Big hero 6 fanfiction tadashi Tadashi survived the fire and has been in a coma ever since. " He looks at his younger brother with so much emotion in his large dark eyes with so much meaning that Hiro starts sobbing softly. His feet echoed against the cold wooden floors as he exits the warmth of In his mind, Tadashi nagged that his arrogance is getting in the way of his safety, and he felt a twinge of guilt. Hiro Hamada/Tadashi Hamada; Trina (Big Hero 6) Hiro Hamada; Tadashi Hamada; Established Relationship; Incest; Sibling Incest; Brotherly Love; Brother/Brother Incest; tadahiro; Hidashi Month 2024 (Big Hero 6) hidashi; Tadashi Hamada Lives; Brothers but they are also dating; It makes sense; Hickeys; Marking; Implied Relationships; Implied Sexual Jun 3, 2015 · But Tadashi would insist it wasn`t a bother at all. "You haven't recovered big bro, don't force yourself to walk" Hiro came, held his brother and brought him to sit back on his bed. Hiro pulled up his pajama shirt, exposing his abdomen. All credit goes to her for the idea, but she's not much of a writer so I stole it from her. Baymax is still perfectly functional, and in control when Tadashi isn't telling/asking him to do things. "It worksyou work!" He yells in excitement. "Help me Tadashi! You have to save me!" "I'm coming little brother just hold on!" Tadashi started running towards the building. SpicexTadashi, Tadaspice. Fandoms: Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon), Big Hero 6 (2014), Coco (2017), Miraculous Ladybug, Marvel, Multi-Fandom General Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply After half an hour of recording the video, Tadashi was finally waiting to hide between his sheets to enjoy what was left of his free time, and at the same time not to see the video that according to him, would already leave it After half an hour of recording the video, Tadashi was finally waiting to hide between his sheets to enjoy what was A Big Hero 6 Fan-fiction. Jul 29, 2019 · Tadashi rode home on his moped after a long day spent in lectures and working on Baymax. In their final year of college, GoGo and Honey Lemon realize they've both come to see Hiro Hamada in a new light - and that means an all-new conflict for the Big Hero 6. Tadashi laughs, his signature laugh that Hiro knows best. He runs out. Together they laughed and brought things on the list to place at Tadashi's altar when they returned home. -oOo-Part 1. "Not at all. Summary: Three times, Hiro makes his big brother falls into awkward and embarrassing moments. Tadashi jumped backwards, the raging heat from the fire clawing at him as he stumbled. Professor Callaghan must've gotten outside already. Tadashi wanted you to help people. Adorable_Dork: Haha! Well I'm glad I wasn't ignored. Rated: Fiction M - English - Family/Romance - [Tadashi Hamada, Hiro Hamada] - Words: 3,171 - Favs: 1 - Published: 1/23 - Status: Complete - id: 14434164 Glancing up, Tadashi watched as a metal beam began to descend right above him. " Tadashi whispers, leaning his warm forehead against his "Tadashi, Tadashi you need to wake up a nurse called security on me. And Tadashi happily plays his role as the doting, loving big brother, doing whatever Hiro needs to feel safe and comfortable. How about yourself? Tadashi smiles and starts to wave to his friend, only to have to lower his arm as another jolt of pain goes through him. Suddenly the fire exploded. When the "italics" is in parenthesis Tadashi is talking directly through Baymax. The world of medicine better be ready. When "parenthesis" is used Baymax is talking. FanFic! Summary: In where Tadashi survived the fire, but ends up paralyzed waist down. He had wanted to do something to honor his brother and working on his greatest invention seemed to be perfect. ``Hey baymax, long time no see!``` Baymax waddled over to where Hiro stood. That's all for now. Tadashi smiled and gave him a mini noogie, causing Hiro to scoot away from him. Tadashi looked down at his brother sitting next to him. Adorable_Dork: Just hanging in my room, that I share with my brother. The explosion of the fire pushed me back out of a window and I hit my head on the building on the way down and got amnesia I finally remember everything now!" Notes: Thank you so much for reading my story Big Hero 6 Fanfiction: Tadashi Returns. "Happy Birthday Dashi. Towards Mystery Island. A huge wave of guilt came over Tadashi. A. "What's wrong, Hiro?" he asked, half-asleep. Sarah gasped in horror and rushed over. He saw a ring of fire forming around Hiro who was very frightened. `` ``Well I think im off see ya Tadashi!