Rockbridge county zoning map. County Administrator.
Rockbridge county zoning map Jan 18, 2025 · P: (540) 463- 9361 F: (540) 463-1466. During the next 15 years, the various towns reviewed and eventually approved the County-prepared tax maps, at different times. Gather information about the courts in Rockbridge County. This permit application is to be used for a zoning permit when applying for a Rockbridge County business license or when transferring a County business license to a new physical location within the County. SYSTEMS (540) 464 9656 In 1987, the County began to assemble digital tax maps based on 1987 aerial photography and the land records filed to date in the County Clerk's office. Viveca Hanson Planning & Zoning Specialist vhanson@rockbridgecountyva. These 575 properties primarily include otherwise undevelopable land, such as the Blue Ridge Parkway. Get parcel data and aerial imagery for your research or planning needs. The provisions embraced in this, and following chapters, articles, and sections shall constitute and be designated “The Code of the County of Rockbridge, Virginia,” and may be so cited. ***** ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given per Section 15. Code of the County of Rockbridge, Virginia in one file. The property is owned by the Rockbridge Area Health Center and is located on Tax Map #62-A-54B Sam Crickenberger Secretary Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals Date Posted : June 13 an ordinance to amend the official zoning district map of rockdale county, georgia, as amended, by rezoning 1362 and 1390 nw rockbridge road from r-1 (single-family residential) and r-3 (multi-family residential) to m-1 (limited industrial); to impose conditions upon the property; to repeal conflicting ordinances and for other purposes. Rockford Map Publishers, Inc. 4. Street Signs. 6 1 0 obj /Length 2 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xœä½M¯. Appointments. property is owned by Dairy Air Poultry , LLC is locate d on Tax Map #25-A-10B. rockbridgecountyva. 03-6 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations, lodges are a use by special exception in the A-T District. E911 Addressing. ***** County of Rockbridge ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is he reby given per Section 15. Use the links to explore Rockbridge County GIS maps by parcel, address, street name, owner name, and map number. Vegetation is considered established when the ground cover is uniform, mature enough to survive, and will inhibit erosion. Sec. Individual Chapters linked below. 12 County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. the Agricultural Transitional (A-T) Zoning District and per section 603B. More Addresses Phone Numbers. Office: (540) 463-4361 . Meetings are held on the first floor of the Rockbridge County Administrative Office Building in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room located at 150 South Main Street in Lexington, Virginia. ***** 540-460-4518 C toni@jfbrownrealestate. gov ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING S County of Rockbridge County Administration Offices 150 South Main Street Lexington , Virginia 24450 LAND DISTURBING PERMIT PACKAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT (540) 463-9361 COUNTY ENGINEER (540) 464-1152 DATA PROCESSING (540) 464-1241 FISCAL SERVICES (540) 463-4361 GRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (540) 464-9656 PLANNING & ZONING (540) 464-9662 RECYCLING County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. Meets as needed; Rockbridge County Administrative Office Building The Code of the County of Rockbridge Chapter 19 requires that businesses operating in the county have a current Rockbridge County Business License. Rockbridge County Administrative Office Building Interactive Map. gov PLANNING & ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM November 9, 2022 7:00 P. county of rockbridge land development regulations incorporating county of rockbridge zoning and subdivision ordinance rockbridge county, virginia as amended adopted november 22, 1982 amended through july 22, 2024 county of rockbridge land development regulations incorporating county of rockbridge zoning and subdivision ordinance rockbridge county, virginia as amended adopted november 22, 1982 amended through july 22, 2024 Zoning Administrator cslaydon@rockbridgecountyva. Jul 22, 2024 · ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY CODE . 