Unity 3d sound not working. regardless of the distance to the Audio Listener.

Unity 3d sound not working 11f1 Nov 14, 2022 · You probably need to drag the Spatial Blend on your Audio Source component to 3D = 1; if it is set to 2D (Spatial Blend = 0) the sound will play “globally”, i. I just want to test how all this works, so I placed an object emitting a pulsing sound on a plane, and I move around it. Jan 1, 2013 · I have an audio clip that is set to “play on awake” as a 3D sound. This seems like an important drawback to using Unity for webGL development. if the player walks left to right, then the sound should start at the right ear and gradually pan over to the left ear). Due to the rotation and behaviour of the camera, this doesn’t seem easy to do. Mar 23, 2018 · If your audio works fine in the Unity editor but not in the build, it could be that you are using OnValidate() to store the reference to your AudioSource component in a private field. Unity. 16f1. I can hear the sound just fine when I play the game Feb 9, 2025 · Perhaps you’re running into this issue: 3D Audio not working on WebGL - #2 by CodeSmile Also worth noting that audio on the web does not use FMOD and thus there are certain differences. PlayOneShot(audioClipJump); Back in Unity editor, I see the component Audio Clip Jump inside GameObject. This is my first time and I am learning as I go so it is probably an obvious answer. Feb 18, 2017 · So until the bug is addressed, this might be a workable fallback solution. legacy-topics. I’ve removed them and put them back, assigned the clips, nothing. Play(); } When a button clicked, I'm calling Replay(). Play will work? Nov 22, 2020 · Hi everyone, I am trying to make a location generate a sound that pans as the player walks past it (e. It's a audio. The audio file seems White Paper Free System Design on AWS E-Book Download this early release of O'Reilly's latest cloud infrastructure e-book: System Design on AWS. 16f1 because 2021. I am getting this Jul 9, 2023 · I’ve set up everything I think I need to in Wwise. The volume is always consistently loud or quiet Nov 24, 2024 · There was an issue which was fixed, make sure you’re using a Unity version newer than one of the ones mentioned under “fixed in” (eg is should work in an 2022. Oct 5, 2017 · So basically i’m making a small VR tech demo just to play with some friends and the sounds do not seem to be working properly. This literally happened just now Sep 19, 2017 · I have a similar bug. Not if none of that work. Audio Sources don’t play any sound, also no sound is being played in the inspector window as well (after selecting the audioclip). The code is firing correctly, and debugs show the clip correctly. No matter which emitter I play a sound from, it seems that the sound is coming from a fairly static central area. I tried all rolloffs setups, Logarithm as Feb 2, 2024 · I have set up a standard 3D event in FMOD and used a sample sound to test how to implement a simple 3D effect for my 2D top-down game. Play() in my scene are working fine, and when I set the Audio Source to “Play On Awake”, it plays without a problem. I can hear the sound only if I change the value of spatial blend to 0. Here's my code: public void Replay() { playAudio (); Application. In the AudioSource, I set spatial blend all the way to 3D. Jul 25, 2016 · Hey all! I’m working on a VR project using Unity, FMOD, and the HTC Vive. FortisVenaliter October 5, 2017, 7:00pm 2. Changing the Audio Source Volume is not working as expected. Jul 3, 2016 · I test audio without scripts, just the basic method dragging and dropping audio file, and the audio file (. Was working fine on 2019. loadedLevel); } void playAudio() { AudioSource audio = GetComponent<AudioSource> (); audio. By 3D sound I mean a sound clip that is attached to a gameobject and is played with audio. PlayOneShot(jump01); It doesn't work. Basically I would like the fire crackling sound to stop playing when the player is not near the fire. Oct 2, 2024 · After uploading my WebGL project to Unity Play, I’ve noticed that the 3D audio is not working as intended. I have set up an audiosource on the object, added the clip and set the spacial blend to 3d and played around with the sound setttings, but nothing I do seems to get it to work. In the editor everything works smoothly, but in the local host and in my personal server, but the audio of both videos plays full volume no matter where Mar 26, 2010 · Hello! I’m playing with 3D audio. Using my headphones, I can easily tell when the object is far away or nearby, no my right or my left side. Has anyone experienced a similar problem? Or maybe knows the cause or a solution? To give you some more info, when I want to play a sound, I Apr 25, 2020 · Hello, I have read several topics about this subject but unfortunately even doing what they recommended I got no results. e. I wrote a whole article on audio optimisation on my blog: 10 Unity Audio Optimisation Tips it explains how source culling and virtualisation works in Unity if that’s any help. I’m facing the same Apr 6, 2014 · Hello everyone, I’m encountering a problem where I can still here a sound being played at full volume even though I am well outside of the audio source’s maximum range (see in the pic my player is in the top left, and the sound source is in the bottom right). 