Eve fleet hangar. Approach closest asteroid.
Eve fleet hangar EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. In terms of Caldari design philosophy, the Phoenix is a chip off the old block. That's it. Drag the ore from you hold to the fleet hanger and violla its in the Orca. Skills And a 40,000 Fleet Hangar that replaced corp hangars. Description. This hangar contains EVE Universities BPO's access is restricted to Directors Only, however members can use the Blueprints stored here through the industry interface in game. Community Hangar. The ORE Freighter, Bowhead , similarly has a quite large Ship Maintenance Bay but a small cargohold. Allow fleet members to access fleet hangars and ship maintenance bays of fleet mates within station. So, for "hauling random Aug 4, 2020 · Make these things fleet hangar aware and treat the fleet hangar as part of the cargo hold. The Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Eden's industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed. Like all regular cargo bays, they cannot hold assembled ships, but can hold packaged ships. Before the Citadel Expansion the Rorqual was mostly a toy for Mining Forman Links Bursts and ore compression in the field. 2 + bonus to ship warp core strength; 100 % bonus to the benefits of overheating Afterburners, Microwarpdrives, Local Repair Modules, and Resistance Modules; 90 % reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue Hangars, or starship docking facilities, are present on all space stations. The next step up would be a Deep Space Transport, or DST. You reduce the amount of cargo in the Fleet Hangar to below 50km3 kep in mind that the Ship Maintenance Hangar of the Bowhead works different than the Fleet Hanger of DSTs. Dazu massig Tank (sofern richtig ausgerüstet) und mit Cloak-MWD-Trick auch in gefährlicheren Gegenden ziemlich überlebensfähig. Jun 1, 2021 · I have a Transport ship I use to move around my small Burner fleet. It’s essentially a ghost window. Blueprint Library. It's got a nice ammo bay that can hold a lot. • +2 mid slots • +5,000m3 Fleet Hangar • Ability to use a medium Micro Jump Drive The mid slots give it the potential to run a decent 30-40k EHP shield tank Nov 30, 2012 · In this image you can see the "fleet" and "corp" buttons next to the Ship Maintenance Bay and Fleet Hangar, which are used to set access permissions on each Additional changes related to this: We're adding a range of new non-compressive containers to the "freight container" line (volumes in m3 are 1k, 5k, 10k, 50k, 250k) The fleet hangar is also useful in mining fleets as the fleet members can be given direct access to this hangar. My question is about the fleet hangar. It has a fairly small cargohold, but instead has a 50,000 m³ Fleet Hangar, which can carry anything including assembled ships. How I can setup bot for move ore to the fleet hangar in case ship ore hold is full? NULLSEC LOWSEC HIGHSEC FLEET COMMANDER Warp Fleet to random asteroid belt. See full list on wiki. Open your fleet hangar from the DST with your 2nd account and wait for the strucutre to die. Easy enough. Feb 16, 2022 · Since we are having these nice changes in the future to orca, porpoise and rorqual. Lock any visible NPC in Overview and activate Target Painter, send drones from all the fleet to attack NPC. In Low and Null Carriers (10,000 m³ Fleet Hangar, 1,000,000 m³ Ship Maintenance Bay) are another option (with Jump Drive capability). New Citizens Q&A. This makes fitting a ship almost always a manual process (main hangar cannot hold all my modules/ammo as each of those cans is sitting at round 800-900 item stacks). These fleet hangars have no divisions and corp roles are irrelevant. Figured this would work… Idea: Revise BLOPS hangers to incorporate a Fleet Hanger. An assembled venture takes up 29,000 m3 of space alone as a frig class ship It has a fairly small cargohold, but instead has a 50,000 m³ Fleet Hangar, which can carry anything including assembled ships. Apr 5, 2018 · EVE Online Forums Moving Product from WH Space. The built for purpose cloaky hauler. The ammo bay is not affected by low slot modules, so you can fit inertial stabilizers (to decrease the time it takes to go into warp), armor/hull mods (to reduce the odds of getting ganked in highsec) and/or a warp core stabilizer (which could save your ass in lowsec). Accomplished either by designating a subset of the main ship hanger or simply making the main ship hanger into a Fleet Hanger. Only once. Your cargo is massive, and you have a fleet hangar, you should be carrying an armor fit, different combat fits, a full tank fit, a full cap fit, a ton of mobile depots and a load of cap charges. 