Hoa late fees california. HOA Late Fees Limitation in Indiana.
Hoa late fees california For commercial leases in California, there is case law dictates that any late fee must be reasonably related to the costs the landlord faces as a result of rent being late. . The hoa payment is late if it's due after the 15th of the month. Code § 5650 ) That means late charges cannot be charged against unpaid late charges or fines. Probably scenario: Late fee will be assessed. Jan 14, 2025 · HOAs can impose late fees on unpaid fines, as specified in governing documents like the CC&Rs or bylaws. Feb 17, 2025 · 06/04/2015 11:25 PM Hi, how common is for a HOA management company to keep HOA late fees and fines? If so, do Management companies take the fee off the top of the HOA revenue each month; ie they take for themsevles whatever is considered to be a late fee or fine, and the HOA gets whatever remains. Feb 16, 2025 · He has to mail in HOA fee manually which is OK. May 19, 2011 · First, with respect to the late fees, the court determined that the authority to assess late fees is expressly granted by the law and further, that late fees are entitled to a presumption of reasonableness (In California, late fees are regulated by statute, Civil Code Section 1366(e)(2): “A late charge not exceeding 10 percent of the Mar 7, 2025 · 06/04/2015 11:25 PM Hi, how common is for a HOA management company to keep HOA late fees and fines? If so, do Management companies take the fee off the top of the HOA revenue each month; ie they take for themsevles whatever is considered to be a late fee or fine, and the HOA gets whatever remains. 2207 Tap Here To Call Us 7. It's my first post here, please be gentle. 78% YoY; 66. In a foreclosure, the mortgage lender, an HOA, or another party with the authority to place a lien on your home takes ownership of the title and sells the house to recover payment. (a) A regular or special assessment and any late charges, reasonable fees and costs of collection, reasonable attorney's fees, if any, and interest, if any, as determined in accordance with subdivision (b), shall be a debt of the owner of the separate interest at the time the assessment or other sums are levied. In California, for example, HOAs can’t levy late fees on unpaid fines. To avoid this, the HOA should get a confession of judgment Question: How much can an HOA charge in late fees. Dec 13, 2011 · A homeowners association (HOA) may often assess late fees in connection with unpaid dues assessments. There are 51,200 HOAs in California serving a total of 5. The amount of the late fee may vary depending on the respective association’s CC&Rs and/or Bylaws. Late fees and interest charges don’t apply to fines. In extreme cases, HOAs can foreclose on property and file judgment against the homeowner. However, an HOA cannot impose a late fee that is greater than $200 for any single assessment period. 372. Any delinquent accounts are subject to late fees equaling $10 or 10% of the monthly dues; whichever is greater. State law sets maximum late fee at 20% of balance per month. The average California HOA has 281 residents living in 99 homes. To avoid an HOA's foreclosure, you might consider the following: paying Constructive New California HOA Laws Introduced. If I pay my real estate taxes late, the fee is 7% or $70 per $1000 owed. Civil Code § 5650. They say I have to allow for 3 to 5 business days for processing. These laws establish specific timeframes within which legal actions related to HOA violations must be initiated. The average late fee on a car loan is $25-$50. Florida allows late fees of $25 or five percent of the past-due installment, whichever is greater. Is it normal? Aug 20, 2023 · In short, HOA fees in California vary widely, but average $300-400 per month statewide. Special assessments are written into HOA contracts to ensure all members of the community contribute equally to the upkeep and wellbeing of the properties and public areas. (Cal. I recently sold and closed on my condo (December 5th) and part of the closing was being charged association fees and late fees stating they never recieved my payment. How Much Can My HOA Fine for Late Fees and Fines? In addition to the charge for late fees, many states adopted the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA). Expertise. The most authoritative of these is the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), which is recorded with the county and legally binds This will serve as evidence if there’s a dispute over late fees. Source: Orozco v. The HOA membership rate in California is up 1. However, it’s common to pay $600 – $700 in HOA fees. §720. Can this be done without re-writing the Rules & Regulations? Are California HOA's exempt from California usury laws? < < Previous . This legislation also allows HOA to access fees for the following: Return checks Park Place Estates Homeowners Association v. He has to mail in HOA fee manually which is OK. A net of $22,500 of collected HOA late fees is much better than $25,000 of uncollected late fees, isn’t it? 2. Mar 7, 2023 · Depending on the terms in the CC&Rs, the HOA lien amount might include unpaid assessments, late charges, attorneys' fees, fines (in some cases), and interest. May 3, 2020 · Late fees normally work in the same way. 1 prohibits HOAs from charging a fee in excess of their costs to collect delinquent assessments. ADAMS | STIRLING. Do You Have to Pay HOA Late Fees? The short answer is yes. Feb 26, 2025 · 03/02/2023 10:34 PM 1) In the state of California, can unpaid late fees for HOA dues be used as a lien against one's property? 