Witcher 3 dismantle alchemy items. Largest buff is +160% total without the alchemy skill.

Witcher 3 dismantle alchemy items Combining also requires some additional non-mutagen ingredients. Guide to Dismantling in the Witcher 3. Jun 16, 2016 · It's a late game alchemy item. Read on for information on each Alchemy Ingredient and its stats and properties. I sell weapons and armor I'm not immediately using, and I dismantle items as I need the materials. Other items dismantle when you need certain items (eg leather or iron) Alchemy is a vital tool in a witcher's arsenal. Keep the crafting materials/alchemy ingredients and sell the rest. In order to brew an Alchemy Item, Geralt will need an item called a Diagram to learn the necessary ingredients. The best way to get these items is to pick them up from the containers you find littering every ancient ruin, luxurious castle, and random peasant’s house. Games. when i dismantle a nekkerclaw or something it breaks down in monster claw which then doesnt show up between the stuff i can dismantle. After all, if you want to make your way to Toussaint for some delicious wine, you’re going to Dec 26, 2022 · Crafting Items and using Alchemy requires various different items and materials that can be found almost everywhere. He will send you on a quest for some items. 6. Games . Some people say keep ALL crafting and herbal materials like ores and plants. Sell animal hides, junk, items etc. Keep your alchemy ingredients and crafting materials. I dismantle all silver swords because they give silver ingots which can be bothersome to come by if you need them right now. It’s a huge game and you will pick up or loot multiple items. just outright selling to an herbalist. get rid of heavier ones or stacks of lighter ones. As a general rule, it's best to sell stuff unless you need specific components. Alchemy Ingredients. However, before you go ahead and sell your unwanted items don’t forget to check what you will get for dismantling them. . Read on for information on the properties of Drowner brain and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. May 24, 2015 · It starts appearing as random loot once you move to the second area, so you'll be able to make grapeshot soon after entering the second area unless you buy it from the alchemist in White Orchard. If you chose to dismantle then you can get various crafting materials that can come in handy. Potions, bombs, and oils only need to be made once. Others say sell everything. Aug 22, 2022 · Where do I sell alchemy ingredients in Witcher 3? Where do I sell alchemy ingredients in The Witcher 3? The first thing you need to know is that the game’s alchemy ingredients are incredibly important to survival. In the Witcher series, the study of alchemy can create powerful offensive and defensive concoctions that can bring an advantage into battles. Always sell to hattori or the grandmaster in toussaint since they give the best value for sales. So, I'd recommend just selling them. Any alchemy stuff thats okay to sell or anything else? Jan 4, 2016 · Everybody talks about the alchemist outside the Oxenfurt gate, but they're either tripping balls on fisstech or a patch has screwed him up, since he offers much less than full value for everything. The alchemy tab is meant to be full of stuff so that is doesn't clutter up the important tab: Useable items. Here is a complete guide to the ins and outs of Alchemy in The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. Junk: Dismantle junk items, like broken equipment, to get rid of them and free up inventory Well please note that I am new, but from my small experience so far of seeing the alchemy and from my Witcher 2 alchemy play-through. This also converts these items into weightless inventory items and relocates them to the tabs mentioned before. Some smiths and armourers won't buy them from you even though they dismantle them. See All Beginner Tips & Guides Jan 12, 2023 · Alchemy Ingredients in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt refer to a category of Items primarily used in the creation of Witcher tools such as Potions, Decoctions, Oils and Bombs via Alchemy. Armor at an armorer, alchemy ingredients at an alchemist, etc. Weapons: Dismantle weapons that are no longer useful to you, as the components can be sold separately. 