Nightbot discord bot commands. Commands allow people to perform bot actions within chat.
Nightbot discord bot commands It's useful when used within a UrlFetch variable. Regulars can be granted extra permission for commands and spam protection. NightBot est un bot discord multifonctions développé par Konixy#3343 Si jamais tu cherche de l’aide, utilise !help NightBot est un bot en constant améliorations, pour être au courant des futurs mise a jours ou des éventuels problème du bot, merci de rejoindre notre serveur de support Mar 2, 2025 · 4. but if you want to have a discord message. Custom commands are an important part of any stream, making information easier to access. N/A: Example of non ! command: nightbot!addcom nightbot /me is always here lurking Kappa. Mar 4, 2025 · Commands List. Nightbot is currently available for Twitch, YouTube, Trovo, Noice, and SOOP! For TicTacToe Discord bot we currently have help message previews, 7 bot commands and 0 slash commands. Selecting Spam Filter Usage!filters spam_filter. Listed below are a few of the most fruitful Nightbot commands:!discord — This command quickly displays the link to the gamers' Discord server Mar 5, 2025 · The !8ball command simulates a magic 8-ball toy, providing random responses to viewer questions. Default Commands The majority of the default commands are designed to allow moderators to control Nightbot within chat. Sign into Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. Now that you have your API key, it's time to set up the Nightbot command. title is the main title of your poll. ToeKneeTM Nightbot is a chat bot for Twitch, YouTube, and Trovo that allows you to automate your live stream's chat with moderation and new features, allowing you to spend more time entertaining your viewers. Here’s what I always configure first: – !commands – Lists all available commands – !uptime – Shows how long the bot has been active – !schedule – Displays your server Simple Discord bot to simulate Twitch nightbots, like making commands, posting periodic messages, etc. Jan 15, 2025 · Top Nightbot Commands. If you recently changed your Twitch username, be sure to logout and back into the Nightbot control panel. Here's what you need to do: Open your Twitch chat; Type the following command (replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE with your actual Clipbot API key): Dec 15, 2023 · Nightbot, a popular online chat bot for Twitch, not only serves as a moderation tool but can also add fun and interactive elements to your streams. Need help doing that? Check our Discord 's help desk. Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. com! Setup If you don't have a Discord account and a Discord server, make one at discordapp. I have troll specific commands that are jokes if someone asks to see my private parts. It’s not just about moderation; it also provides valuable analytics to help you track user engagement and server performance. Check them out at discord app. Commands are managed in the Custom Command page in the Control Panel. The crux of any chat bot is its commands. We offer the The crux of any chat bot is its commands. The integration with Discord allows you to use your custom commands and perform simple moderation on Discord. Find out more information about each command with its related link. com! Setup If you don't have a Discord account and a Discord server, make one at discord app. The Song Requests page contains Song Request settings, a music player with media controls, and a queue of upcoming songs. The Destiny Command is an app/command you can add to your chat bot that allows you and your viewers to check their stats across Destiny 2 as a whole. Once Nightbot joins your server, you’ll want to set up some basic commands. so i want a basic command when someone says !discord in my twitch chat then the link for my discord comes up? i cant find any videos on how to do it id appreciate some help (edit: sorry guys i forgot to connect nighbot using /mod nightbot. Nightbot Reviews Feb 12, 2025 · Nightbot is a chat bot for Twitch, YouTube, Trovo, Noice, and SOOP that allows you to automate your live stream's chat with moderation and new features, allowing you to spend more time entertaining your viewers. You can also create custom commands for whatever task you want Nightbot to do. I like to give nightbot "sass". I recently added a check for the current games estimated win / loss. Usage $(userlevel) Example Usage $(userlevel) would result in owner if the current chat was nightdev's and nightdev called the command UserLevel Values owner - Channel Owner moderator - Channel Moderator twitch_vip - Twitch VIP (only for Twitch accounts) regular Nightbot is one of the more popular stream bots with the capability of adding custom commands. Nightbot for Twitch offers the feature of using default and