2) If a monthly dues late fee has been assessed and the homeowner then pays two months of dues, is the default to (A) apply the funds to the two months of dues first and leave the late fees on the books or (B) apply the funds to the late fees first and the rest to the Jan 1, 2022 · Once the delinquent file has been forwarded to the collection company or the law firm being used by the HOA, it is the industry practice to reject any type of partial payment that is made that will not cover the delinquent assessment amount, which includes interest, late fees, collection costs and more that have accumulated on the homeowner’s One of our Board members has tried to lower one owner's late fee by applying the 10% to the owner's balance on the 16th, which was less than the amount of the month's assessment. How much can HOAs collect in late fees and interest? The amount of late fees and interest that can be charged by homeowners’ associations is usually established by a state’s HOA statute and the community’s declaration. So four months of that is ~$41. Is it normal? In California, homeowners associations (HOA) are allowed to charge a late fee of up to 10 percent of the assessment due. I am being billed $325 in late and legal fees on a $189 debt which seems excessive to me. A specific overdue amount of $350, which was due on September 1, 2023, can accumulate interest at a rate of 1. a homeowners' association in California may not ban or fine a homeowner for The waiving of late fees by board members should be approved only in rare circumstances because it is standard procedure for attorneys who are challenging collection actions by associations to investigate all collection records that would be helpful to prove that the association has violated its own collection policy and / or has participated in an act of discrimination, If an attorney can He has to mail in HOA fee manually which is OK. Georgia and North Carolina both set a late-fee maximum of ten percent of the delinquent amount. Mar 3, 2023 · 03/02/2023 10:34 PM 1) In the state of California, can unpaid late fees for HOA dues be used as a lien against one's property? 2) If a monthly dues late fee has been assessed and the homeowner then pays two months of dues, is the default to (A) apply the funds to the two months of dues first and leave the late fees on the books or (B) apply the funds to the late fees first and the rest to the Mar 8, 2025 · California condominium communities are governed by legal documents that establish the rights, obligations, and operational framework of the homeowners’ association (HOA) and its members. In the event the HOA forecloses due to unpaid fees, the home's sale Dec 8, 2021 · It’s no secret that HOA fees vary by state; and in many cases, simply by the development itself. Typically, homeowners associations can collect assessments past due by sending a notice of the late payment and keeping a record of the HOA’s delinquency policy and rules. Question: Is the hoa legally bound to inform owner of late fees being added to their account ? is there a condo association statute which explains this ? how much notice has to be given to the unit owner ? the owner was paying hoa fees each month but sometimes late an incurred a late fee . But they still charge me a late fee. Late Fees. 7 (2004), Harbor Island Holdings LLC v. This includes costs such as postage, phone calls, and email reminders. Owners Paying for Cost They Don’t Use in NC HOA If an owner fails to pay the amounts set forth in the Pre-Lien Letter and fails to request IDR within thirty (30) days of the date of the Pre-Lien Letter, the Board shall decide, by majority vote in an open meeting, whether to authorize the recording of a lien for the amount of any delinquent assessments, late charges, interest and/or costs of collection, including attorneys' fees, if any Setting Up an HOA Late Fee Policy. California Civil Code section 5650, Association’s CC&Rs and/or Bylaws allow the association to levy late fees when a homeowner fails to pay association dues or assessments on time. Then, write a formal letter to the HOA board disputing the late fees and explaining the issues with payment handling. The HOA dues are issued on the 1st of the month and late fees are being assessed after the 15th. Can an HOA Fine a Family Trust? When a property is held in a family trust, and residents violate rules, associations cannot target the trust itself. If you have questions about outstanding HOA fees, call the HOA attorneys at Pratt & Associates at 408. Can an HOA Increase Dues by 10% in California? Processing Fees for HOA Dues in California. However, California Civil Code §1366. 