Pathfinder druid only spells I feel like the spell lists fit their archetypical casters really well (Wizard, Cleric, Bard, and Druid) but other classes (especially sorcerer) can get shafted by some of the assumptions the spell lists seem to make. The only problem is that it requires, well, a lot of casting. A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter. If you want to use 5e style casting, look up the Flexible Spellcaster archetype. After that it comes down to feats and stuff, for example you can focus on a druid that turns into an animal to attack people or one more focused on spellcasting, both play Especially at low levels, this will run you dry on spells FAST, and typical druids only get a sling as a ranged weapon. You want long term buffs and utility spells you cast when things are quiet. Ironwood is a magical substance created by druids from normal wood. Anathema View all types of animals and gear. The general theme for TM is to select area spells and do damage and/or have battlefield control, emphasis on the later. It deals damage as if it were two size categories larger (a Small club or quarterstaff so transmuted deals 1d8 points of damage, a Medium 2d6, and a Large 3d6), +1 for its enhancement bonus. You might end up having to sit back and throw rocks ineffectually because you ran out of spells if you burn the candle from both ends like that. 27): You cast any spells that appear on both the wizard and druid spell lists at +1 caster level and with +1 to the save DC. In addition, you may replace the material component of any arcane spell with gems of the same value. You can reward druids with wands or staffs that increase their effective number of spell slots. You can prepare two common cantrips each day from the primal spell list in this book or any other primal cantrips you learn or discover. Hunters, Clerics, and Warpriests are therefore excluded from the exclusivity count; Warpriests don't add any new spells other than what's on the Cleric list, and Clerics have all the There are a few guides on Druids with spell recommendations, though I can't vouch for all of them: Spell Guide from Prometeus Guide to the Druid. Conjuration has a lot of acid, cold, and pit spells that also benefit, not to mention Grease. They "know" all the spells, but "A druid must choose and prepare her spells in advance. I don't think that list includes Domains though. Wild Druids can't really be compared to Wizards or Fighters, as they aren't either of those niches. RP:101-0: Countervailing : Helps compensate for, but does not dispel or eliminate, the effects of a detrimental spell. While other Druid Focus Spells wind up looking like a heightened 1st level spell, Wild Shape functions more and more like a spell of the appropriate level, with new and useful benefits in addition to the new forms added by feats. The other downside of this is when you are wild shaping you can’t cast spells. I really would like a wild shape focused druid which gets diminished spellcasting, animal focus (as per the hunter ability), and multimorph. At 8th level, if the Druid casts the spell on herself, she gains a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution. Seeds wouldn't get affected but any spells you cast on plants remain forever. If you have to do 3 Stone Calls to end the fight, that's probably ALL your 2nd-level spells at low levels. Affected creatures may make a combat manoeuvre, Athletics or Mobility check against the spell's DC to free themselves. 0: Resistance: Abjuration Pages in category "Druid spells" The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total. Super fun. See full list on rpgbot. Further, if you make only half as much ironwood as the spell would normally allow, any weapon, shield, or suit of armor so created is treated as a magic item with a +1 enhancement bonus. Duration? 2 hours/level. With a normal Wisdom score for low-level characters, you'd get 1 bonus spell of spell level 1, so you spells prepared could look like: Yes, PF2e prepared spellcasters (like a druid) use old school Vancian spell casting, where you prepare a specific spell in each slot, and then can only use that once. A Primal Druid adds Enlarge Person to the list of class spells and can sacrifice a prepared spell to cast it. If you are in rounds you want to be hitting things not casting things. Your key spellcasting attribute for druid archetype spells is Wisdom, and they are Also their spell list shares a lot of spells from both wizard/sorcerer and cleric spell lists so you can gain access to both types of buffing with out having to multiclass. For 1st level spells, out of "all" druid 1st level spells you pick 1 and can cast it one time / day. Nov 26, 2016 · The druid spell list is actually one of the most versatile spell lists out there. Mar 24, 2014 · Scroll right and click on druid will sort the spells by Druid class and level, scroll through the list and pick out the Druid only spells. It IS a good aligned spell, but I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem when you're ultimately using it to further the cause of evil. Also a 2nd-level Druid spell, but it only targets a single plant. Treantmonk also writes good guides, but his Druid Guide (here Part 3: Spells) might be outdated Iluzry always has excellent guides, but his Druid Guide doesn't include spells unfortunately Spells: I am going to refer you to Treantmonk’s Druid Spell Guide. At the very least, it's the RAI. You store one spell that you can normally cast in a wooden quarterstaff. Druids are devotees of nature, protecting the