Factorio pollution settings if you feel like you want to turn off the smog for any reason. in this case they are still aggressive to your presence and expand, so can still become a threat if they get close and you will need to go to their territory for materials eventually. As for likely achivment disablers, asside from map settings, make sure that the save didn't use any mods or console commands except for //color. Jul 8, 2017 · I have looked at the pollution map and there isn't anything there, and if you hit f5 and look at the pollution on the tile\chunk level it's all zero. Pollution gets more problematic, if you play on harder settings like Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. Pollution produced is 9 with default settings in vanilla. Since I spawned in an almost treeless, vast desert with a small oasis my pollution would spread far. -Put the starting area all the way up to the max. -- roadmap Mar 31, 2021 · - nauvis layer have pollution ON. The settings are organised following the model of the table of this Wiki article. All you have to do is change the map settings to experience a completely different game. It depends on the goal for the game. Tries to balance evolution level with number of nests covered by pollution. 4, so a single chunk that takes up 1 chunk of a 2) In the Factorio map settings we set the minimum AI expansion time to 1 minute and maximum to 5 minutes (In the early game this basically spawns a squad/group every 5 minutes that Rampant then takes over and either attacks you with or expands with) I hit F4 and checked the settings in there just to confirm that yes, the base is indeed generating pollution - and it most definitely is. You can even put negative numbers in the settings, and watch your nuclear ground produce unhealthy quantities of pollution. Jan 19, 2024 · When I create a new surface using pollution settings, they are not applied. Dont go super crazy with the genocide just yet - you dont have the resources, nor tech to handle that - but some turret creep to the bases under your pollution cloud will help reduce attacks (where you then spend time researching military tech for a tank and some better weapons) The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). (BTW: If you play on rail world, enemy expansion is switched off. This mod allows you to decide how much pollution certain tiles should absorb. Wenn die gesamte Umweltverschmutzung in einem Chunk über 60 Einheiten liegt, haben einmal pro Sekunde einige der Bäume in diesem Chunk die Chance, entweder eine Stufe Blätter zu verlieren oder ihre Blätter eine Stufe grauer werden zu lassen. This much pollution units must be on the chunk to start diffusing. However the default pollution factor is only 9. You need some kind of defence f. The player shall be informed about the fact, that when pollution spreads new but unrevealed map chunks could be created. As soon as a chunk has reached 15. Sets vanilla map evolution factors to 0 in new game settings and can change existing save map evolution factors in mod settings. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Bäume. The only real change in 1. lua there's a lot of stuff relating to pollution and biters, and I particularly wanted to increase the spread of pollution without increasing the base amount, as I'm using RSO and enemies need to be further spread out to allow scouting by car. Ultimate: Building materials are very abundant, and nuclear energy is available to supply massive amounts of power. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Jan 19, 2024 · When I create a new surface using pollution settings, they are not applied. grass and tress are highly absorbent and will dissipate pollution faster and impede its spread. Thanks! Do you want to reduce pollution without having to download a mod that introduces technologies and air-filtering machines ? Or do you want to extend your pollution cloud way beyond your defense lines ? Then this mod is for you ! It allows to modify the pollution absorption of tiles in the game. Dec 26, 2020 · But beware, they grow back, if you have enemy expansion on, which is the case in default settings. Resource patches are large and spread far apart, to encourage train systems. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API Docs Prototype | Runtime | Auxiliary Factorio Prototype Docs Version 2. POLLUTION AGEING is what you are looking for. Is it possible to change pollution settings once a game is up and running? I was messing around with the pollution dispersion figures and I think I set it too high as the buyers never attack. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Mar 4, 2023 · The oceans even absorb much of the atmospheric CO2 we generate! This mod improves the pollution absorption of water and is configurable in the settings. Combines "Marathon" and "Death world" with some additional changes: Enemy evolution time factor is set to 150, pollution factor is set to 10. (The pollution absorbed by "trees" accumulates to 239. Is there a way to turn pollution back on so that the game will behave normally? Thanks. Iirc, /c game. Properties. You can reduce pollution greatly by using electric furnaces and higher tech assemblers (i. Peaceful or lower enemy nest settings disables some achievements. 