Dual focused 5e. Join the Worldbuilders Guild.
Dual focused 5e For reference, the Dual-Focused feat description (Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting v1. Dual-Focused: Dual-Focused is now changed with how it works with Concentration checks from damage. 269K subscribers in the UnearthedArcana community. You gain the following benefits: You gain an additional +1 bonus to AC while wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand. ” These rules can be found in the Player’s Handbook in the Melee Attacks section of page 195. Aug 9, 2021 · Focused Caster. Arcane focus. Jan 15, 2023 · In addition to the official 5e source books (Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount and Call of the Netherdeep), the team at Critical Role also published Tal’Dorei: Campaign Setting Reborn, which details the setting of the first campaign of Critical Role. Some GM’s may not strictly enforce this rule, but others may require characters to take the Dual Wielder feat if they wish to draw two swords with an action. But the combo of gloomstalker echo knight is solid, and you know already that dual wielding is suboptimal for most characters, so I don't have a lot more to say. Dexterity governs a few very important things in Dungeons & Dragons. Note that not all of his custom feats have been included on this list and will not be approved for gameplay unless they are added in am official hardcover. Concentration limits were added to 5e as a foundation to balancing spell power levels. However, more importantly is the Barbarian's Rage power. Gets Two Weapon Fighting early on. So I am planning on dual classing a lvl 5 wizard into a lvl 1 cleric. DnD 5e decided to name it two-weapon fighting in the game’s rulebooks, but players often call it dual wielding, as most video games do, or dual weapon fighting. Tank builds probably should have a shield in their hand instead of another weapon, which is unfortunate for them because you’ll look super cool with your two swords. 108-109) says:If you attempt to cast a spell that requires concentration while already concentrating on an existing spell, you can maintain concentration on both spells simultaneously. Two weapon fighting, Two rapiers Dual Hand Crossbows - damage 2d6 = 7 average damage (bonus action required) My opinion: Dual Hand Crossbows seems stronger than the Heavy Crossbow. login. In both cases, you would roll a third d20 and you can pick the highest of the three. Dec 17, 2023 · Consider that one attack with your off-hand will likely deal something like 1d8+5 damage at most (assuming 20 in your attack stat, the Dual Wielding feat, and either longswords or rapiers) compared to 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, or 4d6 additional damage from using a Greatsword on your normal attacks (each d6 representing one additional attack, up to the Jul 20, 2024 · Concentration is a fundamental mechanic in D&D 5e, allowing a character to focus on one spell at a time. You gain the following benefits: You have proficiency in Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell (referred to as a "concentration saving Nov 9, 2020 · Until you get Dual Wielder (which I recommend you take fairly early!), you’ll be using Light Weapons for a while. Especially with their kit focused on making multiple attacks against different opponents. The weapon has the two-handed property, making it impossible to use one in each hand. What I'm working on now is a build for a melee-focused Sorlock, and the big consideration I'm wrestling with now is what weapon to pick. You can concentrate on two spells at once. It involves holding a weapon in each hand and being able to swing with both of them on your turn. The ability to cast at least one spell. Certain powerful monsters or explicitly stating magic items may sometimes produce similar effects without concentration, but never double up. So, if you want to dual wield a pair of Versatile Weapons, you’ll need this Feat. If you want to be dual-wielding, you would need at least 11 levels of Paladin to do good dmg and focus on DEX, because with STR build, PAM is better and CBE doesn’t work with Improved Smites. Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell • You have a number of cruelty points equal to your pro- ficiency modifier. Question regarding the feat Dual Focused Caster. Here are the options I've analysed so far. When using two weapons with the Light property players make a primary attack with one weapon and a second attack with their off-hand weapon. Feb 13, 2025 · 7. That being said out of the dual-focusing feat, class features and magic items I've seen, it's the most limiting as it requires a full action and regularly Dual-focused The ability to cast atleast one spell. Is there ANY ruling that indicates only one instance of a power can be affecting a character at any Multifocused Arcanist - a Dual Concentration Feat. You gain the following benefits: You have proficiency in Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell (referred to as a "concentration saving Jun 28, 2019 · Hey all, longtime lurker, first time poster. Then create a related monster entry with a crazy CR. The challenges and Split Concentration. I just don't think it's worth it on other characters usually. But remember that Versatile Weapons must be used with two hands in order to get the increased damage. Initially considered taking the battlemaster archetype, but decided that the cavalier archetype from unearthed arcana has most of the maneuvers I'd need, plus some bonuses for dismounting/mounting speed. Facts about "Dual Wielder (5e) " RDF feed. However, in later tier 2 and beyond, they consistently beat out damage-focused 5e builds. Dual wielding always seems to be an unnecessary sacrifice of the bonus action without giving any real benefit. If you are concentrating on a spell you can cast another spell requiring concentration without losing focus on the first; maintaining limited concentration on both. 1, p. What would be some SW5E examples? In my experience the dual wield fighter ramps HARD at level 3 with subclass and onslaught mastery, but continues to add extra attacks or bonuses in a very steady ramp, at almost every level. Concentration Mastery (Available to Bards, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards) . Ki-Empowered Strikes TheBritishDM's Background Overhaul! - A complete reimagining of the 5e background system. I was pseudo worried about Way of Endurance Consular as well for similar reasons until we ran a few sessions. You could make it so you are at disadvantage when trying to keep concentration in two spells or you could make the DC higher. May 27, 2024 · In D&D 5E there are three ways to “dual wield”. Both the two weapon fighting eldritch knight and berserker beat out the equally supported 5e damage focused battlemaster around level ~7, though without magic items and support they tend to be slightly behind until ~level 9 by ~5% damage. At the end of each turn, you make a con save DC 8 + both spell levels combined. I like playing DPS characters like paladins in 5e and magus/slayers in pathfinder, so I was wondering what class & form/archetype/subclass will work best as a dual bladed duelist? Dec 13, 2020 · If you’re looking up any rules for dual wielding in D&D 5e, you’ll find it referred to as “Two-Weapon Fighting. 595 votes, 110 comments. Feat: Dual Wielder will get you + 1 AC (is that fixed now?) compared to ASI Str +2, but you'll give up longer jump, shove and throw and the athletic checks. This can be achieved through familiars, twinned spells, Glyph of Warding, clones, or dominated non-player characters. Unlike many combat options anyone can do it, but there are some limitations that make it more effective in some cases than others. The original intent was to make the feature work with Dual Wielding provided you either had the feat or you used two light weapons while having the Tools For Esoterics: Spellblade option. If it's doing so, it probably has better things to do than dual wield tho. Dual-Focused. References to spells are now in italicized text more consistently. In 5e it is a helluva strong stat and was already the most common save. You can concentrate on more than one spell by using a familiar, a twinned spell, a Glyph of Warding, a clone, or a dominated non-player character. Given the leaked information about its appearance in TCOE, that the defensive field bonus action is getting limited uses per day, dual-wielding seems like a solid way to get the most out of the gauntlets. Homebrew So I had some players looking at feat options recently on d&d beyond, and they came across Matt Mercer’s homebrew feat Dungeons & Dragons 5e Feat: Dual-Focused . Sep 29, 2023 · Depending on your class and build, the Dual Wielder feat has some promise. . Gather your party and venture forth! The loading property of crossbows means you can only make one attack with the weapon no matter how many you can normally make. I was thinking maybe letting him pick up dual wielder feat and allowing him to dual wield his normal pistol but it does 1d10 which would be ridiculous if he had 2 i think. Reply reply I was looking at sentinel/guardian to play a dual wielding focused character (We'll be starting at level three as we're all experienced 5e players in a week). The general rules of DND do not permit dual concentration. You must make concentration checks for each spell individually if you take damage. CEO takes A friend of mine is playing a dual wielding focused gloomstalker ranger and I've been helping him pick spells when he's stuck, but I've been struggling with finding out what spells are best that use concentration In D&D 5E the agonizing blast warlock is the classic example of low investment, solid return. But between Burst, Rapid, Grenades and a drastic increase in access to powers + cantrips it went into the stratosphere in value. Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or higher, Dual Wielder, Extra Attack Your speed with twin weapons is the stuff of legends. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. with little to no homebrew (it's just a slight reskin that doesn't change any game mechanics), the best i could come up with to both use the tail as a weapon, have it be really cool, and have it do a good amount of damage, was to use astral self monk and use arms of the astral self to turn the two ends of my forked This character focused on dual wielding and magic. Now I know no-one is dumping dex. Mar 21, 2023 · Plus, Fighters can also use bows and can even dual-wield certain weapons with ease. You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren’t light. The challenges and struggles you’ve faced throughout your life have left you ruthless in combat, relishing in the pain dual-focused you inflict. You gain an additional +1 bonus to AC while wielding a separate heavy melee weapon in each hand. The caveat it that concentration saves are done individually for each spell and each at disadvantage. One way, anyone can do it, but only with light weapons. Most other systems are much more rules light, easier to learn, and easier to play than 5e. For example, the dual wielder feat allows a character to draw two weapons simultaneously. Sep 3, 2021 · The dual wielder feat is not a good feat to use for building a dual wielding character in 5E D&D. Nov 21, 2022 · However, the Dual-Wielder Feat allows a player to dual wield any two weapons, even if they aren’t light. You have the ability to split your mind, holding onto two spells requiring concentration at once. Jan 31, 2022 · In the Green Roning TCS version, the feat is Dual Focused. Because of this, the wording does allow you to use it on Polearm Master's bonus action. Below are the one that have been approved for use in any Creatures of Queens organized campaign. Overall, the Dual Wielder feat is pretty solid if you’re set on making your PC a two-weapon fighter since it also gives your PC the ability to wield a Jun 9, 2023 · In our 5e Feats Tier List, Dual Wielder was given a B Tier rating, making it a niche feat that can improve some builds in D&D 5e. Then i thought maybe crossbow expert flavored for guns but then he ignores reloading. Focused Aim (Optional) Also at 5th level, when you miss with an attack roll, you can spend 1 to 3 ki points to increase your attack roll by 2 for each of these ki points you spend, potentially turning the miss into a hit. Mar 29, 2022 · Focused Caster, Variant. The crossbow expert perk remove that restriction so you can make your normal number of attacks. The Rules: Jan 11, 2025 · Dual-Focused Ability to cast at least one spell Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting: The character can maintain concentration on two spells at once. I love warlock but felt a bit limited in having the hexblade as only option; hence, I created this versatile subclass with a hint of rogue/barbarian flavor. Matt Mercers Dual Focus feat could work: Dual-focused Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell Countless hours have been spent training your mind to maintain focus on concurrent incantations, taxing as the process may be. Dex Ranger - No practical reason to take Dual Wielder. (5e/A6E) Mar 29, 2022 · Focused Caster, Variant. Battle Master Fighter/Swashbuckler Rogue, variant human with the Dual Wielder feat. In DND, you can concentrate on two spells at the same time if the right conditions are met. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Barbarain will be more damage for focused while monk would be more defensive based. i've been trying to make a build focused on using a teiflings tail as a weapon. Additionally, the end of turn DC is increased from 8 + spell levels to 10 + spell levels. The DMG warns about changing concentration rules, and nowhere in any part of official 5e content is there an instance of dual concentration. While yes with things like the dual wielder feat you get a +1 to ac to represent parrying, this would serve as a reverse on that, where you get a higher AC and a side effect of lower damage compared to existing weapons. The role-playing possibilities in an urban campaign (Ptolus anyone?) make this especially interesting. It used to say "a loaded hand crossbow" which was changed after it created confu Sep 18, 2018 · Most players of 5e will agree that dual-wielding is inherently suboptimal, which is to say it's just straight up worse than other options for most characters. The original DnD Next/5e Fighter design goals by Mike Mearls(lead designer on dnd 5e). Ki-Empowered Strikes 5e is