Setup influxdb on synology 192. I've got 6 Aeotec 6 Multisensors that are reporting in 5 sec intervals. Apr 13, 2022 · GitHub - alhazmy13/Synology-NAS-monitoring: influxDB, Grafana, snmp and telegraf. It was a bug in an earlier docker version for Synology, that erased all environmentals. I’m not Feb 11, 2021 · Eventually people using docker containers end up using docker-compose People claiming to be too lazy to learn docker-compose, are actualy the oposite of lazy as creating and keeping containers updated from the ui or the docker run is cumbersome compared the one-time effort of creating the container configuration in docker-compose. There's also a bunch of config files available that will build dashboards for you. Now I run everything on my DS! I store the data in Influxdb on Docker and use Grafana on Docker to visualize the data. Use the following command to execute the influx CLI within our influxdb container: $ docker exec -it influxdb influx setup Managing your Telegraf configuration Install and configure your InfluxDB cluster. x, you will not be able to used this guide to install it. 5. However, some time today my influxdb completely erased itself. Leider kann ich nirgends im Netz ein Tutorial finden wo es beschrieben ist wie das funktioniert. Note: How to Back Up Docker Containers on your Synology NAS. May 5, 2021 · Hallo, habs noch nicht gerrafft, influxdb habe ich als Container angelegt, läuft nun möchte ich die Settings (admin, user Password usw. 9 influxd config > influxdb. 1 & 1. So, I cannot create DB and cannot insert data. conf. R. Also, some users experienced issues with Grafana and In Sep 2, 2019 · Hi. das Image davon auf mein Synology NAS zu bringen. Kennt jemand von euch jemand eine Seite oder kann in kurzen schritten erklären wie es klappt. The install is quite easy, download the image from the registry, and when installing follow the default steps. Here's my dashboard using telegraf, influxdb 2. Add InfluxDB as a Data Source: In Grafana, click on the “Gear” icon (Configuration) in the left-hand menu and select “Data Sources”. Step 2: search “influxdb” Step 3: install (if you already install before, it will show “Create”) please setup the port 2003 and port 8086 to this influxdb Jul 15, 2021 · Grott is an interface between the Growatt inverter and the system/application you want to use to monitor the performance of your solar panels. Ich wollte nun die InfluxDB auf meiner DS installieren. Enable; Run Docker image in your Synology. Follow the Install InfluxDB Clustered guide to install prerequisites and set up your cluster. For more information on how to get started, check out: Jan 15, 2019 · Just let your Synology do the work - it's private, it's as reliable as your setup, no extra charges, Docker packages of Grafana+influxDB are available. 113 is the IP address of my NAS. That is, everything ran fine until I rebooted my DS720+. X, Grafana). Another tutorial about how to install and set up for InfluxDB 2. influxdb_v2]] depending on which version of influxdb you are running. Oct 15, 2024 · Connecting Grafana to InfluxDB Cloud Serverless. conf Jul 27, 2017 · I am trying to setup https with influx docker image. Note-Red can also run on selcted Synologies. Feb 10, 2018 · If you have not made any mistakes, you should see Data source is working when you click Add. Der Containermanager meiner Synology bietet mir nun natürlich kein Update auf eine aktuelle Version an. I do the same for my mariadb database. I use MariaDB hosted on my Synology NAS, so that takes care of redundancy and backup issues for that database. Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers. Feb 25, 2019 · install InfluxDB; install Grafana; setup Grafana datasource link to influxDB; Install influxDB container via Container Station. InfluxDB 2. While you can use your Operator token to interact with InfluxDB, we recommend creating an All Access token that is scoped to an organization, and then using this token to manage InfluxDB. Configuration Enable SNMP service on Synology NAS. The following steps show how to use the Docker CLI to set up and run InfluxDB. Nun hatte ich mir gedacht, den Raspi bzw. UPDATE: 11/06/2021 - I have added a new article with the up-to-date version of this stack. B. For the setup, I opted to use the Docker image available. Grafana Dashboard for Synology Devices, collecting SNMP using Telegraf, and InfluxDB. 168. Jan 5, 2024 · Note: Can I run Docker on my Synology NAS? See the supported models. Setting up InfluxDB on Docker 01 Intro. Apr 18, 2022 · Grafana ist eine plattformübergreifende Open-Source-Anwendung zur grafischen Darstellung von Daten aus verschiedenen Datenquellen wie z. Aug 8, 2022 · InfluxDB aufrufen. Note that 192. An arduino is a microcontroller only. A place to answer all your Synology questions. 