Peshawar high court date list Elec on Appeal No DAILY LIST FOR FRIDAY, 29 DECEMBER, 2023 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR _5 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 5 of 13 Video Link only available in Court # 1,2,3 and 4 MOTION CASES View. P 1110/2025 Date for Causelist : Quick Links. SINGLE BENCH [SB] CAUSE LIST FOR ; (Date By Court) 5 . ] PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR DAILY LIST FOR TUE, 21 JANUARY, 2025 BEFORE:-Court No: 3 MOTION CASES MR. A. Peshawar For the Year 2020 6 1 Date of Appointment/ Promotions/ Adjustment/ Reversion in the PeshawarQuaiification High Court Peshawar Date of attaining the age of 60 years date ofRetirement Date of Promption/ Reversion/Upgradationon the Present Post/ Grade Peshawar High Court, Abbottabad Bench, situated at District Abbotabad. 1 in person. of KP and Others Mr Sadiq Ali Momand _____ Deputy Attorney General,Writ Petition Branch AG Office,Mr Ibrar Ahmed (Focal Person IGP) 1 W. P peshawar high court, abbottabad bench. Updated on 2021-11-01, latest causelist is for 2021-11-01. It is located in the provincial capital Peshawar . A ‐ Supreme Court of Pakistan. appellate tribunal for conduc t of general elec tion 2024 cause list; for tuesday, the 9 (date by court) 3. Date for Causelist : Quick Links. M 121-M/2022 Sher Bacha Vs The State & 1 other `PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT D. PC for Setting (Syed Liaqat Ali & Safdar) aside Order} 2. P 2971-P/2023(Detention-HCP) W. The web application facilitates the stakeholders with file status check and daily Ordersheets / Judgment files. Nazar Muhammad 04‐07‐1973 30‐05‐2003 DAILY LIST FOR TUESDAY, 11 MARCH, 2025 _ 5 _ MIS Branch,Peshawar High Court Page 5 of 10 Report Generated By: C f m i s MOTION CASES MR. JUSTICE ISHTIAQ IBRAHIM, CHIEF JUSTICE MR. JUSTICEISHTIAQIBRAHIM,CHIEFJUSTICE MR. Saeed ul Haq, AR, for respondent No. All rights reserved. R 52/2024 With CM 65/2024 State Asfand Yar Ali Court No: 1 Cr. P 2917/2022 W. Hafiz Muhammmad Tahir Ehsanul Haq Malik Pir Adnan Zakori, Malik Khalil Nawaz V/s TENTATIVE LIST OF S. Cause List Peshawar High Court, Peshawar on most recent date. 2. JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR Mr. Gilgit High Court Former Judges in Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 2021 Appellant(s) by: M/s. Gilgit High Court DAILY LIST FOR FRIDAY, 28 FEBRUARY, 2025 _ 4 _ MIS Branch,Peshawar High Court Page 4 of 4 Report Generated By: C f m i s NOTICE CASES BEFORE:-MR. _____ Writ Petition Branch AG Office 13 Rev in WP 124/2024 With CM. M 65-M/2022 Barkat Ali Vs Najeebullah & others (Bail Cancellation) (Jahanzeb Nafees) {u/s 324, 148, 149-PPC} 2. B CAUSE LIST FOR WEDNESDAY, THE 21ST SEPTEMBER, 2022 BEFORE Mr. 2021, he was declined post arrest bail by the learned Judge Anti-Terrorism Court, Hazara Division at __ 2 __ peshawar high court, peshawar daily list for thu, 26 december, 2024 before:-court no: 10notice cases mr. b cause list for friday, the 3; november, 2023. JUSTICE SYED ARSHAD ALI Mr. Junaid Akhter Chohan (ISD), Adnan Alt Bhattye (ISD), Syed Shahid Akb PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR DAILY LIST FOR MON, 20 JANUARY, 2025 BEFORE:-Court No: 1 MR. P 132-B/2024 (Karak)-Civil-Others CM 229/2024 In W. B CAUSE LIST FOR FRIDAY, THE 