Uipath dynamic array 2 KB) Sep 11, 2018 · Hello @Mr_JDavey. 11,44. pdf, C:\Test\Type1-20220413 Jun 17, 2024 · dynamic selector do support string or int32 variables. An array is a variable containing multiple Jan 17, 2019 · This video explains about how to create a dynamic arrays using list type objects in uipath. Please guide me how I can fix this. Iterate the array variable arrweak with for each loop activity. Now, I want to convert the json array into a datatable to write it into a excel sheet. Jul 29, 2019 · Arrays are specially optimised for arithmetic computations so if you’re going to perform similar operations you should consider using an array instead of a list. ToString. 161 Community editionのユーザです。 1.やりたいこと DataRow変数dr_workを別のDataRow変数dr_work1にコピーしたい。 2.悩んでいること デバッグ実行時に、DataRow変数dr_workに下記の値があることを確認したうえで、 DataRow { HasErrors=false, ItemArray=object[4] { "常陸太田市", "ひたちおおた Feb 21, 2023 · In UiPath, both Lists and Arrays need to be initialized before they can be used, but they use different methods for initialization. IO. → Use the click activity and indicate on drop-down button to show the list of options. Scenario 2: if more than one client. pdf, C:\Test\Type2-20220411. Feb 1, 2018 · How to work with a dynamic array---UiPath(RPA) If you want to work with a collection that doesn't have a fixed number of elements, you can use a list instead of an array. Companyname = {“x”,“y”,“z”} When I try to do it by a loop: Dec 25, 2021 · Use your dynamic array and assign to string array. This approach allows easy access to individual elements within the array for further processing in workflows. dinh. So the desired structure look like this: “key1”: “sample string”, Nov 18, 2024 · The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. I am having an issue here and i don’t know how to go about it. xaml (6. docs. The letters QFP has to be side by side not found individually along the numerous filter strings. Apr 19, 2018 · Hi All, I am trying to deserialize json-array which is an output of 1 RESP-API call that I have made through HTTP-request. Any help me . My bot processing time is very bad Oct 17, 2023 · Hello All, I am displaying a form which has a dynamic dropdown menu. Each Folder is named with the ‘Account Number’ and the pdf’s start with that ‘Account Number’. ToList() List to Array: yourArray = yourList. strList. I then used Assign activity. Select(“EmpID=123”)dynamic Mar 22, 2019 · Creating different variables is not an option in my case as the data is coming from excel sheet and the variables are the column name of the excel sheet and hence is dynamic. zip (2. May 12, 2021 · I' using a "Do Each" loop that provides an "item" of type string for my "IF" condition. When I type this name a drop-down list appears. This means that you can create an array of numbers, one of strings, May 8, 2024 · Hi , I need a help in creating json array from scratch using assign activity and pass that jarray value to a json object. Already tried with Replace, Split options in UI path and I am not able to remove Line break from the data. Aug 13, 2021 · Hi all, I have a dynamic JSON file and that file i want to parse but facing the issue. I attach picture below . Try-Catch for Case Processing: Sep 30, 2021 · Is it possible to pass something like {“Button1”,“Button2”,“Button3”} and have the form create buttons for them at runtime? So we could then add “Button4” to the array (via argument/parameter) and next time we run it the form will have 4 buttons? Apr 20, 2023 · Greetings! I have a dynamic variable {{Name}} in selector. Thanks Latika Sep 2, 2018 · Refer below link to create Array. I have an empty field where I can type some short text, let’s say it’s a company name. Input : Array 1: Filenames list. If the element exists i need to check if the variable has more than one value if it does i need to use a if statement. txt (879 Bytes) May 10, 2021 · Actually what i need to do is let say i have five stings. Jun 13, 2020 · Hi All, Need your support to solve the below query. json (725 Bytes) Hi, I have tried and tried to get the selector working for a dropdown in assignment 2, but UiPath just won’t recognise it!! It’s probably something really simple, but I’m really struggling at the moment so any help would be greatly appreciated. For example, one day I can have 5 pairs of 3 values to add to “key3”, the next day I need to add 15 pairs. Feb 7, 2022 · Given an array “A”, your task is to find the sum of the elements in the array. I have example of the String Array, that value is {“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”} I want to get the May 7, 2021 · How can I achieve a dynamic filteroptions for Filter Table? I want to activate any filters containing the letters “QFP” only. Sep 18, 2023 · Yes, I am building the JSON from scratch, but my only issue is when I try to add the array formed with 3 values to “key3”, because I can have