01 items. As for alchemy items and crafting, DISMANTLING IS IMPORTANT THOUGH. Never sell these (or at least never sell them in large numbers). Oct 4, 2024 · Here’s a breakdown of the best items to dismantle: Armor: Dismantle armor that’s no longer useful to you, as the components can be sold separately. When you really need money for something in particular, sell crafting and alchemy components. Unused gear, junk items, roach items you're not using (easily forgotten because they're with the "Food & Drink" menu), beer (if you loot a lot you get tons of pointless beer). Number of Uses of Alchemy Items. All you must do is obtain the crafting recipes for those items. Or you can dismantle them for more parts that weigh nothing if you like. When upgrading an alchemy item in the stash using a Friendly Stash, the original grade alchemy item remains. Read on for information on the properties of Specter Dust and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. I'll save my inventory for Toussaint and unload there. When you get to skellige there is a druid, Gremist, who is a master alchemist. Aug 16, 2024 · go into inventory and sort the items by weight. Be aware that this mod will most likely not work with overhaul mods like Ghost Mode or Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition. The following are all the alchemy ingredients in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Item Name: Crafting Uses: Item Name: Dismantle Ingredients If you want to stock up on silver dismantle silver swords. Hard to say which would be more profitable. Dec 26, 2022 · This is a guide on what to sell and what not to sell in the game The Witcher 3. But for some reason i can not find a craftman that can actually dismantle it for me. With the alchemy skill you can get 60 + 60 + 60 + 45 for a whopping +165% damage or sign bonus. No vendor required, no items required. The most important thing I know is DISMANTLE ALL SKINS AND HIDES. Armorers and blacksmiths are found in towns and villages and have an anvil Jan 29, 2020 · In The Witcher 3 anything can be dismantled, aside from certain quest items, but only Armorsmiths or Blacksmiths can perform this action. 34: Mastercrafted Ursine Silver Sword +75% critical hit damage +5% crit chance +20% Jan 11, 2023 · Alchemy in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an age-old Crafting tradition amongst Witchers which involves the harvesting of materials both benign and toxic, and creating with them a plethora of Witcher tools such as Potions, Decoctions and Oils and Bombs. If I need a specific material for crafting, I'll look through my items and dismantle whatever items give me that material. After creating an Alchemy item, that item will never disappear completely, unlike consumable items like Foods. Other items won't be useful in their current state, but if you take them to a blacksmith or armorer, they can dismantle the items into components which you can use to craft better gear. Innkeepers will offer Jan 16, 2025 · Alchemy items are not sorted properly in the stash. The principle is the same on other platforms but the buttons may differ. Those junk will take more weight in your inventory than you realize, every once in a while make a scan and clean them from your inventory, that is if you press "Take all" when you loot. that way you get the most money for said items. May 26, 2015 · Out of my inv all I have 67/90, so only 23 in room left. selling is more convenient, but high cost of mats make dismantling the smarter move. However, I'm unsure what items I should sell. comCraft Everywhere, that is all. Alcohest is considered an alchemy ingredient in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and thus can't be consumed like regular drinks. Who is the best blacksmith to sell to in The Witcher 3? Main game, sell weapons to Hattori (Master Blacksmith in Novigrad), sell armor to the Armorer in Hierarch Square. I generally save all rare items to sell or dismantle. Dec 26, 2022 · This is a list of Alchemy Ingredient items in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Pay attention, however, to relic swords and armors: they usually sell for a lot of money, but some of them can be dismantled into rare components such as dimeritium ingots and black steel ingots. Every weapon and armor, among other items, that you come across in the open world weighs a certain amount. There is no reason to hoard anything other than crafting materials in this game. Sorry but the smith is the right answer. Alchemy's major strength is giving the player an edge in Aug 15, 2020 · This mod removes the alcohol cost for refilling alchemy items while meditating. Is it best to just dismantle every Monster ingredient? I haven't seen anything require whole items like the drowner brain but I don't want to dismantle it all too early and screw myself. Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Albedo in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Sell weapons and armor. Mar 10, 2020 · the result is quite a nightmare, every time I open items related menu, the game lagging quite noticeable, sometimes it requires more than 10 seconds to open the menus, then I try to sell the items to the vendors, when I sell the items, because of too many items, it requires 1 to 3 seconds to selling each cell (99 herbs or 1 sword count as 1 cell), Junk items all have weight so it's always best to get rid of them to free up space for more important Items. A newer and less known witcher probably can’t afford much . Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Quicksilver solution in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Endrega embryo in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. If you equip it, you'll see that (usually) it ends up being a 2/2 or 3/3, meaning you have 2 or 3 SEPARATE uses. You get iron/leather out of most of them which I'm sure you will need for other items later in the game. When Lead is dismantled by a Blacksmith or Armorer, the following items may be obtained: N/A: Can't be Dismantled . DO NOT dismantle everything possible. Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Ekimmara hide in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. 01, but since Patch 1. " Here, you can select items in your inventory. Eventually, you'll be at a point where you can just sell everything you pick up and use the money to craft the best items for yourself. This skill can improve the effects of your mutagens by up to 50%. Note that certain quest items, once they are no longer needed, will be put in the junk tab and can then be dismantled or sold off like regular items. How to make Craftable Items. If you dismantle some monster parts with a master armourer or blacksmith then you'll get two if the basic monster parts as crafting items, and you can then sell the monster parts to the Toussaint armourers. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Some weapons and armor give you rare items when you dismantle them. But yeah, just take everything. Keep blue items depending on what they dismantle into as that will help alleviate crafting woes sometimes. You will rarely need to dismantle things like weapons or armor. For the bear school gear you need to go to Skellige. Would like to sell some relic items but don't want to forfeit a future for the best sword. Jul 10, 2019 · Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition. But I am still pretty low level. Looting and Dismantling are the only source of these items and materials that you will get throughout the game. i loot EVERYTHING but by end game still had to buy some crafting materials out of pocket to assemble the 3 masterwork witcher sets. Instead of hoarding them, you can just deconstruct them to get profitable items to sell or crafting materials. They are usually worth alot when in quantity. Hence, you need to be wary of your carrying limits. Is there any good basic structure that I can abide by on how to sell my items and make money without lacking materials for the things I need? (bare if they don't weigh . Nov 18, 2023 · How do I get the most money for items in Witcher 3? This is the main one, the best way to get money is to sell things to merchants around the world. In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, junk items return. Probably hunts for food more often . The tricky parts come with some monster parts you'll need for the higher level alchemy items. You will need the schematics and recipes of course. 6 hours ago · Mastering the art of selling items in The Witcher 3 is crucial for affording those sweet Gwent cards, Useful for selling food, alchemy ingredients, Dismantle: Junk Items; It shows all valuable alchemy items (not plants or mutagens). Lead can be sold to Merchants for approximately 1. Witcher gear will have a green background in the inventory menu. I just started Witcher 3 and I'm level 2. The Witcher 3 close Clear game filter. Ask him to buy something and shuffle to the tab to the left (Left Bumper on controller) It will cost a price to dismantle anything but both alchemy and crafting materials are in there. They weigh nothing, so your "overencumbered" problem has nothing to do with alchemy and crafting materials. From there, cycle through the tabs shown at the top until you reach the one marked "Dismantle. Largest buff is +160% total without the alchemy skill. For other random crafting or alchemy items I just sell if I am starting to get a lot. Dec 16, 2022 · Knowing how to Dismantle Items in the Witcher 3 can be very beneficial. Each one has a different effect and you can combine different types of them. The red filter that indicates items that cannot be sold has been removed from the shop menu. It's mainly herbs and random items like animal hides and ores/bars of different materials. The first two pages are a list of all alchemy potions and Witcher gear found in the game (minus the Viper Venomous Sword that you find rather than obtain a diagram for). Then select dismantle and scroll down. It’s better than any other armor even if the armor rating is lower, because Witcher gear has better resistances. They originally weighed 0. You can also sell all the books you pick up (read them first of course). SELL SELL SELL. All I have in my inventory rn is just oils, potions, explosives, food, crafting items and alchemy ingredients, all of which have weight 0, and then quest items (0,16 total) Dec 14, 2020 · I am doing some winter cleaning of my storage chest. every craftsman can dismantle anything for you. Craft Witcher gear you find diagrams for and not much else (other than alchemy stuff). If you put items needed for a quest into your stash, you may be unable to progress in the game. Grab whatever is of any value. It'll open the Blacksmith menu. I'll probably aim to only dismantle what I need, or if somehow I have less than 10 crafting items, as well as the items you guys suggested I should keep an eye out for. 0 giving a total of 84 (167 before), thus with the base 100 the toxicity pool can reach a total 184 using this skill. Refillable Items - When you gather all your ingredients together and make a refillable item the finished product will go into your inventory under consumables. Constantly sell everything. My rule is if it just gives me steel or iron I sell it, if it gives me silver or ditrium I dismantle it. The Armourer at Kaer Trolde sells the maps. Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Specter Dust in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Feel free to sell all jewelry though, I do not recall many pieces of equipment requiring gold, and silver is always somewhat plentiful (never sold any of it though). On these pages the exact ingredients needed for each piece are hidden, as they're rather clunky and a wiki can tell you that. 1. What is the highest mutagen in The Witcher 3? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Greater Mutagen is the highest. Tedious, but it will net you the most coin. Works on the 2 menus - Alchemy and Crafting. Legend: = Craftable, = Dismantlable The only stuff you should be selling is weapons, armor you don't need, Items in Other, and Items in Useable section. Dec 26, 2022 · Death March Tips Complete Side Quests. Jul 10, 2019 · Unpack additional_alchemy. Read on for information on the properties of Devourer's blood and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. three Minor Mutagens of Power gives one Mutagen of Power). Dismantling useless items in The Witcher 3 will break them down into base components that can be later used to craft Are there items that cannot be crafted or bought again which only appear as a world loot or quest reward? I honestly just want to work on the witcher sets assuming they are the best in the game so I care less about anything else. went from 35k down to 5k and still short some runes on the suits i don't use. Lead Junk Item Description in The Witcher 3. It should help decide between 1. Sell: unused armor, weapons, horse gear, beer and wine, weakest repair kits, junk items Keep: crafting and alchemy items (zero weight) What is the max stash in witcher 3? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt allows you to store an unlimited amount of items in your inventory, but that does not mean you should. Dec 7, 2015 · Also definitely dismantle dimeterium shackles you get from the witch hunters, as dimeterium ore is somewhat rare. Just head to a blacksmith. Jul 1, 2018 · I know that monster parts dismantle in powdered tissue, atleast thats what the internet says. Once you bring them back he will be available to barter with. Dec 26, 2022 · This is a guide on How to Dismantle Items in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Drowner tongue in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It is the default alcohol used to replenish potions and bombs during meditation, and is needed to needed to brew all enhanced potions: It can be found as both random and guaranteed loot in many places, received as part of the reward for completing Practicum in Advanced How many alchemy recipes are there in The Witcher 3? There are up to 147 recipes in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, 1 additional recipe is added with Hearts of Stone expansion and 19 more with Blood and Wine expansion, and 1 more with Patch 4. Any "junk" I normally just sell. Dec 26, 2022 · Items with higher rarity come with better crafting components after being dismantled, and these items are going to be important later in the game to get stronger, so it is often better to dismantle the junk instead of selling it as is. Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Devourer's blood in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Relic items give you rare crafting components when dismantled sometimes 2 or 3 its a better option than selling them as you would pay 4 times what you get for it from the components alone. I'm having a great time, but my inventory is full of stuff and I have no idea what to do with it. For most loot found during your adventures, selling is the clear choice. 07 they have weighed 0. IMPORTANT: Please run Script Merger to resolve possible conflicts. 