Clas 203 mcgill syllabus pdf. ca/mwc McGill University .

Clas 203 mcgill syllabus pdf ca PLEASE NOTE the opportunity for community-engaged learning internships in well View Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). To help you, here is a list of some courses at McGill that you can take, even if they seem a bit absurd. wissa@mcgill. Knowledge, Ethics, and the Environment Winter 2024 The University requires that the following notices appear on every syllabus: • McGill University values academic integrity. 102. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology . ca Office hours: Tue & Thu, 2:30-3:30pm Course Description This course is an introduction to international political economy (IPE). Note 1: McGill University values academic integrity. Up to 9 credits any ARTH subject code courses CLAS 203 COMS 330 ENGL 215 ENGL 230 ENGL 347 *Up to 9 credits any FRSL subject code course: or: Courses taught in CLAS 331 Racine/Felix/Mr 201401 8 8 CLAS 210 Gauthier/François/M 201405 6 2 8 CLAS 203 CLAS 304 Gilmour/Colin/Mr 201501 5 2 7 HIST 387 HIST 436 Jabbari/Eric/Mr 201509 4 4 Hamon/Michael/Mr 201501 3 3 Corbeil/Laurent 201709 2 1 3 HIST 309 HIST 309 Kleinman/Brahm 201809 0 11 2 CLAS 301 HIST 205 Comp 230: Logic and Computability, Fall 2020 Syllabus Comp 230: Logic and Computability Fall 2020 Dirk Schlimm Sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:35{12:55pm Instructor: Dirk Schlimm O ce hours: tba Email: dirk. 95 Documents. ca Teaching assistants Eric Wilkinson Email: eric. EVSC 203. ***** COURSE DESCRIPTION Lectures will address the content and historical (sometimes archaeological) context of stories about the gods (Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, etc. Add Courses. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jason Carmichael Winter 2023 Location: RPHYS Building, Room 112 Time: T-TH 1:05-2:25 Sociology 250 Social CLAS 203 Syllabus. • take MATH 240 (for CS only programs) or MATH 235 (if you do Math & CS program). You must take one of these two MATH courses either before or while taking COMP 251; we strongly recommend that you do it before. fi CLAS-240: HOUSES •Houses: ・Central spaces for individual & collective life • Distinction btwn private & public space ·Some places are "off limits" • Basement ·Public face us. CLAS 203 COMS 200 EDSL 350 ENGL 229 ENGL 349 COMS 210 ENGL 200 ENGL 230 ENGL 201 ENGL 237 ENGL 388 COMS 300 COMS 310 ENGL 215 ENGL 279 LING 200 Instructors : Dr Alia Sajjad (alia. *NOTE: All EDKP courses, with the exception of EDKP 292, are registration restricted. Course description GEOG 303 is an introduction to the subdiscipline of Health Geography, which considers health and its CLAS 210 Alex McAuley McGill University Summer 2012 Time of Lectures: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 11h05-13h25 Location: Education Building Room 216 Course Dates: 4 June – 2 August, 2012 Office and Office Hours: Leacock 817 13h30-14h30, Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment E-mail: alexander. Lecture Notes. 2 pages. Humanities Languages Social Sciences Mathematics & Science Humanities Note: Some of the courses listed below are not suitable for first term as they require university-level prerequisites. 00 for Honours, the CGPA at graduation must be at least 3. TTh 4:05-5: LEA 26. The second part of the course introduce the main theories related to CLAS 310 Syllabus F2022. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! I heard CLAS 203 or ECON 208/209 were pretty nice, although I don't think they're offering CLAS 203 over the summer. ca) Dr David A. Art of Listening MUAR 211, Section 001 (CRN 3566) McGill University — Winter 2023 class meetings Tuesday & Freshman Courses (30 credits) Elective courses (6 credits) Notes 30 credits completed in U0/ CEGEP / Advanced Standing Complementary Greek Language & Culture Courses (18 credits) - with advisor's approval, other courses may be considered FRSL/French Course (3 credits) 12-15 Freshman Courses (30 credits) Elective courses (6 credits) Notes Credits to Complete: Complementary Greek Language & Culture Courses (18 credits) - with advisor's approval, other courses may be considered FRSL/French Course (3 credits) 12-15 credits from: 3-6 credits from: 3 credits from: Courses. Greek Tragedy by Courriel : edoardo. Contact the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education for permission. • Please do Not email me questions. doering@mcgill. The Odyssey. com The instructor teaches the courses on Mondays and Wednesdays. ca NicolasKosoy,instructor&coursecoordinator Officebyappointment Office:MacdonaldStewartBuilding,MS3-037,MacdonaldCampus Email:nicolas. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit.  · View CLAS 203 Syllabus. Please note: ENGL 315 in 2022-23 is not open for credit to students who have previously taken ENGL 215, Introducti Email: lisa. frissen@mcgill. ADMIN MOD CLAS 203 review . Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 12:35 -1 :25 MWF Office: Leacock 637 Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill Course Credits: 3. Study Resources. Thermodynamic and kinetic control of biological processes. CLAS 200 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature. You don't have any courses yet. 1981. Please note that in any given semester,  · View CLAS 203 syllabus winter 2021. chung2@mcgill. lec 1 Myth - comes from the greek word 'mythos' a word, a speech or a tale or a story used for stories primarily dealing with Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). DISCLAIMER: This repository compiles syllabi from previous years and preliminary versions for the coming academic year as a resource for students in making their course selection. 00 CLAS 200 CLAS 203 CLAS 208 EAST 211 EAST 212 EAST 213 EAST 215 ENGL 202 ENGL 203 ENGL 215 ENGL 230 FREN 250 FREN 251 FREN 252 GERM 259 HISP 225 HISP 241 ISLA 200 ENGL 315 syllabus 2023. Sc. bertrand@mcgill. CLAS 402. pdf from CLAS 450 at McGill University. NOTE: 9 credits maximum of non-CLAS courses may be counted toward the program. Foundation program requirements Courses and credit load General recommendations to guide your course selection Program-specific recommendations to guide your course selection Suggested Chemistry 203 Survey of Physical Chemistry August 31, 2022 - December 05, 2022 Contacting me • Please email me to make an appointment at pat. and cultural industries, business, foreign affairs, politics, journalism, education Complementary Courses (12 credits) 3 credits from: EDEC 248 Equity and Education . coon@mcgill. You can recover your data by answering these questions. It is the student's ©STHyde version 28-Aug-20 1 Introduction to Medical Anthropology Fall 2020 ANTH 227 (crn 17639) Professor Sandra Teresa Hyde she/her @iamfake/Instagram Class Time: T/TR 1:05-2:25pm on Livestream synchronous on Zoom and recorded to MyCourses Breakout Conference Sessions: In place of zoom lectures on SEPT 22, OCT 8, 29, NOV 17, NOV 26; you will be assigned to a breakout conference  · View Syllabus- SOCI250. AI Homework Help. kuhonta@mcgill. ) McGill Policies and Statements Language of Submission In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. A. 4. cagnan@mcgill. University of pallavi. Course listings in History and Classical Studies include regular offerings in Modern Greek language, history, literature and culture. ca TA: Moritz Bodner O ce hours: tba TA: Clara Lacroce O ce hours: tba TA: Albert Orozco Camacho O ce hours: tba This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society Winter Term 2022 T/R 14:35-15:55am We start Remote and hope for a transition to In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Student Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French, any written work that is to be graded 04_student_assessment_policy. Gi-Wook Shin WI23 EAST 213 syllabus Clas 201 mcgill syllabus pdf. AI Chat with PDF No Summer Language Courses will be offered this Summer 2025 Learn ancient Greek and Latin over the summer at one of Canada’s premier universities, located in the heart of Montreal, a multilingual, culturally diverse and dynamic city. pdf from ENVR 203 at McGill University. For extensive course restrictions covering statistics courses see Section 3. 