Tanks gg console WoT Stars A useful statistical Or tanks. This sub is for the free exchange of tips, strategies, player guides, how-to's, news, information and discussion. net DPM at 500m Penetration at 500m Damage at 500m Module damage Rate of fire Reload time Clip size burst size Clip damage burst damage Intra-clip reload Explosion radius Stun duration Caliber Shell velocity Max range Ammo capacity Potential damage tanks. Win Rate Avg. gg is a player created website tanks. against one tank and it's own gun. Compare. WoTStars tracks world of tanks console player & clan stats, and provides detailed 30-60-90 and all time stats. You can also compare tank stats across regions: Some regional differences are pretty significant tanks. net hit compare then picked the cannon and shell of the 2nd tank then went in 3d viewer I mean that is how you do it. Players Avg. Battles Avg. WN8 Avg. Player stats NA EU Asia. not found. We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks website. Wargaming Lesta. 0 List of all tanks in the game, including premium, collectible and hidden tanks. 23. gg Full 3D armour viewer (PC site so does differ slightly on some stats to console) Unofficial WoT Console Guide - Tanks and their stats, specifically for consoles. GG represents the current patch of World of Tanks PC version, use it as tanks. World of Tanks Modern Armor is a team-based, free-to-play game for PlayStation®5, Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation®4, and Xbox One. Damage WoT: Console statistics for players and clans. It immerses players in 15-vs-15 multiplayer battles with tanks inspired by the 20th century's most powerful vehicles. About. 01 (H) Aim time Cooldown delay Dispersion before cooldown damaged moving tank traverse turret traverse firing Elevation Depression Gun traverse tanks. Compare tanks and even more guides! Sadly no longer updated as of 2021. Discord. 0 on the list of changes page. Jargon Buster Learn nicknames, abbreviations and community terms here. Check what's new in the WOT PC 1. tanks. 27. Prove yourself and earn rewards. Run by players not WG. 1 Micropatch 2. 1, tanks. Upgrade your tanks. net . VI KV-1S KV-2 KV-2 (R) KV-85 M6 O-I Object 244 Pawlack Tank T-150 Tiger 131 Tiger 217 TOG II* Type 3 Ju-Nu VK 30. Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. GG so here it is!Please remember Tanks. net Wargaming recognised subreddit for World of Tanks Modern Armor on Playstation and Xbox. gg. net tanks. Show off your military might! A web application for comparing World of Tanks: Console (PlayStation & Xbox) vehicle characteristics Tank Compare This is a web-app and you need to enable JavaScript to run it. This aint a particularly revolutionary thing but as I needed to test out some development related things (TypeScript / GraphQL / AWS workings) I decided to pop this together. Explore detailed tank performance stats for World of Tanks including average WN8, winrate, accuracy, frags, spots, survival time, and more on Tomato. Except obviously this uses stats from WoT Console tanks. 01 (P) VK 36. 28. net Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Tier V Tier VI Tier VII Tier VIII Tier IX Tier X tanks. gg is a player tanks. 1. net Feb 22, 2016 · I have been asked to do a quick video on Tanks. Available for both Random Battles and Onslaught. net As of 1. Choose a tank to check its 3d model, collision model, stats, weak spots and internal modules locations. Tanks. net A43 BP prototype ARL 44 Char de transition Churchill Crocodile Churchill VII Heavy Tank Heavy Tank No. World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming. You're always just gonna see one tank, the one you are looking at, but by choosing a different tank, gun or shell it will show its penetration against that tank. 0. net 2 days ago · All Tanks of WOT PC 1. gg for PC. gg is a player created website for World of Tanks. First rule of tank club is we don't talk about artillery. Twitter. gg now shows tank stats for different regions as well as RU-exclusive tanks! Now you can check out the stats for flamethrower tanks like the Object 156 O or the golden Soviet Waffenträger: The BZ-176 looks reasonable by comparison.
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