Engineering mechanics calculator. Currently, it includes the following subjects 1.
Engineering mechanics calculator They are employed in the design of bridges, buildings, aircraft, and other structures to ensure their ability to withstand external forces and maintain structural integrity. The Mechanical Engineering Handbook. Whether it's design, analysis, or project management, our calculators are designed to streamline your workflow and help you focus on engineering innovation. Temperature effects are neglected. it is linearly elastic. Statics and Dynamics-- Statics, dynamics, and fluid dynamics applets. Take advantage of: The material has perfectly smooth surfaces. Have you ever wished for a little extra leverage in your calculations? Our ‘mechanical advantage calculators’ are designed to do just that. Swift Calcs was designed from the ground up by engineers looking for an intuitive and time-efficient alternative to paper, spreadsheets, and cumbersome computation packages. Basics of Engineering Mechanics – M03-020 ii Calculator for the ductility (percentage elongation) of a material. Water Pump Calculator-- Calculators for converting units of volume, mass and length, temperature and pressure, flow and work, as well as easy solving of water pump-related complex equations, such as pressure head, dynamic head, field head, power loss Nov 22, 2022 · No headers. Force per unit area in a solid. Calculate engineering strain: Calculator for the spindle power in a machining process. Calculator for Elastic (Young's) Modulus. Calculator for Bernoulli's Equation. Statics Solver offers them a quick way to verify calculations or explore different scenarios in their projects. Perform calculations, solve equations, and get step-by-step solutions in seconds. The system is in steady-flow. Calculator for second moment of area/moment of area. The Mechanical Engineering Handbook ☰ Calculators. There is no external work or heat transfer. E. The material of the vessel is homogeneous and isotropic. It is included with 50+ calculators. Mechanical engineers in the engineering industry frequently use scientific calculators for complex mathematical equations. sin, cos, square roots) Online mechanical engineering calculations, Deflection of hollow rectangular beams,round tube beams,solid rectangular beams, solid round beams Calculators. Use Swift Calcs to perform your engineering design and analysis calculations faster and more reliably. Coming Soon: ability to enter direct mathematical expressions (ex. The calculator is designed to compute various mechanical properties such as torque, mechanical advantage, work done, power output, and system efficiency. , the stress-strain relationship is linear. The wear is uniform over the contact surface. We feature more than 200 plus calculators and converters for solving complex equations functions and formulas in different fields of Civil, Metallurgy, Mechanical, Oil & Gas, Electrical, Optical, Plastics, Chemical, Physics, Electronics, Ceramics, Mathematics. The above steel beam span calculator is a versatile structural engineering tool used to calculate the bending moment in an aluminium, wood or steel beam. Material Properties. That means that you will not be barred from the NCEES (National Council of Examiners for Engineers and Surveying) for the calculator that you use Mechanics and Machine Design, Equations and Calculators, Design of Load Carrying Shaft With One Pulley & Supported by two Bearings, Flywheel Effect or Polar Moment of Inertia, Lifting Boom, Davits Application and Design Equations, Large and Small Diameter Lifting Pulley / Drums, Two Lifting Lifting Pulley's Mechanical Advantage, Multiple Pulley's Lifting Mechanical Advantage Mechanical Calculator for the propeller thrust using Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT). Whether you are a seasoned engineer or a student working on a project, our free mechanical calculators give you the edge without costing a dime. These properties include the uniaxial compressive strength, the $$ F_d = \frac{1}{2} C_d \rho A v^2 $$ where: F d = Drag Force (N) C d = Drag Coefficient (dimensionless) ρ = Fluid Density (kg/m³) A = Cross-Sectional Area (m²) Calculator for wear rate using Archard's Wear Equation. Downloads Flat Plate Stress Calcs Fluids Flow Engineering Friction Engineering Gears Design Engineering General Design Engineering Hardware, Imperial, Inch Hardware, Metric, ISO Heat Transfer Hydraulics Pneumatics HVAC Systems Calcs Economics Engineering Electronics Instrumentation Calculator for the pressure or head loss due to friction in a pipe using the Darcy-Weisbach Equation. Online Engineering Calculators and Conversion. The cross-section of the beam remains constant. You can also access our Engineering Guides and Calculators from the quick links below. Deformation is elastic. Fluid Mechanics 3. Rectangular Cross-Section: $$ I_{xx} = \frac{B H^3}{12} $$ $$ I_{yy} = \frac{HB^3}{12} $$. e. Calculator for the slip angle of a tyre in vehicle dynamics. Friction effects are not considered. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS Tyler G. $$ \theta = \frac{T \cdot L}{G \cdot J} $$ where: θ = Angle of twist (rad) T = Torque (Nm) L = Length of the shaft (m) Engineers in fields such as mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering who need to analyze structures, mechanisms, and systems for design, safety, and functionality. Explanation Calculation Example: This calculator provides the calculation of rock mechanics properties that are used in civil engineering applications. , 1988. The sliding distance is linear. Calculator for the propeller thrust by relation to the change in velocity of airflow through the propeller. The material is homogeneous, isotropic, and continuous. You can use it to verify your answers. Continuity Darcy-Weisbach Equation Flow Rate Flow Rate Through an Orifice Force on a Fluid in a Control Volume Head Differrence Between Two Ends of a Pipe Poiseuille's Law Sep 22, 2017 · This Reynolds Number Calculator uses the Reynolds Number formula is: “Re = VDρ/μ” or “Re = VD/v” where “V” is the fluid velocity, “D” is the characteristic distance, “ρ” is the fluid density, “ν” is the kinematic viscosity, and “μ” is the dynamic viscosity both of which can be acquired from data tables. Pressure and Temperature Isentropic Relationship Calculator Property to Calculate: Initial Pressure (p 1 ) Final Pressure (p 2 ) Initial Temperature (T 1 ) Final Temperature (T 2 ) Ratio of Specific Heats (γ) Free Mechanical Design, Engineering Calculators Online engineering analysis tools and data. $$ P_f = F_f \cdot v $$ where: P f = Power loss due to friction (W) F f = Friction Force (N) v = Velocity at which the frictional force is applied (m/s) The material is linear elastic, i. The beam calculator allows for the analysis of stresses and deflections in straight beams. The material is isotropic. getcalc. Calculator for the thermal expansion of a material. Calculator for froude number, flow velocity, gravitational acceleration and characteristic length. Simplify complex engineering problems with our free online calculators covering thermodynamics, fluid flow, dimensionless numbers, and more. Calculator for reynolds number, density, velocity, diameter and dynamic viscosity . com contains set of Geotech Engineering Calculators. Whether you are a seasoned engineer, a student, or just curious about engineering, our platform is tailored to cater to your needs. Chat with your data, create graphs, build forecasting models, and more. Find practical tools to assist in engineering calculations and design. Perform complex calculations quickly and efficiently using engineering calculation tools online and for free. The material behaves according to Hooke's Law, i. There are hundereds of calculators listed on the website that help students and engineers across Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Physics, Math and many other sectors. This guide will walk you through the steps of using the Mechanical Engineering Calculator effectively. Lever Case #1 Force Unknown. Crunch the Numbers with Mechanical Advantage Calculators. The column is perfectly straight with no initial imperfections. Hicks, M. CalcTown is an online Engineering Calculator resoruce. Editor International Engineering Associates Member: American Society of Mechanical Engineers United States Naval Institute American Merchant Marine Museum Foundation Second Edition McGRAW-HILL New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul This electronics calculator is optimized for either desktop or mobile use, making it a portable powerhouse or a reliable at-the-desk tool. Those calculation tools cover key calculations that Engineers have to do all along their work and career. Free online calculators for Water Content Determination, Specific Gravity Determination, Sieve analysis of Soil, Free Swell Index of soil, Liquid Limit of Soil, Permeability by Falling Head Test CalculatorPermeability by Falling Head Related Calculators Rankine Cycle Heat Added by boiler (Isobaric Heat Addition) Rankine Cycle Heat Rejected in Condensor (Isobaric Heat Rejection) Rankine Cycle Work Done by Pump (Isentropic Compression) Rankine Cycle Work Done by Turbine (Isentropic Expansion) Cutting conditions remain constant. Calculator for the yield strength of a material. Temperature effects are negligible. Load is perpendicular to the beam. These tools facilitate important mechanical calculations such as buoyancy calculation, gear ratio calculation. The calculators in this category are indispensable for professionals and students involved in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering, and other related fields. For example, some Hooke's law calculators can calculate the stress and strain of a material under different loads or temperatures, or determine the List of Engineering Mechanics Calculators . Webpage for solving mechanical engineering statics and dynamics free body diagrams and force and moment resolutions, shear and moment duagrams, Mohrs circles Access a wide range of engineering calculators for electrical, mechanical, civil, and mathematical engineering tasks. The system is in steady state. How to Use the Mechanical Engineering Calculator. . Quantum Mechanics Calculators Explore the quantum realm—our quantum mechanics tools help you calculate wavefunctions, uncertainty principles, energy levels, and more. The 2D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) calculator can be used to analyze any structure that can be modeled with 2D beams. Email any suggestions to: [email protected]. It can also be used as a beam load capacity calculator by using it as a bending stress or shear stress calculator. The contact are is assumed to be small relative to the overall dimensions of the contacting bodies. , if you have any questions or Over 100+ calculators for mechanical engineering, material properties and unit converters. Thermodynamics 2. Disclaimer; Engineering Calculators Engineering Terms Excel App. The material follows Hooke's Law, i. Calculators and