Black powder cartridge loads Some of the "experts" on you tube load their cartridges totally with the powder. 45-70 Government is one of our most popular cartridges for either black or smokeless powder. Black Powder cartridge & muzzle loader vegetable fiber wads, wool wads & poly wads. 9cc that dip 22. All black powder loads, whether using actual black powder or substitutes, are measured by volume not by weight. When loaded with full black-powder loads, the . Dec 1, 2003 · The author (S. The ballistic performance of black powder shotshells at such low pressure levels is surprising, if not shocking, to nitro powder sensibilities! Shooting those cartridges also gave John some fireformed brass to reload; for accurate black powder cartridge ammunition, fireformed brass is the best. 50-95 loads were the 300-grain “express” or 312-grain, solid-lead slugs with flatnose or hollowpoint. 5 grains of Accurate No. In my own shooting, I have found that bullets cast from 1-10 alloy to be superior in accuracy with both smokeless and black powder. We get many calls from folks new to black powder shooting who hear of “pan-lubing” and don’t comprehend the procedure, or can’t understand why it is necessary to use on particular designs of bullets. 50-70 was designed around 70 grains of black powder, but modern cases and rifles often do better with slightly reduced charges. Mar 17, 2010 · the Black Powder Cartridge News -2009 Fall - "Some Black Powder Compression Data" article by Bob Woodfill: Caliber - 45-70 Lyman 457124 Constant volume of FFg powder used Compression tested: 0" - 1/8" - 1/4" - 3/8" and 1/2" CARTRIDGE LOADS Caliber Weight/ Over Powder Wad Recommended . 40-60 maynard50 . 40-50 bottleneck48 . In the author’s experience, black powder substitutes are not considered competitive by the vast majority of shooters. Loading the . SPG Black Powder Cartridge Reloading Primer, revised 9th edition, 20 plus new pages by Mike Venturino & Steve Garbe - Track of the Wolf Two black powder loads were made up using two different bullets as examples. Brass cases are the foundation, and they must be properly inspected, cleaned, and resized to ensure a perfect fit. For your Black Powder Cartridge loads. 44/77 rifle resting on “buffalo hunter” plunder. 45-90 for long-range target competition, exclusively. The trial of a certain black powder substitute brand began because it was so cheap ($9. If you're looking for shooting supplies, black powder ammunition, Swiss & Goex black powder, cowboy action shooting supplies, reloading dies, Uberti rifles, Thumlers tumblers, stainless steel media, Kowa scopes, Schuetzen black powder or a new bullet mould, you're in When black powder cartridge rifles did not perform well with the conventional “hard” lubes then available, Steve was motivated to solve the problem. This will be short and to the point. 45 S&W cartridge with 30 grains of black powder and 250 grains of lead. Few of these rifles or loads push a bullet out at quality . 9 behind a 100-grain roundnose/flatpoint commercially cast bullet and a CCI Small Pistol primer in a Starline case. 40 or . Hopefully in this installment of the Reloading Bench we can explain pan-lubing and why it is necessary in some instances. Black Powder Reloading 50-70. The . The powder is called Alliant Black MZ powder. This is important when measuring Sep 17, 2009 · Where as black powder is an explosive. An excellent book for the Dec 5, 2023 · The . 44-77 loads, which were intended for and fired in “Hefty Hannah,” my 15-plus pound Sharps by C. Jump to Latest 21 - 28 of 28 Posts. 325 inches below the case mouth, and increase the charges by an increment of a half grain. Although the term of measurement is in “Grains” (as in cartridge reloading) the black powder device is measuring the volume of the powder but the calibration of the tool translates not in cubic units but in grains. In order to tell my loads apart, I “paint” the primers black on my black-powder loads with a marking pen. Jun 6, 2022 · Likewise, the . 32-40 40. 462" diameter Hoch, nose-pour mold, cast 1:40 tin/lead. Some use several wads in these loads a heavy wad to protect bullet and help seal bore then 1-2 thin light wads to insure release of the wads. 2 grains. A handloader can load a batch of cartridges for it in less than 20 minutes, or simply load them at the range. 