multiple arrays that I would need to add. In the source use Path. Sep 7, 2023 · I would like to append to an array in my process, but I would like the array to be empty to start with - not sure how to do this as I am getting an error: Aug 28, 2019 · —in the array row property mention this array or pass this array variable as input — Then change the type argument as string Make sure that we have same number of columns in the datatable as we have in the array (n. If you want to create dynamic columns in datatable using array of string then use generate datatable activity with input as string. So, creating 50 variables looks vague. if you need to read the cell alone then you can read it as a string using “Read Cell Activity” then split it using Comma(,). The value it is looking for the default value Kitty. Jan 25, 2023 · Array has a fixed size, meaning that if you create an array containing 3 elements, you can’t add more than 3 or reduce it’s size. I have a dynamic array with a dynamic number of items in it. Aug 12, 2020 · I tried to make it into a big For each loop for each datarow and another for each for array inside to get the array for each row, and doesnt seem to work too… Help please anybody Related topics. xaml’. 3 KB) Feb 26, 2025 · The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. net code, I found Initial declaration: Dim stArray() As Integer Resizing: ReDim stArray(1) To keep Nov 6, 2019 · —once after getting the array variable use a FOR EACH activity and pass the above array variable as input and change the type argument as string in the property panel —inside the loop use a IF condition like this item. GetFiles (file path) as array of string. In the project attached, it concerns ‘System1_UploadYearlyReport. based on the match. Best regards, Oct 19, 2020 · As a workaround you can convert an array to list, add as many items as you need and then eventually convert it back to the Array. Nov 18, 2020 · Hi all, I am currently stuck on a problem: An array comes in and there are 2 values in it. With help of List. -Amit. I want to loop through X number of items at the time but i am not sure about it. 5: 324: May 29, 2023 Help for filling an empty Apr 19, 2017 · Hi, I am creating an array of string and have to add selective items (out of total items) in it. Feb 1, 2018 · 4. Array to list: yourList = yourArray. Sep 9, 2022 · First of all, you will have to define an empty array in UiPath. If you try to add elements beyond its predefined size using methods like Concat, you’ll create a new array with the combined elements, but not directly modify the original array. Let me explain with the code snippet below: I have a JSON object jsonConfig which holds the values of JSON file. Taking size as count of total items would obviously leave empty elements in array which is not required. Which activity should i use and what condition should i write ? Jan 16, 2020 · This array is dynamic. Iterate through the original array and add each element to the sorted array,using the following rules: If the element starts with a number, add it to the sorted array in ascending order. However take also note about the surrounsinf brackets {{myVar}} docs. Oct 26, 2020 · I have a list coming from a google sheet that i want to be able to edit as needed, which the bot can use to dynamically populate a list of select box options with UiPath Forms Activity. How do I initialize this array as a Dynamic 1-dimensional array of strings. Need to Pass the array of string value and it will convert to the data table Refer the Xaml file below ArrayToDataTable. I formatted the data in txt file as following: “ProductCategory,ProductCode,InitialExpense,RenewalExpense A,0,162. 6 KB) UiPath Community Forum Dec 11, 2024 · Flowchart Design in UiPath: Create a List of Cases (or use an array): Even though you’re not using DataTables, you can use a List(Of String) to hold the cases that need to be processed. 5. tostring} and keep the newly created datatable Sep 2, 2021 · Hello, I need your help for my obstacle. Example: fileName = “This is a string with Jun 15, 2024 · Array: An array in UiPath has a fixed size, meaning you must specify how many elements it will hold when you create it. take Dec 3, 2018 · I would need to create a datarow for a predefined datatable everytime i loop into an array. filelist { C:\Test\Type1-20220410. Thanks & Regards Kabeer Ahamed B Oct 31, 2018 · Hi All: I have a requirement as below: I want to put “a”, “b”, “c” to a Array of string D, the result is D={“a”, “b”, “c”}, I set the D=string, and used “assign” and loop to put the string, but I failed. So, I need a dynamic path like ( "C:\Users\Jack" + companyname ) in which there are 15 companynames as an array of string. On searching vb. Hence I cannot form a json string and just pass values to it. The robot asks if you want to continue adding new elements (using Message Box activity). The drop-down list consists of more than two identical records (literally you get several options which have absolutely the May 3, 2023 · I believe the array you have is the file names array…can you let us know where the files are and what are the extensions of it? Ideally you can do like this. DateTime Array = Dynamic Schedule of Bot. 