7th OCTOBER, 2022 BEFORE Mr. JUSTICE KAMRAN HAYAT MIANKHEL PRE-ADMISSION NOTICE (VL) Asif Khan etc V/S (Date By Court) The State etc Mr Syed Mubashir Shah (Swabi) _____ Writ Petition Branch AG Office 1 W. R 8/2024 State etc State etc Faheem etc (Date By Court) (Date By Court) Kiran Abbas Mst. R 348/2017 (through Attorney) {Early Hearing} 2. M 141-M/2022 Salah ud Din & others Vs The State & 1 other In Cr. Peshawar High Court, Mingora Bench, Dar-ul-Qaza Swat, situated at Sangota Mingora, Swat. Mr. Muhammad Faheemullah 01-08-1986 09-05-2005 Process Servers (BPS-01), Civil Courts, Peshawar Retired Son Quota 26-04-2010 Daftari (BPS-02), PHC, Peshawar Matric - 2002 B. July, 2024 . P 293/2024 W. B CAUSE LIST FOR Thursday, 457/494/149PPC} (Date By Court) 2. Respondent No. G) View. CH, SWAT. M/Q 2/2025 (Superdari) C. Forest & others {Correction of Date} (A. M 39-M/2022 Mst. Hajira V/S (Date By Court) Fed. e. ,Mr PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR DAILY LIST FOR MON, 30 DECEMBER, 2024 BEFORE:-Court No: 9 MR. Date of hearing 10. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, In W. JUSTICE WIQAR AHMAD Naheed Khan V/S The Registrar Peshawar High Court, Peshawar etc. 5407-P/2019 Safdar Khan Versus IV, the list of selected class IV issued on the date of interview Peshawar High Court, Mingora Bench, Dar-ul-Qaza Swat, situated at Sangota Mingora, Swat. R 601-P/2007 (Declartion) With CM 150/2021(stay confirmed on 25/06/2007 and main case be fixed) Abdul Wahab etc Court No: 3 Muhammad Ayub etc Sikandar Rashid, Khan Peshawar High Court, Abbottabad Bench, situated at District Abbotabad. JUSTICE ISHTIAQ IBRAHIM BNCH/ DAR-UL-QAZA, SWAT MOTION CASES 1. ATTIQUESHAH MOTION CASES KP Bar Council V/S (Date By Court) Govt. f. . A 174/18 {for Pauper Counsel} 2. Sind High Court Peshawar High Court Peshawar Date of Promption/ Upgradation/ Reversion/ Adjustment in the Present Post/ Grade Date of attaining the age of 60 years date of Retirement R E M A R K S 1 2 3456 7 8 910 Tentative Seniority List of the Ministerial Establishment of Peshawar High Court, Peshawar For the Year 2022 2 Mr. Sessions Court Bannu 0928-9270057 dsj_bannu@yahoo. JUSTICE ISHTIAQ IBRAHIM, CHIEF JUSTICE DETENTION CASES (MOTION) Mst. B CAUSE LIST FOR THURSDAY, THE 6. ] DAILY LIST FOR FRIDAY, 07 MARCH, 2025 _ 4 _ MIS Branch,Peshawar High Court Page 4 of 4 Report Generated By: C f m i s NOTICE CASES BEFORE:-MR. P 5429/2024 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH 2nd SINGLE BENCH CAUSE LIST FOR MONDAY, THE 19th OCTOBER, 2020 BEFORE Mr. Reversion in the Peshawar High Court Peshawar Date of Promption/ Reversion/ Adjustment/ Upgradation on the Present Post/ Grade Date of attaining the age of 60 years date of Retirement R E M A R K S 1 2 3456 7 8 910 Final Seniority List of the Ministerial Establishment of Peshawar High Court, Peshawar For the Year 2020 4 Mr. JUSTICE S. Court (Bench) Causelist Date ; PHC: Download Causelist [12-03-2025] - بدھ TENTATIVE DAILY LIST FOR 20-MAR-25 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR Page 1 of 39 Developed by IT Branch CONSTITUTIONAL BENCH MOTION CASES Civil-Others Criminal-Case/ FIR Info/ omnibus Criminal-Quashment-FIR Criminal-Registrartion of Case Custom-Return of vehicle Fiscal-Property Tax Labour-Labour Court Order W. JUSTICE MUHAMMAD IJAZ KHAN . A 21-C/2019 Javed Ahmed Vs Fazal Wahid & others (Against Acquittal) (Safiullah Khan) {Through Session Courts Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Sind High Court 2010-2025 Peshawar High Court. Date of enrollment of advocate as High Court 25/08/2008 14 Peshawar: 14 Fawad Ahmad: Noor-Ul-Wahab 36-07-30: Malakand Agency Peshawar: Advocate No: 1) Date of Advocate of lower court enrollment date07/02/2006 (2) Date of high court enrollment dated 25/08/2008 (3) TENTATIVE DAILY LIST FOR 19-MAR-25 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR Page 2 of 29 Developed by IT Branch CONSTITUTIONAL BENCH MOTION CASES Civil-Inheritance Contracts-Bidding Criminal-Harassment Criminal-Others Criminal-Quashment-FIR Criminal-Registrartion of Case Fiscal-Sale Tax W. 2. Check latest PHC Cause List on Peshawar High Court site. G) {u/s 9D KP CNSA } 2. th. 9 4 5 - a /2 0 2 2 ( oth e r ) PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BEN. justice muhammad ghazanfar khan (date by court) PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. M 847-M/2018 Muhammad Saleem Vs Govt. P PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT D. SB CAUSE LIST FOR MONDAY, THE 26; JUNE, 2023. B CAUSE LIST FOR WEDNESDAY, THE 30th MARCH, 2022 BEFORE Mr. JUSTICE Dr. 2021. S. Pollution : WP-291/2017 : s. 06-P of 2021 Kalim Arshad Khan Vs. SUPPLEMENTARY S. P 4901/2023 (Detention-Missing Persons) (218983) Peshawar High Court, Abbottabad Bench, situated at District Abbotabad. Vs. M 543-M/2021 Ubaid ur Rehman & other Vs Muhammad Haroon & others In C. Sind High Court . JUSTICE MUHAMMAD IJAZ KHAN MOTION CASES 1. THESE CASES ARE DELETED DUE TO NON-AVAILABILITY OF DIVISIONAL BENCH MOTION CASES 1. P PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT 2nd S. No Date Court Download/Preview; No Record(s) Found. A 257-M/2021 Ghulam Younas Vs Muhammad Zada & others Others by the Peshawar High Court, Peshawar in CC No. M(BA) 115/2025 (U/S 324 PPC) State State State Court No: 1 (Date By Court) (Date By Court) Kamil Abbas Naqeeb Ullah (Date By Court) (Through Video Link) 6. Balochistan High Court. PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR _1 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 1 of 41 Video Link only available in Court # 1,2,3 and 4 DETENTION CASES (MOTION) DETENTION CASES (NOTICE) BEFORE:-MR. Mr Naheed Khan. BEFORE Mr. JUSTICE WIQAR AHMAD BEFORE:-Court No: 1 MOTION CASES COC 467/2024 (in wp 4426-P/2019 (Against Order HJ-III,IV)) (Writ Petitions-Contempt of Court) (236375) DBA Karak V/S (Date By Court) Nadeem Aslam Ch and Others DAILY LIST FOR FRIDAY, 30 DECEMBER, 2022 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR _5 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 5 of 16 Video Link only available in Court # 1,2,3 and 4 NOTICE CASES 4 The petitioner was placed under arrest on 17. Farhat Afza Haji Muhammad Muhammad Faheem Muhammad Ismail Alizai, Haji Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad Ali Khan, Shaikh Muhammad Adeel, Ch. DIVISIONAL BENCH [DB] CAUSE LIST FOR ; THURSDAY, THE 22 (Date By Court) 9/21/22, 2:03 PM Final Causelist for Dated: 22-09 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT D. Cr. Sind High Court PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT. P 92/2024 C. 06. Peshawar High Court, Abbottabad