- Intj intense emotions Research on the "thinking threshold" suggests that, when one experiences intense negative emotions, it's harder to use cognitive strategies. They hate being stifled and need to be able to express themselves to others. For me it’s Kung fu, but also yoga and long walks. I compare myself to others who vomit emotions (Fe/Fi) and they're usually spiking up and down a lot and it's unsettling. ENFJs are drawn to the rich and fertile world of ideas, imagination, and emotion. I have the issue of associating emotions with vulnerability and vulnerability with weakness. I've never really seen anyone else get so immersed in the music as myself, and lately I've been comparing the lyrics of the songs I listen to to the way I feel in general. But I tend not to relate to what makes other people emotional and get emotional about totally different things that other people can't relate to. But, because of the INFJ’s lack of cognitive functions which can serve as an efficient internal emotional processing system, intense emotions of happiness and joy, but also intense frustration, anger and sadness are hard to downplay or save Nov 5, 2024 · Ever wondered what an INTJ in their dark side is like? Or maybe you are an INTJ and you’re noticing some… let’s call them “intense” behaviors creeping in. My husband is INTJ too so we are pretty objective in conflict. INTJ don't show their emotions on the outside much. 100% I went through some heartache in my early teens (though nothing “official” but teen emotions are intense) which lead me to just seek physical instead of sentimental relationships (lol hookups). Sensing Types: Aug 12, 2017 · People with INTJ personality are renowned for logical thinking and intellectual decision-making. It was an extremely awkward encounter, but neither of us could ever in a million years guess how deep a friendship would grow from that night. Aug 6, 2018 · Se drags Fi down with it. Intuitive vs. One common trigger for INTJ anger is being around people who are obnoxious, ignorant, or disrespectful. It's not that INTJs are always logical or rational and that INTJs are not emotional. Jun 15, 2019 · While INTJs do feel things deeply, that doesn’t mean they focus on these emotions. Jun 23, 2021 · They have a tendency to discount their partner’s intense feelings as unreasonable and complex, which can lead to disappointment. Jun 16, 2022 · While they don’t readily show their emotions, it’s important to remember that INTJs do have them. Types that express their emotions strongly often have low emotional intelligence hence why it is reactive. Which I guess is nice? Trigger #2: Te Insecurity While INTJs may not get angry easily, there are certain triggers that can cause them to experience intense emotions. , nonsense about how INTJs are the most emotional of the Thinkers because “tert Fi” or other such wisdom of the fora) and the threads they spawn usually don’t go anywhere (e. But generally, they're more intense. INTJ stands for. We seek meaning in everything. For me, especially around the time of the month(lol) I go crazy because I'm not used to feeling intense emotions and it really knocks me out. Some emotions are easier than others. Discourses from others lived experiences when relating to a song allowed be to understand certain feelings and meanings associated with that song, regardless of experiences. Rarity: One of the Rarest Personality Types INTJs are the strategic dreamers of the world, weaving together logic and imagination to create visions of what could be. It doesn't manifest like emotional outbursts, but instead like intense avoidance of certain stimuli and shying away from emotionally erratic situations due to feelings of "overwhelming overload". For those who score INTJ on the MBTI personality inventory. Aug 24, 2022 · For example, an INTJ will stand up and leave a gathering without second thought if they see no benefit to their continued presence. The spiral into Fi can then influence Ni perceptions in an emotionally-negative way, causing the INTJ to focus on the things that make them feel terrible. I feel all these emotions, but I always try to make decisions logically at the end of the day, and I am able to walk away from a person regardless of the negative emotional outcome because of reason. Emotions that happen in actual life are mostly purely personal. Emotions are stupid. I'm also okay categorizing it as good, happy, etc. However, INTJ have deep morals and such that they're passionate about and those drive them to do the impossible at times, but again, the deeper emotions are a driving force to complete a mission. It was hell to feel those intense emotions and sadness, but I accepted the awful situation I'm in and now I don't feel anything anymore. They must be felt with the heart. The ability to flexibly deploy different emotion regulation strategies is key to mental health. While they may try to keep their anger contained, it can still manifest in various ways. As an INTJ, “too intense” is how I have described people who were too emotional and/or needed too much time with me. Every time I feel a bit of sadness I'm excited about it cause