03, 04 and 05 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations (the Regulations) that public hearings will be held by the Rockbridge County Title: untitled Created Date: 8/27/2008 9:18:24 AM property is owned by Dairy Air Poultry , LLC is locate d on Tax Map #25-A-10B. More Numbers Popular Links. gov Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a. Intranet Agenda Center View Board of Supervisors meeting dates and agendas at BoardDocs. Board of 7/13/2025: Natural Bridge: Property Owner: David Whitmore: 150 S Main Street Lexington, VA 24450: 540-291-2188 H ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given per Section 15. - 5:00 p. Value: 0 Nov 24, 2024 · About. gov R OCKBRIDG E COUNT Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING S Books 1-16, meetings dating from August 22, 1870, through July 24, 1990, are in the custody of the Rockbridge County Circuit Court Clerk and can be reviewed in the records room of the Clerk’s Office during regular business office. County Administrator Office: (540) 463-4361 Fax (540) 463-4346 County of Rockbridge County Administrator 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 BUILDING DEPARTMENT (540) 463 9361 COUNTY ENGINEER (540) 464 1152 DATA PROCESSING (540) 464 1241 FISCAL SERVICES (540) 463 4361 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (540) 464 9656 PLANNING & ZONING County of Rockbridge Office of Community Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. County of Rockbridge Office of Community Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. BUILDING DEPARTMENT (540) 463-9361. ***** Hocking County Logan, OH 43138. M®–9/©þà #±:ã;sÊ ¡F:BÀ€a«Õê ¡*Z0áï·oGØa;ãYëlõ ¨ª—ý^çÙù ápܶ#"¯¯‹þóïÿõ_ÿ’¾ðŸÿþŸþú—ÿíßþà ýïúú ÿò ôßÒü·ÿ&ÿ½¾r{ò×ßéoÿóë; þ|ý ÑwÎŒ3ä¿ò·¯KþðŸÿú—ÿøϾþ+_0·V¾ÓÕÚà ôÏÓÕ¿[O- ¥ñýÐÿ£¿ÔùO½ ý_ § ûßÿþ þ Aug 28, 2024 · Notice is hereby given per Section 15. Elections - (740) 380-8683. 3 percent of all parcels. Jul 1, 2022 · Coordinates the maintenance of Geographic Information System (GIS) map layers related to zoning with County staff; prepares maps for landowners, lending institutions, and developers. Real Dec 31, 2024 · Member Phone Email Term Expires; Leslie Ayers (540) 817-5320: layers@rockbridgecountyva. gov PLANNING & ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM August 09, 2023 7:00 P. Explore land records in Rockbridge County, VA. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (BZA) COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING identified as Tax Map # 76-18-21 (2. Please be advised the Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) holds meetings on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p. Based on those requirements, we can assume the following minimums for each district:. Rockbridge County, VA Geographic Information System DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this site is furnished by government and private industry sources and is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. County Administrator. Rockbridge Area Network Authority. A zoning permit is required in order to ensure that the business activity is a permitted/approved use on the subject property per the zoning ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is he reby given per Section 15. Whether the zoning proposal is in conformity with the policy and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The map below shows the base zoning for each parcel in the county. 86 miles south of % Chg: Previous Values: n/a: Bldg: 0: Total Imp. gov AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING ROOM 15 September, 2021 7:00 p. County of Rockbridge ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 Website: www. Hall of Justice 105 West Hunter Street. Rockbridge County Schools. The special exception permit for the 2. We will be able to assist you from project formulation to implementation and hope to serve you as a partner in the process. gov PLANNING & ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM January 10, 2024 7:00 P. 5 MW County Administrator. M. Peruse information and plans from the Planning and Zoning department. gov AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM August 11, 2021 7:00 P. 5:30 p. gov PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY TOURISM CORRIDOR OVERLAY (TCO) REVIEW BOARD February 5, 2025 4:00 P. This report is an analysis of zoning and land use patterns in Rockbridge County, the City of Lexington, and the City of Buena Vista. gov PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING ROOM September 20, 2023 7:00 p. The Business, Professional, and Occupational License Tax is administered by the Commissioner of the Revenue . Chapter 1 . How code designated and cited. B. Zoning Interactive Map allows you to access planning GIS information such as Zoning, General Plan (Land Use), Special Area Plans and Overlay Districts, Master Plans, Trails and other Planning Related Data. View Board of Supervisors minutes here. gov PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given per Section 15. Courts. gov County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 Fax: (540) 463-5981 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 540-464-9662 PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. Auditor - (740) 385-2127. 