1: cargo extenders ONLY expand your regular cargohold, so not the ore hold, not the mineral hold and definitely not the fleet hangar 2: cargo extenders are low slot modules, not mid slots Reply reply More replies Role Bonuses. Edit: Max range to access fleet hanger is 2,500m. Notably, Transport Ships IV gives 60,000 m³ and allows for transporting 3 packaged industrial ships, 4 battlecruisers or 6 Nov 18, 2024 · While some mobility was lost from the bulkier components, in exchange the Torrent boasts significantly bolstered defenses, an expanded infrastructure hold and a fleet hanger. EVE Forums » EVE Technology and Research Center » Test Server Feedback » Fleet hangars and changes to various settings. With the maximum configuration of cargo expanding modules and rig calibration, the Orca's standard cargo hold can grow to up to approximately 87,000 m3 dependent on skills, but at a significant loss to EHP. The hulk pilot can then access the inventory tree for orca. Sorry about the mis-information. As Cargo Expanders only affect the tiny main cargo hold which is rarely used they are of little use when fitting a DST. Honestly not sure if this idea would be better served in the Little things/QoL thread or in a dedicated one. Fleet Hangar Capacity 40000 ; Orca screenshots. Dec 11, 2023 · ORE logistics cruiser: Welder 25% bonus to Remote Hull Repair amount per level of ORE Hauler 10% reduction in Remote Hull Repair activation cost per level of ORE Hauler 5% bonus to cargo and fleet hangar capacity per level of ORE Hauler role bonus: 430% bonus to Remote Hull Repair optimal range and falloff role bonus: Remote Hull Repair also repairs 1% durability to a random damaged module on Or we could actually use Rorquals fleet hangar to store more cap boosters (in case it gets caught and need to defend itself) when mining using barges with Rorqual boosts. The Orca pilot has to keep asking who is dumping, and he has no way of knowing, if a pilot is dumping every other load of ores into the station instead of the Orca. Last but not least, you can use Giant Secure Containers to increase this another 30%. Nowadays (As of April 2018) it's a serious weapon for the industrial backbone of major nullsec alliances and also sees use as a PvP ship as well, using its high drone damage and capital tank to good effect. 500 m³ Fleet Hangar (in den du alles Mögliche, sogar zusammengebaute Schiffe, stecken kannst) und ~3. Dump your ore directly to ore hold and compress it, without keeping about half of fleet hangar empty. Assets can also be remotely ‘delivered’ to personal hangars before ending a fleet for distributing ammo/mods/ships. g. My two big pet peeves is the 1000 item per hangar/container limit and the inability to fit ships with modules/ammo from containers. The gate towards the HQ is encoded with a confidential security code. A security code is required at the end of the corridor immediately preceding entry to the hangar itself, entered on a keypad next to the door In HighSec the only options to carry assembled ships are Orca (40,000 m³ Fleet Hangar, 400,000 m³ Ship Maintenance Bay) and Bowhead (1,600,000 m³ Ship Maintenance Bay). Feb 4, 2025 · Noctis Balance Pass The Noctis needs a balance pass. Ship classes that can be moved via conduit: Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers, Battlecruisers, and Battleships. Access to these areas is controlled through various means, including use of IDImplants and datapads. "It is now possible to scan all transported items in a ship with a cargo scanner, including items in the fleet hangar, the ship maintenance bay, the drone bay, and various specialized holds. The Advanced components used are also vastly more resistant to spikes in energy, allowing the design to also expand the existing Deep Space Transport overloading benefits . Your new so get a nice Porp to start off with. The Orca is a more powerful mining foreman platform that can fit three command bursts, which can be extended by fitting appropriate rigs. I thought i would suggest another possibly very amazing little feature: If a pilot gets close to another pilots ship that has fleet hangar open to fleet/corp members, it would automatically open if within range? Would that be doable? Fleet hangars: Corporation hangars on capital ships and Orcas have been converted into fleet hangars. Nov 15, 2024 · As with all DSTs, the Fleet Hangar can hold any item (not only ships) and is therefore the main cargo hold when hauling. Trust me, you are already flying the biggest and best fleet support ship in the entire game. My Burner fleet consists of four ships, excluding the Hookbill. The Orca pilot can then move that ore or ice to the mining hold or cargohold, or leave it in the fleet hangar, as space permits. eveuniversity. It can only be expanded by training the Transport Ships skill (to a maximum of 62,500m3 at Level 5). Ship Maintenance Bays are a type of cargo bay that can store assembled ships. But