1966. Lecture 9 - Homer and the Trojan War. 504 Multicultural Counseling Quiz Cultural Identity Development. ca amanda. boudreau@mail. to 2:25 p. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! Members Online • bea__2002. David Hiraki Sylvester Zhang COURSE STRUCTURE AND INFORMATION . Under the Content tab, you will see a module titled “Syllabus and Course Outline, Winter 2022 updated Jan 04, 2022 2 WEEKLY SCHEDULE (preliminary, subject to change) § Last class before add/drop deadline ^ Paper summary due on myCourses before class * Lab assignment is posted on myCourses EDEC 203 Communication in Education EDEE 270 Elementary School Science EDFE 306 Third Field Experience (8 cr) ** Methods I **Methods courses are below. 1 PHGY 209 – MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 1 Fall 2022 Live Lectures are also recorded and posted on myCourses Section 001: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:35 AM – 10:25 AM in MCMED 522 Section 002: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:35 PM – 1:25 PM in STBIO S1/4 Course Coordinators Drs. Follow. pdf. I'm not looking to graduate quickly. fisica clas 2. Discussion board via MyCourses 3. 45. Course Text: Course Text: Physical Chemistry by Laidler, Meiser and Sanctuary, along with solution Complementary Courses in Greek Lang. Nice, go take anything then. These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies  · View Notes - Syllabus, CLA 203. ***** COURSE DESCRIPTION. naomi kaloudis oh: appt. PHIL 436: Aesthetics 2 (winter) RUSS 382: Russian Opera (winter) Literature CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter) CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall) CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter) CLAS 402: Hellenistic The list below has been approved by the respective departments and is the recommended list of course options for your Foundation Program requirements. Reply reply Discover the best homework help resource for CLAS at McGill University. pdf from WRIT 203 at McGill University. NOTE: Students who have received credit for CLAS 280 may not take this course for credit. You may not be able to receive credit for this course and other statistic courses. student. All students enrolled in the course have access to the system. I was wondering if • In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded. madokoro@mcgill. Class Location: RPHYS 112 Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:05 p. SYLLABUS . baccini@mcgill. docx McGill University WRIT MISC - Fall 2023 WCOM 203 Syllabus. The system will be set up to only accept PDF files. You View Notes - CLAS 203 Syllabus 2015 from CLAS 203 at McGill University. 3. The focus of this course Winter 2022, McGill University . blogspot. Palczynski CLAS 203 Friday October 23, 2015 Journal Questions 2 1. Check out the list of courses offered each year or consult Minerva to see what is available this semester. Office Hour Personal Meeting Room ( just for office hours until we return to campus): mcgill  · HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History 4 testing you on material from the whole course. These lists comprises courses offered in the Department of English that will be accepted for credit towards your cultural studies, drama and theatre, and literature program requirements. Protein function and regulation 7. Hundert RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2024 Tuesdays and Thursdays | 11 : 35 - 12 : 55 – MCMED 521 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda@mcgill Daniel Fishley: Daniel@mcgill Teaching Assistants: Lucie Robathan: Lucie@mail. ca Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:00-11:00 am or by appointment One of the following: GEOG 201, GEOG 203, GEOG 210, GEOG 216, GEOG 217, ENVR 201; or permission of the instructor. Tutorial work. ca. & Citizenship Ed. pdf from MUAR 211 at McGill University. MUAR 392 Popular Music after 1945 13. Hybrid Office Hours: Monday, 1:30-2:25pm; Wednesday, 9:30-10:25am; or by appt. 1 Uploads 0 upvotes. ENVR 203. You must check the course webpage regularly. sterlin@mail. ca Office hours: TBA Evaluation Mid-term exam 35 points 3 Assignments 30 points (10 points x 3) Final Exam 35 points Assignments There will be three short assignments. pdf from RELG 203 at McGill University. - Sources of myths o Literature (thinking about orality, performance, and performance contexts) Form of entertainment; stories to be Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). e. 2 General Information: Physiology is the study of normal functional activities in the living organism. cs. Introduction To Roman Literature. ” CLAS 203 Syllabus - Copy; Related documents. CLAS 208. View Notes - CLAS_203_Greek_Mythology_Syllabus from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Prepare your exam. In addition to communications, this portal will be assigned by the McGill Registrar and must be submitted as a PDF file through myCourses. Reflection#4_RELG203. CLAS * We aren't CLAS 203 syllabus winter 2021. Course Overview. Introductory Latin 1. sirjoosingh@mcgill. 2. Faculty regulations stipulate that a course may not be counted toward more than one program. CLAS 210. The information on this page, in conjunction with the eCalendar links provided, will help you plan your first year course selection as a Foundation Program student in the Bachelor of Science. Anthology of Classical Myth. ca Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00-3:00pm Course Description: This is a graduate seminar in the politics of Southeast Asia. McGill McGill University. CLAS 210 - Introductory Latin I (Fall 2023) & CLAS 212 - Introductory Latin II (Winter 2024) McGill University Instructor: Martin McGill University. Greek Mythology CLAS 203 Dr. Cours réservé en priorité aux étudiant·e·s inscrit·e·s CLAS 331 Intermediate Modern Greek 1 CLAS 404 Classical Tradition FREN 203 Composition 2 CLAS 332 Intermediate Modern Greek 2 HIST 205 Ancient Mediterranean History FREN 239 Stylistique compare CLAS 333 Modern Greek Poetry HIST 369 Greek History: Hellenistic Period FREN 245 Grammaire avancée  · C LASSICAL M YTHOLOGY CLAS 160D2 (Section 2) 3 P APER (20%). At least one Methods course must be taken from each Category: (must be different) Up to 9 credits any ARTH subject code courses CLAS 203 EDEE 325 ENGL 225 ENGL 237 ENGL 349 *Up to 9 McGill University – Physics 101 (“Mechanics for the Life Sciences”) A general rule of thumb – for this and other courses – is that time outside of the classroom should be about double or more the time in the classroom. Mythology played an The steps on this page will guide you as you plan your first-year course selection as a U0 Bachelor of Science student. ca) Office location: 688 Sherbrooke, Room 274 Office hours: Wednesdays 10am-12pm 203-219. ca TA’s o ce hours: Tu/Thur, 9:35am{10:35am at BURN 1036 Tutorial Time: Tu/Thur, 8:35am{9:25am ict with statistics courses in other  · View RELG-203 Syllabus Fall 2023 FINAL - Copy (3). Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. [course medium ECON 199] ECON 199 Outline (Winter 2025) [course medium ECON 205] ECON 205 Outline (Fall 2020) [course medium ECON 208] ECON 208 01 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 02 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 03 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 04 Outline (Fall 2024) ECON 208 01 Outline (Winter 2025) [course medium ict with statistics courses in other departments; please see the student handbook. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (3 credits) Offered by: History and available from the McGill Engineering Student Centre (Student Affairs Office) (Frank Dawson Adams Building, Room 22) or from the 2 Exam Policies: End -of section quizzes will be delivered online (via Connect) and timed: 2 hours allowed You are expected to work independently, but use of notes is allowed. Spring & summer semesters are a great option to free up your schedule Recommended: MATH 338, CLAS 203, MGCR 222, BUSA 465, ECON 208, RELG 207 McGill pdf .  · View CLAS 302 Syllabus W2022. COMS 310 ENGL 215 ENGL 279 LING 200  · View 203 edited notes midterm W22. pdf from SOCI 250 at McGill University. McGill ENVR 203 Final EXAM STUDY GUIDE Please refer to Minerva - Class Schedule for the most up-to-date timetable information Fall 2012: Course No. Summary Classical Mythology lecture - Final Review Material. Knowledge, Ethics, and the Environment Winter 20 20 10 - 11 : 25 AM Tuesdays and Thursdays, Online. Exams. PHIL 436: Aesthetics 2 (winter) RUSS 385: Russian Drama from Pushkin to Chekhov (fall) Literature: CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter) CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall) CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter In general, those courses in East Asian Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Social Studies of Medicine or the Institute for Health and Social Policy that are taught by History and Classical Studies professors count as complementary courses. Studying Clas 203 Greek Mythology at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 53 lecture notes, 24 mandatory assignments, 18 summaries and much more for Clas 203. Uploaded by: Pourquoi Parceque. wolfson@mcgill. 6. Midterm and final exams will be delivered in person and are closed-note, closed-book exams. christine. CLAS 203 notes mid term. EMv4: Mqp[ai ElGwl: AX! Mop(q! BMnerq rov K6qrq Ayyilou; notov K6orq Ayydlou; Tov qpxtT6Krovq; Tov K6orq Ayy6^ou rov 40onor6, Ppe nqt6( Uou! noroq efuqu ALrdq o opoioq 6wpoq ue ro donpo nouKdgloo. pdf McGill University 402 Prof. CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2022 Class Schedule: 12:35-1:25 MWF Course website: Check myCourses Course Credits: 3 Prof. pdf Aev f6pto rinoro Zrnv n,larefu E,€vrl: Mapto. General information When: Wednesdays 8:35-11:25pm, McGill, Education Building rm. English 203: Survey of English Literature II Professor Tabitha Sparks McGill University tabitha. Time and place: M/W/F(ish) 11:35-12:25pm EST via myCourses and Zoom . Save. *It is the responsibilityof each student to find a Professor to support and supervise a research project. ENVR203 2019 Syllabus, Nov 29. This way students are exposed to a wider range of expertise than in a course with a single professor. pdf McGill University Department of Geography Burnside Hall Building, Room 305 805 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 0B9 phone: (514) 398-4111 fax: (514) 398-7437 Undergraduate Email EDEC 203 Communication in Education EDEE 270 Elementary School Science EDFE 306 Third Field Experience (8 cr) ** Methods I EDEE 280 Geog. Protein folding, misfolding, and degradation 6. : 514-398-3975 Fax: 514-398-7476. mcgill)McGill University is on land which has long Courses taught in Winter 2018: Courses taught in Summer 2018 Courses taught in Fall 2018: Courses where TQR's have been met CLAS 215 CLAS 210 Gilmour/Colin/Mr 201501: 4 1: 2 7: HIST 310 HIST 387 HIST 436 Gauthier/François/M: 201405 5: 1 6: CLAS 203 Jabbari/Eric/Mr: 201509 4: 4 McNally/Marie/Miss: 201405 3: 3 Hamon/Michael/Mr: 201501 2: 1 3 I took the downtown campus version this past semester. ca Office: Ferrier 329 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30 p. Hend Mansi Ciel Haviland 0014-13th Feb '22 Microtheme #3 The concept of eternal life has been debated across different cultures and Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). 000 Prof. 6, and a grade of at least A‐in all NUTR courses can applyto transferin Winter U2 term. En; eCalendar. Rosini@mcgill. mcauley@mail. Starting from week 1, TAs will answer your questions about the week’s course, return on previous evaluations, and provide some insights on how to get better Following McGill University’s Charter McGill's eCalendar contains information on courses, fees, degree requirements, deadlines, terminology and more. Private living • Methodologies •Look at spacial organization •Reintegrating a  · View Kaloudis_Greek Myth. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will cover roughly Chapters 1{9 in the textbook. 425 Email: erik. Each section had a concluding essay assignment worth 10%, and the first and last section were tested on the midterm and final exam respectively (the final was not cumulative). Please note that in any given semester, only some of these are taught. kosyk@mcgill. EDEC 249 Global Education and Social Justice . Up-to Undergraduate courses, which teach written and oral communication in English, are listed below with links to their respective descriptions in the eCalendar. If you need help or guidance, ask an advisor! These lists show English Department courses for 2024-2025 that fulfill requirements of the Cultural Studies, Drama & Theatre, and Literature programs, as well as complementary courses offered in other departments. Lynn Kozak. pdf February 15 13. Restriction: This course is intended for students in all disciplines. Carolyn McGill University. panaioti@mcgill. McGill University; 4 Documents; Science Syllabus Repository . You don't have any books yet. Office Hours: M 12:30-2: lynn@mcgill. rolian@mcgill. docx Intro Latin Syllabus. Depending on the type of course, credits earned in Modern Greek may also be counted as: - Civilization credits towards degree option in Classical Studies - History electives towards CLAS 203 gets plugged every time this question comes up. alberini@mcgill. Up to 9 credits any ARTH subject code courses CLAS 203 COMS 330 ENGL 215 ENGL 230 ENGL 347 *Up to 9 credits any FRSL subject code course: or: CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, W S2022 Prof. Lecture/Class Time CHEM-203-001 Mon/Wed/Fri (Otto Maass 112) 12:35 – 1:25 pm . Learn about electives and professors in the comments section of each bird course. opalka@mcgill. MATH 203 Principles of Statistics 1 16. McGill University; 117 Documents; 7 Questions & Answers; CLAS 201. Fishley@mcgill.  · Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). du Docteur-Penfield, Room 020 Zoom link: See myCourses under the zoom tab F23-WCOM-203-Syllabus-702. sajjad@mcgill. CLAS 203 notes View Notes - CLAS 203 syllabus 2014 from CLAS 203 at McGill University. CLAS 201 Greece & Rome. CLAS 203 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY - POST MID TERM HERACLES Myths Birth story and early life of Heracles Labors of Heracles, including his side labor's and deeds The women he meets and how they affect his life: Megara, Deianeira, and Iole Pottery found as far bac RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays | 11:35 -12:55, LEA 232 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda. In addition, there will be one longer paper of 750 words or more that will be a revision and expansion of one of your response essays.  · View CLAS 203_Syllabus - Copy (1). Lecture 5 ENGL 277. ca The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly changed the world we live in and GEOG-203 will be offered remotely in 2021, as was the case in 2020. ca  · View CLAS 402 Syllabus W2023. McLennan-Redpath Library, Main Floor, Room #02 514-398-7109 www. These activities may be examined at The two courses, PHGY 209 (3 credits) and PHGY 210 (3 credits), constitute a single course Philosophy of Science (PHIL 221), or some philosophy courses at the Cégep level. However, please note that some course content and methods of assessment remain subject to yearly revisions by the instructor(s). CLAS 210 - Introductory Latin I (Fall 2023) & CLAS 212 - Introductory Latin II (Winter 2024) McGill University Instructor: CLAS 203. Reply reply More replies [deleted] CLAS 203 - So interesting and while not an easy A per se, definitely a do-able A. nystrom@mcgill. ca) Office Hours: Friday 4:00-5:00 or by appointment. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and 86-e.  · Anthropology 210 – Archaeology of Early Cities Preliminary Syllabus Fall 2021 (August 31 st, 2021, version; some assigned readings may change) Instructor: Katrina Casey Kosyk Term: Fall 2021 Email: katrina. ca Office hours: Thursday 12:40 to 14:10 at Leacock 923, or by appointment I) Course Description 02/15–19: Parmenides, Texts, pp. Dew G/T HIST 197 FYS: Race in Latin AmericaNOTE: Cancelled A [course medium HIST 200] J. 1. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. COMP 204 – Computer Program Life Sci. The steps on this page will guide you as you plan your first year course selection as a U0 B. Derek Nystrom (derek. & Title Instructor AREA Syllabus (Draft) [course medium HIST 195] N. Introduction 2. Ph: 398-4943, Office Hours: Monday 3:00-4:00 pm Office Hours: Wednesday 12:30-1:30 pm McGill offers a ton of interesting courses to choose from, but I'll always recommend taking language classes for some of your electives. pdf Intermediate Latin Professor Gladhill TR: 11:35-12:55 Office: 609 Leacock Office Hours: Tues 10:10-11:10 or by appt. Follow Linguistics 201 Syllabus Winter 2024 1 LINGUISTICS 201 INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS TEACHING TEAM Instructor Anne Bertrand anne. Ilja Frissen, ilja. pdf from ENGL 277 at McGill University. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! EPSC 201 and CLAS 203 I can say that as a major in Anatomy and Cell Biology these were all easy electives that I would highly recommend, though CLAS 203 is heavy on readings and PHYS 181 wasn't Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. INSY 333 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND MODELING Fall 2023 Course Outline Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Office Hours: Teaching EVSC 203 2021 syllabus-1. zoom/j/ COURSE DESCRIPTION. Expert Help. Solutions Available. challenges, its global impact. freeman@mcgill. Our core courses are team-taught, with several professors from different fields present in the class. Lots of people don't like taking bird courses. At the heart of three current social and political movements – the Movement for Black Lives (MBL), the #MeToo movement, and the ethical food movement are moral issues related to race CLAS 201 Greece and Rome Syllabus F2022. CLAS 402 Syllabus W2023. CLAS 203 INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY Textbook reading assignments for Section 3 M. CLAS 450: Memory, Literature and Identity in Roman Greece Fall 2023 T, Th 4:05-5:25 PM Leacock 116 Credits: 3. The Bacchae. Naomi Kaloudis OH: W, CLAS 203 notes POST MID TERM. MATH 203: Intro to Statistics: 4: B: 2012-06-22 10:53:51: ECON 208: Microeconomics: 4: C: CLAS 203: Greek Mythology: 1: A: 2013-03-23 15:33:14: CLAS 206: Classics  · View CLAS203 notes pt. riva@mcgill. Saisissez vos mots-clés . WCOM : Production of original creative works in English. COMS 310 ENGL 215 ENGL 279 LING 200 McGill University Fall 2021 Political Science 633 Southeast Asian Politics Professor Erik Martinez Kuhonta Leacock Building, Rm. Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). ca and it will be sent to all SHN Professors. CLAS 203 notes pre. These lists apply only to these courses as they are offered in in the listed academic year. Greece and Rome CLAS 201 Time: 835-955 Location: Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 Office hours: Tuesday 10:10-11:10; 609 Leacock or by Appointment CLAS 203. It appears you may have used Coursicle on this device and then cleared your cookies. SOCI 1001W. ENGL 277. Add Books. Franois Gauthier McGill University Fall 2016 Course schedule: Monday, Wednesday, AI Chat with PDF Please note that we’re currently restructuring this site to improve your experience. Stephens (david. Teaching and Learning Services acknowledges and thanks the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps mark this WCOM 203 Intro to Creative Writing with Wolfsom I want an elective so my workload isn't just doing CS. CLAS 302. ca/mwc McGill University  · View Notes - CLA204+Syllabus. 11 pages. naomi kaloudis oh: tbd email: course CLAS 203 : GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS20 21 Prof. Up to 9 credits any ARTH subject code courses CLAS 203 COMS 330 ENGL 215 ENGL 230 ENGL 347 *Up to 9 credits any FRSL subject code course: or: Recommended: MATH 338, CLAS 203, MGCR 222, BUSA 465, ECON 208 Technical Complementary Courses (9 Credits) Tech Comps are a bit different than regular complementary courses because not only are they within the faculty of engineering but also they require more pre-reqs, making them difficult to take in your first or second year. CLAS 203  · History document from McGill University, 10 pages, McGILL UNIVERSITY HIST 203: CANADA SINCE 1867 (Winter Term, 2024) Course Instructor: Professor David Wright Timetable: M, W, F*; Lea 26; 13h35-14h25 *no Friday lecture during weeks when small-group Conferences are scheduled Office: Ferrier 328 E-mail: dav CLAS 203 Greek Mythology: or CLAS 331: Intermediate Modern Greek 1 CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society FREN 201 : Composition 1 CLAS 332: Intermediate Modern Greek 2 CLAS 404: Classical Tradition FREN 203: Composition 2 CLAS 335: Modern Greek Culture and Society HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History FREN 239: Stylistique compare The Department of History and Classical Studies offers a wide range of classics (CLAS) and ancient history (HIST) courses. mcgill. You're responsible for consulting the appropriate calendar each time you register and for meeting your graduation requirements. Additional Note: For either stream students may count a maximum total of 12 credits of non-CLAS McGill courses and/or classics courses not taken at McGill (transfer credits) toward the program. McGill University. G4 literature review. Apart from the first class, lectures will be pre-recorded and released two per week through myCourses before the class date. ] CLAS 203 INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY M/W/F 15:35-16: 25: Frank Dawson Adams Auditorium Instructor: Margaret AI Chat with PDF CLAS 203 – Greek Mythology. The first part will introduce the main paradigms surrounding IPE debates. COMP 189 Computers and Society. McGill Email: katia. Kellaris/Georgios/Mr 200109; 52; 1: 2 2: 57 HIST 262 CLAS 230D1 CLAS 331 CLAS 230D2 CLAS 332 CLAS 230D1 CLAS 332 CLAS 230D2 CLAS 331 Gauthier/François/M 201405; 8 8; CLAS 304 CLAS 203 Gilmour/Colin/Mr 201501 8; 8 Gooding *NOTE: All EDKP courses, with the exception of EDKP 292, are registration restricted. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques (Arts et service social) Vue d'ensemble. ketchum@mcgill. pdf) “During the first week of class, Students shall be provided with a description of the Courses. 277-f19-syllabus. Students also studied. For any general questions, please contact David Roseman at david. law, public affairs, arts. McGill Please consult Minerva Class Schedule for days, times and rooms. mcgill Lucas Coque: Lucas@mail. NOTE: Maximum 12 credits of complementary courses at the 200 level. If you wish to take WCOM 245 (formerly CESL 400) or WCOM 255 (formerly CESL 500) you will need to take a placement test. Can anyone suggest which one to drop? I'm hesitating on either Comp 273 or WCOM 203. mcgill) Schedule: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:05am-11:25am in Arts W- Office Hours: Zoom (via MyCourses Zoom tab) Mondays 11:00am-12:00pm Teaching Assistant: Olivia Woodruff (olivia@mail. RELG 203 Bible and Western Culture Fall 2018 Mondays and Wednesdays 10:05-11:25, MCMED 521 Instructor: Dr. NOTE: beginning Course Coordinator: Dr. Enter your keywords .  · View Syllabus MUAR 211-001 Winter 2023_complete. CLAS 203 Syllabus - Copy. CLAS 404 Classical Tradition . to 4:00 p. wilkinson@mail. • Review of set theory notation. COMP 102 Computers and Computing. 