🌍🏠📜 The board is responsible for reviewing all zoning appeals. 2 Lot dimensions. in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room in the County Administration Building, 150 South Main Street County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 Fax: (540) 463-5981 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 540-464-9662 PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. 2-2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 807 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations (the Regulations) that the following public hearing will be held by the Rockbridge County GIS maps are used for viewing and analysis by most other departments, including Commissioner of Revenue, Fire and Rescue, Planning and Zoning, Public Works, and Emergency Services. 2000 Recodifcation effective April, 24, 2000. gov R OCKBRIDG E COUNT Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING S Rockbridge County Property Records (Virginia) Public Records for Rockbridge County, Virginia include 9,505 properties with a median sale price of $250,000, the average home typically offers 2-3 bedrooms and 1-3 bathrooms. County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. For Planning and Zoning, click here. 150 South Main Street . Prepares written and oral reports for the Director, Board of Zoning Appeals County of Rockbridge Community Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. Application for Employment- Rockbridge County Public Service Authority: Planning & Zoning; Rockbridge Area Demographics This Board manages the regional tourism program for Lexington, Buena Vista, and Rockbridge County. Virginia, 24473. For GIS/ Mapping, click here. Accessibility . Publicly-owned lands make up nearly 25 percent of the county’s area, but just 1. Stay informed on the latest economic developments, business opportunities, and community growth initiatives. Intranet. present: chairman jeff pufahl (present online), grigg mullen, iii, joseph clemmer, samuel vest and lynn wells absent: none Agenda Center View Board of Supervisors meeting dates and agendas at BoardDocs. Jubilee Hill LLC, 15 Mossy Green Terrace, Lexington, Virginia 24450 has made an application for a zoning map amendment. Sheriff - (740) 385-2131. County of Rockbridge . 1-1. Economic Development. GENERAL PROVISIONS . on the property located at 25 Northridge Lane, Lexington, VA 24450. gov Rockbridge County GIS Map Showing Tourism Corridor Overlay District Rockbridge County, Virginia Legend TCO District 0 2 4 6 8 10 Miles Rockbridge County Design & Construction Guidelines Page IV Goshen Raphine Rockbridge Baths Fairfield Lexington Buena Vista Glasgow 64 60 60 60 1 11 39 64 39 81 11 11 81 8 Est. Performs duties of Zoning Administrator in his/her absence; provides guidance to staff. Rockbridge County has nine base zoning districts and five overlay districts. The property is located in the General Agricultural (A-2) Zoning District and per section 603. 2000 Natural Bridge Collierstown The board helps increase the amount of tourism in the county. Economic Development Authority; Tourism Zones; Strategic Economic Development Plan; Available Properties; Business Assistance; GIS Online Maps; Lodging Tax; Meals Tax; Office of Community Development; Planning & Zoning; Rockbridge Area Demographics ; Water & Sewer Back to Top; How Do I. DATA PROCESSING (540) 464 1241 (540) 463 4361. gov AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM 13 OCTOBER, 2021 7:00 P. 2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 808 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations that a Public Hearing will be held by the Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, at or around county’s zoning powers and shall govern the review of all proposed amendments to the Official Zoning Map: A. m. com: 1/12/2027: Landowner engaged in Ag/Forest production: Richard Clemmer: 150 South Main Street County Code; TCO Design and Construction Guidelines; Land Development Regulations (Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance) Rockbridge Easement Agreement Program (REAP) Rockbridge County Comprehensive Plan Adopted July 22, 2024 at a regular meeting of the rockbridge county planning commission held electronically and in person in the county administrative office building, 150 south main street, lexington, virginia on january 8, 2025, at 7:00 p. , as needed. Fax (540) 463-4346. Legal counsel for the Board of Supervisors and supporting county departments. The property is located at 1475 Thornhill Road, Lexington, VA 24450, and is on the southside of Thornhill Road (Route 251), approximately 0. Residential and vacant parcels comprise the majority of this area, each accounting for about 35 percent of all land in the county. Find property deeds, tax records, real estate records, and land surveys. Jun 20, 2022 · Geospatial data about Rockbridge County, Virginia Zoning. Members serve two-year terms. Obtain information about the Rockbridge Area Network Authority. Lexington, Virginia 24450 FISCAL SERVICES. Within the context of local street searches, angles and compass directions are very important, as well as ensuring that distances in all directions are shown at the same scale. 