Kar vs spr after nerf. I loved the KAR, but the SP-R 208 is strictly better.

Kar vs spr after nerf i play on pc. Kar98 BETTER THAN SPR?? SPR NERF? | Kar98 BETTER THAN SPR Live. In this video we will be talking about 2 similar bu They should nerf all marksman rifles: swiss, kar, spr Their ads and bullet velocity is too fast and they can one shot you in a bullet spongy 600ms ttk Reply Jun 17, 2024 · Warzone has many weapons for players to choose from, but when it comes to long-range, few options are as useful as Snipers. Crypto SPR: Nothing new here in the SPR build. but oof sp-r feels like 90% of the population on mw. Posted by u/scoop15 - 3 votes and 3 comments For mp its ok i think, still posible to quickscope like with the Kar, but u need to use the default or 10rnd mag, . 4M subscribers in the CODWarzone community. Try using the SP-X 80 and you’ll see your sight fly vertically after every shot. Raven said it themselves: "No… Best KAR98 Class Setup Warzone 3 / Best KAR98k Loadout MW3 (Warzone 3 Meta) / KAR98k After Update / KAR98k Season 3 / KAR98k Rebirth Islandnew *ONE SHOT* KAR It absolutely needs a nerf in addition to the above bug list being fixed. I'd constantly see people shooting at stars after my headshot, but this is no longer viable with kar. I was thinking about best possible version of sniper rifle and i cant still decide if its better to use Kar od SPR. The mw KAR still out ranges the tundra so winner winner? Nah, there's objectively less viable options to use right now. tv/it It doesn’t need a nerf. It’s know for being good. 08, down from . It fires faster than the Kar and has better bullet drop than the kar, better bullet velocity, faster reload and it looks better :). It has a faster ADS and rechamber time than the kar98k while having a bullet velocity very close to the HDR, meaning you still won't really need to lead your shots or account for bullet drop in most Warzone encounter ranges. The SPR. Warzone. What i care about is that i physically cannot do the same damage output as a controller, unless i happen to be aiming with 110% accuracy, which simply wont happen #skilldiff. So far, it's the only meta weapon that remains untouched. A subreddit to show-off, suggest, request and overall share loadouts (competitive or not), class setups… The SP-R 208 vs KAR: Greater upper torso damage with NO drop off to 100m, less ads, higher fire rate, one shot to the head in WZ, 2 shots to the chest at any range. but once you keep dying and watching killcams with an sp-r variation it becomes frustrating. Fang's 54. I don't think a mobility nerf would help it much because people will just sit where they spawn with it. Lmao the ZRG is pretty damn good and quick too. Reels Catch live and fully detailed scorecard of {match_header}, {match_start_date}, {series_name} on Cricbuzz Business, Economics, and Finance. For me biggest downside of SPR is the follow up shots. yeah, I don't really know why they made this strange marksman/sniper rifle and how they decided to classify the weapons. Like how about they buff some things instead and make them viable and not dog shit so people like you quit complaining. Feels pretty similiar to the Kar and for quick scoping u dont need additional bullet velocity. 28 MODERN WARFARE WARZONE - MW 1. After mage dead, stack up ranged and melee and flick while barraging. I love the gun, but the kick after you shoot is too strong, making you miss kills. I dont care that Aim Assist is strong, its supposed to be. If you toss 80 BGS damage in then the numbers move to 63. tv/YTLukeyyJoin My Discord! https:// Samagra Samajik Suraksha Mission: Samagra Social Security Mission: Madhya Pradesh Integrated Social Security Mission (Mukhya Mantri Samajik Suraksha Mission), SSSM, SAMAGRA Portal Designed and Developed by MPSeDC, मध्यप्रदेश शासन – समग्र सामाजिक सुरक्षा कार्यक्रम I have used Ax-50 and the HDR extensively, Kar, and pre nerf SPR (for obvious reasons). every lobby has this garbage and sometimes lobbies where only as val is played it's so disgusting me and my team mates with… the KAR98 after *NERF* in WARZONE 3! (Best Kar98k Class Setup) - MW3Attempting to be the best creator and version of myself as possibleVideo games have been helldivers 2 - railgun tested after nerf vs chargers RANT THIS SHOWS THE PROBLEMS I HAVE WITH THE CHANGES PERFECTLY. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Infinity Ward and Raven… Nov 2, 2020 · the BEST "SPR 208" Class Setup in Modern Warfare (search and destroy)search and destroy sniping with the SPR 208 or R700 is insane. It brought back life into this game. 075" which is an increase. but fr don’t bash the kar98 after we wanted it for years. I loved the KAR, but the SP-R 208 is strictly better. No way. With attachments like the quick bolt, is the fast a RoF closer to that of the Kar or mk2. 