Wpa induction pcap. This is the Wi-Fi password or passphrase of the AP.
Wpa induction pcap Monitoring for unusual behavior is essential. GitHub won't let us disable pull requests. pcap Jul 16, 2017 · start reading from wpa-Induction. Can some one please upload IKEv1(Phase 1 and phase 2) and IKEv2 Packets? -- nitin raj Jun 15, 2019 · $ hccap2john wpa-Induction. pcap I calculated the WPA-PSK hash "a288fcf0caaacda9a9f58633ff35e8992a01d9c10ba5e02efdf8cb5d730ce7bc" I even opened the file in Sep 8, 2023 · wpa-Induction. (password is “Induction”). (password is “Induction”). pcap file in Wireshark's Sample Captures. Descriptions of the The Countermeasures for risks security measures Risk of Eaves The application of network Dropping of the segmentation network channels Risk of Spoilers Through the installation of the attacking the user antiviral programs 1. Here is a quick comparison of different security feature implemented in pre-RSN and RSN security mechanisms. pcap Someone connecting to SFR's wireless community network ciscowl. /john -w=password. This is the link to download the PDF directly. A) Review the second capture file (wpa) and determine what is happening with the WPA traffic in this capture. 11 WPA traffic This capture shows normal WPA traffic. lst file, john will crack it. WPA-PSK-TKIP: ♦ WPA-TKIP encrypted frame: WPA-TKIP encrypted data frame. gz (libpcap) Cisco WLCCP version 0x0, and wap_google. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs P 11:03 PM 0 Type here to search OLê e 39 11/9/2019 a X wpa-Induction. 10. pcap Someone connecting wpa-Induction. wpa-psl Review the second capture file (wpa) and determine what is happening with the WPA traffic in this capture. Up to 64 keys are supported. Adding Keys: IEEE 802. Jan 26, 2025 · wpa-Induction. Feb 12, 2023 · If you don't believe me, download the wpa-Induction. 通过分析抓包保存的 pcap ⽂件: 查看统计当前信号覆盖范围内⼀共有多少独⽴的SSID? Running Head: COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 Packet Capture Analysis Student’s Name: University Name: Course Name: Date: Packet Capture Analysis 2 Packet Capture Analysis PART I Rank of the Packet Description of the traffic Captures Descriptions of the The Countermeasures for risks security measures ciscowl. pcap, and more traffic (but no handshake) in cap2. 11 radiotap header details are visible, but the data is no longer showing up. wap_google. cap file wont load the saved handshake. Những thay đổi gần đây đã cải thiện hiệu suất khi có thể có nhiều tập tin mã băm trong đầu vào, có cùng một SSID (router 'tên' string). gz WiFi 802. pcap someone connecting to SFR's wireless community network, ciscowl. Nov 15, 2024 · What is PCAP? PCAP, which stands for Packet Capture, is a file format widely used in the field of networking to store data captured from network traffic. Every password wpa-Induction. The passphrase is 'biscotte'. e. 0 CUDA 12. Hi again!LY0N HACKING SERIES DECEMBER 27, 2017. gz: This capture involves WIFI 802. wpa-Induction. pcap Someone connecting to SFR's wireless community network Mar 4, 2017 · WPA/WPA2 Personal encryption methods using TKIP or AES-CCMP encryption algorithms: WPA-PWD or Passphrase - Minimum of 8 to 63 byte printable ASCII or alpha-numeric characters. Oct 21, 2022 · wpa-Induction. ♦ Decrypted frame: WPA-TKIP decrypted data frame. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs Jan 9, 2014 · I'm having trouble capturing a successful pcap file. This is a significant threat as it allows an attacker to potentially gain access to sensitive data and disrupt network operations. For this solution, use the wpa-Induction. 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample . This tutorial is a companion to the How to Crack WPA/WPA2 tutorial. CASE 1. The question is of two “difficulty levels”: I have WiFi traffic dump (pcap format) with 4-way handshake captured and I know the passphrase as well as AP SSID. Nov 13, 2017 · You can optionally omit the SSID, and Wireshark will try to decrypt packets using the last-seen SSID. When I export the packets, the generation of a new PCAP file works without a problem, but the packets are no longer in their decrypted state. 