Thorens td 150 vs 160 As stated on the official Thorens site, “Based on a patent from Acoustic Research, Thorens introduced the first mass-produced subchassis turntable TD 150 in 1966. Gruß. com on August 26, 2007 at 08:15:49: I can't believe what i'm reading, somebody shelling out 150$ to have a Dual 1219 refurbished. My other stuff is all idler drive with AC motors. Using a 3D CAD model the calculate the mass of the cast iron platter it TD 160 Baureihe 1972-1976, Mk II (1976-1984), Mk IV (1987-1988), MK V (1988-90er) Die TD 160 Baureihe begann ihren Siegeszug 1972 und wurde fast 30 Jahre lang in einer umfassenden Modellpalette angeboten. Jul 11, 2019 · Like the AR unit, the Thorens uses a low-speed drive motor, which puts whatever motor-induced rumble there is at an inaudible below-15Hz frequency (footnote 2). If you can't afford the 160, get the 150. Nov 4, 2021 · Le TD 160 est apparu pour la première fois en 1972 comme un successeur du TD 150. a Thorens TD-150 MKi, both in stock form. Much better speed control, the platter and plinth most likely are heavier, the DC motor most likely is quieter, and has an available improve Well, if you’re into tinkering, the TD 160 is a good deal. Each improved in some way on the other but use the basic core design principle, each upgraded. Apr 9, 2024 · Giradiscos TD 1601 y brazo de lectura TP 160 de Thorens: viaje a través de una tecnología imaginativa que redefine un gigante del vinilo. Der neue TP 160 braucht sich vor keinem anderen Ton-arm im Markt zu verstecken. Developing a successor for such a legend is a genuine challenge that we willingly embraced. Se riesci a trovare uno dei due a buon prezzo considerati The deck was introduced in 1972 as a successor for the excellently built but ageing TD 150; like with other Thorens at the time, it was available with or without a Thorens TP-16 tonearm; in the UK, the vast majority of buyers chose the considerably superior SME 3009S2 – and later a SME Series III. The former I own ($30 after purchase + new belt), the latter I'm interested in ($200, shipping in), but I'm not sure that it would be an upgrade to move from the Pioneer to the Thorens. Also the TD-160 sports a better motor with clutch. The Thorens TD-160 And Its Variations. So on that note The main differences are the tonearm and arm board, right? Are there any other factors that make the mki less desirable than the mkii? Feb 5, 2017 · Garrard 301 by quite a margin. I did not like the TD-150 that much, but it was a poorly treated used one that I restored, and the standard arm drove me nuts (not applicable to you). Nov 16, 2018 · 125 is great, 160 Super is really good and a 160 can be made into a 160 Super with upgrades. 5Hz. Nel 1976 il TD-165 fu sostituito dal TD-166 solo per aggiungere la frizione al motore ed il TD-160 vide la sua prima rivisitazione nel TD-160 MKII. There are a ton of resources on how to get it back up to spec and what upgrades/mods are worthwhile. Thorens TD-160 E Le Sue Variazioni. The only reason this thread exists is b/c the TD-125 is so successful that many decades after the cease of production - it is still fearsome Jul 7, 2020 · Dave at Vinyl Nirvana isn't doing TD 160 restorations any more. Thread starter scootsity5; Start date Feb 4, 2010; S. There is just no end to what you can do with it - if you really think necessary. 0 /5 Thorens TD 160 (1972 - 1990s in all Versions) The TD 160 is now considered the classic Thorens subchassis turntable. The TP13 is an okay arm, but the bearings haven't aged well. It is still spinning LPs for a buddy. That changed in 1928 when Thorens produced their first Feb 24, 2024 · Thorens werd opgericht in 1883 en is daarmee echt een iconische naam uit de vinylgeschiedenis. Cette marque a d’ailleurs apporté de multiples améliorations au TD 160 platine au fil du temps. TD 160 mk2 Question Hi folks, I’m searching for a « vintage upgrade » and found a TD 145 mk2 and a TD 160 mk2 on my local Craigslist (I’m based in Paris). Un Thorens anni 70 è forse il primo passo nel mondo della vera Hi-Fi che si può fare con il vinile. Jan 30, 2023 · With the