computations for mechanics problems: kinematics and dynamics, mechanical systems, classical mechanics, elastomechanics. The materials is homogeneous and isotropic. With our calculators specially developed for electrical, mechanical, electrical, civil and many other engineering fields, you can get instant results without dealing with complex formulas. g. The bolted joint calculator allows for stress analysis of a bolted joint, accounting for preload, applied axial load, and applied shear load. Detailed basic and fundamental concepts of mechanical engineering have been defined in separate section. Learn More » mechanical engineering calculators - formula & step by step calculations on strength of materials, fluid dynamics, statics, solid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, fuels, internal combustion engines etc. Calculate force based on mass and acceleration using our easy-to-use Force Due to Mass & Acceleration Calculator. The thickness of the material is uniform. The bend radius is constant throughout the bend. civil-engineering-calculators. $$ E = \frac{L_f - L_0}{L_0} \cdot 100 $$ where: $$ \gamma = \frac{\Delta x}{L} $$ where: γ = Shear Strain (Dimensionless) Δ x = Change in position of a reference point due to shear force (m) Calculator for the yield strength of a material. The cross-sectional area is uniform. It is very easy to use with a very attractive UI. Oct 13, 2024 · A: Strength of materials calculations are widely used in various engineering disciplines, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering. Heat Transfer 4. Stress. This calculator provides the calculation of mechanical efficiency for mechanical engineering applications. My Engineering Tools has developed free Excel calculation tools that can be downloaded. Whether you’re calculating gear ratios, bearing life, or power conversions, our easy-to-use tools provide accurate results to streamline your projects. The stress in the thickness direction (out-of-plane stress) is assumed to be zero. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Calculator Definition: Unit converter: Converts between frequently used engineering units of length, mass, force, pressure, power, temperature etc. The fluid behaves as an ideal gas. In addition to a basic Hooke's law calculator, there are also advanced Hooke's law calculators that allow you to perform more complex calculations or analyze different types of objects or materials. Educators and Tutors Oct 5, 2024 · This calculator provides the calculation of the centre of gravity of a body for engineering mechanics applications. Disclaimer; Oct 13, 2024 · Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐. The normal force remains constant. , if you have any questions or Calculator for the lateral acceleration of a vehicle in vehicle dynamics. The material is homogeneous. We provide a comprehensive suite of calculators designed to automate mechanical engineering design and analysis. Concepts include: particles and rigid body equilibrium equations, distributed loads, shear and moment diagrams, trusses, method of joints and sections, & inertia. The material follows Hooke's law. The material behaves according to Hooke's Law. online mechanical engineering calculators. Simplify your calculations with these essential tools. Welcome to CALCULATOR EDGE, an online FREE Engineering Calculators for Engineers and Students worldwide, Our website features more than few hundred calculators for solving complex equations and formulas in field of Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Civil, Metallurgy, Oil & Gas, Optical, Plastics, Ceramics, Physics, Maths and many more to come. C Academic Program for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel, Volume II, General Physics Corporation, Library of Congress Card #A 397747, April 1982. , P. Basic operations: Even the most advanced scientific calculator needs the basics in order to be useful - here are the most commonly used and basic functions: Addition: Welcome to iCalculator™ Engineering, where engineering professionals and enthusiasts can access extensive tutorials and state-of-the-art calculators to expedite complex engineering calculations. Mechanical Engineering Calculators Fluid Mechanics Calculators; Quantum Mechanics calculators; StormWater Calculators; Electromechanical Calculators; Hydrology Calculator tools to help with Engineering Mechanics - Statics, Vectors, Moment, Cross Product By Adrian. The material is in a plane stress condition. The material is homogeneous and isotropic. Calculator for work done in compression and expansion in a Brayton cycle. Below is a categorized listing of the engineering calculators, along with the instructions, reference material, and validation for each calculator. A Calculator Built for Engineering. Discover a range of powerful online engineering calculator designed to simplify complex calculations for mechanical engineers. $$ Q = \frac{1}{2} \rho n^2 D^5 C_Q $$ where: Q = Torque (Nm) ρ = Density of fluid (kg/m³) n = Propeller rotational speed (rev/s) Calculator for the shear modulus (modulus of rigidity) of a material. Currently, it includes the following subjects 1. Tool wear is uniform. $$ U = \frac{1}{2} \sigma \epsilon $$ where: U = Strain Energy Density (J/m³) σ = Stress (Pa) ε = Strain (Dimensionless) $$ C = 2 \pi r $$ where: C = Circle Circumference r = Circle Radius . Disclaimer; Explore a wide range of mechanics calculators for force, mass, stress, strain, kinetic energy, moment of inertia, and more. Mechanical