11 is part of the IEEE 802 set of local area network (LAN) technical standards, and specifies the set of media access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) protocols for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) computer communication. Sep 6, 2023 · wpa-Induction. Scroll down to find the four frames with a Protocol of "EAPOL", as shown below. pcap Info: Request Identity Incorrect use of keys Re-use of keys Inadequate protection of keys The ability to securely import/export keys in components or under a transport key Generation of strong keys wpa-Induction. Jan 2, 2017 · John có thể bẻ khóa mật khẩu WPA-PSK và WPA2-PSK. pcap TPM2. Nov 29, 2019 · wpa-Induction. This may not work on busy networks, since the last-seen SSID may not be correct. segmented_fpm. 11 WPA traffic . 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample. 11 WPA traffic, which may be susceptible to attacks like deauthentication or brute force attempts. Host and manage packages Security. pcap: capture with WPA-EAP from Wireshark examples. lst -form=wpapsk-opencl crackme If “Induction” is in your (by default it is not) password. Can some one please upload IKEv1(Phase 1 and phase 2) and IKEv2 Packets? -- nitin raj 1. Find and fix vulnerabilities Jun 24, 2022 · So when I run sudo hcxpcapngtool -o hash. A person connecting to SFR's wireless community network, Wi-Fi 802. 5. Destination: Apple_82:36:3a 4. Footer Contribute to Lexus89/pmkid2hashcat development by creating an account on GitHub. pcap • Network_Join_Nokia_mobile. 11 WPA traffic; wpa-eap-tls. pcap first, then File > Open cap2. 11 WPA traffic · wpa-eap-tls. pcap, you can open cap1. aircrack-ng can ONLY crack pre-shared Nov 11, 2024 · What is the key that Aircrack-NG has found? Induction Step 2: Open the PCAP in Wireshark and Specify the Password. 22000 hash file. Feb 25, 2025 · I downloaded the sample wpa-Induction. Well, I didn't invent that procedure. com/wireshark/wireshark. cap) is a capture of a successful wireless client WPA connection to an access point. For the key "Induction" and SSID "Coherer", the following key preferences are equivalent: wpa-pwd:Induction wpa-pwd:Induction:Coherer. 11g traffic. pcap -w sniffer_decrypted. Aug 31, 2013 · tshark -nr input. Contribute to a-elk/Brutforce-wpa-psk-attack development by creating an account on GitHub. HashBrain allows skipping already tried password candidates - useful in combination with hashcat rules or when you restore the progress you ran the other day. b. 11 WPA-EAP/Reke y sample nb6 hotspot. Wireshark: The world's most popular network protocol analyzer Aug 9, 2020 · Week 5 - Packet Capture Analysis: Table and Memo Wireshark Files to Capture wpa-Induction. Mar 15, 2024 · 2024-04-23 09:21:45 (1. pcap (I'll try to include it with this post if possible). ; wireshark-wpa-eap-tls. pcap FPM and Netlink used for Lua plugin TCP-based dissector testing. Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 13:59. key. Attaque brute force sur un point d'accès wifi protéger en WPA-PSK - Resau2/wpa-Induction. Analyze the packet captures provided by Wireshark by doing the following: Go to the Wireshark Sample Captures site and download the following: wpa-Induction. pcapng it gives me the following output: I don't know what I did wrong, and to get the file i did the command sudo hcxdumptool -i wlan0 -o dumpfile. Time: 2007-01-04 01:14:51 2. pcap • Wps-eap-tls. I’m using WireShark 1. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0 1. But specifying an output file creates a file which is identical to the input file (i. pcap at main · oustegn/Resau2 wpa-Induction. This will unencrypt the packet capture, so you can examine it in more detail. pcap in Wireshark. gz The Wi-Fi WPA traffic in this capture poses a threat of data interception, highlighting the importance of using strong encryption algorithms for WPA to protect sensitive data transmitted over the network. From what I have read here, the tool does only DEAUTHENTICATION attacks and it doesn't detect a packet loss during reception. pcap Wi-Fi 802. Once you have the password from Step 1, you can open the PCAP and provide Wireshark with the password. This is the Wi-Fi password or passphrase of the AP. 11 WPA traffic, which indicates unauthorized access to the wireless network. number == 835 || frame. pcap File Edit View Go Capture Analyze Statistics Telephony Wireless Tools Help Apply a display Sep 1, 2014 · This was a bad bug, we had false negatives because wpapcap2john failed to parse some PCAP formats correctly due to assumptions in length calculation (in this case the FCS was not accounted for). pcap Someone connecting to SFR’s wireless community network ciscowl. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs wpa3_transition_wpa3client_24ghz. $ tshark -r 'wpa-Induction. 11 Preferences Is it possible to write the date and time of the captured packet into a hash so that the capture date of the packet captured by that hash can be identified. enable_decryption:TRUE -o "uat:80211_keys:\"wpa-pwd\",\"passphrase\"" If I don't specify an output file then what is written to the console looks right. 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample; nb6-hotspot. Mar 24, 2024 · wpa-Induction. 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample · nb6-hotspot. enable_decryption:TRUE -o "uat:80211_keys:\"wpa-pwd\",\" Induction:Coherer\""-R "http" Hint: The quotes and backslashes need to be exactly as shown above, otherwise the UAT entry will not be recognized. 11b PHY. On the command prompt, type: wireshark wpa-unknown Nov 16, 2023 · · wpa-Induction. replay_counter 87 Jan 4, 2007 07: You signed in with another tab or window. gz WiFi802. Add a comment | How to display WEP key from pcap file in Wireshark. gz Wi-Fi802. 11 WPA traffic, indicating standard WPA-protected wireless traffic. pcap. Can some one please upload IKEv1(Phase 1 and phase 2) and IKEv2 Packets? -- nitin raj Wireshark can decrypt WEP and WPA/WPA2/WPA3 in pre-shared (or personal) mode. 85 MB/s) - 'wpa-Induction. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0 wap_google. 11-> Enable decryption,添加wpa-Induction. I would like to check that I'm reading the details correctly, it seems a bit odd to me. pcap • Nb6-telephone. The second file (wpa. The WPA-PSK is supposed to be Nov 24, 2019 · For this assignment, analyze the packet captures provided by Wireshark by doing the following: Go to the Wireshark Sample Captures site, and download the following: ATTACHED IS THE NECESSARY FILES IN A ZIP FOLDER wpa-Induction. hc22000 -E essidlist dumpfile. 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample nb6-hotspot. 11 WPA traffic. Wireless packet captures are an important part of troubleshooting complex wireless This method enables you to see the actual IP traffic of a Wi-Fi client that uses WPA encryption. 11 WPA traffic 1. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs EXPERIMENT 7 AIM Perform an wireless audit of an access point / router and decrypt wep and wpa. bad. pcap file. May 16, 2012 · In this example AP advertises WPA(TKIP)/WPA2(AES) with dot1x authentication, both RSN and WPA tag attributes for AKM contain WPA value, whether in case of PSK authentication this field contains “PSK”. gz: This capture presents risks of eavesdropping, session hijacking, and unauthorized access due to weak WPA key or compromised encryption parameters. cap • Nb6-hotspot. 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey sample -This specific protocol uses unique keys for network access. Feb 3, 2024 · 3. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs You signed in with another tab or window. No additional security measures are required. ). 11 protocol IEEE 802. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs Mar 15, 2024 · 2024-04-23 09:21:45 (1. pcap file and use the wireshark frame. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs Jan 17, 2021 · ♣ F. 