- Arkansas department of corrections Travel approximately 15 miles to city of Tucker, turn right on State Farm Road, travel approximately 2 miles, turn left at the Y and travel Arkansas Paws in Prison’s tax I. Mailing Address: McPherson Unit 302 Corrections Drive, Newport, AR 72112 Division of Correction. · between the Arkansas Department of Corrections and the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism helped preserve the important site, a National Historic Landmark since 1978. This position is governed by state and federal laws and Administrative Rules Board Policy Manual Executive Clemency Rule The Post-Prison Transfer Board’s Executive Clemency Rule contains the policies and procedures surrounding commutations and pardons. Turn right at the stop sign on Lee Ferguson Lane. Functions:The primary function of Community Supervision Services is community supervision, caseload management, enforcement of supervision conditions and local resource Additional Information: Mailing Address: AR Dept. Norris Unit. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders; Under Arkansas Statute §16-93-204, the Post-Prison Transfer Board has the authority to assist the Governor in exercising his or her authority in granting reprieves, commutations, and pardons. Find out how the department evolved from convict leasing, prison farms, and scandals to modern reforms and The Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) maintains an online inmate population search tool that allows members of the public to search for information on inmates currently incarcerated in Arkansas correctional facilities. 8000 Correction Circle Pine Bluff, AR 71603 (870) 267-6725 (870) 267-6731 Fax. Travel two miles on Highway 388 and Cummins Unit is on the right. The Training Academy is vital to [] Central Arkansas Community Correction Center in Little Rock – (501) 686-9800; East Central Arkansas Community Correction Center in West Memphis – (870) 400-3101; Department Directory. 29. Pine Bluff Work Release Center. Correction may authorize exceptions to this prohibition. Before you visit an inmate in a facility of Arkansas Department of Correction, click here to understand the visitation procedures and hours. For more information, visit ourhouseshelter. · Division of Corrections Director Dexter Payne (left) and Chief Financial Officer Chad Brown (right) of the Arkansas Department of Corrections answer questions from the Arkansas Legislative Council’s Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review subcommittee on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. 00: Department Directory. Students work with AR DOC’s diverse workforce in prisons, community correction centers, and supervision offices across the state. Board of Corrections; Post-Prison Transfer Board; Victims’ Rights and Resources; Sentencing Commission; Sex Offender Assessment Committee (SOAC) Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision; Arkansas Criminal Justice Task Force on Offender Costs and Collections; School District The Arkansas Department of Corrections. Click the buttons below to view the most recent ACA reports for each division. Little Rock. White River Correctional Center. Review, Chaplaincy Division, Fusion Center, Library Services, Inmate Grievances, Special Programs, Strategic Planning and Volunteer Services. 63 $49,174. The AR DOC is responsible for protecting the rights of inmates and offenders placed in the Department’s custody. We have provided a list of questions and answers concerning specific areas related to employment, training and human resources. DOC consists of two divisions, the Arkansas Division of Corrections (ADC) and the Arkansas Division of Community Corrections (DCC), as well as the Arkansas Correctional School Office Hours: Normal: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Thursday Extended: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm every Friday and on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month Division of Community Correction. The Board investigates all applications for clemency, submits a recommendation and report to the Governor, and performs other services as may be required by the Governor in exercising his or her Division of Community Correction. The areas housed at Administrative Annex East include Human Resources, Accounting, Budget, Procurement, The Division of Correction operates six Community Correction Centers that were legislatively created to serve a target group of offenders who commit non-violent and non-sexual offenses and would otherwise be sentenced to traditional incarceration in a traditional prison. Central Office uses Access Corrections Secure Deposits (also known as 'Smart Deposit') for depositing money into an inmate's account. On April 4, 2008, a ground breaking ceremony was held at the Northeast Arkansas Community Correction Center for the new chapel that was being built. We are excited that you are exploring the internship/volunteer opportunities offered at ACC. 302 Corrections Drive Newport, Arkansas 72112 Map. Learn how to contact, search and access online services for inmates and victims. 00: $36,155. Full-time employees accrue annual leave based on years of employment. Search our inmate population using any combination of the following options or download the full inmate database. Incarcerated individuals assigned to one of the manufacturing programs work in an industrial setting that Mailing Address 6814 Princeton Pike Pine Bluff, AR 71602. Take Exit 37, 13th Street. Placing our priority on public safety while providing opportunities for positive change. number is 46-2878307. Travel approximately one block and turn right on West Circle, The Benton Unit will be on the right after entering the circle. 32 Captain Major Food Prep Supervisor Food Prep Manager $59,401. 60 $53,235. gov. The offender on parole/post-release supervision must follow strict conditions of release, which are set by the Post-Prison Transfer Board and include reporting to a Community Supervision Officer. Program Description: This is an exploratory program that introduces participants to COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND SERVICES. Our volunteers provide great services to our clients. Board of Corrections; Post-Prison Transfer Board; Victims’ Rights and Resources; Sentencing Commission; Sex Offender Assessment Committee (SOAC) Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision; Arkansas Criminal Justice Task Force on Offender Costs and Collections; School District Division of Community Correction. Zoom Link: TBA CLICK HERE TO VIEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AT THE Southwest Arkansas Community Correction Center. 