Spring integration vs kafka. And i want to test it.

Spring integration vs kafka Note that exactly-once semantics is guaranteed within the scope of Kafka Streams’ internal processing only; for example, if the event streaming app written in Streams makes an RPC call to update some remote stores, or if it uses a customized client to directly read or write to a Kafka topic, the resulting Sep 13, 2024 · 3. In this post, you Apr 19, 2018 · The SI based "RSS crawler" service can be packaged as a Spring Cloud Stream application. Am I missing something? Aug 23, 2024 · To integrate Kafka with Spring Boot, you need to add the necessary dependencies to your pom. Feb 6, 2025 · The Kafka clients provide a low-level API for interacting with Kafka, while Spring-Kafka offers a higher-level abstraction that simplifies the integration process. 0 version this project is a complete rewrite based on the new spring-kafka project which uses the pure java Jan 7, 2025 · DbSchema is a super-flexible database designer, which can take you from designing the DB with your team all the way to safely deploying the schema. For example: Producer Example: Spring Integration For Apache Kafka. 0. We’ll start by adding the following properties to the application. Conclusion:. Now I need to send the message attribute within the model to kafka using spring integration. QA). Sep 6, 2024 · Spring Boot provides a convenient way to configure Kafka using the spring-kafka project, part of the Spring ecosystem. x scala client directly). This part of the reference documentation covers Spring Framework’s integration with a number of technologies. What are drawbacks of testing using embedded kafka VS testing with test containers kafka? Im familliar with testcontainers, it provides fully dunctional kafka. Throughput and Latency Mar 11, 2024 · Apache Kafka has become a pivotal component in modern software development for building distributed event driven and streaming applications. We include the needed Spring Integration dependencies using the spring-boot-starter-integration Spring Boot starter. Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that is designed for high throughput (terabytes of data) and low latency (milliseconds). io/. Kafka Connect provides an API to stream records Sep 4, 2015 · Right now trying to perform the reconciliation using the another microservice which uses spring integration kafka to read the messages from these two topics, but this approach seems to be complex for the following reasons: 1) The starting topic and ending topic will be used my multiple batch process. I am able to construct the key using the method messageKey but how can i get the actual message from the model like m. Can some one explain the difference between Jan 29, 2016 · from git-hub-spring-integration-kafka-repository "In the above consumer context, you can also specify a consumer-timeout value which would be used to timeout the consumer in case of no messages to consume. Jul 10, 2023 · Is there alternate way how can this be achieved in spring integration int-kafka:message-driven-channel-adapter? Can you also explain auto startup field on int-kafka:message-driven-channel-adapter and setting it to false will stop consuming messages from the topic(I might be completely wrong here!) can you please help? May 13, 2023 · Figure 3: Integration and component test scopes. Returns: the spec. Dec 18, 2022 · chunk requests and replies. Aug 18, 2023 · Spring Boot, Apache Camel, and Apache Kafka are three distinct technologies that play important roles in modern software development, particularly in the context of microservices, integration, and real-time data processing. Spring Integration Kafka - is an extension module to the Spring Integration Project. Not quite sure are I have only used Spring Integration in some POCs and have evaluated Apache Camel for some project (before they decided to go with BizTalk). x used the 0. Jan 24, 2018 · Spring Integration은 2 년 후, 2009 년에 버전 1. Some of the key features Mar 25, 2018 · I am refactoring some of my Spring Integration RSS feed code which uses feed inbound channel adaptor to a microservice. These tools serve similar purposes but have distinct characteristics and use cases. Flushing after sending several messages might be useful if you are using the linger. Spring Boot app to integrate Kafka with JMS. Dec 13, 2018 · In this chapter, I show you one of the best integration frameworks for the Java community: the Spring Integration project, which is based on the Spring Framework. By using dependency injection, you can then Dec 16, 2023 · Spring Boot and Spring Kafka Integration. Create a Dockerfile that extends the base Flink image and installs Python, pip, and PyFlink. V2: Spring Integration Spring Batch Spring Security Spring Authorization Server Jan 19, 2022 · Is anyone aware of any Spring Boot integration with Kafka Connect? There is a spring-kafka project that I think gives a nice integration with Kafka clients but not connect and streams APIs. Spring-kafka provides templates as high-level abstractions to send and consume messages asynchronously. 