Ck2 event 55000. Event 900 does the same with religion.
Ck2 event 55000 The MTTH for the first event is also decreased by 25% if it matches the same de-jure rules that the second event requires to trigger. txt". CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes . event 900 玩家首都宗教变玩家宗教 Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. It doesn't matter if it's a husband and wife relationship, but even if a male code other than her husband is entered in <m-char-id>, the father is not identified and the female character's husband recognizes it as her own child. However, its MTTH (mean time to happen) is 100000 months, which roughly corresponds to 8333 (in-game) years. So, either Catholic Vikings or the Spanish have turned to Odin. 也是直接删掉 Sep 4, 2022 · Event HF. 24001: Killed by brazen bull - First time HF. Oct 19, 2016 · Old Building Names (Pre-1. (Without <Province ID> only capital province changes into province holders culture) Might be out of date and no idea what the Province IDs or culture names are in CK2 mod. event 62014 - Crusader 추가 Oct 31, 2020 · ID Name 55000: Province culture changes 55001: Bring in some settlers 55002: The English Melting Pot (after year 1100) 55003: It's spreading 55004: Make my court speak English I checked the ck2 wiki and the ck2 wikia for the console command. "event nightswatch. Crusader Kings 2 Event Command This command runs the event with the specified event ID. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Event 900 does the same with religion. 1 Legacy of Rome 2. What makes this mod different from Crusader Kings II? add_martial (-)(#) = Add or subtract character martial. 3有没有永生. Oct 27, 2012 · event 901 宫廷人物变信仰 而且不扣好友度 event 10011 第2个选者 得到2个 军事19 密谋15的人才 event 10030(聪明的骗局)第2选择 加所有手下好友度 多少忘了· event 10031 +密谋3 大众好感+3 军事+3 (好象不是永久的把!) event 70013 (勇敢! Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. event aegons_landing. Event 55000 does the same, but you can enter the province ID of ANY county to change it to the culture of the county owner. event 24504你可以输入2次这样你的老婆就可以为你生出双胞胎了双胞胎好处不用说了兄弟间的好友+20—50忘了` event 70007 +军事点1``` event 70027 +外交点1 event 70029 +内政点1``` event 4160加学习点1````密谋 event 69057 +1``` 事件55000 =变成邻国把自己的文化大陆的外国demesnes之一。 Feb 15, 2012 · event 20320 = successful steal technology mission in the province where your leader is stationed. Events to do with AGoT dragons. Point it at your game directory, choose the rip_eternal_life file and it'll show you how to finally get that immortal character. 24002: Host notified of death by brazen bull - First time HF. 49100: The Teutonic Order looking elsewhere - Pre event HF. event 20260 - increase culture advances. 找到后直接把这整行删掉。 蓝后你会发现下面还有一行一样的. 97: Tumble impregnation chance event - ping back to female WoL. 8 Way of Life 2. - First time HF. Apr 6, 2019 · This category is for all the event pictures to be used in the new event pictures wiki page. 999: Legitimizes bastard character: event 62320: Gives character event spawned troops: event 55000: Capital province changes to your culture: event dragon. event 20000 = converts province to your religion. I always have started colonizing before firing the events. 74" = you declare yourself the Night's King. claim イベントID抜粋 event 900 プレイヤーのいる州が、プレイヤーの宗教に改宗する。プレイヤーが指揮官でなければ首都州だが、指揮官なら指揮している軍勢のいる州。 Jul 9, 2012 · Crusader Kings II - User Modifications. 当然了!我会给她买一个金项链. 6 Rajas of India 2. 3. event 55000 = turns one of your foreign demesnes neighbouring your mainland into your own culture. 49104: Potentially starting the Northern Crusade HF. Dragon events and the such like are not in this section. The first event on the list is Event 55000, which is for county cultural conversion. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. 55000 (and it's "sister", 55001) are province events, and will target the character's capital if you don't specify a province ID. 5 Sons of Abraham 2. It has two requirements to appear: the character who gets this event must be player-controlled, and must be at least 20 years old. 也是直接删掉 Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. 事件(英文:Events)是游戏中一旦满足了某些条件,就会发生的一些有趣事情。 目录 1 通用事件 1. 1: Gives character a knighthood: event bastard. github. You can optionally specify a character ID, or a province ID, that you wish to run the event in or on. event 55000 - turns one of your foreign demesnes neighbouring your mainland into your own culture. 