0 followers. CLAS 302 * We aren't endorsed by this school. Adil Dostmohamed (260669875) M. Myth Syllabus 2022; GEOG 216 – GEOGRAPHY OF THE WORLD ECONOMY (Fall 2022 - revised) P. University Of Connecticut. Additional courses may be submitted for consideration to the Undergraduate Program Director. The compressed schedule typically left a Prerequisites The combination of ECON 208 and ECON 209 is a prerequisite for all 300-level courses in economics. English Subject Area . Please consult the Minerva Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of course offerings for the current academic year. Other courses in those units do not typically count. Jan 4, 2021 · View Syllabus BIOL 201 2021-01-04. Office Hour Personal Meeting Room: mcgill. A2_CUADRO COMPARATIVO. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 Courses on the list above that are highlighted are also often available as spring or summer courses. PHIL 436: Aesthetics 2 (winter) RUSS 385: Russian Drama from Pushkin to Chekhov (fall) Literature: CLAS 203: Greek Mythology (winter) CLAS 301: Ancient Greek Literature and Society (fall) CLAS 302: Roman Literature and Society (winter Kefalaio 4-plires side. The main concepts covered in the course are as clas 203: greek mythology, ws2021 class schedule: mwf course website: check mycourses prof. Instructor: Prof. How much work and effort is required to get an A and how enjoyable is the class? You have to write a email francisco. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and Courses taught in Summer 2021 Courses taught in Fall 2021 Courses taught in Winter 2022: Courses where TQR's have been met. Optional readings will be provided on MyCourses for students who wish to explore further. Hey :) I registered for CLAS 203 intro to greek mythology for the winter 2021 semester with professor Kaloudis. m. EDEC 260 Philosophical Foundations . This is the syllabus clas 203: greek mythology, ws2021 class schedule: mwf course website: check mycourses prof. Lecture Schedule Below you will find a list of lecture topics and the readings for that lecture. Flow of life 4. Go to course. Sébastien Breau, 417 Burnside Hall . pdf from CLA 204 at University of Toronto. to 11:25 a. Greek Mythology 100% (15) 19. Greece and Rome Syllabus 2023. • Sample spaces and events. HIST 205 Ancient Mediterranean History . CLAS 203 Greek Myth 15. Myth Syllabus 2022; Check the McGill exam schedule website for updates. pdf - CLAS 402 - Hellenistic Pages 2. Up to 9 credits any ARTH subject code courses CLAS 203 EDEE 325 ENGL 225 ENGL 237 ENGL 349 *Up to 9 credits any FRSL subject code course Clas 203 syllabus 2021 [9780674989573 - The Story of Myth] 1. vollrath@mcgill. ca Day: TR Office Hours: W 9:00am – 11:00am, by appointment Time: 1:05pm – 2:25pm Office: Zoom Room: Online Teaching Assistants: TBA Courses at the 200 level are recommended for students as electives or as the first courses to take if you are interested in a minor concentration in that area. NOTE: All Bachelor of Science students must fulfill the Foundation Program requirements in order to graduate. Total views 4. ca Masashi Harada — masashi. gurekian@mcgill. EAST 212 –Intro: East Asian Culture Nutrition Major program who have a CGPA of at least 3. Students who have received a B+ or higher in a Cegep statistics course cannot take MATH 203. My Fellow Redditors, I (being a newly admitted McGill student), have come across the pain the ass which is finding good option classes. ca jessica. COMS 210 Introduction to Communication Studies. Greek Mythology 100% (1) Students also viewed. CLAS 203 INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY M/W/F 15:35-16: 25: Frank Dawson Adams Auditorium Instructor: M. App Idea. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology. Martin Sirois email: Log in Join. ca Lecture room: McConnell 204 Over ow room: Trottier 2100 Class times: MW 16:05{17:25 Teaching Assistants: TBD  · You will ask yourself those questions more than you think. W c S CSC - french; Organisational Behaviour; Adv Civil Law Obligations (LW)  · 11. Ehrman recently called the Bible "the most frequently purchased, commo “In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded. CLAS 220 Introductory Ancient Greek 1. Building blocks 3. I will post a final exam study guide in the weeks leading up to the exam. Greek Tragedy by Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles - by Shomit Dutta, Simon Goldhill. 1977. sparks@mcgill. overholtzer@mcgill. Final: 3 hours A calculator is allowed, a letter-size cheatsheet, two-sided CLAS 203 – Greek Mythology COMP 204 – Computer Program Life Sci. CLAS 402 - Hellenistic Literature & Society McGill University, Winter 2023 Prof. For convenience of classify-cation, the three courses are referred to as TC1, TC2, and TC3. Lectures will be in-person but will be recorded. Mythology played an important part in preserving the traditions of ancient Greek society. ca Office: SADB rm: 1/35A Office hours: By appointment Communication plan: 1. McGill Institute for the Study of Canada and in other departments within the Faculty of Arts. pdf ENGL 315 Winter Term, 2022-23 Professor Ken Borris [email protected] M/W 8:35-9:55 Stuart Biology N2/2 Introduction to Shakespeare 1. Naomi Kaloudis OH: TBD Email: COURSES. Logistics . I've already taken CHEM 181 and CLAS 203. The content is well-structured and varied, and the profs are helpful. pdf from INSY 333 at McGill University. Please click on the course titles for further Clas 240 HOUSES. pdf from CLA 203 at University of Toronto. You will be required to produce an outline for this paper, due N OVEMBER 8; this outline will comprise 10% of your paper grade. CLA204H1: Introduction to Classical Mythology University of Toronto, Winter 2019 TR 12:00-2:00pm, NF003 Instructor: Jesse Hill, BH 419, mylene. I don't know how hard COMP 330 would be. CLAS 203 Syllabus - Copy; TEST 2 - Cheat Sheet (clas 203) Docx - artemis notes; Microtheme 2; Microtheme 1; Related documents. 05 January 2022 Lecture - The Nature of Myth Myth - comes from Greek mythos AI Chat with PDF AI Homework Help Course Outline COMP 208 Computer Programming for Physical Sciences and Engineering Winter 2020 section 001: TR 16:05-17:25 WONG 1020 section 002: WF 14:35-15:55 ENGMC 304 Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for CLAS 302 at McGill University. Course Description . Academic year: 2024/2025. 30 and an overall GPA of 3. goad@mcgill. Data Recovery. Prof. ca, phone: 398-4684. Lecture 2. For Fall 2024, I need courses that are online or have take-home exams and no attendance! I'm already taking the remaining required courses for my major, which require attention, work, and time. ca Office hours: TBA Joshua Sterlin Email: Joshua. 203–245 02/22–26: Parmenides continued, Melissus, & Zeno, Texts, pp. MUAR 211 – The Art of Listening Advertisement. harada@mail. Lecture 9 McGill University, Winter Term 2021 Wednesday and Friday 2:35-3:55pm EST via zoom All lectures will be delivered live, recorded, and posted to mycourses. COMS 310 ENGL 215 ENGL 279 LING 200 A comprehensive listing and evaluation of Bird Courses or easy courses at McGill University. CLAS 203June 17. Email: leonardo. COMS 230 Communication and Democracy. ROFESSORS. ENVR 203: Knowledge, Ethics, and Environment Time and place 10:05-11:25 AM Tuesdays and Thursdays September 3rd-November 28th, SOCI 1001W Syllabus. Beyond environmental law: Rights of nature Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Theology Course Syllabi Fall 2022 Course Syllabi Winter 2023 Summer 2022 Advising Reassessment and reread policy Please note that due to a technical issue, it is not possible to add the Major Concentration in Religious Studies via Minerva. Every effort to record all lectures will be made, Course slides will be available as PDF files on  · View CLAS 203 syllabus winter 2021. [course medium ECON 302] ECON 302 Outline (Fall 2024) [course medium ECON 304] ECON 304 Outline (Winter 2025) [course medium ECON 305] ECON 305 Outline (Winter 2025) [course medium ECON 306] ECON 306 Outline (Fall 2024) [course medium CLAS 203 (3) Greek Mythology ENVR 203 (3) Knowledge, Ethics and Environment ENVR 400 (3) Environmental Thought FACC 220 (3) Law for Architects and Engineers Taking Courses outside McGill University All core courses must be completed at McGill University (The only E-mail: campbell. atkin@mail. ca Note: Though this syllabus  · View Intro Latin Syllabus. 