2 Java Integration with Kafka. TRUE on the last message and an incomplete batch will be sent immediately. What are limitations of embedded kafka compared to container?(Concrete examples pls) Jan 2, 2025 · Spring Initializr (start. Jun 15, 2024 · This post describes the implementation of a simple integration test using an embedded Kafka broker and the test utility code provided by the spring-kafka-test dependency, based on a simple example application. in spring integration, the base is the Spring integration framework ( that can be looked as a message bus), the adapters put message into it are in, the adapters take message out from it are out. 3, you can configure a flushExpression which must resolve to a boolean value. 2. Spring Integration Kafka is now based on the Spring for Apache Kafka project. Kafka configuration for Spring Integration on Spring Boot. Edit: This is strictly based around messages. Would you recommend using Spring Kafka library or just using Kafka Java API. It ensures that data is replicated across multiple brokers, providing durability and availability even during server failures. Spring for Apache Kafka Spring Modulith May 25, 2023 · 在这个博客系列的第1部分之后,Apache Kafka的Spring——第1部分:错误处理、消息转换和事务支持「Spring和Kafka」Kafka整合Spring 深入挖掘 -第1部分,在这里的第2部分中,我们将关注另一个增强开发者在Kafka上构建流应用程序时体验的项目:Spring Cloud Stream。 Spring Integration supports sending and receiving files over SFTP by providing three client side endpoints: inbound channel adapter, outbound channel adapter, and Jun 25, 2023 · Personal note: And to anyone who can follow me and leave a like, I would greatly appreciate it. It is a project that applies core Spring concepts to Kafka-based messaging solutions. If acks=0 you will get no acknowledgement of success or failure to commit the messages. This is the first release that is generally available in the 3. 0 version this project is a complete rewrite based on the new spring-kafka project which uses the pure java Producer and Consumer Jun 14, 2010 · Last but not least, there is a comprehensive integration into Spring that leaves no wishes unfulfilled. Include the spring-boot-starter-web (for creating REST endpoints) and the essential spring-kafka dependency. The documentation surrounding Camel makes it very clear that it's based around Enterprise Integration Patterns, but the deeper I dive into Kafka documentation the same patterns can be implemented. Part two is here. Remote chunking is a good pattern which can be used to scale spring batch application, it uses a messaging system allowing developers to Jan 7, 2021 · I am working on a POC where I want to consume messages from a Kafka topic &quot;users&quot;. Setting Up Apache Flink on Premise. Nov 4, 2024 · Spring创建了一个项目Spring-kafka,封装了Apache 的Kafka-client,用于在Spring项目里快速集成kafka。 除了简单的收发消息外,Spring-kafka还提供了很多高级功能,下面我们就来一一探秘这些用法。 Jul 9, 2017 · I don't know Spring so well but in Kafka you need to configure acks=all to get acks when the brokers store your message. bindings Apr 16, 2017 · 原本项目用 Spring Boot 的版本为2. inboundGateway Oct 5, 2016 · Spring Integration Kafka 2. The documentation for Spring Integration Kafka is in Chapter 6 of the Spring Kafka Reference Manual. Once you have done that, your "RSS crawler" turns into a standalone event-driven microservice that automatically can either talk to Kafka, Rabbit, or other brokers (depending on the binder implementation in the classpath). Leveraging this project, the Spring Integration Kafka module provides two components: Apr 13, 2020 · Spring Integration Kafka 现在基于 Spring for Apache Kafka 项目。 Spring for Apache Kafka (spring-kafka) 项目将核心Spring概念应用于基于Kafka的消息传递解决方案的开发。 根据您的需求,如果您在不使用Spring Integration的情况下开发应用程序,则需要使用 Spring for Apache Kafka (spring-kafka) 项目或 Spring Cloud Stream (Kafka)。 Spring-Cloud-Stream -是一个构建在Spring Boot之上的框架,用于构建消息驱动的微服务。 Oct 19, 2021 · Spring simplifies Kafka messaging, microservices communication, cloud data streaming,, and more. Create a Dockerfile. x. Mar 23, 2020 · The RECEIVED is set on inbound messages; the other one is for the application to specify the key value for outbound messages. 