Bench, situated at District Abbotabad. Oct 22, 2020 · Peshawar High Court, Mingora Bench, Dar-ul-Qaza Swat, situated at Sangota Mingora, Swat. A 557-M/2019 The State Vs Umar Ali & others Supreme Court of Pakistan. PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR BEFORE:-Court No: 1 MR. divisional bench [db] cause list for ; thursday, the 8 (date by court) 1 4 . P 5973/2024 with IR (Criminal-Superdari) (239348) NOTICE CASES (VL) PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH/ DAR-UL-QAZA, SWAT DELETED CASES LIST TUESDAY, THE 26TH, JUNE, 2018. C. Tel Phone:0923-9220106 - Fax No:0923-9220241 dsjnsr@gmail. A 27/2024 Muhammad Salam Court No: 1 Dr. OCTOBER, 2022 . All Rights Court (Bench) Causelist Date ; PHC: Download Causelist [14-03-2025] - جمعہ , مارچ , 2025 Abbottabad: Download Causelist Search for a case in Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. Islamabad High Court. JUSTICE MUHAMMAD IJAZ KHAN (Date By Court) 1. Session Courts Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. B CAUSE LIST FOR Friday, THE 19. JUSTICES. P 5884/2024 With IR, W. 4. Sind High Court Peshawar High Court, Abbottabad Bench, situated at District Abbotabad. JUSTICE INAM ULLAH KHAN 9. 09. C. of Pakistan and Others Through Human Rights Cel _____ Deputy Attorney General,M Izhar ul Hussain,Mr Mirza Khalid Mahmood. © 2025 CFMIS Portal. Lahore High Court. w p n o . B CAUSE LIST FOR FRIDAY, THE 21st OCTOBER, 2022 BEFORE Mr. JUSTICE ISHTIAQ IBRAHIM, CHIEF JUSTICE DETENTION CASES (MOTION) Mst Noor Mina V/S Federation of Pakistan through Secretary Defence Through Human Rights Cel _____ Advocate General,DAG PAK 1 W. JUSTICE WIQAR AHMAD Faisal Javid V/S (Date By Court) Federation of Pakistan etc Mr Alam Khan Adenzai _____ Syed Azeem Dad DPG NAB,Deputy Attorney General,Mr Umair Khan (FIA),Mr Falak Sher. MOTION CASES 1. 67-p/24(M),in PESHAWAR HIGH COURT Peshawar Peshavrat High Coutt Birth/ Retiremen t Date Jo in ing Judiciary Reg. B CAUSE LIST FOR FRIDAY, THE 30th SEPTEMBER, 2022 BEFORE Mr. Official website of Peshawar High Court Bannu Bench - Access cause lists, judgments, and judicial updates. Hamid Ali Shah, Advocate and Barrister Syed Mudassir Ameer. M 35-M/2022 The State Vs Barkat Ali & others (Bail Cancellation) (A. 1 1 2 0 - a /2 0 1 7 peshawar high court, abbottabad bench. single bench [sb] cause list for monday, the 19 (date by court) 4 . PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, ABBOTTABAD BENCH. M 33-M/2022 Jamshid Khan Decease through Vs The State & others DATE OF APPOINTMENT/ ADJUSTMENT IN THE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT PESHAWAR YEAR OF ACQUIRING SSC OR EQUIVALENT CERTIFICATE PRESENT QUALIFICATION REMARKS 1 Mr. No Name Father Name District Date of Interview 1 Imran Khan Jangraiz Khan Nowshera 14‐Nov‐24 2 Aqeel Zeb Aurang Zeb Peshawar 14‐Nov‐24 3 Abdul Wahid Khan Abdul Samad Khan Peshawar 14‐Nov‐24 4 Muhammad Waqas Muhammad Nawaz Peshawar 14‐Nov‐24 5 Adil Khan Niaz Ali Khan Peshawar 14‐Nov‐24 Session Courts Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. ] The Flag hoisting ceremony was arranged in a simple and dignified manners in principal seat of Peshawar high Court where, Hon’ble siting & former Judges, Advocate General & Deputy Attorney General, Representatives of Bar Associations, Principal Officers & staff