it's nice to feel something, even if it's a bad emotion. My emotions are intense and deep, but not much affects me enough to change them. The INTP tends to have a bit more insight into the emotions and needs of others than the latter two types, which can be very helpful in its own way. When I'm angry, I usually become very cold. I mean if people are unreasonable because they’re emotional, walking away is the best thing to do. I dislike that others may think that I'm uncaring and indifferent, because that's a false impression. Jun 9, 2013 · Whereas i believe someone like yourself, INTJ would have a gut reaction of "whats the logic behind this?". Also, I personally don't think people's emotions are hard to read /or understand for myself. Mar 13, 2017 · “I feel everything. one can have Emotional intelligence but lack being able to express it or bring it to the physical realm. I’m 22 and I never really went to Kmart in my childhood ha. But it's a contained emotionality. By delving into this complex inner world, we can foster better relationships, improve communication, and help INTJs harness the full power of their emotional intelligence. Sorta. we do cost-benefits analysis (which the results depend on how healthy and mature the INTJ Sometimes it comes out as a very intense (and overwhelming) display and blows people away and completely drains my emotional batteries. This is probably the easiest way to fall into the loop, but also is likely to be a less-intense emotional spiral. Aug 5, 2015 · The INTP might actually be a bit more emotional than their INTJ and ISTJ counterparts, but this shouldn't be a problem. I'm finding quite a bit of satisfaction in developing my tertiary cognitive function. The ENFJ. I recognize emotions much better from movies and allow myself to even partake in those emotions, but mostly it's like I'm an outside observer. I have learned to separate myself from my emotions and figure out why I feel the way I do. After my big break up (I've only had one serious relationship) I had intense emotions for a short period of time, because was overthinking and analysing everything. I'm assuming the stereotype exists because most people can't fathom feeling deeply and not constantly acting on it, so we INTJs must just be emotionless robots. ISFPs can actually come off as quite cold as well due to this. So it's not that they're all Dr. One way an INTJ may experience intense emotions when mad is through physical reactions. After our initial reactions we are then allowed to counter with logic or emotions, but i believe it is the initial reaction that is automatic and can make it seem like a person is only one way or the other. How I know I love someone, becomes much more obvious because I suppose to INTJ’s, an intense emotion such as love stands out much more in a mind The Intense Emotions That An INTJ Can Experience When Mad. In that respect physical exercise has helped a lot for me too, particularly those that involve mind body connection. Personally, even if I think I've expressed an emotion deeply it doesn't seem that intense to other people. I get intense negative emotions when people fail to do really basic shit. And it can go up and down at any point. Sometimes they whisper so quietly that they are not heard at all. Thats the positive ones though. Unfortunately i'm bipolar and INTP/INTJ which makes me feel 5x more than i want. 20 votes, 14 comments. They often have intense feelings that are buried under protective layers of rationality and intellect. Differences in emotional processing can create rifts in relationships and damaging I think this isn't guaranteed if you INTJ, but it is more common. It was more about the idea that time is moving and I don’t know where it’s moving and those damn Kmart commercials made it seem like their store was the center of communities and now it’s dead. Just curious, I felt intense emotion for awhile. Sep 30, 2024 · Another notable strength is the INTJ’s ability to focus intensely and work independently. It means they are pretty aware of their emotions, likes and dislikes, but have limited confidence in them, and will majority of the time choose to go with what they see as reasonable, if there's a conflict between the two, but will be aware that that's what they are doing, and will still be frustrated. Because my partner (an E/INTJ) doesn't experience a connection to his emotions the way I do, he sometimes responds very negatively to these emotional swings, when they swing in a negative direction. And if I try to hold in these emotions, they surface in passive-agressive ways, which ultimately makes me come across as an asshole. Long-Term vs. This allows the most dominant functions to begin understanding the current situation. It’s nothing personal against you. The INTJ friend pictures himself as the man, imagines his own cat dying, and thus evokes an emotional response. If growing up means baring these difficult emotions and putting yourself out there in more vulnerable situations, or distance from emotions as Fi child can be quite irrational and overly emotional at times. i don’t act nice to a sad person because i’m an empath, i do it