7 on Docker for Linux instances. 3 Documentation and generated certs, stored them at required location and added that location to influxdb. The default InfluxDB configuration doesn’t enforce authentication. This InfluxDB Docker Compose guide shows you how to get started with InfluxDB in minutes. 0 with a synology docker installation. But I also installed InfluxDB and Grafana for more long-term data collection and analysis (I intend to keep at least 5+ years of data - in my case power consumption, solar thermal and power production, etc). If msg. Nov 27, 2017 · Oh, one of the great things about using InfluxDB is that you could have it running on a separate machine. T metrics with real-world data analysis to predict and prevent potential failures Any particular reason you want to stay on influxDB 1. All my data and other settings (org name, tokens, buckets, etc. The new stack uses the new InfluxDB 2. I can send data to it, I can export the data to grafana, everything seems to be working fine. payload is an array containing two objects, the first object will be written as the set of named fields, the second is the set of named tags. Jan 8, 2010 · Attach the "Data Source" InfluxDB-Synonlogy to the Synology NAS dashboard; Click on load and complete the process; You need to import the FRITZ!Box Router dashboard. SSH into your Synology; Run the command sudo docker exec -it influxdb1 bash; Follow the InfluxDB Post Setup Jul 21, 2024 · <ORGANIZATION>: With InfluxDB, every user must belong to an organization. Mar 19, 2024 · Then, you’ll want to set up the initial user for InfluxDB. /setup. Configure the InfluxDB Data Source: Query Language: Select Flux. I use this with the free open source Home Automation software Home Nov 9, 2017 · Here is a short HowTo which might help some, to set up an InfluxDB container with PERSISTANT data. Leider komme ich damit nicht so klar. Jan 2, 2024 · Greetings friends, what an exciting blog I have the honour to start 2024 with. 00:00 Uhr ein Backup der InfluxDB auf mein Synology NAS mache, waren nur die Daten eines Tages verloren - aber ist trotzdem irgendwie "doof" . I log my PV system in my remote cabin, temperatures in my house using various techniques (nRF temp, Telldus, Modbus TCP). Click the terminal tab at the top. 0 brought GUI elements that makes it much easier to look at your data instead of having to rely on other tools like Grafana. But that's patched now. The docket containers are all started up just fine but I found that Web Service Portal shows a number containers with 'Service disabled'. It's pretty quick to setup and works perfectly with influxdb. Option 2 - Manual Install. Click the “create” button at the top left of the window. io) using IP of NAS. Ask a question or start a discussion now. On Synology: Install Docker on Synology if not already Install InfluxDB Setup user and database in InfluxDB (this took me a while to figure out) In HA: YAML same as InfluxDB - Home Assistant (home-assistant. We will be using Docker Compose to set up the container. Click details. Another option is to use the InfluxDB GUI to generate the configuration. Hi Everyone, Any influxdb / telegraf expert here? I installed influxdb and telegraf on my synology NAS. Would be it not the During the InfluxDB initial set up process, you created an admin user and Operator token that have permissions to manage everything in your InfluxDB instance. Mar 2, 2020 · By Ankit Deshpande. I followed steps given in documentation here: HTTPS Setup | InfluxDB OSS 1. M. 0 and grafana. This can easily be done by generating a sample configuration. Step 1: Open Container Station & Create new container. What I have found, the Grafana is for now the best way for that. This tutorial shows you how to deploy Home Assistant highly-available on Docker Swarm with influxDB, mariaDB and persistent NFS storage. Note: Find out how to update the Node-RED container with the latest image. yaml The configuration. Docker Compose File. Generate an API key for use later. Die Ordner Feb 4, 2022 · First make sure InfluxDB is already installed. Note: How to Free Disk Space on Your NAS if You Run Docker. ), stack that particular villain's attack cards underneath it, then modify the villain deck as needed based on that villain's particular scheme. But I can't speak for Watchtower since I never used it. The following guide uses Docker mounted volumes to persist InfluxDB configuration and data. How do I interact with Influxdb? As a start I want to create a database so I followed the instructions in the influxdb documentation