customized commands by which you can get desired results in actions and outcomes in just the blink of an eye. com. bot enables you to transform your stream into an enhanced, interactive experience Oct 27, 2024 · Dyno Bot is a fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. BotRix is the best tool for content creators, whether you create content on Trovo , Twitch , YouTube , Kick We can even help take your Discord server to the next level. However, Nightbot has a wide array of commands available for the broadcaster themselves, mods, and users. join - Force Nightbot to Join your Channel (Only in Nightbot's Chat) [Owner Only] part or leave - Force Nightbot to Leave your Channel [Owner Only]!commands - Link to Command Page for the Channel Create powerful commands and customizations using built-in variables, regular expressions, custom code, and the API. Copy Chat Command to Clipboard: This is an example of a non exclamation command. ToeKneeTM Create powerful commands and customizations using built-in variables, regular expressions, custom code, and the API. Here's how you can make the most of it: Just adding this command will get you started. Usage $(channel) Example Usage $(channel) would result in nightdev if the current chat was nightdev's Examples Adding a command to show how many Twitch follow ers the current channel has !commands add ! follow ers $(channel) has $(twitch $(channel) "{{follow ers}} follow ers!") Apr 28, 2023 · All you have to do is invite Nightbot to your live stream channel on Twitch and type in command names whenever necessary. The command variable just prints the current command being executed. As explained above, the filters command at its core allows control over Nightbot's spam protection filters. join - Force Nightbot to Join your Channel (Only in Nightbot's Chat) [Owner Only] part or leave - Force Nightbot to Leave your Channel [Owner Only]!commands - Link to Command Page for the Channel add - Add Custom Command to Nightbot; edit - Edit existing Custom Command The count variable prints how many times a command has been used. There are built-in default commands, and Nightbot also offers the ability to create your own custom commands. Usage $(count) Example Usage $(count) would result in 1 if this was the first time you called the command, then 2 The next time you called the command, and so on Examples Adding a command to show how many hugs Nightbot has given !commands add !hug /me hugged $(touser) ($(count) hugs have been given) After adding Nightbot, you can now begin with creating custom commands. 1. Creating a Poll Usage!poll new title | option 1 | option 2. All of your Nightbot commands will now be functional in your Discord server. The primary goal of streamsnip is to streamline the clipping process, addressing challenges faced by one of my favorite streamers. Song Requests is the ability for music in your stream to be chosen by the viewers. Create powerful commands and customizations using built-in variables, regular expressions, custom code, and the API. NightBot is important bot for discord servers. henrikdev. The !regulars command allows you and your moderators to add, remove, and modify channel regulars. Why Streamer. xyz URL. To get an API key, follow the instructions on Henrik's site and use the Discord bot to request one. if the current command being executed was !testcommand Create powerful commands and customizations using built-in variables, regular expressions, custom code, and the API. - jcpazos/discord-nightbot Oct 4, 2023 · Except, of course, while Discord bots are created and used to moderate members and simplify tasks in your community, Twitch bots do it for your live streams. Chat Logs Find out why a message was recently deleted or a user was recently banned with fully-searchable chat logs. Usage $(command) Example Usage $(command) would result in!testcommand. !commands add !command_name-ul=userlevel-cd=cooldown-a=!alias command response!command_name / command response is the same as above. Essential First Commands. Usage $(count) Example Usage $(count) would result in 1 if this was the first time you called the command, then 2 The next time you called the command, and so on Examples Adding a command to show how many hugs Nightbot has given !commands add !hug /me hugged $(touser) ($(count) hugs have been given) Search the knowledge base Search. Nightbot is a free chat moderation bot for streamers. There's a death counter command, because I die a lot in games. Mar 7, 2024 · There are channels that run scam, they already use Nightbot to legitimize the links sent to chat, so whispers would only make things worse. Looking at my list, I have almost 100 commands in there, yikes! Jan 31, 2021 · Hello, I have published a few commands for a close friend based on a discord bot I wrote. Usage $(userlevel) Example