Metro exodus save file spring. So I tried to restart the entire area.

Metro exodus save file spring No. Thank 4A games for the convoluted idiotic save game file; that really worked didn't it! Anyway, does anyone have a end game save file with all the weapons and upgrades available, I'd really appreciate it. ) Download Jul 27, 2020 · Trying to finish the game in iron mode. Jun 26, 2024 · Saving features: Completed the main game; Main chapters unlocked; Lots of resources. Feb 16, 2019 · Hey guys. cfg, user. Today i booted up the game, and i have to start from the beginning !!! I think i'll just uninstall and play something else. 7] I recently reinstalled Exodus to do another playthrough, No save issues until the Dead City and logged out after quicksaving per usual. This location can vary depending on the game and can be found in the game's installation folder or in your user's documents folder. The problem is when launching the game on epic the controller is a PS4 The game crashed 4 times so far (blue screen and all) at the Volga level. Metro Exodus — Сохранение (Игра пройдена на 100%, хорошая концовка) [Steam] Сохранения Metro Exodus — Трейнер (+9) [1. I was playing a 3rd playthrough (2nd on NG+), stopped in Volga and my autosaves were overwriten when I started the Two Colonels and then they were overwriten again when I started Sam's Story. Feb 16, 2019 · WARNING! DO NOT use the save files in your C:\Users\USERNAMEi\Saved Games\metro exodus as a backup! WARNING! I tried doing a backup, then re-playing a chapter for an easy achievement, and then replace that save with my backup (because on my original i had collected all collectables and did all the karma stuff and i wanted that saved but i couldn't go back for an achievement so i had to replay Feb 18, 2019 · C:\Users\UserName\Saved Games\Metro Exodus Normally (if someone else comes to search for general save location) NORMALY on steam all saves are in Steam/userdata/ Feb 15, 2019 · I don't suppose anybody here has a save file in Volga (the first open area of the game) they could throw me. From my understanding you have to all the 'good' things you can do, Free the slaves from the cages on the ship, free the ones mining outside the one boat by taking out all the guards, get Giuls picture from her mom, not kill any of the slaves in the water area, release the slaves in the cages during the water heist. Metro Exodus Guide. Don’t want to go back to the beginning of the Caspian chapter if I can help it. Shadow of the Tomb Raider where you can at least start three different games. flashlight, reloading, etc. rebooted the game, no more "load" or "continue" available. I don't see any of my save files or quick saves when I try to load the game. Not sure why. Any idea where to find my save files or access Epics cloud storage? May 23, 2020 · HERE'S COMPLETE AND DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS for the Metro-Exodus Damir fix (verified on May 23, 2020) against the Steam game on Windows 10 Home: (First some notes about the other possible fixes. somehow i lost the save file and i don't know how. Especially on consoles its badly needed, because starting a new game means loosing all progress and all saves. Imagine the possibilities! Feb 26, 2020 · the new game + save does not get overwritten ever period Autosave files will be overwriten. Just finish spring myself. This solution will generally work with ANY Non-Steam Game, so please DON’T tell me if you’ve seen this solution for other titles. I was at the end of the mission where we try to catch Cult Leader. Preferably a pacifist one near the end of the area however anything will do at this point. how does one do that? Metro Exodus — Трейнер / Trainer (+16) [Ver 1. Mar 10, 2020 · at the end of my first playthrough after the credits, it says, that my save file is corrupted and if i want to override it. But now all my progress is gone. Nov 26, 2024 · Hi! Not sure if this is even possible, but basically I have the game on epic and I am about half way trough the game at the moment, I usually play with a mouse and keyboard but right now I have 3 broken fingers on my left hand so playing with a keyboard is pretty hard, so I'm trying to play the game on a controller (Xbox one). g. I. If you want me to send you it add me Sorry to resurrect this but i've recently formatted my PC and I forgot to transfer the save file to my external storage, if you have the time and the file right before the fortress could you please send it to me? Thanks. You can even check out your journal, put on the radio, smoke a May 25, 2020 · Complete collectible save file for base game, The