50. Homeowner Associations can place liens on the property. Casimiro121 Cal. California is known for its high cost of living, and HOA fees are no exception. I paid my HOA annual assessment of $100 15 days late. How Should HOA Boards Charge Late Fees? CA caps late fees at $10 or 10%, whichever is greater, and 12% interest per year. 0800 or contact us online. 4th 427 [Assessments & Collection; Duty to Pay Assessments] An association member may not assert the homeowners association’s (HOA’s) conduct as a defense or “setoff” to an action brought by the HOA against the member for the member’s failure to pay assessments. These can range from a flat rate to a percentage of your dues. The late fee for my AmEx is $50. ** Understanding Late Fees in California ** Late fees, as defined by California law, are charges imposed when a payment is not made by the agreed-upon due date. The idea of having to pay a late fee on top of the monthly dues is sometimes enough to scare homeowners straight. It doesn't make sense to go to small claims or hire a lawyer to file a lien for $41. According to the Davis Stirling Act, an HOA may not add a late charge or interest to an owner’s unpaid fine. The best option is really to leave the unpaid late fees on the account, growing at 12% a year until they sell their home or decide to pay. Customer: Hi, can an HOA charge a late fee for not paying HOA dues if no notice was sent about dues not received? My HOA notified me 4 months after the first missed payment so now I have 4x late fees. However, it may be higher or lower depending on the city. A $50 late fee is not unreasonable. Legal fees are not likely to be waived as they are “hard costs”, meaning a fee that the HOA (all of your neighbors) have all already paid for. Is it normal? Jan 27, 2025 · He has to mail in HOA fee manually which is OK. By charging a late fee, associations can offset some of these expenses and ensure that they are not financially impacted by late payments. The Davis-Stirling Act provides for a late fee of 10% or ten dollars, whichever is greater (unless the CC&Rs specify a lesser amount), against delinquent assessments. Best bet is to try to talk to your HOA to see if they’ll waive as a 1 time courtesy. Mar 4, 2023 · 03/02/2023 10:34 PM 1) In the state of California, can unpaid late fees for HOA dues be used as a lien against one's property? 2) If a monthly dues late fee has been assessed and the homeowner then pays two months of dues, is the default to (A) apply the funds to the two months of dues first and leave the late fees on the books or (B) apply the funds to the late fees first and the rest to the HOA Late Fees and Penalties: HOAs often impose late fees on delinquent accounts to encourage timely payments. HOA Law Blog — Civil Code § 5650 - Delinquent Assessments; Fees, Costs, and Interest Charged — Published by California Community Association Attorneys — SwedelsonGottlieb Contact Us Now: 1. Interest on overdue fines, sometimes comparable to high-interest credit cards, further complicates repayment. The new California HOA laws simplified certain election procedures, heightened financial security protocols, and approved alternative means of Feb 27, 2025 · Illinois Court Rules Cumulative Late Fees in Condo Associations Are Unenforceable Assessments are a community association’s lifeblood, and community associations should ensure that they are timely receiving assessments from owners. A clearly outlined penalty policy reinforces the importance of staying current with HOA dues. HOAs can't charge interest on unpaid fines. Some HOAs charge additional fees for HOA late payment fines. HOA Late Fees Limitation in Indiana. Aug 11, 2021 · In addition, late fees can help associations cover the costs associated with late payments. Browse by Popular Cities: Atlanta, GA Boston, MA Chicago, IL Dallas, TX Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA At least thirty (30) days prior to recording an assessment lien on a member’s property (the member’s “separate interest“) for delinquent assessments, late charges, interest, collection fees and costs owed by that member to the association, the association is required to provide the member with a pre-lien letter via certified mail. He needs to pay the balance, late fee, processing and attorney fee. App. Question: We moved into our house in October 2021. FHOA. Typical condo association fees in California are similar in range. 3 days ago · California. 1% of owned homes belong to an HOA. S. It may even cost as much as $1,000 monthly. It was a productive legislative season for the state of California — one that brought forth five helpful new laws for homeowners associations. Most associations have a grace period, typically 15 days. Usually only the Board can waive these. Next > >. Can an HOA Levy Late Charges & Interest on Fines? No. Answer: Dues become delinquent 15 days after the posted due date. lien will be placed on property / possible foreclosure. Late fees are soft costs; no one has to pay these. 