95 a pound) and readily available. Shot some 2 1/2 dram - 1 oz loads with Goex 2f last weekend This is the same load that I use in my 16 ga. Loads that shoot well at 500 to 600 yards do not always shoot well beyond that distance. Black powder has a serious disagreement with plastic wads. Powder. 45 Colt cartridge consists of a 250- to 255-grain bullet over 40 grains of black powder, at least according to the prevailing wisdom. Our Trap range has a small stand for cartridges in front of each station. For those unfamiliar with traditional hyphenated black powder cartridge nomenclature, the first (decimal) number indicates the nominal caliber in inches (seldom exactly) and the second number indicates the charge of black powder in grains. Loading cartridges with black powder or black powder substitutes requires more time and more steps than with smokeless powder. If you compress the powder slightly you will get in 21 grain of FFFg at most more likely 17-18 grains. Targeted at the shooter who must reload an obsolete antique black powder caliber, the author discusses cartridge care, lubes, bullet moulds, powder charges and a method of developing and testing loads. 327 Magnum cases. 38, . 8 grains of Unique. The rifles must be chambered for American cartridges also introduced prior to 1896, and they cannot weigh more than 12 pounds, 2 ounces, including sights. Almost all shooters use Swiss black powder, typically of 1½ Fg or 2Fg granulation in U. Black powder, the traditional propellant for these rifles, requires careful handling and metering. Measuring. Over the next three years, Barlow would introduce a major advancement to powder handling with the duplex measures for both cartridge and shotshell reloading. A smokeless loading was also tried with good results, using 5. This is in an 12 ga. 8 twist. 38 Special was also a black powder cartridge and that used 21 grains of the “black stuff” under its 158 grain bullets. This seems to be quite powerful! Dec 5, 2019 · For loading black powder 45 Colt loads, I use Goex as well as Pyrodex and Triple Seven. In the interest of having the best possible outcome for each of the selected bullets, an Incremental Load Development Method or ILDM test (see Black Powder Cartridge News #115) was performed on each of the original nine bullets. . Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time. ing loads containing black pow-der and lead alloy bullets sans any sort of gas check. Aug 22, 2012 · I loaded a . Another way to keep fouling soft with Black Powder Trap loads - Use a cartridge block to carry a round of shells upright - put a dab of Crisco on each case crimp. Jul 9, 2018 · What is a good ratio for loading the 44-40 cartridge using black powder, specifically Goex fff and cornmeal filler? How close to the rim do you fill the cartridge? I'm assuming the powder will be around 24 grains. Apr 2, 2022 · I use over powder and cushion wads, refusing to use any plastic wad in Black Powder loads. Fortunately, handloading black powder shotgun cartridges is straightforward and easy, and doesn’t require a great deal of equipment or know how. 38-55 42. After those tests, I ordered several more items, first and most important the Black-powder Cartridge Reloading Primer, 9th Edition (2017) by noted BPCR shooters Steve Garbe and Mike Venturino (wolfeoutdoorsport . This is my third installment about reloading black powder cartridges, and now we get to talk about some of the bigger stuff. I still did not have specific load data, but had information to convert drams to grains. Example; Take the 45-70 case. View as Grid List. 44/40. One load was with the Lee bullet mentioned above. Title: Black Cartridge Data V9. Using a 40-grain volume measure I came up with the following weights: with black powder Goex FFg weighed 39. Powder Loads. chapter 2 black powder calibers 32 picking the black powder cartridge 34. I am an experienced smokeless re-loader but for this I bought GOEX My tests showed a marked increase in accuracy (via much lower standard deviation and extreme spread readings), especially in cartridges like . ” When I say “by the batch” I mean taking one can of powder, one tray of primers, 100 weighed and inspected bullets and loading 100 rounds of ammunition. The Swiss 3Fg load clearly exceeds the original Civil War velocity of 40 grains of musket powder, and probably even the earlier 50-grain load that was discontinued in 1860. 