Cute ffxiv macros. It will cast Straight Shot if it is available or .

Cute ffxiv macros May 1, 2024 · I was thinking about trying to make some text macros for party chat, to use paired with certain abilities such as a White Mage's Asylum, or a Warrior's Holmgang. Select an icon to represent this macro. or if anyone has any similar wholesome macros, that would also be appreciated! thank you! In game go to System->User Macros. 6> Jul 28, 2023 · Here are some Macros you NEED to start using in FFXIV! I show in detail how to set them up, and after about thirty minutes of work you will have a very clean Well, the /gearset change xx will change to whatever gear set you have saved for that number, as for the <wait. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! In the macro window you can click chat commands in the lower corner. com/iamPlushieTwitch: https://twitch. Mar 29, 2022 · Final Fantasy XIV macro sharing. I suppose I shouldnt' say that. as you craft, trade the scrips for the handsaint gear so that the macro finishes on its own 2750 • Control: 2820 • CP: 638 Melds: https://ffxiv. Jan 24, 2025 · Each macro can contain a maximum of 15 lines/commands. FFXIV won't let you paste multiple lines into the macro at once, so you'll need to do it one row at a time. Initial Hatebound and Mirage Dive positioning w/descriptors of who swaps out for dives (will need to replace default letters with special our whole guild made their own VICTORY macro back in the days when we were progressing on lurker (fishing makes people bored) to later paste in general chat every time we downed a new boss {star}{star}{square}{square}{star}{square}{square}{star}{square}{star}{square} Oct 21, 2024 · The icon for any item in the game, including key items, can be used as long as you have at least one in your inventory or armoury chest. When building macros for a class, make sure GCD skill are above the wait command. It will cast Straight Shot if it is available or Follow me streaming on Twitch at my NEW HANDLE: https://www. Arrow: This is your primary attack macro which includes dismounting if needed. Explaination: In fact you can use other macros as well like /embrace or /hug for a greeting. Mar 8, 2025 · Fight-specific text macros. If you no longer possess the item the icon will remain until the macro is edited again. THF with <call1> in their pulling macro. The second tank is ALWAYS <2>. when the second mech arrives, OT pulls to B (tether needs to disappear, pretty much takes a room length), Honestly, with it being one of the first dungeons you access on MCH, it's pretty cute if that's just an excited nooblet playing with chat macros for the first time. Somehow, the person managed to make a macro which raises a party member and prints a zero-length string. (Has lots of other useful and fun text macro info) General ACII Art (Lots of fun ACII art) ACII Text Art Generator (Create your own ACII Text Art as sampled in the bottom macro in my creation picture) FFXIV Block Text Generator (This is where you can make block text akin to the top left and middle macros in my creation picture) 941K subscribers in the ffxiv community. They can't be queued, they can't be used with weaving (which all healers have a lot of in later enemies), and you will be dead weight in end game if you try those 'target one person with cure and the enemy with stone' type macros WoW players keep asking for - you will be casting 20% slower than another player because you can't skill queue and you won't be able to do the May 2, 2024 · I was thinking about trying to make some text macros for party chat, to use paired with certain abilities such as a White Mage's Asylum, or a Warrior's Holmgang. Join Date Aug 2013 Location Limsa Lominsa Posts 108 Character Echo Ma'ruh World Cactuar Main Class Warrior Lv 80 Aug 23, 2022 · Macros gradually enhance the usability of various things in FFXIV. Pet macros will also be added to 2. It takes only a single button to turn on tank stance already. Jul 28, 2017 · Annonces de compétences ou dessins dans le chat, on vous explique à quoi servent les macros et comment elles s'utilisent. i just thought it would be nice to do after a dungeon. ^^ voke macro consisted of "Yo momma so fat, her way is all the way" another voke macro: HEY <t> YOU SMELL LIKE ***! other annoying macros. In case the hotbars stay stuck open, I also added a "X" button to close them manually. Skill macros are rarely viable, you won't need it for something like Closed Position. So if your BLM is gearset 4, you would macro the command '/gschange 4'. -- OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! So if my healers do have a raise macro, chances are that I'll miss it if there's no <se. (warning, can be annoying if you spam) /target <2> /follow May 6, 2017 · /p inside: main tank (the easier one) pulls to A. So, I obviously use a LOT of macro slots, but mine look like: /micon DRG classjob /gearset change 2 /isort condition armoury ilv des /isort execute armoury /hotbar display 8 off These macros will allow you to craft every item between level 91-100 as of Dawntrail Patch 7. xD The sound effect helps prevent double raising but in parties where there are multiple wipes to bad play I have a second, non-macro'd resurrection that won't make the sound. Feel free to change the macroicon, I just think these ones are cute :3c Happy gathering! Format: X-YYY-ZZZ X = Miner or Botany 1K votes, 102 comments. That one will automatically say "Hey there" in your current chat channel I think. Each video has a pastebin with all macros in the description. The only difference is that one says hello. Cut and paste feature but a lot of players have a macro This alarm covers all of the Unspoiled Level 90 collectables (purple scrip rewards) for Endwalker. 1, /doze will display unique animations when used with a bed. In the main body of the macro, you will enter the code of the macro, making sure each line is its own line. Nov 23, 2013 · If you cant fit all of your custom emote buttons on your screen, you can create a macro button using /macros to open up the macro menu. I was watching a friend play copied factory with this SCH who had a rez macro of something like "don't be lazy <t>, get off the floor and work" and used it around as many times as they got raised themselves, I couldn't stop laughing. While various Macros are readily available for the game on the internet, you also need to consider certain things before using them to make the most out of them. Most people who use them though, can't help themselves and need to add several sound effects to the macro or make it 10 lines long with some ascii picture etc. tv/bunbossffxiv Huge shoutout to my discord for sharing some of these amazing macros as we May 4, 2015 · If you start one macro and use another, only the second one keeps going. Enter a descriptive name in the Name field, like Sage Hard Rez. I currently have 0 macros and desperately need some, more specifically some funny ones. Other than that. If you're gonna suggest QoL for macros like closing, you might suggest adding a close to the gearset macro itself mine also have an armoury sort. Remember never spam randoms with picture macros, it's just rude. Oct 2, 2020 · Jobs: SCH, SMN Description: Places your pet at the selected target, and brings it back to you if no target is selected. youtube. hello! i've been trying to find that macro of the cat holding up a sign that says "thanks 4 party!" or something similar. Menu macros rely on a macro command that we will call "Copy Hotbar". The Level 100 Gear Macros assume that you have a minimum of CP+7 melded to all Accessories, Legs and Feet. Don’t really get how this is a solution. 4: Set the "Macro Icon". In 2. and I was hoping to get some ideas/stories from the community about entertaining and funny macros you guys use or have seen others use. And to all the people that don't' want to read macros. Aug 1, 2022 · Bard Macros. 989K subscribers in the ffxiv community. Melee that have a macro for WS and like to proclaim every WS in pty Mages that have a macro for every spell (let GOD shine on you Cure!. <3 164 votes, 52 comments. They were missing a Warden's Paean limerick so I wrote one to try to combat all the "Berserk" Macros out there. Most bards macro Bloodletter and Misery's End onto their Heavy Shots, so the macro says Miserys -> Bloodletter -> Heavy Shot. 3: Enter a name for the macro that you can easily understand. twitch. Note: You can use the /macrolock "action name" or /mlock "action name" to specify an icon you want to use. Adding certain chat channel commands (such as /p to party, /a for alliance chat, /cwl1 for crossworld linskhell 1) will specify it, so like No, GCD macros are bad. There was one Raise Macro I found kind of amusing: "My back hurts from carrying you, <t>! (Raise), already!" I have had people who enjoy my own Swiftcast + Raise macro, though: "After becoming Employee of the Month for the fifth year in a row, <t> has earned themselves a (Raise) effective immediately!" Showcase playlist: https://www. I show you how to make a macro that change your appearance WITH STYLE! :D You can find me on:Twitter: https://twitter. Chat log has 100+ lines of spam, yet no one has said anything except "please stop" followed by "oh lighten up" from one of the spammers. the /rrpa and the like are the emotes. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an… Blog entry `★♥ Symbols you can use in FFXIV ! ♥ ★ (IN-GAME) ` by Mi Ai. If you're in a party you immediately get on any multi-seater mount, if there are none nearby then you summon your own (if not moving), if you are moving or can't summon a mount then you sprint. Other than that, I have a different dungeon Greeting macro for every one of my jobs and since I'm a giant bunny in game, all of them are filled with cringy delightful bunny puns! I also have a macro to press when I hit my Limit Break, there is one for each of the three types I'm likely to use. Now that that is out of the way, let’s dig into the Bard macros. Truly amazing. Macros used : htt Text macros in general are largely pointless (people aren't reading chat mid-fight usually) and sound effects are nothing but an annoyance to everyone but a cohealer. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! As a tip: drag the action’s button into the macro panel to get the exact spelling of the name in the macro. I was an ardent macro-holic in SWG and FFXI and other games but it's been a while since I've used them and figured since i"m a healer type I may as well get in the swing of it. There is no way to change the behavior of any macro once it begins running, even if certain conditions have been changed. Pressing the macro again will hide the indicated hotbar. I've gotten used to tabbing on a controller and manually removing the boon that way, but I think I might actually take this macro for the simplicity, plus, if any player is unfamiliar with the specific regen icon, or just wants to hit the macro inbetween pulls to ensure their healer is safe, this seems to be the go to macro. However, it can be quite intimidating for a novice to get started with them the right way. If that's a level 60-70 doing it for fun, then it's slightly less cute, but still pretty cute. There you just create new macro (paste it there). A quick Google of "why not to use combat macros in FFXIV" will bring up a flood of discussions why. May 13, 2022 · In game go to System->User Macros. com/playlist?list=PL2vl4EVe0zq9RPAaoarQZX5Ic8M0lPsYzWant to contribute macros? Join my discord below. To apply a specific glamour plate to the macro, you simply put the number of the plate after the gearset number. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Let's see'em! Feb 23, 2017 · So these aren't drawn but they are very funny Bard Song Macros I found from a while ago. Add in that putting the actions in macros has high risk of failure or delay compared to just doing them normally and I'd say these aren't the best way to handle things. Far worse is if it's some snarky macro making a jab at whoever is being raised, regardless of if there's a sound effect or not. Post your best ones and preferably with a pastebin link! Also, I saw one where it was a bird saying "MECHANICS INCOMING!, FLY YOU FOOLS!!" We all know that macros are fun to use and can be fun even in dungeon or in raid, especially those with a very creative idea for using macro So what macro you use or seen before? Hope you can share your own macro for fun :) Discover topics like ffxiv, and the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Or, use /micon in the macro itself to use the icon for the action. This will tell you what commands can be used in macros. you change into your magician outfit with a snap and change back when you are done with your magic hat trick Posting a small moogle greeting once at the beginning of a dungeon with no audio attached to the macro doesnt hurt anyone either (except for those who turned on their chat pings and are wearing headphones as I've learned today), yet here we are, me getting reported for doing so with no "hey maybe dont do that next time" in chat by anyone, only "cute macro" or "I love moogles" from people in chat. I find great fun in them and it's actually sorta fun when you use it with friends. com/playlist?list=PL2vl4EVe0zq9RPAaoarQZX5Ic8M0lPsYzPlease consider subscribing for more content. It is almost as if the person is casting the ability without a macro. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Hey everyone! This is a quick guide by River Nyx to show you a few handy macros that Enhance Character Expression, Reduce Button Bloat, Make things easier fo Aug 16, 2021 · While I was playing around with collapsing hot bars macro that's on the net, I created some fun macros for myself and wanted to share :) Piggyback Ride: Follows target 2 in your group, uses Sprint, and auto follows the person and says it in party chat who they are piggybacking on lol. This will run your macro. Pretty useful. So if you accidentally hit the macro twice or two crafting macros one after another, you should cancel and review. com A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Showcase playlist: https://www. 2: Click on the slot you want to create a macro on. 5 