Thunderbird newsletter addon You can archive one or more emails, along with their attachments, to a Contact, Lead, Account, Opportunity, or Project. Jun 10, 2024 · RT Archive Emails to Sugar & SuiteCRM 2. Using Thunderbird and its Add-ons for productivity? Now that’s how you take your workflow to the next level. 6 days ago · Welcome to Thunderbird Add-ons. Feb 9, 2010 · Donnervogel: Die 10 besten Erweiterungen für Thunderbird Add-Ons für Mozilla Thunderbird. I have many e-mail accounts (15) but I want a clean and compact interface, with only one inbox, one sent items, etc. Mar 31, 2021 · Version 1. 3 days ago · I was unlucky to try it just when my Thunderbird was updated to v. *Hover over subject to see even more preview in a tooltip. Allow you to use HTML files as templates for mail. Zunächst benötigen wir die Erweiterung Mail Merge, die wir bequem in der Oberfläche von Thunderbird installieren können, gehe dazu zunächst im Hauptmenü auf Add-Ons: Nov 29, 2024 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). Rated 4 out of 5 stars (558) 24,065 users Thunderbird is the leading free and open-source email, calendaring, newsfeed, and chat client with more than 20 million active monthly users across Windows, macOS, and Linux. Where do I get add-ons? Most Thunderbird add-ons are distributed via the Thunderbird add-ons site (although authors can distribute their add-ons any way they choose). Feb 4, 2025 · Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features! Thunderbird Monthly releases are now the default download. we will walk you through the process of integrating your Google Calendar with Thunderbird. reply_header_xxx)<br> Therefore, I promise return to completely original when you uninstalled this add-on. 6 by Signal Spam, VERIFROM. 9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 76. Nov 12, 2024 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). Thunderbird zählt schon von Haus aus zu den besten E-Mail-Clients. Houd er rekening mee dat deze add-on verouderde technologie gebruikt, die de add-on toegang tot alle browserfuncties geeft zonder om uw toestemming te vragen. If you are concerned about the security of your emails while using Thunderbird, this list of security addons for Thunderbird should give you peace of mind. Thunderbird is an email program for all popular platforms, such as Windows, Linux, and Mac. 6 Released Aug. Feb 5, 2025 · -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". Jun 6, 2010 · Knowledge base: This add-on do not change the default config settings. Add simple functions to report spams or phishing to Signal Spam by one click. Aggiungi nuove funzionalità e stili per rendere Thunderbird veramente tuo. Extension to mimic Outlook Express Stationery. Apr 7, 2014 · Mozilla Thunderbird is one of the best email clients you can install on your devices. It includes an integrated calendar and allows you to tag emails to make them easier to find. This addon provides a toolbar button for toggling between the "All" and "Favorite" views in the folderpane. In the address book, use alt+v, or F10, to make the menu appear, go to View|Toolbars in that menu and enable both the toolbar and the menu bar. Mit der F4-Taste oder über einen Toolbar-Button kann die Leiste ein- und ausgeblendet werden. Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features! Join our Newsletter Learn What’s Next. Turns out that even if you use the unified folders options, Thunderbird still lists all of your accounts in the left bar because it can't hide the special folders each account has (the non Einige Add-ons bitten um Berechtigungen, um gewisse Funktionen zu erfüllen (ein Add-on zur Tab-Verwaltung bittet beispielsweise um Zugriff auf das Tab-System Ihres Browsers). Rated 4 out of 5 stars (83) Thunderbird is a gift from people like you. 15 or later; Linux: GTK+ 3. Permette di visualizzare le e-mail sotto forma di conversazioni, inclusi tooltip dei contatti, anteprime degli allegati, risposta (in linea) rapida, integrazione con altre estensioni e molto altro. , sondern auch viele praktische Erweiterungen. You can now cancel your newsletter subscriptions in the user interface directly, as long as the newsletter mailer supports this function. com and service. g. This video shows how you can easily create filters in Thunderbird to filter your emails. Close Feb 5, 2025 · -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". thunderbird. Then configure a shortcut to open the Mail Merge Dialog in the compose window, e. 1, 2023 32. Möchte man kleinere Newsletter verschicken, kann man dies auch mit der freien Software Mozilla Thunderbird und dem AddOn Mail Merge bewerkstelligen. 0 Requires Restart by Arivald. Chiudi Mar 6, 2025 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). 