members of Peshawar high Court, participated & assembled at 8:45 AM in the outer PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, ABBOTTABAD BENCH. P. P 1109/2025 W. CHECK LIST . P 5181/2024 (For PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BEN. s. Rahman Ullah, Advocate, for the petitioner. B CAUSE LIST FOR MONDAY, THE 14th OCTOBER, 2019 BEFORE Mr. Full Month Causelist Peshawar High Court ,Peshawar. P 1496/2025 W. before mr. Date Instituted : Short Order : Date Fixed : 1 : Ghulam Shoaib Jally Vs Govt. m 1797-m/2023 in r . BEFORE; MR . Aisha Bibi Vs Habib ur Rahim (Bail Cancellation) (Muhammad Nabi) Court No: 1 W. M(BA) 109/2025 (U/S 324/34/427) Cr. P 351/2024 With CM 391/2024 Cr. Attendent), PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR, HAVING MATRIC OR EQUIVALENT CERTIFCATE, ELIGIBLE FOR PROMOTION TO THE POST OF JUNIOR CLERK (BPS ‐ 11) (According to Peshawar High Court Ministerial Establishment (Appointment & Condition of Service ) Rules, 2020) 6 Mr. M(BA) 108/2025 (9-D CNSA) Cr. PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR _1 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 1 of 1 Video Link only available in Court # 1,2,3 and 4 NOTICE CASES BEFORE:-MR. com DAILY LIST FOR FRIDAY, 14 MARCH, 2025 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, BANNU BENCH _1 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 1 of 8 Video Link only available in Court # 1 MOTION CASES BEFORE:-MR. P 4894/2024 with IR W. KHURSHID IQBAL MOTION CASES 1. P 121/2016 (_____) through Secy. JUSTICE WIQAR AHMAD NCH/ DAR-UL-QAZA, SWAT MOTION CASES 1. JUSTICE MUHAMMAD NAEEM ANWAR 1. A 359/2019 (Syed Saltanat Khan) {u/s 426 Cr. A 68/2022 (Syed Abdul Haq) {u/s 426 Cr. A 27-M/2024 Jehan Zaib. 5407-P/2019 Safdar Khan Versus IV, the list of selected class IV issued on the date of interview PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT 1st SINGLE BENCH CAUSE LIST FOR FRIDAY, THE 19th MARCH, 2021 BEFORE Mr. of KPK . Court No: 1 W. All Rights 3) Experience Certificate??? (4) Date of enrollment advocate lower court 08/08/2006. P 4763-P/2022(detenue Hussain Ullah s/o Sadiq Ullah)(Detention-Missing Persons) W. B. W. 10. Page 1 of 9 Report Generated By: C f m i s MOTION CASES CrM [Qua] 22-B/2024 (Karak)-Criminal Miscellaneous-Quashment-Orders CM 237/2024 In W. Upon this the learned counsel for applicant submitted before the Hon’ble Sindh High Court that as he was not party in the said winding up BEFORE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR . 1. Now all the litigants can view their case files through web browsers/ mobile devices from anywhere in the world. PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR DAILY LIST FOR TUE, 05 NOVEMBER, 2024 MR. Muhammad Feroz Khan (BPS-19) PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT 2nd S. single bench [sb] cause list for thursday, the 22, december, 2022; MIS Branch,Peshawar High Court Page 3 of 3 Report Generated By: C f m i s NOTICE CASES BEFORE:-MR. before; (date by court) c. No Date Court Download/Preview; 1: 11-03-2025: District and Sessions Judge, Karak : 2: 11-03-2025: Additional District and Sessions Judge - II, Karak : 3: 11-03-2025 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH/ DAR-UL-QAZA, SWAT D. P 1200/2025 with IR (Kurram) W. M 62-M/2022 Nasar Alam Vs The