Usage $(userlevel) would result in owner if the current chat was nightdev's and nightdev called the command UserLevel Values owner - Channel Owner moderator - Channel Moderator twitch_vip - Twitch VIP (only for Twitch accounts) regular Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. Need help doing that? Check our Discord's help desk. !nightbot. Mar 4, 2025 · Song Requests. spam_filter is the name of the filter that you or your moderators wish to manage and edit. TicTacToe's default prefix is "&". Read the article “ Nightbot Setup Guide, Commands & Alternatives TikTok and Discord . Some key features of Nightbot include: Automatic moderation - It can automatically filter out spam, ban users who post blacklisted words, and timeout users for excessive symbols/emotes. One of these commands is related to faceit users elo and most importantly recent elo gains / losses. Find Discord Bot Commands for your favourite Discord Bots with Discord Bot List! Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. You can modify the role's permissions and colors as wanted. WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE ANY HELP!!! Thank you so much 🙂 The arguments variables (1-9) print arguments split by spaces after a command. Viewers who have been around a while have their own command using their name. This guide will review some of the basics of using Nightbot with more advanced usage on the individual doc site pages. Using Nightbot commands on Discord is a sidecar, it’s a bonus feature, it’s not the core product. Discord recommends for streaming; They can be found in their own recommended stream kit section. Commands allow people to perform bot actions within chat. js, multiple functions, uses MongoDB - itsHel/Nightbot Jan 1, 2024 · Nightbot offers a link filter that allows you to control how links are handled in your chat. When adding a command you will need a command name (usually leading with an exclamation mark) and a command response. Discord Bot. Oct 16, 2024 · Step 2: Create the Nightbot Command. tv If you don't have emotes, then you don't want to advertise them. People seem to like the !8ball command. It's useful when used within nested variables. The !winner command allows you and your moderators to pick a random active user in chat. These commands can become usable in your Discord server by add If you don't have emotes, then you don't want to advertise them. Custom commands - Streamers can create custom commands that respond to viewer requests, like !discord to link to a Discord server. This is useful when combined with other variables that accept parameters. If Nightbot still isn't responding your channel, it may not a moderator or is banned from your channel. We offer the Find out more information about each command with its related link. If anyone should be interested in this command you are most welcome to use it. Check them out at discordapp. You can use the DJKhaled variable to randomly display one of DJ Khaled’s 🔑s to success. Nightbot User Commands Create custom commands for your live stream's chat with Nightbot, enhancing viewer interaction and chat moderation. Usage $(query) Examples Adding a command to show the weather!commands add !weather $(weather $(query)) Adding a command to lookup an Xbox Live gamertag!commands add !xbl $(xbl $(query)) !winner. Usage $(count) Example Usage $(count) would result in 1 if this was the first time you called the command, then 2 The next time you called the command, and so on Examples Adding a command to show how many hugs Nightbot has given !commands add !hug /me hugged $(touser) ($(count) hugs have been given) The count variable prints how many times a command has been used. Oct 20, 2019 · Regulars can be granted extra permission for commands and spam protection. Oct 22, 2020 · Nightbot is given a Discord role named "Nightbot" with the permissions you just granted it. These are the default commands for Nightbot. Usage Regulars can be added and removed on the Regulars page in the control panel or via chat with the !regulars . Nov 23, 2021 · This tutorial will focus primarily on adding Nightbot to your Discord server, but there are other bots out there and tools. Parting and re-joining the bot via the control panel may also help. Chat moderation and trying to keep up with your audience’s requests while streaming and playing at the same time can be a challenge. my mistake) Apr 8, 2021 · so im trying to make a death count wich ive done in 2 outher channels fine but for some reason in this channel when i go to edit the command " !deaths " wich is a command that shall just be edited when “!deathadd” is called it dosnet edit it with either the alias !commands or !editcom and just reply with the command list as if my input was “!commands” when i input “!deathsadd Dec 10, 2020 · When a bot in a discord channel tries