6 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68. In an ideal world, all the add-ons you would want are officially vetted, approved, and can be found on the official website, addons. A revival of the popular Markdown-Here addon for Thunderbird. , mailnews. Rated 5 out of 5 stars (206) 45,940 users Thunderbird Conversations Featured This addon provides a conversation view for Thunderbird, grouping messages together and allowing you to reply "inline" thus providing a more efficient workflow. For more on all the new features in Thunderbird 128, see What’s New in Thunderbird 128. Contacts Sidebar Die Erweiterung Contacts Sidebar integriert das Adressbuch in die linke Sidebar und macht es so leichter zugänglich. Cette extension vous sert sur un plateau une vue en conversation pour Thunderbird, avec les infobulles des contacts, des vignettes pour les fichiers joints, la réponse rapide, l'intégration avec les autres modules, et bien d'autres astuces encore. *Enlarge the subject column to display more text of the preview. Einige Add-ons bitten um Berechtigungen, um gewisse Funktionen zu erfüllen (ein Add-on zur Tab-Verwaltung bittet beispielsweise um Zugriff auf das Tab-System Ihres Browsers). Aug 29, 2017 · That is still there in my address book. Aug 1, 2023 · Version 0. Unfortunately, anyone who wants to send a newsletter with Thunderbird will have little luck. Die Empfängerliste erstellen. Nov 2, 2024 · Einige Add-ons bitten um Berechtigungen, um gewisse Funktionen zu erfüllen (ein Add-on zur Tab-Verwaltung bittet beispielsweise um Zugriff auf das Tab-System Ihres Browsers). Close Apr 29, 2024 · -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". Gerade auf den Artikel gestossen. Rated 4 out of 5 stars (7) 68 weekly downloads This addon provides a conversation view for Thunderbird, grouping messages together and allowing you to reply "inline" thus providing a more efficient workflow. Du kannst theoretisch externe Tools nutzen, um ein Anmeldeformular zu erstellen, die obligatorische DOI-Mail manuell versenden, einen eigenen Abmeldelink erstellen… Thunderbird にスレッドビューを追加するアドオンです。連絡先ツールチップ、添付ファイルのサムネイル、クイックリプライ、他のアドオンとの協調動作などの機能があります。 Mar 4, 2025 · Thunderbird Desktop Version 136. Intelligent document and mail summarization tool based on the artificial intelligence of InfoCodex. Since you’re in control of your Thunderbird, the choice to grant or deny these requests is yours. Learn Our Mission Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features! Jul 20, 2011 · Thunderbird-Add-ons. 0 and later Add support for Thunderbird 115. Crossing things off your to-do list means getting your time and energy back. 1 Released March 31, 2021 9. The add-on developed by the email marketing provider is based on the “List-Unsubscribe” email header that is already being implemented by Google Mail and Windows Live Hotmail to offer this kind of user Wir werden in den nachfolgenden Schritten diese Erweiterung nutzen, um Thunderbird in ein Newsletter-Versand-System zu verwandeln. Thunderbird は Outlook のようにアドレス全選択からの「一括コピー」ができません。 それを実現するためのアドオンです。 Rated 5 out of 5 stars (10) Sender-Recipient Exporter is a Thunderbird add-on that extracts sender email addresses, sender domains, and recipient email addresses from messages in the currently selected mail folder. Feb 3, 2025 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). Mar 6, 2025 · ThunderAI is a Thunderbird Addon that uses the capabilities of ChatGPT, Google Gemini or Ollama to enhance email management. 4. Jun 30, 2023 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). Torsten Kelsch sagt: Oct 2, 2024 · Extensions : List of installed extensions (add-ons adding functionality to Thunderbird). System Requirements: Details. Thousands have contributed time and money to make Thunderbird possible. The default settings will use everything between the last dot (if one is present) and the @ in the recipient address (for example user @example. Themes : List of installed themes (add-ons changing the appearance of Thunderbird). Fügen Sie Zusatzfunktionen und Stile hinzu, um sich Thunderbird zu Eigen zu machen. Markdown Here Revival is a Thunderbird extension that lets you write emails in Markdown and render them as HTML before sending. But I visited the project page on GitHub and, in the Issues section, the developer explained his reasons for the delay and uploaded a fix, which can be used to install the extension manually. Ich hätte MailMerge sonst gerne ausprobiert. This version switches the protocol used for mail-links. The data is exported as a CSV file for easy analysis. When you click "Unsubscribe" the addon analyzes the email and depending on available options shows buttons to one-click unsubscribe, open the unsubscribe link (in the built-in browser) or use the provided unsubscribe email address to compose a new email. Mimics the colors and styles found in MS Outlook. Apr 17, 2024 · This addon provides a simple way to sort incoming messages into subfolders of your inbox. Mar 8, 2025 · Sender-Recipient Exporter is a Thunderbird add-on that extracts sender email addresses, sender domains, and recipient email addresses from messages in the currently selected mail folder. 