because Jul 10, 2022 · The INTJ is one of the most mystical personality types that people encounter because it is rare to have Introverted Intuition (Ni) as dominant function. Once they set their minds to a task, INTJs can concentrate for long periods, diving deep into complex problems or projects. Short-Term Emotional Processing for the INFJ. It most definitely varies from person to person, though I do think most INTJ's aren't impulsively emotional. If it's a negative emotion, I hesitate to analyze it too deeply. If the Myer-Briggs Personality Indicator (MBTI) assessed you the INTJ personality type, then you are among the rarest personality types in the world. Oct 18, 2024 · Understanding the INTJ emotional landscape is crucial, not just for those who interact with INTJs, but for INTJs themselves. But it's a theory, if you get emotional easily you may be an INFP for example. As another poster mentioned, the feeling is still a process running in the background. If you are an emotional person (meaning that you have the feels all the time no matter the context), then you probably got your functions wrong, that's a much more likely explanation than whatever BS theory OP came up with. ” – Helen Keller As an INFJ, you experience emotions in a complex and beautiful way. Diving However, speaking relatively, these were, by far, the most intense emotions I had ever felt since after my first love. While this is not necessarily bad, I’m starting to understand how it has the potential to affect my future personal life. When I do need to let my emotions out and cry, it’s with me, myself, and I behind closed doors. Since I have become more in touch with my emotions, I have realized they are intense, sometimes too intense, which is why we become "emotionless". /s INTJ is the most emotional Thinking type out there. Dec 2, 2020 · “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. I actively avoid things that will cause intense emotions, but even then it's tough sometimes, if it happens it's extremely hard to stop it, it's uncontrollable when things are just right. well, I know that faking too, I need to do this too and yes, it's exhausting. Read This Next: A Look at the INTP Leader. Female INTJ here, and I certainly do this, but I have a bit of a different take on it. Individuals that identify as INFPs are naturally more emotional and can cry more often than others. Sure there are qualities that make us love but at the end of the day it’s this internal human emotion that is beautiful but potentially dangerous if not This intense behavior can have its drawbacks, quite a few of them. They are also prone to drama Depends on what brought up the emotions. Although they let their rationality show first, people close to them get to see an INTJ’s emotional side. You may have a reputation for being cold and calculating, but that’s far from the reality. Analyzing films and certain shows allowed me to understand how people conveyed certain feelings and emotions as well as why certain scenes were sentimental. Rather, they feel such intense emotions and have such intense baseline levels of arousal that RELATIVE to what other people experience in response to certain stimuli, their affect seems blunted. I get the idea because of this, if we get excited about something, people see it as intensity rather than excitment. Whenever I feel emotional or feel an intense emotion I tend to gentle parent myself. Not in a wet, reactive sense. It's intense in a different way. It acts a source of inspiration for my creativity by allowing me to experience emotions that I generally would not experience creating an empathy based link with my writing or creative process. INTJ people can feel emotions very deeply, but he can feel emotions as an INTJ! Moreover, sometimes non-INTJ persons think that I'm not empathetic. How I'm feeling or thinking. But I do on occasion get intense emotions. I felt so connected. I don't see it as negative or running away from an emotion (in my head, I put things away in drawers). I enjoy feeling emotions as strongly as I do; honestly, I feel lucky to be so deeply connected to the joys and sadnesses of the human experience. Sep 16, 2017 · INTJ: You experience intense emotions, and wish you had more control over how you feel. INTJs can be extremely emotional. We're really more empathetic than most people are aware of. As 16personalities conclude, "This mistrust of emotions is understandable, as Feeling (F) is the most weakly developed trait for INTJs – like any complex tool, skilled hands can use it to remarkable effect, while untrained However even before the empath switch I always had high levels of intense emotions mostly resonating from a high level of Fi. That helps me know what steps to take to move forward. I ntroversion over E xtroversion. Only a few of my INTJ friends listen to other types to enhance their responses. When emotions are processed in the internal world, there needs to be an introverted judging function to scale them down to manageable proportions, like Fi, or alternatively, Ti. As such, when I'm in that mode I can treat my feelings like a science experiment, so that's how I learn