Elm usps discipline Leave postal employment during the 12-Month Eligibility Period; and c. Judicial proceedings — any actions, suits, or other proceedings of a judicial nature but not including administrative proceedings such as National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) hearings and hearings conducted in accordance with 650, Nonbargaining Disciplinary, Grievance, and Appeal Procedures. 22 Unexcused Tardiness. Department of Labor Form CA-5, Claim for Compensation by Widow, Widower, and/or Children, or CA-6, Official Superior’s Report of Employee’s Death, is generated from EHS and submitted to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP). Postal Service, 281 NLRB No. 1 Essential Features. Too often management imposes discipline using select rules and dictates, such as, three (3) absences in 90 days requires discipline. Effective August 6, 2015, Handbook EL-921, Supervisor’s Guide to Handling Grievances, is available online and in print. “Rules” 1. 650 Nonbargaining Disciplinary, Grievance, and Appeal Dec 3, 2002 · DISCIPLINE TRACKING Only modified discipline (not original) may be cited Expunged discipline may not be cited Expunged discipline may not be relied upon during the grievance procedure Discipline which has not yet been adjudicated should not be relied upon National Award, Arbitrator Fasser, Case No. Credit union business cannot be conducted from any post office service window. Discuss attendance records with individual employees when warranted. 22 Back pay is allowed, unless otherwise specified in the appropriate award or Revision: Sick Leave for Dependent Care (From Postal Bulletin 10-27-05) Effective October 27, 2005, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 513. 721). During times of civil disorders in communities, the postmaster or installation head determines whether conditions are such that postal operations are curtailed or terminated, taking into account the needs of the service, local conditions, and the welfare of postal employees. -- As well as ELM's Section 651. MC-S-0874-D, June 18, 1977 USPS v. To save ELM 55 locally on your computer, download this zipped file (7. 43 states that employees Feb 19, 2025 · My January Postal Supervisor column focused on EAS-17-and-below employees having the right to file a grievance under Section 652. 32 and ELM 812. This part contains rules of conduct for the employees of the Postal Service. The objective of the Motor Vehicle Safety Program is to comply with applicable U. Jump to page content All changes published in the Postal Bulletin are effective immediately. 31 Allegations of reprisal for the release of information as set forth in ELM 666. 12 Explanation of Terms. 1 General Information on Policies. All benefits accrue to employees during an FMLA absence pursuant to the applicable provision of the ELM. You may order printed copies from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) using either: ELM Revision: Job Evaluation. 1, Purpose, and 513. The Eagan ASC furnishes the agency gaining the employee with SF 1150. If the decision is to effect the adverse action or to modify it to a lesser penalty, the employee’s appeal rights, including Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) appeal rights, if applicable, are § 447. Read more. Representatives designated by employees, if postal employees and if otherwise in a duty status, are granted a reasonable amount of official time to respond to notices of proposed disciplinary action, to prepare for and represent the employee at a hearing held in accordance with 652. 24, and/or to represent an employee who has appealed a letter Failure to be regular in attendance may result in disciplinary action, including removal from the Postal Service. Death of a Postal Service employee on Postal Service premises or on the job. 6 MB; 12 MB unzipped), which contains all ELM 55 PDF files. The supervisor must discuss job performance with each employee. ) When necessary, the Postal Service collects for used but unearned leave (see 512. 138 (1986); and U. 3 requires all postal employees to cooperate with postal investigations, the Postal Service may take disciplinary action against an employee when he or she fails to cooperate during a normal investigatory interview that does not cross the threshold into a criminal investiga-tion. But what is the process for EAS-18-and- above employees who are the subject of postal policy violations that result in negative impacts administratively Revision: Sick Leave for Dependent Care (From Postal Bulletin 10-27-05) Effective October 27, 2005, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 513. Overall ELM Revisions The entire ELM is reformatted, with changes in typographical treatment where necessary, for ease of use for printing and online viewing New Jersey State Postal Workers Union Leroy Moyer Clerk Craft Director, Lehigh Valley Area Local APWU Past President, Pennsylvania State Postal Workers Union Bob Pitchalonis Clerk Craft Director, Pennsylvania State Postal Workers Union Past Clerk Craft Director, Philadelphia BMC Local APWU THEY HAVE MADE THE DIFFERENCE. ) 365. Effective January 18, 2018, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Chapter 2 and section 443. 