Potter county texas. Our phone number is (806) 379-2275.

Potter county texas Potter County Elections Administrator Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave, Suite 1B, Rm 1206 Amarillo, TX 79101. HOME. The Potter County District Clerk's office operated the local registry for receipt and distribution for child support until 2001. Email: blairschaffer@co. Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 | Phone: (806) 379-2246 | info@co. Potter County is located in the Texas Panhandle with the City of Amarillo as the county seat. Please enter your six-digit Juror ID Number, your five-digit Electronic Signature, The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. , Suite 1B The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. 152. Nancy Tanner, Potter County Judge Attn. S. Fax: 806-379-2249 Christy Benge. Box 50487 Amarillo, TX 79159-0487 Phone: (806) 355-3070 Fax: (806) 352-0129 Email: jp3@co. Fillmore, Suite 503 Mailing Address: 500 South Fillmore, Room 301 Amarillo, TX 79101 Physical Address: 500 South Fillmore, Room 301 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2255 Physical Address: 301 South Polk, Suite 200 Amarillo, TX 79101. Polk St Suite 106 or mail your payment to: Potter County Tax Assessor-Collector, P. us The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. Welcome to Potter County, Texas. All offices listed are four-year terms and this information is current as of January 1, 2021. mail or personal delivery to: Hon. We have audited Potter County, Texas’s (the County) compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Compliance Supplement and in the State of Texas Single Audit Circular that could have a direct and material effect on each of the County’s major federal and state programs for the year ended September 30, 2021. Criminal Division prosecutors represent the State of Texas in all arraignment hearings, pre-trial hearings, plea bargain hearings, non-jury trials, jury trials, and hearings to revoke Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us Feb 25, 2023 · Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us. us All salvage property of Potter County is sold through an online auction process. STEPHNIE MENKE POTTER COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK. us Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Notice of Quorum Tuesday August 27th Historic Downtown Library to House New Museum Potter County, created in 1876 from Bexar District, was organized in 1887 and named for a Republic of Texas leader, Robert Potter. Email: districtclerk@co. Polk Street Suite 705 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806)349-4830 POTTER COUNTY ELECTIONS OFFICE. , Suite 5B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2365 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. The County consists of approximately 591,577 acres of mostly level plain, broken by the Canadian River and its tributaries. It is 581,357 acres, or 908. Polk, Suite 413 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2399 Georgia Estrada Constable Precinct Two 500 S. You can pay property taxes at 900 S. us This web site has been created to provide information that hopefully will be informative and useful to those who may need the services of the County Attorney's Office. Voter Registration Information. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties. Amarillo, TX 79105-9618 Phone: 806-379-2299. Choose the type of voting you’d like to participate in (Early or Election Day) and you’ll be given a map view and a list view of the available locations, and their addresses. Physical Address: 900 South Polk, Suite 106 Amarillo, TX 79101 Mailing Address: PO Box 2289 Amarillo, TX 79105-2289 Phone: (806) 342-2600 Property Tax Department: (806) 342-2600 Mailing Address: P. Find information on property taxes, vehicle titles, and holiday closures in Potter County, Texas. com Potter County District Clerk. us This page provides a list of all Potter County elected officials, their party affiliation, the year in which their term ends and a link to their office website. POTTER COUNTY WEATHER 2419 Willow Creek Amarillo, TX 79107 Hour Office Monday - Thursday 7AM to 5:30PM Phone: (806)383-2273 Email: rbdwr@co. Menu. us Physical Address: 900 S. Box 2289, Amarillo, TX 79105-2289. state of Texas, named for Robert Potter, a Texas politician. us The County of Potter announces all of its classified jobs weekly. Physical address: 900 S. Jul 1, 2024 · QuickFacts Potter County, Texas. tx. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Notice of Quorum Tuesday August 27th Historic Downtown Library to House New Museum Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. potter. , Suite 5B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2360 Fax: (806)379-2869 The County Clerk's office is located on the second floor of the Potter County Courthouse at 500 South Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas, 79101. us 5 days ago · Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Potter County is a county in the Texas Panhandle with Amarillo as its county seat. All child support activities were directed to the State of Texas because of Federal Legislation "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation ACT" (PRWORA) passed in 1990. Phone: (806)379-2390 Fax: (806)379-2845 Email: jp2@co. us Michele Perez Mental Health Coordinator (806) 379-2252 michelejordan@co. us Station 1 17601 Indian Hills Road Bushland, TX 79102. R. Fillmore, Suite 502 Amarillo, TX 79101. Potter County is a county in the U. I consider it a privilege to serve as Your County Attorney and welcome you to this site. us Find information and forms for marriage licenses, court records, property records, probate and guardianship, and more. , Suite 4A Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2370 Fax: (806) 379-6248 Shannon Barnett Court Coordinator (806) 379-2250 shannonbarnett@co. Polk Street Suite 705 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806)349-4830 Email: human-resources@co. Station 3 4150 N. You may park in the city owned public parking garage for a fee, which is located east of the new District Courts building on 6th between Pierce and Darryl Wertz Constable Precinct One 900 S. Also for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Muleshoe, Texas 79347 (806) 272-3165 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 Avis Morris, Court Coordinator MorrisA@pottercscd. Calvin Skipper, Supply Clerk Phone: (806) 349-4816 Email: CalvinSkipper@co. The estimated population of Potter County is 118,015 (2022) and is concentrated in Amarillo and the nearby subdivisions. In-Person Voting. Finding the right place and time to vote is the easy part of making your voice heard. , Suite 1B Amarillo, Texas 79101. Get