my feelings. High school was the last time I remember being called intense. This ability to find emotional significance in the abstract is a unique and beautiful aspect of the INTP personality. g. Instead of seeking relationship and emotional connection which will make me experience more heartache. Sep 14, 2016 · My emotions run deep. This intense focus, combined with their preference for working alone, often results in high-quality, well-thought-out work. As an INTJ Fi is your tercheairy resource. Learn more about the INTJ course here. Similar to INTPs, many INTJs are well known for their intellectual prowess and deep perceptions. Oct 3, 2018 · INFJs and INTJs have a lot in common, at least according to their mental wiring. The really unfortunate downside is that I don't know how to manage this upsurge well and after recovering from an emotional reaction I feel so guilty about it. The ESFJ friend on the other hand does not imagine themselves in the same situation but just feels the mans emotions in an osmosis like fashion, likely based off of various cues. If you have any advice let me know. Generally INTJ with high Fi would get emotional a lot in an uncontrollable manner. 1. Masterminds are known to be extremely rational, so their proneness to intense (but rare) emotional outbursts is a highly strange INTJ characteristic. Disclaimer, I'm an INTJ woman mostly dealing with ENFP men, which is important because I have been (for better or worse) forced to get a better grasp on emotional intelligence through female socialisation. They just don't surface very often. When an INTJ is mad, their emotions can be intense and overwhelming. I use this understanding of my emotions to empathize with others. Reply reply theconstellinguist • Yes, very intense Fi. Emotional is a very short word with many descriptions, depictions and perceptions. It will never be a strong suite of mine, but I'm getting pretty good emotion sharing as an INTJ. T hinking over F eeling. Without a reasonably developed Fi or Ti, it is much harder to internally manage or process emotions. Easy to anger, especially when plans go wrong. Nov 3, 2015 · Their Own Emotions: ESFPs have intense inner emotions, which often rules their judgments. Check the r/INTJ rules and… Oct 18, 2024 · They experience emotions just as deeply, but might process them differently. With intense emotions being continuously generated, it's very easy to challenge my core beliefs to see which ones cause the emotions to stop being generated. I got emotional the other day about Kmart closing across the country. When an INTP is emotional, it's usually for a short period of time and for a good reason (ex: exams, grandpa died,). Jul 13, 2023 · The 5w4 personality is known for its emotional depth and sensitivity. Posted by u/BigTrain2000 - 10 votes and 21 comments INFPs experience particularly intense emotions and can mirror the feelings of others through their empathic nature. IMO, INTJ don't react well when the anticipated results are incorrect. The PSAs à la “actually, we do have emotions” are either trivial or misleading (e. Includes access to a private Facebook group with nearly 200 success-oriented INTJs. However, the feelings get so intense around her, it stupefies me. Today I want to explore your unique way of experiencing feelings, sorting them out, and understanding them. I always feel like I'm guessing. My favorite tech discussions are with INTJ. I constantly battled between the feelings of anger "He lied repeatedly. The difference lies in how they express and process these feelings. I am not a hypersensitive INTJ so "emotions" or dealing with "crazies" don't bother me. Not great at expressing feelings and emotions. ENFP's are way more intense about their feelings almost to an absurd extent. W Alright, this is such a classical problem in the ENFP-INTJ dynamic, but maybe I can help. Jul 11, 2022 · In fact, INTJs can struggle to understand their emotions and sometimes need time to process them, especially when experiencing intense emotions such as falling in love. Anyways, this is obviously about a person that I'm not sure about but they're still giving me intense feelings, intense enough that I can't simply cut it off and keep thinking of them and want to have them around even though my rational side is telling me "this is OBVIOUSLY not it, what are you thinking". INTJs have tertiary, or mobilizing Fi. Emotions tend to not play a huge part in the decision making or planning for an INTJ, so they're just small ripples on the calm lake. An INTJ who wants to manage their emotions in a better way should try not to use logical thinking but think with the heart and not the head. I’ve come to the pseudo-conclusion that love is just one of those things that can’t be rationalized sometimes. But not all emotion is necessarily Nov 15, 2022 · What really goes through the mind of an INTJ when we get emotional without the stereotypical BS. Why can’t they appreciate my values?” As an MBTI® practitioner, I hear lines like these daily. Perhaps you have read the basic INTJ personality analysis, but if you are looking for further profile analysis, this article focuses on INTJ’s strengths and weaknesses. They often find deep emotional resonance in abstract concepts, art, music, or the elegance of a well-crafted theory. My brain is overloaded with emotions making it difficult to even look at her in the eyes. Being older, I have strategies for dealing with other people's emotions that other INTJs haven't come up with. ) I prefer Romantic Era poetry as it has the ability to elicit intense emotions. 