查看解密后的数据包; 思考题. wpa-pwd:MyPassword:MySSID . pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs The sample is called wpa-induction. The best document describing WPA is Wi-Fi Security - WEP, WPA and WPA2. hc22000 -a 3 Induction hashcat (v6. Here an Apple device is joining a Cisco wireless network, and the four EAPOL packets are used to negotiate a private key for that user. ; wpa3_transition_wpa3client_5ghz. pcap -o wlan. number -e frame. pcap; 配置Wireshark解密; 打开Wireshark,选择Edit-> Preferences-> Protocols-> IEEE 802. Analyze the packet captures provided by Wireshark by doing the following: Visit the Gitlab SampleCaptures webpage to download the following: wpa-Induction. Sort the capture file in order by the number column (No. The WPA Packet Capture Explained tutorial is a companion to this tutorial. ♣ Extra information: ♦ How to use “WPA-PSK” from Wireshark decryption windows? To do this we need to generate 256bit PSK. cap) is a capture of a wireless client attempting to use the wrong passphrase to connect to the AP. Unless all four handshake packets are present for the session you're trying to decrypt, Wireshark won't be able to decrypt the traffic. The primary risk identified pertains to potential unauthorized access, particularly if weak WPA keys or other vulnerabilities are present. pcap Someone connecting to SFR's wireless community network; ciscowl. wpa-pwd:Induction:Coherer(SSID 값을 지정한 경우) - wpa-psk The key is parsed as a pre-shared key. pca p Someone connecting to SFR's wireless community I'm trying to include hcxtools in homebrew repository. The wireless clients are using 802. pcap Someone connecting to SFR's wireless community network · ciscowl. Mar 1, 2020 · This answer is scoped to the question's title and content: Providing getters and setters for frequency and channel of a packet. 6-796-g632504d1b) starting CUDA API (CUDA 12. 1x (WPA2-Enterprise) configured SSIDs. This process is responsible for generating encryption keys which can be used to encrypt data over the wireless medium. Double-click and open the first entry. 2. pcap 1093 packets processed (1093 wlan, 0 lan, 0 loopback) found 2 usefull wpa handshakes found WPA encrypted data packets Use these packet captures: wpa-Induction. WPA/WPA2 supports many types of authentication beyond pre-shared keys. WPA-PSK - 64 byte hexadecimal characters (Pre-Shared Key) generated using the SSID and passphrase of the AP. pcap, and the handshake from cap1. cap file is absolute trash. I have been searching around for someone else who has had the same issue for a little while and have given up. This first entry is the access point (AP) beacon, which serv es to announce its presence and capabilities. I have WiFi traffic dump (pcap format) with incomplete/corrupt handshake and I know the passphrase. Jan 5, 2014 · I downloaded a pcap file from wireshark (example) with the Password: Induction and the SSID: Coherer. The beacon frame is stating that "short slot time" is in use. 146) - Platform #1 [NVIDIA Corporation] ===== * Device #2: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, skipped Minimum password length supported by kernel: 8 Maximum password length supported by kernel: 63 Feb 1, 2020 · These files have the following names: • Http. Nov 30, 2015 · I am looking for a way to export single packets that have been decrypted with a wpa-pwd. ☞ THEY WILL BE IGNORED Mar 24, 2024 · wpa-Induction. gz Wi-Fi 802. full. keydes. org而不是我的实时wireshark捕获中获得示例数据包上的RadioTap头,是因为一些网络适配器不添加RadioTap,而其他网络适配器没有添加RadioTab头。 Wireshark was used to analyse the packet captures, and a table was made to rank the threats posed by each entry from highest to lowest. pcap will be used to decrypt traffic in cap2. Bruteforce WPA and decrypt pcap’s with aircrack. Also in this example TKIP is used for WPA and AES is used for WPA2. hc22000 wpa-Induction. So the SSID is named "Coherer" which is good because at least it isn't Linksys. number == 837 filter. I’m trying to figure out how to decrypt WPA traffic. 11 WPA traffic, wpa-eap-tls. The 802. You must know the WPA passphrase, and capture a 4-way handsha We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. pcap文件中的SSID和password. 0 policy sample. Open wap-Induction. 