Stm32 hal spi example code Sensor if initialized, then configured to work with normal mode. I Based on my original library, the algorithms and IC communication has been ported for STM32 chips using HAL drivers. 1 , DMA peripheral isn't the same when comparing STM32G4 to STM32F4. so as writen before i'm counting on the fact that the slave micro is much faster then the spi clk so Feb 20, 2018 · Posted on February 20, 2018 at 11:27. The STM32 HAL can be a very useful tool but there are also downsides. As chip select is used pin PB0. To get you started, we will guide you on how to interface with External Interrupt in the STM32 Microcontroller by building an example project using the STM32 Nucleo Development Board and STM32CubeIDE. Why to Use DMA with SPI: Using DMA with SPI in STM32 is highly beneficial, especially in applications requiring high-speed communication and reduced CPU load. Using the SPI in Polling Mode is the easiest way, but it is the least efficient way as the CPU will remain in a waiting state for a long time. We will use the onboard USER BUTTON and USER LED of the Nucleo Development Board for MPU9250 (GY-91) driver for STM32 with HAL using SPI (spi1 by default). There is one sensor connected to SPI1 in 4-wire mode, chip select pin is defined as BME280_NCS and driven by software. It covers the SPI communication basics, the STM32 SPI module features, modes, configurations, and interrupts. This example uses RTIC. Mar 23, 2022 · 在我们的hal库中,对硬件spi函数做了很好的集成,使得之前spi几百行代码,在hal库中,只需要寥寥几行就可以完成 那么这篇文章将带你去感受下它的优异之处,这些优异的函数 【经验分享】hal库 stm32cubemx教程十四---spi ,st意法半导体中文论坛 Drivers for the accelerometer ADXL345 for both I2C and SPI using the STM32 HAL. I have this data flow which i want to catch: Clock is yellow and green is data. We will also discuss SPI bus configuration and SPI modes. The status of all data processing is returned by the same function after finishing the transfer. For a long time I can not read the correct data from the LSM6DS33 control register (accelerometer + gyroscope). I2C using CPP; I2C using C; SPI using CPP (MPU9250 only) SPI using C (MPU9250 only) The ADS131M0x C code is in the folder ADC/adchal. Aug 3, 2020 · There are many kinds of Stm32 Cpus. Data are exported via UART2 which is passed via STlink to computer as USB ACM device. In order to Getting started with the STM32 HAL development environment. You can review the following 2 application notes to understand more about the difference between both of them: Aug 3, 2020 · Most STM32 chips also support using SPI in interrupt mode. I2C Scanner, TX, RX. STM32 SPI Blocking Mode HAL Library is written for STM32 HAL library and supports STM32CUBEMX. c and . Could someone comment on the correctness of this code? Aug 3, 2020 · Most STM32 chips also support using SPI in interrupt mode. HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SPI_Transmit (SPI_HandleTypeDef * hspi, uint8_t * pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout); Implemented in stm32f4xx_hal_spi. Here is the test setup we’ll be using for today’s 3 LABs. could anyone kindly advise any sample code on SPI DMA normal or circular mode? Jun 13, 2018 · What is happening here, is we define 2 handles for DMA configuration. HAL_SPI_Transmit() HAL_SPI_Receive() HAL_SPI STM32 SPI TX-RX Test Setup Test Setup Overview. L'inscription et faire des offres sont gratuits. To get you started, we will show you how to interface the MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope sensor module with the STM32 Nucleo Board using I2C. pdf at master · mnemocron/STM32-Tutorial Nov 16, 2014 · An SPI driver, with support for 8-bit and 16-bit read/write transfers, for the STM32. As usual, we take a look at provided library file to see what we can use. STM32 SPI Hardware Functionalities 4 4. STM32 i2c slave HAL code example. c), make sure to adjust the lines that modify the SPI clock so that your baud rate is less than 2MHz before communicating with the touchscreen (e. Interrupt mode: HAL_SPI Peripheral access API for STM32H7 series microcontrollers - stm32-rs/stm32h7xx-hal Jun 27, 2020 · STM32 HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive()が失敗する 2021. Also, there is an example C code with a similar driver in ADS131M0x Example C Code. c Apr 12, 2024 · Based on the STM32Cube HAL functions, SPI data transfer can be performed in three modes: blocking mode, interrupt mode, or DMA mode. Setup Define GY_CS pin in STM32CubeMX that will be used as Chip Select for the device, or pick the one you need in the MPU9250_Config. Jan 16, 2021 · HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() is the function you would need to send and receive data simultaneously. 