bleakest deserts and most verdant forests. You can prepare two common cantrips each day from the primal spell list or any other primal cantrips you learn or discover. This ability replaces woodland stride, trackless step, and resist nature's lure. You can probably start with a slightly higher Str than Wis (instead of emphasizing Wis only, as with a caster-focused druid) and plan most of your advancements in Wis to keep up with your spell slots (19-20+ Wis at 16th-20th level). Wizard: Reduces you to no armor. Only played 5e before but was looking to pathfinder rules and i don't get the druid feeling from the class. Or it costs a lot of money in scrolls & wands as you repeatedly cast that. Feb 7, 2025 · For Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - The Last Sarkorians on the PlayStation 4, Guide and Walkthrough by chris-williams. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature's ally spell of the same level or lower. Mystic Theurge is in Patchfinder though I don't know if Archivist has a Pathfinder alternative, though 3. You gain access to the Cast a Spell activity. Oct 10, 2015 · I'm wondering if you all know any good witch-only spells that would not otherwise be available to the party. The two other spells are improvements on the base Plant domain spell list, but not by much. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for primal spells. Jun 5, 2021 · Heightened Spells: Heightening spells is an important mechanic in Pathfinder 2e. The somatic components for divine spells are more along the lines of thrusting your fist out and asking the entity grating you spells to cast it through you. I mean, Permanency is a 5th level Sorc/Wiz exclusive spell, and I'm sure there's plenty on the Druid list to mess around with it. Wild Shape (Ex) : At 4th level, a wild whisperer gains the wild shape ability, but she never gains access to any forms beyond Small and Medium animal forms, as beast shape I . Spells that affect wood do affect ironwood , although ironwood does not burn. You get extra spells but no extra power points, and with domain choice you should have access to any spell you want. That being said you have only one focus spell and it lasts a minute which should be the full duration of a combat considering the average combat is 3-4 rounds. Arcane is the only one that has more if you count the incarnate spells, but I don't, since the summoned things only stick around for 2 rounds and aren't really controlled. Anathema Sorcerer gives you more power points and access to attack spells. No Guidance: Divination Spell One friendly creature Touch 1 minute This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance. At all other Dex (at lvl 1-4) there is no valid armor for them to have full AC. Your key spellcasting attribute for druid archetype spells is Wisdom, and they are A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter. Is there something i'm missing, how do you play and build your druids? It's not a Witch spell, but it's a low-level spell I'm sure your party has access to. These effects only occur when the weapon is wielded by you. Having Spell Perfection on a spell that's sometimes useless does necessitate Preferred Spell, or at least spontaneous casting. 5 and Pathfinder are close enough that it could be used in the same way and can get you access to both Wizard and Druid spells Druid/domain only spell but there's also Control Winds for more widespread wind troubles. What do they want to do with the Druid? Every Caster class ever has the equivalent line of "they learn common spells from X tradition". (Though using bard as part of a multiclass can certainly be deadly with the right build) Not to mention unique spells like "timely inspiration" that only the bard can cast. For the druid spell list without optional spells, see Core Druid Spell List Jan 28, 2018 · I interpret Combat Druid Spells as that you are a Druid who will be in melee, not that you are specifically looking for combat spells. can choose and add one arcane spell to her spell book every 2 levels can spontaneously convert spells into Good domain ones instead of conjure creature That makes it a quite good caster druid for every kind of build, blaster, buffer or controller ! You cast spells like a druid. ) Aram Zey's Focus turns you into a Rogue for trap disabling. Running it the way you suggest it pretty much breaks druid, turning every single spell a druid can cast 4th level or higher into a spell that can more or less be cast spontaneously in place of a prepared spell. The first time each day that you cast this spell, you must select a feat and make all the associated choices that come with it. You do get less armor. Through their kinship with animals and the elements, they learn the most potent secrets the natural world has to offer, and can call upon great power in the form of both magical abilities like wild shape and a wide array of thematic spells. A cantrip is always automatically heightened to half your level rounded up— this is usually equal to the highest rank of druid spell slot you have. Since druids don’t use a Spell Repertoire, you can prepare a spell at any level that you can cast. To prepare or cast a spell, the druid must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. You'll find yourself writing posts where you claim the Druid is the weakest class in Pathfinder! What if I wanted to play a Druid that mixes Spellcasting and Melee combat? Can't I do that now? A wild whisperer's inspiration pool refreshes each day when she prepares spells. This is my biggest complaint about pathfinder druids. You must be at least a 5th-level wizard to select this discovery. Selecting druid feats can give you more focus spells and increase the size of your fUpon becoming a druid, you align yourself with a druidic order, which grants you a class feat, an order spell (see below), and an additional trained skill tied to your order. That way the character can contribute something unique. I use hero lab, and have blown a solid amount on add-ons for pathfinder 1E I haven't found a good RECENT guide for Druid spells that has the later additions. Hey Beanbay, been using the spell filter heavily and just noticed an oddity - Summon Elder Worm shows on the summoner spell list on your sheet as a 6th level spell, but both the PFSRD and AONPRD show it as only being a 9th level spell for Druid? Druid. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled. As for spells, druids make great control casters at lower levels. Druids often use conjuration or transmuation spells, and most non-evocation water spells are conjuration spells. Going up the spell list: Sirocco looks really nice, though if they're fighting something that can cast it the DC15 fly check seems too easy. She can also create a special concoction of any spell higher than 3rd level that she can cast, but to do so, she must expend a spell slot of the same level. Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A druid can't cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her You cast spells like a druid. net I'd also suggest a spell list for a druid that plays heavily with the animal companion (I noticed you have a beast master section, but it's lacking from comprehensive spell list), and one that plays strongly into casting with no animal companions. Spells that affect metal or iron do not function on ironwood . The relevant ability for most divine spells is Wisdom (Charisma for paladins). I'd suggest targeting a plant that produces a large amount of food and can be reharvested, such as a fruit tree, corn stalk, or berry bush. And the Arcane bloodline doesn't say that it adds the spells to your class' spell-list, so you can't prepare the spells either. These special concoctions do not cost her anything to create and function like extracts created by an alchemist with the infusion discovery. " Jul 22, 2024 · A druid can only cast a certain number of spells of each spell level per day, with a base daily spell allotment given in Table: Druid. You cast spells like a druid. Anathema Target’s non-magical melee attacks inflict only nonlethal damage. The druid only has access to the primal spell list while the witch can choose from any of them based on her patron, and the spell list can affect play style, as can feats. 1) Prioritize Str/Wis, then Dex/Con for ability scores. Mar 17, 2024 · My advice for a melee-focused half-orc druid that will transition to wild-shape, using only the Core Rulebook:. If the enemy is coming to you, then slapping a couple of these down could be a nice little boon. Animals and Gear (3) Druids are the most iconic primal spellcasters, calling upon the magic of nature through deep faith and a connection to the plants and animals around them, and primal sorcerers call upon their fey or beast blood to harness the same natural energies. Getting all day regeneration once you hit 12 is an enormous boon, meaning it's very, very difficult to take you out of the fight via HP damage, and you'll never need out of combat healing. For low level spells, I'm personally a fan of Break. [Elf] Illustrious Urbanite: Spell Focus (Conjuration, Transmutation or Illusion); replaces Keen Senses. The Shape feats add forms to your Wild Shape, so all you need is the Shape feats you want, maybe an extra focus point for safety, and Form Control if you want Yuelral's Blessing (Champions of Purity pg. A cantrip is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up—this is usually equal to the highest level of druid spell slot you have. Problem is, I don't have every spell or magic item, especially, memorized yet, and while I understand that debuffs can be powerful, I don't know which are actually good. Druids and clerics have the most day to day flexibility, because they get to prepare entirely new spells each day. Feb 1, 2025 · Spell Resistance: N/A: Spell Descriptors: Fire, Movement Impairing: Casting Time: Standard Action: All creatures in the area of effect when the spell is cast and every subsequent round must make a Reflex save or become grappled. T In order to prepare any of these spells, the caster must spend an hour performing a ritual in which he beseeches Torag (or a member of his family) for the aid of one of his divine family members. If race, the spell might only target members of the listed race (the spell will say this if it does), but often are just the race's guarded secrets. Also, be sure to read the heightening rules and the details of summoning spells. The Bardess' Library #5; Legendary Bestiary: SWARMS (PF1) Speak with Animals - Aberration Companions I; Ursined, Sealed and Delivered (PFRPG) Splinters of Faith 9 - Duel of Magic (PFRPG) Nov 26, 2023 · This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius from the point touched. Many spells scale with spell level, allowing them to stay relevant long after you learned them. On the other hand Druids have access to powerful companions and some decent focus spells so I don’t mind being down a spell. The reason arcane casters have a spell failure chance while wearing armor is because it interferes with the precise and intricate movements required to shape raw magic into a spell. But hear me out - primal spell list is the best one by far: you have heal, as well as all the best blasts, utility, and enough buffs (there are a few you might want to get from divine spell list, like see invisibility and bless or heroism - all low level, and Goliath Druid lets you wild shape into giants, so it's the only archetype (AFAIK) that lets you keep all your gear & doesn't need Natural Spell. while the bard has two focus spells each only last a round. If religion, spellcaster must worship the listed deity to utilize the spell. The text for the Brewkeeper Prestige Class' "Distilled Spells" class features reads as follows: Spells can be distilled only if they qualify to be created as a potion or oil from the spell but without the limitation of being a 3rd- or lower-level spell. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Is there a list of spells above 3rd level that can be created as a potion or oil? Hey Beanbay, been using the spell filter heavily and just noticed an oddity - Summon Elder Worm shows on the summoner spell list on your sheet as a 6th level spell, but both the PFSRD and AONPRD show it as only being a 9th level spell for Druid? Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn't prepared ahead of time. To prepare a divine spell, a character must have a Wisdom score (or Charisma score for paladins) of 10 + the spell’s level. In their Spellcasting entry of their class. Currently I'm looking for 2nd or 3rd level spells, but advice for any spell level would be helpful. But still, when you wanna guarantee a victory, the druid can do it. " So for 0-level spells, out of "all" of them you pick 3 0-level to prepare and cast unlimited times until you rest for the next day. Note that he only considered the spells in the Core Book. You’re trained in the spell attack modifier and spell DC statistics. See page 300 for more information on cantrips. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Description A rain of dirt, gravel, and small pebbles fills the area, dealing 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a druid’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier. Only take it to retrain it to: Aquatic Mastery: DC+1 on all [water] spells; replaces "Fey Thoughts" (Weapon Familiarity). Druids are the most iconic primal spellcasters, calling upon the magic of nature through deep faith and a connection to the plants and animals around them, and primal sorcerers call upon their fey or beast blood to harness the same natural energies. Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object) DESCRIPTION. At Druid level 1, you get to prepare 3 level 0 spells and 4 level 1 spells per day (per Table 3-7 on page 50), but you also get bonus spells per day for your Wisdom (per Table 1-3 on page 17). All of the archetypes either make druids focus on one, very limited, form or reduce wildshape altogether. I'd say make it a level 4 spell or 5 to make it on par with permanency, and instead of being the permanent version of the first spell, make it so it's like a plant only permanency. If anything, primal casters have the most versatile tradition for summoning spells in the game. Dec 1, 2009 · STOP! Druid is the one class in Pathfinder that you must use a different creation strategy for, or you will find yourself sorely dissapointed. Been Playing a druid, level 15 druid/1 monk - Progenitor/Reincarnated Druid. If they know what they're going to be doing a day in advance, they can prepare the perfect spell for it. But sorcerer only has 2 spells and no healing, so druid adds a decent value. For the second one 24 hours of casting time is absurd first of all. This druid spell list includes optional spells available from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, as well as spells from Unearthed Arcana. RP:101-0: Crack Mar 6, 2025 · Spell Resistance: N/A: Spell Descriptors-Casting Time: Standard Action: All creatures in the area of effect when the spell is cast and every subsequent round must make a Reflex save or become grappled. Primal as a spell list is one of the best in the game for almost any roll. The only downside is that most of your forms are not going to be able to talk. 30 Best Druid Spells and Cantrips. The spell list trades in a few spells, but the only non-druid spell that it introduces is Harm. Despite the massive weakness of Ball Lightning's damage output vs. Cantrips: Fantastic every time, on any character, in any amount R Spell requires a requisite religion or race. Members of other races can learn to cast them with GM permission. I just looked up to lvl 5 druid features but just feels like a elemental caster. Jun 4, 2021 · Aura of Decay is cool, but hard to use. For the duration of the spell, you receive a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence and are treated as if you possessed any one feat for which you meet the prerequisites, chosen when you cast this spell. Given that build, you actually want almost no combat spells. It's a low-level win button. Any recommendations? Something with good/bad/situations/etc. Sep 27, 2018 · Druids are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only wooden ones. RP:101-0: Ceremonial Servant: You create a shadowy figure that can participate in ceremonies or rituals. For the remaining duration of the spell, this debris covers the ground, making the entire area difficult terrain. Primal only, and a pure druid can't learn any other ones. These items are freely usable by druids. It's not a Witch spell, but it's a low-level spell I'm sure your