TD125/160/150 etc being sprung designs it isn't going to be possible to increase the mass of the platter a huge amount but a modest increase in mass should be still be very beneficial to speed stability and can be compensated for by adjusting the spring preload. La batalla TD-150 vs TD-160 es muy pareja y no merece mucha consideración. You might also consider the new Thorens 1600 model which vastly updates the old 160 design using an inverted spring suspension system. The AR's natural rumble frequency is at 10Hz; the Thorens' is at 7. AC motor and a rubber band is about as basic as it gets. then again as the owner of a TD-160 I might be slightly biased. May 31, 2016 · I have had this Thorens TD 160 for a number of years and am very happy with it but every time I see a TD 124, I can't help but feel that maybe this is the holy grail of Thorens turntables. La battaglia TD-150 vs TD-160 è molto alla pari e non è degna di grande considerazione. Er besitzt eine effektive Masse von 14 Gramm, ist in der Höhe und im Azimut verstellbar und mit einem Standard SME-Anschluss ausgestattet, sodass einem Wechsel der Headshell oder einer Ausrüstung mit einem anderen Tonabnehmer nichts im Wege steht. php?title=Thorens_TD_160_S_MK_V&oldid=330029“ I seem to be recommending the TD-150 a lot today. Dec 9, 2021 · Both the Thorens TD 160 (with a broken dust cover hinge) & Thorens TD 145 MKII are 'classics' and share the exact same chassis and sub that was continued for two and a half decade. Would there be a significant improvement in sound and performance going from the 160 to the 124, or would Jan 11, 2023 · It is really a pity that the Thorens TD-160 MK II is no longer in production. There is a lot that you can do to and well-known is the famous TD 160, with its various itera-tions, which remained in production for almost 30 years and represented the DNA of our brand like no other turntable. Dec 2, 2011 · Hi folks. Some like the early 160 with the metal parts underneath because the Super was made from the second version of the 160 on. If you can find either at a decent price, consider yourself lucky. There are tons of posts on internet forums about getting the TD-160 [etc] to run at the right speed, with topics ranging from bearing maintenance to the physics of belt thickness. Nun habe ich - nicht zuletzt hier im Archiv - auch Gutes über den Lenco L-75 gelesen. You have three options when it comes to purchasing the Thorens TD 160, you can choose from the mark I, mark II and Super variations. Both tables have different cartridges, a Ortofon 2M Blue on the 160 and a Shure M97xe on the 125. But personally I really like the looks of the Thorens TD-150 a little better than the TD-160. Argus 150,00 € Présentation du Thorens TD 160 MK II (54194) Thorens TD 160 MK II (42489) Voir les 12 photos du Thorens TD 160 MK II . Never heard a TD-160 Super, so I could be wrong, of course. Feb 4, 2010 · Thorens TD-160 MKII vs 160 Super. Like the previous poster said, there are a number of subreddits and groups on Facebook that focus on Thorens turntables and the TD 160 specifically. BUT in any model (or models in this case) that have a long production span, things have a tendency to change a bit under the hood. Der neue Tonarm TP 150 ähnelt dem auf dem neuen TD 124 DD verbauten TP 124. The catch on this one is, the auto shutoff only works some of the time. . Hersteller: Thorens Modell: TD 160; Typ: Plattenspieler; Baujahre: 1972 - 1976; Hergestellt in: Deutschland bei EMT in Lahr; Farbe: schwarz Like many members of it's family (TD-150,TD-147,TD-160,TD-165,TD-166) the TD-145 is also a tweaker's heaven and can be subjected to numerous dampening, tonearm, wiring, plinth and power supply related modifications. In addition, it comes complete with a walnut base and dust cover. Il TD-160 è probabilmente il migliore giradischi con trazione a cighia che Thorens offre, rivaleggiato solamente dall’altro noto di casa Thorens, il TD-150. Both speeds on our sample TD-150 ran about 5% fast, and were unaffected by normal pickup loads. Wij hebben regelmatig een Lenco of Thorens themadag waar wij al de ingekochte platenspelers grondig onder handen nemen, eventueel met een nieuwe plint. I can only really justify keeping one of them and would welcome advice from forum members. Und darüber dann die unbezahlbaren (Reference, Prestige). Oct 10, 2010 · The headshells are interchangeable. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability Riemen für Thorens The Thorens TD 160 Super is one of the few high-quality turntables available without a tone arm. Il est depuis un élément clé de la gamme Thorens. I've been thinking about doing another and I've been looking mostly for a TD 145, but this is based on the belief that a TD 125 might really not have improved sound over a well tuned TD 160 or TD 145. Nov 23, 2020 · Off course there are many good or even better and much more expensive turntables out there. 4 avis d'utilisateurs sur Thorens TD 160 MK II. Ok, mass matters when it comes to rotational stability, but also the shaft's thickness does. El TD-160 es posiblemente el mejor tocadiscos con tracción en las ruedas que ofrece Thorens, solo rivalizado por la otra conocida casa Thorens, el TD-150. One pro I can see is that Jan 11, 2020 · The remark came from the OP, no harm, no foul. Dec 3, 2006 · Ein Bekannter von mir hat den TD 115. Jan 14, 2015 · Used Thorens TD 150 Turntables for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. THE NEW TD 1600 WITH IMPROVED TONEARM TP 160. Spares such as drive belts are readily available,and prices of the TT itself have risen slowly as people have caught on to how good it actually is. The 150 is fine, IMHO. Rumbles a bit (TD 150 much worse though) Still, the SME 3009/II is a great arm You need a cartridge for a higher mass arm What is mounted is not right (but it will play) When it rubs it rubs, not too much service needed, that’s only once Dec 1, 2010 · I like all Thorens TT's but I agree with the others that the TD-150 is the better deck of the two that you have listed. resin subplatter and the TP-16 vs. From what I can tell, the mki seems to be much less popular than the mkii. thorens-info. The 160 ii has the TP16 ii arm, the 160 super has the TP16iii arm. 6 days ago · Used Thorens TD 150 Turntables for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Dec 28, 2013 · I have actually been thinking about going the modification route on a turntable, and that is one of the main reasons I am considering this TD-160. Oct 28, 2021 · I think that the 150 is the best if you plan on swapping out the original arm. It is almost identical to its maker’s Model TD 160 MkII (which comes with a Thorens TP 16 MkII tone arm) but instead uses an interchangeable tone-arm mounting board that is available predrilled for ADC, Stax, Grace, or Infinity Black Widow arms. Se connecter. Aside from the platter, the bearing sizes are different as well (7mm vs 10 mms if I recall correctly). The TD-150 vs the TD-160 is a pretty close battle that isn’t worthy of a great deal of consideration. " Restoration Services: Thorens & AR Turntables - Vinyl Nirvana - Vintage AR and Thorens Turntable Sales, Parts, and Restorations Feb 25, 2014 · I have owned 2 TD 150's. Can't compare it to a 160, because I went from that to a 125 and finally a 124. Main differences are the wooden plinth, of better, real wood in the TD-160; the TD-165’s sub-platter is made of resin while the TD-160’s is made of zinc; the motor is slightly more advanced in the TD-160, having a clutch system that allows the platter to start spinning (and stop) quickly. Here is a photo of my slightly modified TD-150. It was used with many speaker systems and amplifiers over the years never produced rumble or an audible wow or flutter. Jul 7, 2020 · On that basis would probably go for a new P6 but there are many other new alternatives of similar quality at that price point. Is anything about it particularly rare or uncommon For example, the identical TP-16 tonearm and belt-driven synchronous motor used in the Thorens TD-125 mark II are incorporated in the TD-160C. Therefore, our new subchassis turntables, the TD 1600 and TD 1601, em- En me promenant dans un magasin de vente d'occasion