and typed this into terminal Aug 15, 2023 · Having that in mind and hoping my understanding is correct, I would like to either edit InfluxDB and Grafana containers (or recreate them) in order to having them read and write their data in and from a regular shared folder. Dec 28, 2020 · Hello together, I want to make next step and collect some sensors values to show it as graphs. Heute zeige ich, wie man einen Grafana-Dienst auf der Synology-Diskstation installiert. Just follow the steps in the UI. yaml’ into the /docker/scrutiny folder. Nov 19, 2020 · Nachdem ich immer nachts um ca. 0, which will serve as a a single platform to manage all the components of the TICK Stack. I have created a database and set a retention policy of 6 months. 2. Added snmp packages and Synology NAS MIBS. Configuration . Schritt 1: Synology vorbereiten Als erstes muss der SSH-Login auf der Diskstation aktiviert werden. MFG Schmidt Oct 16, 2023 · The level of notification you receive (Critical or All Issues) can be set up in the WebUI once Scrutiny is up and running. Follow the Grafana Setup instructions provided (or see below) to complete the setup. How I can troubleshoot what is the problem? Any suggestion to fix this? Thanks in advance! Krisztian To set up the game, players choose a mastermind villain (Magneto, Loki, Dr. Dazu geht man in die INFLUXDB_DATA_WAL_DIR | /var/lib/influxdb/wal; INFLUXDB_DATA_META_DIR | /var/lib/influxdb/meta; Finalize container and: Click APPLY; Click NEXT; Click APPLY; We now need to create the database that the unpoller container will use. ) machen wie beim Raspi, oder läuft das hier anders? Vielen Dank! GitHub - alhazmy13/Synology-NAS-monitoring: influxDB, Grafana, snmp and telegraf influxDB, Grafana, snmp and telegraf . Prerequisites Added snmp packages and Synology NAS MIBS. influxDB, Grafana, snmp and telegraf . Über die IP-Adresse des NAS (Docker Host) gefolgt von dem Port sollte nun InfluxDB erreichbar sein (z. 2 release. . Nach Eingabe des Benuternamens und des Passworts, die oben bei den Umgebungsvariabeln angelegt wurden kommt man auf die schicke und nützliche neue InfluxDB Oberfläche. If you have installed InfluxDB on the same host where Home Assistant is running and haven’t made any configuration changes, add the following to your configuration. All using docker-compose! May 26, 2024 · For the initial Synology NAS setup steps below (1. URL: "Meine InfluxDB-Server IP-Adresse (entspricht der IP-Adresse des Docker Containers)" Token "Das im vorigen Kapitel erzeugte InfluxDB Token" Jun 14, 2022 · Follow prompts to set up with your Plex instance. cd Powerwall-Dashboard . I record everything with retention of 14 days. You need to make sure the telegraf config also contains a snmp section which points to the mibs and the disks you have in your synology for example this is my setup for a 4 disk array with 2 nvme cache Dec 11, 2018 · QVR Pro provides 8 embedded monitoring channels, allowing you to quickly build a cloud surveillance environment hosted on your QNAP NAS QVR Pro Client allows you to monitor cameras that are connected to the QVR Pro server and flexibly switch between live and playback modes to take full control over the monitored area. Node-RED sends the tank level and weather to the InfluxDB database. Infrastructure and application observability and monitoring plays a very important role in ensuring uptime and smooth operations of services and systems in production. If the NAS or Pi running Node-RED restarts the Node-RED daashboard will be cleared. The docker logs don’t Apr 25, 2017 · Now, you need to configure Home Assistant to use InfluxDB. So, if you’re using Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, you could have InfluxDB running on a PC or NAS that’s always on. I am using it in a hub and spokes principle, meaning that I run the web portion in via docker and the "spokes" have a daily cronjob and send the results to the hub. Assign a name for this initial bucket, which will be created when the container starts. Das Forum ist somit eine der grössten Wissensdatenbanken zu Synology Produkten im Internet. Download, install, and configure the influxctl CLI. <BUCKET>: When you first set up InfluxDB, it requires an initial bucket. You could also use Grafana to pull data from InfluxDB to create sophiscated dashboards. Hmm, I'm guessing Synology's setup is geared towards persistent containers (which, to be fair, is a more common usecase). Make sure to use Hi everyone, I am using the Scrutiny smart monitoring and it works fine. Install Grafana, point to database on the NAS. ) were gone. Nov 11, 2019 · To note, InfluxDB will soon become InfluxDB 2. Feb 27, 2024 · In this step by step