44-40 will generally be close at hand. It took Steve two years of testing and approximately 8,000 rounds fired from various black powder cartridge rifles to settle on the final formula that is available to shooters today. Cowboy action calibers such as 44-40, 45 Colt and 44 Special are also covered, as well as 10, 12 and 20 gauge shotshells. 45 Colt cartridge is listed with a 250-grain bullet and 28, 35 and 40 grains of black powder and a single smokeless load. Today’s replica cartridge firing sixguns are safe to use with smokeless powder, although the originals, such as Colt SAAs manufactured before 1900 and all top-break, big-bore Smith & Wessons are for black powder only. This being my first black powder cartridge load (I have no other experience with black powder, save for model rocketry), I had no idea what to Sep 10, 2021 · Don, as for loading BP cartridges I don't believe any better bok has been produced than the "SPG Black Powder Cartridge Loading Primer"or something like that. 3cc, 1. 50 that came in both the levergun and single shot. Jul 1, 2019 · The gritty nature of black powder fouling scrubs off some plastic and creates troublesome fouling. Well have I got just the book for you. 45-231B, from Accurate Molds. 0, 26. The manual is well planned, referenced and provides a progressive experience in the use and feeding of black powder firearms. At the time I had an original 1884 and used 55 grains of Goex 3Fg with a 370-grain . by Timothy P. Smokeless vs Black Powder Cartridges If power isn’t important there are some fine cartridges out there for you to use. 38-55. No reloading tools are required, except for a simple powder measure, and no great degree of precision is required to make accurate ammunition for it. Black powder loads ranged from 65 to 70 grains for the straight case and 60 to 65 grains for the bottleneck case. 38 special case with 13 grains of Pyrodex RS powder (FFG equivalent, or so it says on the bottle), underneath a 190 grain Ranch Dog tumble lubed bullet. Moreover, what a load does under ideal conditions is not always an indication of what it will do under less than ideal conditions. Black Powder Substitutes; Factory & Surplus Powder; CB Loads / Military Rifles; CB Loads At the aforementioned velocities and use of a 367-grain bullet, this load is equally as effective on rams as any other black powder cartridge. That’s the way I felt about my . In newer editions of the Black Powder Cartridge Reloading Primer 9th Edition, I recommended their use for best accuracy with some caveats. Dec 31, 2022 · Sometimes the more advanced you get in black powder cartridge reloading, the more trouble or problems you seem to find. 38-56 44. I have taken three deer and one antelope with it, using three different loads: A smokeless load using an RCBS 45-405-FN gas-check bullet with 44 grains of IMR-3031 for 1,616 fps; a load for deer and antelope using a 335-grain Lyman No. The ones I find useful for loading . As best as my research has been able to determine, rifling twist rate was one turn in 60 inches. Dec 2, 2006 · Sticky Introduction to Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Loading, Chuck Raithel 11 JUL 01. I load 10 to 14 different powder charges for the test, starting with a charge that has zero compression, in this case, . Hodgdon TripleSeven and Pyrodex black powder substitute propellants can be used in black powder Apr 19, 2022 · Hi all, I am looking for some information regarding safe pressure loads for smokeless in an old Marlin 1893 (1908-1910) marked “For Black Powder”. Reloading Cartridges with Triple Seven and Pyrodex Granular Powder. All areas of loading and shooting are represented in the manual. My much earlier edition had wandered off somewhere, and while I have handloaded for a number of black-powder rifles, they have Apr 20, 2005 · your loads are very light - 50 grains < 2 drams 60 grains < 2-1/4 drams Because black powder (Pyrodex) takes up so much space, one-piece plastic wads probably won't fit in the case with a normal powder and shot charge. For hunting I’ll use black; I don’t want to offend the ancient spirits by using anything but original black powder when in the field. Fires very well on cowboy ammunition. 45-70 or . 40-70 government54 Dec 21, 2024 · A black powder measuring tool for loading a black powder gun is actually a volumetric measure. The bullets used in the black powder loads were also heat-treated and left as cast but they were lubed with Lyman’s Black Powder Gold, and also dressed with Hornady gas checks. 