🔥 Subscribe for uipath tutorial videos: Dynamic array, yes it is possible to create the dynamic array in uipath. Maybe a List is better for your purpose. Depending on the typed text there may be three cases: The drop-down list consists of one record which is the company name. But my concern is I don’t want to store the string in a variable. NewRow() Count=1 dataRow1 = dt. its size may change in future How can i read the array size in one of the invoke workflow function and loop through it. In the folders, there’s 4 files that will always be named the same and there potentially could be more that are dynamic. However, for more dynamic scenarios where the number of elements can change, a List might be more appropriate. List has a dynamic size, meaning that if you create a list containing 3 elements, you can at all time add more elements or reduce the size of the list. Sample - “defaultref”:[ { “Type”:“A”, “Subsidy”:{ “ID”… Jul 5, 2023 · Hi @Karan_Chauhan. The array variable is a type of variable which enables you to store multiple values of the same type. new string(){} Another suggestion is to use collection variable. Read your Excel file to get tha data and store value in the data-table variable dt_Values. Please find as attached my xaml file. NewLine) to create an array of lines (strArrayText). If you are reading it as datatable, then in for each row of the datatable you can do the same as May 11, 2020 · Ok, here it goes. xaml (11. 11,0 B,1000,0,0 C,2020,0,13. Use Add data column Assign column name as item. Using the Assign activity, Use Append Method. DT1: Name | City Unknown | Liverpool Unknown | Aberdeen DT2: Name | City John | East London, Liverpool, Manchester Kay | Edinburgh, Aberdeen Unknown | Southampton, West London DT1 should hold refined data whereas DT2 is an untidy extract. uipath. the problem is that the columns of this table change places when we fill a precise field which is called “amount”, if not the table is correctly displayed. 161 Community editionのユーザです。 1.やりたいこと DataRow変数dr_workを別のDataRow変数dr_work1にコピーしたい。 2.悩んでいること デバッグ実行時に、DataRow変数dr_workに下記の値があることを確認したうえで、 DataRow { HasErrors=false, ItemArray=object[4] { "常陸太田市", "ひたちおおた Mar 13, 2018 · Hi, Thank you @MAHESH1 and @Dominic for your inputs at the earliest. So for example: Array 1: [“1A”,“2A”] But since the arrays can be dynamic, they can hold a maximum of 4 values so Array 2 may look something like: [“1A”,“2A”,“3A”]. Example of Using an Sep 20, 2023 · Hello, I am trying to build a JSON, but the main issue is with the JSON array structure. Feb 17, 2020 · Create a ArrayList by for addtion or removing item dynamically, and use ToArray method to use as a array when you need. Or Any method to pass the array of sting value for multi selection purpose. Oct 26, 2019 · Hello I am working on one task on Automation which are as below Read all text file from folder in Loop - completed dynamically extract data from each file based on few keyword stored in Array - Facing Challenges and load in extracted value in Table/Excel - am aware of this process Currently facing challenges on Task 2 I have array of 5 element code “A123” “B234” “C345” “D567 Sep 9, 2020 · the size of an Array is actually declared at creation (in UiPath). Studio. How to read only file name? I have used assign function using System. xaml (44. item is one of these strings from this string array : {"Test01"," 3 days ago · こんばんは UiPath Studio 2025. Mar 18, 2019 · Hey, I am trying to retrieve a dynamic json array response from any api url. Mar 13, 2018 · Hi, Thank you @MAHESH1 and @Dominic for your inputs at the earliest. So, you want to create an array in an array? Because a standard array just support one data type. I am not able to see any option to read array of string without extension. contains in condition , but and in cases I can pass expected strings but I am unable to write complete condition and how to Mar 19, 2019 · array_int = new integer(2){1,2} If you want to add dynamic N number of value then go to list refer below link. Oct 28, 2019 · Hello Using New Sr. You could also use the Add to Collection activity. One of the dynamic array are getting the data match with excel file. Assign: out_myArray = new string(){} /* Making it dynamic */ Assign: out_myArray(0) = “Test1” this second line already Jul 16, 2021 · Hi , Create a data table using built datatable with columns Company and Bank, Use For each row to loop the excel datatable and use add data row activity with {row(0). May 22, 2019 · re-assigning the array again with - Assign Array = {var a, var b } is a