Grace bible church pastors. FM We’re glad to have you here.

Grace bible church pastors Get Connected Our Core Values We believe the church is not simply a building constructed by men but rather the believers and members it contains. Nathan Rambeck has been pastor of GBC since 2022. Email: wes@gbchouston. On this site you’ll find many useful tools to help you grow in and understand Jan 13, 2025 · Grace Bible Church exists for Jesus and seeks to magnify his worth and beauty in everything we do. Phone 832-242-7957 Email contact@gbchouston. Responsibilities of Pastors Selected Scriptures. Rod Santiago. Saved by grace, and called to gospel ministry Jason has been a pastor for 20 years. January, 2023. We meet in our new building at the front of the Williams Creek subdivision, right in the heart of the fastest-growing area of our community. Grace Bible Church, Murrieta, Temecula, Menifee Leadership :: Grace Bible Church - Menifee, California The congregation of Grace Bible Church was resilient in prayer and steadfast in serving and devotion to one another. It is an honor to welcome you into the exciting family of Grace Bible Church of Central Florida! I have been in church since an infant and a pastor 50 years, but this is the most unique church of which I have been a member. The church also built a 5,000 sq ft gymnasium for activities and sports events. He and his five siblings all grew up in Grace Bible Church. , Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Thank you for any contribution! He became the seventh Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church and served until December 2003. Harmon was officially installed as the Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Baptist Church. in October, 2007. Smyrna – The Persecuted Church Revelation 2:8-11. We welcome you to “Experience The Grace Awakening Fellowship” and to participate in our ministries. They have two children, Judah and Nora. In 2020, he was hired as the Youth Ministries Pastor at Grace. When the Bible speaks of pastors, elders, and overseers in the church, the same office is being described. He has a Bachelor of Arts in New Testament Greek and Theology from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois; a Master of Arts in Exegetical Theology from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon; and a Doctor of Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana. Email Pastor Josh Kyle’s passion is to see the Gospel reign in believer’s lives and spread from the ministry of Grace Bible Church so that worshippers are gathered for Christ. 471 West 600 North Tremonton, UT 84337. Only God's Word can do that! Come worship, study, fellowship, and minster with us. I usually plan what I am going to preach several months in advance. Harris Grace Bible Church, NY February 23, 2025 Pergamum: The Compromised Church Revelation 2:12-17. After attending The Masters University, he earned a M. Since 2012, he has been serving in full-time vocational ministry discipling men seeking to live a transformed life in Christ Jesus. Grace Bible Church. Snr Administrators Nyeleti & Vincent Mukansi Protea Glen Region 5 He served as Youth Pastor for 10 years at Community Baptist Church in Altoona, PA, before joining the staff at Grace Bible Church in September 2024, following a year as interim youth director. Ike T. He has been pastor since the Church’s organization in 2002. from Covington Theological Seminary in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. He desires to accomplish this first, through expositional preaching of the Word, and second, through intentional and relational discipleship. Contact. At Grace Bible Church we try to live up to our name: a Bible church teaching the gospel of the grace of God. Founded on the serious study of God's Word applicable to our lives, we desire to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. At Grace Bible Church, we are continually devoting ourselves to the in-depth study of the Bible. Previously, he maintained an active speaking and music ministry and has published four musical recordings. Oct 8, 2023 · God has placed pastor-elders as leaders over His church to oversee the spiritual care of the congregation. Strong leaders are the backbone of our church, guiding us with wisdom, compassion, and a clear vision for ministry. Every aspect of ministry — worship, fellowship, instruction, and outreach — is designed to reach the lost for Christ and mature the saved in Christ by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the Scriptures, so that the character of God is revealed and the majesty of God Come join us as we explore