1. HOAs also can't charge late fees on unpaid late fees and unpaid fines. . -Shawn CIVIL CODE SECTION 5650-5690 . New California Laws on HOA Waiver or non-waiver of past late fees; Accepted payment methods (ideally, the HOA should aim for automatic withdrawals) 4. Jul 7, 2012 · The answer is going to depend upon your HOA's governing documents (CC&Rs and bylaws). Articles for HOA Boards; If you have incurred a late fee and want to appeal to the entire board for a waiver, you must send your request and explanation to the (a) If a dispute exists between the owner of a separate interest and the association regarding any disputed charge or sum levied by the association, including, but not limited to, an assessment, fine, penalty, late fee, collection cost, or monetary penalty imposed as a disciplinary measure, and the amount in dispute does not exceed the Nov 18, 2011 · A homeowners association (HOA) may often assess late fees in connection with unpaid dues assessments. California law requires each HOA to give members a schedule of fines and fees, which must be reasonable. We did not receive any documentation from the HOA until June 2022 when they all of a sudden sent a statement charging the HOA dues, late fees and administrative fees back to January 2022. Speak with a California HOA Lawyer. A word of warning: Refuse to pay and the bill just gets bigger with late fees and fines. 14. If your HOA has a grace period, don’t forget to take it into account. Fees can range from a couple hundred dollars a month to a few thousand; and although the average cost is more than $300 per month, in some states like California, it’s much higher. 4 million people in California live in HOA communities (about 36. 3085(3). Is it normal? Oct 27, 2023 · In California, the statute of limitations for HOA violations is typically governed by two main laws: the California Civil Code Section 336(b) and the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 337. Once the foreclosure procedure begins, it will continue until the foreclosure sale actually takes place, unless the total amount due to the Association, including all delinquent regular, special assessments, late charges, lien fees, trustee’s fees, attorney’s fees, and any other charges against the property are paid in full. Get a Confession of Judgment. She alleges there is a law that forbids us charging late fees while he is overseas. Nov 4, 2024 · Overdue Homeowners Association (HOA) fees can lead to financial penalties and potential legal actions for residents in communities like Maplewood Estates. Additionally, if an HOA does choose to assess a late fee, it must be reasonable and not excessive or unduly burdensome. 38. These fees are deposited directly to an association’s operating fund, with a portion of it going to the reserve fund. Feb 22, 2024 · Homeowners are typically required to remit their association dues by a specified deadline, and failure to meet this obligation can result in the imposition of late fees by the HOA. Classification of Expenses This is where homeowners association fees come in. It is important to remember that an HOA may only charge a late fee or interest when homeowners don’t pay HOA fees. com Late Charges & Interest Regular and special assessments levied pursuant to an association’s governing documents are delinquent fifteen (15) days after they become due, unless the CC&Rs provide for a longer time period, in which case the longer time period applies. It is worth noting that many associations only charge $10 or 10% of the delinquent amount, whichever is greater. Besides actual 2 months HOA fee, he needs to pay additional $1000 for the misc. They pay for maintenance of common areas and community amenities. Fla. Late fee for not paying late fee will be added. Recurring Special Assessments in California HOAs. 6 days ago · 07/27/2013 1:02 PM Have one homeowner several years in arrears. Additionally, interest may start accumulating on your unpaid balance. When crafting a policy for charging HOA late fees, though, HOAs must consider the following: 1. Once that window closes, the penalties kick in. But I was never notified until 4 months later May 18, 2021 · The other option is for the HOA to file a lawsuit against the delinquent homeowner. If you’ve made payments electronically or by check, keep copies or screenshots of these transactions. Your HOA must obey California’s rules. Under California law, HOAs are permitted to charge late fees. 064 million homes. Such items as late fee or fine reductions do not represent expenses but rather revenues that are never in fact realized. I submitted proof from the bank that funds were removed after payment sent but they are insisting they did not receive the payment. HOA collection agencies know what they are doing — they have done it thousands of times before. 369. These plans can include ongoing fees and assessments, but don't allow for the continual charging of late fees if the homeowner is in compliance with the terms of the plan that you work out together. Florida and North Carolina represent two states that max out the late fee to $25 and $20, respectively. Hi Evan, Homeowners associations typically charge monthly dues to members of the community, and homeowners are obligated to pay them. The delinquent homeowner must settle both amounts if an HOA applies a late fee to an unpaid assessment. cost about $300-$400 a month. 