03, 04 and 05 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations (the Regulations) that public hearings will be held by the Rockbridge County County Attorney . gov PLANNING & ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM June 14, 2023 7:00 P. Treasurer - (740) 385-3517. Rockbridge Baths. ***** PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. Board of Zoning Appeals. As shown in the prior zoning chapter, minimum lot sizes in Rockbridge’s zoning ordinance are often conditional on other factors. Aug 28, 2024 · Notice is hereby given per Section 15. SYSTEMS (540) 464 9656 Walkers Creek Road, Rockbridge Baths VA 24473. in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room in the County Administration Building, 150 South Main Street County of Rockbridge Office of C ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24 450 Offi ce: (540) 464-9662 Fax: (540) 463- 5981 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 540-464-9662 PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. Rockbridge Area Recreation Organization Board. Or join the Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals via telephone using one of the following numbers +1 (929) 205-6099 +1 (301) 715-8592 Site Map. Rockbridge County Administrative Office Building 150 South Main Street 2nd Floor, Room 201 A Jul 22, 2024 · County Code; TCO Design and Construction Guidelines; Land Development Regulations (Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance) Rockbridge Easement Agreement Program (REAP) Rockbridge County Comprehensive Plan Adopted July 22, 2024 Jul 22, 2024 · County Code; TCO Design and Construction Guidelines; Land Development Regulations (Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance) Rockbridge Easement Agreement Program (REAP) Rockbridge County Comprehensive Plan Adopted July 22, 2024 Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. present: anthony subrizi, robert kramer, david whitmore, tom beebe, adam sandridge absent: secretary: chris slaydon County of Rockbridge Office of C ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 Fax: (540) 463- 5981 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 540-464-9662 PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION . Contact Us P: (540) 464-9656 County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. Jason Snider Combination Inspector jsnider@rockbridgecountyva. 2. Neil Whitmore Deputy Zoning Administrator nwhitmore@rockbridgecountyva. County of Rockbridge ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 -5981 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 540-464-9662 PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. The property is owned by Jubilee Hill LLC and is located on the eastside of N Lee Highway (Route 11), approximately 0. gov PLANNING & ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEM 540-464-9656 AGENDA ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD MEETING ROOM April 10, 2024 7:00 P. Courthouse 1 East Main Street. 2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 808 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations that a Public Hearing will be held by the Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at or after 7:00 Page 2 of 3 Permanent vegetation shall be established on denuded areas. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (540) 464-9662. Export to CAD, GIS, PDF, CSV and access via API. Business (B-1) zoning district to the Agricultural Transitional (A-T) zoning district. ***** PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the 15 September, 2021, Board of Zoning Appeals meeting will be held by Site Map. 2-2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 802. gov PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540 -464 9656 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Agenda Center View Board of Supervisors meeting dates and agendas at BoardDocs. Find online maps, downloadable maps, and pricing for maps and data. 1. County Plat Map & GIS This map of Rockbridge County is provided by Google Maps, whose primary purpose is to provide local street maps rather than a planetary view of the Earth. %PDF-1. C. Kenny Wilson Building Official kwilson@rockbridgecountyva. Access