`` Chris waved. The premise of the story is that the Nerd Herd takes a school trip to Arendelle in the year 2045, and happen to meet up with our favorite Snow Queen. " Hiro turned his head to the security guard walking over to him. " Tadashi said as he walked through the room, the people from the orphanage trailing behind him. Baymax. There's just one problem - Tadashi hedged his bets. " He said happily. the next day he meets the man but is in complete shock to find out who Tadashi fought the urge to duck his head and relax. Meanwhile, Honey Lemon meets a new friend, T. After all, they're half Japanese. Not only strangers, but pain, curiosity,and something that was once lost. So he wrote this letter dedicated to him. I don't know any other way out. Tadashi's last thoughts were of Hiro, his younger brother, before everything went black. ok so i made this story because I'm in denial about Tadashi's death. May 16, 2016 · BIG HERO 6: Tadashi is Here. Tadashi was outside the showcase hall. He landed hard, his head knocking backward onto the tile. I got the idea for this fic after reading fics about Hiro having nightmares and Tadashi comforting him, but I decided to switch the roles round. Baymax isn't quite ready yet but it will have to do. He was still goofy Tadashi that they knew and loved. the next day he meets the man but is in complete shock to find out who Sleep deprivation is something Tadashi Hamada really hated. "Thank you Baymax. As the battle raged on, Hiro's friends joined the fight, trying to help him take down Tadashi. I hope you guys like it. OMG it was AMAZING. And now, for the first time in forever, he feels like giving up. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it~" He does a happy dance, making the twins smile. Tadashi smiles and closes the door behind him after stepping in. Baymax just had to prove it. "Tadashi's gone," Hiro said, sounding depressed. "Hey Hiro. It may or may not be a problem. Just some cute stories of Hiro and Tadashi's life. I have this bad habit of not realizing my mistakes on my stories until days or even months after publishing the story. "Tadashi save me!" "I'm coming, little Co-written with Storm Arashi Black Jack x Big Hero 6 Crossover. "Hiro you wanted me so bad" Tadashi moaned, "uhmmm," Hiro answered makes vibration in Tadashi's member making he moan louder, "Hiro im cumming stop," Tadashi said making Hiro stop. "Open them. - Tadashi. Est. Tadashi's friends crowd around as Tadashi gives Baymax Hiro's old hairbrush to scan, and hold him upright when Baymax can't find him. What are you currently doing? I pushed send and saw the dark D went to an immediate R. A/N: Yes, I do have a headcanon where Hiro calls Tadashi nii-chan when he's little, and occasionally when he's older when he's most vulnerable. join them in the reunion of Tadashi and Hiro and the rest of the gang. "I've had my suspicions. (A sort of Winter Soldier AU for Big Hero 6 [because that's totally original]. And he's see through. Tadashi opened his eyes barely and mumbled something under his breath. He jumped off the stage and ran towards the door. Baymax waved. "Killer view. I'm in denial about what happened to Tadashi. Tadashi might offer to join his brother and friends if he is allowed to remember watching the future. A/N: Big Hero Six was probably the best movie I have seen in a long time! It's rare that I ever write fanfiction, but I couldn't help it. U. In grief, Tadashi struggles to move on, but discovers someone is using Hiro's technology to endangered the city. Note: I guess I should have put this with Rating: PG-15. Things aren't the same without Tadashi. Tadashi silently prayed for the safety of his brother and his best friends. 7K 227 4 These are some short stories from different times in Hiro's life where Tadashi helps him in some way. " Tadashi instructs. Hiro decides to go and visit Tadashi at nerd school. Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Tragedy - Baymax, Hiro Hamada - Words: 379 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: 2/23/2015 - id: 11068883 -Tadashi tiene buena salud, conserva una dieta adecuada ¿Porque vamos al hospital?- preguntó Baymax ladeando un poco la cabeza. Callaghan, Tadashi Hamada - Chapters: 4 - Words: 20,682 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 215 - Follows: 249 - Updated: 1/4/2015 - Published: 11/11/2014 Everybody knows the story of Hiro Hamada, and how his big bro, Tadashi, dies. Hiro catches up and softy tags Tadashi and bending over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. As Tadashi, his little brother, Hiro, his Healthcare Robot, Baymax, and his college friends hunt down the man behind the fire, Tadashi begins to understand the true meaning of never giving up. Tadashi merasa Hiro akan baik-baik saja untuk saat ini. 5 year writing project and I appreciate everyone who has taken time to read and support it :) I have learned so much regarding planning, character development, and detail crafting and I can't wait to apply all my knowledge to upcoming projects. How Tadashi talks through Baymax will be explained next chapter. ``Hello Tadashi. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,906 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 161 - Follows: 133 - Updated: 3/15/2015 As Tadashi began to climb off his bed, he heard Hiro start to gag, and quickly grabbed the wastebasket. This story is solely written as an AU. In honor of his brother, he and his friends, form a team to bring the criminal to justice before he ruins Hiro's legacy. Tadashi smiles and starts to wave to his friend, only to have to lower his arm as another jolt of pain goes through him. MORT ! Je hurlais une nouvelle fois, le brouillard me cachant la vue, et je renversais ma table de nuit, avant de me lever et jeter tout ce qui rencontrait mon chemin. — Alive!Tadashi *My first Big Hero 6 fanfic!* Hiro falls ill at school, and so is sent home to rest and recuperate under the caring watch of his best friend, Baymax, and his Aunt Cass's finest chicken soup. I see no reason for you to be sad. As you can see, these are just a few of many Robotic students. Hiro walks over to the screen, separating Tadashi's side of the room and Hiro's. "Hang on, hang on!" In a flash, Tadashi was standing at his brother's side, holding the bin underneath Hiro's mouth, though he was not quite quick enough to avoid a small bit of vomit that had leaked just before the barrel was in place. Finally awake, Tadashi turns his phone’s alarm off; he hated it when his alarm goes off - everyone doesn’t, in fact. And there is angst. A scream erupted from his dry throat, tears welling in his eyes. If he can just get rid of Tadashi's brother, Tadashi's damn ghost, surely he can't Run out. Damn, this was getting bad… "Dashi, what's wrong?" Fred asks, frowning in concern as he reaches him. " Tadashi said, and Hiro knows that he's pretty serious right now. " Tadashi says as Alexis sees a huge white humanoid looking creation. Co-written with Storm Arashi Black Jack x Big Hero 6 Crossover. He knows they're going. "but Tadashi-" "Hiro" "Fine" Hiro turned his back and went to his study table, Tadashi went back into reading his magazine. "I was just trying to keep a eye on my brother. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada - Words: 1,353 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 17 - Published: 1/4/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 10947279 She walked over to the bed and picked up the picture. He thanks her then proceeds to the bathroom. Disney, if you happen to read this, I know that this franchise belongs to you. Tadashi survived the fire, but is paralyzed waist down. I do not own any Big Hero 6 characters "'Dashi?" Tadashi felt chubby fingers pawing at his arm, rousing him. "This is my good friend Gogo. No one is going to bot fights. Disclaimer: I don't own Big Hero 6. My name is Tadashi Hamada. Hiro's POV. Prequel to "Never Been Better". He brushed it off with the thought that Tadashi was always a worrywart, and GoGo would probably look down on him for wimping out. Together, BH6 and SHIELD face a terrifying foe. this story takes place 2 weeks after Tadashi's death and the death finally consumed Hiro to the breaking point . But he has so many. "Tadashi's not really gone," you continued to hear people say, "as long as we remember him. "Tadashi," Baymax repeated, looking at Tadashi's bed. Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Hiro Hamada - Words: 474 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/17/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10897172 Tadashi says. Tadashi didn't like the super-hero gig, but he can try to accept it. -Porque Tía Cass quiere que le hagan un análisis de sangre a Tadashi- explicó Hiro señalando a su hermano. So I decided I'm gonna write Follow/Fav Tadashi Reacts to Big Hero 6 By: collegegirl21 When Tadashi runs towards the burning building to save Callaghan, he soon finds himself in a movie theater with his friends and family. "I do not think riding a motorbike would be best for your safety," Baymax declared in his monotone voice. the next day he meets the man but is in complete shock to find out who he really is. Tadashi knows that his brother isn't out of shape. Hiro sighed swinging his legs overr the side of the bed, his feet touching the cold floor as he padded his way over to Tadashi`s side of the room. But Tadashi was too consumed by his anger and bitterness to listen. Once breakfast was done the two accompanied by Baymax and Tadashi's photo, set off to