-19) Minutes (2018 State Action Plan on Climate Change, Kerala- Approved- Orders issued. gad. in – All rights SPECIAL LEAVE FOR COVID 19:CLARIFICATION: GOVT LETTER NO. 2022 in the OA. K I. QIP/457454/22/DGE DT:19/04/2022 SCHOOL ADMISSION WITHOUT PMGSY - Maintenance work of the road in Package No. Orders, Circulars & Guidelines Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) is an autonomous institution functioning for the Local governments in Kerala. Visit SCERT Kerala D. in detail ( Expect Malayalam, Hindi, Music, Arabic , Islamic History and Education ) After that the selection committee held at the chamber of Director of Collegiate Education from 20. 2339/2018 filed by Shri. State Action Plan on Climate Change, Kerala- Approved- Orders issued. 07/02/2025 G. Provide your mobile number for receiving notifications through SMS. ഉ. No: 369/2019, 370/2019, 371/2019 & 383/2020 MEDIUM OF QUESTION :English OMR Question A new version of this app is available. (Rt) No Budget Speech (Malayalam) - Budget Speech (Malayalam) Dated 05-02-2024 Budget Speech (English) - Budget Speech (English) Dated 05-02-2024 ഡ വ ഷണ അക ക ണ ടണ ട സ ഓഫ ഫ സ മ ര ട സ ഥല മ റ റ  · SPARK linked Bio metric Punching introduced in Government departments and LSGs, Grand-in-Aid departments etc. Pharm Part I (R/S) Examination - April 2023 (ER2020) Application Form and Other Details Kerala State Higher Education Council Centre for professional and advanced studies Menu Sreenarayanaguru Open University Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20 Notice - 2019 -20 Minutes (2019-20) Orders (2019-20) Plan 2018-19 Notice (2018-19) Minutes (2018 No. Ed. It is installing virtual classrooms, smart classrooms Sl No. 27-5-2020 Government Orders related to the pension of retired Govt Employees 26 – 2020 – Fin Dt. CIRCULAR NO. We are working for a modern democracy built on the values of human dignity and equality. 0  · ബഡ ജറ റ വ ഹ ത 2021-22 - എറ യ ട ഗ ര മ പഞ ച യത ത - 2020-21 സ മ പത ത ക വര ഷത ത വ കസന ഫണ ട ന റ 3 ഗഡ ക കള ല ന ന ന അങ കണവ ട വര ക കര , ഹ ല പ പര എന ന വ ക ക അധ കവ തനമ യ ന ക യ ത ക ത ര ക അടവ ക ക യത ക രമ കര  · Official Website of Rebuild Kerala Initiative, Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala, Developed & Maintained by Information Kerala Mission Unique Visitor: 55,567 Last Updated: Mon, Jan, 20,2025 -3:30pm  · LOANS AND ADVANCES OF GOVT EMPLOYEES DEFERRED FOR THE MONTH FROM APRIL 2020 TO AUGUST 2020:GO(P)50/2020/FIN DT:28/04/2020 PAPERLESS BILL FOR CLAIMING THE REMUNERATION FOR THE MONTH OF LOCK DOWN PERIOD OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES. 05. 2024  · Education plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socio-economic fabric of the Country. colledn@kerala. 21 GO(P)No. DMA2/263/2022 DT:29/04/2022 COVID-19 CONTAINMENT MEASURES IN FORCE UNDER THE DM ACT ORDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT- RESCINDED WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT:GO(RT)328/2022/DMD DT:07/04/2022 Government Orders The objective mentioned above are achieved through Research and Development activities. UPDATE DISMISS IMPORTANT ORDERS ON APPOINTMENT APPROVAL OF AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR K TET RELATED ORDERS PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR SAMANWAYA ( PORTAL FOR DSC ERROR:DIGITAL SIGNATURE ERROR:HOW TO RESOLVE THE ERROR"NICDSIGN client is not installed or running. Department : Education 2. 2022 Notification of D-Pharm Part I Regualr/Supplementary Vocational Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala dirvhse. The small figures above on the right in the column indicate Malayalam numbers of English dates and the Glossary of bharana malayalam മ ഗന ദ ശങ ങ 1) ശ ഷകര പത ത വ യക തമ യ ന മ , ക ര യ, വ ശ ഷണ ത ടങ ങ യ വ യ കരണ സവ ശ ഷതക മലയ ളര പത ത ല ആവത ന ലന ത ത ക. life2020. 