to edit a command it just comes back with this (See Image): image 857×236 21. nightbot. The count variable prints how many times a command has been used. Dec 15, 2023 · Command. To understand the power of Nightbot’s notoriety you just have to look at the amount of people who join the Discord server asking for their giveaway price, or asking why Nightbot banned them, or how to join a specific game, etc. Sign Up To Nightbot. If you have a Discord with sub perks, include that. Your first step to adding Nightbot to your Discord server is signing up to Nightbot. No idea what Discord is? Discord is an all-in-one voice, video, and text chat for gamers that’s free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone. See full list on docs. You just need to apply the parameters as shown below. This is primarily useful when used within nested commands. The best streaming tool. Setup moderation, reaction roles, leveling, twitch & youtube alerts and take your server to the next level! A small collection of custom NightBot command scripts for use on twitch/youtube/discord NightBot custom commands can use a bit a JavaScript to accomplish advance functions, and have a series of built-in global variables , but are limited to about 500 characters total. Mar 4, 2025 · Make sure Nightbot is joined to your chat in the control panel. For further customization, click the "Settings" button for your server on the Nightbot Integrations page. Main articles. people trust Nightbot very Invite NightBot to your server and enjoy its Moderation and Entertainment commands! Get the full NightBot experience now. Whether it be Trials stats, K/D, loadout or just checking the amount of times you’ve achieved a certain medal. Feb 12, 2025 · When adding and editing commands, you can also specify the userlevel required to execute the command as well as the command's cooldown time. It will pick randomly from a list of every user who has spoken in the past 10 minutes. Usage $(djkhaled) Example Usage $(djkhaled) would result in Bot for discord in Node. 9 KB potatoeaterlove December 10, 2020, 5:43pm General Setup Guide for Nightbot This page's purpose is a general guide for new users who want to use Nightbot. or customization then read below. Commands; Giveaways; Regulars; Song Requests The crux of any chat bot is its commands. Oct 22, 2020 · DJKhaled. Mar 14, 2024 · It’s possible the Discord module of the bot was updated to only use slash commands now, as responding to regular messages requires invasive permissions that are heavily scrutinized by Discord. What is Nightbot? Nightbot App; Discord Integration; Control Panel. . MEE6 is the best app to build, manage and grow your Discord server. Usage. This interactive feature engages your audience and adds an element of unpredictability to your chat. For each userlevel, select a Discord role for Moderators, Regulars, and Subscribers (if applicable). Aug 12, 2019 · In order to use the !permit command the !filters command must be enabled. Usage Managing Links can be found in the Nightbot Spam Protection menu by owners and channel managers. The channel variable just prints the current channel. to the https://api. Oct 7, 2021 · im not sure if thats all that it does but if i use the provider it just shows where the command was sent but what i need is that if for example you write “!test hello world” on twitch chat then the bot write in discord “hello world” in a text channel How To Setup Nightbot With Discord ( Integration ) | Nightbot tvIf you like and enjoy this video: LEAVE LIKE 👍🏼 and SUBSCRIBE ️ Don't forget to turn on No Aug 18, 2024 · HenrikDev made an update to their API to make it require an API key a while back, and the command won't work any more without adding?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY. Feb 12, 2025 · !poll. this Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. Choose the channels where you want Nightbot to operate. bot? Streamer. The !poll command allows you and your moderators to easily create polls using Straw Poll. Usage $(number) number can be a value from 1 through 9 Example $(3) would print the third argument after a command If the input for a !command was !command lorem ipsum dolor the result would be dolor Aug 12, 2019 · Nightbot regulars add another userlevel to the chat. Oct 22, 2020 · The query variable prints anything a user types after a command. Sign into Nov 11, 2020 · In a few chat’s I’ve seen people use a “!dick” or “!ppsize” command it will respond with the users name and a random size… I’m trying to make something similar but with a bra/cup size. The userlevel variable prints the userlevel of the user calling the command. Community Forum Discord API Nightbot is Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. uaxn ddqfu oazdc sqbcdx beal hymgz bxy atql iuoka ief dggd ieij mibz ggtz bisjl