22, and 436. 665. The following definitions apply for the purposes of 516. Leave regulations are set forth in Parts 510 and 665 of the ELM. The Postal Service’s online application system, eCareer, adds claimed preference points to examination ratings as required by the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944, as amended, or arranges the applicants in rank order by veterans’ preference claim status (see 441). Nov 12, 2022 · APWU—Handbook EL-912, “Agreement between United States Postal Service and National Postal Workers Union,” and the Joint Contract Interpretation Manual (JCIM). situated so that it is unnecessary to enter the postal workroom. Defenses to Discipline . Unzip the files into a directory. . 15 Contents Index ELM 17. Participation in mediation by an appellant is voluntary. 1 Definitions 417. 1 and Discipline for Cause may contact Regional Coordinator Omar Gonzalez at (650) 685-7402 or email ogonzalez@apwu. POSTAL SERVICE November 17, 2021 Mr. b. 4 ( and beyond ) - Emergency Placement in Off-Duty Status-- Discipline should be progressive and corrective in nature. Failure to be regular in attendance may result in disciplinary action, including removal from the postal service. 1 Waiver of Compensation Rights. The Postal RecordAugust 2020 45 L etter carriers who are preference-eligible employees, as defined by the Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944, have additional protections when the Postal Service initiates disci-plinary action. Far too often, managers ignore or misapply those rules. 1 Objective. B. n Section 651. U. 519. Postal Service links USPS. These provisions allow the Postal Service to take quick action in ameliorating any potential hazard to PO-101: Postal Service Operated Retail Facilities Discontinuance Guide - Oct 2012; PO-106: Automated Postal Center Program - Nov 2007; PO-120: Post Office Express Administrative Guide - June 2008 disciplinary action, up to and including removal. 32 Maximum Hours Allowed Except as designated in labor agreements for bargaining unit employees or in emergency situations as determined by the postmaster general (or designee), employees may not be required to work more than 12 hours in 1 service day. Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) * * * * * 6 Employee Relations * * * * * 660 Conduct USPS Handbooks and Manuals; AFL-CIO Affiliation; Dues, Mailing Lists & Membership; Election of Union Officers; Financial Issues for Local, State Union Officers; Postal Service officials who are involved in the proceedings described in 695 and 696 must make every effort to process claims and/or appeals in a timely manner. No absolute rules for taking discipline; only guidelines # There are no absolute rules for taking discipline, only guidelines for the exercise of judgment. WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. Just because the discipline was fully discussed at the time of issuance is no reason for the supervisor to breeze through Step 1 with a quick, "Grievance Denied. 42, Management Responsibilities, reads: “To control unscheduled absences, postal officials: a. 4 of the USPS Employee Labor Relations Manual (ELM). 1 through 53 are available on both the Postal Service PolicyNet website and at https:// Interest is paid automatically for arbitration decisions related to disciplinary suspension or removal for employees represented by the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) for cases heard after February 20, 1991, and for employees represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) for cases heard after June 12, 1991. Availability The ELM is available online and updated periodically; however, all ELM changes that are published in the Postal Bulletin are effective immediately. Effective Nov. Internal procedures set forth in the Postal Service Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) § 650, Nonbargaining Disciplinary, Grievance, and Appeal Procedures. Disciplinary Grievances Once the discipline has been initiated, the employee or the union may grieve the discipline within the time limits specified in Article 15. In the left-hand column, under IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. 11 Temporary Assignment. ” Sep 19, 2024 · In article “Handbook EL-802 Revision: Executives’ and Managers’ Safety and Health Program and Compliance Guide,” published in the September 8, 2022, Postal Bulletin (22606), the Postal Service™ announced that Handbook EL–802, Executives’ and Managers’ Safety and Health Program and Compliance Guide, would be revised and published contents reflect current postal directives contained in the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), which should be cited as the authoritative reference for attendance regulations. 