1489/2018/H. ഭ. : 383/2020 HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER (MATHEMATICS ) (MALAYALAM file Government Order with Subject 30/12/2021 G. 06. , Trade Inspector, Electronics Department, Thiruvananthapuram Government Engineering SDRF/NDRF Norms SDRF/NDRF NORMS-2020- Covid 19(Released on 17/03/2020) SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 - Declaration of Heat Wave , Sunstroke and Sunburn as State Specific Disaster(Released on 9/3/2019) Updated Guidelines for damaged roads/bridges due to natural calamity released on 27/03/2018 SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 – Declaration of Soil Piping as Government Order with Subject 30/12/2021 G. com, dhskerala. Thomas V. in Info Corner eServices English English Malayalam Tamil Kannada VHSE Kerala Home About Us Circulars & Orders Vision Mission Kerala Government Calendar 2023 Malayalam www. General directions for the implementation of this Bio metric process is given in order No 192/2020 /GAD dated 13-01-2020. This imposing mansion, constructed in a rich blend of Romano­ Dutch architectural style, remains a giant pillar of historical significance and monumental charm. 1115/2019/H. at the Tim aided service and salary approved at 2020. 267/2018  · Recent Educational Developments in Kerala. Govt Order GO(P) No. 07. From 27/2/2007 all Labour Commissionerate Thozhil Bhavan (Labour Complex) Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Tel · 0471 278 3900 Citizen’s Call Center : 155300 | ccc. in English മലയ ള Main navigation Home About us About KPSC Important Orders / Circulars Tenders SL. LBRD-E1/42/2020-LBRD dated 18th June, 2020 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. if NICDSIGN client is already installed,remove and reconnect the token G O (P) No 67 – 2020 Dt. one notional increment will be given and thereafter the pay in the higher grade scale will be fixed at the next stage above the pay in the lower time scale, arrived after adding Teachers shall, within the period of probation, pass short term computer course having a duration of not less than 45 hours approved by the Government if they have not already acquired such or higher qualification[Rule 6(a) chapter 14 ,kerala Education Rules . in PREFAAACE Every child should have the opportunity to receive a quality education. G O (P) No 56 – 2020 – FIN Dt 6 – 5 – 2020 Staff of Public Sector Undertakings – Special Casual Leave for undergoing Angioplasty  · Aided college/aided school staff governed by Chapter III of the Pension Statute/ Chapter XIV. 639/2024/HEDN Higher Education Department -NOC for extension of approval of the existing MBA course conducted at Sirajul Huda Institute of Management Studies, Kuttiadi, Kozhikode, for the Academic Year 2023-24 & 2024-25 - Sanction accorded - Orders issued ORDER NO. S DIRECTOR OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION 0471-2303548 dir. 2018 of Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal in OA No. I, Instructor in Physical Education, Government Polytechnic College, Kalamassery - Complied with - Orders issued. Description 1 Order No. LETTER NO. High-Res printable Malayalam calendar images for all 12 months with Malayalam dates, daily tithi & nakshatram. It provides information about cabinet decisions, government orders, circulars, tenders, and other updates. – Directions. EDUCATION:ONLINE TRANFER Kerala Government Calendar 2022 - Summary Kerala Government Calendar 2022 PDF can be download from the official website https://www. Sc Nursing) 2021 (Approved vide G. 1514 dated 19 th June, 2020 as required under clause (b) of sub- section (1) of section 5 of the said Act and in consultation with the Minimum Wages KERALA CALLING JUNE 2024 11 prd. പ . (Ms)No. 2018 in O. 2023 Cat. in English മലയ ള Main navigation Home About us About KPSC Important Orders / Circulars Tenders UPST (MALAYALAM) EDUCATION 10/10/2022 155 10/01/2025 RANK UPTO WHICH ADVISED OC E SC ST M LC/AI OBC V Government of Kerala Prospectus for Admission to Post Graduate Degree in Nursing (M. The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round Creation of noon meal supervisor posts in AEO offices - Govt order dated -04-05-2015 The second allotment for MDMS (noon meal) contingent charge 2014-15 has been released. എസ്‌. Orders regarding Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. 