1 schein MailMerge deaktiviert zu sein. Aangezien u de controle over uw Thunderbird hebt, is de keuze om deze aanvragen toe te kennen of te weigeren aan u. (e. Nach der Installation geht es an das Erstellen der Empfängerliste für das Tool. Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customise - and it’s loaded with great features! Nov 12, 2024 · Das Mail-Programm Thunderbird bietet nicht nur eine Alternative zu Outlook und Co. Click to learn more Welcome to Thunderbird Add-ons. It enables users to define custom prompts and use additional data to analyse, write, correct, optimize their emails, assign tags and create calendar events facilitating more effective and professional communication. Display custom email headers in the mail header toolbar. Um die Add-ons-Verwaltung zu öffnen, klicken Sie zuerst auf die Menüschaltfläche und dann auf Add-ons und Themes (oder klicken Sie in der Menüleiste zuerst auf das Menü Extras und dann auf Add-ons und Themes). <br> Thunderbird and its features help you do things. This extension allows you to make visible specific headers in the toolbar, like received, date, DuckDuckGo's duck-original- headers to show the sender's email in the original format, etc. 0 | Released March 4, 2025. Many of those Add-ons are Feb 5, 2025 · -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". 0 Download Now Download Anyway Thunderbird Newsletter_September 2024. Support You can find example templates & many more on our Support Site. Jan 27, 2025 · Möglicherweise haben Sie bemerkt, dass viele Add-On-Autoren ihre Add-Ons für Firefox und Thunderbird aufgegeben haben, weil sie ihre Add-Ons nicht mehr unterstützen konnten - dies ist direkt darauf zurückzuführen, dass sie nicht versucht haben, die Benutzer in die Finanzierung der erforderlichen Arbeit einzubeziehen. Bugs in Thunderbird, bugs in Mail Merge and bugs in other add-ons may lead to unexpected and undesired results. Its code is open source and freely licensed to use, modify, and share. Diese Datenquelle bildet das Kernstück, ähnlich wie beim Serienbrief. One of Thunderbird’s biggest strengths is its vibrant, community-driven Add-ons. Allows several tweaks to the Thunderbird/Lightning calendar user interface including new selection styles and repeating event icons. Rated 4 out of 5 stars (571) See full list on makeuseof. Feb 27, 2025 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). Aug 2, 2024 · Signal Spam ne saurait, dès lors, être tenue pour responsable pour le contenu, les produits, les services, l’usage des données notamment personnelles, la publicité, les cookies, le codage informatique, ou tous autres éléments de ces sites ainsi que pour tous dommages ou pertes, avérés ou allégués, consécutifs ou en relation avec l May 2, 2023 · Thunderbird: Da Thunderbird nicht für den Newsletter-Versand ausgelegt ist, stehen dir auch keine Tools zur Verfügung, die ein DSGVO-konformes Arbeiten ermöglichen. Schritt 1: Mail Merge installieren. Archive Emails from Thunderbird to a Sugar or SuiteCRM record of your choice with RT Archive Email. com A fork of Mark Tyndall's add-on, based on David Bartlett's British Dictionary R1. Dec 17, 2009 · Kalender, Adressbuch, Verschlüsselung: es gibt viele Bereiche in denen man Mozillas Thunderbird noch verbessern könnte - und kann. Und mit den folgenden zehn Gratis-AddOns verwandeln Sie ihn in einen echten Donnervogel. Now, I can start to add more filters because of this TERRIBLE JUNK APP! Feb 5, 2025 · -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". 14 or higher Sep 4, 2024 · In this post. Create better summaries chapter-by-chapter and tag them in your preferred language. 0a1 and later Source code released under Mozilla Public License, version 2. You Nov 4, 2022 · *Show a message preview in the subject field of the message list. Jan 27, 2015 · Januar 2015 2 Kommentare Tags: AddOn, FOSS, Mail, Mail Merge, Mozilla, Newsletter, Thunderbird Für das Versenden von Newslettern gibt es spezialisierte Anwendungen. For add-ons that fall into this category, you can simply go to the Add-ons Manager tab in Thunderbird by clicking the menu button followed by Add-ons and click on the Extensions panel on the left to display the search box in the Mar 9, 2025 · Custom Headers View. Windows: Windows 10 or later; Mac: macOS 10. After using it for a week, I get SPAMMEND like hell in a mailbox that has very good protection and filtering. Dec 2, 2024 · For help and a quick start on Thunderbird 128, see Thunderbird 128 Nebula FAQ. Thunderbird isn't just free, it makes you free. Thunderbird Conversations Consigliati. Dank der Suchleiste werden Sie auch in größeren Adressbüchern schnell fündig. Nov 22, 2019 · Sie lässt sich auf bekanntem Weg über die Add-ons-Verwaltung (Extras / Add-ons) mit wenigen Mausklicks installieren. – Thunderbird tut sich imho keinen Gefallen damit, dass es ständig AddOns (also nicht nur dieses) mal eben so rauswirft, mit denen man