512. A temporary assignment is the placement of a career employee in another established position which is vacant, or from which the incumbent is absent from duty, to perform duties and responsibilities other than those specifically set forth in the employee’s position All changes published in the Postal Bulletin are effective immediately. Pursuant to the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Articles 3,5,10,19 management must comply with the leave regulations outlined in Chapter 510 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). discipline cases. 15, July 20, 2006 677 by a branch manager or above. 32 and an Article 19 grievance for failure to follow ELM 432. 9 Family Leave Poster. + If at all possible, prior to discipline 666. Butts: As a matter of general interest, the Postal Service intends to revise Section 662. Although the Postal Service will not publish . If the tardiness is not excused, appropriate disciplinary action, in addition to leave charge, may be taken. ELM National Agreement Local Memorandum Of Understanding Policies District & Plants SOPs District & Plants. Dealing With the Office of Inspector General and Postal Inspectors If questioned by an Office of Inspector General (OIG) agent or postal inspector, you should: When correctly applied, both section 651. 4 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). my receipt of an applicable disciplinary action to the ELM 650 Mediation Facilitator, Manager EEO Compliance and Appeals, located in my region. (continued on page 2) When correctly applied, both section 651. 18, raised by any Postal Service employee, should be addressed to: UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL HOTLINE 1735 N LYNN ST ARLINGTON VA 22209–2005 C. C. 4 of the ELM and article 16. com Effective August 2, 2018, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) to update the designated Step 1 official for appeals of adverse actions as follows: n For headquarters, headquarters field units, and field employees, the vice president, Labor Relations or designee is the Step 1 official. ELM 13, June 1998 Subchapter 650, Page iii Summary of Changes for Subchapter 650 Note that changes are cumulative. For EAS employees, there are no CBAs. 29, international mail service to Canada is temporarily suspended, due to the strike of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. •Copy of Discipline Issued •Copies of any live Discipline (LOW, LOW 7/14, Adverse Action) •Get signed witness statements •Get signed written statement from member. Providing the field with the latest time and attendance instructions for rural 940 Employee Assistance Program 941 Introduction 941. The employee may apply for reinstatement under Handbook EL-312, section 233. -- Grieve any discipline. Sign up newly promoted EAS as soon as possible – NAPS Form 1187. 8 to reflect the Postal Service establishing the Postal Service Health Benefits Education Program (PSHBEP), as required under the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022. The task of the Steward is to challenge the basis for the discipline. This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. To ensure that every citizen can have complete confidence in the integrity of the federal government, each federal employee, including each postal employee, must respect and adhere to the principles of ethical conduct set forth in 5 CFR 2635, 5 CFR 7001, and 39 CFR 447. 1 through 54 are available on both the Postal Service PolicyNet website and at https:// Handbooks Handbook EL-921 is Now Available. 1 Purpose 941. At our last USPS-NAPS consultative session on July 27, 2020, USPS noted that these operational changes were not subject to USPS-NAPS consultation because they fell within the scope of existing policies and rules, even if outside the norm of past practice. . Discipline for Misconduct 10/2002 C - 1 C. LWOP may be granted upon the employee’s request and covers only those hours that the employee would normally work or for which the employee would normally be paid. Oct 5, 2023 · On March 31, 2024, the Postal Service™ will revise the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), part 520, by adding new section 521. Postal Service policies on diversity, equal employment opportunity, and prevention of employment and workplace harassment can be found on PolicyNet under Memorandums of Policy (MOP). The guide summarizes more than 40 years of NALC experience with a comprehensive range of subjects related to discipline. Postal Service operational approaches and surrounding developments. 11 General. 32, Conditions for Authorization, are revised to differentiate sick leave taken for employee incapacitation from sick leave taken for dependent care, and then to clarify that leave taken for care of a qualifying family member practices and Postal Service safety rules is a primary responsibility of all Postal Service employees. 26, to amend the regulations concerning the possession and consumption of intoxicating beverages. 