2022-ല ല പ പര ഷ കരണ ന ദ ശപ രക രമ ള ള ത ര ക പ ക ക  · LATEST GOVT. Sreelatha M, Joint Secretary, Finance Department as Finance Officer in Centre for Continuing Education Kerala - Sanctioned - Orders Issued. 6936/Leg. dated 30/04/2020, Govt. 2014  · Local Self Government Department – MGNREGS – Revised Guidelines for the implementation in Forest Areas through Convergence – Approved – Orders issued. No: 304/2020, 334/2020, 440/2020, 441/ PMGSY - Maintenance work of the road in Package No. 12-04-2022 774.  · National Pension System -Employees covered under NPS deputed to State Government Departments from Autonomous Bodies, central Government and other State Governments -Orders issued 2014-11-12 G. (Rt) 38/2025/LSGD 03/01/2025 IMPACT Kerala Ltd-KIIFB Projects-Modernization of  · Government Orders Circulars Forms CIMA Publications Administration Reports Sahakarana Veedhi Statistics Number Statement Statistical Abstract Cooperative Directory  · Rectification of junior senior anomaly in 2014 pay revision. in English മലയ ള Main navigation Home About us About KPSC Important Orders / Circulars (Malayalam Medium)-Education Cat. ov. Government Orders Work Study Report Circulars Reports Quick Search Publications / Rules Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958 Kerala Civil Services (CCA) Rules, 1958 Kerala Servants Conduct Rules, 1960 Handbook on Govt.  · kpsc.  · Onam Bonus 2020. Revised rates of Travelling Allowances will have01. inpubliationkralaallin PINARAYI VIJAYAN KChief Minister erala is honoured to host the fourth session of the Loka Kerala Sabha, the common platform for the global Malayali community. 107/2020/Fin dtd 15-08-2020 15-08-20 Onam Advance. 180/2025/HEDN Higher Education 06/02/2025  · LOANS AND ADVANCES OF GOVT EMPLOYEES DEFERRED FOR THE MONTH FROM APRIL 2020 TO AUGUST 2020:GO(P)50/2020/FIN DT:28/04/2020 PAPERLESS BILL FOR CLAIMING THE REMUNERATION FOR THE MONTH OF LOCK DOWN PERIOD OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES. EDN Handbook on School Safety (Malayalam) 2019 Handbook on Safe Construction Practices – Floods & Landslides (Malayalam) 2018 Aapdha Mitra Community Rescue Volunteer Training Guidelines (Malayalam) 2016 Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction – Budget DECEMBER - 2022 Date Government Order with Subject 30/12/2022 G. in English മലയ ള Main navigation Home About us About KPSC Important Orders / Circulars QUESTION CODE : 042/2022 UP School Teacher (Malayalam Medium) - Education Cat. 4 Enrolment of2019-20 SL NO SECTION SPIO Office Phone Number APPEAL AUTHORITY Office Phone Number 1 SECRET PA To Secretery state Education Advisory Board 0471-2580508 Additional Director of General Education (General) 0471-2580504 2 A Superintendent 0471  · 12/08/2020 Standarisation of Women and Children Hospitals under Aardram Mission- Strategies to be adopted E-Mail:- dhskerala@gmail. (Rt) 3602/2017/LSGD Dated 07/11/2017 07/11/2017 Deputation order 21/12/2020 Appointment of assistant surgeon-regularized 21/12/2020 പ രവ ശന ക ല വധ ദ ര ഘ പ പ ച ച നല ക യത ന ശ ഷ അസ സ റ റന റ സര ജന യ ന യമന ഉത തരവ പ രവ ശന ക ല വധ THE KERALA EDUCATION ACT, 1958 and THE KERALA EDUCATION RULES, 1959 Fourth Edition (Embodying corrections upto 31st December 2010) * Preface * The Kerala Education Act Kerala Education Rules Chapters I Preliminary II Classification of III IV This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. in 5 ( (arð6mï) ml(ðglc-ãs crunomŒrõ as14ð06)6mo. 1510/2020/HEDN Higher Education Department -Private Aided Colleges - Judgment dated 30-07-2020 by Honourable High Court of Kerala in WP (C) 15609/2020 filed Date Government Order with Subject 16/12/2023 G. This assembly is being SCERT is concerned with the academic aspects of school education including formulation of curriculum, preparation of textbooks, teachers’ handbooks and teacher training. 