1. The information below provides you complete instructions regarding the Central Office: - Inmate Accounts and Deposits, - Commissary Information, The Department of Corrections complies with all applicable state and federal laws, guidelines, and procedures governing the procurement and disposition of commodities and services. Correctional Officers (for both prisons and community correction centers)and Training personnel assigned to the Division of Correction will wear: Division of Community Correction. info@arkansas. ) Are you wondering why you should adopt a dog from the Arkansas Paws in Prison program? Take a look at the Happy Paws in Prison Adoption stories below for just a few reasons why. Send Trust $ Send Phone $ VINE the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division of Correction. Providing a positive, safe, educational environment. The Director of the Arkansas Division of Correction works under the direction of the Board of Corrections and the Department of Corrections Secretary; and is responsible for the Division’s Mission, Vision, Core Values, Goals, Operations, and Institutions. Box 128 Helena, AR 72342 · The Grimes Unit, located in Newport, Jackson County, is a medium- to maximum-security state prison for men operated by the Arkansas Department of Corrections. For information on attending a Transfer Hearing in support of the offender, please contact the unit where the offender is assigned. Mr. com. Corrections Secretary Solomon Graves said, “The use of our regional maintenance crews saves tax dollars and builds goodwill in communities across Arkansas. These providers are highly secure, convenient, and accessible around the clock. Learn about the history, structure, and functions of the state agency that oversees inmates and operates state prisons in Arkansas. Salary Grids Click the buttons below to check out our newly increased salaries at our numerous locations [] Central Arkansas Community Correction Center. Board of Corrections. The Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) maintains an online inmate population search tool that allows members of the public to search for information on inmates currently incarcerated in Arkansas correctional facilities. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? The Arkansas Department of Corrections. Correctional Officer I: Corporal (After 12 months) Sergeant: Lieutenant: $29,046. To be eligible for placement in a Community Correction Center, an offender must: There is no right [] the Arkansas Department of Corrections offers a variety of offender banking options & services and inmate banking options & services. Our Mission The mission of ACI is to train and educate inmates in life skills and marketable job skills through various programs, enabling them to produce quality goods, products and services at competitive prices; in combination will aid in the reduction · ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DIVISION OF CORRECTION Arkansas Correctional Industries (ACI) manufacture and sell various products generating revenue for the ADC. . 40 $47,710. Our mission is to provide a positive, safe, educational environment, where self-worth and success are natural outcomes. The division is responsible for adult parole and probation supervision and the operation of six facilities that are licensed residential treatment centers. For questions regarding the Arkansas Statewide VINE system contact VINE Program Coordinator for ACIC at (501) 682-2222. . The unit is named after Corporal Barbara Ester, who was killed in the line of duty in 2012 at the East Arkansas · Three Division of Community Correction officers and one Division of Correction officer were honored Thursday, December 12, 2024 at the Attorney General’s Officer of the Year Awards for exemplary service to the State. Norris worked for the department for more than 30 years with 16 of those years serving as Director. Upon notice from the Division of Correction Division of Community Correction. § 12-12-910 and 12-12-911 et seq. Arkansas Victim Notification Program In 1997, in response to the need for victims of crime to be informed, the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 1262, which requires victim notification of changes in an offenders’ custody status. ← All Facilities. North Little Rock, AR 72114. The Arkansas Escape Alert System allows citizens living in the vicinity of a Division of Correction unit, or Division of Community Correction center, to register From Pine Bluff travel approximately 30 miles south on Highway 65 South. Department of Corrections. The Post-Prison Transfer Board may require special conditions be placed on inmates being considered for release to parole/post-release supervision. The Office of the Secretary is comprised of employees responsible for supporting the Secretary in the administration of the various duties of the Department pursuant to law and Board of Corrections’ policy. At a minimum, the information will include, but not be limited to Correction; Community Correction; Boards & Commissions. Facebook Twitter Department of Public Safety - Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC) of a $250. Location: 1 mile west of Luxora, off Meadow Road in Mississippi Co. GS01 GS02 GS03 GS04 GS05 $22,000 $23,335 $26,034 $29,046 $32,405 Title Grade Starting Salary Substance Abuse Program Leader GS06 $36,155 Rehab Facility Supervisor GS07 $40,340 Substance Abuse Program Coordinator GS07 $40,340 Licensed Social Worker GS07 $40,340 Rehab Reentry is not a specific program but rather a process that starts when an individual is initially incarcerated and ends when he or she has been successfully reintegrated in the community as a “law-abiding” citizen. Please send checks to Arkansas Paws in Prison Foundation, 1302 Pike Avenue – North Little Rock, AR 72114. Sentences to a Community Correction Center Arkansas Correctional Industries (ACI) is a division of the Arkansas Department of Corrections that provides job training and employment opportunities for inmates in Arkansas correctional facilities. We provide services in two dozen correctional facilities and over fifty community · DOC Headquarters . During [] When inmates are sentenced to the Arkansas Division of Correction, they go through an intake process that includes explanations of the rules and operations of the division. 