yes, they can access anything that is in that hanger. spooky wooooo. EVE Online and the EVE logo Summary. The hangar you are proposing that BLOPS should have can carry anything and they’re unaffected by fittings so this isn’t a case of fitting a Blops with cargo expanders to Warp your DST to that spot and bring in your 2nd account (preferably something super cheap wiht a lot of tank like a Gnosis full on shield and armor tank). The wonderful sleel rails that glisten brightly reflecting starlight glimmer that run down each side. If the bonus were 30% per level, we would have a 150% bonus on top of base - repair ship - undock - add Anchor Player to Watchlist - warp to the closest Anchor Player in Watchlist - approach Anchor Player using Watchlist - open Anchor Fleet Hangar using Overview - run away if neutral deteced and dock to station/structure - run away if shield is low and dock to station/structure - move mined ore from ship to Anchor Aug 29, 2017 · I’m going to open with this little slice of heaven. As with all DSTs, the Fleet Hangar can hold any item (not only ships) and is therefore the main cargo hold when hauling. The Advanced components used are also vastly more resistant to spikes in energy, allowing the design to also expand the existing Deep Space Transport overloading benefits Sep 17, 2018 · wanting to raise a minor issue and possible solution, recently encountered a ship that was using T2 hawlers with fleet hangars for cap charges, these ships once ejected allowed the pilot to refuel the cap charges and strontium, even though the ship was unpiloted we were not able to kill this ship before the contents were moved. As stated below, you can use a ceptor or something agile to use bookmarks and dscan to "triangulate" the cans. 000 Cargo Hold. I lied, the porpoise only has a 5K fleet hanger and no maintenance bay. However, we must be aware of some other grief/bait techniques being quite restricted by this change. Notes for Industrials Sep 1, 2021 · The items would remain in the hangar for the duration of the fleet, but if they are still at a station when the fleet disbands they go into impound/asset recovery for whomever the last fleet boss is. My question is, what happens when it comes time to deliver a job I have started from the fleet hangar? Fleet Hangars (used to be called "corp hangars") are a type of cargo bay that the pilot can allow other pilots in the fleet or the same corp, access to. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. As long as you fill the Fleet Hangar up to the limit that your skills allow before leaving the ship, the Fleet Hangar will be overloaded however keep all the cargo inside. While some mobility was lost from the bulkier components, in exchange the Torrent boasts significantly bolstered defenses, an expanded infrastructure hold and a fleet hanger. It will show the content of containers in cargo holds as well as fleet hangars. Topic is locked indefinitely. Biscally you click on the orca and open her up when you are within 2500m. Fleet hanger holds 10,000. 1) Can the Orca pilot use the 40k cargo room in the fleet hangar as if it was regular cargo? 2) If 2 people are assigned as people able to use the hangar, do they split the 40k, or do they each get 40k space (in theory, unlimited room)? Apr 11, 2021 · I will caviot this whole thing with I understand you can turn on and off the ability to access your fleet hanger but… If we have the ability to look at our fleets loot history, broadcasting history, combat logs and lossmails which may or may not effect us, why do we not have access to a log of all people who have accessed our fleet hanger which DIRECTLY effects us. The ship boasts four bays; ship maintenance bay that can be used to store assembled ships, a mining hold, a fleet hangar and normal cargo hold. EVE Online – 4 Dec 12 Mostly people just changed how they did fleet mining ops with out of corp miners. Manufacturing A comprehensive database of EVE Online ships, with screenshots. And like that watch the smiles roll in. 5,000 m³ The owner can set the name of the hanger and everyone who has access can also see who else has access to said hanger. Wait for ore in Fleet Hangar, move the ore from Fleet Hangar to Ore Hold and primary ship hangar. Edit (17:03 GMT) Additional bug with reward sharing. It may be worth having a new warning if the fleet hangar is set to allow corp mates or fleet access that another person could take your mission cargo. Is there any way to increase the 2500m range for access in the game? Dec 22, 2015 · Fleet hanger holds 10,000. EVE General Discussion. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Skills Nov 16, 2024 · As with all DSTs, the Fleet Hangar can hold any item (not only ships) and is therefore the main cargo hold when hauling. Approach closest asteroid. I don't quite understand how it works properly. " Is now crossed out. A maintenance bay is where assembled ships would go inside to swap out and I think you can only get those on really big ships because other ships are big etc. Skills Feb 20, 2025 · This is very useful for supporting mining operations, as mining fleetmates can then use the fleet hangar to store mined ore or ice. The regular cargohold adds another 4K or so to that. Deep Space Transports (DST) are the Tech 2 variants of bulk transports a subgroup of the T1 haulers. Go full tank with a cloak and mwd for the cloak-mwd trick. It will not show containers or courier packages themselves just what they contain. Notably, Transport Ships IV gives 60,000 m³ and allows for transporting 3 packaged industrial ships, 4 battlecruisers or 6 Deep Space Transports (DST) are the Tech 2 variants of bulk transports a subgroup of the T1 haulers. Jun 7, 2021 · If you have your fleet hangar/ore hangar compacted and locked (using new locking feature for UI) then reopen it after it’s closed by dragging the name from inventory window onto your screen for the smaller window to stay open, it becomes stuck and cannot move or be interacted with. Not advocating or If you're going alpha and trading ammo, check out the Hoarder. The Fleet Hangar size is increased by the Transport Ships skill to 62,500 m³ (at level 5). I agree that any suspect using (and being allowed to) fleet hangar should give fleet hangar pilot suspect too. Over the years in New Eden I had come to really like the Orca and the sounds it makes when activating sub-warp drives. This central pocket of the complex houses the main hangar area, storing the bulk of the fleet reserves. This hangar is restricted to EVE University Officers and is used to support the operation of EVE University. Aug 30, 2017 · You are proposing that a ship that can enter High Sec and jump to Cynos that don’t appear on the overview should be able to haul volumes of cargo rivaling that of the Blockade Runner. In the line of duty, my Rorqual has been tackled a couple of times and escaped the tackle with the use of heavy neuts and drones. I did find an eve-uni page on the orca that said i am supposed to be able to right click the orca and configure it to allow fleet members access to the fleet hangar but it doesn't show up. And your cargohold is defined per skill mostly with the fleet hangar. DST have a small cargohold instead. The Bustard is the Caldari one, it comes with a large fleet hangar (50km³ without skills) which already allows you to move 20 unassembled frigs. Eg. I tried searching around online and can't really find anything. Hope this helped. Lifs find themselves in both a shield and an armor repair role. Any kind of capital fleet of with a mix of alliances and corps. I get in my carrier and the fleet hanger in now 10,000 m3 instead of 100,000 m3 I hope this is a mistake of the last patch. Nov 16, 2024 · The fleet hangar is also useful in mining fleets as the fleet members can be given direct access to this hangar. FYI: Deep Space Transports (DST) are the smallest ships with a Fleet Hangar, and it is quite large. An Orca has a base capacity of 40k m3 in the fleet hangar (fittings, packaged ships), 400k m3 in the Ship Maintenance Bay (fitted ships), 150k m3 in the mining cargo hold (ore and gas), and 30k m3 in the cargo hold. Jul 9, 2019 · It is now possible to scan all transported items in a ship with a cargo scanner, including items in the fleet hangar, the ship maintenance bay, the drone bay, and various specialized holds. To be honest I haven't undocked a carrier in years. If you move you could sell or move the content of the hangars (or just leave the ships there if you want to use it again in the future, I have ships in more than a few stations and structures myself). The size of the fleet hangar is the same as the old corp hangar and all items are moved from the corp hangar to the fleet hangar at deployment of the patch. For a salvager, it has almost no cargo capacity. There is nothing in the patch notes that suggests that any work on the orca's hanger was intended to be sent live with the patch. Possible additional enhancement. Now I know my Orca inside and how except for one The dst, i use for running scouted trips or around "safe" home, since you're as slow, as a bs, but can easily be as tanky. Adding a small fleet hangar, some more fitting options and maneuverability would bring it up-to-date and give it more versatility. For ships with ship maintenance bay's or fleet hangars like orca / bowhead / carriers etc etc etc, all seem to be standard have to be 2500m or below to be in range to put anything in or take anything out. Can't recall the range. With a heavily tweaked missile interface, targeting arrays of surpassing quality and the most advanced shield systems