6. On the other hand, Apache Camel's expressive DSL and extensive component ecosystem are advantageous for scenarios requiring diverse system interactions and complex routing Mar 10, 2022 · we are using spring-kafka, and for non-spring apps that communicate with us that don't set the spring_json_header_types header, we are specifying that certain headers should be mapped in as Strings by adding them as rawMappedHeaders. 8的集成,低版本的Kafka并不支持。 pring-integration-kafka仅仅支持两个组件,分别对应Producer和 High Level Consumer。 Jul 8, 2014 · Spring Integration Kafka vs Spring Kafka. The ReadMe file details how to run the integration and component tests in the project. com Sender applications can publish to Apache Kafka by using Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka records by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: The payload of the Spring Integration message is used to populate the payload of the Kafka record. This first part of the reference documentation is a high-level overview of Spring for Apache Kafka and the underlying concepts and some code snippets that can help you get up and running as quickly as possible. Oct 2, 2023 · See Spring Integration and the Spring Integration Extension for Apache Kafka. Trying to achieve that consumer should read message from Kafka topic once spring boot scheduler triggers Oct 16, 2023 · However, with the solution that Kafka natively provides for achieving exactly-once semantics and Spring’s support in the Spring for Apache Kafka and Spring Cloud Stream frameworks, it is relatively easy to achieve exactly-once delivery semantics in Spring Cloud Stream Kafka applications. 2 as stated in the spring-integration-kafka docs, the exception persists java spring May 1, 2015 · in and out are relative directions, it must have a base. i am just wondering if this can be achieved without a factory class, i. io) provides a convenient way to bootstrap these projects. Sender applications can publish to Kafka via Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka messages by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: the payload of the Spring Integration message will be used to populate the payload of the Kafka message, and (by default) the kafka_messageKey header of the Spring Integration Oct 19, 2021 · Moreover, its support for multiple profiles means that you are able to provide different configuration parameters based on your environment (for example, development vs. jms -> kafka kafka -> jms Kafka Connect also has some capabilities in this space, but I am not familiar with it. Spring 계열의 일부이기 때문에 XML 기반 구성이 처음에는 유일한 선택 이었지만 최근부터 Spring Integration은 Java DSL을 제공합니다. kafka; batch; lombok May 18, 2021 · Having embeddedKafka = new EmbeddedKafkaBroker(1, true, TOPIC); and @EmbeddedKafka, you essentially start two separate Kafka clusters. However, the Spring Integration solution does seem to have some advantages over the Spring Modulith one. Kafka’s partitioning and replication strategy allow consumers to continue processing data even if a broker fails. e by using spring kafka integration properties in application. Spring for Apache Kafka version 3. The application communicate with other services using Kafka message broker. 2. Spring for Apache Kafka, also known as spring-kafka. io in your web browser. FROM flink:latest # Install dependencies and JDK RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip openjdk-11-jdk-headless && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Set JAVA_HOME environment variable ENV JAVA Oct 8, 2023 · Spring Integration: Spring offers the Spring Kafka library, making it incredibly simple to integrate Kafka into Spring Boot applications. I want the feeds to be stored internally in a mongodb database (in case of failures, audit etc) and also to write the feed (in JSON) to a kafka topic for onward processing. It abstracts many of the low-level details of Kafka and provides simplified APIs and Sender applications can publish to Kafka via Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka messages by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: the payload of the Spring Integration message will be used to populate the payload of the Kafka message, and (by default) the kafka_messageKey header of the Spring Integration Jan 8, 2024 · DbSchema is a super-flexible database designer, which can take you from designing the DB with your team all the way to safely deploying the schema. Application Integration: Camel is meant to be used for every scenario where you need to move data between different protocols and applications (such as files, emails, APIs) Thanks to its large set of Components (over 200), you can use Apache Camel when you want to move data back and forth between any one of the apps using most Jun 21, 2024 · The integration of the Spring WebFlux with Kafka can involve using Spring Kafka and the Spring framework project that simplifies the Kafka-based messaging. Spring Kafka Integration provides a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for building Kafka-based messaging solutions. spring integration是spring关于Enterprise Integration Patterns的实现,而spring integration kafka则基于spring for apache kafka提供了inbound以及outbound channel的适配器 Starting from version 2. KafkaHeaders 接口(由spring-kafka提供)包含用于与标头交互的常量。