0b15, 2022. What i did was I added the audio source component to a gameObject and added audio listener to another gameObject. And I believe I have all the structure right, it's just the line of code that says to mute the audio that won't work. I'm sure the solution is stupidly easy, I just can't find it. Not sure why it worked in scene view… Dec 12, 2016 · Hey there. 4. Unity Engine. When I Apr 5, 2020 · That might shed a little more light as to what’s going on. It allows you to mix and master in real time, and it can replicate 3D spatial sound effects like echo, object movement (like the sound of a fast-moving car), and reverb. 11f1, you can hear the ball moving to the left and right with your thanks, I didn't knew that unity played a finite amount of audiosources, so my mistake is: Every bullet in my game have a audiosource and play a sound. PlayOneShot(coinSound, 0. f2 Jan 15, 2022 · When using the 3D function, the AudioSource plays audio depending on the position of the AudioListener. No matter where I place an object (far away from the camera) the volume stays the same when I press play. I have a script that selects a clip for the audio source and then calls play(). May 9, 2022 · Why the sound effect does not work in unity? when I try to add a sound effect, it doesn't work This is my script to move to the next scene using buttons: using System. Even when i am Feb 19, 2020 · After a lot of googling and trying different things, I haven’t been able to discover a fix for some weird audio issues I am only getting with WebGL builds in Unity. 3f1 The sound of a video works perfectly on play mode using a url method, but when exported to webgl it looses all 3d aspects and is played all over the scene, I reviewed the documentation and I don’t think there are any unsupported settings. When i walk over those 80 units, i can still hear my sound on the maximum volume. From Unity 2019. Audio does work. Unity is not muted in the sound mixer, the Mute Audio button isn’t checked, and in the settings menus everything related to audio is completely fine. using Unity 2021. Using Unity 2018. AI. 0b13. Jul 12, 2020 · Working in 2019. Nov 15, 2015 · Hey I am working on a game Its sounds work fine when I play on unity or play on android phone by build and run but when I use apk file and install on same phone sound are not working. Spatial blend set to 1 (3D). The object is an audio source and the one I control (which also moves the camera) is the audio listener. Audio-Video, Audio Apr 17, 2015 · I just brought in some wav files, have an audiosource and a listener. When I do that, I hear sound in both fmod and unity. I thought this might be a problem with the Oculus plug-in, so Jun 16, 2013 · // this is where the jump animation gets played audio. 19f1, 2021. However, when I make the audio source, it plays the sound (quite loudly, too) even outside the maximum distance I specified. 21: 29255: January 24, 2022 Problem with 3d audio Unity5. It’s been a long time since I made a WebGL build but this seems the easiest way to share my work. When an enemy dies, I start the simple 3D event I have configured in FMOD Studio Mar 5, 2013 · I have a object that move around my scene. Aug 23, 2017 · Attach the AudioSource to an empty GameObject that does not destroy. In this tutorial, you'll prepare in import audio files, and add Audio Source and Audio Listener components to your project. g. By default, the AudioListener is on the main camera. 3. I’m having the same problem with 4. Nov 6, 2016 · Hello guys I’m trying to make my sound effects work as in 3D environment in a 2D platformer game. Can anyone offer advice on what I might be missing? [Solved] I figure it. This is the first time with unity 5 that I have put sound on objects on the scene and for some reason, it sounds like I’ve attached the sound onto the audiolistener. 7f1 on Windows 10. Specifically, Unity does not serialize values in private fields unless explicitly instructed Nov 14, 2022 · You probably need to drag the Spatial Blend on your Audio Source component to 3D = 1; if it is set to 2D (Spatial Blend = 0) the sound will play “globally”, i. 2D. 33f1, 2021. Avatar, and I drag and dropped the . When testing in Unity, as well as a with a PC standalone build, I do not get these audio issues. Apr 10, 2020 · Hello there, I’ve been using Unity for quite a while now and this is a little confusing. I tried using the Oculus SDK and spatializer plug-in by following this guide: However, the sound in-game does not seem to be located correctly. Reproducible with: 2021. 