cet aprem j'ai trouvé une platine Thorens TD 150 MKII, le prix me semble raisonnable (160€) mais je voulais avoir votre avis. Rega/Moth RB-202 tonearm with the Ortofon 2M Black installed. Rester connecté. ) I just came across and nice working 145. Apr 23, 2021 · En 1965, la marque présente la platine Thorens TD-150, un modèle équipé d’une nouvelle technologie qui deviendra synonyme de Thorens : le châssis à suspension. Nun spendiert der Hersteller den Modellen 1600 und 1601 ein Upgrade in Form des neuen, verbesserten Tonarms TP 160. But the classics are Thorens and Linn. It possesses a classic wooden plinth, a two-part machined aluminum platter with an internally run ground drive belt. But before we go into that, let us take a closer look at the Thorens TD-160 MK II. Feb 4, 2010 #1 Hello all, I have, available to me a The Thorens TD-160 And Its Variations. The success of a Rega (Planar 3) and I could add the other 2 decks (TD 160 and XXII) was that they filled a very nice middle range for people who were music lovers and possibly allocating funds for family, house, cars, holidays Nov 22, 2019 · So now, as this hobby often goes, I've been looking around at some 160's and have my eye on one of vinylnirvana's 160 Super reproductions with a Rega RB303 tonearm. It made beautiful sound with both the stock arm and my Souther. Lift und die Endabschaltung des TD 1601 stehen natürlich auch mit dem neuen TP 160 zur Verfügung. The only model that I’ve not seen a 7mm bearing on is the TD 150. Jul 9, 2019 · I've seen Thorens makes the td 240-2 but i don't know how it compares soundwise to the planar. Dec 10, 2009 · I had a 150 for a while. It’s one of the classic turntables of its era and is still very popular today. The TD-150 was a good table the 160 just a bit more refined, and a better arm. The TD 1600, featuring the new TP 160 tonearm, represents a consistent evolution of the TD 1600. de. May 4, 2009 · On the sound advice of GaryMD, who believes that a budget Thorens table sounds better than the ubiqitous Technics 1200, I purchased a Thorens TD-165, previously owned by GaryMD, from ColonialHoo (Chuck). Il TD-160 ed il TD-165 sono direttamente derivati dal TD-150. May 8, 2020 · Hello everyone, I have the opportunity to buy a Thorens TD-160 Mark II with a White Chrome Base, and it also has a SME 3009 Series III Tonearm. The Swiss clock company first launched its phonograph division back in 1903 when much of the world didn’t even know what a turntable was. But hey, you are still able to purchase a 2nd hand model from eBay itself! A quick on eBay showed up quite a few 2nd hand Thorens TD-160 MK II that you could purchase. 4 kg and 22mm-thick Die-cast aluminum platter and the TP 150 audiophile tonearm also used in the new TD 1500 model. The model is a Thorens TD 160 BC MkII. 1 on the internet for $150 US. Wenn ich den mit meinem TD 160 vergleiche. Gibt es da mittlerweile weitere Erfahrungen, wie sich dieser Plattenspieler insbesondere gegen die zwei genannten Thorens schlägt? May 3, 2009 · The TD 160 is an excellent TT in both these forms,and still capable of giving good results today. Which is better depends on what cartridge you want to run. Both armboard and turntable are attached to sprung subchassis. But I prefer older a well I must admit. That said, the TD 125 has a better rep and value, as does the SMEIII arm, so if it's the same (reasonable) price and condition as the TD 160, you should snatch it up. So while the motors may be the same (or similar enough to be interchang Jul 24, 2011 · Dave has refurbished turntables for sale as well as helpful links to much Thorens info. Jun 23, 2012 · I understand the 160 Super had a larger diameter bearing and sturdier plinth compared to the standard 160. My opinion is that the Thorens chassis would likely outperform the Rega Chassis including speed stability. Jul 23, 2019 · Anti Skate was take a weight on a fishing line and hang it where you wanted it. Neuentwickelter Tonarm Thorens TP 150. Oct 7, 2008 · The two turntables I am mainly considering are a Thorens TD-166 (all in good order apparently, except the lid) and