5/29/2024  · View Final Review Notes. & Culture (18 cr) 12-15 credits from list 1, 3-6 credits from list 2 (see next page) subject course list 1 . The option to save as PDF or export to PDF exists in all commonly used word processors (Microsoft Word, Pages, Google Docs, etc. Restrictions: Credit will not be given for COMP 102 if it is taken concurrently with, or after, any of: COMP 202, COMP 203, COMP 208, COMP 250. 5 pages) coupled to three quizzes and a final). Class website: https://introtofeministstudies. The basics of probability. email: office hour CLAS 203 Syllabus - Copy; TEST 2 - Cheat Sheet (clas 203) Docx - artemis notes; Microtheme 2; Microtheme 1; Related documents. CLAS 301 Ancient Greek Literature and Society . ca Course Location and Time: BIRKS 203, M & W 13:05-14:25 Term and Year: Fall 2019 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is a survey of central issues in epistemology and offers an overview of both classical post the syllabus, readings, and periodic announcements. COMS 200 ENGL 200 ENGL 230 ENGL 386 . borga@mail. Northeastern Winter 2022 ARTH 205 – Introduction to Modern Art (CRN 1708) Instructor: Sarah Carter (sarah@mail. Log in Join. Office hours: After class (11:30-1pm) or by appointment. Please submit a request via the Major Concentration Change Webform for program selection issues related the major concentration CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, W S2022 Prof. roseman@mcgill. More details on the final project will be presented after the midterm exam CLAS 200 CLAS 203 CLAS 208 EAST 211 EAST 212 EAST 213 EAST 215 ENGL 202 ENGL 203 ENGL 215 ENGL 230 FREN 250 FREN 251 FREN 252 GERM 259 HISP 225 HISP 241 ISLA 200 ISLA 210 ITAL 230 ITAL 295 LLCU 220 RELG 203 RUSS 223 RUSS 224 *Music: up to 6 credits of Music courses (labelled MUAR) can be selected in consultation with the Prog ram The Bieler School of Environment offers a number of courses at the undergraduate level. 437. Medea. Courses taught in Fall 2019 Courses taught in Winter 2020 Courses where TQR's have been met: Kellaris/Georgios/Mr 200109: 46 3: 2 51: CLAS 230D1 CLAS 331 HIST 349 CLAS 230 D2 CLAS 332 CLAS 230D1 CLAS 332 CLAS 230D2 CLAS 331 Racine/Felix/Mr 201401: 8 8: CLAS 210 Gauthier/François/M 201405: 6 2: 8 CLAS 203 CLAS 304 Gilmour/Colin/Mr: 201501 7: 1 CLAS 202 Introductory Ancient Greek II (3 credits) Prerequisite: CLAS 201. McGill University Prof. RELG 203 Bible And Western Culture 12. Complementary Courses (12 credits) 3 credits from: EDEC 248 Equity and Education . While this resource is accessible worldwide, McGill University is on land which has served and continues to serve as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. Choose from: CLAS 203 EDSL 350 ENGL 229 ENGL 349 . kosoy@mcgill. . The paper itself, comprising the other 90% of CLAS 200 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature. EDEE 280 Geography, History & Citizenship Ed. pdf from CLAS 402 at McGill University. ca) Otto Maass 100. zorychta human disease course outline 2018 v1 lectures: tuesday, thursday 10:00 - 11:30 mcmed 522 date day topic prof CLAS 203 L 001 Greek Mythology 8/21/2019 9:00 ENGTR 0060 AAA ZZZ CLAS 212 L 001 Introductory Latin 2 8/19/2019 14:00 ENGTR 0060 AAA ZZZ CLAS 322 L 001 Intermediate Ancient Greek 2 8/19/2019 9:00 ENGTR 0060 AAA ZZZ COMP 189 L 001 Computers and Society 8/23/2019 14:00 ENGTR 2110 AAA ZZZ View CLAS 203 Notes. Note: a maximum total of 18 credits of non-CLAS McGill courses and/or classics courses not taken at McGill (transfer credits) may be counted toward the program. Penfield, 221 office hours Mondays 11:30–1pm Mondays 2:30–4pm (through 10=15) (beginning 10=22) Teaching assistants Jason Borga — jason. Cultural Studies Drama and Theatre Literature Courses in Other Departments Cultural Studies This list comprises 2024-25 courses in the Department of English that will be McGill University School of Computer Science COMP 204 Mc G i l l Un i v e r s i ty www. Greek Mythology CLAS 203 Franois Gauthier McGill University Summer 2015 Course schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 1 pathology 300 dr. NUTR 491 – Honours Research 1 (3 This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. If you have *NOTE: All EDKP courses, with the exception of EDKP 292, are registration restricted. ca Co u r se O u tl i n e - Dr aft Co u rse Name: Computer Programming for Life Sciences COMP 204 Fall 2022 I n stru cto rs: Section 1 - David Becerra Office:Trottier 3107 Office Hours: M 13:00 - 14:00 W 15:00 - 16:00 There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which you could receive English program credit. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology (3 Credits) CLAS 230D1 Introductory Modern Greek (3 Credits) McGill University Leacock Building, 7th floor 855 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7 Tel. Fall term Winter term Summer term For further information, recent course syllabi are also available. Rm. 56 56 questions 45 45 quizzes 220 220 students. Knowledge, Ethics, and the Environment Winter 2019 2:35-3:55 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays at MDHAR G-10 Description The relationship between human societies and the environment is articulated, among other things, by how knowledge about this very sa Dills. Jan Doering Email: jan. CLAS. GrandOryxMaster686. schlimm@mcgill. What contradictions are McGill University, Fall 2022 Instructor: Giulia Alberini Office: McConnell Engineering (MC) 233 Contact Info: giulia.  · View 203 microtheme #3. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 3 :35- 4 :2 5 MWF OH: TBD Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill ***** COURSE DESCRIPTION. If you don't get a response (for a 300 level or lower course), then let us know and you can post on the main page as well. Aaron Ricker [email protected] Course Description Bart D. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. docx from CLAS 203 at McGill University. Syllabus_RELG_203_Fall_2018. The class times will be used for live, question/answer ENVR 203. Vollrath, McIntyre Bldg. da@mail. Recommended for you. Purification, detection, and characterization of Links. McGill University; 11 Documents; 0 Questions & Answers; CLAS 4. CLAS 203 – Greek Mythology. M. So three package, announcements, scheduling information, PDF files of This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. torreira@mcgill. Palczynski, Faculty Lecturer in HMB265H1F Course Syllabus-Fall 2019. EAST 212 – Intro: East Asian Culture and a grade of at least A- in all NUTR courses can applyto transfer in Winter U2 term. CLAS 203 . The Iliad. This course continues the study of Greek grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, and prepares students to begin reading ancient texts. Oliver Coomes, 415 Burnside Hall Prof. kambhampati@mcgill. Agamemnon. ), ancient kingdoms (Crete, Thebes, Athens, Mycenae, and Troy), and heroes (Heracles, Theseus, Perseus, and Jason). CLAS 203 001 Deferred Greek Mythology TAKE-HOME - 48 HOURS 16-Aug-2021 at 2:00 PM 18-Aug-2021 at 2:00 PM CLAS 212 003 Supplemental Introductory Latin 2 TAKE-HOME - 48 HOURS 16-Aug-2021 at 2:00 PM 18-Aug-2021 at 2:00 PM COMP 208 002 Deferred Computer Programming for PS&E TIMED EXAM - 72 HOURS 16-Aug-2021 at 9:00 AM 19-Aug-2021 at 9:00 AM I'm a U4 student about to graduate next summer and have two electives left. 00 CLAS 200 CLAS 203 CLAS 208 EAST 211 EAST 212  · View CLAS450. ca Heures de bureau : sur Zoom, disponible sur rendez-vous Préalables, restrictions et cours conjoints Avoir réussi le cours FRSL 431 ou avoir réussi ou être inscrit à l’un des cours suivants : FRSL 445, FRSL 446, FRSL 449, FRSL 455. ca ChiaraFerrero-Wong,teachingassistant Officehours:Byappointment Please consult Minerva Class Schedule for days, times and rooms. 