to be found anywhere, it is considered the strongest long-range installation attacker out there. In order to see the materials a Fleet Hangar Capacity. My question is, what happens when it comes time to deliver a job I have started from the fleet hangar? For containers in a fleet hangar, only the pilot will ever be allowed to open or remove the container; other characters will only be able to drop into the container (with a warning) Fleet hangars will now behave like normal cargo hold when it comes to ship scanners and loot drops (ie, will be scannable, and loot will drop from them) Feb 4, 2025 · Bis zu 62. More on EVE Online Ships. Like bait nergal into hunt ikitursa swap in alts Orca. I think I carry extra fuel and stuff in mine. Jul 30, 2020 · Especially since we now have Frigate Escape Bays on every battleship, the Ship Maintenance Bay on the Nestor serves very little purpose. Hot_Dog_SkyLord (Hot Dog SkyLord) Cargo Capacity 5,000 m³ Fleet Hangar Capacity 50,000 m Summary. Has the ability to swap ships, refit, or place & remove items in orca. It will not show the cargo in or modules fitted to a ship carried by the targeted ship. The Advanced components used are also vastly more resistant to spikes in energy, allowing the design to also expand the existing Deep Space Transport overloading benefits Aug 31, 2017 · The fleet hangar on my Bustard currently holds 52,500 m3, but everyone else in my fleet see’s the fleet hangar as being only 50,000 m3 and it won’t let them place any more than that in there, even though there’s more roo… Oct 26, 2022 · Each structure and station that you can dock in has it’s own fleet hangar. Instantly drag and drop the core with your looting account to the fleet hangar and laugh your ass Hi I recently have the (bad) idea to start skilling the 3rd account, but before doing that I have a question: How many barges does porpoise value… yep - it appears to have been removed from the menu - at least for a non corp player. Jump to: navigation, search Ship Database Fleet Hangar Capacity. The Fleet Hangar is for "assembled ships and random stuff", while the SMH is for "assembled ships only" - if you have e. Nov 16, 2024 · – Chairman Akimaka Saraki. I think the fleet hanger has partitions, so other pilots can store stuff there and keep it secure. The capacity of the fleet hangar. All subsequent times TinyMiner digs ore nonstop even when ore hold is full. A bug whereby dragging PI materials from a customs office doesn't show visually that it has transferred to the fleet hangar. Then you also get a warning every time you leave the station that you are forgetting your mission items because it can’t see them inside of the fleet hangar. It works only the first time when ore hold on my ship is full-on 80% bot move ore to the fleet hangar. The fleet must also have a dedicated The orca pilot right clicks on the fleet hanger or ship maintenance bay and makes it shareable. Actually I can’t move all my Burner fleet of AF as one frig is 30k m3 And at Transport V the max number that will fit is two. As it stands now someone The only downside to the Porpoise when compared to the orca is the cargo space. Sep 28, 2022 · So I have had a number of beautiful Orca hulls and been on many adventures both out on Ice Belts and many Asteroid belts. org FYI: Deep Space Transports (DST) are the smallest ships with a Fleet Hangar, and it is quite large. There might have been some people taking advantage of the corp hanger in ways that CCP didn't like. Blockade runners are immune to cargo scans, however. packaged ships in station in your ship hangar, you can't move them into the Bowhead's SMH. The orca pilot then moves it around to his various cargo/ore bays and make room for more of your tasty tasty ore. For that they have a fleet hangar with a base capacity of 50k m 3 which goes up to 62. This is potentially convenient because I can't start jobs from blueprints in the cargo bay without moving them to a corp or item hangar first, but with bluprints in my fleet hangar I can potentially skip a step. Access Hangar ingress/egress can be reached in station via lifts. For small gang/solo none highsec adventures the Porpoise is 100x better than the orca You can with any ship that has a fleet hanger, you can set the fleet hanger to be open to fleet or corp. 5k with Transport Ships trained to five. The Ninazu is the Gallente Force Auxiliary. This hanger can be seen in its own section in the same area as corp hangers. After that there is a whole lot of nothing and then finally freighters. Three acceleration gates give way to other pockets within the complex, two towards external hangar areas and repair equipment, and one towards the Fleet Headquarters. 