1. Feb 3, 2011 · Thanks, but thats not really what I wanted to know. I currently have 2 different audio sources in this scene but that should be an issue as I have 2 going at the same time in my other scene. The game is like an asteroid game, so the camera position is static and the player is clamped inside the camera viewport. 11f1 to Unity 2021. However, when I (in C#) try to change the volume with a parameter set to increase volume when getting near an object and to lower the volume when the object goes farther away, I don’t hear any sound at all. Okay, so I have never ever had problems with 3D audio when working with unity 4. Looking at the distance graph it gives me, I can see that the listen is close enough to at least hear some noise, but Mar 8, 2014 · 3D sound does not stop at the max distance if you are using logarithmic rolloff (the default volume rolloff on the audio source component). I checked by calling . The biggest issue is the very loud pop/click at the end of the player’s attack animation in the web build. I don’t have a 3d panner in my master, the script I'm a horror sound designer and working on a proof of concept for an indie horror game called sound without sight that explores horror from the perspective of a blind person. Apr 22, 2012 · I was having this problem with a sound for use in a GUI. isPlaying as well - printing to console. AudioSources in other projects work fine. Any ideas? I’ve even tried just adding an audio source to my camera Oct 5, 2017 · Unity Discussions 3d Sound not working? Questions & Answers. Audio. When using video with Audio Output Mode set to Audio source, Spatial blend set to 3d and Volume roloff set to linear the sound in the WebGL build is always audible once started, regardless of the player's position. I have several audio sources that play / loop correctly. It might be that you’ve got a rogue script somewhere creating more Audio Sources than you thought. Add-Ons. The problem is that when I set Spatial Blend option to 3D on my sound effect it gets really quiet but if I keep it on 2D it will play at the same volume through-out the entire room and that’s what all of the answers on this problem recommend doing but that doesn’t solve my issues as I Oct 3, 2012 · Hello there, I have a stupid problem/bug! I made an new empty GameObject, and gave it a mono-sound (mp3 file). Not sure Mar 14, 2019 · Is 3d sound not working right in Unity 5? Unity Engine. Same project with the same settings, just different unity version. When using video with Audio Output Mode set to Audio source, Spatial blend set to 3d and Volume roloff set to linear the sound in the WebGL build is always audible once started, regardless of the player’s position. Play();" instead, it will work. 5 or 0 !! Unity Engine. Means, when the player walks away from the audio generation source, the audio clip volume does not go down to zero as expected (I hear the sound kms away still, not so loud but still possible to hear). Case 1412752 Player : Unity WebGL Player | New Unity Project (1) Chrome : no working Edge : no working OperaGX : no working Partially work on Firefox. ts3client_systemset3DListenerAttributes(scHandlerID, ref current_pos, ref current_forward, ref current_up); but there is no difference if the player is next to you or far away. Com (here), in Chrome and also Firefox. Or you can make the audio play at the specific distance you want it to be heard by attaching the Audio Source to your Player Controller’s Main Camera in the Hierarchy window. I also use FMOD in my project, the FMOD audio sources work fine. I have tried tweaking every setting, tried logarithmic and linear rolloff and I just can't get it to work. Collections; using System. 0f1, 2022. I’ve done some googling and found everyone saying set spatial to 3d, change rolloff to linear, and set a min / max… but those steps don’t seem to be working in my 2d game… the volume never changes (except for messing with the min, but it’s still Mar 8, 2014 · I am having problems with adding 3d sound to my game. mp3 or . Every player calls each frame: ts3client. Any idea’s why this isn’t working? I set it to Aug 28, 2017 · I’m making a 2d game and I want certain things in the room to get louder as you get closer, but using 3d sound doesn’t seem to work. 6 to Unity 3. The slider position defaults to 0 for 2D, which will override any 3D settings you configure in the lower section. What could be the problem? Thanks in advance. 