30 $42,760. Learn about the rules, fees, and methods for online services related to correctional facilities and inmates. The request was issued Feb 13. Make Trust Deposit Make Phone Deposit For assistance with obtaining a Resident ID, please contact [] The Arkansas Department of Corrections (DOC), formerly the Arkansas Department of Correction, is the state law enforcement agency that oversees inmates and operates state prisons within the U. Barefield, Tyler . The mission of the Division of Correction is to provide public safety by carrying out the mandate of the courts, provide a safe humane environment for staff and inmates, strengthen the work ethic through teaching of good habits, and provide opportunities for staff and inmates to improve spiritually, mentally, and physically. Attendance requirements include: Prior to the hearing, inmates are responsible for selecting and identifying the individuals who he/she wants to appear before the Board in In keeping with Objective 3 of improving educational opportunities, as outlined in the Third Agency Goal of the Arkansas Department of Correction’s 2019-2020 Strategic Plan, the Department will implement flex scheduling for staff while they are enrolled in college courses. The Arkansas Upcoming Parole Hearings Inmate Search is provided by the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC), which is the agency responsible for the custody and care of inmates in the state of Arkansas. Welcome to the Arkansas Department of Corrections Internship/Volunteer Program. The Department of Community Correction became known as Arkansas Community Correction (ACC). The Central Office provides various forms of operational support and management for the Department. Information@doc. The State of Arkansas supports equal opportunity in the participation in all areas of capital improvements, therefore minority and women’s business enterprises From Pine Bluff travel approximately 30 miles south on Highway 65 South, approximately 5 miles south of Grady turn left on Highway 388. Custody Classification. From Little Rock travel approximately 40 miles south on Interstate 530. For more information, contact the DOC Recruiter at (870) 850-8578 or DOC. · IN-PERSON HEARING ATTENDANCE UPDATE On Jan. Inmate Search More Services. Office of the Secretary. B. 302 Corrections Drive Newport, Arkansas 72112 . The Arkansas Department of Corrections works with two deposit service providers who give you the ability to put money into an inmate’s Trust Account or Pre-Pay Phone Service Account. The employee may choose a voluntary dollar amount to be payroll deducted up to annual contribution limits set by the IRS. III. 1302 Pike Avenue . DOC AR 216 : Accepting Gifts, Grants and Donations: DOC AR: ADC AR 0803/ACC AR 9. A VCR – 2021 – Northwest Arkansas Community Correction Center: VCR – 2021 – Omega Supervision Sanction Center: Act 423 County Jail Invoice Summary. Turn left on Highway 15 North (approximately 2 miles east of Arkansas River Bridge). Providing fair, firm, consistent and superior correctional services for Arkansas. Department of Justice (DOJ) to meet, and exceed, the requirements for a constitutional minimal standard of care under the Civil Division of Community Correction. The Arkansas Correctional School District (ACSD) provides education services to all populations within the ADC, including mental health, maximum security, and administrative segregation. For your [] Location: Varner, East Arkansas Regional, and Ouachita River Correctional Units Awards Offered: NCCER Core and ACSD Completion Certificate – Building Trades – Basics Entrance Requirements: Able to perform the basic job skills, completed initial assignment and must be at least a class II with no pending DRs. The Commission retains its granted statutory authority but is provided administrative and strategic assistance from the Department of Corrections Division of Community Correction. Transfer Hearings are separate from the monthly Board meetings and Victim Input Hearings. The Arkansas Diamond Deferred Compensation Plan is a voluntary ‘retirement savings plan’ that allows payroll deduction contributions with pre-tax dollars. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders; No food or care packages may be mailed to a Resident. These functions are put into operation through the ADC Management Team and five divisions administratively supervised by deputy directors or assistant directors Arkansas Correctional School District. Arkansas Correctional School District. gov · The Arkansas Department of Corrections. Contact Information Contact: Payroll TechnicianPhone: 870-850-8531 When will I receive my paycheck? Payroll is Tracy DowellSuperintendent Micheal StewartDeputy Superintendent Tonya WilkersonExecutive Secretary Paula GloverDirector of Finance Charlotte NicholsAssistant Director of Finance Tammy DuttonCTE Intake Coordinator Andre RogersTechnology Coordinator Arkansas Correctional School8000 Correction CirclePine Bluff, Arkansas 71603(870) 267-6725Fax: 870-267-6731E-mail: The Arkansas Division of Community Correction (DCC) is responsible for managing probation and parole payments in Arkansas. See the different options to receive alerts or to see more information regarding the Arkansas Division of Correction. Work Release on the left. of Corrections Div. Bill Hartwick Sales Area: LRMA – Little Rock Metropolitan Area (BLUE) Email: [email protected] Mobile Phone: 870-550-5162. Travel approximately ½ mile on Highway 388 and turn right, travel approximately ½ mile, the Varner Unit will be to the left. 10 miles south of Little Rock, Interstate 530 ( Exit 7- Wrightsville/Pratt Road Exit), East to Highway 365 in Wrightsville (Pulaski County), to Highway 386 East. Annual Reports | Monthly Reports | Ten-Year Population Projections | PREA Reports | Recidivism Studies Annual Reports Monthly Reports 2025 • January • February • March • April • May • June • July • August • September • October • November • December 2024 • January • February • March • April • May [] An inmate’s eligibility for parole/post-release supervision is determined by their sentence to the Arkansas Department of Corrections. Norris Unit in honor of former ADC Director Larry B. Attorney Search The Attorney Licensee Directory Search allows you to search for attorneys Department of Corrections. 46 Click here to view career opportunities at the Benton Unit. ADC Number. 0 : Administrative Transfer: Division of Community Correction. The information within addresses many aspects of []. This new relationship gives family and friends an additional resource for putting money into the inmate’s Trust Account or Pre-Pay Phone Service Account. ← Go Back. Helpful Information The Arkansas Department of Corrections (AR DOC) is committed to adhering to the PREA standards to prevent prevent, detect and respond to all incidents of sexual abuse and sexual harassment alleged to have occurred in our facilities. We are a Modified Therapeutic Community (MTC). Northwest Arkansas Coalition: A coalition View the 28 retired ADC horses that will be available below: View or download the 2023 ADC Horse Auction catalog below: Directions Construction is underway on roadways surrounding the Saline County Fairgrounds and normal routes have changed. Good Time Class. Act 309: The Work Release Centers currently overseen by the Superintendent of Work Release are: Arkansas [] For assistance with your inquiry, you may contact the Arkansas Department of Correction at 870-267-6999 or via email at adc. Center Corporal Learn more about the Arkansas Division of Correction such as our mission, organizational chart, how to contact us and more. The purpose of the Board of Corrections is to manage correctional resources in the state such that offenders are held accountable for their actions, victims' needs are addressed in a positive manner, and the safety of society is enhanced. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? Division of Community Correction. Vote decisions are finalized for release the Monday following each Board meeting. · The Arkansas Department of Corrections and Arkansas Board of Corrections have released a request for qualifications for professional architectural services for the construction of the new state correctional facility in Franklin County, Ark. Helpful Links · West Memphis, Arkansas: From March 4, 2025 to March 6, 2025, a large-scale, a multijurisdictional team of law enforcement agents conducted a Sex Offender Compliance Operation in Crittenden County, Arkansas. This position is governed by state and federal laws and Arkansas Correctional School District is anticipating multiple openings for the 2025-2026 school year. Go straight at light and at the third street on the left, turn left off Highway 67 into the entrance to the Arkansas Health Center (Benton Blvd). Mailing Address. In 2017, she left retail and opened Michelle Hill Dog Training Academy in Jonesboro, Arkansas to focus on training service and therapy dogs. They operate under the guidance of the State Prison Administration , which ensures that it meet strict security standards, provide access to essential rehabilitation services, and adhere to legal Management: Dana Alberson, Area Manager Cornelia Lasker, Assistant Area Manager Elizabeth Carter, Assistant Area Manager Franklin Scharvundrick, Assistant Area Manager Division of Correction. ” · The Arkansas Department of Correction/Department of Community Correction (ADC/DCC) Correctional Sergeant is responsible for guarding and directing work of inmates, and supervises other correctional officers or observing the behavior of residents and documenting the records as required. Please follow the links below for further information in regards to each of these areas. Each of the various correctional facilities and administrative areas within the division undergo audits every three (3) years by ACA. Sargent Training Academy: The Division of Correction Training Academy was established in 1980, with a commitment to contributing to the Department’s success through quality staff training programs. ¬†The division is working to make Arkansas safer by changing offender behavior through Management: Richard Holt, Area Manager Wendy Phillips, Assistant Area Manager Michael Irby, Assistant Area Manager Frank Gibson, Assistant Area Manager Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search: The Inmate Search page provides links to helpful information regarding the Department of Corrections, offense descriptions, assessment/level explanation, and time computation explanation. First Agency Goal To maintain cost-efficient care and custody of all inmates. m. [] · The Arkansas Department of Corrections. “The dedication and professionalism of our officers is incredible,” said Division of Community Correction Director Jim Cheek. Post-Prison Transfer Board. On April 15, 2008, Northwest Arkansas Community Correction Center opened in Fayetteville. ADC AR 0001 : Administrative Regulations, Directives and Memoranda: ADC AR 0114 : Arkansas Department of Corrections Administrative Rules. Here are some photo highlights of The Arkansas Department of Corrections (AR DOC) offers exciting opportunities for college students who want to develop relevant skills in a collaborative, dynamic, and fast-paced environment. Turn right on State Farm Road, travel approximately 2 miles and Tucker unit will be Arkansas Paws in Prison Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Department of Corrections Employee Handbook Access to Facilities by Attorneys | Attorney Visitation Form Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act Armory Inventory and Procedures Code of Ethics Data-driven Decision Making Department Website Divisive Concepts in Department Operations, Policies, and Training Materials Dress Code for Non-Uniformed Personnel Dress Code for Uniformed We, the Arkansas Correctional School, believe each person has worth, dignity, and the ability to learn. AR The Arkansas Department of Corrections (DOC), formerly the Arkansas Department of Correction, is the state law enforcement agency that oversees inmates and operates state prisons within the U. ACI also maintains an online catalog that offers a range of products and services for sale to [] Learn more about the organization of the Arkansas Division of Correction and download the ADC organizational chart here. Careers@doc. To achieve program goals, a community structure [] Welcome to the Division of Community Correction Internship/Volunteer Program. The company also makes it possible To enhance public safety by enforcing state laws and court mandates through community partnerships and evidence-based programs that are cost efficient and hold offenders accountable while engaging them in opportunities to become law-abiding, productive citizens. Stay on Highway 5after reaching Calico Rock and travel approximately 3 miles, turn right on County Road 46. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? Providing fair, firm, consistent and superior correctional services for Arkansas. Our Tax ID# is 46-2878307. Office Hours: Normal: 7:00 am – 5:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Extended: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm every Monday and Thursday Division of Community Correction. to 5:00 p. gov Join the Arkansas Department of Corrections family! The DOC has a lot to offer anyone searching for a career, including military veterans. Arkansas Correctional School District is a public school that operates inside Arkansas Department of Corrections facilities. The DOC is responsible for the custody or supervision of over 80,000 Arkansans. An individual may have multiple incarcerations for a single conviction. The Arkansas Department of Correction, in conjunction with the Arkansas Community Correction and Crime Information Center, is pleased to offer the public a new automated safety tool. arkansas. J. The Arkansas Post-Prison Transfer Board is an independent, quasi-judicial body whose seven (7) members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Information@arkansas. Approximately 5 miles south of Grady turn left on Highway 388. Apply to Correctional Officer, Background Investigator, Crime Analyst and more! Applicants for positions in Ohio Department Of Rehabilitation & Correction must also successfully pass correction officer assessment or have successfully Four Arkansas Department of Correction employees were recognized for 30 years of service to the State of Arkansas on March 2, 2018 by Director Wendy Kelley and members of the ADC Management Team. Phone General: (870) 267-6999 Constituent Services: (870) 267-6385. SB 101 also includes money to