1. # Evaluate each case on its own fact situation. 1 Laws Referenced in This Manual. 32, Conditions for Authorization, are revised to differentiate sick leave taken for employee incapacitation from sick leave taken for dependent care, and then to clarify that leave taken for care of a qualifying family member, after a maximum of 80 hours of sick leave, will be charged to annual leave Feb 10, 2019 · Punkie5 -- "What are the steps in discipline? "-- Check out Article 16 of the contract. 63 Pay Computation. The following definitions apply for the purposes of 514:. Time and Attendance Letter Handbook F-21 August 2009 Transmittal Letter 38 A. Effective March 31, 2022, the Postal Service™ will revise the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), section 662. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a formal, voluntary, non-disciplinary program designed to assist employees and their immediate families in their efforts to resolve personal issues that may impact adversely on work performance, personal well-being, or both. Disciplinary Defense Fund (DDF) is available 90-days after an EAS employees joins NAPS, unless joins The issue in this grievance involves the proper interpretation of back pay provisions contained in Section 436 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM). When discipline is issued, it is meant to be corrective—not punitive—in Apr 20, 2023 · The Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Section 511. As a result of the discussion, it was mutually agreed that ELM Sections 436. No. The ELM says (emphasis mine) "432. Explanation. Employees are required to comply with the regulations in this part, and violations of the regulations may be cause for disciplinary action. 1, Scope, restructuring the paragraph into a list and stating that Office of Inspector General (OIG) employees are excluded from the ELM 650 Nonbargaining Disciplinary, Grievance, and Appeal process and are covered The Postal Service supports the use of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process of mediation to address employee appeals relating to nonbargaining disciplinary actions. Postal Service, 201 N. -- As well as the contents of the M-38 ( Management of Rural Delivery Services ) Too often management imposes discipline using select rules and dictates, such as, three (3) absences in 90 days requires discipline. If you wish to see versions of the ELM that were previously posted on this page, click on ELM Archives. This is the member’s discipline -- they need to tell their story. 3 isn’t working and a postal leader elects to issue an EAS employee discipline to correct their behavior. After being notified, the employee is separated from Postal Service rolls administratively. " Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Chapter 510. ELM issues 12. IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. 1 Publication. The laws mentioned in this manual are listed for information only. Effective June 26, 2014, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) subchapter 650 to update:. Veterans’ preference is granted to eligible applicants for Postal Service employment. Under the Article 19 Handbooks and Manual contract provision, in ELM Chap 6 Code of Conduct, employees are required to be regular in attendance. 425 would be revised to read as follows: 436. Hell, get the OSHA and OIG involved. That is the mission of the Union in all discipline cases. 7 of the CBA are interim protective measures immediately enacted to safeguard postal operations and ensure employee safety. ELM Revision: Intoxicating Beverages. " a. This is not an adverse or disciplinary action and does not bar future federal employment. ELM 511. If you are required to take IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. All postal facilities, including stations and branches, are required to conspicuously display WHD Publication 1420, Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Department of Transportation regulations; require safe driving; and reduce potential losses, human suffering, and property damage, while maintaining the efficient delivery and collection of mail. 11 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Ethics Advice. Nov 15, 2018 · However, ELM 511. 1 Outstanding Performance. 3 Employees With Credit Union Duties Postal personnel who are employees, officers, officials, or board members of employee credit unions are not entitled to Postal Service compensation for Form 1767 for being ordered to violate ELM 432. Began employment with the Postal Service on or after November 5, 2016; b. 6 Disciplinary Action “Postal officials may take appropriate disciplinary measures to correct violations of the regulations referred to in 665. LWOP is an authorized absence from duty in a nonpay status. 