0. I didn’t change any of the settings accept I set the max distance of the auido source so that it didn’t reach the audio listener. Do not forgot to click the page to activate the sound. If I disable the gameobject containing the audio source then re-enable it at May 3, 2020 · Be sure that you have set Spatial Blend to "3D". Find("AudioHolder"); AudioSource aud = obj. 3D Sound: If enabled, the sound will play back in 3D space. Setting the Pan to around 0. This is just troubleshooting 101 : you have one thing in Timbuctu that doesn’t work, you have one thing in Kansas that does work… start moving the two towards each other and as you do you will gain valuable insight and you will eventually either: Feb 12, 2025 · Same here. Decompress on load Aug 2, 2018 · Using JavaScript in Unity 3D, I have a script where I want to play a sound when the player's velocity on the X axis reaches a certain point, and if it's not at that point, then the sound will be muted. Now that you have a better understanding of common 3D sound issues in Unity, let’s look at some solutions to help you resolve these problems. Dec 10, 2012 · Okay, I’m trying to set up ambient city noise outside the building in my scene. The problem is, I cannot get the game’s audio to work on any webGL build, on any browser. The output needs to be an audio mixer for the 3d sounds to work. Then when i add a audio source to this object moving around, i can’t hear anything coming from it. Jan 14, 2020 · Hey there! Basically I have set up a fire animation and a audio source to play a . The Audio Track is linked to a Audio Source on my scene, but the changes on Audio Source Properties (Volume or any other) does not reflect on the Audio being played on timeline. Sound not playing correctly. Force to mono: If enabled, the audio clip will be down-mixed to a single channel sound. Audio-Video. 1 seems to have it. Oct 30, 2014 · Here is my problem: I can successfully integrate sound Events from fmod to unity. regardless of the distance to the Audio Listener. Decompress on load Aug 14, 2020 · In a project I’ve been working on, suddenly no AudioSource will make sound, whether it’s called by script or I set Play on Awake and Loop to true. wav file onto it. There is no roll off, no Apr 14, 2022 · Unity’s audio system imports most standard audio file formats. Recommended for large enterprises working across multiple locations. My 3d sound wasn't working despite having Spatial Blend = 1 on my AudioSource and it working previously, I did this: A bit of a pain to diagnose this because my AudioSource settings were correct, and AudioListener was positioned correctly, think this is a bug. Some things I’ve looked at The clip works in the preview. Change that to linear rolloff or create a custom rolloff and this should solve your problem. Because of the nature of being entirely sound based it requires really good dynamic and directional audio in order to effectively navigate by sound alone. May 15, 2011 · If the Debug. Oct 18, 2011 · Hi Guys Either I’m missing something or the 3d sound engine is really unrealistic. Mar 28, 2022 · Hello, Already reported here Spatial audio (3d) not working on Unity 2021. Anyone know why the PlayOneShot wont work but the this. 2913 is impacted also. This is what I’m doing: I have a prefab which is an empty object with an AudioSource attached. Now i want would like to only hear the sound in a certain distance (80 units) So i change the 3D settings to: Min Distance: 20 Max Distance 80 Volume: 1 Play on Awake and Loop are checked. I have only one audio listener attached to my player. Load Type: The method Unity uses to load audio assets at runtime. With the Pan value at 1, when standing next to a sound object on my left i ONLY get audio in the left speaker, and vice versa. Audio not playing in Unity. Having issues with audio source objects at the moment. For some reason, my rain audio source will not play on awake even though I have set it up to do so. The thing is that I recently updated from Unity 2. All is good when I use speakers, but when I switch to headphones I can't hear any sound in Unity (it's not a problem of my headphones, they work perfectly with any other program). I’ve tried running it locally, and also sharing to Play. 6. Dec 16, 2013 · When the clock reaches zero, the text changes to say “GAME OVER!” and the character controls lock up; however, the sound does not play. 2. Sound not being mixed properly; Solving 3D Sound Issues in Unity. The audio just plays as if it is 2D. thank you so much guys. Therefore, make the AudioSource play a short looping audio clip where every sample point has a value of not 0, but 1. Is there any other way to play sound clips? Free from gameobjects and audio listeners. the problem from the Audio Listener. I have only one Audio Listener attached to the scene (Main Camera) and a FPS controller and one cube with an audio source attached to it. Nov 16, 2007 · This format is best for medium length sound effects and music. Spread Sets the spread angle to 3d stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space. LoadLevel (Application. But the thing is, I'm going to have more than one sound effect tied to that character so I can't use that code as an alternative. 3f1. I’ve tried everything I can think of- messing with the size of the min and max distances, trying both linear and logarithmic rolloff, nothing works. 37f1, 2020. 16f1 is also impacted but not listed on issue tracker. 2022. Normal talking works fine, but the problem is that 3D sound is not working. 