It can be as simple as just putting "Hey there" in an empty macro. A class is considered as different from their associated job: that means that GLA will Once you've done that, go to User Macros and set this macro up: /micon "JOB" classjob /snap motion /wait 1 /gearset change # (replace # with gear set number) /title set "PREFERRED TITLE HERE" Rinse and repeat for however many you want to set up for your other jobs and have a hotbar designated for the macros. Thanks to your great idea I just made my own version of this with much less macros. For use with controller, and especially for Scholars. Instead of making one macro for each gearset I simply added a "/wait" command to make them close automaticly after a few seconds. A macro cannot start another macro (no nested macro commands). We see plenty of posts for sharing macros for crafting and battle, but not many posts for sharing funny/cute macros (the ones shaped like animals, with symbols and such, etc). (so I can easily switch between different tiers) -- The only macro for combat I really make use of is one for a swiftcast raise. (Yeah, “consume” is a technical programmer term. Macros used : http:// A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. ) Heal My Tank (or Chocobo) r/ffxiv A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. If the item used can be stacked, the macro will display how many of it are in your inventory. But these text macros works only in party chat/aliance chat etc. . ^^ Sometimes copying and pasting in-game chat can make your macros look funny and you have to manually correct it, so I've decided to make a quick and small blog on the ASCII Macros and The Hunt Macros that I use in-game and maybe one or two random macros. Those are aaallllllll bad. This command copies a hotbar from a class or job to your current hotbar. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that… well, either <t> for it to center ON the target or <mo> for it to center on the mouse, or flip the macro a bit like this to enable a 1 second of placing it (or more if you want) /micon "limit break" /ac "limit break" <Wait. Starting a new macro will cancel the currently running macro. (doesn't work in /say chat) so be sure that you have right chat selected before you execute macro. Party wipes, someone hits a macro like this, 6 people get annoyed and 2 people begin to hit every macro they have trying to show off how much funnier their macro is. > that's just so the macro looks smoother and doesn't change at odd times. Macros used : http:// It depends, A lot of these text macros for abilities are pretty cringe but I can live with them. You can also bind macros to normal macro slots. For example, you can: Automatically swap in the correct raid macro when you enter an instance; Store longer macros and automatically split them across multiple macro slots. Macros used : http:// You can macro a gearset by using the command '/gschange x' where x is the number of the gearset you're changing to. For example, if the boss uses an action that stores either a spread or stack mechanic for later, you could make two macros: one for spread, and the other for stack, then press the appropriate macro. Well I can think of a way. Some FFXIV players are physically unable to or have difficulty pressing buttons quickly, or pressing a wide variety of buttons, and macros can certainly help them achieve results that might be difficult without automation. It will cast Straight Shot if it is available or If you want a macro at all, it might be best to limit it to /p Attempting to rez, ability name! Replacing "ability name" with whatever ability you have as a Healer - using the auto-translate system so the name of the ability won't be jumbled by a language barrier. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! I've been healing more lately, and have realized I should most likely set up my Swiftcast Raise macro and Raise macro (mainly for raids/trials). 10> Can't claim credit for the idea but I saw something similar in a roulette awhile back and wanted something like it. Jul 23, 2020 · There are definitely times where a ‘suboptimal’ macro may be the right choice for an individual. 1> /echo I am a special snowflake. On the video I set a macro to show/hide a hotbar on which I have created macros that show/hide more macros and added a macro to close all the bars. I don't have them on hand but several friends have a variation of the hank hill macro (sans tank words) I have a little cat macro that says "Holmgang Style" "Hey~ Sexy Bene~" NOTE! WARNING!! - This WordPress updated something and totally screwed up my macro page removing items that looked like code! /cry… Guess I’ll have to recreate it In the mean time use the Lodestone page linked below >< ~ Katella Also helpful: see Lodestone Macro Page Click here for Katella's Google Doc Replacement Macro… Aug 1, 2022 · Bard Macros. 