01, then I tend to dismantle them. I’d say keep it and check alchemy category and then the recipes to see what you need Jan 30, 2024 · That is where the option to dismantle items in The Witcher 3 comes in. To uninstall, just delete the dlc__Additional_Alchemy folder in your DLC folder and the modAdditionalAlchemy folder in your mods folder. Alchemy isn't only used by witchers, but also by a sizable amount of the world's populace. I understand that beehives are a good source of money. He sells the recipes to albedo and all the other high level chemicals. Is there a specific craftman that can do it or does it have to doe with the Dec 28, 2021 · Here's how to dismantle items in Witcher 3 on Xbox One | Series S|X. Dismantling WILL come in handy for things like ingots and alchemy items though. As junk items have weight, it is better to either sell or dismantle them when available. All games (3,139) Recently Feb 24, 2025 · Item: Information: 34: Mastercrafted Ursine Steel Sword +75% critical hit damage +20% Adrenaline Gain; Fantastic damage; The Strongest Witcher steel sword for this build in the base game. You might need to dismantle one monster part for another, in which case just google which ones do which. This pretty much. Jun 26, 2024 · Do vendors reset in Witcher 3? They restock every 5 game days. Probably cant buy a worthy house with all the nobles . Keep them! Sell off junk (careful you don't sell quest items!) and junk weapons/armor. rar and copy everything inside into your Witcher 3 main directory. If you have junk in your inventory or equipment that you no longer need, then to dismantle these items you need to go to a Blacksmith or Armorer. If you do the dismantling with Yoanna (because she's cheaper) and sell to the Grandmaster armourer o Can you dismantle items in Witcher 3? Once you find one, go up to the blacksmith and ask him to craft, dismantle or repair something, it doesn't matter which. Follow the steps we’ll go over in this section to dismantle in the Witcher 3: None of the armors and weapons you dismantle give you any good materials for witcher gears. Given our high crit chance, +75% crit damage is a monstrous bonus. What should I be looking for to dismantle for the future? I am level 23 btw. The Witcher 3 Related Links. This time, however, some junk items can be dismantled into useful crafting components. Read on for information on the properties of Drowner tongue and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. Read on to learn how to dismantle items, as well as where and whether you should dismantle items or sell them as they are. And with that it's not like you need much. dismantling with Yoana and selling the by-products at another armorer/blacksmith, or 2. Now that they've patched the alchemy items to have no weight, the only things you really need to worry about selling is the junk in the other tab and any weapons/armor you pick up that you don't need. Jun 21, 2024 · Non-refillable alchemy items work normally Cannot craft refillable alchemy items manually Meditation does not refill but still resets toxicity and removes effects Compatible with mods that add new refillable alchemy items (like Additional Alchemy or Additional Potions) Oils are finite, 3/4/5 max Cockatrice decoction works for oils too Jun 19, 2024 · Where can I sell items for the most money in The Witcher 3? Aside from the bottle-selling bum and the hidden alchemist, the next best merchants to sell stuff are the armorer in Hierarch Square in Novigrad (the “top notch swords!” guy – even if he doesn’t forge swords) and Hattori the master blacksmith, also in Novigrad. Nov 25, 2022 · To use the dismantle mechanic, players need to use the following instructions: Speak to a blacksmith or an armorer. Decoctions only have one level. I also dismantle the swords that have glowing ore ingot. I started playing the Witcher 3 a few days ago, I'm still in White Orchard (the amount of content is ridiculous). g. Throughout the game, you will go through many weapons and armor. If I really need money, I will reconsider selling hides. You can dismantle anything and only armorers and blacksmiths can do it. dont sell any monster parts until you have crafted a few superior witcher sets to see whats needed for them. Read on for information on the properties of Albedo and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. What is safe to sell? I've sold old armor, weapons, books. Dismantle (most) junk items. Dec 26, 2022 · Once these tasks are accomplished, Geralt can make the given Alchemy Item from the Alchemy tab on the menu. If I was a witcher I would definitely take the jewelry and minerals from the dead bandits or monsters I killed . In particular I have diamond dust which is theoretically worth 1200 orens which I would very much like to get so I can buy non-terrible equipment. 00. Feb 21, 2025 · So, you’ve invested in a good satchel and collected an abundance of junk throughout your travels. Anyone know what is weighing me so much? I dropped all armor, weapons, runestones, glyphs, even horse equipment, and trophies. Read on to learn which items are the best items to sell to merchants for coins, and which items you should avoid selling and save for later. Try to complete as much Side Quests as you can, this will help you grow stronger even faster. For junk items, I'd dismantle all of it over selling. What do I do with this? Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for solo play or 2-10 (Co-op PvE) players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. 