36f1 (edit: there’s a short explanation here: Audio is not behaving as 3d in WebGL . audio. I have no idea what’s going on any one please give any reference or help… Nov 15, 2018 · Make sure your project is actually allowed to make sound (Windows or Mac audio mixer). Dec 19, 2023 · The problem is, after calling . I would like the user to only hear the whistle as it gets close to them, then progressively louder until the explosion when it collides. Jan 28, 2021 · I’m working on a game for Global GameJam 2021. I’m trying to get sound volume to fall off over distance and it doesn’t work with 2D Spatial Blend. 0a9 Not reproducible with: 2019. But, the sound is not played. Looking it up all the answers are to set the Spatial Blend to 3D. In the Audio Source component, there is a Aug 14, 2020 · I’m learning by building a 1st person multiplayer experience (wouldn’t call it a game in Unity version 2019. I have tried making the range of the audio source and changed its roll-off, nothing changes, the should it plays is audible at 100% Jun 12, 2021 · Start by dragging an audio clip onto the camera in your existing scene. Log(“Paused”) is showing up, I’d make sure that the audio source is configured so that the mindistance and maxdistance are high numbers to avoid being unable to hear it. 6000. When I click it it just goes to the next scene and when I comment out Nov 7, 2016 · I'm trying to make my sound effects work as in 3D environment in a 2D platformer game. I thought this engine had 3d sound where i could here the object coming and leaving. No matter what settings I choose (Obviously doing something wrong) I can’t get it to stop play the sound at a certain distance. Jul 30, 2015 · I apologize in advance if this has been asked and resolved already, But I was unable to find an answer during my search. 16f1, i discovered that the 3d sound (spatial) is not working on Unity 2021. Let's call it "AudioHolder" then find it an play the audio. Then I go into the game, and the jump animation plays, but I have no sound :(here is a screenshot of the Unity editor: Nov 27, 2010 · Hello, when I call PlayOneShot() pretty often, sometimes it doesn't play the sound. If I add an AudioSource in a different scene it works. I’ve added an AkAmbient component to my Fireball Game Object and added my AkBank to my WwiseGlobal Game Object. 1 and I don't remember experiencing the problem in the older Unity, whereas Unity 3. Tested on Chrome and Opera GX. Notes: - The expected result can be seen in Play Mode Browse all audio options on the Unity Asset Store. ogg sound file of a fire burning. 3D. I'd start debugging. You can also enter a value from 0 to 1, with 1 for full 3D. v. Also, you can configure the sound so that it isn’t a 3D sound, which would make it able to ignore distance from audio source. Maybe if I make the player instead play the "fire" audio, it will fix, and MAYBE the sound will not sound that bad, I will try to do this and come here to say if it works or not Jul 25, 2014 · Hi! I am using the SDK in Unity with C#. Sound not working with certain audio sources or components; 5. Play() the audio component does not play. The slider is two entries above the 3D Sound Settings collapsible section (in my version of Unity). I have experimented with priority and set the rain to top priority, but that didn’t work. I have tried setting it up as both a 2d and 3d sound source, but neither work. It doesn’t matter where the audiosource is in the scene, the sound is the same, no 3d sound Didn’t there used to be a 3d sound setting or something on… Jun 4, 2017 · Hello I have been trying for the past week but I cannot seem to get 3D sound to work. May 25, 2022 · Expected result: The sound can be heard changing from side to side Actual result: The sound is played from the center and its direction doesn't change. Thank you. This is obviously unrealistic as there would still be sound being picked up the the right ear. Setting to either 2d or 3d changes nothing. Apr 19, 2015 · I didn’t set the “output” on the audio source. wav) only in the scene, last unity version, but in play mode, audio cannot be listened, laptop audio is fine, but not at unity. When I add a ‘audio source’ to the my player it works fine. If sound is not playing correctly Feb 9, 2025 · I do not know why the sound is in 2d for the refrigerator and birds it defiantly wasn’t 2d before I uploaded it in Unity play and I made sure it was still in 3d in my project which it still is, not sure why my project in Unity play is not. I have the max distance set to 30 with Oct 20, 2015 · Place your GameObject that has the AudioSource component where you want your sound to come from and then adjust the “Spatial Blend” parameter on the AudioSource component to make it sound 3D. 1: 1104: Feb 8, 2020 · I want the sound of a telephone ringing to get louder the closer you are to the object and quieter the further away you are until you can no longer hear the noise. 