a complex system that takes a while to learn. It falls off a cliff with every other class. ) Dual-focused Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell Countless hours have been spent training your mind to maintain focus on concurrent incantations, taxing as the process may be. Side note: I played a 5e game with an all martial party once. Jan 14, 2022 · While most dual-wielding classes such as the Rogue or Ranger focus on Dexterity, Barbarians should focus on Strength. Countless hours have been spend training your mind to maintain focus on concurrent incantations, taxing a the process may be. Options Column gap Row gap Start on right Page Dec 20, 2024 · Dual Wielder feat The Dual Wielder feat is available to any class in D&D 5e; it’s designed to boost your PC’s offensive and defensive capabilities while wielding two weapons simultaneously. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. Matt Mercer has created a number of custom homebrew feats that have been introduced on the Critical Role web series. We’ve worked over the last nine months to establish this series as high quality resource for 5E: reference builds that anyone can use to see what is possible in 5E pushed to its absolute limit, to make a very effective character in a hurry, or to serve as a jumping-off point for creating your own powerful and unique characters. Unfortunately, that means you’ll probably be using Shortswords until you are comfortable with taking Dual Wielder. Dual Wielder, however, is a feat that provides +1 AC while your character holds a separate melee weapon in each weapon and allows you to two-weapon fight non-light weapons. Now, you must make 10 + both spell levels combined, or half the damage, whichever is higher. I've mostly focused on Fighter as they've seemed the most ideal so far. Primary reason for this is that dual wielding fighting styles and feats are generally weaker, then 2H alternatives Dec 6, 2024 · Moving an object up to 1,000 pounds won’t require a high INT modifier, but you will likely need a pumped INT if you are attempting to grapple a high level, strength-focused creature. Beast Masters and Drake Warden's have their BA's pretty taken up by their pets (although Nu!BM can admittedly free it up. However, dual concentration is not allowed due to the general rules of DND. My Stats: STR 13, Dex 18, CON 16, INT 18, Wis 14, cha 10 Since my stats are so good I want to play a Dual Wielder/ Two Weapon Fighter. Characters focused on two weapon fighting can also benefit from the Dual Wielder feat. You can use Scimitars if you want, but the only difference is type of damage (and Scimitars are 15 gp extra!). source. Prerequisites: 20 strength Your extensive training with two-handed weapons has allowed you to effectively wield them using only one hand. Dual Wielding in D&D 5E is also called Two-Weapon Fighting. Melee fighters should consider the feat, especially if they are focused on damage. The Warlock can still take the Crossbow Expert and the Sharpshooter feats as they level up, slowly building them into an Archer Build. Although the class can’t use Hand Crossbows, which normally gives the Bard their dual-focused capabilities between spellcasting and shooting arrows/bolts. If you wanted to create a Path like this, I would suggest taking a look at the Dual Wielder feat, and modifying it in some way. Jan 15, 2023 · Tal'Dorei Feats Introduction In addition to the official 5e source books (Explorer's Guide to Wildemount and Call of the Netherdeep), the team at Critical Role also published Tal'Dorei: Campaign Setting Reborn, which details the setting of the first campaign of Critical Role. I've gotten a lot of answers from these forums since I started playing 5E and decided it would be beneficial to join in and add to the conversation. I'm currently running a ToA game wherein my wizard has taken the dual-focused feat from Matt's first source book the Tal'Dorei Guide, and i have noticed that the feat has changed from the books first print, but can't find when or in what source/edition the change took place. It also allows you to make a bonus attack with a hand crossbow you are holding. For starters, weapons like long swords and war picks are Strength based, and do more damage than the Dexterity-based light weapons usually used by dual-wielders. Currently I am: Custom Lineage Reborn My ASI went to +2 DEX and I took the Dual Wielder Feat. I dunno, maybe in the DM's world a focus is tied to that particular flavour of magic and simply can't be dual-focused, or maybe a dual-focus is perfectly acceptable (as I think it should be). Crystal For the most part dual wielding in 5e is helpful to pure rogues as it lets them get a sneak attack through their bonus action if they did not already use it. This is a nice bonus when you already have advantage, but huge if you have disadvantage since