fund a prison construction project at Calico Rock, improvements at the schools for the deaf and blind, and the Northwest Arkansas Veterans Home. From Little Rock travel approximately 100 miles north on Highway 5 North to Calico Rock. · As Secretary of the Arkansas Department of Corrections (DOC), I am pleased to share the DOC Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022. Division of Correction. Denise Edwards, Willie Harris, Moses Jackson, and Tina Owens were all presented with plaques commemorating the career milestone. The Good Grid connects members of our community, such as employers, jobseekers, volunteers, and service providers, for the purpose of successful reentry of offenders into society. gov Dale Reed – (870) 267-6301. Contact the Arkansas Paws in Prison today to learn more about our program, media inquiries, to donate, or for general questions. Arkansas Correctional School District employees are members Tiffanye Compton – (870) 267-6335 The ADC Superintendent of Administrative Operations is responsible for overseeing Admin. Pursuant to the Transformation and Efficiencies Act of 2019, the Arkansas Sentencing Commission is a division of the Arkansas Department of Corrections, one of fifteen cabinet-level Departments with Secretaries reporting directly to the Governor. Code Ann. The ADC maintains a database of information on inmates, including their parole hearing dates and locations, which is updated regularly and made [] Providing fair, firm, consistent and superior correctional services for Arkansas. state of Arkansas. Join Our Family. Director’s Board Reports | Strategic Plans | Annual Reports | PREA Annual Reports | County Jail Reimbursement Annual Summary | Monthly County Jail Reimbursement Summaries | Recidivism Study | Statistical Information | Facts Brochure | Adult Sex Offender Guidelines | Population Projections | Miscellaneous Director’s Board Reports Office Hours: Normal: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday Extended: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 am – 7:0m first and second Wednesday of each month Join the Arkansas Department of Corrections family! The DOC has a lot to offer anyone searching for a career, including military veterans. Board Meetings The Post-Prison Transfer Board holds meetings twice a month to conduct the business of the Board and to ratify hearing decision votes. Success Stories: Malvern church program helps offenders granted parole/post-release supervision find work Restore Hope: How can we help? The Arkansas [] Director: Dexter Payne – (870) 267-6200. The Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Search Search our inmate population using any combination of the following options or download the full inmate database . Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders; The Arkansas Department of Corrections is accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA). AR DEPT CORRECTIONS_WHITE Address: E. Shop; Departments; Facilities; Sales Staff; About ACI; Purchasing Requirements; Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program; History; Billing Department. Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? The salaries listed below are for full-time positions within the Arkansas Department of Corrections. ADC #168651. Martin, Alexandria . Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? Sales Manager. Arkansas Correctional Industries. 2008. Helpful Information · A dedication ceremony was held on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, officially renaming the Maximum Security Unit in Tucker, Arkansas, to the Larry B. Below, you can explore the internship and volunteer opportunities available, find contact information for our programs, and learn more about [] The Arkansas Department of Corrections Inmate Trust Account Deposits service is a system that allows friends and family members of inmates to deposit money into an inmate’s trust account. We work to foster positive change in others and ourselves, and to be an asset to the community and institution we serve. MALVERN – On Wednesday, August 24, 2022, staff at the Ouachita River Regional Unit observed inmate Jason Bramlett #133066 hanging in a locked single-man cell. Email Public Information Division of Community Correction. (Time computation before the Protect Arkansas Act of 2023 implementation. We believe you have the necessary qualities to get it done. Aaron Hawkins Sr. Agents with the Arkansas Division of Community Correction’s Sex Offender Services Unit led the Operation, which consisted of agents from multiple agencies: On Tuesday, Arkansas Correctional Industries (accredited under Performance Based Standards for Correction Industries); and; ACA performance based standards for adult correctional institutions are the measure used by the U. Alert: Automated Telephone Deposit Service Account Click on each region/unit to view salary grid. 1, 2022, the Arkansas Post-Prison Transfer Board will resume allowing supporters to join inmates, in-person, at their parole/post-release supervision hearings. ACI operates a variety of industries, including manufacturing, agriculture, and food service. Inmate Search. From Little Rock travel approximately 145 miles on southwest on I 30 West to Texarkana, exit to right and turn left on the State Line Avenue. Division of Community Correction. All requests are pending review and approval by the Arkansas Department of Corrections. · Committed to public safety and providing professional management solutions and evidence-based rehabilitative initiatives for offenders For any questions concerning employee benefits please visit the Benefits FAQ page. Travel approximately 2 ½ miles and turn left on 384S (302 Corrections Drive), McPherson Unit on the right. The goal of the facility focuses on training and resources for prisoners before they are released back into the community. The funds deposited in the trust account can be used by inmates to purchase items from the commissary, pay for medical services, and other approved expenses The Arkansas Department of Corrections works with two deposit service providers who give you the ability to pay Probation and Parole Fees. FY-2019-2020: FY-2018-2019: FY-2017-2018: Department Directory. inmate. Sales Representative. DOC Home / Division of Community Correction / About Us / Contact Us. This position is governed by state and federal laws and East Central Arkansas Community Correction Center. gov or click the button below. In 1997, the Training Academy was fully accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA). 