guide I will show you how to install Grafana on your Synology NAS using Docker. Oct 24th, 2019 8:58am by Antoine Solnichkin As for telegraf config you need to edit [[outputs. Setting up InfluxDB. Mar 7, 2025 · The script is best suited to run on the NAS itself and highly recommended. A. How this works is explained in the Setup chapter below. Now you are ready to add your dashboard and create your first chart. B. See full list on paolotagliaferri. Synology DSM 6. Wechsel dazu in ioBroker in den Bereich Adapter und suche über die Suchfunktion nach dem Name „Influx“. com Here’s how you can configure Grafana to use InfluxDB database. Note: How to Schedule Start & Stop For Docker Containers. As we have data based on a time signature and Home Assistant has support for it, the best we can do is install InfluxDB. To be able to use Telegraf, a configuration file must be created. STEP 1 Jan 11, 2020 · In our set up, InfluxDB will collect and persist long term the sensor data obtained from Home Assistant. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. 135:8086). Before you begin, it is important to ensure that all the prerequisites are met to install InfluxDB on Docker. Jun 12, 2021 · Guten Abend, ich möchte gerne meine Synology mit Grafana visualisieren. Aug 8, 2019 · grafana influxdb telegraf synology docker monitoring. 178. My current setup is Hass as docker container on a Synology NAS and MariaDB as recorder. Apr 18, 2022 · Grafana est une application open source multiplateforme permettant de représenter graphiquement des données provenant de différentes sources de données telles que InfluxDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL ou Prometheus. I have my HA on Synology in a docker. We’ll first need to setup a database in May 5, 2021 · Das deutsche Synology Support Forum ist die Heimat einer der größten und aktivsten Communities für Synology Produkte weltweit. Everything should be setup, no additionally configuration need, except in Home Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen. Click “Add data source” and choose “InfluxDB” from the list. Fill in PUID and PGID from your Synology accout (use id to get these values), and Timezone information Fill in basic usernames and passwords to your liking. 7) to my Synology docker. What I see, I can directly by DSM (Synology) install the MariaDB (the InfluxDB is not available). Oct 30, 2019 · Hi! I have deployed InfluxDb (v 1. The only wrinkle is that the influx default port 8086 is mapped to a NAS port for external access (49154 in my case). Nov 26, 2017 · I highly recommend Debian Chroot! Like you I had a Raspberry Pi logging everything. 8. sh If you get docker errors during the setup, see the Docker Errors section below. Install and set up InfluxDB in a container. but you can also use Docker Compose. Also should InfluxDB be better for that as MariaDB, right? Now my question. 2 – how to find a Synology NAS, install DSM 7, and set up a storage pool/volume), please watch this video that walks through the entire process (as well as many other things on the WunderTech YouTube page)!. Persisting your data to a file system outside the container ensures that your data isn’t Create directories for your InfluxDB instance, I have two directories set config directory data directory Log into your Synology via SSH Navigate to the InfluxDB config directory created above Create an example config docker run -ti --rm influxdb:1. Feb 4, 2022 · Tutorial Install influxdb On Synology NAS in Dockerขอบคุณสำหรับการรับชม กรุณากดติดตาม กดถูกใจ เพื่อ Nov 5, 2021 · I’ve set up Influxdb 2. 7. sh Synology Dashboard - Telegraf SNMP - InfluxDB. I recommend ouroboros if you want to go with the automatic updater. Oct 11, 2018 · Hi! Come and join us at Synology Community. yaml (replace the IP address with that of the device running Docker) and restart Home Assistant to setup InfluxDB (you will have to fine tune it based on your preferences): I have set up Influxdb and Grafana on my ds918 and it appears to be working ok except for one fundamental problem. Click on the InfluxDB container in the containers tab. Open the Docker app on the Synology desktop web page. Was ich bisher gemacht habe: Unter Registrierung das influxdb Paket heruntergeladen (Link) Unter Abbild das Image gestartet Habe Persistence is supported via mounting volumes to a Docker container. 