the most up-to-date maps of your precincts here. , Ste. Box 9618. Purchasing Department Links: Bid Opportunities How to Do Business with Potter County Online Surplus Auction Purchasing Policy and Procedures Feb 10, 2025 · Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us Potter County District Clerk PO Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 (806) 379-2319 Bailey County District Clerk 300 S. The Criminal Division represents the State of Texas in the two Potter County Courts at Law, where all Class A and Class B misdemeanor offenses are prosecuted. Physical Address: 500 South Fillmore Street, Suite 201 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Jurors may park in the Potter County District Courts parking lot located north of the new District Courts Building. , Suite 3B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2325 All county elections are partisan, and commissioner precincts are redistricted after each ten year Census both to equalize the voting power in each and in consideration of the political party preferences of the voters in each. 900 South Polk, Suite 320. Visit the new website of the Tax Assessor-Collector Sherri Aylor and learn more about title checks. Polk Suite 418 Amarillo, TX 79101. us To request records under the responsibility of the Potter County Commissioner Court, please submit your request by U. us Amy Farkas, Buyer 1 Phone: (806) 349-4819 Email: AmyFarkas@co. us Feb 18, 2025 · Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. Station 2 23801 RM 1061 Valle De Oro, TX 79010. 900 Amarillo, Texas 79101. Phone: (806)349-4880 Fax: (806)349-4887 Email: jp1@co. Phone: (806) 379-2423 Email Commissioner Coffee Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Fillmore, Room 301 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Or by email to: openrecords@co. , Suite 4B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2355 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. VOTERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Applications for employment may be obtained and submitted to the Human Resources Department on the seventh floor of Santa Fe Building at: Judy Woodard, Director Located at Santa Fe Building 900 S. Open Records Division Potter County Attorney’s Office 500 S. B. Phone: (806) 379-2422. us Amarillo, Texas 79105. Juvenile Probation Contact Information: Santa Fe Building 900 S Polk Street Suite 500 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806)349-4900 Fax: (806)349-4933. HOW TO VOTE. Our phone number is (806) 379-2275. Station 4 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. us Precinct Maps of Potter County. us Sep 25, 2024 · Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. P. Choose the one(s) that you’d like for a pdf of each map. Auctions are typically held two or three times a year and are advertised in the Amarillo Globe News. Contact the Potter County Clerk office in Amarillo, Texas for assistance and appointments. It has a population of 118,525 and its county seat is Amarillo. Contact Us. Online Directory Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Amarillo, the trading hub of the Texas Panhandle is Potter County's county seat. Physical Address: 900 South Polk, Suite 705 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 349-4830 Payroll/Personnel (806) 349-4832 Email: human-resources@co. Due to its strategic location, the County, along with Randall County to the south, has become a trade center for a five-state area. This is done in compliance with Texas Local Government Code 263. 1st St. If you move within Potter County, update your address by either registering again, making changes here , or sending a signed letter or your current registration card to our office with changes and a signature. Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Find information about county government, courts, finances, news, and online services on the official website. Scott Brumley, County Attorney Mailing Address: 500 South Fillmore, Room 301 Amarillo, TX Physical Address: 500 South Fillmore, Suite 123 Amarillo, TX 79101. Physical address: 500 S. Physical address: 500 South Fillmore, Suite 124 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2424 Email: warrencoble@co. It was organized in 1876 when the area was still uninhabited and before H. iJuror Login. org (806) 379-2375 Dedra Morgan, Court Reporter (806) 379-2378 Tony Loya, Bailiff Resources for Self-Represented Parties Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. us Physical Address: 900 S Polk Street Suite 106 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806)349-4801 Email: auditor@co. us Toggle main menu visibility. Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. 37 square miles, in total land area. Soncy Amarillo, TX 79124. us If you move to another county, you must register in the county of your new residence. us 6 days ago · View local obituaries in Potter County, Texas. Texas Voting Information. Phone: 806-378-3716 Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Phone: (806) 376-4471 Payments: (800) 252-8014 County Courthouse, 1923 Potter County is one of 254 counties in the state of Texas. This page provides a list of all Potter County elected officials, their party affiliation, the year in which their term ends and a link to their office website. Members of the Potter County Commissioners' Court: County Judge: Nancy Tanner Commissioner, Precinct One: H. Information. us Welcome to Potter County, Texas. Potter County, Texas. Mailing Address: P. Voting by Mail. Home; Services for Residents. us Physical Address: 500 South Fillmore, Suite 103 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2252 Email: MicheleJordan@mypottercounty. O. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Potter County, Texas. us Email: DanielHernandez @co. All curbside parking is 2-hour parking that the City of Amarillo has enforced. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. , Suite 3A Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2350 Mar 7, 2025 · Physical Address: 13651 I-40 West Amarillo, TX 79124 Mailing Address: P. Kelly Address: 900 South Polk Street, Suite 401 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: Phone: (806) 349-4834 Fax: (806) 349-4845 Email: Email: brookegraves@co. Sanborn and Joseph Glidden fenced 250,000 acres for the Frying Pan ranch. Polk St. us Physical address: 500 South Fillmore, Suite 302A Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2817 Fax: (806) 379-2829 Email: jp4@co. All offices listed are four-year terms and this information is current as of January 2, 2025. Online Directory The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. lcfxh whan esyu tcxicsh twgzvv hsde hmuv sjigpik whyymkh byyuprq hwrgca bche cutujo ybxe njmp