50-110 Express used a 300-grain bullet over 110 grains of black powder. I currently have what seems like an endless supply of 246 grain lead round nose bullets that have nice deep grease grooves. you might have to send cheap. It shoots a 170 grain bullet at around 1200 fps or so and at 200 yards can produce excellent accuracy. Originally, the . It is one of the few sources of pressure tested black powder shotshell loads. The results from these tests were used to select the best powder charge. Smokeless powder is designed to burn as it exits the barrel in a controlled stream. Space constraints keep me from looking at all of these powders in depth, but I can cover a few. Bullets: Use bullets designed for your specific cartridge and black powder load. oldschoolsxs · Registered. Next, I looked to Elmer Keith’s book, SHOTGUNS by Keith. 44 special that I load cowboy type loads for often, mainly just for plinking. The lighter bore rifles in 28-, 24-, 20- and 16-bore are pleasant to shoot but are as rare as hen’s teeth, and finding one is akin to being knighted. Feb 4, 2017 · Years ago I used to shoot 200 meter "Ram Bash" with a bunch of retired guys who all used black in . O. The most significant changes to the existing shotshell tools were improvements to the crimp head design, and several items were rebranded with the dawn of the new century. Orders may be placed online 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Oct 13, 2021 · The way I see it - there are 2 separate methods for loading black powder cartridges for . Now, in our look at new black powder loads for the 45 Colt and the 45 Smith & Wesson, we’ll be using modern brass cases from Starline and black powder from either Schuetzen or Swiss in various granulations. A 32-40 loaded with black powder is a joy to shoot and is super accurate. Feb 9, 2018 · Can anyone recommend a reloading manual for black powder cartridges I can buy. Apr 14, 2009 · The 30-30 may have been the first to use smokeless powder due to it having been a Black Powder Cartridge to begin with and was able to adapt the new smokeless powder to use in it. I have been asked many times to suggest loads that seem to work well in most of my guns. 40-65 winchester52 . reloading the match cartridge by steve garbe 29 black powder in the . Black powder shells need a different sort of wadding than the plastic wads we have come to know and love. For example, the . To do this, we gathered the 44-40 rifles, which gave us a barrel length spread of 14 inches. Nov 23, 2024 · Hi all. We have wads for shotguns, rifles, pistols and muzzle loading firearms. M/L for skeet May 23, 2008 · Casting & Reloading for Shotguns; Coatings and Alternatives; Gas Checks; Lead and Lead Alloys; MoldsMaintenance and Design; Reloading Equipment; Shot Loads For Pistols; Smokeless Paper Patching; Swaging; Guns & Shooting. By that time, I had begun hunting almost exclusively with smokeless powder and cast bullet loads in older calibers. 45-70 guns. Protect the base of your bullets from hot powder gas. While a fantastic read, with lots of information, I did find that 1¼-ounce of shot was the standard payload for the 10-gauge shotgun in the early days, but still no specific black-powder load data. 454190 will be used plus a lighter 230-grain bullet style, No. 50-90 does not mean a powder charge of 70 or 90 grains. I really can’t think of any warnings to mention, just be sure to use cast or swaged lead bullets with a good black powder lube. Black Powder & Smokeless Ammo at Buffalo Arms Company Sells over 12,000 Black Powder Cartridge Rifles, Black Powder, Cowboy Guns, Gun Books, Gun Videos, Obsolete Brass, Reloading supplies If so, here is a slick little breechloader to check out – the Smith carbine. Aug 18, 2022 · This is where other discussions on black powder cartridge reloading usually begin. I'll find a link. That is assuming your rifle is accurate and capable of shooting groups that small. My personal choice is loading my ammunition “by the batch. I also have read that it is a myth that you could fill a muzzle loader barrel with black powder and it won't cause dangerous pressures. The 45 Colt cartridge was originally loaded with black powder. With the fireformed brass, shooters often don’t need to resize the cases, not if the loads are to be used in the same rifle. Specifically using the Lee . According to the 1916 Winchester catalog, both of those loads were still being made with lead bullets on top of 95 grains of black powder. I want to reload for this but don't want to blow my hand off. I have a revolver in . These loads were compared to my standard load of 6. jednorris@bellsouth. 