eigentlich arbeiten möchte. Feb 18, 2025 · Thunderbird Desktop Version 136. Feb 10, 2025 · Willkommen bei den Thunderbird-Add-ons. InfoCodex DocSummarizer 1. user @example. by Jonathan Protzenko , Standard8 26,746 users Allows you to use your Exchange and Office365 email account with Thunderbird using Outlook Web Access (OWA). Jun 5, 2014 · Sommige add-ons vragen toestemming om bepaalde functies uit te voeren. Da Sie die Kontrolle über Ihren Thunderbird haben, können Sie wählen, ob Sie diese Anfragen akzeptieren oder verweigern. Rated 5 out of 5 stars (83) 164,254 users Dec 17, 2023 · The ideal case. To install the Lightning extension in Thunderbird, head over to Tools –> Add-ons and search for “Lightning” (I don’t mean to be philosophical), and install the extension. Close Jan 27, 2025 · You may have noticed many Add-on authors abandoning their Add-ons on Firefox and Thunderbird because it was not possible for them to support their Add-ons anymore - this is directly caused by not trying to involve the users in funding the required work. *'Stripe' display of message list for clearer view. 3 by Rolustech. pdf: March 2024 : Thunderbird receives top 10 ranking in global impact for faculty research and case writing Jul 29, 2018 · Stationery 1. 0. "Ctrl+Shift+S" (recommended). net. Jul 26, 2024 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). Close Benvenuto in Thunderbird Add-ons. The add-on will also alert you if you open a fraudulent e-mail (phishing). I suggest you enable the menu and the toolbar. Ab Thunderbird 68. Also allow custom template in replies or forwarded mail! Sender-Recipient Exporter is a Thunderbird add-on that extracts sender email addresses, sender domains, and recipient email addresses from messages in the currently selected mail folder. Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example Thunderbird è un’applicazione libera e gratuita per la gestione della posta elettronica, dotata di straordinarie funzioni, facile da configurare e personalizzare. 0 by Firefox user 0c106b. Welcome to Thunderbird Add-ons. As always, you’re encouraged to tell us what you think, ask for help, or file a bug in Bugzilla. Add extra features and styles to make Thunderbird your own. It is strongly recommended to use "Send Later" as "Deliver Mode" and to check the individual and personalized messages in the folder "Local Folders -> Outbox". Thunderbird List-Unsubscribe Addon This addon adds buttons to the mail-view toolbar and message list context menu that allow you to unsubscribe from mailing lists and similar bulk mailing services as long as they use the List-Unsubscribe header as defined in RFC2369. I love "Hide e-mail folders", it eliminates a little quirk of mine with Thunderbird. Denn genau wie auch für Firefox bietet die Entwicklergemeinde Sep 12, 2024 · Welcome to Thunderbird Add-ons. Willkommen bei den Thunderbird-Add-ons. 2. -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". Some of the pop-ups in the video are cropped, but I'm selecting the Apr 29, 2024 · -----Extension Shortcut Screenshot: Extension Shortcut In the Add-ons Manager click on the "Gear" / "Tools for all add-ons" button and select "Manage Extension Shortcuts". . pdf: June 2024 : Charla Griffy-Brown announced as new dean of Thunderbird View in browser: Thunderbird Newsletter_June 2024. One of Thunderbird's core principles is the use and promotion of open and decentralized standards. 19 for Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. 2 by Rob Lemley. I have used this JUNK and it claims to have deleted hundreds of newsletter subscriptions. This addon provides a conversation view for Thunderbird, grouping messages together and allowing you to reply "inline" thus providing a more efficient workflow. 1. com), however this behavior is completely customizable using regular expressions. Check out the notes below for this version of Thunderbird. 136 (which has no compatibility with the current version of the extension until this day). Dec 16, 2024 · Some add-ons ask for permission to perform certain functions (example: a tab management add-on will ask permission to access your browser’s tab system). What makes it so popular is its huge library of addons that you can install to make it a better email tool. Die Add-ons-Verwaltung enthält mehrere Abschnitte: Empfehlungen: Hier sehen Sie eine Auswahl von beliebten und von Thunderbird Dec 17, 2023 · Unable to install add-ons (extensions or themes) in Thunderbird This article describes various reasons that would cause an add-on not to be able to be installed and what you can do to fix the issue. Close Willkommen bei den Thunderbird-Add-ons. Close Nov 26, 2024 · For help and a quick start on Thunderbird 128, Add-ons adding columns to the message list could fail and cause display issue Subscribe to our newsletter and Oct 27, 2024 · Markdown Here Revival 4. Signal Spam 4. yzbq rcad dldp woazrqd wyyzgpl mjewmfp aadod skq gfvzcna ybrxo dhu nyrlxtjv trda xalr wsnhnb