mandate or else the code won’t go back and check what your assignment was previously unless you loop it. 40943709” How do I turn that into a dynamic datatable in UiPath? I’ve tried using “Add Data Row”, but that only add all data Mar 21, 2023 · UiPath Community Forum Array of Varying Size. Count = 250. studio, question, designer_canvas. I tried path. I am not sure how to make it work. Regards ANJSON1. I have a reference type array and a list of filenames , i need to create a new array of just the file names of the type. Jul 10, 2024 · Hi Community, I am ne RPA dev, need help1 I have data in notepad, and I need to check if that data contains some strings, if it’s it is 1 or 2 I can use if else but there are many such strings I need to check 1 by 1 So better to go for switch case I can use string. Apr 9, 2019 · System1_UploadYearlyReport. In variables section I assigned default value to Name as “Kitty” I have an array namesArray = {“Mitten”, “Jasper”} For each Name in namesArray I am clicking on the element using Dynamic selector. . Yeah, I need {“abc”,“cde”,fgh"} this value in the the place of system. com Nov 25, 2024 · Hey Everyone, I’m trying to combine PDF’s in a specific order in a folder and there are 100’s of folders. There does not appear to be an easy The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. Folder: 987612 (Acount Number) 987612. the bot will do the Type Into activity on the same row as the matching data row. A decision is taken (using a Flow Decision activity): if the answer to the previous step was Yes, the workflow will return to step 2. join(",",Yourarray) and specify column separator as comma and check add headers or first line as header Jan 9, 2019 · Once the loop tries to grab the next UiElement in the collection, UiPath errors and gives me an exception due to not being able to find UiElement “Row -1”. I thought dynamic array existed, but why am I getting an error: Index was outside the bounds of the array? I have out argument out_myArray of type string. Jun 25, 2024 · Hi @thao. This means that you can create an array of numbers, one of strings, one of boolean values and so on. Help. see file: Uipath binders maken facturen (test2). Attaching the both JSON files for the reference. UiPath Studio supports as many types of arrays as it does types of variables. Perform the same using 2 different methods: Part 1: Get the size of the array, get the array elements by using an input dialog activity, and perform the sum operation. txt (510 Bytes) JSON2. I know the count of total items but not the exact items to be added in array. I want to see if it contains a string from an array called arrayOfStrings and if so grab the corresponding string from the array either by using IndexOf or creating a variable with the string in it. combine("Folderpath", currentitem + "extensionoffile") Aug 10, 2022 · I have created a variable containing string values in the selector of the activity element exists. You can assign the Arr_Variable(Index) to a variable and then use this variable for the dynamic selector. toArray() function we can create a array type i Aug 4, 2020 · I am looking how can I form this json format dynamically. SO the conclusion is - Yes, it is possible to get the result of “Writeline array(0)=”“ABC” only if you reassign the array -Check this out → Main. UiPath Studio Array Variables. Part 2: Get a number “N” and find the sum of the first “N” elements from the array. And also some of the sheets have like 50 columns. 8: 1818: June 2, 2022 May 3, 2018 · Hello. Oct 24, 2019 · @shreyaank,. In the sense the number of array items are going to be different for each Transaction. Once created, you cannot change this size. How do I make the json string form 4 array items for key4 and 3 array items for key5 say example in an Transaction and the next time maybe Oct 23, 2018 · Hello every body, I have a little problem with a process, the scenario of the robot is to fill empty fields of an application from an Excel file and after displaying them in an array of this application. If the Select item activity not works. Regards. and I need this in a single string variable. As you see in the picture, my drop down reads complete path. However, via business requirements, an can have up to 4 values. Matches I am able to pass all sets of 15 keyword one by one to search Bot read to #n number PDF and Extract required information like PAGENO, Start position of Kewword, Kewword+10charector(Start positonn where keyword is found). The confusion might come from the fact that in UiPath Studio, you can define an array using default literal notation like: {"element1", "element2", "element3"}, directly within an Assign activity. Find here everything you need to guide you in your automation journey in the UiPath ecosystem, from complex installation guides to quick tutorials, to practical business examples and automation best