1> attached. This sort of macro combines the fiddling we've done in 2 and 4 to make a Heavy Shot macro that just feels a little more responsive than the traditional one. Edit: Thank you for my first gold anonymous user. But to answer your question: Use the auto-translate with Tab, write "closed", then Tab, select the action's name with Tab and press Enter to put it into the macro, instead of writing the whole name of the skill! It will work then. Only one macro can run at a time. 1, allowing you to use animations to pretend youre a Pokmon master. However, not only are no characters printed to the chat with this macro, but the chat scroll isn't affected either. 5 - ROBUST BARD MULTI-SKILL WEAVING MACRO. t A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. Aug 15, 2024 · Step-by-Step Macro Guide; 1: To create a macro, open the User Macros from the System Menu. After that, Right-click on that macro and click Execute. 1. ariyala. But some of them feel kind of like rubbing salt in the wound when you die, even if they're joking. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like badwolfffxiv. I don't have them on hand but several friends have a variation of the hank hill macro (sans tank words) I have a little cat macro that says "Holmgang Style" "Hey~ Sexy Bene~" Aug 19, 2013 · So I was getting acquainted with Macros today. I have "cancel macro" macros, which are just macros with crafting instructions and skill requirements. Oh it's just a trick, if you are using one macro and start another macro it skips the rest of the current macro. In the opened macro, click the macro icon. Jan 20, 2015 · I would like any and all ascii art macros that you may have seen or have personally. At that point it's just plain obnoxious, might as well just be screaming "LOOK AT ME!!! Dec 29, 2016 · Showcase playlist: https://www. Some fights, especially those with memory-based mechanics, may benefit from macros that remind players of mechanics. tv/dyinglegacyMacros are a tried and true tradition of many games, especially MMO's, and Final Fa A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. DSR P4 Macro DSR P4 (Eyes) Perliminary Macro. Over the years I've seen some funny and cute messages healers use to say they're raising someone. IMO, the best cheeky rez macros are the ones used by healers who die all over the place themselves. These are for being rude to your friends! Here's the full series if you're interest. There is a command /macrocancel or something that does the same. I don’t get the point of this macro. /p Hey look, everyone! I'm doing THE THING! <se. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an… Sep 30, 2020 · To toggle and hide a hot bar the macro to use is: /hotbar display [Hotbar Number]. 1M subscribers in the ffxiv community. The double entry with /wait is just a way to get past the queuing issue of macros - if you press the macro a second too early when your GCD is still preventing skills, a normal macro wont fire off, but here half a second later it'll have another try and should fire off fine. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Sep 13, 2019 · It was very pleasing to the eyes. Once it’s there, you’ll surround it with the quotes so that the macro will consume it properly. You can macro actions in combat, but you really shouldn't. Quick Mount. Placing them below will ensure they are never triggered. the "motion" was just so it didn't clog the chat when I did the macro. Mar 9, 2018 · /micon "resurrection" /ac "ressurection" <t> /p "I'm not your momma <t> but I'll raise you!" <se. Come watch me live stream MMO's! Twitch: https://www. Apr 3, 2022 · Magic Hat Trick. As others said, any "cute" or "funny" text usually makes people not wanna take Macro Mate is a plugin for Final Fantasy XIV. If you’re forgetting to press tank stance, you’re gonna forget to press this macro too. I also figured I'd have some fun with it and try to RP-ify my macros. - page 3 What I usually see happening is the opposite. All you need is to adapt the text at the third line. FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Aug 13, 2024 · This video shows all the macros I use and some good ideas that may help you too! I made one of these at the start of Endwalker, but missed a few important th In order to make the macros, you will need to have unlocked at least 1 ARR job (so a class that reached level 30). For this one I chose the 'Goodbye' emote, where your character raise a hand to bid farewell. It lets you store and run an unlimited number of macros. rvh cvyio txsyd amhmc tmup vlr mqlyw yjrmvrh ebjzsh evjhd betffw nqlxaf mimj ioxfoi hdrjboru