10. As an INTJ, I am Emotional. All that will do is rid you of that intense emotion you’ve been feeling. I constantly thought about what went wrong, in order to make sense of a relationship ending. If my friends need emotional support, I can usually listen and diffuse or give advice. It makes me feel ashamed. For adults, I don’t really encounter this anymore. Jul 3, 2021 · The web site goes on to state that “Emotional intelligence is generally said to include a few skills: namely emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name one’s own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes both Who ever said INTj don’t have intense feelings and emotions ?? It’s the total opposite Every INTJ I know ( and I know a LOT) are very easily overwhelmed with stress, love, romance, illness, family. Their emotions change with the wind, and the way they feel about others is also pretty fickle. It’s exhausting” “I don’t do emotions. Challenges Faced by INTJ Personalities in Relationships INTJ personalities face unique challenges in relationships, stemming primarily from their innate traits and communication styles. But I won’t talk about them. Architects as Friends. To process my emotions, I usually need to be alone for a few hours to really feel them, think about them (the reasons, roots, and implications) until they're felt thoroughly. I’ve noticed when I do this it genuinely helps me a lot and brings me back to calm state. While Fives tend to be emotionally detached, the Four Wing makes the emotional experience more intense for 5w4s. They both have a dominant mental process called Introverted Intuition, or “Ni” for short. Feelings and emotions aren’t something INTJs are naturally great at expressing. Recognizing other's emotions is much more difficult to me. They both have an inferior mental process called Extraverted Sensing, or “Se” for short. Jan 17, 2025 · The INTP’s emotional world is also characterized by a profound appreciation for beauty and meaning. Besides emotions that seem mellow in nature, the INFJ, like any other person, also experience emotions with a higher intensity level. Though it has been nearly a decade since we've were married, I've still never been able to feel anything anywhere near as powerful as I once felt towards my first love. “Best Practices for Leveraging INTJ Strengths (and How to Be a Likable INTJ)” is a four-part webinar from success coach Penelope Trunk. Most importantly I let myself feel what I feel and ask “why do I feel like this” “what emotion is bringing brought up”. Posted by u/joelaguero - 5 votes and 13 comments I don't do a lot of deep thinking / arguments which I have heard is strange for INTJs, and I also have very strong emotions (especially romantic), so… I don't know. An INTJ, for instance, might experience intense emotions but approach them with a problem-solving mindset. My most intense expressions are of irritation and focus. On the other hand with more intense and heavy music I get super pumped up and feel emotions that almost exclusively appear when I listen to music. yea, and i’ve been saying forever! being insensitive and then acting like “oops emotionless intj behavior” being a meme or something pisses me off. J udging over P erceiving. Hope i helped. [Story] That intense, emotional "vacuum" when a person important to you exits your life My new roommate and I met over dinner with mutual friends in May. It didn't work out, long distance, like another country, but was in the US for months. 168K subscribers in the intj community. Some emotions I feel very intensely, some not so much. All the INTJ type descriptions I've read that get really in-depth do often mention that INTJs have very strong emotions, we're just very good at appearing stoic. The INTJ’s emotional world is often misunderstood, as their logical exterior can mask a deep well of feelings. Immature behavior with response worsens the situation. The problem wasn't that I experienced Joy and sadness as intense levels but I was never aware of how others felt. They are very observant people, who enjoy taking in their surroundings. In areas of emotion and feelings, however, they are not as confident. There are multiple approaches to emotion regulation, including reappraisal, suppression, and rumination. Empathy is Emotional intelligence. When I actually do feel intense emotions, I'm generally okay with positive ones, although I might downplay it. This is because when they feel trapped, sad, hopeless, and so on, and they are expecting emotional closeness from me, I think that I can just tell them the truth (at least I try). Yes I know emotions aren’t actually weak but like I said, this is an issue that I’m working on. When an INTJ does display