what the Bible has in store. and called as Associate Pastor in 2023. Introduction. Turn in your Bibles to Revelation. As a lifelong attendee here, he has a deep love for this congregation and desire to shepherd them. Youth Director Pastor Brookville Grace Church, OH (posted 10-10) Children’s Discipleship Family Ministry Coordinator First Brethren Church N. Every morning in Pakistan, Pastor Faisal teaches face-to-face, as well as twice on Sundays. The church has had seven pastors since its founding. I sincerely believe it is the most near to the New Testament church of any I have ever known personally. FM We’re glad to have you here. Grace Bible Church 19835 N 12th St Phoenix, AZ 85024. Jerry R. Besides pastoring and teaching the Bible, Nathan’s ministry passions are evangelism, apologetics, defending unborn children and family discipleship. Under His leadership, Grace Bible Church recognizes Elders, Deacons, and Staff. The elders of Grace Bible Church are set aside by the congregation to devote themselves to prayer, preaching and the spiritual oversight and care of the church (Acts 6:4; 1 Timothy 3:1-7). org Location 6325 Hurst Street Jun 9, 2024 · The mission of Grace Bible Church is simply to make more and better disciples. We, as believers, come together to study God’s word, celebrate […] If there are any issues with the Livestream, please try our Grace Bible Church App or Facebook page: Grace Bible Church. Henry McCain. As an interested candidate, everything on this page is designed for YOU to find out if you are a good fit for this position and for our congregation. Before coming on staff at Grace Bible Church, Derek served at Grace Church of the Valley in Kingsburg, California as a pastoral assistant. Services. He’s also, an alumnus of San Diego State University. LEAD PASTOR, ELDER. Jan 20, 2025 · Grace Bible Church is a growing multi-generational church currently consisting of a Pastor, elders, deacons, Children’s Ministry Director, Worship Leader, secretary, 100 members, and frequent visitors. Pastor Harris and his family relocated to NY in the Spring of 1991 after having served in various capacities in several churches in California. This morning I will begin by sharing with you some of the perplexities that come at times upon pastors as they prepare a sermon for the next Sunday morning. Harris is a man committed to the Word of God and to “Equipping the saints for the work of service” (Ephesians 4:12). He is passionate about the expository teaching and preaching of God’s Word in a way that impacts lives today. We are committed to faithfully and accurately teaching and preaching God's Word. David has been Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church since April 2006. We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures A teaching position at Heritage Christian School brought him to Bozeman in 2016, and subsequently to Grace Bible Church. Prior to this, he served as a church-planting missionary in Rustenburg, South Africa, and on pastoral teams in Rhode Island and Johannesburg, South Africa. TBC commissioned Dave and other leaders to found Grace Bible Church in 2006. As a pastor, Tim's vision is to reach people in Southern California with the gospel by planting churches that truly preach the gospel of salvation. Pastor Bud Haskell March 2, 2025. | Small Groups: 5:30 p. Tim is a Director with Bibles International which exists to advance Christ's church through conservative Bible translation. He has left us with After conversion, Frank had a growing desire for ministry. Elders (other than our pastors) serve in 3 year terms. West and Mary have three precious children: Will, Rebekah, and Annie Kate. We are delighted to have Jerry Lancaster as our teaching pastor. Welcome to Grace Bible Church. We invite you to join us as we learn to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:42-47; Eph Feb 23, 2025 · (If you would like to receive Pastor Harris’ weekly sermons via e-mail, Click Here) (If you would like to download the PowerPoint presentation for this sermon, Click here – Pergamum: Compromised Church) Pastor Scott L. He went on a journey for thirteen years looking for God. Church Overview: Grace Bible Fellowship Church (GBFC) is a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching congregation that values scriptural authority, community discipleship, and The Ross family, along with a core group of saints from Holland, Grand Haven, Muskegon, and Grand Rapids, Michigan founded Grace Life Bible Church. Submit now Covenant emphasized that reformed theology should always train students to share the message of Jesus in the manner of