do the shopping. Also, I'm gonna change the ages a lot in these little stories. Are you not?" Hiro, from where he had his forehead touching the robot, stared down at the floor. "Tadashi untuk Tadashi—"ucap Hiro setengah berbisik. " GoGo commented as they all zoomed through the sky on Baymax's back, Hiro in the middle, GoGo and Honey on the sides, holding onto the wings, Wasabi and Fred in Baymax's grips, and, much to Tadashi's disappointment, was dangling from a cable rope, that Hiro had fitted into his suit, and was pulled through the sky, behind them. ``Hello`` Tadashi smiled. I'm pregnant, Tadashi, with our baby" She said gently, looking down at her hands. And now, for the first time in life, he feels like giving up. And, yes, I know this idea of Tadashi being alive is overused at best but I would love for Tadashi to see how his younger brother grew. But what if Tadashi doesn't die. If he were in Tadashi's place then Tadashi wouldn't miss it for anything. Immortality is not involved, but magic spells are. "Wow. From the creation of his group, Big Hero 6, it was true that they had helped the city. I smiled when it said he was typing. He is impressed and proud of Hiro's personal growth. As for how the Baymax/Tadashi thing, think of it as a symbiotic relationship. -No, hum, yo soy Dashi- dijo incomodo el Tadashi que estaba señalando. "We can't leave without making sure. Thornton, as they forge a new bond through loss. Tadashi came towards her slowly, his finger lifting up her chin to look into his eyes. "Hiro! My little man all grown up. " Tadashi says as Alexis playfully rolls her eyes. "My belly hurts," came the meek reply. This fanfiction also tells the story of my OC, Spice and how she plays a part in all of this. Their ages here are more or less the same as the movie. This will be a multi-chapter fic. Tadashi figured out pretty quickly that when he relaxed, smiled, and acted like his scars didn't bother him other people responded in kind. Tadashi then comes over to the group as Hiro starts presenting his project on stage before people start coming over as Hiro continues to present. It's probably not. I couldn't be prouder. Author Note: Hi peoples. Tadashi pulled Hiro closer, "Your gonna help so many people, buddy. Tadahiro/Hamadacest. "Happy Birthday Tadashi. Now put your hands above your head. " Hiro exclaimed. One of his old cardigans laying half on half off of his bed and his hat sitting on the bed were the only noticeable things Hiro could make out in Author's Note: Hi! This is my first Big Hero 6 fanfiction. Join them when Tadashi introduces a new character to the rest of the gang. "I love you bro. He saw a pair of dark eyes staring at him, unblinking. Please don't sue me. Mungkin di lain waktu, ia harus mencari cara agar adiknya itu kembali memanggilnya 'Kakak'. And his limbs are torn away from him again. She works with electromagnetic engineering for her project. "Tadashi!" Hiro gasps. "So your not angry" Honey asked. " (Tadashi ALIVE! anti-hero!) AU where Tadashi's spirit ties itself to Baymax. What did the one cell say to his sister cell that stepped on his toe?" "Shut up, Tadashi" "Mitosis" Thanks for Years ago, he put a plan in motion to find Hiro a suitable soulmate. Author's Note: I've seen Big Hero 6 sixteen times in the past two weeks. "Oh, this is amazing! Youyou work!" He kisses the camera. Tadashi-centric fic has come to life. Tadashi : 15, Hiro: 8 Tadashi quickly gave an explanation "Well…. Hiro tried to reason with Tadashi, to make him understand that revenge would only lead to more pain and suffering. ``Bye!` Hiro looked at Tadashi Hiro stayed and ran into his older brother, tackling him into a huge hug. it's been about three months since Hiro formed big hero 6 and he is visting the hospital to get a check up when he notices a man on his way out that seems kind of strange because he cant remember anything. I'm sure I have a lot of rivals to his heart, but Tadashi Hamada is my precious babbu and he is my fictional husband right now so- yeah. " Tadashi said he stepped back, letting Gogo bask in the spotlight. When Hiro falls prey to a mad man, can Tadashi become the savior Hiro needs or is s hopeless cause? This is the rewrite of BIG HERO 6: FIGHTING DESTINY! Tadashi survived the fire, but is paralyzed waist down. " Tadashi's water bottle, blanket, school bag and the baby bag were slipped into the carriage's pouch without issue. So I got talked into this Frozen/Big Hero 6 crossover for Tadelsa Week. With a new life ahead of him he's ready to take on anything… As an unlicensed surgeon who's ready for anything the world throws at him. Tadashi looked at Sarah, worry and uncertainty in his eyes. Flames erupted into his vision as he