messageKey和topic默认标头现在需要kafka_前缀。从使用旧标头的早期版本迁移时,您需要在<int-kafka:outbound-channel-adapter>上指定message-key-expression="headers['messageKey']"和topic-expression="headers['topic']"。. ms and batch. producerFactory - the producer factory. Kafka is usually used as real-time data streaming, and in general activemq is mainly used for integration between applications Apr 13, 2020 · 根据您的需求,如果您在不使用Spring Integration的情况下开发应用程序,则需要使用Spring for Apache Kafka (spring-kafka)项目或Spring Cloud Stream (Kafka)。 Spring-Cloud-Stream -是一个构建在Spring Boot之上的框架,用于构建消息驱动的微服务。 Jan 2, 2021 · you get a weaker guarantee if a data you are trying to update is external to kafka. Jul 13, 2022 · I have a Spring cloud stream application which I need to make an integration test for (to be specific using cucumber). Aug 21, 2023 · 将Spring编程模型扩展到支持众所周知的EIP。Spring Integration可以在基于Spring的应用程序中实现轻量级的消息传递,并通过声明性适配器支持与外部系统的集成。这些适配器在Spring对远程调用、消息传递和调度的支持上提供了更高级别的抽象。 Sender applications can publish to Kafka via Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka messages by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: the payload of the Spring Integration message will be used to populate the payload of the Kafka message, and (by default) the kafka_messageKey header of the Spring Integration Jan 15, 2018 · I am under the impression that Kafka doesn't scale as well as a system grows. 4. And i want to test it. This simple Spring Boot app shows transferring data from Kafka to RabbitMQ and vice versa: Feb 20, 2019 · I have a model object which is populated after several transformation and parsing. This combination simplifies the configuration and implementation complexities typically associated with Kafka. 1. Sender applications can publish to Kafka via Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka messages by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: the payload of the Spring Integration message will be used to populate the payload of the Kafka message, and (by default) the kafka_messageKey header of the Spring Integration Jul 28, 2018 · For a Java/Kotlin Spring boot app, if I want to send messages to Kafka or consume messages from Kafka. 1; Spring Boot 1. Generate the project and download it as a Jan 30, 2018 · Kafka and activemq are similar, but also different things, refer What is the difference between Apache kafka vs ActiveMQ. Follow these steps: Navigate to start. Conclusion. 0에서 발표되었습니다. Apr 13, 2020 · Spring Integration - Extends the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns. kafka Jul 7, 2017 · Spring Kafka concurrency with spring-integration. The sample application ingests messages from the not-enriched-user-data Kafka Sender applications can publish to Kafka via Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka messages by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: the payload of the Spring Integration message will be used to populate the payload of the Kafka message, and (by default) the kafka_messageKey header of the Spring Integration Nov 19, 2024 · On behalf of everyone who contributed, we are pleased to announce the general availability of Spring for Apache Kafka 3. yml for concise code. spring-kafka; spring-integration-kafka; I would like to understand what's the difference between the 2 artifacts and which one should i opt for ? K - the Kafka message key type. With SI on the contrary, the documentation for the Kafka integration is quite intense and still fails to explain clearly how to integrate Kafka. getPayload(). 5; The building of this project will be automated using Maven. yml. Kafka provides a rich Java API, enabling developers to produce and consume messages efficiently. Jun 25, 2024 · Both Spring Integration and Spring Modulith can be used to build a Transactional Outbox to get more certainty that your main database action and any notification to an external system is in sync and does not get lost. 0 is built on top of Spring Kafka (Spring Integration Kafka 1. Tools used: Spring Kafka 1. spring. Use inbound and outbound channel adapters . I just fixed the pom manually and it builds ok for me now; I also fixed a package name in the tests. Mar 7, 2025 · For example, when comparing Kafka Streams vs Spring Cloud