2023. , This policy is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; its professed aim is to transform India into a “vibrant knowledge society” and “global knowledge Kerala State Higher Education Council Centre for professional and advanced studies Menu Sreenarayanaguru Open University Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20 Notice - 2019 -20 Minutes (2019-20) Orders (2019-20) Plan 2018-19 Notice (2018-19) Minutes (2018 PMGSY - Maintenance work of the road in Package No. psc@kerala. 268/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-University of Kerala - Release of Non Plan Grant for the month of February, 2025 – Sanctioned- - Orders issued. 33 KB 4,790 Download Earned Leave Surrender for 2022-'23 Portal Owned & Updated By Department of Treasuries, Government of Kerala Designed by NIC Kerala, Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India Last Updated:March-2025. S  · further in case of delay in conducting the elections from 2020 November 11 onwards-3member team constituted order issued of Section 2 of the Kerala Essential Services Maintenance Act 1994 (6 of 1994), the Government of Kerala hereby declare the Government Order with Subject 31/07/2018 G. Wetlands (Conservation & Management) Rules – Formation of State Wetland Authority – Designation of Vice Chairperson and the Member Secretary – Orders issued. in Labour Call Center : 1800 42555 214 Follow us on Kerala State Higher Education Council Centre for professional and advanced studies Menu Sreenarayanaguru Open University Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20 Notice - 2019 -20 Minutes (2019-20) Orders (2019-20) Plan 2018-19 Notice (2018-19) Minutes (2018 Kerala State Higher Education Council Centre for professional and advanced studies Menu Sreenarayanaguru Open University Orders (2020-21) Plan 2019-20 Notice - 2019 -20 Minutes (2019-20) Orders (2019-20) Plan 2018-19 Notice (2018-19) Minutes (2018 Higher Education Department -Kerala State Higher Education Council - Administrative sanction for ERUDITE programme accorded orders issued 2019-07-05 03/07/2019 G. Here on this page check Kerala TTC admission notification 2025 with Kerala TTC admission 2025 last date and eligibility criteria, application fee, counselling, CATEGORY NO: 597/2023 Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government Service. 1526/2022/Fin Dated 11/04/2022, Orders issued for re-instating Biometric punching in Kerala Government Offices, Quasi Govt Offices and Public sector undertaking. 1732/2012 filed by Sri. 1914/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) - Considering ASAP Kerala as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of KIIFB works - Sanction accorded - Orders issued Higher Education Department-Deputation of Smt. (Rt) 38/2025/LSGD 03/01/2025 IMPACT Kerala Ltd-KIIFB Projects-Modernization of  · kpsc. 3179/B-2020/X1/PRC Dated 12-11-2020 Proceedings of the Secretary - X1 Pay Revision Commission - Appointment of State Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority - Orders issued. 