00 fee from each individual who is required by law to register as a Level III or Level IV Sex Offender as required by provisions of Ark. Please read the visitation rules BEFORE you request an appointment. This system is known as the [] · The Arkansas Department of Corrections recently partnered with Access Corrections, a money management services provider, to offer more secure, convenient options for making deposits and payments. She has also worked with the Beck Center for Veterans as a Certified Service Dog Coach to help train service dogs for local veterans. *Please note - Deadlines for scheduling visitation appointments are as follows: Saturday appointments: Wednesday, 11:59pm. Arkansas Department of Corrections. State Required Information. THE GOOD GRID. O. Here Are Just a Few Company Benefits. John Laxton Escaped On: 07/18/2012 Facility: To provide information about their known whereabouts please contact the Department of Correction at 870-267-6209 or 870-267-6206 between 8 am and 5 pm M-F. Learn more about all of the Inmate Programs and Services offered at the Arkansas Division of Correction including the GED program. “Over 29,000 students have graduated from the Arkansas Correctional School District,” he said. The Arkansas Department of Education licenses all instructors, and all have had additional training in adult education. The following Arkansas colleges and universities offer programs in the field of criminal justice. Find information about inmates, death row, escapees, executions, commissary, programs and more in the official website of the Arkansas DOC. The Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) is an agency of the State of Arkansas that operates adult correctional facilities. East Central Arkansas Community Correction Center. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? Check out our newly increased salaries! 5,727 Arkansas Department of Correction jobs available on Indeed. Recidivism is the act of reengaging in · Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC), located at PO Box 8707 Pine Bluff, AR, serves as the key facility with oversight of the correctional system. Management: Brian Holt, Area Manager Fred Houston, Assistant Area Manager Matthew Drake, Assistant Area Manager Division of Community Correction. Send Trust $ Send Phone $ VINE Print. C. If you prefer to give directly through PayPal instead of GiveLively, please click the yellow donate button below. You can make a tax-deductible donation online or by mail. Travel approximately 3 miles to Highway 365 and turn right. S. Proposals will be evaluated by the Arkansas Sentencing Standards Grids Sentencing Standards Grid – All Levels Presumptive Sentence – Individual Grid Pages Guidelines Comparison and Quick Start Guide Policy Statements Community Corrections Centers Only defendants who have been found guilty of a “target” offense are eligible to be sentenced to a Community Correction Center. Bex (formerly Pearl), who was featured when I adopted her as a deaf/vision impaired therapy dog for people with Alzheimer’s and [] Office Hours: Normal: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday Extended: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm Monday and Thursday, 7:00 am – 4:30 pm Friday · The agency overseeing Arkansas prisons expects to spend $5. Executive Clemency Rule Medical Marijuana Use by Offenders on Parole / Post-Release Supervision Position on Medical Marijuana Use Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Corrections is to be a public safety resource for Arkansas families by providing professional management solutions and evidence-based rehabilitative initiatives for offenders Core Values Accountability We consistently demonstrate pride, enthusiasm, and dedication to achieve department goals We welcome feedback and coaching, expecting to be On this page, the word “individual” will be used to represent incarcerated individual GENERAL PERSONNEL PRACTICES: The purpose of this Policies and Procedures Manual is to bring together a cohesive set of guidelines to provide an understanding of the personnel and operational policies of Division of Correction Volunteer Services. The Division of Correction is a state agency that carries out the court orders and provides a safe environment for staff and inmates. The Good Grid allows you to: Identify organizations near you that provide services including shelter, substance abuse, counseling, and employment training. · The Arkansas Department of Correction/Department of Community Correction (ADC/DCC) Correctional Officer I is responsible for maintaining security, and overseeing the work of inmates in a correctional facility or observing the behavior of residents and documenting records as required. The State of Arkansas supports equal opportunity in the participation in all areas of capital improvements, therefore minority and women’s business enterprises Eddie Powell was named the Administrator of the Arkansas Correctional Industries in 2022. DOC consists of two divisions, the Arkansas Division of Corrections (ADC) and the Arkansas Division of Community Corrections (DCC), as well as the Arkansas Correctional School · LITTLE ROCK, Ark. gov(501) 682-3309 Wade HodgeChief of Staff(501) 682-3309Corrections. 2025 Division of Community Correction – Director – Deputy Director Community Supervision Services Arkansas Paws in Prison Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. ADC #714759. Adjacent to the McPherson Unit (for women), it has a capacity of 1,012 inmates, with a significant portion being technical parole violators who returned to prison due to violating parole The Arkansas Department of Correction’s 2019-2020 Strategic Plan sets out the strategies that have been developed by the Management Team to attain the established Goals and Objectives. of Community Correction P. Sheila Inman 870-850-8459 voice 870-850-8494 fax Email: [email protected] Address: From Pine Bluff travel approximately 72 miles south on Highway 65 South, turn right at Highway 165 (city of Dermott). “I promised the people of Arkansas we would address our state’s From Little Rock, travel approximately 45 miles south on Interstate 530. 2 million in overtime pay for correctional officers in the next six months, Department of Corrections officials told a legislative panel 2017 Several staff members were honored for their outstanding work in the operation of the agency by receiving 2017 Pinnacle Awards:Employee of the Year: James Wilson -Cummins Unit Supervisor of the Year: Lamont Wimbley – Administration Annex EastCorrectional Supervisor of the Year: Ronald Gillihan – North Central Unit and Laura Cook-Cummins UnitCorrectional Officer of the [] Kris Honey(501) 682-9588 Mission Statement: To provide community supervision that promotes public safety, provides restitution to victims and rehabilitates the offenders into productive members of the community. Student interns gain real-world experience in the corrections field. Correction; Community Correction; Boards & Commissions. org. Escapee List . The products range from furniture to uniforms. —Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Arkansas Department of Corrections Secretary Lindsay Wallace, Arkansas Board of Corrections Chairman Benny Magness, and other state and local officials today announced that the State of Arkansas has purchased land in Charleston to build a new prison. Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin. Tuesday and Thursday 7:00 a. Division of Community Correction Resident Visitation. ” – Zac Cosner Ass’t IT Administrator DOC Shared Services “Being a [] During today’s meeting, the Arkansas Board of Corrections unanimously voted to rename the Maximum Security Unit to the Larry B. Video visitation removes time, distance, and other barriers associated with a visit to a correctional facility allowing a visit to occur at more convenient times. 1302 Pike Avenue, Suite C North Little Rock, AR 72114 (501) 682-3309 Arkansas Correctional School. Department Directory. The ADC is also a core part of the criminal justice system and recidivism is one of the most integral concepts in criminal justice. Arkansas Department of Correction Address: 6814 Princeton Pike, Pine Bluff, AR 71602 Phone: (870) 267-6999 Email: ADC. Arkansas. The goal of the MTC is to facilitate development of permanent lifestyle changes so residents will be successful, contributing, law-abiding citizens while in the center and upon return to society. Make Supervision Payment For assistance with obtaining an offender ID, please contact your supervising officer. Our House: Helps those with a criminal history overcome barriers to reentry and provides opportunities through education, employment training, financial empowerment, health and wellness education and reentry. SUMMARY: The Arkansas Board of Corrections and the Arkansas Department of Corrections request interested communities to submit an Expression of Interest to donate land for the construction of a new maximum-security facility to house approximately 1,000 inmates within the Division of Correction. ACA is the oldest, and largest, association developed specifically for [] Welcome to Residential Services. Information current as of 03/15/2025. From Little Rock travel approximately 10 miles on I 530, exit right and turn left on 145th Street. The event came following the November 2024 board meeting, in which the Arkansas Board of Corrections unanimously voted to rename the unit in honor of the former ADC Director. City: West Memphis. VIEW THIS VIDEO to learn about some of the many benefits from one of our own who has had a successful career at Welcome to the Division of Correction Willis H. Employment FAQs Applying for a job with the Arkansas Department of Corrections is a positive step toward a rewarding career with [] To register with ARKANSAS STATE WIDE VINE PROGRAM call 1-800-510-0415 Any questions regarding notification and/or the VINE system should be directed to the Arkansas Department of Correction Victim Coordinator at 870-267-6677. Learn about its mission, contact information, and website link. Inmate Bramlett was taken to the infirmary and pronounced Division of Community Correction. Wrightsville Unit. Uniform Assignments . All incoming and outgoing Resident mail may be read, except for privileged correspondence with the Resident’s attorney; federal, state, and local court officials; any administrator of the Arkansas Community Correction, Board of Correction; and the media. Find out how to search for inmates, deposit funds, access phone services, and more on the official website of the Arkansas Division of Correction. Individuals who are on probation or parole in Arkansas are required to make regular payments as part of their supervision fees, restitution, or other court-ordered financial obligations. Since their family and friends do not have the benefit of this orientation, the agency has created a Constituent Services Office within the Public Information Office to help Operations: Administrative Annex East primarily contains staff within the Administrative Services Division, which provides personnel and fiscal support to the department. "Took" Gathings Federal Building - 615 S Main Street, Room 114, Jonesboro, AR 72401 · ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INMATE DEAD IN APPARENT SUICIDE AT OUACHITA RIVER CORRECTIONAL UNIT. Your supply donations may be tax deductible, email [email protected] if you need a receipt. AR Department of Human Services Hotline Numbers. New RouteDue to on-going construction and narrow roads, this [] · The Arkansas Department of Correction/Department of Community Correction (ADC/DCC) Correctional Sergeant is responsible for guarding and directing work of inmates, and supervises other correctional officers or observing the behavior of residents and documenting the records as required. D. Secretary@doc. Public. Salary Schedule Classified 2024-2025Download – Approved Licensed Salary Schedule (190 Day Teacher Contract)Download – Approved Classified Salary Schedule for Aides and Paraprofessionals (190 Day Contract)Download – Approved Classified Salary Schedule for Information Technology Manager (12 Month Contract) Download – Approved Classified Salary Schedule for CTE Office Aides, · Division of Community Correction Team Organizational Chart *Effective 01. Description Frequently Asked Questions: Employment | Training | Employee Benefits | Payroll Classification and Compensation is responsible for processing employee personnel actions such as promotions, demotions, transfers, and terminations as well as the processing of biweekly payroll. The Division of Community Correction supervises more than 60,000 offenders throughout the state. “These officers set Title Area Type Programs and Services 6th Judicial District Drug Court Area 08 Office Drug Court ACC Central Office Central Office Arkadelphia Office Area 10 County Office Drug Court, Substance Abuse Program Ashdown Office Area 12 County Office Substance Abuse Program Batesville Office Area 03 County Office Drug Court, Substance Abuse Program Benton Office Area [] The Department of Corrections is proposing to promulgate the emergency Administrative Rule: Earned Release Credits Copies of this proposal are available for public inspection at DOC headquarters, located at 1302 Pike Ave. · The Arkansas Correctional School District is responsible for a critical component of the Department’s reentry efforts, Secretary Graves emphasized, saying education is mandatory for all capable inmates who lack their GED or high school diploma. Transfer Hearings for individual inmates are conducted at the unit and are not part of the monthly Board meetings. · The McPherson Unit, located adjacent to the Newport Municipal Airport in Jackson County, is a medium-maximum state prison managed by the Arkansas Department of Corrections. The Post-Prison Transfer Board is the releasing authority. Arkansas Escape Alert System. to 6:00 p. View the 24 ADC horses that will be available below: View or download the 2025 ADC Horse Auction catalog below: Correction on pages 8 and 9 of the catalog: Roany’s brand is 07-25 NOT 09-04 Unless otherwise noted, all documents are in PDF format. Arkansas Division of Correction Administrative Rules. 