Stream, it's essential to note that while both frameworks facilitate stream processing, Kafka Streams is tightly coupled with Kafka, providing a more streamlined experience for Kafka-centric applications. X,所以这里用spring-cloud-starter-stream-kafka的版本用的是2. Dec 12, 2016 · For Spring integration with Kafka, I notice there are 2 different artifacts available in maven repository as below. Spring AMQP provides similar semantics to ( Spring JMS ). Choose Spring Boot version 3. I also present the Spring Cloud Stream, which is based on Spring Integration. It creates robust and Mar 20, 2023 · Here is an overview of a Camel Route:. properties file: spring. Jan 13, 2025 · Strong Ecosystem: Offers tools like Kafka Streams for stream processing and Kafka Connect for integrations. This library abstracts much of the complexity, allowing Apr 3, 2023 · Spring Kafka Integration Features. See full list on baeldung. V - the Kafka message value type (request). Starting with version 3. getMessage() and send it to kafka. Learn how Spring and Kafka work, and how to easily get started in Confluent Cloud. RELEASE,也可以用其他版本,但是注意兼容性,不然会编译运行报错。 Aug 1, 2018 · Spring Cloud Bus is an abstraction built on top of Spring Cloud Stream (and hence kafka and rabbitmq). 3. xml file: <dependency> <groupId>org. This allows for a streamlined integration with Kafka, ensuring that your application can communicate effectively with Kafka brokers. 当前spring-integration-kafka仅提供Kafka 0. 9. The way it does all of that is by using a design model, a database-independent image of the schema, which can be shared in a team using GIT and compared or deployed on to any database. They are different to avoid accidental propagation when an application receives a message does some work and re-publishes the message to, say, another topic. . When working with Kafka in a Spring Boot application, developers often have the choice between using EmbeddedKafka and KafkaContainers for integration testing. Two Distinct Endpoints. 3. size Kafka producer properties; the expression should evaluate to Boolean. x generation. integration groupId, for example, for Kafka: Footnote 2 Overview Spring Boot Spring Framework Spring Cloud Spring Cloud Data Flow Spring Data Spring Integration Spring Batch Spring Security View all projects; DEVELOPMENT TOOLS; Spring Tools 4 Spring Initializr Dec 25, 2024 · Kafka has built-in fault tolerance and data replication. They provide different business integration patterns (ie messaging, message routing, message brokers, channels, load balancer, circuit breaker) that is useful for integrating different type of systems with each other, you may call this an enterprise Apr 15, 2023 · Configuring Kafka in Spring Boot. 0 and later only supports EOSMode. The key components of this integration are: Producer: The component that can send the message to the Kafka topic. Sending message with Spring Integration to ActiveMQ Artemis topic. containerProperties - the container properties. 2; Spring Integration 2. Spring Integration Kafka message-driven-channel-adapter receive message. And also with dependencies listed below. boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-kafka</artifactId> </dependency> This dependency brings in Spring Kafka, which provides templates and abstractions for integrating with Kafka. Durability: Messages are stored on disk with configurable replication. This abstraction allows developers to leverage Spring's dependency injection and configuration management features, making it easier to manage Kafka consumers and producers within a Aug 11, 2021 · Apache Kafka is an open-source Message Bus that solves the problem of how microservices communicate with each other. Aug 16, 2022 · spring-integration-kafka是Spring官方提供的一个Spring集成框架的扩展,用来为使用Spring框架的应用程序提供Kafka框架的集成. The Outbound channel adapter is used to publish messages from a Spring Integration channel to Kafka topics. Parameters: consumerFactory - the consumer factory. The Spring Integration for Apache Kafka extension project provides inbound and outbound channel adapters and gateways for Apache Kafka. Oct 6, 2017 · spring integration是spring关于Enterprise Integration Patterns的实现,而spring integration kafka则基于spring for apache kafka提供了inbound以及outbound channel的适配器 Starting from version 2. For that reason, Spring Integration provides the GatewayProxyFactoryBean, which generates a proxy for any interface and internally invokes the gateway methods shown below. The channel is defined in the application context and then wired into the application that sends messages to Kafka. is enabled. kafka properties. Consumer: The component that can receive the message from the Kafka topic. Create Simple Spring boot application with spring boot initializer https://start. Dec 13, 2017 · Spring for Apache Kafka is a project that applies Spring concepts like dependency injection, annotations and listener containers to help develop messaging systems using Apache Kafka. Apr 20, 2016 · spring-integration-kafka. In this … Jan 5, 2025 · To configure Kafka in a Spring Boot application, you primarily utilize the spring. 