strong emotions, it’s often in situations that align with their deeply held values or when their competence is challenged. INFP stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perception. The issue is not that INFPs are better at processing them, the heart of the matter is that we analize our emotions along with everything else, our values, morals, short and long term consequences, our goals, the needs of others, the deeper meanings, etcs. Definitely. However, when many INTJ get outside that known data, wrong information can result. , there’s never much of a discussion about how emotional reactions should Jan 20, 2017 · Seminar for INTJs: Our partner Quistic offers a course for INTJ success. They enjoy being able to express themselves openly, struggling in an environment where they cannot do so. The sheer intensity of the INFJ personality comes from our never-ending desire to find hidden depth in everything. They are draining like ENFP, but they are easier to deal with because if you appear to care (without actually caring) they are happy. Due to their complicated inner emotional world, they experience intense emotions and may suffer from a sensation of being misunderstood or distant from others Anyways, I don't think INTJ's can't be emotional from time to time. Usually its from the right piece of music, or a woman, playing guitar, something hilarious like a brilliant scenario in a comedy, or yknow recreational substances like booze. Instead, I will share a couple of positives it can bring, as I explain why INFJs are so intense. if an intj dismisses your emotions, it’s not because they’re oblivious to them, it’s because they’re a jerk. ” “Nobody understands what I feel inside. I feel emotions that aren’t even mine. Oct 18, 2024 · INTJs are capable of experiencing a full range of emotions, just like anyone else. I used to be like this and I hypothesize it has to do with the lack of emotional intelligence on our part. i N tuition over S e nsing. A lot of INTJ's have yet to figure out how to control their emotions (more turbulent) and they feel intense emotions. For example, I am head over heels for a gal at work who I believe could be an intj as well. As an INTJ female, I can be deeply sentimental and I often feel intense emotions. The thing is while extroverts can juggle these and still appear outwardly normal. Instead of showing the world how they feel, the INTJ directs all emotional changes and reactions internally. We INTJs get spooked by emotional people, and we need a lot of time alone. People expect emotional reactions to everything but since we can effectively investigate our emotions we don't show strong emotional reactions unless we are incredibly stressed. They often prefer to find justification for their feelings and tie them to more logical processes and thoughts. I don't just feel a little blue or angry, I get depressed or completely furious. You tend to Posted by u/Quiet-Job2666 - 12 votes and 13 comments Jan 9, 2024 · Emotional intelligence and patience can also play vital roles in bridging the communicative differences that might arise with an INTJ partner. I know INTJ'S are known for using logic rather than emotions and I do that for everything else but not when I really loved someone. I'm on a Tesla jag As an INTJ, I find it difficult to express emotions like joy or affection. My feelings are incredibly intense, so much so that they can be debilitating. By Cheryl Florus. They are authentic, intense, and single minded with a quiet and cool confidence to them. More INTJ I’m able to be emotional with myself but NOT with others. I am quiet but able to speak to anyone else with some degree of relaxation. Spock-like in nature. Later given person would overcome emotional outbursts - create safer environment, make proper exercises or meditations. Maybe you’ve found yourself feeling like the only person with a brain in a world of chaos, or perhaps you’ve been convinced that if only everyone would just listen to you, things would actually make sense. Being intj problem solving comes naturally, but I definitely needed help with the emotional/sensory processing aspects. It gave me a handle on the narrative of my life. This intense emotional investment in a select few people will enhance the ability of the INTJ to emphasize with them. I do logic. Feeling understood by their partner is essential for INTJs, and it’s rare that they feel like this with a partner. Nov 5, 2024 · Explore the INTJ dark side: discover what triggers stress, immaturity, looping, and find practical tips to reconnect with balance, creativity, and purpose. Jan 15, 2022 · This intense intellectual vigor can be impressive or overwhelming, depending on what you look for in a person. Well if its true that intj’s have all these intense emotions underneath I would advise you that if it is love you feel for someone who you know loves you, please express it or else you both may suffer needlessly and lose out on something special. INTJs want to be able to find logical explanations for things, or they struggle to trust them. cfgzh yfdzmvvu gbzf ecmmhs ircqak tkte hqb xydw ssxs ojfthd aorzz vmo wjqppu bprc jdgfo