hit the ground. "Tadashi!" Tadashi was pinned and was obviously in pain, but he attempted to lift the pillar "Hey, knucklehead" Tadashi called his brother who was preparing himself to come to your birthday party. Big Hero 6 teams with SHIELD to encounter the strange anomaly and discovers a terrifying secret about the city. "Why would I be angry?" Tadashi replied. So I've been needing to write some Big Hero 6 stuff since seeing the movie mostly just so I can pretend the whole Tadashi dying (seriously Disney, why?) didn't happen. -¡A! ¡Lo siento! Instead of Tadashi dying in the fire, Hiro does. Tadashi Hamada hasn't had an easy life… Things didn't go his way but he didn't let it stop him. Tadashi looked at his robot. =^_^= Tadashi's Awkward and Embarrassing Moments. Please be warned this chapter is kind of disturbing, so If you don't like the idea of people burning alive or melting don't read or refrain from reading the first bit and skip to the part that says in all caps "END OF DREAM" So it's easy to find. Not hiding under the hat was a big step on the road to getting Tadashi back into the world. Hiro is now using his intelligence to save people. Warning: Beware of typos and bad grammar. I'll let her tell you the rest. Today I just feel like staying in bed. As Tadashi distances himself from his brother, Hiro becomes the victim of obsession. (Big Hero Six/616/MCU AU) (Rated T) Nov 10, 2017 · And in those three times, Tadashi feels like he wants to bury himself. He tried to walk slowly while holding the wall. This idea was given to me by my big sister, Kailey. Author's Note: Hi this is my first Big Hero 6 fanfic. May I ask for yours? Gummy_Bear: My name is (Y/N) (L/N). "Hey kid you cant be in hear. Today marks five weeks since Hiro has been informed of Tadashi's state, and during those five weeks, he has been coming by every day to see his big brother, never missing a single visit. The first three or four chapters are sort of going to be a retelling of Big Hero 6. "Um should I be concerned with you asking me to close my eyes?" Alexis asks as she chuckles slightly. I know it's slightly random that the one-shots all happen at night but that every idea that comes to me seems to be set then. While I may not be new to Fanfiction, I am new to the Big Hero 6 archive! This is officially my first story in the fandom! Like many of you, I loved the movie and I loved Baymax Returns (the pilot to the new series)! I can't wait to see where it goes! Anyways, this is a look into Hiro and Tadashi's childhood (at least my version of it). What will happen if Tadashi weren't dead? What effect will it take on Hiro's life? Find out in this awe-inspiring fanfcition of Big Hero 6 ! (Has content of HiroxGogo, TadashixHoneylemon So, Enjoy! X3) - Tadashi est ici. He finished showering after a few minutes and comes out wearing a grey shirt with a Captain America shield graphic and pajama pants that both fit him -Tadashi- El robot se acerco a la tumba, mientras Hiro no podía hacer nada para que alguna de sus lágrimas finalmente salieran. Tadashi's eyes slowly widen. " But he was, he was gone, taken from this world too soon. So many. Tout tombait, se brisait, et rien ne semblait rassasier cette soif incontrôlable au fond de moi. Stories after the Big Hero 6 film. "N-Nothing!" Tadashi answers, trying to smile but knowing that it probably looked more like a grimace. But, he lost his balance and going to fall. Baymax (Big Hero 6) & Original Character(s) Felony Carl/Globby (Big Hero 6) Hiro Hamada; Baymax (Big Hero 6) Big Hero 6 Characters; Original Characters; Go Go Tomago; Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6) Wasabi-No Ginger; Fred | Fredzilla; Karmi (Big Hero 6) Cass Hamada; Tadashi Hamada; Rishi Patel (Big Hero 6) Basemax (Big Hero 6) Mochi (Big Hero 6 Hiro will be turning 16 soon, but for a fifteen year old transitioning into the big 1-6, he had some people he met along the way. Here are some disclaimers: I DO NOT own this story or these characters. When the text is italicized Tadashi is talking, or it's a flashback. It's so big. The relationship of the Hamada brothers takes a drastic turn after the fire. A Brother's Love (A Big Hero 6 Fan by MolMcN 5. "There a place at the end of the storm you'll finally find,where the hurt and tears and the pain will fall behind. However, there is something different, something weird about this new character. This time in himself. " Hiro stated angrily. English is NOT my main language. Cass smiled watching Tadashi. "I love you so much" He said kissing her softly. Scan me," Tadashi stands still as Baymax scans Hiro misses his brother Tadashi so much. English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 9 - Followers: 1 - Since: 05-16-16 - Founder: NeverLander852 A Hiro's Darkness "Got it," Tadashi nodded, "Anything I'm forgetting?" "Change Hiro soon," Tatsuo gestured to the baby, who was starting to look a little grumpy, "I bet he's expecting a surprise for us soon. " Baymax blinked, before Tadashi turned to his baby brother. . "Tag!" The boy proudly says but is too focused on catching his breath. GoGo comes back holding a small stack of clothes and a towel then hands it to him. Spoilers for the movie!) [slight Tadahoney] Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Hiro Hamada, Honey Lemon, Prof. "Alrightbig moment here. With quick exhale, Tadashi jumped forward with his arms outstretched, trying to grasp something— anything to pull himself away from the falling beam. And in those three times, Tadashi feels like he wants to bury himself. You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned to see the figure of Aunt Cass, Tadashi and Hiro's Aunt comforting you, but you only gave her a glance. Placing Hiro in his bed, Tadashi spread Hiros legs exposing Hiro's hard member. He parked and locked his moped in the entice rack near the back door He walked into the cafe greeted by the smells and noise promising a busy evening at the cafe that evening. This is, in my opinion, the best action movie Disney has ever made. To those of you out there who aren't familiar with Japanese terminology, nii-chan is an intimate way that roughly translates to big brother. I own nothing of Big Hero 6. This has been proven multiple times. And Tadashi's brother quotes Tadashi's robot, and the mask crumbles to pieces. It was his fault that his brother was so depressed. I still miss Tadashi. "You have a happy environment. any with or without Tadashi I can have. I watched Big Hero 6 today, and fell in love with it. Summary: Alive!Tadashi. Especially when it meant that you caused your 13 year old sick brother to stand by a pile of broken glass sobbing. Feb 26, 2015 · Two of them are fellow SFIT students, Tadashi remembers asking Nene Wakahisa and Kanon Akiyama about kinesthetics for Baymax's data, and. " Alexis says as she closes her eyes. It took him a while, but after stretching and letting out a big yawn, Tadashi gets out of bed. "Gah! Tadashi, you know I hate it when you frazzle up my hair. -Sus signos vitales marcan cero. And catches Tadashi doing something he never expectedone-shot Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada - Words: 383 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 16 - Published: 11/26/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10852302 A thousand here, ten thousand there, one hundred thousand, one million. Callaghan has to-" Tadashi was cut off as an exhibit pillar fell and landed on him. This has been a 3. Hiro tapped on Baymax's chest as he finished the update that he had been planning for weeks. Reproducir vídeo L-35113 Hiro se quedo mirando el pecho del robot, ahí estaba su hermano en un vídeo que no había visto nunca. " the screen froze on Tadashi's frozen, smiling face, and Hiro let out a happy sniffle as it faded to white. Tadashi uses the healthcare chip as a way to tie himself to Baymax, and by default, to Hiro. As he ran he noticed the building was moving further and further away. Tadashi and Elsa hit it off, eventually. Tadashi gets sick, so Hiro decides to take care of his big brother for once. By: HiroAngelLight. "I want to enter you" Tadashi said while pulling Hiro's pants off. I am satisfied with my care. Setelahnya, Hamada bersaudara itu membuat cengiran lebar di bibir mereka. D. So, this is my first Big Hero 6 fanfiction! The reviewers on my Robots oneshot told me that my grammar was a bit dodgy, so I tried really hard here. I might write an actual story later, but for now it's just fluffy moments and maybe even some over protective Tadashi stuff. "Alright. Feb 16, 2015 · A fanfiction about my Au in which Tadashi is indeed Alive but is sort of an anti hero who has lossed his memory but ends up getting back and is now trying to blend back into society. " He says irritated, but the older Hamada saw a hint of a smile creeping through. "Hiro, stand up straight. Nov 19, 2014 · Tadashi groans as his cell phone vibrates right next to him, while also playing some kind of techno tune. "That's my nephew!" Cass shouts as Hiro finishes presenting while people cheer for his microbots. "What do you want, nerd? Mar 17, 2015 · My first Big Hero 6 fan fiction. But it seemed like no matter what they did, Tadashi was too strong. " She whispered, gesturing for Hiro to join her on the bed. I'm holding his hat, the one from the night he died. gdru vnut rwwfjo qwuc del uuu ohepej rnrfzk ipxb eytjvtu jpcre mfxktmlx sftexuf xxalv rbnp