10421 (dicovered debased coins) WoL. Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2. 15 Crusader Kings: Chronicles; 3 Event IDs. I recently subscribed to the DLC pass for CK2 for 5USD on steam to look back at the older game and see what it did better and what it worse. 11 9267059". 55000 : 플레이어의 영지가(복수일 Press § or Alt + 2 1 or ` to open the console and then type the command. . 打开00_plots. But the absolutely BEST way is to use event 55001, which works the same way as 55000 but also changes religion if it is different. 06) event 55000 <Province-ID#> = turns province into province holders culture. I will say this though - learning the console commands is a slippery slope. CK2 Events viewer (working title) is a standalone tool that draws an interactive graph of events and how they connect to each other. 3 coin flip event Hey guys! So, I've been playing CK2 multiplayer with my friends for some time and we were having a lot of fun. Next I'll just type Event unoccupied. Dec 17, 2017 · The MTTH is further decreased for the first event by 60% and the second by 50% if the owner's culture is Mongol, and by 50% for the second event if the owners culture is Altaic. Jul 4, 2013 · ==Muslim Events== event 88500 = begin ramadan event 86000 = prepare hajj event 86100 = begin the hajj event 5073 [ID] = gain hedonist, or not event 5074 [ID] = gain poet event 5082 [ID] = gain faqih event 1070 [ID] = try to memorize quran, gain monthly piety bonus event 1071 [ID] = gain hafiz, memorized quran event 8301 [ID] = gain mujahid Mar 11, 2019 · 王国风云2,也叫十字军之王2,是一款策略谋划游戏,除常见的外交,军事外,还加入了后代培养,极大满足了本人的征服欲望。 Nov 5, 2017 · Crusader Kings II Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 Основной перечень событий в Crusader Kings 2 Для активации эвента используйте команду event [идентификатор] . Event 1929 child trains with old man Event 1510 temperate event for child Event 1530 charitable event for child Event 1550 diligent event for child Event 1570 kind event for child Event 1590 patient event for child Event HF. 编辑于 2022年06月30日 01:28 event 55000 玩家首都文化变玩家文化. Sadly things became quite stale for us. 1 General events; 3. 2000 gives you a Formidable Fighter. txt. 1141: Notification event when donating money to the Hospitallers SoA. Dec 10, 2014 · That's event 925 (the Settle Tribe councillor action) you're thinking of. 5" to complete the process. 4 The Old Gods 2. (Before 1. Or use event 55000 in console commands. 71" = you are given the option to marry her. 1153: letter event 55000领地变成猪脚的民族前提是你领地里有你的民族比如你是法兰西人你征服了隔壁邻居的意大利人的地就可以用到! 为了减少叛乱嘛! event 6219耶稣的召唤+20军事 2. - The owner of the province as well as his top liege need to be Norse culture. I checked the ck2 wiki and the ck2 wikia for the console command. 9 = triggers selecting capitals between Dragonstone & King's Landing - after this you can proceed with improving the Red Keep etc in the Decisions tab. Oct 31, 2020 · ID Name SSI. GO PLAY THIS MOD. Many of these cheats and events can be used on other characters by adding at the end of it. 96: Seducer / Seductress level up chance WoL. event 20392 = random military tech improves 10%. event 925 <charID> = turns province where steward is stationed into top liege culture The only other option is the one i mentioned in 2016, which does only take the direct holder of the privince into account. 5 <Character ID> = successfully hatch an egg, works with dragon eggs born from previous dragons you have or your kinsmen may イベントID抜粋 event 900 プレイヤーのいる州が、プレイヤーの宗教に改宗する。プレイヤーが指揮官でなければ首都州だが、指揮官なら指揮している軍勢のいる州。 Using event 900 will cause the character-you-use-it-on's location to switch to their religion. or 'event 55001 <province ID>' to chance both culture and religion to county holder's. 1150: The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne SoA. 18 lightbringer and radicalizes your capital event 55000 <Province ID> = Turns province into province holders culture. vip免费专区. Cultural Conversion Events: 55000 - 59999; Mongol Horde Events: 60000 HL wolfs events - Crusader Kings II Wiki HL wolfs events Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article. Oct 27, 2012 · Non une fois le délais des terres conquises via guerre sainte de passe un coup d'event 55000. Oct 3, 2024 · "event 55000 <Province ID>" - Will convert the province's culture to the culture of the county's owner. 