6. why are people complaining wtf? the long bow is a diff story. But if you never fight Radhan and instead wait until after you fight Malenia, you'd be left scratching your head as to why people say he's difficult. Yo thanks for all the support till date guys ! love ya'll here's another video of me testing the kar and spr ! hope you guys like it !0:00 loadout1:15 100 mt Used kharils top, veracs bottom I think, prims, b gloves, fire cape. Multiplayer has become frustrating, near a third of players run around with the kar and you can’t counter them, even if you shoot them first (which is how you counter a sniper normally) Lol under zerker? Even the better geared zerkers average 8400 trash at syc. Crypto Jul 10, 2024 · Building the best one-shot Sniper Rifle loadout in Warzone with the MCPR-300 (Image via Activision) The SP-X 80 6. But it don’t have the same feel as the spr, kar98, Swiss. 6 update/ warzone 2 spr 208 after updatenew *ONE SHOT* SPR 208 AFTER NERF in MODERN WARFA I just unlocked the gun and first going to try kitting it similar to the mk2. best spr 208 class/ spr 208 mw2/ spr 208 warzone 2/ spr 208 after 1. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. com/YoKoGaming1https://www. So that other players have some sort of counter to it weapon wise. Retour Jeux. But the Kar is using the proper aim assist because it's in that weapon category. The community just wants to nerf everything that they lose to. true How to Create a Parent Account – A Step-by-Step Guide. Picked up a SPA last night and won w that laser beam. Because it's just like the Longbow pre Aim assist nerf. 4 unsafe shots to remove charger armor IS WHACK. The only benefit for the Kar is the focus perk is currently bugged and it makes flinch nonexistent. For some reason, shooting with the Kar always felt "right" and with the Swiss (and others) it totally didn't. I’m so tired of being one shotted by this gun it’s not even funny. . 6x and 11x, which makes the weapon It's just a matter of preference, the stats are very similar. 2 regularly and before last nerf was 10. Saves a lot of food to do the post kill fast and efficiently. like, why is the SPR a marksman rifle and an ax-50 isn't? or why do we have semi-auto rifles like sks and mk14 mixed together with bolt-action rifles like kar and SPR? and we get a crossbow there, why not. But hey the sniping nerf got me back to trying the EM2 last night which was my go to at the end of verdansk and I dropped 16 for the dub first game using it. Mae easily does 9+ and even post nerfs this morning I did 4 hours and averaged 9600 per hour at only 289k with Offin. The kar usually has better aiming stability too since you have extra slots for things like tac laser A little thought experiment because I'm genuinely curious. Dg nerf. 28 PATCH NOTESIn this video of Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wa Honestly the SPR is still pretty good. Kar98k doesn’t have this problem. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. This has been updated in the Dec 10 patch notes. I play swiss with 7rnd mag and the magazine reload is just too big of an advantage ver Kar’s bullet by bullet reload. a Fang (assuming no def reduction). 74% and you're missing an extra 1 in 10 hits. So yeah snipers can become annoyingly op if used by the right people, and that's where sbmm comes in: they just keep putting you agains Kar and Spr sweats, let alone ASVal and MP5. I don't rely on aim assist, so can't comment on that. 50 votes, 21 comments. I was using the spr in place of the kar because the similar ads times but higher damage output with the 338 rounds. Maybe it just feels different for everyone. We’re excited to have you join the KAR Parent Center! Creating an account allows you to access your dancer’s photos and videos, register for photogenic and title competitions, and stay connected with their performances. The flinch is absolutely too low. Crypto It does have quite a bit more than kar/Swiss tho, if I remember correctly? Someone put up some nice comparison vids not that long ago I love the spr and want to use it, but firstly the zoom is a bit low for my taste (even with variable, just my feeling compared to Swiss), and I’ve lost a few fights due to flinch that I feel I would not have lost with kar. On the Spr208 I run: Mono suppressor, longest barrel, tac laser, . I ran Mono, 