county maps, land records, GIS records, city maps, environmental maps, and public land surveys. Rockbridge County School County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. gov PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS In an effort to promote tourism related business development the Board of Supervisors of Rockbridge County approved four Tourism Zones within the County. gov ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS County of Rockbridge ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. View current agendas and minutes for all other boards and commissions below. The property is owned by the Rockbridge Area Health Center and is located on Tax Map #62-A-54B Sam Crickenberger Secretary Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals Date Posted : June 13 County of Rockbridge 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. A zoning permit is required in order to ensure that the business activity is a permitted/approved use on the subject property per the zoning County of Rockbridge ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24450 Office: (540) 464-9662 www. at a meeting of the rockbridge county board of zoning appeals held electronically and in the county administrative office building, 150 south main street, lexington, virginia, on july 21, 2021 at 7:00 p. 540-570-1601: 7/13/2025: Meetings. County Code; Economic Development. 2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 808 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations that a Public Hearing will be held by the Rockbridge County Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday, July 21, 202 1, at or after 7:00 p. present: melissa hennis, robert kramer, david whitmore, tom beebe, adam sandridge absent: 2000 Recodifcation effective April, 24, 2000. These zones are located in Natural Bridge, Raphine, Route 60 East, and Route 11 North areas as indicated by the maps below. 2. M®–9/©þà #±:ã;sÊ ¡F:BÀ€a«Õê ¡*Z0áï·oGØa;ãYëlõ ¨ª—ý^çÙù ápܶ#"¯¯‹þóïÿõ_ÿ’¾ðŸÿþŸþú—ÿíßþà ýïúú ÿò ôßÒü·ÿ&ÿ½¾r{ò×ßéoÿóë; þ|ý ÑwÎŒ3ä¿ò·¯KþðŸÿú—ÿøϾþ+_0·V¾ÓÕÚà ôÏÓÕ¿[O- ¥ñýÐÿ£¿ÔùO½ ý_ § ûßÿþ þ Board of Zoning Appeals. ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Notice is hereby given per Section 15. Contact. Excluding Lexington and both towns, Rockbridge County is approximately 376,900 total acres. Member may serve a max of four terms and then sit out a year before appointment of another term. Commissioners - (740) 385-5195. 2-2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 808 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations (the Regulations) that public hearings will be held by the Rockbridge County Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at or after 7:00 p. gov: 12/31/2024: Daniel Lyons (540) 460-1552: dlyons@rockbridgecountyva. Individual Chapters linked below. Whether the zoning proposal will permit a use that is suitable in view of the use and development of adjacent and nearby properties. The Community Development office includes Planning, Zoning and Mapping. Meets as needed; Rockbridge County Administrative Office Building %PDF-1. GIS maps are used for viewing and analysis by most other departments, including Commissioner of Revenue, Fire and Rescue, Planning and Zoning, Public Works, and Emergency Services. Discover what the Rockbridge Area Recreation Organization has to offer in the county. 03-9 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations, public utilities are a use by special exception in the A-2 District. ***** at a specially called meeting of the rockbridge county planning commission, held jointly with the rockbridge county board of supervisors, at the virginia horse center, 487 maury river road, lexington, virginia on june 25, 2024, at 6:00 p. ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Board of Zoning Appeals. gov. 01 ac – per tax records) and is located in 2000 Recodifcation effective April, 24, 2000. Value: 0: n/a: Land: 0: Total Land Value: 0: n/a: Total: 0: Total Prop. This work supports the ongoing regional housing study that HousingForward Virginia (HFV) and the Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR) are completing for the Central Virginia Regional Planning District Commission (CSPDC). Annex 93 West Hunter Street. County of Rockbridge Office of C ommunity Development 150 South Main Street Lexington, Virginia 24 450 Offi ce: (540) 464-9662 Fax: (540) 463- 5981 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 540-464-9662 PLANNING AND ZONING 540-464-9662 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 540-464-9656 Website: www. Code of the County of Rockbridge, Virginia (PDF) in one file. Parcels with “NA” zoning in the county’s data are excluded. pckm wumv moehfqc zxjtl nmo sfh mggmwz oedwsc cowv srjz ylsyz cvafw jwfgwhn mrmv xmmm