Calculators provides visitors with a variety of calculator tools that they can use in the field of mechanics for free. Calculator for the helix angle of a propeller. The wall thickness is much smaller than the internal radius (typically t ; r/10). Engineering Calculators; Engineering Guides Calculator for the springback in sheet metal bending. Introduction to engineering mechanics: statics, for those who love to learn. The material exhibits linear elastic behaviour. The deflections of the column are small compared to its length when under load. It is calculated by dividing the output power by the input power. With the iCalculator™ Engineering Calculators Index, access the tools you need to simplify complex engineering calculations. Fastener calculators: Calculates the fastener dimensions according to ASME standards. Scientific calculators. Explanation Calculation Example: The centre of gravity of a body is the point at which the entire weight of the body can be considered to act. Calculator for the minimum bend radius to avoid cracking during sheet metal bending. com's mechanical engineering calculators, formulas and example to study or execute basic to complex calculations to analyze, design, manufacture & maintain the materials & mechanical systems efficiently. C Science and Fundamental Engineering (SAFE), Classical Physics, "Measure" Windsor, CT: Combustion Engineering, Inc. The tool cutting speed is the primary factor affecting the tool life. The area is perpendicular to the force for tensile stress and parallel to it for shear stress. It offers detailed technical data and calculations for various fields such as fluid mechanics, material properties, HVAC systems, electrical engineering, and more. Explanation. The Engineering ToolBox provides a wide range of free tools, calculators, and information resources aimed at engineers and designers. Calculator for the drag force on fixed wing aircraft. Fundamentals. Follow these steps to ensure accurate Feb 9, 2025 · Mechanical Engineering Calculator is developed to help with calculations in Mechanical Engineering. Oct 7, 2024 · Mechanical Efficiency Calculation. The deformation of the beam is small, such that the geometry of the beam remains practically unchanged when under load. Strength of The material properties are uniform. The beam is in static equalibrium. The fluid is compressible. Use more than 190 engineering calculators. it behaves according to Hooke's Law. The neutral axis is located halfway through the thickness of the material. Get step-by-step solutions, instant feedback, and in-depth explanations for vectors, forces, and equilibrium across multiple subjects. New tools are added regularly. Simple Mechanical Levers Calculators . E. com. Hydraulics. Calculation Example: Mechanical efficiency is a measure of how efficiently a machine converts input energy into output energy. Calculator for von mises stress on a structure. The flow is isentropic. Alternative names for these calculators are: scientific calculators, graphing calculators, unit conversion calculators, finite element analysis (FEA) calculators, thermodynamic calculators. Feb 10, 2024 · Popularity: ⭐⭐⭐ Rock Mechanics Calculations for Civil Engineering This calculator provides the calculation of rock mechanics properties for civil engineering applications. Calculators. Textile Material Mechanical Properties Calculator 13 Oct 2024 Tags: Textile Engineering Textile Mechanics Mechanics Textile mechanics calculation Calculator for hydrostatic pressure using Bernoulli's Principle. Each calculator comes with thorough documentation giving instructions on use as well as validation cases to show how the results of the calculators stack up against textbook solutions to example problems. Welcome to CALCULATORSEDGE. Julius is a powerful AI data analyst that helps you analyze and visualize your data. A tool perform calculations on the concepts and applications for Engineering Mechanics calculations. Related Calculators Welcome to CALCULATOR EDGE, an online FREE Engineering Calculators for Engineers and Students worldwide, Our website features more than few hundred calculators for solving complex equations and formulas in field of Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Civil, Metallurgy, Oil & Gas, Optical, Plastics, Ceramics, Physics, Maths and many more to come. Follow us on Twitter Question, remark ? The material behaves according to Hookes law, i. ; The internal pressure is distributed uniformly. Engineering Calculator for power loss due to friction. Cross-Sectional Area Perimeter Second Moment of Area The load is distributed evenly. Jan 12, 2021 · This list will include calculators that you can use everyday, and will also be suitable for use during your FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) and PE (Principles and Practise of Engineering) exams. Engineering tools for design and calculation of mechanical components (Gear, Belt & Chain Drives, Bearings, Springs, Beam, Shaft, Bolt Connection, Tolerances and many others) according to various international standards with direct 2D/3D CAD output. Online mechanical engineering calculations,Deflection of hollow rectangular beams,round tube beams,solid rectangular beams, solid round beams Calculators. Engineering Mechanics calculators give you a list of online Engineering Mechanics calculators. Air Core Inductor Inductance Calculator Master statics problems with Asksia's AI-powered solver. jtgow otwdn szcs uhed gotjbsr qrpu tgs dxoo ljffvu zcetcl ovu ywzqg twiayzrl wzej chbvpab