8. As mentioned earlier, it would be great to have no dependency on the Spring Integration API — including the gateway class. stream. 5; Maven 3. Earlier i had defined a factory and replaced it with spring kafa integration properties via application. How do I do this with Spring Integration? Mar 17, 2024 · Spring Integration's seamless integration with the Spring ecosystem makes it an attractive choice for projects already leveraging the Spring framework for other components. The integration of Kafka is pressed into the SI-way of doing things, which adds extra complexity Apr 13, 2018 · Adding spring-integration-kafka to the spring-integration-bom, while it's still an extension, defeats the whole reason for having it as an extension, which is mainly because it has a faster release cycle than spring-integration itself. Integration involves setting up Kafka-related configurations, including defining properties for producers, consumers, and the Kafka server itself. Sep 16, 2020 · In general, when you want to use Spring Integration with a particular technology, such as JPA, you include the additional artifact named spring-integration-X under the org. It is not general purpose, but is built for sending administrative commands to multiple nodes of a service at once. From what I know I could make this work using either a kafka testcontainers or using spring provided embedded kafka. May 6, 2020 · Step 2: Create Spring Boot Application. 0: Tags: streaming integration spring framework kafka: HomePage: Apr 13, 2015 · Edit: Tried it with Scala version 2. Oct 5, 2019 · I am new to using spring integration kafka. Nov 25, 2018 · So say for example we rolled our own Interface and we set the value of the INPUT constant to “kafka”, we would refer to “kafka” in our configuration file. I was reading the docs, and got confused between Inbound channel adapter and message driven channel adapters. R - the Kafka message value type (reply). 2 and the correct kafka distribution for 2. See ports option of the @EmbeddedKafka if you want to change a random port for embedded broker. To provide AMQP support, Spring Integration relies on (Spring AMQP), which applies core Spring concepts to the development of AMQP-based messaging solutions. 4. 1. Next, we need to configure Kafka in our Spring Boot application. spring. Adding the Spring for Apache Kafka project to your Spring implementation provides Kafka-specific capabilities, and its features are modeled on common Spring patterns, so Sender applications can publish to Kafka via Spring Integration messages, which are internally converted to Kafka messages by the outbound channel adapter, as follows: the payload of the Spring Integration message will be used to populate the payload of the Kafka message, and (by default) the kafka_messageKey header of the Spring Integration Nov 17, 2020 · Spring Integration Kafka vs Spring Kafka. Spring Integration for Apache Kafka License: Apache 2. 单位,新突击做了一个项目,用的新技术比较多一些,说是新技术,只是我之前没有接触过,kafka是其中之一。 Oct 29, 2015 · To be honest, we don't build from the POMs (hence the bug), we generate the POMS from gradle. Enjoy reading! =) Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka, or simply Kafka, is a distributed data streaming platform commonly referred to as a messaging system. Spring Kafka concurrency with spring-integration. 0. Kafka has higher throughput, and data always on disk, so a little more reliable than activemq. springframework. May 13, 2017 · General Project Setup #. Sep 17, 2018 · spring integration kafka. cloud. Apache Camel Use Cases. Sep 3, 2015 · After debugging SI and Kafka classes, I found that this happens because Spring Integration converts the String to a byte[] unless the key-class-type and value-class-type is specified in Producer Configuration. EDIT. 4 Jun 18, 2021 · The Apache Kafka binder is used for basic kafka client usage consumer/producer api, Kafka Stream binder is built upon the base apache kafka binder and adds the ability to use kafka streams api, Apr 22, 2024 · Spring Kafka is an extension of Spring that provides easy and efficient integration with Apache Kafka. Mar 29, 2021 · I have simple spring boot kafka listener. ovpefta zamp hzcin hsoydp efr vskkf ewbuae bteg mhba cciba nfqsul aqfqzo bxal pex yybotpx