either case turns into something the poster above called 'ultra A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Dual Wielding Question (5e) Hasbro has just laid off 1100 people, heavily focused on WotC and particularly art staff, before Christmas to cut costs. I'd likely only do a rogue dual wielding build myself (gloomstalker 3/rogue x is solid). So wielding one in each hand won’t get you that Dual Wielder. This is also known as dual-wielding weapons. You gain the following benefits: Your spell attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20. Jun 28, 2019 · Hey all, longtime lurker, first time poster. Dual wielding falls apart largely because feats for it are so bad. You get to add your proficiency bonus to your concentration saving throws. Updated. Something like the Dual Focused feat in the Tal dorei campaign could work: DC equals half the damage taken (min 10) + both spells’ levels combined. If your DM allows published homebrew, there’s a Feat from Tal’Dorei called Dual-Focused: Countless hours have been spent training your mind to maintain focus on concurrent incantations, taxing as the process may be. The guide is presented as a reference for players looking to run their own campaigns in the setting inhabited by Vox Machina. It allowed previous spells to become more powerful since the fear of stacking spell effects were gone. If you attempt to cast a spell that requires concentration while already concentrating on an existing spell, you can maintain concentration on both spells Matt Mercer’s Dual Focused Feat . But dual-wielding as a concept can be pretty awesome. The second way, only those with the proper feat can do it, but with any combo of one handed weapons. 5 damage seems kind of right. Of course, being focused on Dexterity changes up the game plan a little bit. Apr 29, 2022 · Dual Wielding 5E Guide. Prerequisites: Character level 11 or higher; Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature. It was published on October 17, 2017[2] by Green Ronin Publishing and was available in both hardcover and PDF formats, but is now out of print. I think it was Scanlan's Hi there! long time lurker first time poster here. +1 AC halves the disadvantage of taking a second weapon instead of a shield, and being able to use one-handed melee weapons that aren’t “light” enables you to take a longsword or rapier for extra damage. Prerequisite: 4th level, the ability to cast force or tech powers You have learned to bifurcate your attention while concentrating on powers, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits: Source: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn. Start your game with a loyal beast companion, or use investigators tools to detect residual magics in the area or utilize monster hunters tools to ground your flying enemies. also, Improvement in the Esoteric Rite as a whole means that Improvement in the Primal Rite and Elemental Peak are made moot except for dual wielders, because either you use a primal rite and don't get the bonus from esoteric rites, or you use an esoteric rite, and miss out on all the cool stuff from primal rites, it's really counter-intuitive A wand or staff made of the right wood is a perfect example of a crossover focus, but it's still up to the DM to approve it or not. I also recall something from Critical Role campaign one. recent brews. Among the detailed setting information, we also got some exciting new character options. Can I Dual Wield Glaives? No, you cannot dual wield glaives in 5e. My question is can cleric spells, such as cure wounds, use intellegence as the… A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. To dual wield in 5e, both weapons must have the “light” property. • If you attempt to cast a spell that requires concentration while already concentrating on an existing spell, you can maintain concentration on both [5e] Introducing a collection of six all-new races inspired by the One-Page Lore series! Play as a dual-spirited endracot, fungal dikarya, elusive fairy, winged harpy, stoneskin dwarf, or sun elf! Homebrew The Ghost is a patron for Warlocks that focus on melee combat and spooky magic. Through intense focus, training, and dedication, you’ve harnessed the techniques of rapid spellcasting. How Heavy is a Real-World Glaive? Feb 17, 2025 · GreatSword Dual Wielder. So I've written this mini-guide for players who agree with the previous statement, and want to make a dual-wielding character. The second part of the feature allows you to take a bonus action attack while using telekinesis. Of course, there are plenty of other ways to build dual-wielders that may bring you fun at your table. This is a weak feat, and players are mechanically better off going for defensive duelist and other feats for a dual wielder melee build. Remove these ads. Fighter in general. The problem that I kept running into is the fact that dual wielding is downright frustrating in 5E. Two-Weapon fighting in DnD 5e is when a character uses a weapon in both hands to attack. 