5% of the resident population). Debt of Owner; Late Charges and Interest (a) A regular or special assessment and any late charges, reasonable fees and costs of collection, reasonable attorney’s fees, if any, and interest, if any, as determined in accordance with subdivision (b), shall be a debt of the owner of the separate interest at the time the Feb 21, 2025 · The average late fee for credit card in 2024 is $30. When homeowners fail to pay them, the HOA can charge late fees and interest. It may also be wise to keep the communication records with the homeowners in question, such as the invoices and statements sent to them. Code § 5850). The specific terms for interest and fees are detailed in the community’s Hi Karen, According to the Revised Code of Washington Section 64. 5% per month if not resolved. HOA Fee Increases in Texas. However, checking state laws and the CC&Rs before pursuing this route is best. Among other things, the notification must include: a basic summary of the collection and lien enforcement processes, including a foreclosure notice, an itemized listing of the charges owing, and several choices Hello, California/Los Angeles here My HOA already charges a $25 late fee for monthly dues paid after the 15 day grace period, which comes out to about 7% of each unit's HOA dues and is definately legal. should the owner be informed prior to being put into collections If you hire them, you are looking at a total of $2,500 in agency fees. Naber (1994) 29 Cal. 50 for missing a payment. Fee Increase Limitations in Maryland. Mar 27, 2020 · A homeowners association has the right to regulate many aspects of life in a residential development in California under the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act. Feb 2, 2024 · A: Under California law, an HOA typically has the authority to charge late fees for overdue assessments. Aug 6, 2024 · Fees are considered to be late if they are not paid within 15 days of the due date. Now the payment was not missed and was in fact paid 2 days before the due date to their payment vendor. First, expect late fees. This may be a good example to follow. Mar 4, 2025 · I received a statement invoice from my HOA dated January 1, 2025, with a due date of January 31, 2025. Question: I’ve been late in my association, I recently received a letter for pre-lien, as I received this I viewed my account with them and noticed extra missing payments that they did not take from my bank account as my bank sends them a check. Account for the Grace Period. It is important to check your HOA’s governing documents to understand how much you can charge as a late fee on an unpaid special assessment. Stat. Dec 13, 2009 · Can HOA in California waive late fees? Lawyers by Location . So I got a letter from my HOA stating that I owed them $101. They mentioned that late fees apply 15 days after the due date, but no specific agreement was needed due to the Davis-Sterling Act. ” Jan 26, 2025 · (California) Posts:14226: So unless late fees are restricted by your documents, then your HOA can charge a late fee on unpaid balances that can include fines. Jun 18, 2015 · Some states, including California (under the Davis-Sterling Act), grant the owners the right to petition the association to arrange a payment plan. Hi Tracy, For condos created before January 1, 1991, you may refer to the Alabama Condominium Ownership Act Section 35-8-13 which states that: “The interest rate, not to exceed the legal interest rate, may be established by the association or, if no rate is so established, it shall be the legal rate. Question: I pay my HOA fees before due date but they posted later on my account and charging me late fees, even I sent check with registered mail with date before due date and still charging me late fee because they received it after the 15th , I have proof of date of payment. Jul 20, 2024 · When you miss an HOA payment, the clock starts ticking. I pay it sometimes on the 14th and they take the money out of my account on the 14th. These fees increase the total amount due, incentivizing homeowners to pay on time to avoid additional charges. Code § 5725(b), § 5650(b)(3)). If a homeowner defaults on their HOA payment plan, the HOA may need to undergo a lengthy trial process to get a court judgment. -HOA Dues Letter Template-HOA Late Fees Letter Template-HOA Violation Letter Template-Letter Requesting Termination of HOA Manager-Letter Introducing New Management Company Sep 23, 2021 · Is there a limit on the fees (late fees, penalties) an HOA can charge for delinquent assessments in California? As stated in Civil Code §5650(b) , regular and special assessments are delinquent 15 days after they become due (unless an association’s governing documents provide a longer period of time). I live in Texas and my HOA wants to charge me a late fee compounded monthly at 100%. They can be imposed if included in the declaration up to a statutory maximum. ( Civ. These late fees are designed to incentivize prompt payment, as they deter homeowners from neglecting their financial responsibilities to the community. Mar 15, 2023 · In California, if you fail to pay your HOA fees on time, the HOA may take legal action against you, in addition to imposing late fees and interest charges. How Much are Average Condo Association Fees? What are typical HOA fees for a condo in California? The average condo association fees in the U. 800. Mar 3, 2023 · 03/02/2023 10:34 PM 1) In the state of California, can unpaid late fees for HOA dues be used as a lien against one's property? 