002. So, if you're like me, the first thing you probably though was: pollution is going to spread in an approximately circular fashion from the source, so the pollution flux will decay as approximately 1/r with a bit more for absorption, and at a distance of 5 chunks the circle has radius 2*pi*5 = 31. Eliminating nests within pollution cloud will get more and more cumbersome as the pollution area expands exponentially, and new nests are created by biters, so keeping the pollution area smaller helps keep this work under tabs. Turning pollution overlay on causes the "render preparation" time to quadruple, with a drop from 60FPS/UPS to 50FPS/UPS. Yes. Updating any of the attributes will immediately take effect in the game engine. map_settings. There's a section on the wiki that explains how evolution works. Pollution settings can be changed via map generation settings, or can be disabled entirely. As mods will disable steam achievements (and reset the factorio ones) and console commands will disable all achievements on that save. com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API Docs Features. Grass tiles will make the land absorb pollution more than desert tiles. The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). A black chunk-sized square is created because this square has no pollution smog. I think, this is the smallest bug in game but I explore Factorio layers function for something useful. Killing units reduces evolution. Almost any value in here can be changed via the console in-game. Hello there i wanted to suggest if nests could take damage with certain chunk pollution amout that player could determin in the settings rather than after spawning 60 biters. An electric miner produces 10/min base pollution for 30/min ore. Hopefully this can be fixed! Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. Attack cost modifier is set to 80% instead of 100% (50% for death world). May 13, 2019 · spawner-absorb default: 45. ACCUMULATION = INPUT + GENERATION - OUTPUT - ABSORPTION. You can, however, have somewhat more of a gradient, by changing the settings in this mod. Mar 23, 2023 · That's very unusual. Mods can be used to change pollution settings mid-game without affecting other settings in Factorio. 3x efficiency 1 in a miner is a cheap and effective way to knock down the massive pollution clouds produced by mining, and take a big chunk out of your boiler pollution given the large number of drills typically used. ageing = 0 /c game. If you want the vanilla Nov 14, 2024 · When fully zoomed out in map view on Nauvis BUT only with pollution turned on. I played with and without pollution too. Same as vanilla pollution-produced factor. Factorio calculates pollution based on chunks, and that is definitely not something that can be changed by a mod, so you will always see squares with distinct boundaries where chunks meet. That’s the most likely explanation. Maybe someone else can chime in. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Increase the greenery. dying-tree-absorb default: 9. Pollution could act like a sort of forcefield that slowly kills all nests close to your base. If you have that, eff1 in the assemblers that always run may also help reduce the cloud further. When you start the game, you can look on the achievements in game and see if they are available or blocked. Long story short the answer is yes - keep in mind though that evolution occurs for different reasons, and if you don't trigger evolution via destroying nests or having nests absorb pollution then the factor will have no impact. The one I updated to right after your last comment back then needed some tweaking in settings to be not too heavy visually for low-medium pollution levels. lua. How can I change the pollution settings (the ones you can change when you st… I did check out the new options, I believe you rolled a few updates since we last spoke. I feel like this has a huge potential. diffusion_ratio = 0 Then: set up some configuration of assemblers, beacons and modules another interesting idea i saw recently was someone talking about simply reducing pollution to 0. However, not all map settings are created equal. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. I don’t know why this happened – perhaps this one chunk had no pollution. Factorio. Recolour green water (enabled by default): apply custom/disabled thats how the pollution gets absorbed by trees. This is higher but generally much less pollution hits the spawner compared to how much is produced since the ground and trees will absorb massive amounts. You can still disable expansion, and even set pollution diffusion to 0 and you can still get the achievements. I want the biters to evolve very fast but only when they are exposed to pollution. and of course biter nests "drink" pollution and convert it from polluted air into attack parties. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Aug 24, 2020 · Factorio is one of those games where you can completely change your experience with the press of a button. The amount evolution progresses for every destroyed spawner. that tree when damaged removes the absorbed amount from the chunk and loses 1 hp. The oceans even absorb much of the atmospheric CO2 we generate! This mod improves the pollution absorption of water and is configurable in the settings. When fully zoomed out in map view on Vulcanus but with certain overlays turned on. artillery to keep them out. lua there's a lot of stuff relating to pollution and biters, and I particularly wanted to increase the spread of pollution without increasing… Factorio. Disable pollution colour: disables the pollution colour effect on water. Feb 7, 2025 · Mods can change pollution settings mid-game without affecting other settings. 130). But the latest one I'm seeing now fixes that at default settings and the levels seem perfect! Press "P" and check you pollution "production". Oct 18, 2019 · Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. Feb 18, 2023 · The oceans even absorb much of the atmospheric CO2 we generate! This mod improves the pollution absorption of water and is configurable in the settings. Disable biter expansion. It'll greatly reduce pollution and electricity consumption which in turn reduced pollution from boilers. However, it caused an abrupt change in visuals, and I had to disable the mod as it looked too weird. Does not disable other pollution effects, such as killing trees. 34 Home / Types / EnemyEvolutionSettings >< Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. What I am looking for is a setting which pollution has an effect and will spread if your factory is left unchecked, but will dissipate once you keep energy consumption under a certain threshold and/or use solar power, and/or efficiency modules. All evolution parameters are configurable and retroactively work on-the-fly. Dec 22, 2020 · Hello, I am guessing this is possible, but I have no idea what the commands are. 2 for less, 10 for more 1 for default. turn it off and leave biters on. Also if you have any good pollution settings let me know too. 2 Date: 16-08-2022 Changes: - changed the pollution thresholds to a exponential funtion instead of a linear one - added configurable settings like chunks per tick and parameters for smog thickness. e. I played with bigger and or richer resources patches but the game gets a bit too easy and doesn't push me to go searching for more resources and I don't get to use trains much. Jan 6, 2018 · Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a quick search but didn’t find anything. I try to adjust the settings so that the idea will be most effective. - TEST layer have pollution OFF - switched in TEST layer pollution to ON - switched to nauvis exit from editor - my factory start emiting tons of pollution to world. Version: 0. desert tiles are less absorbent; pollution spreads faster, further, and lingers longer over dirt. Graphics settings look fine, too - no "Hide Pollution Overlay" checkbox that I can see - and most everything is enabled. It pressured me more than I wanted to. -Disable biter expansion. This is all from memory and ageing is misspelled. Like rail world with less water and trees for a megabase, maxed resources for a speedrun, more iron for a death world, more resource patches for a bots base or just default settings for a new mod game The pollution settings, the values are for 60 ticks (1 second). 0. lua script instead of inside on_init. Could we get the option to enable/disable either option (pollution and enemies) so say i want to keep the pollution color from this mod but want to keep vanilla enemy color or vice versa Changes evolution mechanic to allow for green play. There's a "pollution" section, which a bunch of values in it, but I'm not sure what exactly you'd need to change. Recently it's biters with farther starting area, pollution on, and resources patches 200% richer. default; sorted Jan 19, 2024 · When I create a new surface using pollution settings, they are not applied. Also if you're equipped to do so - go hunting some nests. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Apr 10, 2016 · In map_settings. I previously used settings between 100 and 200 for all the factors and I did not find the biter evolution rate challenging enough. Any suggestions? I am open to try just about anything, including console commands. Typically miners produce the most pollution, i recommend efficiency 1 modules in all your miners. might be Apr 10, 2016 · In map_settings. Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. Pollution can generate new chunks if it needs to spread to them. With those settings, you've basically enabled peaceful/turned biters off but kept full access to achievements. Aside from that I really like my current map settings and I will play that run for a longer time. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… I played with and without pollution too. The "Change Map Settings" mod is one such example, allowing players to alter their map and map generation settings at any time. May 7, 2017 · Look in your Factorio folder in data/base/prototypes/map-settings. ageing :: double Constant modifier a percentage of 1; the pollution eaten by a chunks tiles. Jeder einzelne Baum nimmt pro Sekunde eine kleine Menge an Umweltverschmutzung in seinem Chunk auf. This seems dreadfully low, what is the maximum value for this? Machines have a pollution rating, so you can see at a glance how useful it is to put an efficiency module in them, and you also see the effect of an eff module. Unless you're REALLY determined to feed them pollution. 