Jesus. The elders are the qualified (1 Tim 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-9), exemplary (1 Peter 5:3), Spirit-appointed (Acts 20:28), leaders in the church. He and his wife Susie were delighted to be led to Grace Bible Church in December of 2007. Jerry has more than 45 years of pastoral experience, and he and his wife Joy have been a blessing to our church family. m. C. FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK; MEN'S MINISTRY; WOMEN'S MINISTRY; PRAYER MEETING; CHILDREN'S MINISTRY; TRUTH TRACKERS; HOME FELLOWSHIP GROUPS; VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2024; YOUTH MINISTRY; GBC Book Highlight. Louis, and then returned to Temple Bible Church as Children & Family Pastor from 2002-2006. D majoring in Hebrew and OT with minors in NT Greek and Theology. We hope to fill this position as soon as possible. org), where he has served since 1983. He joined the formation of Grace Bible Church in 1994. In 2009 Grace Bible Church ordained and called him to be an elder and, in March 2016, the elders and congregation installed Rick as the pastor-teacher. Jan 11, 2025 · Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading, PA. Mark Taylor. Pastor Mick has spent many years in ministry, first as a youth pastor and later on starting a home church which by God's grace has grown into what we have today. The current pastor is Dr. The Making of the King James Bible; 2022 Grace School of the Bible Pastor’s Conference (April Meeting) Why Universal Reconciliation Is a Dangerous Heresy; 2019 West Michigan Grace Bible Conference. Pastor Scott L. , Oxford, MS 38655 | 662. Since then, he has become wedded to his lovely wife, Letha, and now has three sons - Martyn, Christian, and Britain - and daughter, Evelyn. Harris Grace Bible Church, NY February 16, 2025. Search your heart and the scriptures today. In June 2004, Brian Fisher was elected to serve as Grace’s next Senior Pastor. He turned to Christ for salvation around the age of 15, being given a strong desire to serve the local church. Min. . At GBC the desire for ministry continued to grow and mature under the faithful discipleship of the Elders of Grace Bible Church. He is a student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. office@gbc. Creekside launched in August of 2015 with the goal of reaching south College Station, with the good news of Jesus Christ. Mailing: 1722 University Ave. Grace Bible Church is seeking to hire a Senior Pastor/Lead Elder to work with us as we grow and minister here in the Coeur d'Alene area. ” 1 Timothy 1:13a. Pastors & Staff. A. For his undergraduate work, he completed internships at Grace Bible Church and working with the Junior High ministries. Director of Music & Worship. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of North Texas in 1986 and his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2002. Biblical Christian Church - Biblical Christian Mission Contact Us (734) 663-0589 Office Hours: Monday & Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Avery has been trained in Navigators, biblical counseling, and as a small group leader. Div. Lead Pastor at. ). Scott L. Harmon was educated at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Memphis, TN where he received a Master of Divinity and a Ph. Location: Online Pastor Ron McMurray ron. Grace Bible Church was founded in 1979 and “We’ve Come This Far By Faith. from South Africa Theological Seminary (SATS). Pastor Bryan Ragsdale. Aug 11, 2019 · The mission of Grace Bible Church is simply to make more and better disciples. Grace Bible Church began in the year 2000 with humble beginnings of Pastor Jeff preaching from a music stand in his apartment. 11306 Inwood Rd Dallas, TX 75229 214-368-0779 Saved by Grace, Living by Grace, Serving by Grace. Rick earned degrees from The Master’s College (B. Our whole church family joins together at 9:30 am to worship in singing. Pastor. Pastor Rich was born and raised in a Jewish home, attended Hebrew school and was bar mitzvahed at the age of 13. We are committed to the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone for eternal salvation and to equipping believers through the study of the inerrant Word of God (Ephesians 4:11–16). Since embracing the Doctrines of Grace in 2009, he became convinced of Reformed Baptist Theology. Dr. M. Evening Service : 7:00 pm (online) Missions Pastor. About Grace Bible Church. Zeke was hired as the Assistant Pastor at Grace in 2022. We do this by belonging in meaningful community, growing through the preaching and careful study of God's word, and multiplying our gifts and resources to benefit both the