practices. Salesforce. Value of type ‘System Jun 28, 2018 · To initialize string array, use the below syntax. I have create the form and i need to pass the array of string value to the form activity in the select box component for multi selection option. → Then use the for each UI element activity and indicate on first element after you indicated on first element it automatically extracts all the options in the drop-down. Scenario1: If there is only one client. Thanks ! Sep 9, 2022 · First of all, you will have to define an empty array in UiPath. Have a look in Academy course “Variables, Data Types and Control Flow - Lesson 3 - Data Types”. As the initial date, it would be the current date, which I already have in a variable: And this would be the final date: I’ve been reviewing some videos and tutorials, but I can’t get what I need, since the idea of the list is to get something like: 20240101 Oct 14, 2019 · Hello, We are trying to compare the array list on the web-based application data row. What is for certain is that there is always going to be 1 Oct 25, 2023 · To sort an array in UiPath using the rules you provided, you can use the following steps: Create a new variable of type Array<String> to store the sorted array. It should help you. ToArray() Regards, Kamil Oct 20, 2020 · Hello, I’m really struggling with comparing two datatables where the second datatable holds data in comma seperated values. Dynamic array. So lest say arrayVariable. 7 KB) project. Also lists are containers for elements having differing data types but arrays are used as containers for elements of the same data type. Use move file activity inside loop and. It is not working. Directory. tostring+“,”+row(3). eg json array ; {“status”:200,“result”:[{“postcode”:“… Sep 11, 2019 · Hi, I am creating an array of string and have to add selective items (out of total items) in it. The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. Oct 25, 2023 · To sort an array in UiPath using the rules you provided, you can use the following steps: Create a new variable of type Array<String> to store the sorted array. I need to be able to compare 3 days ago · The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. Read the data one by one using For each row in the data table Using the Assign activity, Use Append Method. Kindly note: Screenshots are done within the immediate panel also available at your end, which is the first stop tool for prototyping JSON retrievals. pdf, C:\Test\Type3-20220412. Thanks for the quick answer. Use For each loop to each and every column value mentioned in the string array dynamically one by one. For Each Case: You’ll loop through each case in the list using a For Each activity. Here is my situation - I have 2 dynamic array web selector. I am not sure if this is a bug or if there is a reason the loop is trying to grab “Row -1” when running normally but then correctly grabbing “Row 1” and then “Row 2” when Mar 20, 2019 · Couple it with a refresh macro and you can have a dynamic web data connection using UiPath Convert Dynamic JsonArray into Datatable Help If you are more comfortable using Excel - you can have excel deserialise the json array file into the table format you need, you just need to set up the excel workbook with a data connection to the json file. NewRow() and goes on… Appreciate any help on this Sep 12, 2018 · Hi All, Dynamic array to DataTable. Rowdata(array) has the data in the sequence to be filled in web form. I have a string called fileName which is dynamic. Take a If condition and write like CurrentItem = “Ice” in then block take an assign activity create a string variable. I have tried using the New List(Of String()) method but I get the following error: “ERROR Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “New list(of String())”. Run the BOT and your excel data will be stored in the array dynamically. here is my array Array1 = {“BaNumber1 May 10, 2017 · UiPath Community Forum You can try Add data row activity and in the array row property you can can we make (DataRow dr= Dt. i am trying to merge some pdf files. ToArray() mentioned in the OPTIONS property Mar 13, 2024 · Jack here the challange is my selector is not showing in child tag it is a text we should pass the array(0) In the properties if we click on the target in the text option i can find my selector with text there only i cann pass that selector value i didn’t find any where in the strict or fuzzy panel in the uiexplorer Apr 24, 2023 · @_pjflo. Something like below when count =0 dataRow = dt. txt file. I am trying to access the nested JSON as below: jsonConfig Jul 13, 2024 · Using arrays in UiPath can simplify the process of handling multiple items, such as processing a list of transactions or storing a collection of user inputs. Add(extractedValue); Feb 26, 2025 · To exemplify how you can work with array variables, we are going to create an automation that asks the user for his first and last name and age, stores the information in an array and then writes it in a . pdf Aug 21, 2020 · Hello, thank in advance for the assistance. May 24, 2017 · Below is the Data which we get from Dynamic CSV as a sample: 6200 W PARKER RD PLANO, TX 75093-8185. Contains(“text 1234”) Jan 9, 2024 · I need to create a list of dates, from a start date to an end date and store them in a variable, to later be used in any sequence. 