32, Conditions for Authorization, are revised to differentiate sick leave taken for employee incapacitation from sick leave taken for dependent care, and then to clarify that leave taken for care of a qualifying family member C. Employees at Postal Service Headquarters and Headquarters Filed Units and employees of the Inspection Service should notify the ELM 650 Facilitator at Postal Service Headquarters. 1. All employees, bargaining and non-bargaining, 516. Nothing in this manual constitutes an interpretation or construction of these laws which might be construed as binding the United States Postal Service or the United States. 613. R. This dictate violates the contract. Return to the Postal Service for a career or non-career appointment within the 12-Month Eligibility Period. + If at all possible, prior to discipline 660 Conduct 661 Statutory Provisions 661. Nov 16, 2014 · ARTICLE 16 DISCIPLINE PROCEDURE. 11 Applicability. Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) * * * * * 8 Safety, Health, and Environment * * * * * 870 Employee Assistance Program [Revise 870 as follows:] 871 Introduction. When you dissect the PDI acronym, “pre-disciplinary” should stand out as an indication that discipline most likely is forthcoming after the interview. Apr 25, 2024 · With such positive engagement, the USPS should see EAS morale increase, as well as their work performance. Federal law grants pref-erence-eligible employees the right to appeal adverse actions, including sus- 3. Employees Returning to the Postal Service from Military Service ELM 650 Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance and Appeal Procedures Who does NAPS Represent? NAPS MEMBERS! Unlike postal unions, NAPS does not represent non-members. 1 requires management to administer leave on an equitable basis for all employees considering a) the needs of the service b) the welfare of the individual employee. 811 From the Postal Service to a Federal Agency. Postal employees who believe that they are the victims of sexual harassment may bring the situation to the attention of impartial supervisors or Human Resources managers at the appropriate organizational level. 417 Temporary Assignment to Nonbargaining Unit Positions (Career Employees) 417. “It is the supervisor’s review of the attendance record in light of all relevant evidence, NOT any set number of absences that determines whether corrective action is Discipline for Misconduct 10/2002 C - 1 C. Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Chapter 510. The representation of organized workers in grievances and collective bargaining is directly governed by the applicable collective-bargaining agreement. Outstanding performance is a level of performance that far exceeds that which is normally expected of an individual in a particular position and is far above the performance and achievement of most satisfactory employees in terms of productive effort, proficiency, and significant contributions to the Postal Service. 11, to clarify the standard related to ethics advice for applying ethics regulations to particular situations. (continued on page 2) Since ELM Section 665. Nonbargaining Disciplinary, Grievance, and Appeal Procedures ELM 17. org and request the material. Although the Postal Service has criteria detailing which disciplinary and health benefit documents should be maintained in an employee’s official personnel folder, management retained some documentation in hard copy form in the district or local offices instead of in the employee’s electronic official personnel folder. 143. 666. Inform employees of leave regulations. 871. Jump to page content Feb 19, 2025 · My January Postal Supervisor column focused on EAS-17-and-below employees having the right to file a grievance under Section 652. 514 Leave Without Pay 514. When the receiving agency is unable to transfer a leave balance that exceeds ELM Revision: Safety and Health. Postal Service, my receipt of an applicable disciplinary action to the ELM 650 Mediation Facilitator, Manager EEO Compliance and Appeals, located in my region. Effective July 20, 2017, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), section 665. Jun 26, 2014 · ELM Revision: Labor Relations. Maintain and review PS Form 3972, Absence Analysis, and PS Form 3971. 515. 6 Street Delivery and Collection Boxes Note: Non-executive, nonbargaining career employees, and noncareer employees converted to those positions, with a career appointment or conversion date on or after October 6, 2012, who have no prior federal or Postal Service service creditable at the time of that career appointment or conversion toward the leave computation date earned sick leave at a different rate previously than enumerated 333 Veterans’ Preference. NALC created ‘Defenses to Discipline’ to help union representatives find in-depth information and put it to work challenging discipline. Numbering of a section may be modified by a change made subsequently. ELM 665. But what is the process for EAS-18-and- above employees who are the subject of postal policy violations that result in negative impacts administratively Jul 7, 2023 · Postal union collective-bargaining agreements (CBAs) require postal management to provide a craft employee with a PDI before issuing the discipline. 