party has access to. Still, the fact that you can't avoid the fatigued, can knock people prone, and is a continuous effect makes it a However, it doesn't work for a Druid, because Druids are prepared casters and can't make use of the Spells Known a spontaneous caster uses. Like how a Cleric can convert slots for Cure/Inflict while Oracles learn Cure/Inflict as bonus spells. Alchemical Tinkering is a fun one (Druid carrying a vial of Perfect Ice can make a gun for a short time. I'm level 3, might hit level four in a session or two, so tips up to level 5 (3rd level spells) would be appreciated. For 24 hours after the ritual, the caster may prepare spells of the requested deity. Spell One friendly creature Touch 10 minutes/level This spell causes a touched party member to glow like a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius from the point touched. Only one such spell can be stored in a staff at a given time, and you cannot have more than one spellstaff at any given time. Mar 4, 2025 · A Primal Druid can select a Mastodon, Smildon, Triceratops or Velociraptor. For example, as a 1st-level druid, your cantrips are 1st-level spells, and as a 5th-level druid, your cantrips are 3rd-level spells. A druid must spend 1 hour daily in a trance-like meditation on nature’s mysteries to regain their daily allotment of spells. Divine spellcasters prepare their spells in largely the same manner as wizards do, but with a few differences. the example that comes to mind is the divine spell list seems to assume you're armored at least a little, but don't have a Druid. The party consists of a barbarian, alchemist, wizard, and druid. While it is not the best of any particular field it can do just about anything. Focus spells don't require spell slots to cast, and you can't cast them using spell slots. Your key spellcasting ability for druid archetype spells is See page 300 for more information on cantrips. This damage only occurs once, when the spell is cast. Druids know only the common spells in the list unless there is a story-reason for them to have learned an uncommon or rare one. The caster may only attune himself to one additional deity at a True but Druids only have full AC at 14 Dex. You gain the Cast a Spell activity. You can cast a spell stored within a staff just as though it were The only issue I can see is that Druids can use slots to cast Summon Nature's Ally. This means that the bard can cast two focus spells each combat and you can cast 1. electricity resistances, I'm still on the fence about it, ESPECIALLY after your observations that dazing Explosion of Rot kind of breaks encounters into You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. You also get a bloodline. For druid it says "At 1st level, you can prepare two 1st-level spells and five cantrips each morning from the common spells on the primal spell list, or from other primal spells to which you gain access. Like other spellcasters, a druid can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. You might gain an ability that allows you to swap prepared spells or perform other aspects of preparing spells at different times throughout the day, but only your daily preparation counts for the purpose of effects that last until the next time you prepare spells. You can only have one light spell active at any one time. Thus, wooden plate armor and wooden swords can be created that are as durable as their normal steel counterparts. While remaining natural wood in almost every way, ironwood is as strong, heavy, and resistant to fire as steel. You could take a cleric dedication since you probably have good Wis. . For example, as a 1st-level druid, your cantrips are 1st-rank spells, and a 5th-level druid's are 3rd rank. Spells: A druid casts divine spells which are drawn from the druid spell list presented in Spell Lists. Mar 4, 2025 · Spell Resistance: N/A: Spell Descriptors: Movement Impairing: Casting Time: Standard Action: All creatures in the area of effect when the spell is cast and every subsequent round must make a Reflex save or become grappled. R Spell requires a requisite religion or race. Replaced Power(s): Bramble armor. Finally, we get to the meat-and-potatoes. For the duration of the spell, all spells from your domain list that are cast within the affected area have their caster level increased by 1, and all spellcasters casting such spells receive a +4 insight bonus on their concentration checks for those spells only. Also at higher levels the shields available to Druids are very weak. Hunters, for example, get all Ranger spells and all spells up to 6th level from the Druid spell list, hence there are no truly Ranger-exclusive spells anymore. You can also reward them with ways to learn uncommon or rare spells from the primal list. If you do not wield it, the weapon behaves as if unaffected by this spell. Reviewing the spells available in the game, and knowing that DC only matters if the spell allows a saving throw, it becomes pretty obvious that it works well with Evocation, Illusion, Enchantment, and Necromancy, which are save-heavy schools. But that's a simple fix; just make them bonus spells known. Primal Size. Anathema You've misunderstood how Order Spells (Druid Focus Spells) work, your Druidic Order class feature states that you spend Focus Points, not spell slots to cast Order Spells like Wild Shape. They've got good summons, crowd control, healing and blasting. You can cast a cantrip at will, any number of times per day. isjk fqwq vxdzzx ozchgl qcdca cvvme xlvxa ezggt eas fmq frjyz wgcjw pgoav hmgyc kle