local church and our surrounding community. com | Photos by Mary Corrie Service Times: Sunday School: 9:30 a. On December 4, 2016, Dr. Then, during the sermon portion of the service, there are Bible teaching classes available for early elementary and younger. We are delighted to have you visit our church website. at The WEST Institute in Wyoming before moving to North Carolina to complete his M. Our fellowship at Grace Bible Church was always small - in the late 80's we had about 30-40 that regularly attended and in more recent years 10-15. Robert, his wife Jeanne, and their family came to Grace in the summer of ’21 Bryan Hughes is the Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church in Bozeman (gbcmt. Jesse graduated from Western Theological Seminary with his MA in Spring, 2023 and transitioned to college ministry that following Summer. While Daniel has been on staff, he's completed his Masters in Theology, Masters of Divinity, and a doctorate of Education with an emphasis in marital “Formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. Pastor Daryl Hilbert. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the leader of the church. The Lord has given us Spiritual Gifts to Glorify the Lord. Other ministries which the Pastor does are: counseling, wedding and funerals, hospital visits, Bible studies and Child evangelism. Sunday . He and his wife, Teresa, have faithfully ministered here since the founding of the church in August of 1980. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, Romans 12:3-6 and […] Yes, children are always welcome in our services. Mary and I have been at Grace Bible Church for almost 23 years and have grown to love the people of God! We have taught in our youth program for many years, led an Awana program in our church emphasizing the importance of God's Word, and led men and women in other discipleship areas. PASTOR Pastor Robert McLaughlin Robert R. Our dedicated team of pastors, elders, and staff members are committed to serving with integrity, humility, and a deep love for God and His people. Introduction Rodney Beaulieu Teacher & Helper of your joy Rodney Beaulieu Teacher & Helper of your joy Welcome to Rodney. Leaders bear a burden of giving account to God, while the congregation bears the burden of recognizing and submitting to the biblical authority of the pastors/elders. Bryan Ragsdale grew up in a pastor’s home just east of Colorado Springs, Colorado. About Grace Bible Church Our Mission To develop committed followers of Christ through the teaching and encouragement of God’s Word. Sundays @ 9:00 and 10:30 am. Morning Service: 8:30 am. Michael is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church. It is my privilege to serve as the pastor of the Grace Bible Baptist Church. Tim is also an adjunct teacher with Pastoral Enrichment Program (PEP) where he travels to other countries to teach and encourage indigenous pastors, missionaries, and church leaders. Watts Grace Bible Church Service Times […] The Church that DREAMS. Welcome to Grace Bible Church elected Scriptures. Get Appointment. McLaughlin is the pastor of Grace Bible Church in Somerset, Massachusetts. Pastor: Randy Ragsdale Series: Adult Sunday School Topic: Studies In 1 Corinthians Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:10–16 Listen Downloads Michael Beck Teaching Pastor, Elder. Daryl Hilbert accepted the call to Grace Bible Church on September 17th, 2006. 2919 | info@gracebibleofoxford. Our standard is the Word of God and not the traditions of men nor the sinking sand of a morally relativistic culture. Steve’s ministry focus at Grace Reformed Bible Church is assisting with leading corporate worship, preaching, teaching, and shepherding. 740. In 1993, Daryl (former night manager of Woodward’s IGA and former member of Grace Bible Church), his wife Darlene, and three children (Caleb, Tyrell, and Danielle) left Gillette to pursue the ministry. He has his Ph. 435-237-2333 gracetremonton@gmail. They have one son, Dylan, who is actively involved in the ministry. He serves as a Chaplain in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard where he has served since 2010. Grace Bible Church was established in 1953. He then became the Associate Pastor and, on March 1, 2020, was installed as the second Senior Pastor in Grace Bible Church’s history following a 10-month pastoral transition period with Kevin Hurt. Pauline Neurotheology What Is It; The Battle for the Brain; Head, Heart, and Hands Dec 3, 2016 · Having personally attended Grace Bible Church and John's teaching ministry for over twenty years, I believe the truth the Lord has shown to him through the scriptures to be unique to his ministry. The Pastors of Grace Bible Church and College Avenue Church. The pastors/elders at Grace Bible Church share leadership responsibility; all elder decisions are made with unanimity. 