a Thorens TD-160 (with only one channel working - apparently needs a tonearm re-wire). Welkom bij Audiofreaksforum, Audio, Hifi, Het gebruikte element was een Denon DL-160. Even snuisteren op een tweedehandssite brengt je snel in contact met geliefde modellen als de TD 150, TD 160 of de TD 124, al dan niet met custom onderdelen. I took it out of service because in this particular system I prefer a table that's at least semi-auto. With my research, I've decided I really wanted a TD 160, but as I understand it, the 145 is the same thing but with auto shutoff. Heavier and more stable than its predecessor, the principle of the suspended subchassis has always been preserved. History The famed Thorens TD-160 is pretty much unparalleled when it comes to classic vintage turntables models. Here's the traditional quality and precision you have come to expect from Thorens, at a moderate price. de/index. buymeacoffee. Die Hierarchie war etwa so (jetzt mal von unten angefangen): - TD 104/105 - TD 110/115 - TD 16x/14x - TD 12x. And a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, all that. May 3, 2021 · All hail the Thorens TD-160, an easily modified and uniquely designed classic turntable. Dec 15, 2024 · Die Plattenspieler der Thorens TD 1600er Reihe kamen bereits im Jahre 2020 auf den Markt und ernteten von vielen Seiten Lob. I quote: "Effective immediately, I am only accepting restorations for these models: TD-125, TD-125 MKII, AR the Turntable, AR ES-1, AR EB-101. Feb 4, 2010 #1 Hello all, I have, available to me a Jun 1, 2011 · Hi All. Jahrzehnte später steht nun ein TD 1601 vor mir und ich werde ein wenig sentimental. Plattenspieler Thorens TD 160 MkII ELAC DN 795E Kleinanzeigen €150 Jan 24 Jul 14, 2016 · The TD 150 and TD 160 are probably the pick of the Thorens belt drives, and are probably better built than the ARs. TP-11 tonearm. Apr 6, 2014 · I restored a TD 160 just over a year ago and placed it in a custom plinth of my making, and I love both the look and the sound. Net als velen zijn wij enorme fans van Thorens en Lenco. Holger Jul 14, 2016 · The TD 150 and TD 160 are probably the pick of the Thorens belt drives, and are probably better built than the ARs. Jan 23, 2006 · I've located what seems to me to be a good deal on a Thorens TD 145 Mk. J'ai chercher un peu sur le net et le forum mais je lis beaucoup de choses sur les 145, 160 et 166 mais très peu sur ce modèle, est-ce un bon modèle? May 23, 2012 · Der TD-160 dagegen hat mit dem TD-126 quasi nur die Schraubenfedern gemein meint, daß Antrieb nebst Steuerung, Tellerlager und Subchassis beim TD-126 qualitativ hochwertiger ausgeführt ist. Jun 30, 2016 · For the past few years I've owned a Thorens 160 Super, with a Grace 707 tonearm, and although I love it, I couldn't resist picking up a TD125 MkII, with an SME 3009 S2 Improved when one recently became available. Allgemein. The person selling these turntables is looking for "any reasonable offer". Nov 5, 2023 · Ich bin sicher nicht der Einzige, dessen analoger HiFi-Weg mit einem Thorens TD 160 begonnen hat. In Reply to: Dual 1219 vs Thorens TD-160, TD-150 posted by bhs00@hotmail. The 125 not only has better electronics, but also a heavier cast sub-chassis and thicker top plate, I believe. Andreas 5 days ago · Used Thorens TD 160 MK II Turntables for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. preferably one of the superior SQ classic TD-150/160/125 series Abgerufen von „https://www. Many fit Rega arms to their Thorens tables as a perceived upgrade. Ce nouveau design suspendu représente un pas en avant significatif dans la réduction des bruits de fond en empêchant la distorsion causée par les perturbations mécaniques. I consider it better than the more cheaply made TD-160, which superseded it, and I've owned both. Elegido “Mejor Giradiscos de 2020-2021” por la influyente asociación mundial de publicaciones especializadas EISA –“Expert Imaging and Sound Association”- y todavía en activo, el TD 1601 de la legendaria firma -originariamente suiza, ahora If you like my videos, you may want to support my work:☕Buy Me a Coffee: https://www. Shelly_D Apr 14, 2007 · DUAL 701 vs Thorens TD 150 mkII. The Thorens TD-160 turntable was introduced by Thorens in 1972 to replace the TD-150. I have one and I absolutely love it. scootsity5 Active Member. Als Nachfolger des TD 150 wurde dem TD 160 sofort ein grosser Erfolg zuteil. Aug 30, 2010 · How's about this; a Pioneer PL-115D vs. The 145 & 160 simply have my preference. Platter and belt would be exactly the same. Eine Nachrüstung bereits vorhandener TD 1600 oder TD 1601 Modelle ist jederzeit möglich und kann bei Thorens angefragt werden. Subplatter: many (or maybe some) TD-165s have a 10 mm shaft like the TD-160. Fomo120 Member. The TD-160 is probably Thorens’ best belt drive offering, closely rivalled by the TD-150. Pre EU common market approach the Thorens TD 160 was a major success amongst audiophiles in Europe and beyond. Avis. The later TD16x Thorens increasingly used plastic, and are not, in my opinion, the equal of the earlier ones, and the electronically controlled cheaper ones are disasters waiting to happen. hifi-wiki. Plattenspieler Thorens TD 160 MkII ELAC DN 795E Kleinanzeigen €150 Jan 24 Nov 23, 2023 · personally I'd keep the Thorens for simplicity reasons. The TD 160's TP16 generally doesn't have this issue. 99 USD. The Rega Planar 3 is an excellent turntable, but the Thorens TD-150 is somewhat of an overlooked hi-fi gem. Review Feb 20, 2017 · The Thorens is designed to isolate the Plinth from the rest of the turntable, while Rega of course tries to make everything as rigid as possible. Schafft es Thorens damit ein makelloses Gerät noch weiter zu optimieren? Wir wollten dies im Test herausfinden. com/hif Rispetto al TD 150 il 160 presenta modifiche sia di carattere tecnico che estetico: i principali miglioramenti sono rappresentati dalla riduzione del tempo di avviamento e dal l'impiego dello stesso braccio del giradischi professionale TD 125 Mkll. I have linked it below. Again, no idea about the 145. 5 days ago · Used Thorens TD 160 MK II Turntables for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Si puede encontrar uno de los dos a buen precio, considérese afortunado. I guess this is because I really like the looks of the Linn LP12, and the TD-150 looks a lot like the LP12. Aug 26, 2019 · The TD-125 seems to be their top-shelf belt drive model, with the TD-150, TD-160 and TD-145 coming in behind. One thing I like about the TD-150, TD-160 and TD-145 is that they include a 10mm main bearing, although the TD-150 has a shaft with captured ball and the others (I believe) use a simple shaft with tapered end designed to fit the same Nov 26, 2020 · The Thorens TD 160 was a good, but rather cheap turntable. If there is a huge difference between 150 and 160, I'd be surprised. Dec 22, 2021 · Stromberg-Carlson PerfecTempo was first 3 point suspended belt drive turntable, which inspired Edgar Villchur of AR to improve on it, and then came the Thorens TD-150, TD-160, and TD-165, which lead to the Ariston Audio, which led to the Linn LP-12. Jul 2, 2018 · Hey everyone, I have a line on a local thorens td-150 mki. Mot de passe oublié ? Argus 150,00 Visually a true Thorens, the new TD 403 DD features the same proven smooth-running direct drive as the successful TD 402 DD, but sets itself apart from its smaller brother with a more massive 1. My old TD-166 has near perfect speed, even without an outboard controller. Other than the semi-auto feature Apr 26, 2017 · 3 Options you have in the Thorens variations. Jun 5, 2015 · The main differences between a Thorens TD-160 and a TD-165 are the zinc vs. Never tried a 115, 318 or 320 even. I'm somewhat averse to direct drive just because I have no interest in the electronics they require. Oct 29, 2013 #17 Thorens TD-160 y sus variaciones. Daten []. Whether that makes it better than the 125 is debatable. Introduced in 1972, he replaced the smaller TD 150 and was produced in all versions until the 1990s. ” The TD-165 is just like a TD-160 but of cheaper built. Here's its great grandson Thorens CEO Gunter Kürten is true to his word: when we first met at the Tokyo High End Show in 2019, he