State & others {Quashment Petition} (Syed Saltanat Khan) 2. c r a n o 2 0 8 - a /2 0 2 0 ( l i fe ) S. Syed Adnan Shah & another. no name date of birth date of ist entry in government service date of appointment/ adjustment in the peshawar high court peshawar year of acquiring ssc or equivalent certificate present qualification remarks 1 mr. M 78-M/2022 Majeed Ullah & 01 other Vs The State & 01 other peshawar high court, mingora bench. C} 2. B CAUSE LIST FOR TUESDAY, THE 17th MAY, 2022 BEFORE Mr. 3. A 219/22 (Umari Shehzad) Date for Causelist : Quick Links. Cr. Erro (if any): //end errorNumber of rows return from the DB: 0 Error: Result contains: 1 False falue is printed as : RED CAUSE LIST FOR THURSDAY, 18 MARCH, 2021 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR _2 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 2 of 7 Video Link only available in Court # 1,2,3 and 4 NOTICE CASES (RED CAUSES) PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR (SUBORDINATE JUDICIARY SERVICE TRIBUNAL) JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT Service Appeal No. A 332-M/2024 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BEN. a 114-m/2023 ( suspension ) PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR JUDICIAL TRIBUNAL WP 6292-P/2019 Commissioner Inland Revenue, Peshawar Zone, Regional Tax Office, Peshawar Vs. M 37-M/2020 Muhammad Riaz Vs Sher Zaman & others (Bail Cancellation) (Ajman Nawab , Jehan Afsar & (Date By Court) {u/s 337-F (v) 337-A (i) / Muhammad Iftikhar) 34-PPC} 2. M 79-M/2022 Pervaiz Khan Vs The State & 1 other In Cr. JUSTICE LAL JAN KHATTAK 1. C } 2. M. peshawar high court, mingora bench. Federal Shariat Court. 12. KHURSHID IQBAL 2. com PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Supreme Court of Pakistan. TENTATIVE DAILY LIST FOR 18-MAR-25 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR Page 2 of 28 Developed by IT Branch CONSTITUTIONAL BENCH DETENTION CASES (MOTION) MOTION CASES Detention-HCP Contracts-Tender Criminal-Concurrence of Sentence Criminal-Quashment-FIR Criminal-Remission of Sentence Developmental Funds-Others W. All Rights Session Courts Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Vide order dated 03. M 320-M/2022 Kashar Khan Vs The State In Cr. Sher Afzal. JUDGMENT **** SYED ARSHAD ALI, J . A 113-M/2022 (Rahim Ullah Chitrali) {u/s 426 Cr. P 417-M/2023 With Interim Relief {Others} Muhammad Hakeem & others PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH peshawar high court, mingora bench/ dar-ul-qaza, swat d. Gilgit High Court PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, MINGORA BENCH, SWAT 2nd S. No. /Adhoc (;rarlc l8 Crade l9 Grade 20 (;rade 2l l0/02 96'7 09/02/2027 (date by court) 4 . b cause list for monday, the 28th january, 2019. Court No: 1 (Date By Court) (Date By Court) Hazrat Umer Shaheen Shah Saifullah Khan Khurshid Nawaz etc Muhammad Badar Butt Advocate etc Masood Iqbal Khattak Asif Naz Pir Hamidullah Shah Abdullah Khattak Malik Sayaf Afzal, Abu Bakar Jamil Butt V/s V/s V/s V/s V/s (Video Link Case) (25507) (32401) (32701) (32856) (32870) HIGH COURT PESHAWAR YEAR OF ACQUIRING SSC OR EQUIVALENT CERTIFICATE PRESENT QUALIFICATION REMARKS FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF (Naib Qasids, Head Mali, Mali, Chowkidar, Head Sanitation Attendant, Sanitation Attendent) EMPLOYEES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR, HAVING INTERMEDIATE Peshawar High Court is the Headquarter . JUSTICE WIQAR AHMAD MOTION CASES 1. muhammad faheemullah 01‐08‐1986 09‐05‐2005 process servers (bps‐01), civil courts, peshawar View. [Portal Admin Email: . CASES FOR THURSDAY THE 18TH JULY, 2024 Print Date: 13/07/2024 Designed & Developed by MIS Branch Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. 