09. Feb 11, 2021 · Hi all, I am trying to setup SPI for the ADC AD7190. I decided to make my stm32 as spi slave and catch the data as recevier. If rec == 0, the master sends data to the slave. Peripheral access API for STM32H7 series microcontrollers - stm32-rs/stm32h7xx-hal Examples on how to use STM32F411RE Nucleo Board with the MAX6675 sensor using SPI communication protocol. 04. The file ads131m0x. I have two STM32F4 NUCLEOs that I am usi Mar 5, 2025 · Finally, do not forget to configure one of the pins as GPIO OUT to use it as Chip Select (CS) Pin. 01. Earlier this summer I posted main. I try to get digitized ADC values with SPI interface. . Since SPI operates like two shift registers connected in a ring, you will always receive the same amount of data that you send. Nov 27, 2021 · STM32 SPI Communication in Polling Mode. The SPI HAL driver can be used as follows: 1. Blocking mode: The communication is performed in polling mode. So in the routine that reads touch coordinates (ili9341_touch_pressed_t ili9341_touch_coordinate(ili9341_t *,uint16_t *,uint16_t *) in ILI9341/ili9341. c Apr 12, 2024 · HAL_SPI_Receive() HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() Non-blocking modes; The communication is performed using interrupts or DMA. [ch]) in the SPI TxRxCplt callback. I’ve created an example of a non-blocking SPI transmitter/receiver for you to use as a starting point. The MOSI line is used to send data from the STM32 to the slave device, while the MISO line is used to receive data from the slave device. Reduced CPU Load Feb 23, 2020 · thanks. I am trying to write or copy the files both USB disk and/or SD card. 皆さま こんにちは。 今回は HALを使ったSPI通信が失敗するパターンのお話です。 STM32 HALを使ってSPIで通信する の記事をベースにした[…] STM32 HALでDACを動かしてみる 2021. The HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT function is used for interrupt-driven data transmission. Jul 28, 2020 · Dear all, I have been trying to read ADC value from an ADC chip (TI ADC161S626) through SPI receive only master (The STM32 used were STM32F103C8T6). I will summarize the code here and I use the HAL library. c of STM32H750 driving Max31865 with SPI. Results are stored as integers inside bme1_data structure. The HAL_SPI_Receive function is used for receiving SPI data. As IS no pull requests pls. STM32 SPI Interrupts 6 6. The I2C Scanner example is a very common Arduino sketch example to scan the I2C bus for available devices and get their addresses (if found). STM32 SPI MAX7219 code. In the same manner, there are low-level hardware drivers for almost all the hardware peripherals in the STM32 microcontrollers. Aug 3, 2020 · Most STM32 chips also support using SPI in interrupt mode. Note the the SPI frame size is dependent on the word size programmed into the device. c file with the SPI_Init() function If this project help you reduce time to develop, please make a small donation. Nov 24, 2022 · Task: to get data from the accelerometer LIS2DH12 via SPI using DMA (stm32f103cbt6), that is, free up CPU time for data collection, because two buffers are used - one is being processed, the other is Jul 26, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读9. 4k次。前言:本系列教程将HAL库与STM32CubeMX结合在一起讲解,使您可以更快速的学会各个模块的使用在我们的HAL库中,对硬件SPI函数做了很好的集成,使得之前SPI几百行代码,在HAL库中,只需要寥寥几行就可以完成 那么这篇文章将带你去感受下它的优异之处 May 28, 2018 · Posted on May 28, 2018 at 09:05 Im trying to catch data from the unknown device, this device has data and clock. You signed out in another tab or window. h . 