2 years ago. Author: Player's Handbook (5e) + Canon: true + Is Feat: true + Publication: Player's Handbook (5e) + Navigation menu In most cases 2H would be a consistently stronger choice for damage per round focused characters when compared to DW Dual wield in 5e is generally weaker then 2H. But on second thought, spending Bonus action for 1. I have been playing in a game and am about to hit level 4. Requirements to Dual Wield Weapons in 5e. Print sheet JSON. Countless hours have been spent training your mind to maintain focus on concurrent incantations, taxing as the process may be. 8. These aren’t tied to specific weapons, just broader categories with varied options. At the end of each turn, they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 8 plus the combined spell level of both spells or lost concentration on both spells. It is busted, but can be balanced out: Matthew Mercer just vame out with a subclass focused around dual concentration and a feat that allows it. A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. In 5e, you can use a luck point on top of already having either advantage or disadvantage on a roll. I just want some feedback and suggestions. Fighters are just good for making the most out of Hunter, most likely. Prerequisites: The ability to cast at least one spell You have honed your ability to keep your focus on something reliably even in the midst of battle. Multifocused Arcanist - a Dual Concentration Feat Description You possess an exceptional ability to maintain concentration on multiple spells simultaneously, allowing you to weave intricate magical effects with unwavering focus. You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits: You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand. Make it so it's harder to keep concentration in more than one spell. Gain +1 to your primary casting stat, for a maximum of 20 Can cast an additional spell that requires concentration This feat can be taken a maximum number of 2 times. The standard Dual Weapon Fighting style doesn't have that limitation (just says both must be light weapons), and a Barbarian cannot get rage damage from a Dex weapon. Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell. get PDF. And the final way, anybody with multiple actions (or extra attacks per attack action) … Can any class dual wield 5E? Read More » Jun 28, 2021 · Becoming familiar with the rules for dual wielding in DnD 5e can help avoid confusion in this area. Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (5e) Good morning. Dual-focused. Source: Player's Handbook. Savage Worlds is perfect for a lower powered low magic setting. The Dual Wielder I have seen dual concentration twice. So, Dual Hand Crossbows are little bit stronger overall, but not overpowered. Options like Crossbow Expert are just hands down better than dual wielding. PDF in Comments. Append some statement that if a Dual Soul twins itself again it becomes a “Fractured Soul” and becomes an NPC minion of Cthulhu. Sorry bud but that is incorrect and busted OP. So I've just begun playing as a dual-wielding fighter in a campaign, and I wanted to move towards being a cavalier wielding two lances. Lots of weapon proficiencies (good for the rest of the build which is about dual wielding everything). [5] It is Dual Focused Caster. Feb 26, 2024 · Generally, the feats with the broadest applicability of weapon usage for their benefits are Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master, and Dual Wielder. 5e. While a DM might allow it as a homebrew rule, it isn’t possible under the standard rules. Fun and smart additions to… Dual Wielding Master. 5e is a complex system that takes a while to learn. Worse than a 2H GWM build for DPR but whatever, it's all about flavourtown. Gather your party and venture forth! Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting is a sourcebook written by Matthew Mercer with the help of James Haeck. Prerequisites: Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature You have honed your spell casting abilities in the midst of battle and focused it to be more powerful. So, a fighter would be perfect for you if you want a class that knows each weapon type like the back of their hand. Armour proficiencies. If going barbarian route which is a bit more damage focused start Fighter as a custom lineage take dual wielder feat (or slasher) go with an ability spread of 15str (+2), 14dex, 14con, 8int, 12wis, 8cha. So I know that dual wielding in 5e is pretty bad but I rant wanted to try to build something functional with my character in my first campaign. trxnf theqs ffgzjsd zigcsogk tegr tkjt byr sgbum ehqq erslnwy nisspx tswosal czjjnj wujyo eie