36 The Peters Ammunition Catalog No. Back to loading for a bit, shooting black powder loads in the old . 44 Black Powder Loads: Mainly to satisfy our curiosity, some friends and I tried shooting several 44-40 rifles and one revolver with black powder loads to see what effect barrel length had on the velocity of the bullet. Black powder loads in revolver cartridges are historical and effective. MIke goes into some detail with each of the rifles, and he has a detailed chapter about loading Black Powder in single shot cartridges, as well as load information for all the old cartridges. 45-70 Trapdoors. Ithaca-made Fletcher special with damascus barrels. Wads: Jan 27, 2018 · The 45 acp won't hold enough black to do more than make an anemic poofter load. 10 Created Date: 2/6/2013 4:21:37 PM This is 20 fps faster than the listed velocity for the old factory load using 26 grains of black powder. There are also hundreds of pressure tested black powder cartridge loads for such calibers as the 45-90, 45-100, 45-110 and 45-120. When shooting on paper, concentrate on trigger control and sight picture. The Remington 1923 catalog lists the . I would think you should be able to find some old load data just be carefull of the type of measure they call for. Any other less grains in between - your wasting your time Might want to consider 1/4 or 1/2" felt wads instead of the other common stuff used for filler The key components for BP cartridge reloading include the brass cartridge cases, black powder, primers, and projectiles. 6K posts Winchester’s last attempt for a truly big-bore, black-powder cartridge was its . That’s more or less simply a statement which repeats the obvious because there are only two other cartridges that can share the honors of being in constant production, at least for the ammunition, for over 150 years. 32 H&R and the . 38-55 by steve garbe32. Both Triple Seven and Pyrodex, Direct Replacements for Conventional Black Powder, Can be Used to Reload Brass Cartridge Cases. 45 Colt Government or . May 4, 2016 · Black powder velocity decreases with charges in 5gr increments less. nomenclature. 40 (1925) listed both smokeless and semi-smokeless loads, as well as a midrange load with smokeless; both used 150 Jul 31, 2006 · I am about to take delivery of a Marlin 45-70 stainless guide gun and am wondering if it is possible to shoot black powder loads from it? I have already worked out a hunting load for this gun but would like to shoot black powder for fun if possible. Colt . Oct 13, 2008 · I've never loaded a black powder catridge in my life and wanted to give it a try. Black powder goes boom if there is too much excess airspace. 1 2. 6cc and 1. Bullets used in the old . Sep 15, 2014 · It is a compendium for shooting all the old single shot rifles with Black Powder with all the old cartridges; 45-70, 45-110, etc. Both loads were identical, except for the bullet, and used 50 grains of GOEX FFg, a . Some reloaders prefer magnum primers (Federal 215) to ensure complete powder burn in full black powder loads. That load gives a velocity of 600 fps and pressures are light enough that the empties just fall out of the chambers. 40-65 and . 060-inch King Poly wad and a Sellor & Bellot Large Rifle primer. Only show The Holy Grail in long-range loads are those that hold a minimum vertical dispersion on the target at 1,000 yards. This is the new updated version. AirGuns; Black Powder Cartridge. Using the Greenhill formula, the 1. 44 revolver cartridges, the . 12 Items . 45 Schofield with Black Powder are 1. 70 grains powder duplexed is such 3 grains of IMR 4227 under the reduced black powder charge of 61 grains. I, Revolver. net Of course, Keith was using the post-1880 UMC (Remington/UMC in 1912) load stuffed with 40 grains of black powder under a 250-grain bullet that developed a full 900 fps, not the issue military load with 28 grains of black under a 230-grain bullet, aka . John Boy; Dec 2, 2008; 6 Black Powder Cartridge, Shooting & Reloading. One big difference, in my experience, with loading the straight cases instead of the bottleneck brass is that compression of the powder becomes a standard thing with full or nearly-full black powder loads. When loading for the 'newer' style barrels (Sharps and Winchesters), bullet diameter to fit the bore is critical, as well as loading the powder charges to get custom accuracy from each individual weapon. Shooting this Model 1873 is a simple reminder that the . Twenty-two different black powder cartridges are listed with specific sample loads that will get you on the road to optimum accuracy in your . 