Two Colonels, and Sam's Story. Feb 15, 2019 · Hey do you have a save file from when youve reached Novosibirsk? i recently had an issue with windows that i ended up not being able to fix & forgot to back up my save file to a different location. Please be aware that the autosave will be overwritten. Hi, so 5 hours in the enhanced edition and I tried loading my game and somehow I'm back in the beginning of the game. A good ending in which Artyom and the others get to their new home. Dec 26, 2020 · Im stuck in the mission in the caspian desert where you are supposed to get water for your crew. My Game files were wiped when I formatted my SSD and I lost my save files. Plus there are things like my graphical settings and language settings. Thanks :( Choose an auto save and a quick save that you want to load; Either double click on the saves or click on the button that will load both save games; Re/Start metro - this is necessary since metro keeps its saves in memory and doesnt read from the file if you want to load a save game. 0] [Update 28. Would you like to overwrite the corrupted save… Spring is the fifth level overall in Metro Exodus, and the second of the seasonal intermission levels set solely on the Aurora. But I can't. I have the game on the Epic Game store Nov 30, 2024 · I've finished the game. Logged in the next morning and my saves wont show up in the game, all progress and other saves are gone. A home for fans of the Metro book series, the games Metro 2033, Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus. Feb 15, 2020 · Putting your save files in C:\Users\name\Saved Games\metro exodus/number works. I also noticed that progress for achievements was transferred - as in the Tidyman achievement is almost complete in my Enhanced edition despite me only playing for about an hour. The beginning of the Spring mission. But Drive wouldnt load, then regular browser reddit wouldnt load (apollo doesnt have “Chat” for some reason) so I restarted my phone and turned on 5G and then got a call and forgot about finishing it! Oh boy has the game got a surprise for you later. Feb 16, 2024 · :c in menu game show me "Your save is corrupted blah blah blah" after this i ez started my save (working Load and Continue buttons), after game reload i can only push NEW GAME. The most needed thing is multiple save slots like e. Mar 2, 2020 · After playing a way through the Taiga area I realised I probably shouldn't have been killing the pirates even if they had been trying to kill me. I cannot do anything. I played 3 hours yesterday. can I play NG+ on Enhanced Edition with the progress I made on the standard version? Feb 18, 2020 · I get that message almost everytime I quit the game, I always chose "yes". Nov 15, 2019 · Download Place the contents of the archive along the path: “C:/Users/"User name (without quotes)"/Saved Games/Metro Exodus". From my understanding the corrupted saves are the autosave (saw ppl saying that on this forum). Jokes aside, there are a couple of completed save files floating around if you don't want to start from scratch again and don't mind another's work. This is ridiculous. 0. It's a completed game save, so basically you just hit "Chapters" and start fresh from any chapter, but with all the weapon and suit upgrades, all the side "quests" done and all the karma actions completed from the previous chapter(s). " Hey so I just ran into this issue, If you launch from the executable it saves the games not to the Saved Games/Metro Exodus/Random Numbers/ but just to Saved Games if you copy the saves from the other location to the root of the Saved Games folder you get your saves back They use the same save files. Author: manels. Metro Exodus/MetroExodus_error_report_210314-184225. So I tried to restart the entire area. The first one corrupted my save file and I had to restore to a backup save, the rest I just loaded my last quicksave. Alyosha, also present, informs Artyom that he is to Jul 15, 2020 · Hey, so I started a new game plus run without checking the option to use my previous run's weapons. I will say there is sometimes confusion between the versions if you swap back and forth. Feb 25, 2019 · Does anyone have a save file on ranger hardcore starting chapter Spring/Yamantau with all attachments and upgrades from Volga? I finished Volga on ranger hardcore while I still had question marks on the map (didn't know starting that mission would make me unable to go back, and already didn't have a save before the mission), and because I missed some things I searched for a save file close to Feb 13, 2025 · The enhanced edition has never had the Steam Cloud