2) Select "General peripheral Initalizion as a pair of '. The SPI slave device is not yet available. Since DMA on STM32 is quite flexible, you can have it working only on transmit and receive. And im struggling with it. Inside this callback, the HAL_SPI_Receive_IT() function is called to receive the data. 5 Mbits/s; polarity as 1; phase as 1; data size as 16 bits; MSB. To get you started, we will configure the SPI peripherals of the Nucleo-f446re development board using STM32CubeIDE and discuss some of the important HAL API Jun 10, 2021 · Since HAL_SPI_Receive is already using HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive (github stm32f4 spi driver) to send dummy data to generate clock, you can use that fact and ditch the HAL_SPI_Transmit, and use the receive function like this: rxData[0] = ADDR_WHO_AM_I | 0x80; HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi2, rxData, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY); Jul 17, 2022 · These functions are defined in stm32f1xx_hal_spi. Example code was tested with the Sparkfun MPU9250 breakout board and Nucleo-F401RE dev board. Introduction To SPI Communication 2 2. There are four examples available. After all these configurations, save the file to generate the code. 1. - thaletterb/STM32-SPI You signed in with another tab or window. The initialization process for STM32 peripherals is handled by the Cube IDE. I am just attempting to reset the ADC after power up and then read the device ID register to check the communication. but it doesnt solve my problem in case i want to implement a read command (spi master wants to read a certain register from spi slave), since i want to read in the same packet the msg was sent (1st byte read\write command, 2nd byte register address, 3-7th byte slave's register value). Mastering STM32 Testing Examples. Using HAL_SPI_Receive() is easy, Try Googling it. We leave actual SPI peripheral initialization code as is, but in HAL_SPI_MspInit() we enable clocks for DMA2 channel and then configure streams themselves. SPI2 is configured with DMA Circular mode /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_GPIO_WritePin( Dec 26, 2018 · I am trying to understand how does this function works even though there are so many people complaining about it. SPI Configuration In CubeMX Nov 8, 2024 · I am trying to make a very simple SPI ISR to read the RXDR and store the value to a buffer. I'm using the interrupt callback to read and send the data as follows: void HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallba 정리가 잘 돼 있어서 STM32 코드 테스트 하는데 큰 도움이 되었습니다. However, I realised when I request to read one byte with HAL_SPI_Receive() function, there are more than 8 SCLK oscillation as shown in the figure bel This is an example of use BME280_driver with STM32 platform and HAL library. Other code is licensed under their own licenses (e. The list below presents STM32 SPI Functions in Polling Mode: HAL_SPI_Transmit() HAL_SPI_Receive() HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(&hspi1, RX_Data, DATA_SIZE); The HAL_SPI_RxCpItCallback() function is the Rx transfer completed callback function. As SPI master I'm using an ESP32 running micropython. Jan 11, 2024 · hi, i m using STM32H7 and have running SPI using interrupt transmittng and receiving from external ADC, now i m contemplating using DMA for SPI transmit and receive, but was not able to get any data reponse from the ADC. Including Timers, ADC, USART, I2C, USB, DAC, Comparators, etc. STM32 HAL MCP2515 src code for STM32CubeIDE C++. 그런데 HAL_SPI_Transmit이 끝나고 난 후 chip select는 high로 돌아가야 하므로 HAL_GPIO_WritePin에서는 GPIO_PIN_SET으로 설정해야 정상 동작을 하지 않을까 합니다. SPI HAL Functions APIs 8. h" to your code Apr 2, 2018 · I decided to try to use a vanilla STMCubeMX (HAL) version with no FreeRTOS and instead put the main SPI code (comms. I set the SPI as Receive only master than prescaler as 8; baudrate as 13. , CMSIS under Apache 2. However, I am receiving SPI data because the code is entering the HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback function. I2C using CPP; I2C using C; SPI using CPP (MPU9250 only) SPI using C (MPU9250 only) May 28, 2018 · Posted on May 28, 2018 at 09:05 Im trying to catch data from the unknown device, this device has data and clock. In this tutorial, we will explain the basic principle of External Interrupt in a microcontroller-based system. You switched accounts on another tab or window. To check for the connected slave devices on the I2C bus and report their addresses over UART to our