2. Make Trust Deposit Make Phone Deposit For assistance with obtaining a Resident ID, please contact [] Division of Community Correction. Committed to public safety and providing professional management solutions and evidence-based rehabilitative initiatives for offenders From I-30, Take exit 98A Malvern exit; go to third stop light and turn right onto Moline Street; then turn left onto Walco Road (ADC sign here); go to the third stop sign and turn right onto Sullenberger (ADC sign here); immediately after crossing the bridge turn left onto Walco (ADC sign here) going beside the Acme Brick Plant approximately . In order to accomplish these notifications, legislation authorized the establishment of an automated system. County: Crittenden. Travel approximately 15 miles to city of Tucker. By participating in the program, you are [] Division of Community Correction. Written information regarding procedures governing visitation will be made available to residents upon their arrival at the institution. Meeting the needs of the clients can be challenging. Probation & Parole/Post-Release Supervision (Basic Supervision) Parole/Post-Release Supervision Parole/post-release supervision is early release from state prison to community supervision. 00: $32,405. We are excited that you are exploring the internship and volunteer opportunities offered at the DOC. Your Arkansas. Interested in joining the Arkansas DOC family? Monitoring and assessing the impact of practices, policies, and existing laws on the correctional resources of the state Arkansas Sentencing Commission Forms & Tips From Little Rock, travel approximately 45 miles south on Interstate 530. DOC Headquarters 1302 Pike Avenue North Little Rock, AR 72114 The Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC) has a lot to offer anyone searching for a career, including military veterans seeking employment in the civilian workforce. 86 $44,072. During [] The Arkansas Department of Corrections. The Board is dedicated to the process of promoting public safety by the return of offenders into the community through supervised Let members of the AR DOC Family tell you why you should start a new career with the Arkansas Department of Corrections! “I like working for the DOC because of the camaraderie I feel with my teammates and knowing I’m helping protect our community. Click below for our current Administrative Rule for Executive Clemency. Stay on State Line Avenue until you reach downtown Texarkana, after passing Broad Street the Bi State Justice Building is located on right at State Line Avenue and Broad Street. Housing 971 female inmates, it shares property with the Grimes Unit. Employees working half time would accrue [] This means the program is managed solely by your company in accordance with the contracts between you and Arkansas Department of Corrections. Created with Sketch. The Board conducts Transfer Hearings at every unit within the Department of Corrections. Contact Us. Generally, the 25 [] Gaylon Lay – (870) 267-6319 The Assistant Director of Work Release is responsible for overseeing the Benton, Mississippi County, Northwest Arkansas, Pine Bluff, Texarkana Regional, and Tucker Work Release Centers along with the Act 309 Program and Industry Division. Our interns and volunteers provide great services to our offenders. Travel approximately 6 miles on Highway 165 South, turn left on East Gaines. Arkansas Division of Correction Land Request Notice. Office Hours: HOURS: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 a. Mailing Address: P. Travel approximately 3 miles to Gravel Road (Sign to Arkansas Department of Correction) turn left and travel approximately 2 miles, Miss. Video visitation offers a new, convenient way for residents to visit with their families, friends, or legal representative face-to-face via a home computer, smart phone or tablet. The process of constructing the NEW Arkansas Correctional School building at the Cummins Unit took a number of months before opening to grateful students and staff in Fall 2019. Such exceptions must be reported in writing to the Office of the Secretary. Construction of the NEW Arkansas Correctional School Building in Pictures. Salary Grids Click the buttons below to check out our newly increased salaries at our numerous locations [] The Department of Corrections complies with all applicable state and federal laws, guidelines, and procedures governing the procurement and disposition of commodities and services. 5 miles, then turn right at the ADC sign. Central Region Benton Unit Correctional Officer I Corporal (After 12 months) Sergeant Lieutenant $38,324. The Arkansas Department of Correction dedicated its first reentry facility, the Barbara Ester Unit, in August. 34 $66,282. The ADC Chief Deputy Director is responsible for overseeing various Institutions within the Arkansas Division of Correction as well as the Agricultural Operations for the Division of Correction. Please be aware of detours and traffic pattern changes. For more information, please contact ADC. Directions. Location: Four miles northeast of Newport, off Highway 384 in Jackson County. The community consists of residents and staff. Mike Grisham Division of Community Correction. ACI earned $8,289,286. Employees working less than full-time but more than 1,000 hours per year in a regular salary position accrue annual leave in the same proportion as time worked. The McPherson Unit serves as the intake and classification facility for female offenders in Arkansas. ACC Central Office: Main Number (501) 682-9510 For problems or questions regarding this website send an e-mail to the Research and Planning Department. Percentage of offender’s salary goes to family support; Percentage of offender’s salary goes back to the Arkansas Department of Corrections for room and board DOC Home / Department Directory. The Office of the Secretary Lindsay WallaceSecretaryCorrections. Salary Grids Click the buttons below to check out our newly increased salaries at our numerous locations [] Division of Community Correction. At the first red light when entering Pine Bluff, turn right at Bryant Street. Norris. Aliases. Box 10 , Luxora, AR 72358-0010. The bill also funds an increase in the Department of Corrections budget to bump the reimbursements to county jails from $32 per day to $40 per day. The specific powers and duties of the Board were Join the Arkansas Department of Corrections family! The DOC has a lot to offer anyone searching for a career, including military veterans. In addition, the Board generally holds two Victim [] · Ensuring the public’s safety, the empowerment of victims, and that offenders will be provided opportunities for positive behavioral change Division of Community Correction. C3. For FOIA requests, please email [email protected]. xmjlw xuqke gnnt zsgin und gvjnk xis bicvmx bpto lwwnlas bvdqgvh axmqkn urty ariwry dgqlz