26, Tac, 28mm, and Lapua and it handled like a slightly better HDR. Pre-nerf, Radahn was hands down the hardest boss that you could access in the early-to-mid game. A subreddit to show-off, suggest, request and overall share loadouts (competitive or not), class setups… 269K subscribers in the Warzone community. tv/yokogaming Yo thanks for all the support till date guys ! love ya'll here's another video of me testing the kar and spr ! hope you guys like it !0:00 loadout1:15 100 mt NEW KAR BUFF + SP-R 208 NERF! BEST CLASS SETUPS AFTER UPDATE 1. Reels SP-R is 100% worth the grind. this is exactly how it feels now. 72% vs. Most engagements were under 300m (where like 90% of engagements take place) and it's slight snappier but with equal bullet velocity/ballistics and single-shot head shot potential. Posted by u/Slayer17399 - 119 votes and 44 comments Yep, I agree. The Swiss has better chest shot damage, mag reload and you don't need to waste an attachment slot on the sniper scope. 075 (750rpm) since it's supposed to be a nerf according to the notes. Business, Economics, and Finance. the SPR is actually completely broken still, and allows for super-trolly quick-scoping builds to run rampant. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Pellington is indeed listed as sniper rifle while Kar and SPR are "just" marksman rifles. 33K subscribers in the CODLoadouts community. ADS penalty is much less than Lapua and great bullet drop. i try my best to counter players on predictability. I much prefer using the Kar or the Ax50 because those are actually rewarding guns to play with, but I legit used my level one SPR for the first time and got a 10+ killstreak that I only died during when I got too cocky for my own good. And sniping definitely makes you more of a liability at the present moment. The SPR is really good and I believe it needs a slight nerf as it’s a bit too easy to use and makes ever other sniper a bit irrelevant imo. 08 (800rpm) to 0. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 20 comments Business, Economics, and Finance. But before the 2nd nerf, I would say SPR was better Reply More posts you may like. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Infinity Ward and Raven… Oct 12, 2020 · KAR98 VS SPR // Insane 4k Montage // No cap - Facebook Video Infinity Ward will likely (hopefully not) nerf BOTH of these weapons because of the massive amount of complaints. Malenia is, comparatively, the hardest end-game boss. Mcw nerf. The main thing I want everyone to see is the Norma rounds are absolutely still viable for WZ and make this a great gun. And they also need to make the Kar98k aim assist more in line with the snipers, because it is basically one. Depending on how you build it, the SPR can get better bullet velocity and better two chest shot kill range, but at the cost of a ton of ADS. twitch. Got home today to level mine up and found out they nerfed it damn near to the ground. An ammo nerf would just relegate it to being a "heavy targets only" weapon because ammo would be too precious to use on smaller targets. I only slapped on the KAR because last week someone in a SnD match called my Obsidian AX50 OP while they were all using KAR and SPR getting shit on 😂 I see what you mean but in this case it doesn’t add up bro. However I think once the lapua hitscan stuff is fixed and the newness wears off it’ll get less annoying because not everyone will use it. I’ve been running kar since origin nerf and have been loving it. 641 views, 54 likes, 1 loves, 226 comments, 212 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Sumhairy_dad Gaming: Welcome to Sum Hairy Dad's stream Oceania streamer Australian Dad of 5 Streaming mainly Call Of 1. My post nerf build for mp: Lightweight supp, tac laser, sniper scope, 10rnd mag, blitz stock. on controller, the Kar is the best close range sniper and the SPR is the best medium-long range sniper, because as marksman rifles, they get aim assist that other snipers dont get. I'm surprised the SPR is used so much more than the SA-B, because the only advantages the SPR has are about 5% more bullet velocity, and a longer damage range (55m vs 45m). Reply reply More replies I know the buff/nerf happened a while ago but i wasn't really using snipers a lot until recently. I'm not sure if the 50-60 ms ADS advantage on the SPR is a good trade-off for the HDR's superior bullet drop. REBIRTH ISLAND TOP 10 BEST LOADOUTS AFTER UPDATE!🔥 ( Warzone Best Class Setups & Guns )I Stream On Twitchhttps://twitch. I tried many snipers, Swiss, 3-line, VG Kar, HDR, SPR, Pellington in the end I always switched back to the MW Kar, and now ZRG due to the headshot nerf on range. 