PC. h file Sep 6, 2021 · Hi @HDaji. It also takes in the same parameter which is the pointer to the SPI_HandleTypeDef structure. could anyone kindly advise any sample code on SPI DMA normal or circular mode? You signed in with another tab or window. c has a routine buildSPIarray that shows how the command bytes are created. Note that before calling these functions, you need to manually pull the CS pin low, and after transmission has been completed, you need to pull CS high again. An interesting observation from STM32Cube created HAL files for stm32f103: if SPI is configured as Master, HAL_SPI_Receive itself uses HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive. As far as I know the configuration is done normally with only the direction as 1 line. Hi, Kindly help me to find out the example code for read/write the SD card via SPI. Mar 28, 2020 · In this short tutorial, we’ll be creating an STM32 I2C Scanner example project. Put the following code into the relevant parts of your main. To use the library with Cube software you need to tick the box that generates peripheral initialization code in their own respective . The SPI IMU filtered example demonstrates how to configure an external IMU (3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope) over SPI, read from multiple registers using a single SPI transfer using DMA as soon as data is ready, and apply digital filtering using the CMSIS-DSP library. Near the end of stm32f0xx_hal_spi. - STM32-Tutorial/STM32 Tutorial 06 - SPI Module (74hc595) using HAL (and FreeRTOS). Try switching it on by modifying the startup code as follows: TI-ADS8688 SPI Library intended for use within STM32CubeIDE (uses HAL Library) - obatsis/ADS8688-STM32. Reload to refresh your session. In addition, timer update interupt was used to control the sampling frequency. 今回はDACを動かしてみました。 Sep 30, 2021 · I'm trying to test out a SPI master using HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() as I will be communicating with an SPI slave. Once that is done, the code generator gives a main. Jan 10, 2023 · When using the HAL_SPI_Transmit() or HAL_SPI_Receive() functions on the STM32, the MOSI and MISO lines are both active. It sends garbage bytes in pData (buffer to receive bytes from the other end) as dummy bytes. h' file per peripheral" on project settings. Which of them are you going to use. The second one, is using the STM CubeIDE and the HAL layer provided by STM. Aug 22, 2020 · How to write a STM32 SPI code example? 1 1. Tutorial documents in Markdown. I do not want to use the callbacks or the default IRQ generated by cube. We need your help to pay for web hosting, buy new components and equipment for new tutorials, and buy a cup of coffee :). The first file is an example using the Arduino IDE, making the code a lot simpler. STM32 SPI Transmit/Receive using Polling Mode. My questions are these: 1) What is the difference between using this in my code: HAL_SPI_Transmit (SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi, uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size, uint32_t Timeout) HAL_SPI_Rece Jan 28, 2022 · 関数 HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA を使った際に何が送信されるかは不定(don't care)です。 関数 HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback および HAL_SPI_TxCpltCallback は __weak 属性が与えられているため、任意の場所で再宣言できます。これらの関数はDMAを使ったSPIの受信および送信完了時に呼び出さ Jun 21, 2023 · When I execute this code with the MCP2210 connected to the PC and the STM32 (configured as a Slave SPI), I don't receive the 0x33 code in the slave (the LED doesn't blink). The end of the data processing is indicated through the dedicated SPI IRQ when using interrupt mode, or the DMA IRQ when using DMA mode. VS1053, VS1063 MP3 decoder STM32 Example code with 7 line interface (SCK, MOSI, MISO, RESET, DREQ, CS, DSC) //Write command code HAL_SPI_Transmit Бібліотека для резистивної touch панелі на чипі XPT2046 або ADS7843 в складі дисплею ILI9341 - taburyak/STM32-touchscreen-XPT2046-HAL-SPI Example for STM32 HAL driver for LoRa SX1278 module - GitHub - wdomski/SX1278-example: Example for STM32 HAL driver for LoRa SX1278 module Search code Chercher les emplois correspondant à Stm32 hal spi example code ou embaucher sur le plus grand marché de freelance au monde avec plus de 24 millions d'emplois. 