Alternate standard array 5e. Jun 8, 2021 · Standard Array.
Alternate standard array 5e You can even present it to your players as "the standard array is an example of a stat distribution you can get using point buy. Standard Array ist die schnellste und einfachste Methode, um die Fähigkeitswerte eines Charakters in DnD 5e auszuwählen. See our Standard Array 5E Guide. You can also do one of the following: Standard Array. Standard Array’s ability scores are as follows: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. You have a predetermined pool of points that you have that you can allocate to your ability scores. I know it's not DnD 5e, but Pathfinder uses the d20 SRD rules, and there are multiple alternate rolling types: Standard: Roll 4d6, discard the lowest die result, and add the three remaining results together. It’s not a bad option, but aside from being simpler, it doesn’t really have any advantages over point buy. I came up with an idea: The Heroic Array. Nov 8, 2017 · I use 3d6 reroll any 1s once. You get a 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8 to work with, and everyone in the group gets those numbers. Some players roll for stats and you end up with MASSIVE power gaps between characters Aug 12, 2021 · Choosing the standard array makes everything, well, pretty standard. For some reason, some folks get pretty salty about the Standard Array; There are roughly as many ways to generate stats as there are DMs. Standard array is similar to point buy, but with a set specific array that everyone must use. Fixed Custom Race linking. Standard Array is a great choice for new players, but experienced players might find it too restrictive. Gonna hit a lot harder earlier on and then even out pretty quickly. However, it isn’t given a heading, and neither is it highlighted or called the Standard Array. With multiclassing factored in it is even worse The Standard Array is a fixed set of scores that cannot be changed. So, what exactly is the standard array, and how does it fit into the character creation process in Dungeons and Dragons 5e? To put it simply, the standard array is a set of numbers – specifically 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. 15. ---Random Path to 75 by TwoSix 1) Roll 2d6+5 5 times. And there are some issues in having a totally random chargen. Hello guys! So I've never liked the standard array in 5e, my players don't like rolling as it has caused some heavy imbalance in the party and most of the times they don't care about using point buy. Jun 14, 2023 · The Standard Array is a method of generating ability scores in D&D 5e that provides six pre-set numbers that can be assigned to a character’s abilities. Record this total and repeat the How Standard Array works in D&D 5e. 5, a tool they presented to help DM's make NPC more individualized. com/Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletterhttps://slyflourish. The standard array is a specific set of scores, which in D&D 5th edition is [15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8]. Ie, "If you think the standard array is accurate enough, then such and so is the equivalent array with 5d6while if you are using the more accurate standard array, the more accurate equivalent The game is "balanced" around standard array. With minimum 3 and maximum 18 per ability score. This is because it is simply one form of Point-Buy, and most players want the freedom to choose their numbers. It ensures that you can have a +3 in your primary ability once racial modifiers are added in, and ensures a flaw. Aug 16, 2022 · I am new to D&D and was researching playing a Totem Warrior Barbarian for my first character. The standard array consists of six numbers: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. Variant: Custom Ability Scores Standard array is by far the best for creating a level playing field. Want to support me? Support Children's Hospitals and donate to my Extra Life charity page instead! Donate here! Jul 28, 2017 · The issues you might have. The standard array costs 27 points using the point buy rules, so if you use point buy anyone who wants to use the standard array can choose to do so. It’s all about leveraging strategy and statistical techniques to bolster your character’s strengths and effectively navigate through the thrilling world of D&D. com - 5e Point Buy Calculator - Updated 2/12/2025 Version 1. Far too often, I see DMs complaining about things like the high AC of a bladesinger PC, only to find out that said bladesinger has Intelligence 19 and Dexterity 20 at level 2, so, well, there's your I do agree that 5e being built around simplicity is more than ok and that players and DMs (the entire table should discuss these options really) is purely up to them. Sep 1, 2023 · The Role of the Standard Array in Character Creation. 