service. We select the last hidden postcard and get the achievement “Views of the Old World”. Artyom is awoken by Anna in their private room on the Aurora. I mean thankfully I lose only 1-2 hours of game, but wtf need volga save file first time playing and didn't know once i get the tugboat i cant go back, can anyone please help me. any suggestions? Mar 31, 2019 · I got a save file online that is 100% map completion and just before you enter the fortress. Damn, fuck man, forgot! Tried to send from phone. Saved their friends and got the guitar and the teddy bear and still lost Duke. You can do this by restarting the chapter you are playing through via the main menu. Feb 15, 2019 · I don't suppose anybody here has a save file in Volga (the first open area of the game) they could throw me. G I accidentally started up OG exodus after playing Enhanced, and my save was sent back to the start of the story, but I had all my NG+ guns. 2019] [64 Bit] [Baracuda] Трейнеры Metro Exodus — Сохранение / SaveGame (Прохождение с плохой концовкой) Oct 31, 2022 · It's a completed game save, so basically you just hit "Chapters" and start fresh from any chapter, but with all the weapon and suit upgrades, all the side "quests" done and all the karma actions completed from the previous chapter(s). ːcsgo_headshotː Sep 12, 2020 · Sometimes steam cloud loses your save game, losing your progress. Games that I've been playing since 2033 first released. My game crashed and I'm able to play the game from the start and I don't have the save file. Installation / Installation After you download the archive, you need to disable synchronization with Steam Cloud for Metro Exodus. cfg file. Due to that, I started to keep backup of save file after every major event in the game. May 6, 2021 · I had the standard Metro Exodus already installed - if it is uninstalled then I expect it would not automatically import the save from Steam cloud but not sure. I'm just looking for a save file at the beginning of Caspian sea area (any difficulty) with as much progress and upgrades as possible. so i am not able to start new game+. cfg file in Users\"username"\Saved Games\metro exodus\76561198012564321\game1 folder. He is kind of stuck on top of a rock and does not move. Nov 11, 2024 · so i finished this game years ago when im trying to playing again i didn't have any save file how to take my save file from cloud ? It kept saying for me that my save file is corrupted as well all the time but it managed to read the data and start at the correct place. I chose not to overwrite them. But once I finished Volga and reached Spring, I waited until it saved and closed the game. So, here's the heavy-duty fix. Mar 21, 2021 @ 7:20am Bummer. Metro exodus save file to save duke Help hey guys, im fucking mad and fucking sad, i was too impatient to sneak past tugboat and bridge, i fucked up shit and now duke is dead, i was close to crying cause of this shit. there werent, so I clicked on "slot1" and pressed enter, upon which it basically restarts the game from scratch. Complete collectible save file for base game, The Two Colonels, and Sam's Story. i loaded that one multiple times and it doesnt change it. somehow i lost the save file and i don't know how Oct 31, 2022 · It's a completed game save, so basically you just hit "Chapters" and start fresh from any chapter, but with all the weapon and suit upgrades, all the side "quests" done and all the karma actions completed from the previous chapter(s). You think the Caspian-1 bunker is bad? Hah! I think it might be better to let someone else play these sections rather than use a save file, that way you'll still have your own game and won't have any discrepancies in your resources and progress. You can try to fix this problem by loading an older save file. Right outside of the game1 folder there is a copy of the local profile. Also sounds like an old GF of mine, fall asleep and she'd grab my save point. 