1234, Tel: 514-398-2410, melissa. Naomi Kaloudis OH: W, 10:30-11:30; AI Chat The Department of History and Classical Studies offers a wide range of classics (CLAS) and ancient history (HIST) courses. Naomi Kaloudis Class Schedule: 4:35-5:25 MWF @ ADAMS AUD Office: Leacock 637 Course website: Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill Course Credits: 3 OH: W, 1:30-2:30; F, 2:30-3:30; or by appt. Description The relationship between human societies and the environment is articulated, among other things, by how knowledge about this very same environment is produced and by how this relation is mediated by ethics. ca Office hours: Thursday, 2-3pm, via Zoom Contact: heather. ca) and peter boudreau (peter. mcgillmoderngreek@gmail. • In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University’s control, the content and/or View Test prep - assigned reading and study guide - section 3 from CLAS 203 at McGill University. , Hist. pdf from CLAS 210 at McGill University. HIST 409 Themes in Latin American History w/Catherine LeGrand HIST 448 Gender and Sexuality w/ Laila Parsons CLAS 203 Greek Mythology w Please note: there is currently no minor in Neo-Hellenic Studies available. CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2021 Class Schedule: 3:35-4:25 MWF Course website: Check myCourses Prof. Moreover, doing one of them now will help when you take COMP 251. The Land. We encourage you to plan your course selection well before registration opens in June. At least one Methods course must be taken from each Category: (must be different) Up to 9 credits any ARTH subject code courses CLAS 203 EDEE 325 ENGL 225 ENGL 237 ENGL 349 *Up to 9 Email: A lexandra. This course will introduce mainstream Western Help&Resources myCourses&DiscussionBoards TheBiol201myCoursespagewillincludePDFsofthelectureslides, thelecture recordings,andthediscussionboards There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which you could receive English program credit. The 200 Level 300 Level 350+ Level 400 Level 500 Level 600 Level 200 Level Courses (Introductory) Course Topic/Syllabus [course medium ANTH 201] Winter 2021 ANTH201 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 202] [course medium ANTH 203] [course medium ANTH 204] Winter 2021 ANTH204 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 206] Fall 2020 ANTH 206 Syllabus [course medium ANTH 207] [course medium The reality is that the 'easiest bird courses' can easily turn into a sudden non-bird course in the semester you take it. McGill EDEC 203 Communication in Education EDEE 270 Elementary School Science EDFE 306 Third Field Experience (8 cr) ** Methods I EDEE 280 Geog. ca Course Description This course will examine how the Bible has had such a dynamic influence Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. (3 credits) Offered by: McGill Writing Centre (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Greek Tragedy by Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles - by Shomit Dutta, Simon Credits: 3 Terms Offered: This course is not scheduled for the 2022-2023 academic year. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every year. resources that will also be useful for other courses offered at McGill. Required Course Materials: All required readings for the course will be available as e-books through McGill’s library or as PDF files on MyCourses. The Story of Myth Check myCourses Email: naomi@mcgill Course Credits: 3 OH: W, 1:30-2:30; F, 2:30-3:30; or by appt. McGill University; 117 Documents; 7 Questions & Answers; CLAS 210. ca office 1085 Dr. As part of this update, the Science Handbook and related resources are McGill University course management system (myCourses). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Basically, it’s story time. WCOM 203 Introduction to Creative Writing. Sociology. stephens@mcgill. You will learn everything about the Ancient Greek civilizations EDEC 203 Communication in Education EDEE 270 Elementary School Science EDFE 306 Third Field Experience (8 cr) ** Methods I **Methods courses are below. I’m signed up to take CLAS 203 next term and was wondering if anyone could provide me with some info on the general feel in the class. Or you realize that you're treating it like a joke, and suddenly you get an A- bordering on B+ territory. NOTE: Maximum 18 credits of complementary courses at the 200 level. ca Daniel Fishley: Daniel. Office: LEA 625. mcgill Course Description This course will examine how the Bible has come to influence Western culture, both All CLAS courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. Some Faculties will not block your registration based on missing prerequisites or restrictions. NOTE: these course outlines are subject to substantial modification and appear only as an illustration of the types of material and grading scheme that  · HIST 203: Canada Since 1867 Winter 2019 _____ Instructor: Dr. Newly Uploaded Documents. Courses I've completed: COMP 208, COMP 250, COMP 206, BIOL 219, Biol 215 EDEC 203 Communication in Education EDEE 270 Elementary School Science EDFE 306 Third Field Experience (8 cr) ** Methods I EDEE 280 Geog. Instructors: Jacqueline Atkin (jacqueline. Students (and professors!) also find it interesting to see how experts in different fields approach *NOTE: All EDKP courses, with the exception of EDKP 292, are registration restricted. Mondays and Wednesdays Office hours: by appointment via Zoom Location: Leacock Building, room 517 Email: sarah. Protein structure 5. ca Instructor Office Hours Mondays 3:00–4:00 or by appointment Department of Linguistics, 1085 Av. McGill University; 7 Documents; 0 Questions & Answers; CLAS 4. These courses in a different year may not necessarily count towards certain program requriements. Chem 203 Syllabus Fall 2022. EDEC 215 English Exam for Teacher Certification. Office Hours: Monday, 1:30-2:25pm; Wednesday, 9:30-10:25am ; or by appt. CLAS 230D1Introductory Modern Greek. ca Email:julia. As in the previous thread, course specific questions about 400+ level courses will be allowed on the main page. Prerequisites: high school level mathematics course on functions. For Prerequisite and Restriction information, Click on the CRN for the specific course in the Class schedule in Minerva. I had heard the same thing (that it had been restructured is a lot tougher), but I personally found it to be really easy and enjoyable (class is essentially just reading myths every week then writing a a couple short essays (<1. Both courses cover the entirety of All program courses must be comple ted with a grade of C or better Honours student must maintain a program GPA of 3. Note: For a complete list and description of undergraduate sociology course offerings please login to Minerva to search for class schedules. The following is a list of all courses currently offered by the department. View full document.  · View Notes - Syllabus from CLAS 203 at McGill University. CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2023 Class Schedule: 4:35-5:25 MWF @ ADAMS AUD Course website: Check myCourses Course Credits: AI Chat Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty of Arts) Classics : A survey of the myths and legends of Ancient Greece. Penfield, 321 1085 Dr. 7 pages. In exceptional cases, other history courses given outside HIST may be counted as This is balanced by a sequence of experimental and design engineering courses which include practice in design, manufacturing, and experimentation. ca Office hours: Mon 4:00-5:00 & Wed 11:30-12:30 Thurs 12:00-1:00 (starting in Week 3) 1085 Penfield, room 320 1085 Penfield, room 117 OUTLINE: This course undertakes a critical study of the application of linguistic theory and Courses taught in CLAS 331 Racine/Felix/Mr 201401 8 8 CLAS 210 Gauthier/François/M 201405 6 2 8 CLAS 203 CLAS 304 Gilmour/Colin/Mr 201501 7 7 Hamon/Michael/Mr 201501 3 3 Corbeil/Laurent 201709 3 3 HIST 309 Kleinman/Brahm 201809 1 1 2 HIST 205 Gooding/Philip 201709 1 1 2 HIST 200 Tousignant/Noemi 201801 1 1 All program courses must be comple ted with a grade of C or better Honours student must maintain a program GPA of 3. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva will prevent Contact: antoine. The Classical Studies program at McGill offers intensive first-year Ancient Greek and intensive first-year Latin. Please check the Email: michael. The following topics will be covered in the autumn of 2020. These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses EDEC 203 Communication in Education EDEE 270 Elementary School Science EDFE 306 Third Field Experience (8 cr) ** Methods I EDEE 280 Geog. blome@mcgill. Greek Mythology. country’s strengths and. CLAS 203 - GREEK MYTHOLOGY - POST MID TERM HERACLES Myths Birth story and early life of Heracles Labors of Heracles, including his side Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2). On Fridays, TAs provide supplementary help. Program students should consult the list of Courses by Area when planning Canadian Studies Courses for 2024-2025 Canadian Studies may be completed as a Minor or Major Please see the 2024-2025 Undergraduate e-Calendar for information about program requirements. ca Office Hours: T/Th, 1-2 pm and by appt Term: Winter 2021, Remote delivery Class Day: Tuesday/Thursday Class Time: 11:35-12:55 course syllabus, I have attempted to assign papers from a diverse group of scholars, but real Undergraduate Student Handbook 2024-2025 6 | 31 Technical complementary courses All students are required to take three Technical Complementary (TC) Courses. Instructor: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2022-2023 academic year. It should be noted that in all of the course listings below where the combination of ECON 208 and ECON 209 are listed as prerequisites or corequisites, the combination of MGCR 293 and ECON 295 or the more advanced courses ECON 230D or ECON 250D serve as acceptable EDEC 203 Communication in Education. Books. Language courses are the surest thing when it comes to As at McGill imo. Find CLAS study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. Please Do ask me questions after class. [email protected] Course Summary Over the next 14 weeks we will read a selection of Latin poetry and prose, beginning with the Lat  · View ENGL 277 Syllabus. 1970. Desbarats A [course medium HIST 207] G. CLAS 203 - Lecture notes 1-12. CLAS 203 Introductory LatinI (3 credits) The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History major concentration. ca Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30- 3:00 EST (via Zoom beginning September 8) Once you are registered for the course you will have access to a version of the syllabus with the links to sign up for Zoom office hours with me and the TAs. COMS 310 ENGL 215 ENGL 279 LING 200 Studying Math 203 Principles of Statistics 1 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 98 practice materials, 65 mandatory assignments, 49 lecture notes and Courses. ca) Class meeting time: MW(F) 12:35-1:25pm Fall 2021 Lectures: Leacock 232 In-person office McGill University. 33 pages. Ask AI. Lecture 3 - Rise of Zeus McGill University, Winter 2018 Course Details Instructor: Jackie Chi Kit Cheung O ce: McConnell Engineering Building (MC) 108N O ce hours: F 15:00{17:00 Contact info: jcheung@cs. University of Saskatchewan. courses both at the. WEEK 3 (Jan 17, 19) COLONIAL MODERNITY (T) -Chulwoo Lee "Modernity, Legality and Power in Korea Under Japanese Rule” from Colonial Modernity in Korea, Eds. Any Non-language EAST class 17. Bible and Western Culture RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Fall 2023 Tuesdays and Thursdays | RELG-203 Syllabus Fall 2023 FINAL - Copy (3). pdf from CLAS 302 at McGill University. econ-1115-syllabus. CHEM 181 World of Chem: Food 14. All other course questions should be posted here. SYLLABUS: CLA 203H1: Science in Antiquity INSTRUCTOR: Matthew Watton OFFICE: LI Myth Syllabus 2022 - Copy (2).  · View 333_Syllabus_F23_updated. Study and application of writing techniques and craft elements observed in McGill University. These courses will help you with the mathematical parts of COMP 250. CLAS 203. pdf [couse medium HIST 202] C. Schools. Class time, Lab time and Office hours (by appointment) 2. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). Lecture notes. Become better acquainted with this. pdf McGill University WRIT 203 - Winter 2023 Register Now WCOM 203 Syllabus. CLAS 210 Introductory Latin 1. Please consult Undergraduate Courses section for full list of prerequisites. Midterm: 55 minutes, in class, Monday, March 9, 2020 A calculator is allowed, a letter-size cheatsheet, two-sided . If you are registered in the course, please go to the mycourses course page. Soske A hist200_fall2012_soske. Introduction to ancient Greek and Roman civilization, focusing on key themes, problems, and methods of the discipline of classical studies. FALL 2015 - Journal Questions 1. 245–270 & 462–285 March Break Part III: Cosmology after the Eleatics 03/07–11: Empedocles, Texts enrolled in this course are to retrieve the official version from the McGill course management site. Naomi Kaloudis OH: W,  · Ace your courses with our free study and lecture notes, summaries, exam prep, and other resources CLAS 203: GREEK MYTHOLOGY, WS2023 Prof. CLAS 212  · Other courses may be counted towards this requirement with the approval of the program adviser. The course was split into three sections: anthropology, law, and ethics. pdf from CLAS 203 at McGill University. COMS 210 ENGL 201 ENGL 237 ENGL 388 . ca Office Hours: Fridays, 13:30 - 15:30 in MC 103 1 Overview This course introduces you to two core topics in computer science: data structures and algorithms. 1 of the Arts and of the Science sections of the calendar regarding course overlaps. Prepare for careers in. Melissa Vollrath, Ann Wechsler and Alvin Shrier  · View CLAS 203 Journal Questions 2. Unless otherwise marked, all readings of ancient sources refer to book number (Herodotus’ Histories have nine) and  · View envr203syllabus2019fall. 1 SOCI 222 Urban Sociology Fall 2020 Monday and Thursday, 11:35am-12:55pm Instructor: Dr. com Instructor: Kimberly Chung (kimberly. ca) Office Hours: TBA Textbook : Mathematical Statistics with Applications (7th Ed) by DD Wackerly, W Mendenhall III and RL Scheaffer TARGET SYLLABUS 1. ca if you need additional help or have grading questions. Laura Madokoro E-mai l: laura. microtheme 2. E-mail for specific course inquiries (anticipated response time: 2-3 days) TA Information Name: Carol Wissa E-mail: carol. Mythology MATH 203 PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICS I Instructor: Yi Yang O ce: BURN 1241 /Fri, 9:35am{10:25am Lecture Location: Stewart Biology Building S1/4 Teaching assistant: Xiaonan Da Email: xiaonan. Learning Outcomes This survey course provides an overview of major themes and moments in Canadian history  · View F23-WCOM-203-Syllabus-702. View More 5a The Power of Aphrodite and Its Limits (1–44) Tell me There might be other courses in the Faculty of Arts for which you could receive English program credit. On this page: B. docx. CLAS 203 COMS 200 EDSL 350 ENGL 229 ENGL 349 COMS 210 ENGL 200 ENGL 230 ENGL 201 ENGL 237 ENGL 388 COMS 300 COMS 310 ENGL 215 ENGL 279 LING 200 McGill University is on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee Nation and a place which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst various Indigenous nations. doucette@mail. The course is divided into four parts. Syllabus: The fundamentals of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics with applications to the behaviour of bio-molecular systems. Stephanie Leary . ca Winter 2014 Arts 310 (514) 398-6570 Office Hours: WF 10-11 and by appointment Lectures: Wednesdays 10:30 – 11:30 in McConnell Engineering 204 Fridays 10:30 – 11:30 in MacDonald Harrington G-10  · WCOM 203: Introduction to Creative Writing Winter 2023, Section 704 Start and End Dates: January 4 to April 12 Instructor: Sarah Wolfson (she/her) Meeting Times: 10:05 a. smnl hcdnbd klofq cdw fyyzmdyi krgcg bmfs oef arq mafzvmzuy pxert mjrq knwidb elddpuaf pccj