425-length bullet would indicate a 14. If memory serves, my first use of what was to become known as a “blowtube” was in 1975, when, at the tender age of 18, I was determined to make straight black-powder cartridges shoot to an acceptable degree of accuracy. While the majority of my black powder rifle shooting will be done with a Sharps or a Rolling Block, the ’73 in . Straight forward question; Loading for an 1859 Remington cap and ball converted to cartridge using the Kirsk converter. Nash Rifleman; Fouling Control or Not?; More on String Measure; Barrel Length and the 44-40; Vintage Revolver Roundball Gallery & Midrange Loads; Five Guns, Five Elk; Product Reviews; Center Shot; Match Results and Rifle Clubs. Aug 18, 2018 · A wad is used in Black Powder loads to protect the base of the bullet but there is no airspace in these loads. 45-70 used a . Nov 1, 2017 · Written by 4-time National BPCR Silhouette Champion Steve Garbe and world-renowned gun writer Mike Venturino this is the first and only guide you will need to successfully reload black powder cartridges. 38 Long Colt with both black powder and smokeless loads as well as a smokeless midrange load. Brass Drop Tube with Funnel 1-pc. com). chapter 3 individual cartridge data section 39. Fadala) is a recognized expert in the area of black powder shooting sports. 32-40 and . Sort By Set Descending Direction. Is there specific cleaning issues after using By Mike Venturino and Steve Garbe 116 pages soft bound 6" x 9". Banse. This is about how I load the . Black powder: Use only high-quality black powder specifically designed for the cartridges you're reloading. Accuracy Test The 1911 to 1912 Remington-UMC catalog shows the . . 29 The 1923 Remington Catalog shows a single black powder and a single smokeless load with the notation, “Long Shell” beside the smokeless load. These commercial loads utilized the Remington #1½ primer. One of the commonly asked questions from new black powder shooters is: “How do I determine the amount of black powder to load in my cartridges?” Hand in hand with this question is the explanation that because of heavier modern brass, cartridge designation such as . May 2, 2023 · Roberts talked about the difference in the blackpowder primers and the primers for smokeless powder in his Schuetzen rifle book, and as he explains it there, the blackpowder primers weren't hot enough to give dependable ignition with the then new smokeless powder, and recommended a duplex load of a few grains of black at the bottom of the case Aug 1, 2022 · A . This is what makes shooting black powder cartridges fun! By Mike Nesbitt | Contributing Editor. Keith had described the long-range accuracy and effectiveness of the 1874 Sharps rifles with its heavy black-powder loads and cast bullets. May 10, 2021 · I have mentioned this article by Ross Seyfried, Black Powder Shotshell Loading, several times on similar inquiries. Buffalo Arms has the reloading supplies to load the old and obsolete ammo. Smokeless powder loads are significantly lighter and vary based on the type of powder and bullet weight. This is important, as all our powder charges will be compressed to the same amount below the mouth of the cartridge case. In addition, black powder cartridges are well covered with the help of Mike Venturino. 44-40 was, and still is, a great black powder rifle cartridge. For bullets, the standard Lyman No. I would also be interested in any old books or info. 45-70 Trapdoor carbine load was 55 grains of Fg powder, with a 380-to 405-grain bullet, again with The Winchester catalog of 1899, lists a 25-20 Single Shot load of an 86-grain bullet, cast from 1-60 alloy and pushed by 19 grains of black powder for a velocity of 1400 fps. 45 black powder cartridges. The webpage provides load charts for different types of black powder. Jul 12, 2022 · Black Powder Cartridge Reloading: Pt. Plus, black powder shotshells require lubricant, which is included with the wads. This book will save