2 was to set up as part of the main control. 3 Date: 16-08-2022 Changes: - made some performance adjustments Most achievements can be got with any map settings. default; sorted Increase the greenery. pollution. That change shouldn't affect performance at all. each time the pollution goes over the minimum to damage it deals damage to a tree in the chunk. See here. Jan 6, 2018 · Is it possible to change pollution settings once a game is up and running? I was messing around with the pollution dispersion figures and I think I set it too high as the buyers never attack. These evolution settings are very opaque please inform me of the appropriate values. The command will follow the hierarchy of the file. default; sorted Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. Accumulation is how much pollution the chunk gains or loses per calcuation. default; sorted. That leaves players everywhere with a simple question: what are the best map settings in Factorio? Dec 28, 2024 · In my next test I reapplied several times 10k pollution to the same 100 trees until the "pollution absorbed by damaging trees" did not change anymore: The "pollution absorbed by damaging trees" now shows a total number larger than 10k (10. after 4 hits the tree dies and no longer absorbs anything. All images show the water pollution effect at highest level. (I’m definitely not playing on Peaceful mode). I had to do some early raids to keep biter expansion from reaching my pollution cloud. Mar 4, 2023 · The oceans even absorb much of the atmospheric CO2 we generate! This mod improves the pollution absorption of water and is configurable in the settings. Hope that helps. ageing=5 Will have a major dampening effect. Various game-related settings. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tooltip to the pollution menu in the map creation menu. So your pollution cloud will be smaller. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Jan 6, 2018 · Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a quick search but didn’t find anything. Furthermore, deep water absorbs more pollution than shallow and "saturated", green water absorbs less overall. each tree has 4 hp. Turn down some of the evolution factors. Allows modification of the following settings: Fire Immunity for the usable shipwreck entities (generator, assembler, lab, containers) Whether the entities can be mined up and placed down elsewhere (instead of receiving materials and losing the entity). 2. there is a setting to turn off the visual effect in the mod settings there are also settings to change the thickness equation for the smog so you can tweak it exactly to your liking. If you look up Nefrum's speedrun guide, he has a map string for what is the predominant speedrun map. default; sorted Do you want to reduce pollution without having to download a mod that introduces technologies and air-filtering machines ? Or do you want to extend your pollution cloud way beyond your defense lines ? Then this mod is for you ! It allows to modify the pollution absorption of tiles in the game. default; sorted different tiles absorb pollution differently. Nov 2, 2024 · /c game. 1. Aug 14, 2022 · Version: 0. so setting the minimum lower means trees die faster and setting the absorbed higher means It eliminates all pollution spread and therefore biter consumption. What ? I suggest to add an infomational or warning tool… Turning off pollution diffusion and biter evolution will result in weak biter nests that only attack if you get too close or actively pollute the chunk they're in (which you will need to do to get "it stinks and they don't like it"). com | Forums | Wiki | Mod Portal | API Docs well if your pc is bad enough that the pollution can cause trouble then you have a few options. ) Oct 18, 2019 · TL;DR Inform players what could happen if they change the pollution settings before creating the map. It can also be customized in map settings). 0 pollution it starts spreading in all four cardinal directions at a rate of 2% per 64 ticks. Thank you. x. Input is the pollution that is coming from other nearby chunks. Apr 10, 2016 · In map_settings. Defaults to 0. I want to have a diffusion by 0, but whatever I change in these values the spreading is the same. though i haven't tried it (and the person who brought it up hadn't tried it either), the presumption is that the aliens will not attack due to pollution but will still attack the player and any military structures based on proximity. You can either increase the absorption value or decrease it. They won’t make new nests so you don’t have to build a defensive perimeter so long as you clear the nests near your pollution cloud. Pollution spread is calculated per chunk every 60 ticks and follows the same logic as a typical mass/energy balance equation, e. Settings. the first assembler is most polluting per item produced, the third assembler least polluting).
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