😉 PROBLEM People are♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥because they can't get their Metro Exodus saves from the EpicGameLauncher in Steam or vice-versa. In the future, consider making save file backups because the game's autosaving is abhorrent, and remember to churn resources into ammo and throwables before the next chapter, especially with ammo vest or throwables vest upgrade. no matter if i say yes or no, i will have the last autosave when i am driving the car until the end. The original version of Exodus does support Steam Cloud. Im stuck at the entrance of a cave, but I cant enter it because Damir does not move. How am I supposed to clear the game in iron mode when Hey guys. A sensible save system has a different profile for each playthrough, at least. The save file are usually in C -> username -> saved games -> metro eodus. Feb 16, 2020 · That's just great. As of now I did not manage to edit my save file successfully as any copy past even the slightest change in a few bytes makes the file corrupted, but I know the holy grail is to be found somewhere by someone. I guess it's just a bug that we have to live with on the pc steam version. I have the game on the Epic Game store just copy paste it in to the file explorer The file has my steamid on it, I don't know what it'll do with you but should be no problem. Join the discussion Feb 16, 2019 · So, I'm looking for a "good" save file. I wanted to redo Tugboat mission, but couldn't find any save, so had to start from the beginning. Please post your save files as I would like to study as many save files as possible. Navigate to the location where the game's save files are stored. This then deleted all my weapons and left me at stage one. vdf If I launch the game I see the background of my save, but I cannot click continue or load savegame The problem can be bypassed by deleting the Metro Exodus folder in \\SavedGames and re Mar 3, 2024 · disable steam cloud for this game, it's a known issue that the devs couldn't (or didn't want to) fix. Spring. Игры Metro Exodus Файлы Сохранения Сохранение / SaveGame (Хорошая концовка + собраны все дневники и фото) Metro Exodus Продолжение серии шутеров Metro. Unlike "Winter", Artyom is able explore the newly added sleeper carriage and is able to listen in on much more relaxed conversations between the crew. Gues you either wait till the patch. You basically get the good chapter ending if you choose stealth in this mission. Also, jumping next to the ledge didn't work for me after many minutes of trying. somehow i lost the save file and i don't know how Download savegame for new bestseller Metro Exodus! Savegame for Metro Exodus – The game done 100% – If you click on the “Continue” button in the game, you will see a good ending Dec 5, 2020 · If Steam Cloud overwrites your save, all it does is overwrite the profile. cfg and steam_autocloud. e. A script for backing up saves and user files. I made every side questions, like teddy bear and night vision, so would be so good if you share with your save game file if you have it. Suddenly it tells me my all autosaves are corrupted. Thanks. Since it’s on google drive and the link is also in several reddit chats. Thanks in advanced :D Apr 30, 2020 · Would anyone have to send a save at the jamantau stage? My record causes that every now and then I lose one weapon and my functions do not work, e. Did you try to load the Spring Chapter? Hello, I went through the church, the caravan, and the bridge without killing the cultist. None of my save files go back nearly far enough. I wouldn't worry about it since you can get by with much less, but look up CheatEngine. 02. Hello, while playing Metro Exodus I keep getting the message "Your save data appears to be corrupted. It doesn't happen every time I get attacked by a mutant though Feb 15, 2019 · After starting Ranger Hardcore game, edit C:\Users\USER_NAME\Saved Games\metro exodus\SOME_NUMBER\user. Mar 23, 2019 · To install: Copy to C:\Users\User_name\Saved Games\metro exodus\292733975847239680 Metro Exodus doesn't exist in a vacuum; it's based on the mechanics of the previous games. so today instead of pressing continue, I went to "load" to see if there were multiple saves. During the game I've been running on Ranger Hardcore, picked up all diaries, weapon mods, armor/utility mods, postcards May 25, 2020 · About this mod. Go to your Game Library, find Met Hi, Does anyone have the metro exodus save file in the beginning of the spring chapter, or at the end of volga chapter where you should take out the cultists and clear the way for the train. Open the file explorer on your PC by pressing the Windows key + E. During the game I've been running on Ranger Hardcore, picked up all diaries, weapon mods, armor/utility mods, postcards, music sheets, you name it. Locate the folder or files associated with the corrupted save file. I have the game on the Epic Game store Just met Damir and he has glitched on me before he boosts you up. Mar 12, 2023 · yesterday I just finished the church, and I killed a few people there. All the progress that has been not saved manually is lost as the autosave files are corrupted. Jumping into the passage from above no longer works due to an invisible wall. If you have access access to the old PC. i REALLY dont wanna have to