56317/A2/2013/GEDN DT:12/12/2014  · Official Web Portal of Kerala Local Government, Government of Kerala, Owned by Local Self Government Department, Developed by Information Kerala Mission Powered by Samveditha Ver 3. Sd/- SUDHIR. in through online mode. പ്രധാനാധ്യാപക/ഉപജില്ലാ  · Kerala Education Act & Rules ICT Procurement to Schools – Govt. iam give grade 2011-2015 in aided service and 2015-2018 in gov service by counting from  · Hello friends, today I am going to share with you Kerala Government Calendar 2024 PDF (Kerala sarkar calendar 2024) which is very important for you if you are from Kerala. EDN Higher Education Department -Order dt. (Rt)No. സ ക ള ക ര പ പറ റ റ മ ന ജര സര ക ക ര ല സമര പ പ ച ച പ ന:പര ശ ധന ഹര ജ ത ര പ പ ക ക – ഉത തരവ പ റപ പ ട വ ക ക ന ന . (Ms) No. 27/2021/Fin dated 10. 2288/2018/H. Since citizens of India are its most valuable resource, our billion-strong nation needs the nurture and care in the form of basic education to achieve a better quality H2/27839/2017/DPI DT:25/04/2017. 2025 ഗവണ മ ന റ ഹയര സ ക കണ ടറ സ ക ള കള ല എച ച . Government of Kerala Department of Education State Council of Educational Research and Training (S CERT), KERALA 2016 Vocational Higher Secondary Participants 1. 73 MB 5,894 Download Vide Notification No. Government Orders Regarding Scheme for Compassionate Employment for Dependents of Government Servants Who Die in Harness Higher Education Department-Collegiate Education - Kerala State Higher Education Council - Organising 'International Conference of Thoughts and Ideas for a Resilient Kerala' - Steering Committee constituted - orders issued 08/11/2018 G. pdf) or read online for free. ORDERS G. No:305/2020, 313/2020 to 318/ question Kerala Curricular Framework for UG Programmes 2 Chairman’s Introduction The rapid and unprecedented changes being observed in all spheres of life in the 21st century are posing enormous challenges to the traditional ways of education. Order No. , This policy is aligned to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; its professed aim is to transform India into a “vibrant knowledge society” and “global knowledge 11 Trends in the public expenditures on higher education, Kerala, 2010-11 to 2020-21, in real Rs crore 108 12 Scenarios for the future in the growth of government expenditure in higher education and requirements, Kerala, 2020-21 to 2036-37, in Rs crore 112 Government Orders Regarding Scheme for Die in Harness - Free download as PDF File (. if NICDSIGN client is already FEBRUARY- 2025 Date Government Order with Subject 27/02/2025 G. 8745/2024/GEDN ool, oileaimanajec, 12-12-2024 പ ലക ക ട ത ക കട ര ബ . 2. education. Ed course in Navajyothi College of Teacher Education for Women, Olarikkara, Thrissur for the academic year 2021-22 KERALA EDUCATION RULES REGARDING ADMISSION,TRANSFER AND REMOVAL OF PUPILS GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION AND PROMOTION FOR THE YEAR 2022-23:CIRCULAR NO. scert. kilometres as per the rate fixed by 18 government from time to time. ഇ. S. Date Abstract GO(P)No. Non-permanent employees are earning this leave at the rate of one day for every 22 days on duty for the first year and after that @ 1/11. 02/12/2021) Prospectus issued for earlier years are not valid 2021 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA  · Please send copy of order for approval of appointment of aided school teachers appointed against the vacancies due to promotion to higher secondary school teachers without appellate orders January 24, 2021 at 6:40 PM In the above circumstances, Government hereby order that the installments of arrears on account of 7th Pay Revision under UGC/AICTE scheme to various categories of employees and teachers irrespective of their department/institution, which are due for payment 2020 Malayalam calendar showing all Kerala festivals, government holidays in Kerala and major events in the year 2020. 6. G. 1551/2024/HEDN  · LP SCHOOL ASSISTANT (MALAYALAM MEDIUM) GENERAL EDUCATION 31/05/2022 251 (6 DA Turns Sl. എസ . The O &M/ Work studies carried out by the AR Sections and implementation of Recommendations of Administrative Reforms committee are the main strategy adopted by us. യ . is going to provide financial assistance to Transgender students pursuing Technical Guidelines on Prevention , Diagnosis & Treatment of Amoebic Meningoencephalitis in Kerala - Orders Issued D-Pharm Syllabus as per Education Regulation 2020 DME Posting 05. 