6000 : Launches a chain with Assassins (works only with Arabs) 10030 : The Chain of the Fun People event (Robin Hood) 70,000 : Launches a tournament event : 71000 : fires the Hello everyone, I'm looking for a forced culture conversion cheat for PROVINCES. event RIP. 94050: The Inn: Available if choosing business focus, has 100 gold (although the actual cost is lower, and can be entirely recovered with profit), cannot take garden or survey event chains afterward. 2016seven years. You can find the list of province ID's on the wikipedia. Event 55000. If you character is leader of an army, in any province other than your capital, it will convert that province, otherwise it will only do this to your capital. event 76000 - 매력적인 처녀. event customizer_houses. Then Event unoccupied. I hate the sandbox nature of almost all modern Paradox games, BUT I LOVED the event chains. "event 55001 <Province ID>" - Brings in settlers. NOT = { is_child_of = FROM } # Not my own children. txt file. 10401: Gain Stressed WoL. 6. 10409: Support carpenter's guild WoL. Anyone else playing this after the release of the new show? event dragon. 1 <Character ID> = find an egg. Useful Vanilla events listed below. Cultural Conversion Events: 55000 - 59999; Mongol Horde Events: 60000 Sep 29, 2014 · The place to go is (assuming Windows) "\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\Historical Immersion Project\events" Get something like "Notepad++" and use it to open the following documents: Cultural Conversion. Ck2 Agot Jon Snow nerticonbi1978. All AGOT mod events and eventids are listed in text files found in the file path " Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod/A Game of Thrones/events ". The chain of events about the Seljuks (Strange events it is better to wait for their appearance on their own) 86000 : launches "On the Hajj" chain of events : MNM. 10-building-names for CK2) ; NoShortcutsInProvinceTooltip; No More Wikipedia Icon; CKII-UI-Font-Mod by Morinn CK2 Modlists: List of Mods /Guides/Utilities; Women focused modlist : here Deutsch CK2: German CK2 Sub-Forum "Do not worry to mete out vinegar here and there, but don't forget to mix it with some honey" It's the same process as the culture change event (55000). event 55000 - 수도 지역의 문화를 통치자에 맞추어 변경한다. 4 Job actions events 2 DLC related events 2. Example "event 450 " charinfo = Show detailed Character info on mouseover including Character ID, fertility, employer, etc. Falls Sie der Meinung sind, dass Ihr Objekt irrtmlicherweise entfernt wurde, kontaktieren Sie bitte den, Dieser Inhalt ist inkompatibel mit Crusader Kings II. 3081 - triggered by a Demon Child. 1 fires the event that allows you to pick your new house from House Customizer. To convert a province, let's say from Castilian to Norse culture, the following requirements need to be met (Event #55000): - The owner of the province needs to be the same religion as the province. ago. A searchable table of all events from Crusader Kings 2, with their event IDs for use in console commands. 21122 永生蘋果charinfo 查看IDneg_diplo 可发出不会接受的提案play 切换人物banish ck2自用控制台 . If you need help finding province ids follow this directory All these things can, and may, happen in the mod, with or without the players choice. 70" = you find a Wildling woman beyond the Wall, give her shelter, and take her as a lover. 99: Seducer / seductress or Hedonist trait gained! WoL. 82: Spawns a custom dragon in your court of whatever size Useful Vanilla events listed below. io › 〓 Ck2 Agot Jon Snow A list of some of the most useful commands, including some events, to use if you want an added boost in your AGoT games, or you want to construct the world to your liking before you begin. 9 Aug 9, 2013 · Same way you deal with most things in Crusader Kings 2: With lots of heavy infantry. Dragon Events. Note that <Province ID> corresponds to the numerical "ID" number listed in the chart on the Provinces page. May 1, 2017 · event 901 플 레이어가 위치한 지역의 가신 한 명이 플레이어의 종교로 개종 한다. 搜索. I've owned CK2 for quite some time, and as a game, I've never ever liked CK. 1151: province_event SoA. 4 81 This gives me an advanced colony. All Discussions This mod affects two events: 55000 (transfer culture to neighbour province) and 55001 (bring settlers to a conquered province). Documents/paradox interactive/crusader kings 2/mod/a game of thrones/history/provinces Say I'm looking to colonize oldstones, I'll just go to the directory above and type oldstones and I see the province id is 81. 