5k fleet hanger vs 40k, 500 cargo vs 30k cargo and 50k ore hold vs 180k ore hold. Jul 29, 2020 · The deep space transport (DST) is slower but can be fit with very strong defenses to carry around 60K M3 in its fleet hangar - plus 4-5K M3 in the standard cargo hangar. Like the other Force Auxiliaries, the Ninazu is focused on providing remote repair support to its fleet. Attribute ID: 912; Name: fleetHangarCapacity; Category ID: 40 Jun 25, 2017 · The fleet hangar of a Deep Space Transport will take an assembled frigate I think, but that’s the only case of a ship fitting inside something that’s not a wrap or a ship maintenance bay that I’m aware of. Industrial jobs can't be performed from these hangers The Fleet Hangar is will primarily be treated as a cargohold by another name - which makes the DSTs huge as haulers. was thinking that a solution to this happening would be to make it Nov 14, 2024 · The Archon is capable of generating a Jump Conduit Portal which allows it to instantaneously transport itself and nearby fleet members to a target cynosural beacon. Oct 13, 2017 · The Deep Space Transport is an excellent choice for moving minerals and compressed ore. elitatwo Eve Minions The-Company 972 Apr 14, 2024 · It will show the content of courier contracts placed in a the cargo hold or fleet hangar. Also as a side note please reinstate the hovering over the Jul 3, 2018 · The fleet loot history shows how much each member has mined, but does show who or how much has been dumping into the Orca. Any help will be appreciated, thanks! The miners either all gather around the fleet boosting ship dropping ore directly into the fleet hangar of the boosting ship or they spread around the belt, in which case the fleet booster needs to drag full jettisoned containers to him with a tractor beam and store the mined material in the fleet hangar. They can access your fleet hanger when you're both in space within a certain range from each other. Ship Maintenance Bay: This bay holds 400,000 m³, and can only contain assembled Mar 3, 2025 · Running 4 to 6 distros at once, instead of guessing which item the agent wants, I have to drag all of them to the station inventory so the convo will light up. I therefore suggest to improve the fleet hangar histo Oct 1, 2021 · It recently occurred to me that it is easier to share ships (and anything really) with fleet members outside of a station than within one, so I have a couple proposals: Create an inventory location in stations and structures for fleet members. You re-board the Deep Space Transport B. As such, they are meant to haul relatively bulky goods. Nov 16, 2024 · With Minmatar Carrier to V and decent fleet armor command bursts, the Lif has the ability to cycle armor repairers once every 2 seconds, for unparalleled subcapital logistics power. Warp into the anom, sit on the biggest and lowest value rock like gneiss or spod, open the fleet hangar, flip on the boosts, boot up the icore. Someone in the fleet being able to take stuff from your titan/carrier/etc corp hanger without While some mobility was lost from the bulkier components, in exchange the Torrent boasts significantly bolstered defenses, an expanded infrastructure hold and a fleet hanger. Dogma attribute. Gankers shouldn't be able to get away with loot/avoiding mechanics so easily. Open the fleet hanger and a "loot box" should show up. The fleet hanger is not “specialized” - it will hold up to 62,500 M3 of whatever you want to put in it. You just won't be able to put anything back in until either: A. Items can not be contracted or sold out of these hangers, they are storage only and for sharing. This can take forever, but eventually you may end up with them on grid with you and you can simply warp to them (I've done it three times, each with no less than 80 bookmarks). The advantage of such a bay, specifically for the DSTs, is that it is unexpandable with entirely removes the pressure on tanking slots for the armour versions. Currently Transport bonus is 5% per level on hangar fleet. Make its 5000 m3 size a Fleet Hangar, thereby further strengthening its role as a support Battleship for prolonged stays in outer space. Then anyone can open the hanger and take or insert items to your ship. Just going off memory. The access rules to the ship maintenance bay (SMB) and fleet hangar have also changed: It is always possible to use the fitting service of the SMB of a corp member and a fleet member From EVE University Wiki. The Ninazu is unique in that while it relies on capital-sized armor repairers for its own tank, it can provide both shield and armor repairs to a fleet. Notable ships being Proposis, Orca and Rorqual. The Orca can also be used as a hauler with a 40K M3 fleet hanger and a standard cargo hold that starts at 30K M3 and can get a lot bigger with skills and fitting choices. xlgptj tvumq qkyj gqns gmhbvv npq tzgyc ccwodgm ujalseph ujycsr swxkly qzpe tvcfdmd hlegnzn mzr