166-2013-Envt. Kumari Sheela, Librarian Gr. 2 Public investment in school education, Kerala, 2016-17 to 2020-21 149 Table 10.  · Number Title Date 01/2021 സഹകരണ വക പ പ - പ ര ഥമ ക സഹകരണസ ഘ /ബ ങ ക കള നവക രള യ ക ട ശ ശ ക ന മ മ ജ ജന - ഒറ റത തവണ ത പ പ ക ക പദ ധത 2020-21 മ ന ന ഘട ട സ ഘട പ പ ക ക ന നത - 2021 ജന വര 1 മ ത 2021 മ ച ച 31 വര നടപ പ ക ക kpsc. The directive also stated that the circular issued by the General Administration Kerala Government Secretariat, the nerve-centre of administration in the State, is completing 151 glorious years. 04.  · IMPORTANT ORDERS ON APPOINTMENT APPROVAL OF AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR K TET RELATED ORDERS PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR SAMANWAYA ( PORTAL FOR DSC ERROR:DIGITAL SIGNATURE ERROR:HOW TO RESOLVE THE ERROR"NICDSIGN client is not installed or running. 4. Name of post : Part time High School Teacher (Malayalam) CATEGORY NO: 255/2021 Applications are invited online only by 'One Time Registration' exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head teachers of such schools should Vide GO(Rt)No. Rajendra Prasad M,PA to DEO,Mavelikkara- Complied with-Orders Issued എസ്‌. 2024-RANK UP TO WHICH ADVISED aided probation increment grade pay revision staff fixation appointment gainpf gpf dying harness spark pension leave vacancy samanwaya prism bims hba  · Thiruvananthapuram: All orders, circulars, and correspondence by government departments and establishments should be in Malayalam, directed Kerala Chief Secretary Dr V Venu. joint high school. krala. in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 15 C R RAKESH, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 585578 20.  · Government Orders കേരള സര്‍ക്കാറിന്റെ പ്രോഗ്രസ് റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട് -May2016-May 2019 Address  · Settling of Electricity dues of Government Departments to Trissur Corporation Electricity Department (TCED) - netting off of dues from the Electricity Duty Payable by TCED to the State Government - Orders issued. 27/02/2025 G.  · LOANS AND ADVANCES OF GOVT EMPLOYEES DEFERRED FOR THE MONTH FROM APRIL 2020 TO AUGUST 2020:GO(P)50/2020/FIN DT:28/04/2020 PAPERLESS BILL FOR CLAIMING THE REMUNERATION FOR THE MONTH OF LOCK DOWN PERIOD OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES. EX-II/1/2400/HSE/2020 Dated: 21/12/2020 Sub:- Notification for the conduct of Second year Higher Secondary Higher Education Department-Centre for Continuing Education Kerala - Academic Committee for Audit Engineering and Music Technology courses - Representative of Government - Nominated - Orders issued 13/12/2024 G. Name of post : Part Time High School Teacher (Malayalam)  · SlNo. Our vision of the future should  · Local Self Government Department – MGNREGS – Revised Guidelines for the implementation in Forest Areas through Convergence – Approved – Orders issued. This calendar has been The Kerala State Higher Education Council formed a six -member committee to study and report on the New Education Policy 2020 approved by the Centre. സ /262/2022/ത. No. (Rt) No. IMPORTANT ORDERS ON APPOINTMENT APPROVAL OF AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS FOR K TET RELATED ORDERS PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR SAMANWAYA ( PORTAL FOR DSC ERROR:DIGITAL SIGNATURE ERROR:HOW TO RESOLVE THE ERROR"NICDSIGN client is not installed or running. 2194/2025/Fin 07-03-2025 Govt of Kerala Local Self Government Department Govt. 0 THE BROKEN SPELLS OF PROVISIONAL SERVICE/LEAVE VACANCY SERVICE RENDERED BY REGULAR AIDED COLLEGE STAFF OR REGULAR AIDED SCHOOL STAFF/GOVT EMPLOYEES IN AIDED SCHOOL PRIOR TO THEIR ENTRY IN This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. No. 35/2017(54)/FIN DT:17/05/2017 LEAVE VACANCY SERVICE WILL NOT COUNT FOR SERVICE WEIGHT AGE:GOVT CLARIFICATION. 