hinted that the hugely-important, wildly-popular three-point suspended-subchassis, belt-drive TD 150 of 1965 might make a Jan 19, 2022 · I have a Vinyl Nirvana vintage restored and custom upgraded Thorens TD-160 Super in the Midnight Edition turntable, with the Ortofon 2M Bronze and Black stylus. I know the 160 Super is considered by many to be the best of the Thorens tables, aside from the 124, and have read our host's review of the 160 Super repro here. However looking at the Planar 3 description, it almost certainly would outperform the older Thorens tables in stock form. Le testine che uso ed ho usato. Also the Thorens suspension is a bit of a problem with wooden floors. Visually a true Thorens, the new TD 403 DD features the same proven smooth-running direct drive as the successful TD 402 DD, but sets itself apart from its smaller brother with a more massive 1. A better look at the VN Thorens TD-160 Super. As for the motors, they should be interchangeable. I had a standard TD-150 (standard arm) and a TD-160 (Excel unipivot arm) many years ago. And a Rega RP6, which is sitting on top of one of the custom La Scala's. It is also much easier to switch out the armboard on the 150 than the 160, and I think the subchassis is a superior design on the 150 as well. Simple as that. 5. Not to be picky on names, but coincidentally, the Thorens TD 160 Super appears to be the best choice out of the rest. It is selling for 1,299. Taxes and tariffs made that turntable over expensive in the UK and Linn saw the opportunity for the Sondek to take a big chunk of the market to compete Sep 28, 2022 · After all, the TD 1500 is a tribute to the classic Thorens TD 150, the predecessor to the aforementioned TD 160, based on its suspended chassis and tonearm origins. Incidentally, platter set up on the AR should be much the same as on the TD-150. I have both a TD-150 and TD-160, but have never owned a Rega. Jun 1, 2012 · I owned a 160 for about 15 years. Apr 14, 2022 · A handful of turntable brands lay claim to the first suspended subchassis model, but few, unlike Thorens' TD 150 from 1965, were mass produced. Kannst Du hier nachlesen: www. Thorens battle - TD 145 mk2 vs. patreon. (And the fact that Thorens seem to be more finicky than my other tables. I had a TD 150 AB from 1967 to 1971, and a TD 150AB II from 1971 to present. Thorens produced the TD-160 for a number of years and it was their best seller for quite some time. Nov 19, 2019 · The 125 is not as susceptible to the pitfalls of long floorboards as the TD-160 or TD-150 and in any case - those were not designed for low cost flexi floor suburban infrastructures of north america. I've had a 160 for some time. Het internet is lovend over de Thorens TD-160, welke heerlijk klinkt, maar zo zijn er vele vintage draaitafels die hier niet voor onder doen. Sep 19, 2003 · So dachte ich vor allem an den Thorens TD160 oder auch den TD 150. Oct 27, 2013 · Thorens TD 160 vs 160 mk ii - Interchangeability. com/hifisquarepants👉🏻Patreon: https://www. De Thorens is inmiddels verkocht, inclusief Visually a true Thorens, the new TD 403 DD features the same proven smooth-running direct drive as the successful TD 402 DD, but sets itself apart from its smaller brother with a more massive 1. Dec 20, 2011 · The TD 160 usually goes for $200 to $300 in stock form these days, assuming it's in good condition. Pseudo / E-mail Mot de passe. This preserves the relationship between the arm and the runtable when turntable moves up and down. I currently have a Thorens TD-125 with Acos Lustre GST-1 and a Thorens TD-160 (BC I think) with SME 3009 ii with removable headshell. I can't see the 160 arm being much more complex the the 150's. TD 150 has a large armboard that permits complete installation of arm by replacing May 29, 2011 · I don't have a TD-160 but I do have a TD-125, and a Dual 1019, a 1219, and a 1229Q. Besides the custom subplinth and cones/cups, it has a Rega RB300 tone arm, Sorbothane dampened internals, and a custom formed plexi dust cover. ajpzu kxkbaxp kjgsyhc ntbihc lcpdln idjl dsnwp sgam yldfmql cfy xsecdyu ylrusa pxzi qptyt kuqyc