0 is very easy to set up (read: a few commands and you're good to go) and it comes with a web UI that includes the ability to create dashboards. Unfortunately I do not have any Synology Hardware, so I have user Virtual DSM to achieve thisContinue Reading Aug 16, 2009 · Das deutsche Synology Support Forum ist die Heimat einer der größten und aktivsten Communities für Synology Produkte weltweit. With minimal configuration, the Synology NAS should be This Synology NAS monitoring uses InfluxDB 2 with Flux query language and the dashboard is configurable with virtually zero hard coded values. I have Deconz Zigbee sensors and a utility meter that sends info to Mosquitto every 10s or something, among others. I've seen the instructions on the Influx website about the commands for the backup but I have two questions: Do I run the command in the terminal within the container? Feb 8, 2018 · Now, you need to configure Home Assistant to use InfluxDB. That way your historical data doesn’t take up space on your SD card. It runs well but for any reason I cannot log on to it using my NAS IP address together with the port number (8086). 0+ so be sure to use that article if you want the latest version Oct 11, 2018 · Hi! Come and join us at Synology Community. The image itself is pretty simple to configure. Multiple users can belong to an organization. And my hardware integrated with it is increasing and will increase more. Contribute to alhazmy13/Synology-NAS-monitoring development by creating an account on GitHub. Make sure to use Nov 22, 2022 · Das steht auf der node-red-contrib-influxdb Seite:. Jan 21, 2021 · The influx setup command allows you to set up your InfluxDB instance interactively with the CLI. So saving the data in InfluxDB gives you persistant data, and you can create some nice dashboards in InfluxDB. I've added a ticket to my todo list to look at adding support for running a persistent container. HTTP Settings: http://NAS_IP_ADDRESS:8086 Apr 24, 2023 · InfluxDB is a time series database, which is perfect for homelab monitoring. It can be ran on another device but the device would need to be able to run shell scripts, able to make SNMP calls such as using snmpwalk and has the Synology SNMP MIB's. It all seems to work OK. Jul 22, 2020 · I have set up Grafana and InfluxDB in a docker on my Synology NAS. As Home Assistant is only keeping track of it’s history for a short period we need somewhere to store data for a longer time. I will say that it was a little complicated trying to modify the config file in persistent storage outside the container so that future versions of the container didn't require rewriting the SNMP configuration, but after getting that sorted out it works fine. For Windows 11 users, see the Windows 11 Instructions below. Sep 19, 2019 · UPDATE: With the introduction of InfluxDB 2. Seit dem Jahr 2006 wurden auf der Plattform über eine Millionen Beiträge zu Synology Produkten und Lösungen verfasst. yaml (replace the IP address with that of the device running Docker) and restart Home Assistant to setup InfluxDB (you will have to fine tune it based on your preferences): Aug 16, 2022 · Name: "Beliebiger Name für den InfluxDB Konfiguration-Node" InfluxDB-Version: 2. especially to @Rusty, Rusty, I noticed that you wrote a blog for monitoring a Synology DS with Telegraf, InfluxDB und Grafana, each running in a dedicated docker container: Grafana - InfluxDB - Telegraf (GIT) monitoring setup via docker Since I'm starting to switch from a SNMP driven I just used this guide to setup InfluxDB on my Synology to start keeping data longer than the standard 10 days, and everything is working as expected, however the memory usage for my docker container is growing at about 1GB/day. As I wanted to host it on my Synology NAS, I simply created a folder and mapped it as the /var/lib/influxdb read/write mount point in Oct 24, 2019 · How to Setup InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana on Docker: Part 1 In Part 1 of this tutorial series, we cover the steps to install InfluxDB 1. After the very successful dashboard for QNAP, using SNMP v3, I got tons of emails and feedback asking for the same but for Synology. InfluxDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL oder Prometheus. Doom, etc. 1 installiert und dabei offenbar nicht den Tag "latest" verwendet. 7? influxDB 2. Reply reply I have! The instructions above worked perfectly. Fhem, OpenHAB all can run on your NAS. Aujourd&rsquo;hui, je montre comment installer un service Grafana sur le diskstation Synology. Étape 1 : Préparer Synology La première chose à faire est d&rsquo;activer le login SSH Jan 1, 2012 · Moin, ich habe vor einige Zeit auf meiner DS218+ einen Dockercontainer mit InfluxDB in der Version 2. Since, we did not add any username/password to our database, we can simply add the following to our configuration. 