1 Various events 1. (Without <Province ID> only capital province changes into province holders culture) - you can also lead an army in the province you want to change, if memory serves. event CM. 1, you would have to edit the savefile. event RIP. 100 gives amazing commanders Event HFP. What makes this mod different from Crusader Kings II? Einige Geodaten dieser Seite werden von, Espaol Latinoamrica (Lateinamerikanisches Spanisch), Portugus - Brasil (Brasil. 24005 CK2 Blog. Trait Name Trait ID; Naive … Most of these commands need an input of CK2 character ID. Adventurers negotiation - These are events concerning negotiation with adventurers. event 55000 333 = 로마가 해당 백작령 Nov 5, 2017 · character_event WoL. Et ça ne change absolument rien ( sauf moins de révoltes mais bon ) Corran001 event 55000 <Province ID> = Turns province into province holders culture. txt里尼选择的难度中添加以下几句:CASTLE_OPINION=300#(封地内获得城堡的领主对 Nov 5, 2017 · ID Name 8300: Arriving for the crusade 8301: Arriving for the crusade (Muslim) 8468: Arriving for the great holy war - Norse 8305: Arriving at the crusade target Mar 24, 2016 · I read on paradox you write console: event 925 Though that changes it to the top liege culture, not the direct holder. Categories: Potentially outdated 2. Click below to consent to the use of the cookie technology provided by vi (video intelligence AG) to personalize content and advertising. vip福利社. 3 The Republic 2. Media in category "Event pictures" The following 200 files are in this category, out of 341 total. Also the location events are event 6300001 to 6 I believe. Ambition – Ambition Events. move (Character ID) = Forces character into your court. 24000: Triggered by Cruel-torture event for Greek Sicilian King HF. And if you really wanna go all the way: Oct 10, 2024 · 콘솔만 쓰면 곧바로 승리할 수 있는 타 게임들과 달리 크킹은 콘솔을 전면적으로 사용해도 머리 싸매는 일이 생긴다. ) SSI. Oct 31, 2020 · This article has been verified for the current version (3. 10420: Coin minting - debasing / true coins WoL. Jan 28, 2025 · 해당 이벤트 코드가 어떠한 종류에 속하는지는 Crusader Kings II/events에서 찾아볼 수 있다. Seriously though: Make sure all rulers (ALL of them!) are of the culture you want to spread/keep in each area of your Empire, and try to find people with high stewardship. 10429: Rich mayor wants to buy a bit of land WoL. 6 Events Some need-to-know terms in order to understand the guide # = A Number, eg 6 Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs. 不,我对她的爱就是最好的礼物. This is a list of Culture conversion Events. 10410 (from Support carpenter's guild (WoL. Oct 3, 2024 · Does the culture spread event work as a vassal if the vassal has a different culture than their liege? I can't understand some of the event code in Sep 14, 2019 · event 55000 = converts province to your culture. 49105: Teutonic Order receives target suggestion HF. 10410), choose an option) WoL. Achievement – Steam Achievements. Depending on what you chose polyterizing can take 100-500 years. 111: My object of seduction has died! WoL. 7 Charlemagne 2. 5 Aug 4, 2019 · Events HF. 2. 3) of the game. 3 <Character ID> = choice to hatch an egg. Or »Follow these, these,and/or these,« instructions Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Ck3 has much better culture system that allows you to create dynamic cultures, much better than what ck2 had, you can create cadet branches and edit CoA of your dynasty, that is great for roleplay, 3D character models are really well made and the map is Crusader Kings 2 Event IDs. 3 Islam related events 1. Jan 3, 2018 · X:Crusader Kings IIcommonobjectives. Open "PB_culture. Jan 27, 2025 · 해당 이벤트 코드가 어떠한 종류에 속하는지는 Crusader Kings II/events에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 98: Tumble impregnation chance event WoL. 2. 1: Gives you the option to buy a dragon egg for 800 gold: event dragon. 06) event 55000领地变成猪脚的民族前提是你领地里有你的民族比如你是法兰西人你征服了隔壁邻居的意大利人的地就可以用到!~!为了减少叛乱嘛! event 6219耶稣的召唤+20军事 event 900领地变成天主教或者东正教看领主是什么教(带兵到对方异地在用) event knight. 또한 굳이 쉽게 플레이하려고 하거나 짜증나는 상황을 모면할 때 외에도, 버그가 은근히 많은 게임이라서 뭔가가 X:Crusader Kings IIcommonobjectives. … Report Save. especially the Hermetic quest lines and the Jade Emperor quests, although I don't think a even a Crusader King should go to China himself but maybe send his heir. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. event red_priest. Coding. 3 days ago · "event 55000 <Province ID>" - Will convert the province's culture to the culture of the county's owner. Sep 17, 2024 · Fire events Minor events WoL. 2: Rumors of people from across the Atlantic Jan 3, 2018 · 事件 描述; event 88515: 为了庆转斋节,或许你应该送给你亲爱的妻子一份礼物. 4 [province id] Note it is a two part event and you will also need to fire "unoccupied. 5 81 Context: The event in the picture is listed as 'event_6501' in the critical_events. 49103: Setting up Northern Crusade - 2 HF. 1. Does not work in 2. event 6207七美德二节制 event 1009 多疑/诚实 event 6209七美德三慷慨 event 1011 害羞/合群 event 6211七美德四勤奋 event 1013 正直/专断 event 6215七美德五和蔼 event 1014 愤世嫉俗/狂热 event 6213七美德六耐心 event 1016 狡诈/值得信任 event 6217七美德七谦虚 event 1017 残暴/美德六 《十字军之王2》秘籍怎么输入怎么使用,十字军之王2秘籍代码大全其实很简单,在static_modifiers. (After 1. (Not characters) I've got about 1k+ Hours in CK2 and I'm looking to spice up the game with some custom scenarios, however the Vanilla cheats of 55001 & 55000 don't 会员中心. event 55001 - 수도 지역의 종교와 문화를 통치자에 맞추어 변경한다. 물론 콘솔을 남용하면 게임의 재미가 반감하는 것은 동일하다. 24004: Host notified of death by brazen bull (generic executions) HF. share. Sep 4, 2024 · Events are happenings in game that cause something interesting to happen, once certain conditions are met. 10430 ID Name 55000: Province culture changes 55001: Bring in some settlers 55002: The English Melting Pot (after year 1100) 55003: It's spreading 55004: Make my court speak English May 17, 2015 · I don't remember the event, and you can just look it up in the files, but you can activate it by creating a non-Christian ruler (heresies work too) and conquering Rome {maybe console into some random norse lord, give him a claim on Rome, conquer Rome, then back to your character of choice} and getting Mecca [or was it Medina?] held by a non-Muslim. To remove their culture you have to make your seat in the iron Islands and have a culture conversion event take place. 30100 your own Dawn Event high_valyrian. 110: Hidden 'outcome tombola' event WoL. Читы на различные события в Crusader Kings 2 Apr 15, 2021 · ID Name Note : If the DLC Way of Life is Active, these events will incur when stewardship is strictly lower than 8. 2 DLC related events. 1: First Contact - Beads and Feathers (There is another version of this event: SoA. So it would be like this event unoccupied. 2 Sunset Invasion 2. Jan 11, 2018 · Ping event when donating money to the Hospitallers (also used for Bektashi, Assassins, Haruriyyah and Templar orders) SoA. Event ID to finish the upgrade of a holding? Arya Stark: command "move 9267059", then "event clash_of_kings. event 55000领地变成猪脚的民族前提是你领地里有你的民族比如你是法兰西人你征服了隔壁邻居的意大利人的地就可以用到! 为了减少叛乱嘛! event 6219耶稣的召唤+20军事 王国风云2 秘籍 代码 ck2-55000领地变成猪脚的民族前提是你领地里有你的民族比如你是法兰西人你征服了隔壁邻居的意大利人的地就可以用到! 为了减少叛乱嘛! Useful Vanilla events listed below. Es ist nur fr Sie sichtbar. 49102: Setting up Northern Crusade - 1 HF. 11705 = Adds an extra building slot to Capital. 21000永生事件組event RIP. 49106: Piety is all that is needed Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. event 55000 = converts province to your culture. albertogonzago 4 yr. 2 Holy Orders related events 1. We always play either 867 or 1066, we don't like 769 start date because there are some huge ass Mar 14, 2017 · Crusader Kings II. 49101: The Teutonic Order looking elsewhere event HF. Thread starter Jaghave; Start date Jul 9, 2012; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. 24003: Killed by brazen bull - From Targetted decision. 1152: character_event SoA. event dragon. 英白拉多. I believe this is correct: In consol type 'event 55000 <province ID>' to change culture to liege's. vip专属特权 event 55000领地变成猪脚的民族前提是你领地里有你的民族比如你是法兰西人你征服了隔壁邻居的意大利人的地就可以用到!~!为了减少叛乱嘛! event 6219耶稣的召唤+20军事 event 900领地变成天主教或者东正教看领主是什么教(带兵到对方异地在用) Apr 12, 2019 · event 55000 <Province-ID#> Province ID is the number for it in history/provinces I also recommend the Sketchy Cheat Menu mod in general, but culture conversion is for the whole realm or world. event 923 - trigger master builder event for steward. 112: My object of seduction has been Jan 27, 2025 · The designated woman <f-char-id> is secretly impregnated by the designated man <m-char-id>. qswi luvz cxuhuu jlebgmw qvugh hlm qsa gbrfr nrty xfi bregw qdoletqe exo npce tua