play all the way up to there again. Every time it happened just as I was being attacked by a mutant. You can just copy and paste Spring save file if you don't want to get all of the end game weapons, like me. For Metro Exodus on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "No save files, just autosaves?". Jun 29, 2020 · corrupted save files my 6 hours game somehow corrupted, i have to restart the entire chapter, what the ♥♥♥♥, how come a major bug like this still persist on a year old game? what should i do to ensure this won't happen again? Mar 21, 2021 · Thanx but nope, no save files only this. I have tried restarting the game and restarting steam Recently I struggled to find any save files with pacifist run. I cant load a previous save. New game +. you should be able to unlock quite a few achievements by loading this up This is a prime example of why the current trend of games doing only a single series of save files, and automatically overriding them, is a shit idea. Go to your Game Library, find Met Mar 19, 2019 · Hi, Does anyone have the metro exodus save file in the beginning of the spring chapter, or at the end of volga chapter where you should take out the cultists and clear the way for the train. Id like to proceed through the game with him alive but not have to redo 9+ hrs of content. No saves in the entire chapter is rough even on the easier difficulties. So, long story short, I've screwed up. He is now just standing there I have tried everything but he won’t move. Aside from the save corruption issues (which this game also has in spades) it leads to issues like this. E. zip #2. I need a volga save file before you get on the tugboat, theres a few items i missed Sep 27, 2022 · Steam Cloud says that there are 50MB of synchronized saves, but in the C:\\Users\\user\\Saved Games\\Metro Exodus folder there are only the few KB files profile. The prince is on the Copy to C:\Users\User_name\Saved Games\metro exodus\292733975847239680. the saves are in the directory below; Feb 15, 2019 · I don't suppose anybody here has a save file in Volga (the first open area of the game) they could throw me. As you ride the train to your next location feel free to talk to Anna and the rest of your crew. So it would be so good if you share your save files. Sorry mate you'll have to Feb 17, 2020 · This save file corrupted thing pops up everytime we quit to main menu and it basically deletes all the autosaves and leaves you with manual quick save. cfg and set g_game_difficulty 2 and make sure ranger_mode_game is set to on then in game you can disable crosshair and set difficulty back to hardcore but keep quick save / load option. I made every side questions, including teddy bear, guitar, night vision, armor. But they're still on your computer here: Local Disk (C) > Program Files (86) > Steam > userdata > 29399930 > 412020 > remote Copy and replace all files in "remote" to this folder: Local Disk (C) > Users > username > Saved Games > Metro Exodus > 76561197989665658 This often is an indicator for a corrupted save file. Thank you. Feb 17, 2019 · SAVE FILE AND SCREENSHOT FIX As always, when moving or editing Save Game or Config files, ALWAYS back up first. NG+ is a lot of fun. There is that option on the main screen to choose a chapter but it only lists the Intro and Moscow as options. Good hunting rangers Sep 22, 2020 · Sounds like classic Metro to me, wait till you relax, then attack. So i lost all my save files (2019, and epic luncher dont store our saves on cloud) Is there any good soul that can send me save files? I was starting mission yamantau please. Doesnt unlock all your saves but youre able to continue from last save. My game crashed and I'm able to play the game from the start and I don't have save file. I've done that level twice and had him stay both times. I ran into a game breaking bug where I cannot continue the game so all I can do is replay 9 hours of the game or hope one of you people here will have one. There is also a config file where I adjusted few settings for better mouse movement and I also disabled motion blur. The guitar, bear and fish have been found. I cant go back because there is an invisible wall. All postcards and notes, weapons and improvements for the game are available. If I am interested enough in those mechanics to own all four of the previous games and skilled enough to beat all four of them, it should prove that I don't need "training wheels. cuss. Contribute to urhTest/Metro-Exodus-script development by creating an account on GitHub. vrtm dvjmje ruvksmr znvm eozeyy huzvzs tovhfnt hip dvyal nog cdjvab cxket bxclk pjdfh nwrcpg