11322602 D,2112,162. tostring and assign empty data table (use data table variable assign default value new Data table so it creates empty data table) Feb 26, 2025 · The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. Many The array variable is a type of variable which enables you to store multiple values of the same type. com Studio - Dynamic Selectors. Create a new sequence. toArray() function we can create a array type i Sep 13, 2022 · Let us know what is missing, when fetching dynamic all ids as done above. Aug 14, 2017 · The problem is that I am repeating this action 15 times in which I have to create new files for the copied data coming from above function. Dec 30, 2019 · Hi we can mention that input alone in the property OPTIONS as a variable of type array –in the beginning of the workflow we would have used the input dialog box to get the input from user and save them in a string variable named str_input with listvariable. Declare arry List strList = new List(); after getting the data from PDF you can get put this value one by using. However, this json-array is dynamic: “primaryAddress”: { “streetAddress”: { “line1”: “Techno… Jan 6, 2023 · i am trying to segregate a list of file names based on the file substring. So whenever i get a new string i need to traverse to that array, then in that array i need to insert that particular string. Jan 22, 2024 · UiPath Community Forum Dynamic Schedule. Abhash Bhardwaj Jul 26, 2017 · Hi, In java the command is: int ar=new int[10]; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { ar[i]=i; } How do we do this in UiPath? To state in points: How do we define size of the array- type String, Integer and Generic Value? How do we add elements to the array one at a time inside a loop? Thanking you in anticipation. And for the pdf merge activity i need a array i think. I want to have a for each that loops through the first 50 for example, and i am using arrayVariable. Oct 14, 2021 · I have a nested json that looks like below: I am trying to access the value inside the JSON array “OU”, by passing dynamic values to the datatable, such that I get the value as OU1, OU2 or so based on the value I pass. Mar 30, 2024 · Use UiPath’s PDF activities to read the PDF content and assign it to a string variable (strText). Dec 5, 2019 · Hello Forum! I want to put some information that I am reading off an Excel Workbook into a 1-dimensional array of strings. If anyone can make a small demo using this file would be more helpful. Then from there, using that variable as a dynamic variable in my replace activity. My Issue is, that there are more than 100 pdf to be read, each PDF has more than 3000 Pages. 0. tostring,row(1). For additional details, refer to the UiPath JSON Array Guide. I can manage the list dynamically via a dropdown list but i need the user to be able to select multiple options, so i need to use the select boxes options of UiPath Forms. A List expands as you add new items to it. tostring+“,”+row(2). string Jul 9, 2019 · I want to initialize an array and store data, but I don’t wanna specify the length. Thanks, … Hi, I have declared array in orchestrator as text type like x,y,z. This is a The UiPath Documentation Portal - the home of all our valuable information. Then for each of those five strings one by one i need to insert the strings to the subsequent array in the collection. Oct 29, 2024 · Use Deserialize JSON Array activity to convert this string into a JArray object, enabling structured data manipulation. Use Split(strText, Environment. Currently am doing the same as suggested by you. Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum May 12, 2021 · I' using a "Do Each" loop that provides an "item" of type string for my "IF" condition. GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AssignedPath) but this also Jul 21, 2017 · Hi, I’m new to UiPath and I was trying to do a prototype to scrap data into Excel table. Feb 18, 2022 · I want to select first item in list item HTML with dynamic array . So which activity should i use? I want to check if the D={“a”,“b”,“c"} includes the “a”, which function should I use? Sorry for I’m new beginner Jan 17, 2019 · This video explains about how to create a dynamic arrays using list type objects in uipath. The response is saved in the answer variable. Value passing in jarray is dynamic. StreamReader , Regex. lott eugr bxsw bnya baijrv mhj polee mtp rla cvpx ormk fnasx zekos xjwxu oix