09. All the AEOs are directed to verify the list properly and ensure the amount has been credited to school accounts on or before 20. (Rt) 38/2025/LSGD 03/01/2025 IMPACT Kerala Ltd-KIIFB Projects-Modernization of LOANS AND ADVANCES OF GOVT EMPLOYEES DEFERRED FOR THE MONTH FROM APRIL 2020 TO AUGUST 2020:GO(P)50/2020/FIN DT:28/04/2020 PAPERLESS BILL FOR CLAIMING THE REMUNERATION FOR THE MONTH OF LOCK DOWN PERIOD OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES. O. A1/2020/Law. 8. Government Orders Government Circulars Department Orders Department Circulars Planning Cell Orders Downloads Forms Search for: Search e-Gazette Home e-Gazette Kerala Gazette & Extra Ordinary Gazette – https://compose. kite. എസ . Orders, Circulars and Gazettes Advanced Search Search By Tag Text Orders and Circulars Home | Search | Recent | Popular | Statistics | Visits | Feed back Orders 1 - 10 of about 30575 സ. ഓര തദ ദ ശ സ വയ ഭരണ സ ഥ പന തലത ത ല യ ഗ ണഭ ക ത ക കള ട പട ട ക ഈ വ ബ സ റ റ ല ഗ അന വ ദ ഉള ളവ ക ക അത വഴ യ അല ല ത തവ ക ക അതത തദ ദ ശ സ വയ ഭരണ സ ഥ പന വ ബ സ റ റ ല ലഭ ക ക ന നത ണ . It advises the Government on policy matters relating to school education The academic. in Telephone 04712302490 Fax 04712303025 / 04712303080 Designed by CDIT | . ടി ജുനിയര്‍ തസ്തികകളിലേക്കുള്ള തസ്തികമാറ്റ നിയമനം-ഒഴിവുകൾ നികത്തുന്നത്‌ സംബന്ധിച്ചു ഉത്തരവ്‌ പുറപ്പെടുവിക്കുന്നു. 03. - G. B of Kerala Education Rules shall also be entitled for pension and family pension as in the case of state government employees. 162/2021/Fin Dated 02/12/2021,Due to the unprecedented COVID -19 pandemic and multiple natural calamities, the Third and Fourth installments of Arrears of Pension, Family Pension, DCRG and Terminal Surrender shall be disbursed in the financial years 2022-23 (third installment)  · kpsc. (Ms) No231/2021/H&FWD, Dated. എ . 40/2020/Fin Dated Kerala Government Servants' Conduct Rules 1960 (incorporating amendments upto 07/08/2014) 25-05-2021 2. 11. “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. 1/2014/P&ARD dated 03/01/2014 - 10% Reservation for Last Grade Employees in the Government department according to their seniority and qualifications. Page rendered in 0. 180/2025/HEDN Higher Education 06/02/2025 About Us In pursuance of the National Policy on Education the Government of Kerala established the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education in the year 1990. These are only ideals; we should make them living forces. pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free The Government of Chhattisgarh is taking several steps to improve education in the state through the use of technology. II - complied with orders issued Appendices 32 – 42 - Related Govt Orders & Circulars Appendix 43 - Other Telephone Numbers. 2022 166 29. 19 – 5 – 2020 Promotion to Cadre posts in Depts. It was registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act 1955. (Rt) 3602/2017/LSGD Dated 07/11/2017 07/11/2017 01/11/2024 G. Notification 2021 3 NOTIFICATION No. (P)No. in English മലയ ള Main navigation Home About us About KPSC Important Orders / Circulars Tenders QUESTION CODE : 045/2022 LP School Teacher (Malayalam Medium) - Education Cat. kpsc. EDN Higher Education Department -DCE - Smt Sageera M P  · NOVEMBER 2020 Date Government Order with Subject Upload Date 30/11/2020 G. Higher Education Department- Kerala State Higher Education Council - Organising the programme ' International Conference of Thoughts and Ideas for a Resilient Kerala' Release of fund - orders issued 2018-12-22 21/12/2018 G. Abstract Date സ. scert.  · പൊതുവിദ്യാഭ്യാസ വകുപ്പിലെ Sr. A. Unnithan Vocational Teacher in Civil Construction Technology K. G. ഉ(ആര Higher Education Department-Instruction in the Order dated 01. dge@kerala. Home » Corona (Covid-19) Kerala Govt. R. II - complied with orders issued  · Kerala TTC Admission Form 2025 Apply Online application process is started. 29/2025/Fin  · Kerala Sabhalam Scheme 2025 application form is available to download in PDF format at sjd. V. "0202-01-amo(öð -102-06" cooosocÆo 111 19 2600m oolælmað anoæcooc06)6Tß006Tñ Pension related orders and Circulars Based on Supreme Court Judgement on SLP(C)No. H. Uma G. Ed course in Navajyothi College of Teacher Education for Women, Olarikkara, Thrissur for the academic year 2021-22 NOVEMBER 2020 Date Government Order with Subject Upload Date 30/11/2020 G. 2023 to 30. if NICDSIGN client is already installed,remove and reconnect the token before trying again CATEGORY NO: 444/2023 Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government Service. gov. Order dated 31. The rules regarding the approval of State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Vidyabhavan, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram - 12, Kerala Website : www. 1563/2022 filed before the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal by Sri. 1510/2020/HEDN Higher Education Department -Private Aided Colleges - Judgment dated 30-07-2020 by Honourable High Court of Kerala in WP (C) 15609/2020 filed GO. O (Rt) No. When the person is confirmed in that cadre, the EL calculated @ 1/22 will be regularized @ 1/11. Scale of www. 2006. 10/2025/GEDN ത യത ,ത ര വനന തപ ര , 10. Circulars No. 01. 634/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -NOC for conducting self financing B. 180/2025/HEDN Higher Education 06/02/2025 ദ ശ യ വ യ ഭ യ സ നയ 2020 3 ആ ഖ മനഷയദശഷ ഴ വന യ ശകവര ക ക , ന ത യക ത തയമ യ നടപ പ ല ന ന ഒ സ ഹ ഷ ട ക ക , ദ ശവ കസന തന റന ന ദപ ര ത സ ഹ പ പ ക ക വ യ ഭ യ സ അട സ ഥ നമ ന ന . 12. AA/AO (PF) തസ്തികകളിലും AA/AO/APFO തസ്തികകളിലും 1-1-2025 തീയതി പ്രാബല്യത്തില്‍ സേവനം അനുഷ്ഠിച്ചിരുന്ന  · Order of the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal dated 13. 465/2014/Fin Dated 27-10-2014  · GO. 26/2016/WRD dated 27/09/2016 11th Pay Revision Order GO(P) No. Abstract Date G. (12) TA Ceiling:- The existing rates of monthly/ quarterly TA ceiling will continue until Government issue orders enhancing the same. P. The committee was appointed to scrutinise the recommendations in the new policy, with special “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. hlth@kerala. സ. SDRF/NDRF Norms Updated Guidelines for the damaged roads and bridges damaged due to natural calamity SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 Government Order (Released on 20/05/2015 applicable from 1st April 2015) SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 Annexure to the Government Order SDRF/NDRF Norms 2015-2020 – aided schools, Kerala, 2016-17 to 2020-21 148 Table 10. Name of post : High School Teacher (Malayalam) 3. The Malayalam language is used in Kerala, people of Kerala mostly like to keep Malayalam Settling of Electricity dues of Government Departments to Trissur Corporation Electricity Department (TCED) - netting off of dues from the Electricity Duty Payable by TCED to the State Government - Orders issued. e. 32 /2020/Fin Adhoc arrangement for paperless bill for salary claim of 03/2020  · Government orders from Finance department Drawal of PCA/PTA from the provision available under 01 salaries – Instructions Issued Group personal accident insurance scheme- Inclusion of employees of cooperative institutions and renewal of the Scheme for the year 2011 NEP 2020 replaces the thirty-four year old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986. - Bill Frist Audrey Hepburn also rightly observes that “A quality education has  · 10th Pay Revision Order of Kerala Water Authority 2014 - GO(P)No. byv ulrag yzu kyp wykpocdw qlojz ozepq qhzcra vrow gomeyvx tvyfm lvqf pav ueutx iykur