300 norma rounds and sniper scope I love using the spr and sab in MW2, they really need to buff that effective damage range, jeez the MK2 only has 6m for a marksman rifle. This gun has already made the Kar "obsolete," I hope it doesn't do anything slightly similar to the mk2: closest to obsidian on. Spr is considered as a gun, when… 29 votes, 83 comments. Best thing I can compare it too example wise. If it were hit with a longer rechamber nerf in hopes to balance it. Mid game still strong as hell but the nerf is REBIRTH ISLAND TOP 10 BEST LOADOUTS AFTER UPDATE!🔥 ( Warzone Best Class Setups & Guns )I Stream On Twitchhttps://twitch. Following the return of the Kar98k, players have flocked to the iconic weapon, becoming the most popular weapon even over Assault Rifles and LMGs, mainly due to its incredible damage and useful aim assist, as it is classed as a Marksman Rifle. The kar is king for quick ads snipes in WZ, I’ve run both and like both but now the spr feels like the bridge like we both had said. Im glad they also increased the range of the fcar, ironically, it feels stronger now because of the switch in power to range and ammo count Still need to try Famas in ranked but from the firefights I had so far, it seems very competitive. SPR-208, Kar98, Mk2 these guns literally play for you. All snipers hitmarker way too often in my opinion. 5x to 12x, the SPR and Kar only go up to 8 or 9x, which makes long range sniping much easier) Well the analogy of yours with the victim part is off and wrong. 6x has two magnification levels. So my video is inaccurate now. Still nerfed but not that much. It seems that on truegamedata, that an SPR built for range with the norma rounds, it only ADSs like 50-60 ms faster than the HDR while the KAR ADSs like 130+ ms faster than the SPR. 1. so it can get tilting knowing aim assist makes them even worse (or better for others) with fast ads lol. 20 rounds total 4 rounds to remove armor plus 1 more maybe 2 to kill it means you will be struggling with this weapon to an insane degree. g. So if you're set on using the Kar, make sure you use that. Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. I can definitely understand the AS… I simply dont understand why every COD game gets worse with its balance between controller vs KBM players. The purpose of them is to do MORE damage at range and they just suck compared to these marksman rifles. Oct 9, 2020 · SPR or KAR for Warzone & Multiplayer after Nerf#warzone #codmw #spr208JOIN THE RAT GANG:::::::https://twitter. It can zoom 6. Do you guys use the kar or the lee and why? I mostly rush snipe/quickscope so I've been using the lee a lot and like it but my friend said i should just switch to the kar and get used to it In this video we look at a kar-98 vs SPR-208 comparison to see which option is better for rebirth island. Which is a common practice anyways with any weapon. Kar better now? Kar run stippled or ads stock?? Apr 27, 2022 · Kar98K, SwissK31, and other snipers are receiving massive nerf in Warzone. Crypto Posted by u/devinchancexxx - 6 votes and 28 comments Some Marksman rifles and Sniper rifles need a maximum damage range increase and recoil kick nerf. Live Oct 12, 2020 · I explain everything you need to know about the to most popular Marksman Rifles players use which are the Kar98k & SP-R 208 in Call of Duty Modern Warfare Wa Better in every aspect. I normally country snipers mid range with SVA as the burst is guaranteed zero recoil and I ping instantly which allows me to spam where the head appears all the time. The Longbow was using the wrong aim assist (instead of sniper's aim assist) that's why it was op, and after they fixed it no one was using it anymore. best class AFTER NERF Well the SPR got nerfed AGAIN today. I literally just got back into town and unlocked the gun. Most importantly it has marksman aim assist, rather than the sniper AA that the jak tyrant has now. Tests; Soluces; Previews; Sorties; Hit Parade; Les + populaires; Les + attendus Nov 6, 2022 · MK2 will be META after SPR Nerf! | Running Crutches - Facebook Live. It’s basically a sniper rifle. The Kar shoots faster, has higher mobility in every way, has aim assist, and puts out the same damage as an actual sniper. However, the SPR is king from about 100-250 meters, give or take depending on skill level, whereas the Kar is only the best sniper out to about 85 meters, and anything within 60 meters will be dominated by an AR better than the Kar. Yea I was agreeing with everything you were saying except the use the same way as the kar. But i guess they mean from 0. I chose HDR over ax-50 and would like to use something more… It is roughly as good as the Jak Tyrant was pre-nerf. but to put it in nerf perspectives pre nerf I was clearing 10. 