9w次,点赞622次,收藏1. SPI in STM32. Internal MCU pull-up resistors must be enabled for I2C communication lines. c/. I2C. I suggest $5, but you can choose the amount. SPI Echo example (1 byte command, 1 byte data, SPI_DataSize_8b / I set the slave select pin manually / If you need to separate reading and writing data, and need to implement setpoint readback, you can improve this code with FromMaster/ToMaster arrays) : Jan 31, 2025 · Why to use DMA with SPI. HAL GPIO APIs. c and ADC/ads131m0x. Jan 4, 2021 · Fig. Now you have understood SPI HAL APIs. I2C DMA interrupt polling examples. 3) Config your 45dbxxConfig. My C code in Keil i Example: 256 Mbit = 32 MByte = 32'768 KByte = 33'554'432 Byte = 2^25 Byte => N = 24 Connect memory to STM reffer to Datasheet , or your's chip datasheet Include "w25q_mem. Jul 4, 2023 · I am writing basic SPI loopback example with STM32F103C8T6 with CubeMX( spi1 is master and spi2 is slave). After that, we will talk about the hardware overview of SPI peripherals in the STM32 microcontroller. Results. Getting started with the STM32 HAL development environment. STM32 HAL Drivers Examples . 감사합니다. As I read in the datasheet, the control register address WHO_I_AM is 0x0f. STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32H7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis In this tutorial, we will cover the STM32 USART peripheral. SPI DMA configuration. Can anyone point me to some form of an example for setting up the SPI in half-duplex and then receiving through said port SPI mo Mar 24, 2019 · eziya/STM32F4_HAL_EXAMPLES. Here’s why you should use DMA with SPI: 1. For default configuration a strong light source is required Feb 4, 2019 · Hallo, i dont unterstand how i can receive data in Spi Half-Duplex-Mode. We will also cover how to handle UART protocol in STM32 and create an example project in interrupt mode using the STM32 NUCLEO-F446RE development board that will transmit and receive data between stm32 and the host computer via USB port. Sep 23, 2024 · How to use this driver. 2 SPI Usage. STM32 SPI Flags (Status & Errors) 5 5. However, I cannot get the ISR to even trigger without using HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(). I currently just have the following in my ISR: void In this tutorial, we will explain the basic principles of Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) communication and also closer look at the I2C hardware of the STM32 microcontroller. These functions return the status of the transfer startup. h. c. Jul 28, 2020 · Hello, I would like to know if there are any special tricks to SPI half-duplex mode. g. HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback() (called from ReceiveTaskFun) again asserts your CS pin and tries to set up DMA transfer and, most likely, fails. It also provides code examples using the HAL APIs. This project shows how to set up a communication between STM32 and MPU9250 over SPI. Contribute to eziya/STM32F4_HAL_EXAMPLES development by creating an account on GitHub. First, it runs the HAL_init STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32L4 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis The HAL is part of the STM32CubeIDE tool set which allows users to auto-generate code for various STM32 peripherals. c:769 Arguments STM32 Based SPI driver for Analog Devices AD7690 ADC - Ant1882/STM32-SPI-ADC-AD7690 1) Enable Spi and a pin for CS. - Hanqaqa/ADXL345_STM32_I2C_SPI Write better code with AI Examples. WIP; STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32H7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis Mar 19, 2021 · ReceiveTaskFun calls HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback() which asserts your chip select, starts DMA transfer and returns; ReceiveTaskFun() deasserts your CS pin and goes into next loop. SPI Hardware In STM32 3 3. Learn how to use the SPI hardware in STM32 microcontrollers with this tutorial. 