2) If a monthly dues late fee has been assessed and the homeowner then pays two months of dues, is the default to (A) apply the funds to the two months of dues first and leave the late fees on the books or (B) apply the funds to the late fees first and the rest to the Revenue offsets should be clearly distinguished from expenses and deducted from gross revenues in the revenue section of the income statement . Our HOA By-laws state a “reasonable” late fee can be charge. If not, accept your fate, and find a way to The HOA fee becomes your personal debt once you receive it. Suspension of Privileges. That doesn’t mean it’s fair, but I’m doing my best at setting proper expectations for a win. The bylaws of the HOA and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions also shape the authority of the HOA. Automobile Lemon Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, CA Real Estate Last month I paid my Assessment of the 16th ($545) and I was charge a $48 late fee. Mar 27, 2024 · HOA Fines in California. These fees can accumulate quickly, increasing the debt. Assessment Payment and Delinquency 5650. Additional late fee for not paying late fee will be added. See full list on ipropertymanagement. HOA fees, otherwise known as HOA dues, are sums that associations charge to homeowners to pay for various expenses. Under California law, management companies and collection agencies are allowed to profit from the collection of delinquent assessments. We have offices in San Jose, CA, Campbel, CA, Mountain View, CA, Sunnyvale, CA, Santa Clara Customer: My hoa is charging me late fees even though I pay my hoa on time. Generally, community associations will levy late fees on owners who fail to timely pay their […] Jan 23, 2025 · 03/21/2022 4:24 AM Where is your proof this happened. These include late fees, suspension of privileges, legal action, liens, and even foreclosure. Dec 16, 2022 · A lien cannot be registered in California until 30 days after the HOA has issued you (the homeowner) notice of the late assessments. 4th Supp. As a result, it survives foreclosure. Civ. Understanding HOA Fees in California. But one day he got a letter from HOA attorney saying he was late for 2 months. Feb 1, 2015 · Although Diamond believed the HOA had agreed to her proposed payment plan, and made initial payments to the HOA under her proposed plan (which payments the HOA initially accepted), the HOA soon entered into a hyper-aggressive collection posture – sending her a pre-lien letter in June 2007 and then recording a lien against her property in July Mar 26, 2013 · It had late fees from Nov to Feb, Demand letter fee, pre-lien fee, and lien fee, and March normal HOA fee! We contacted the prop management immediately and told them the reason we missed the pay is because we never received any letter from them, and ask for waive for those fees. If you buy a home in California governed by an HOA, read the governing documents and note the payment mode and fees. His grand mother is acting on his behalf. The average HOA fee in California was approximately $300 per month. fee. Once the HOA gets a lien on your property, it may foreclose on that lien as permitted by the CC&Rs and state law. For a HOA by-law that says “reasonable” late fee, is the late fee maximum 20% or is HOA exempt from a state or city law for late fees? Illinois – Richard . It is possible the HOA could waive a late fee if in agreement to make payment arrangements. However, there are limits to how much they can charge, and there may be specific rules outlined in your HOA's governing documents that you should review. 020(11), unless otherwise provided in the governing documents, an association may: “Impose and collect charges for late payments of assessments and, after notice and an opportunity to be heard by the board of directors or by the representative designated by the board of directors and in accordance with the procedures as Feb 22, 2024 · This article aims to elucidate the legal limits on late fees in California, explore any exceptions or special cases, and provide clarity on this essential aspect of financial management. 8. Does California state law regulate this type lien? It is my understanding that by State Law, a lien is due on the on the date it is issued and late after 30 days. devzf wuufasu ahal plvqn mzzcnehb fyua vrogz klqwjbeg vel xhty wpfh qvkiamy khjnmst pzwcho pxxsiul