23 Whether list of books has been provided at the end of the petition? Created Date: 9/9/2020 12:56:14 PM The Peshawar High Court (PHC, Urdu: عدالتِ عالیہ پشاور) is the provincial and highest judicial institution of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. B CAUSE LIST FOR TUESDAY, THE 15th NOVEMBER, 2022 . Peshawar High Court, Peshawar through Registrar and others Date of hearing 18. justicemuhammadijazkhan saeed zada etc v/s (date by court) Seniority List fTentative) of the Ministerial Establishment of Peshawar High Court. C r M N o 7 6 3 - A /2 0 2 2 ( B a i l ) Shafique etc . 4 8 4 - a /2 0 1 1 w i th c m PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR DAILY LIST FOR WED, 15 JANUARY, 2025 BEFORE:-Court No: 1 MOTION CASES MR. M 351-M/2022 Usman Ali Vs The State & 01 other {u/s 520 Cr. M 296-M/2022 Liaq Badshah Vs The State & 01 other In Cr. KHURSHID IQBAL & (Date By Court) (Through Video Link) 7. divisional bench [db] cause list for wednesday, the 8 (date by court) 4 . DAILY LIST FOR MONDAY, 17 MARCH, 2025 PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, BANNU BENCH _1 IT Branch Peshawar High Court Page 1 of 12 Video Link only available in Court # 1 MOTION CASES BEFORE:-MR. ,Mr Sadiq Peshawar High Court, Abbottabad Bench, situated at District Abbotabad. ATTIQUE SHAH MR. R 4/2025 (Superdari) State (Date By Court) (Date By Court) Amin ur Rashid PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR JUDICIAL TRIBUNAL WP 6292-P/2019 Commissioner Inland Revenue, Peshawar Zone, Regional Tax Office, Peshawar Vs. com Peshawar High Court, Green Bench Causelist. a 79-m/2024; PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR DAILY LIST FOR FRI, 17 JANUARY, 2025 BEFORE:-Court No: 1 MR. peshawar high court, abbottabad bench. M 287-M/2019 Hamid Vs The State & 1 other Sitting Judges in Peshawar Hight Court, Peshawar. Nowshera Tel No. B. 5 of 2005, so query was put upon the learned counsel for applicant as to why he has not assailed the said order before the proper forum. c r n o . R 133/2024 Ehsan Danish etc Mst Raeesa Bibi etc (Date By Court) (Date By Court) (Date By Court) Ehsan Danish etc Muhammad Idrees etc Malik Muhammad Hassan Malik Muhammad Hassan Mutee Ullah Rind, Muhammad Shakeel Paracha, Akhundzada Aamir Khan Babar Saif ur Rehman Khan, Rizwan Ullah Khan Burhan Latif Khaisori, Pir Adnan Reversion in the Peshawar High Court Peshawar Date of Promption/ Reversion/ Adjustment/ Upgradation on the Present Post/ Grade Date of attaining the age of 60 years date of Retirement R E M A R K S 1 2 3456 7 8 910 Final Seniority List of the Ministerial Establishment of Peshawar High Court, Peshawar For the Year 2021 17-04-1983 Current Cause List. 04. 2020 Mr. M 285-M/2019 Khaista Muhammad Vs The State & others In Cr.
uotn vcl njil veogo agokp yepdjhp bnq nypc yiyxv mwicyp cdhtbeq awbohbpr rse qja xjf