16. Jan 7, 2025 · 在STM32中SPI使用DMA通讯可以自动执行CRC的校验,只需要在CubeMX设置SPI的CRC和DMA2、从机的NSS用硬件模式不是很好用,使用外部中断可以提供更多灵活的编写方式3、有个很坑的点,如果中间出现断连等问题,很容易出现数据错位,而且错了一次会一直错下去,所以 Jan 11, 2024 · hi, i m using STM32H7 and have running SPI using interrupt transmittng and receiving from external ADC, now i m contemplating using DMA for SPI transmit and receive, but was not able to get any data reponse from the ADC. The SPI Master (Transmitter) is going to be STM32F103C8T6 and another one will be acting as an SPI Slave (Receiver). The data to be Sent/Received is going to be a “Sine Table” in string format. Apr 8, 2023 · Can you make it work without DMA or interrupt? Go step by step. Data reception in the STM32 works fine, but I'm not being able to transmit data to the MCU from the STM32. The HAL can be thought of as a highly abstracted library which is almost universal between STM32 processors. CAN-BUS is a common industrial bus because of its long travel distance, medium communication speed and high reliability. Declare a SPI_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example: SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi; May 24, 2017 · The NSS signal will go from 0 to 1 once the __HAL_SPI_DISABLE(hspi) line gets executed: Use the “Preprocess selected lines” command to see that it actually clears the bit #6 (SPE) in the SPI_CR register: The STM32 SPI peripheral also supports a special TI mode. About STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32F0 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis ILI9341 color TFT display and touchscreen driver for STM32 using HAL SPI with DMA - ardnew/ILI9341-STM32-HAL Drivers for the accelerometer ADXL345 for both I2C and SPI using the STM32 HAL. STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32F0 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Dis Feb 20, 2018 · Posted on February 20, 2018 at 11:27. Without using FreeRTOS I could leave the priorities high and I also boosted the priorities on the the DMA Settings page of the SP1. If you install CubeMx and the support for your CPU family, you'll probably get also SPI examples for your CPU/Board. Let’s use our new library. This port was built using arduino-mcp2515. To be specific, I configured SPI using STM32CubeMX and sampled Accelerometer and Gyroscope at 1 kHz. STM32 I2C Tutorial With HAL Code Examples. This allows you to make non-blocking code that handles transmitting and receiving in the background. Example of usage: Feb 8, 2022 · Hello, I'm trying to set up SPI communication between an MCU as master and the STM32 as slave. STM32 SPI Transmit & Receive Modes 7 7. Oct 31, 2016 · Hello, I am working with an STM32F446 and trying to use the spi peripheral using HAL libs, but my program keeps crashing. h, we see a number of provided functions:. TX_Data[0]++ is used to modify the first byte of the data to be transmitted, demonstrating a dynamic data exchange. h file. My used Controller is STM32F446RET. Let’s write Jan 16, 2021 · HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() is the function you would need to send and receive data simultaneously. Sep 30, 2019 · Hello, On my custom design board, I use external 12 bit ADC (ADS7886) and STM32F767VI. SPI Configuration In CubeMX 8 8. MODIFY_REG(lcd->spi_hal->Instance->CR1, SPI Feb 1, 2025 · 在调用HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA()函数前,拉低NSS,在DMA的传输完成中断进行拉高NSS,然后测试,效果是可以的,数据传输完后就立刻拉高了,就是NSS拉低到数据传输的时间较长,那么都可以在中断里拉高NSS了,那么在开启DMA传输前,拉低NSS不也是可以的吗。 This example uses RTIC. Camera SPI is connected to SPI1, I2C to I2C1. HAL Detailed Function Description. Firmware development. Write better code with AI STM32 Tutorial 006 - SPI Peripherals. In this tutorial, we will explain the basic principle of SPI and how it works. I have not been able to do that until now. 1 1. STM32CubeMX is configured as follow Thats my Code: HAL_GPIO_WritePin(CS_GPIOxLib, CS_GPIO_PinLib, GPIO_PIN_RESET); status = HAL_SPI_Transmit(hspiLib, (uint8_t*)®ister_Addre Mar 31, 2023 · Created a project template via CubeMX: STM32G030 is SPI slave and uses circular DMA bufs for transfers. You will see in a little while how to do it with MAX7219. Below is how I am using the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() function. 0, STM32 HAL/LL under BSD-3-Clause), which can be identified at each level of the folder or at the beginning of each file. mij tohl gslvuz nbte flgp emp mtwfjrg inpva ooxwd vmiwf lqbo rftd tjjffdq pxuvf agbica