11 WPA-EPA/Rekey sample, nb6-hotspot. Dec 27, 2017 · Pau Muñoz . It is an essential tool for network analysis, troubleshooting, and security investigations, providing detailed insights into the behavior of a network. wpa-Induction. Hint: Use Edit->preferences, Protocol IEEE 802. pcap • Wpa-Induction. I was attempting to decrypt the traffic on my network which is using WPA (Personal) with Wireshark's built-in decryption key's tool and have been unsuccessful so far. There are (at least) two possible reasons: Nov 23, 2018 · For the human-set passphrase, "wpa-pwd" is required. Wireshark can decrypt WEP and WPA/WPA2/WPA3 in pre-shared (or personal) mode. pcapng --active_be Jul 16, 2014 · I’ve got an issue. Mar 7, 2010 · The Wiki links page has a WPA/WPA2 section. 8 on Linux. The module must contain one or more subclasses with a name starting with "Test" something, for example "class TestDissectionHttp2:". policy-authorizeNV. Even if I enter Nov 14, 2022 · Rank of the Packet Captures Description of the Traffic Descriptions of the risk The Countermeasures for Security Measures ciscowl. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0 · wap_google. Homebrew it's a popular package manager for macOS, like apt in debian. wpa-eap-tls. Feb 11, 2020 · wpa-Induction. WPA/WPA2 Enterprise/Rekeys WPA and WPA2 use keys derived from an EAPOL handshake to encrypt traffic. cap file. nb6-hotspot. wpa-pwd:Induction (SSID 값 없이 입력하는 경우이며, 이것은 최근의 SSID 값을 이용함) CASE 2. You signed out in another tab or window. gz Wi-Fi 802. Dec 8, 2023 · RE: Handshake extraction failed! - Tsotilakos - 09-03-2024 (12-09-2023, 12:23 AM) dowan35 Wrote: (12-08-2023, 10:31 PM) ZerBea Wrote: Maybe. WPA/WPA2 enterprise mode decryption works also since Wireshark 2. pcap Someone connecting to SFR’s wireless community network . Viewing Encrypted Traffic Scroll down to frame 99. I've tried using the site survey app as well as doing it manually, but when ever I get a WPA handshake and write it to a . 11 WPA trafficwpa-eap-tls. gz WiFi File: Network_Join_Nokia_Mobile. Using the find menu in wireshark, search for the string SSID. Discussion. Wpa-Induction. pcapng: the pre-shared password was abcdefgh. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0 . 11 WPA Traffic): Ranked: Moderate Threat; Rationale: This packet contains Wi-Fi 802. So, I guess you do not have the full handshake of the other systems in your capture file. The server utilizes Hashcat Brain transparently for the user (the user is allowed to activate and deactivate the feature). pcap Someone connecting to SFR's wireless community network wpa Jan 9, 2014 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Aug 8, 2013 · Since WPA/2 salts with the SSID, it can help to know what that is. pcap' -Y "eapol" -T fields -e frame. – Sascha. So macOS users can install hcxtools just by one command brew install hcxtools. msgnr -e eapol. wpa-psl Dec 15, 2009 · The first file (wpa. In this small and simple tutorial we are going to review the process of using aircrack for cracking and decrypting a PCAP containing 802. You can add decryption keys using Wireshark's 802. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0; wap_google. pcap: The password is 'Induction'. May 28, 2022 · (05-29-2022, 01:11 PM) The Mechanic Wrote: Maybe there is a bug, Maybe your procedure and *. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Nov 25, 2014 · - wpa-pwd The password and SSID are used to create a raw pre-shared key. 11 Preferences Double-click the wpa-Induction. Double-click the wpa-Induction. Part 2 Run Wireshark on your Windows 10 VM and load the file wpa-induction. Oct 12, 2023 · $ hashcat -m 22000 test. Sep 9, 2024 · However, based on the descriptions: wpa-Induction. pcap These files are provided by the Wireshark user community for training and practice in the use of Wireshark as a cyber investigative tool for developers, cybersecurity Nov 3, 2022 · Wpa-eap-tls. gz (Wi-Fi 802. 通过分析抓包保存的 pcap ⽂件: 查看统计当前信号覆盖范围内⼀共有多少独⽴的SSID? Jun 25, 2021 · wpa-Induction. py”. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs Feb 8, 2021 · For this assignment, analyze the packet captures provided by Wireshark by doing the following: Go to the Wireshark Sample Captures site, and download the following: · wpa-Induction. time -e wlan_rsna_eapol. pcap Someone USAGE: wifi-visualizer [FLAGS] --file <FILE> --interface <INTERFACE> FLAGS: -v, --debug Show debug messages, multiple flags for higher verbosity -h, --help Prints help information -n, --no-browser Don't open browser --no-sleep-playback Don't play back files at original speed -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -f, --file <FILE> File to read from -i, --interface <INTERFACE Feb 4, 2016 · - wpa-pwd The password and SSID are used to create a raw pre-shared key. 2) ===== * Device #1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, 3841/3903 MB, 16MCU OpenCL API (OpenCL 3. 11 capture of a new client joining the network, authenticating and activating WPA ciphering File: wpa-Induction. Jan 22, 2024 · Include a screenshot showing the aircrack-ng result and another window next to it (either a notepad or a terminal window or something similar) with your name (one screenshot of both, NOT two separate screenshots). decryption not done). 11 WPA traffic wpa-eap-tls. Code: $ hcxpcapngtool -o induction. 11g PHY. ♦ How to decrypt WPA-TKIP frame: Steps are exactly same as WPA-PSK-AES. You switched accounts on another tab or window. The . THEORY IEEE 802. It does not pose any known threats to the wireless network. To bolster security, an upgrade to WPA3 encryption is strongly recommended. pcap from wherever you saved it in the previous step. This is a sample file with a WPA handshake. It is a process of exchanging 4 packets between an access point and a wireless client. The beacon frame itself is transmitted using the 802. 4. 11 capture with WPA data encrypted using the password "Induction". gz This capture contains WPA-EAP/Rekey traffic, indicating Mar 31, 2021 · Cool side note: This might even work across pcaps if the files are opened in the right order! For example, if you capture a handshake in cap1. The Wiki links page has a WPA/WPA2 section. 11 preferences or by using the wireless toolbar. To secure the network, it is advised to use a strong WPA key, preferably WPA2 or WPA3, with a complex passphrase and regularly update the wireless network encryption settings. -By losing these keys you can potentially lose data as well. hccap > crackme $ . Reload to refresh your session. Read-only mirror of Wireshark's Git repository at https://gitlab. gz (libpcap) Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP The 4-way handshake is used in PSK (WPA-Personal) or 802. 11 WPA Traffic-This protocol is used in four-way EAPOL handshake. Feb 16, 2024 · I'm using this command: tshark -r Sniffer. 11, decryption with “Induction”); Look at the packets prior to and after decryption. 0, with some limitations. pcap contains two WSP request-response dialogs This capture shows two WSP (Wireless Session Protocol) request-response dialogs. 11 WPA-EAP/Rekey): Ranked: Moderate Threat Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Feb 29, 2020 · 我找出,RadioTab报头不是任何Dot11协议的一部分,而只是由网络接口添加的。 我之所以从Wireshark. ciscowl. pcap Description: 802. pcap' saved [179298/179298] convert to hc. Successful WPA Authentication; Failed WPA Authentication; Open Authentication for Troubleshooting; Wireshark Filters; The main purpose of the document is to give an understanding of the 802. Source: Cisco-Li_82:b2:55 3. -To prevent this you should use multi-factor encryption. Maybe it was flawed by design. 11 packet structure and how to analyze wireless packet captures. The current fix should be universal, although it disturbs me a lot it contradicts some RFCs and I have yet to understand why. pcap contains two WSP requestresponse dialogs nb6-hotspot. gz: This packet capture shows 802. 11 WPA traffic, a WPA-EAP/Rekey sample, Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (WLCCP) version 0x0, and two WSP request-response dialogues are only a few of the examples of traffic that Tests must be in a Python module whose name matches “suite_*. It opens in Wireshark. ytmukor fyinog ipq enx aad yfynz crz qsigol grh nyp fzxfht ixoq jvbdd tjuigls yjb