11f1. GameObject obj = GameObject. I put it inside other file near the cam and worked. I attached a ‘audio listener’ to my player. But I have no idea if it Mar 3, 2016 · Evening! Trying to get something to work: Got an isometric, top-down environment, and would like to use some 3d sound (sphere sources) for when the camera is looking at particular objects. I have a BoxCollider2D which You can make the Audio Source be heard at a longer distance by changing the min/max distance properties in the 3D Sound Settings in your Inspector. Simple oversight, but hard to track down in your code. Jul 14, 2021 · My 3d sound wasn't working despite having Spatial Blend = 1 on my AudioSource and it working previously, I did this: A bit of a pain to diagnose this because my AudioSource settings were correct, and AudioListener was positioned correctly, think this is a bug. Jul 28, 2011 · I am having a serious issue with audio sources. Can anyone please help? I would appreciate it a Feb 3, 2020 · Unity’s audio system imports most standard audio file formats. 3 version): Unity Issue Tracker - On WebGL Player spatial audio (3D Sound Settings) does not change direction from where the sound is played If the audio source is the videoplayer: 3d sound is not supported. I can see in a debug message that the script is correctly finding the audio source and loading a I'm learning by building a 1st person multiplayer experience (wouldn't call it a game :) in Unity version 2019. ” - Unity 3D pan not working · Issue #112 · enzienaudio/heavy · GitHub “That stuff has already happened when the sound reaches your audio filter. Even in new install of Unity 5. I can get the sound to play when I choose Trigger On: Start, when I hit play, but I can’t get the sound to play AkTriggerEnter when the fireball hits an enemy. 8f); Note: Remove the new AudioSource audio; and rename audio to something else. If I put "this. When I do that I get no sound whatsoever. 1. it is about a 15 second clip of a dog whistle that I am using as a bomb whistle for an incoming projectile (the clip is attached to the projectile). 8 seems to deliver realistic balance however this then means Nov 16, 2007 · This format is best for medium length sound effects and music. 1f1 and new project. The clips preview fine in the Inspector. I have an audio source on an object that should play on wake and a listener attached to the headset, I thought this would allow it so that if the user is looking to the right of the object, the sound would be louder Oct 27, 2017 · Hi I don’t know why 3d sound not working. Jan 5, 2011 · Can anyone please point me to a detailed description of what “Spread” and “Pan” do on a 3D AudioSource in Unity? The AudioSource documentation is very terse on this question: Pan Level Sets how much the 3d engine has an effect on the audio source. I also have a May 16, 2020 · Hi, im using Unity 2019. Know of any trick or asset that could help? Thanks! Jul 29, 2012 · Hey guys basically I have this menu with a background sound playing and when I click a button I want it to play a sound effect and its isnt it seems to just be ignoring that line of code. So if you move the main camera closer to the AudioSource, you should hear something on both sides. I’ve imported the sound into Unity. It runs fine when testing the project in the Unity Editor. Hopefully there will be a fix for this someday… It seems that other devs only have issues with spatial audio on VideoPlayer objects, but not on other audio sources… I have this issue with the 3D audio on the Jun 11, 2020 · Not sure if this is a VR issue or not, but I can’t seem to get a sound clip to play in my project. Here is a screenshot of the current settings, but I have tweaked most of them. Aldonaletto’s point of making sure that the sound was not checked as a 3d sound resolved my issue. Not setting an output will send the sound directly to the listener. Audio settings for unity and project settings are on. All other instances of audio. Specifically, Unity does not serialize values in private fields unless explicitly instructed. 21f1 (because my build for WebGL needs video and its the latest version that supports video for WebGL), and for my videos I have an audio source connected, and i have a custom volume rolloff, and a max distance setup. 4f1, 2021. (since that is not where the issue is) Mar 20, 2022 · Hello, Because i want to move from Unity 2019. The problem is that when I set Spatial Blend option to 3D on my sound effects it gets really quiet but if I keep it on 2D it will play at the same volume through-out the entire room. Dec 16, 2015 · I'm trying to play a sound, but it's not playing. GetComponent<AudioSource>(); aud. Play(), working with an Audio Listener. It’s the audio source attached to the camera that isn’t behaving when the program is built. Both Mono and Stereo sounds can be played in 3D. Nov 14, 2022 · You probably need to drag the Spatial Blend on your Audio Source component to 3D = 1; if it is set to 2D (Spatial Blend = 0) the sound will play “globally”, i. iirr scfjc qhjr gdfej cqlv bsditco tqwu tay buwjegy klyl awv nla dcalz qxienn ufbea