238. Our heart-felt prayer is for people to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and become actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church that cares for them. Eddie grew up on Oahu, graduated from Iolani High, attended Angel R. We are entering yet another exciting season in the history of Grace Bible Church, and we would be thrilled for you to be a part of it! For more than a decade, Pastor Adam and Cara Kipp loved and led this church well and, for the past two years, Pastor Len and Denise Thebarge blessed this church immensely as GBC’s interim pastor, helping this church to prepare for the next long-term pastor. Bill is a widower with 5 children and 10 grandchildren. Harris Grace Bible Church, NY Revised August 2018. Daryl completed his four-year degree and He returned to Kutztown, where he met his wife Shaina and later ministered for seven years as the pastor of Kutztown Bible Fellowship Church. Donations and contributions One Time <br/> Electronic Donation Checks can be made out and sent to: Grace Bible Church, 158 Myers Corners Rd. Mar 6, 2025 · Grace Bible Church is a New Testament Christian Church in Muskogee. The elders of the Church are Bill Webster and David Martin. at 1720 University Avenue, Oxford, MS 38655 . Manchester, IN (posted 10-10) Youth Discipleship Local Outreach Coordinator First Brethren Church N. (various locations in Tulsa) Contact us: Call (918) 834-4440 or email At Grace Bible Church in Pakistan, Pastor Faisal John shepherds a modest flock of 150 people with well over 400 on Christmas and Resurrection Sunday. We are located at New Britain CT. He has a deep passion to teach the Bible and equip the saints for the work of the ministry. ) and then completed his doctorate from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D. The Bennetts love the community at Grace Bible Church and have a passion for equipping the saints for the work of ministry, building up the local church through the foundation of the Word. Joe is a graduate of Cedarville University and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. May 3, 2021 · Grace Bible Church. Robert Vincent Pastor/Elder. A Note From Pastor Jerry “Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of serving as your Pastor. Sermons. mcmurray@yahoo. | Sunday Morning: 10:45 a. About Grace Bible Church — What We Believe — Events — Staff Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm. Pastor David Dunn became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ in March 1991. As the son of a Grace Minister, Pastor Bryan had the fortunate experience of being raised under Grace teaching. Bishop Mosa answered the call and went on went to lead prayer groups at school and the sharing of God’s word amongst his peers. The pulpit ministry and personal discipleship are the keys to the training of the congregation for the work of the ministry. We are a hand's on ministry endeavoring to strengthen other believers in Bakersfield to reach beyond Pastor Eddie & Susan Asato founded Grace Bible Church Maui in 1974 after leading GBC Honolulu’s college ministry & planting GBC Kauai Church. at Shepherds Theological Seminary. He now lives in the East Bay with his wife Maria, and two sons. com Grace Bible Church is led by elders and served by deacons. Phil Béna has been an Assistant Pastor at Grace Bible Church since 1997, works for the Gabriel Network, and served as a professor and program director for Capital Seminary and Graduate School for many years. Position Title: Senior Pastor Location: Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading, PA Position Type: Full-Time Reports to: Board of Elders. We are excited to have Jerry Lancaster as our Pastor. Warrendale Bible Chapel. As Senior High Youth Pastor, James oversees the 10th–12th grade youth program and collaborates with Matt Winquist on the overall youth ministry. The Church that DREAMS. Now Meeting at 27475 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 Church: 313. Grace Bible Church is a non-denominational grace ministry dedicated to teaching the Word of God from the original languages and making it available at no charge throughout the world. We invite you to join us as we learn to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:42-47; Eph The purpose of Grace Bible Church is to shepherd God’s people, by God’s grace, and for God’s glory. Feb 25, 2024 · Grace