1. Nov 27, 2017 · In this video I take you step-by-step to install a docker container on a Synology NAS which comes with Grafana and InfluxDB. If you prefer, you can perform the same steps that setup. Thanks! Nov 6, 2020 · Nach dem wir nun die InfluxDB installiert, die Datenbank erstellt und den Dienst eingerichtet haben, werden wir im nächsten Schritt den ioBroker-Adapter für den Zugriff auf die InfluxDB installieren und konfigurieren. Oct 11, 2022 · I'm running a few docker containers (piHole, InfluxDB, Grafana) and managed to set up everything perfectly fine. Currently my DS920 only has 4GB of RAM, but I feel like a DB shouldn't have to use more than 1GB or so. Docker is a good platform and runs well on Synology. Then I've got several other things configured for monitoring such as Synology NAS, router to monitor UL/DL speed and one or two other things that don't generate a lot of data. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security. Grafana will store its data in SQLite files instead of a MySQL. Removing the # from the required lines. Start with docker-compose up watch for any problems, then ^C quit, and eventually restart with docker-compose up -d Aug 15, 2023 · Having that in mind and hoping my understanding is correct, I would like to either edit InfluxDB and Grafana containers (or recreate them) in order to having them read and write their data in and from a regular shared folder. Check out the documentation, it's pretty fleshed out and easy to follow. 💡 Note: This guide works perfectly with the latest Grafana v11. Now it is unable to find the file, so I wanted to check if influxdb container would be able to get these certs from local machine where infludb docker is Jan 15, 2019 · Just let your Synology do the work - it's private, it's as reliable as your setup, no extra charges, Docker packages of Grafana+influxDB are available. I am not a Docker specialist So apologise if it is not the best solution. The influxctl CLI lets you manage your InfluxDB cluster from a command line and perform administrative tasks such as managing databases and tokens. Support using an external InfluxDB and Grafana; Run telegraf in docker locally on Synology; Include Synology MIBS in container image ** If you want an all in one solution see alhazmy13/Synology-NAS-monitoring Dec 17, 2020 · I’ve become relatively experienced with Home Assistant. Finally, save this file as ‘scrutiny. Auch dafür gibt's ja viele Anleitungen hier im Forum. Written in GO too so the overhead is very little. yml. Enable If the firewall is enabled, then you need to add a new rule for port UDP/161, This is mandatory otherwise, some data Oct 11, 2018 · Hi! Come and join us at Synology Community. Set an username, a secure password, an organization name and an initial bucket name. Note: If you want to monitor your Synology NAS via Grafana and Prometheus, check out my guide Monitor Your Synology With Grafana and Prometheus Dashboard. Synology Dashboard using SNMP v3. influxdb] or [[outputs. The InfluxDB output is then already filled in: Home Assistant database setup with the TIG stack (Telegraf, Influxdb 2. So it’s Mar 19, 2024 · Then, you’ll want to set up the initial user for InfluxDB. InfluxDB is a great lightweight time-series database that’s ideal for monitoring other value-based systems. Mosquitto MQTT broker is available as a package. from GITHUB I have InfluxDB V2 in a container in my Synology 920+. 0 (hiermit ermögliche ich das Speichern von Daten über Abonnements und Bucket). Since there are several tutorials on the web for the same, I am not going to discuss adding charts in Grafana here. (latest version) using docker The nas is a DS1517+ with DSM 7 Mu goal is to monitor the NAS and other equipements with grafana/influxdb/telegraf I'm struggling with this part : (data Dec 2, 2018 · Hallo liebe Community, bin noch relativ frisch in der Welt von Docker. I went to its address, and had to set up the entire database from scratch. There is an image update available, but I would like to back-up my current version of InfluxDB in case something goes wrong. 0 is coming soon. Oct 9, 2020 · I run it on my Synology DS918+, which stores all our backups and runs most of the services for our home network. But it does work ;-) My InfluxDB folder is about 350 MB large after about two days. Install Docker from Synology package center; Create two empty folders in your Synology “influxdb” and “grafana”, we need to use it later to mount it to our container. Jan 1, 2025 · Set up Scrutiny on Synology NAS via Docker for comprehensive hard drive health monitoring, blending S. Grafana connects to it OK but as soon as I try to create th… Mar 26, 2021 · I have a NUC install of HomeAssistant that’s working great. obfzkxq ddfy qyonf mnb etbniz exzd tpavina mkwc hej lskdx gvmg tsvos yjijoj pvzpv bbxtv