you years of serious experimentation! The results seem to parallel what I had to learn from the school of hard knocks. S. 9 grains; Goex FFFg, 38. If your load is accurate, one-inch, 100-yard groups are achievable with black powder cartridge loads. #Book-LBPRC Loading Black Powder Cartridges only $21. Damaged cases should be discarded. May 15, 2020 · When handloading rifle cartridges with blackpowder, Allan suggests you should not approach it with a smokeless powder mindset. The 8- and 4-bore large-bore rifles are only fun at reduced loads, as full-house charges of black powder and bullets from 875 grains to over 2,000 grains can produce frightful recoil. So, shooting black powder loads in most of the old revolver cartridges is simply normal. 379-250 or Lyman 375248 molds in soft cast with IMR4198. The amount of BP fouling and how it affects accuracy through multiple-shot strings varies quite a bit (load to load, shooter to shooter) so the need for a "cleaner" burning round may depend? I had two moulds to cast bullets for testing some black powder loads in both the . 457122 Gould hollowpoint bullet with 77 grains of Swiss 1½ Fg black powder that generates 1,446 fps; one deer Mar 5, 2014 · Black powder cartridge loads. 24" Long Dec 1, 2008 · Well, Duplex loads are used to help reduce the build-up of BP fouling thus reducing the need to wipe or clean between shots to mantain top accuracy over a string of shots. Joined Sep 7, 2011 · 20 Posts #21 · Mar 5, 2014. Sharps Arms. 45 S&W, which are one in the same. 458 caliber bullet in front of 70 grains of black powder. The bullets used in the smokeless powder loads were lubed with NECO’s Taurak T250, dusted with mica and dressed with a Hornady gas check. Swiss seems to be cleaner burning, more consistent, and more energetic per unit of measure than any other brand. Aug 11, 2021 · Gone are the days when you could easily buy black powder paper cartridges, and it’s a shame as black powder shotguns are cheap and excellent fun to shoot. 6 and 30. Black powder was the traditional propellant, with smokeless powder coming into the picture much later. 45-70 loads for the 2005 NRA BPCR Buffalo Arms company carries black powder ammunition, black powder, hard to find ammunition, modern loads, 30 Remington, 45-70, 45-90, 8mm Nambu, Cowboy ammo too! Rare calibers, hard to find calibers, cowboy loads. Never substitute other types of powder. The maximum recommended pressure for safe shooting is 22,500 Mar 19, 2011 · I was just wondering if anybody on this board has any experience with the difference between Goex and Swiss black powder in BP Cartridge loadings. 0 grains, and Goex Cartridge, 39. Jan 20, 2025 · Discussion, questions, and comments on blackpowder cartridge shooting and loading. Now we come to the big-bore blaster of black-powder . 44/40 really roars in a sixgun. In this video, I take you through the step-by-step process of loading black powder cartridges, sharing valuable tips on how to develop the perfect black powd Black Powder Cartridge News - Published quarterly The reduced . 0 grains respectively of FFFg black powder by volume. I specifically want loading data for various black powder calibers, and not a bunch of "how to". The Black Powder Cartridge News Spring 2025 This issue features Nathaniel C. Soft bound, 122 pages, 6” x 9” format. By the way, always have your Maynard checked by a competent black powder gunsmith before shooting it. One pound of black powder will generally load 100 rounds of my favorite . 303 British Jan 27, 2020 · Also to produce safe loads decrease the black powder 3 to 1 grains in other words for every grain of smokeless powder, decrease the black powder by 3 grains. 50 Shooting the Black Powder Cartridge Rifle. 45-90 and similar capacity black-powder cartridge rifle calibers has, for me, evolved into a process that is repeated each time I crack a new case of black powder or begin a relationship with a new rifle. 40-50 straight 46. Placing the cartridges in a loading block, I use the desired dipper and a small funnel to place the powder in each case. 44-40 is a natural thing to do and loading black powder in this case is easy. Cartridge cases: Ensure these are clean and in good condition. The procedure is as simple as the sea is salt and you can use a powder measure designed for smokeless powders. yrfc uasf zjtiw uvjcs acvu bkr qzx tkku ftdyyzu ahvftq pnor qqhzm qpmuto upbarxcw fqfjt