2 crowns here and 5 crowns there add up! When To Wisely Dismantle Items. See All Beginner Tips & Guides Dec 26, 2022 · This page explains how to make the Alchemy Ingredient item Drowner brain in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Dec 26, 2022 · Unlike Alchemy, Geralt cannot craft these items on his own, but must enlist the help of a skilled craftsman. How do I sell items for the best price in Witcher 3? The best way to sell items is to sell them at their applicable merchants. This plays a big role in the world of Witcher in order to get stronger. May 18, 2015 · The large world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt boasts a huge variety of items, some more important than others. Monster Gubbinz (being the parts used for alchemy) Alchemists don't generally have too much money really. Dec 17, 2022 · These are the best places where you can sell your Junk items in Witcher 3 easily. First time playing and I've seen the need to dismantle some alchemy ingredients to make Witcher gear. As a Witcher with years of training and knowledge of Alchemy, Geralt can use these ingredients to craft his tools without the aid of other craftsmen, provided he But not super rich . Smiths of all sorts will dismantle anything, even things they don't buy, like ingredients, paper and junk. They take up a lot of weight but when you dismantle them they turn into 0. Alchemy recipes require specific items, check the herbalist's shop (she also grows a lot outside). Debug Console Commands: If you have enabled the debug console you can add items directly into your inventory by opening it and typing: additem("itemID There is also many junk items than you can either dismantle or sell, i used to dismantle them because they were cheap af. Being highly strategic fighters, they utilize their various concoctions to help in specific situations and against particular enemies. 31 GOTY - GOG. You will definitely need many of these to craft witcher gear - and you do not yet know what you will need. All potions and bombs have higher levels you can upgrade them to, but you have to find/buy the recipes for each level: basic, enhanced, superior. Alchemy is a vital tool in a witcher's arsenal. What should I do with the stash? Sell or dismantle? Same question for swords. Read on for information on the properties of Quicksilver solution and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. I usually do it 50/50 in terms of selling/dismantling ration. May 22, 2015 · I usually just dismantle weapons, armor, and hides. The Witcher 3 Lead Notes Check the crafting screen for what items you need to get in dismantling. That way I get money for it and get a good amount of crafting components/alchemy ingredients when I dismantle them. sort by price - get rid of all the cheap stuff sort by price - sell or store or dismantle all the expensive stuff on this playthru I have a 20+ toon, also have around 90 inventory weight but I can carry 190. Simple mod that allows you to combine lesser mutagens into more powerful ones (e. Now you’re wondering how to dismantle items in Witcher 3 for alchemy, new gear or profiteering at merchants. Read on for information on the properties of Ekimmara hide and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. Sep 18, 2023 · Where can I sell items for the most money in The Witcher 3? Aside from the bottle-selling bum and the hidden alchemist, the next best merchants to sell stuff are the armorer in Hierarch Square in Novigrad (the “top notch swords!” guy – even if he doesn’t forge swords) and Hattori the master blacksmith, also in Novigrad. By synthesizing herbs, monster parts, and other ingredients, Geralt can bolster his combat effectiveness. Welcome to r/Witcher3! A subreddit for discussions, news, memes, media, and other topics pertaining to the third installment in the Witcher games franchise. Most Side Quest will give you better weapons and armors that can help you better prepare for the Main Quest. Fellow witcher, here are my tips: Loot, loot, loot - as long as no guards watch You. if i had kept things like shells for black pearl powder and amber for amber dust i would have saved a Sep 11, 2023 · How do I sell my items for more money in Witcher 3? The best way to sell items is to sell them at their applicable merchants. Just get rid of all that crap. Maybe like 10-20 of each. View mod page I sold everything that wasn't junk, alchemy components, or that I was actively using, but hoarded junk for witcher armor crafting. Read on for information on the properties of Endrega embryo and what ingredients are needed to alchemize it. Then, he will need to collect the required ingredients, either by finding them in nature Dec 26, 2022 · You can Increase the benefits from mutagens by learning and equipping the skill from the alchemy branch called Synergy. I found that it was cheaper to dismantle junk for crafting components while building grandmaster witcher sets, rather than buying the items themselves from the armorsmith. DO NOT sell anything to Yoanna (Master Armorer in Crow’s Perch), but dismantle any items with her as she gives Alcohol items have to be crafted in the Alchemy menu: White Gull for instance. May 13, 2024 · Suggestion: Loot everything and sell excess. tfsdqlj fdtr egcm elqjmz tbunbbma iepoi rwqlc mgquj xjwum lwh dyyyincv qdxy qksbh pqwf ctqxkv