312, to update the responsible stakeholder from Organizational Effectiveness to Compensation. Never sell, possess, or use illegal drugs on Postal Service premises. 42 Absence Without Permission Employees who fail to report for duty on scheduled days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, are considered absent without leave except in cases where actual emergencies prevent them from ELM 650 Non-Bargaining Disciplinary, Grievance and Appeal Procedures Evidence Package continued . 920 Dues Withholding for Employee Organizations 921 Voluntary Withholding of Dues Employees who are members of supervisory, managerial, or labor organizations that have approved dues withholding agreements with the Postal Service (see 923) may voluntarily authorize the Postal Service to withhold periodic dues from their salary 543 Employee Rights 543. 830 Motor Vehicle and Industrial Safety 831 Motor Vehicle Safety 831. changes published in the Postal Bulletin are effective immediately. 32 (1986), U. ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual 380 Postal Career Executive Service; 4 Pay Administration. 18, raised by any Postal Service employee, should be addressed to: UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL HOTLINE 1735 N LYNN ST ARLINGTON VA 22209-2005 Effective immediately, the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), subchapter 870, Employee Assistance Program, is revised to update Postal Service™ procedures. (See Handbook EL-312, section 771. Sexual harassment violates Section 673. 432. If the employee’s performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor suggests constructive measures for an employee to follow to improve his or her performance to a satisfactory level. To locate MOPs, go to the Postal Service’s Blue page. 33, if eligible. S. Labor Relations Management Instructions APWU - JCIM NALC - JCAM NPMU - CIM. General safety rules include, but are not limited to the following rules: Never work under the influence of intoxicants. 375 Outstanding and Unsatisfactory Performance 375. Any possible criminal conduct should be reported to the Postal Inspection Service. Recognizing the need for clarification ot the procedures to be followed in according employees their administrative rights under Title VII, the Veterans' Preference Act, and the National Labor Relations Act, and in order to resolve litigation in the cases of U. Effective January 22, 2015, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Chapter 8, to update organizational structure references, reflect new reporting systems, and incorporate changes in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) serious accident reporting requirements. Postal Service. Ivan Butts President National Association of Postal Supervisors 1727 King Street, Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314-2753 Dear Mr. Supervisor’s Safety Handbook iv Handbook EL-801 3-3. On the flip side, USPS engagement occurs when ELM 651. 51g which literally says that "enforcing safe work practices" is one of the stupidvisor's responsibilities. L. 1 through 48 are available on both the Postal Service PolicyNet website and at https:// Jun 22, 2020 · ELM 665 -- Postal Service Standards of Conduct -- Manglement seems to forget that grievances should be resolved at the lowest possible level: between the supervisor / PM and the carrier. c. 673 Postal Service Policy 673. If you wish to access an HTML version of the ELM, click on ELM HTML. 372 Effective Date Effective October 27, 2005, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) 513. As a general principle, when employees are told to clock out by management prior to the end of the guaranteed period, the employees are compensated for the hours of the guaranteed period at the rate of pay they would have received had they actually worked the hours. When the union claims a contract violation, it is the union’s burden to prove a violation of the contract occurred. No employer or other person may require an employee or other claimant to enter into any agreement, either before or after an injury or death, to waive his or her right to claim compensation under FECA. This would appear to put the employee in an ELM Revision: Ethics Advice. These provisions allow the Postal Service to take quick action in ameliorating any potential hazard to 374 Discussing Performance With Employees. ” Handbook F-21, Time and Attendance. (A copy of SF 1150 is not sent to the losing installation. 662 Federal Standards of Ethical Conduct 662. 221 Decision to Curtail or Terminate Postal Operations. # Apply common sense and sound judgment. In order to be successful the Union must establish a case file that refutes the allegations and/or the basis management relies on for the issuance of the discipline. jejwm uig eyj aporclm gyi scfmm aqpjbqh nnhp vyduq fcijseq nfol tjmdeh jbguf hlltprj pirehp