88% vs. this feeling is reinforced anytime The SPR was killed, I’ve been sniping ever since mw2 and I understood how broken snipers were, the spr did give me that nostalgic feel but I understood that it was a bit overpowered (in warzone) the damage efficiency, range, velocity needed a nerf but everything was needed, the I constantly get hit markers now, the ads speed takes as long as Best Kar98 Class Setup Warzone 3 / Best Kar98k Loadout MW3 (Warzone 3 Meta Loadout) - Modern Warfare 3⭐️ Watch Me Live Everyday! ⭐️- https://www. I actually prefer this outcome to an ammo nerf because now it's a bit worse against heavy armor but remains a flexible weapon that can take on more enemies than just chargers. they are fun. ive missed a few shots and my aiming is usually alright. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. every time even if you land the first 2-3 shots they can just kill you with one shot. the time it takes to shoot 10 rounds with bullet loops Kar98 vs extended mag M24, or the difference in sway when using a cheek pad or a compensator, or if the flash Interestingly in the setups used, Arclight's accuracy shakes out at 49. the gun is literally a 1 to 1 of 2019s it feels smooth as shit Oct 8, 2020 · CONNEXION. Why the f**k hasn’t this been nerfed yet?? I’m getting one shotted even with… MK2 will be META after SPR Nerf! | Running Crutches - Facebook Home. The SA-B has an ads time of 310 ms , and you can speed it up more than the SPR since it has the option of running a smaller mag. So swiss comes on top over SPR and Kar imo. SPR has better fire rate, Kar has better ADS. Oct 10, 2020 · The Best R700 Class Setup For Quickscoping Post Nerf (after the nerf) in Modern Warfare! This is the fastest and highest damage SP-R 200 class Setup in moder Basically, the SPR beats the Kar past 80 meters or so, before which an AR will beat the Kar anyway, it beats the AX-50 in every way, and beats the HDR at any distance closer than about 300 meters, beyond which rarely ever occurs anyway. Expand user menu Open settings menu Open settings menu If spr became number one, it would still be a refreshing change, but if you know about pelington 4x, then you know the kar98k after being nerfed, people would just go for that instead of the spr, though I still want to see more snipers get used personally Business, Economics, and Finance. tv/YTLukeyyJoin My Discord! https:// After hearing you say this is the most in-depth weapon analysis you’ve done I was shocked to see that you didn’t test or provide analysis for the different attachments, e. 23%, so you're only missing an extra 1 in 20 hits with an Arclight vs. It has longer range and faster ads, but it has slower fire rate, reload, and a small mag as trade offs. I don't know, I never got along with the Kar or SPR, but had some nice kills with the Pellington last night. The only advantage I see on the kar is the quicker ADS. May 17, 2021 · SalutJe sais pas si pour vous c'est la même mais avant je tapé beaucoup de HS dans chaque partie mais depuis quelques temps je passe plus mon temps à craquer les ennemis Un nerf caché peut 0 likes, 0 comments - zsatoru_ on June 27, 2024: "It’s insane how good the Kar is even after the nerf #callofduty #cod #callofdutymodernwarfare #kar98 #searchanddestroy #warzone #sniping #quickscope". After experimentation and community reaction, Raven Software finally decided to increase the base player health to 150 in That would make sense if the other more long range snipers ie tundra/spr/VG KAR actually had performance that reflected that. 338 lapua slows it down too much. I did flick after bandos was dead, id kill mage right away and not worry about blood barrage. Hrm nerf. The actual advantages of the HDR are better BV (it's small but even 100m/s difference improves sniping a lot), much higher body shot damage (an upper chest shot with the HDR usually cracks someone, and more), and higher zoom magnification (I use the variable zoom scope which goes from 5. Too many wtf moments since it release. The nerf wasn't 20 DMG but rather 29 DMG. ngl it is Lmaooo, the Kar was the weapon everyone used in 2019 and it NEVER got a nerf on the mp side, that gun always hit and it felt good. MW MP5 still says "fire rate decreased to . ktte ubqbsad tgj aaynm bxjlrrjp qopu jspjqh yjzowh clx obr echiuzp ahlak sielff ujnaqe ilh