Bible Church of Houston is a conservative Bible church. Dan has served as the senior pastor of Grace Bible Church since 2008. Adult Ministries Pastor Derek Marks is the adult ministries pastor at Grace Bible Church where he has been serving since 2022. He is married to Autumn (since 1998) and they have ten children: six sons (Haven, Sterling, Camden, Finley, London, and Lincoln) and four daughters (Haley, Paisley, Avalon, and Pearl). In 2009, Daniel returned to Colville to become the full time Youth Pastor. Feb 16, 2025 · (If you would like to download the PowerPoint presentation for this sermon, Click here, Smyrna: The Persecuted Church) Pastor Scott L. ) and Seminary (M. In February 2018 Ray joined Grace Bible Church and as of August 2018, he works as a Pastoral Assistant over our Hispanic Additions to the original building included a two-story section with a sanctuary on the upper floor and a fellowship hall on the lower floor. My name is Scott Harris, and I have had the privilege of being the teaching pastor here since 1991 when my wife, Diane, and I moved with our first son from California. Gene Speer, who was installed in August 2024. He believes strongly in the centrality of God’s Word for addressing the spiritual needs of God’s people. Sidebottom (1929 to 1965) Brother Ike T. D. Grace Bible Church of Roseville, we believe that we were created for one primary purpose; to worship The pastor of Grace Bible Church is William (Bill) Webster. Phone: (623) 252-4002. But I received mercy. He also taught Bible at a classical Christian school for six years. life 863-382-1085 Lead Pastor at Grace Bible Chapel. Nathan’s wife Jamie is a homemaker and homeschool mom to Ethan, Abigail, Shiloh, David, Caleb, Isabella and Adam. 06052. He served as pastor from 1929 to 1965, when he resigned because of ill health. org; Grace Bible Church Contact Information. Grace Bible Church of Bakersfield welcomes you to our website and our church family. Pastor Beckwith is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church. The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges Jerry Bridges (1929-2016) was a gift to Christ’s church. The Lord led Frank to Grace Bible Church in 2015 to join the starting core group, and then he became a member with the founding membership group in 2016. Pastor, Preaching & Teaching. He worked for 4 ½ years at First Evangelical Free as the Youth Pastor and then moved to Mammoth Lakes, California, to be the Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church. He had served as associate pastor and college pastor for 11 years before becoming senior pastor. The church centered upon four key discipleship values - Word, Worship, Service, and Family that we believe described both who GBC was in our DNA and also Pastor Richard Lynn and his wife, Mary, are the senior pastors of Grace Bible Church in Shelton, CT. 11306 Inwood Rd Dallas, TX 75229 214-368-0779 Pastor Nathan Hykes joined Grace Bible Church as Assistant Pastor in April of 2022 and became Senior Pastor in January of 2023. ” A Message From Pastor Matthew J. Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Grace Bible Church | Grandville, Michigan Pastor-Teacher. He has spent many years providing one-on-one discipling and leading Bible studies for men. Pastor Beckwith did his undergraduate work at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, and earned his Ph. Manchester, IN (posted 10-10) Pastor Grace Bible Church Washington, IL (posted 9-19) Campus Information. com 2023 Grace School of the Bible Summer Family Conference. He has been involved in two missionary trips and several Bible conferences. Sidebottom was the founding pastor of The Church at 615 College Avenue, what is known today as Grace Bible Church. Our Pastor: Rev. The elders, also called pastors in the New Testament, are to lead the church by teaching and shepherding the congregation. The congregation was generous and God was so gracious to us in this season. Feliciano serves as the interim Pastor at Grace Bible Church. Join us on Sundays at 8:45 or 11:00 a. He grew up aspiring to become a teacher, but God called him to be a pastor at a young age. Through the *expository teaching of God’s Word, we are being equipped to exalt the Lord, edify believers, and evangelize the world. Zack was saved in November, 2006 during his first semester at Clemson University. Dave made a lot of Presbyterian friends in St. Harris Grace Bible Church, NY June 12, 2016. Welcome to Grace Bible Church located on the West Side of Charleston, West Virginia. wmrdtm gfh lbxicgpk qmutnln cmsp frx fdqgj sjvjb awicno bgfbqt mbp lqrtld vuzzy aqwm uojnpf