1: Updated Extra Life charity links for 2025. Now that we’re familiar with the other methods, let’s talk about standard array. If you want to use it you can, but you do not have to do so. . With bounded accuracy, stats matter more than they did in previous editions, so rolling seems like a recipe for a few characters overpowering the rest. 18 Dex, 16 Int, 10 Con, 8 Wis, 7 Cha, 6 Stre gives you excellent AC for a 1 lvl Given 5e's restriction to a maximum value of 15 in point buy, I'd also consider house ruling that racial ability modifiers can't raise a stat above 17 (or maybe 18 since rolled 18's are valid) to more closely align rolling with point buy and standard array. This makes the standard array a subcategory of point buy. Standard Array is extremely unpopular in every group I play with. The Dungeon Dudes array allows PC's to get a stat 20 sooner encouraging picking up feats which also increases variability in characters. " Dec 21, 2020 · Standard Array 5e is an excellent method to make sure that all players are going to be treated equally, and will be the most frequent stat score disperse. The Standard Array, as it is now widely referred to, can be found on page 13 of the Player’s Handbook. I keep hearing this argument that "the game was balanced around standard array" yet one of two things happen. Stat generation is tricky. Point Buy and Standard Array only, no rolled stats The odds of CR appropriate monsters failing saves is about 60% Baseline for DPR comparison is assuming a subclass less warlock casting the Hex Spell, taking eldritch blast and Ago Blast and maxing their CHM ASAP, Good damage can do about 1. Instead of using points to “buy” each ability score, you are given an I definitely don't think you're wrong or in the wrong for wanting to use the standard array. Jan 7, 2022 · Standard Array: given a set of numbers, you can slot into any attribute you like. What about multiple standard arrays? It is kind of like a hybrid of point buy and standard array. Standard array is really simple to get. The text is as follows, with the relevant section highlighted for convenience: Alternative to Point Buy [5e] 5th Edition (as in the standard array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 or +2+2+1+1+0-1=+5) or +6 (the most average variant array: 13, 13, 13 Jan 29, 2023 · Benefits of Standard Array. If it was set to 16, 15, 14, 13, 11, 9, the array accomplishes much of the same goals while being a 78 point array that would max out at 18 through racial increases. I got this idea from a YouTube channel, the dungeon dudes. The point buy arrays limit all of them to a maximum of 17 as a starting stat. g, 8+3=11, 10+3=13, 12+3=15, 13+3=16, 14+3=17 and 15+3=18), they were talking about how you just increased every score by 3 points from the standard array. Doing a standard array keeps things even while racial bonuses allow variability (the floating score makes this even more so). I only see Standard Array with newcomers to teach the game without them worrying about stats. Although I don't know if any old-school games used it, it's mathematically derived in the same way the 5E standard array is derived, only they used the average rolls for 4d6-drop-the-lowest. Both Point Buy and the Standard Array allow balanced gameplay , whereas rolling manually is more casual. com/subscribe/Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Po Jan 6, 2022 · Standard Array. On its face your ability score modifiers for the lower end stays the same on your less desirable ability scores. Another alternative stat roll method? 5e So there's a method along the lines of roll 24d6, drop the lowest 6 rolls, and arrange the array of numbers rolled into 6 groups of 3, however you like, allowing averaging or highs and lows. Find a bug? Just want to say hi? Contact Me. It’s completely fair. 2) Sum those values, and subtract them from 75. Dec 3, 2022 · Alternative Ways of Rolling Up a Character in D&D. Nimm die Liste und weise jede Zahl einer der sechs Fähigkeiten deines Charakters auf deinem Charakterbogen zu: Stärke, Geschicklichkeit, Konstitution, Intelligenz, Weisheit und Charisma. It's similar, but mathematically is almost the same as the standard array. www. The WotC pregens don't use any variant rules, so they all use the standard array. The standard array method is a balanced and simple way to determine a character’s ability score for new players, but experienced players may find it limiting. Apr 20, 2023 · Combine that with a total points of 40 or 45 (Much crisper numbers) and everything is much higher but more even with what rolling scores can give players. As mentioned above, rolling dice to figure out your characters ability scores is just one way to build a character in DnD. This method provides a balanced foundation across your character's main stats, ensuring they are adequately equipped for their chosen class. In D&D 5e, ability scores are a key part of character creation. Aug 10, 2022 · 5e Point Buy Arrays See page 13 of the 5ePH under the heading "Variant: Customizing Ability Scores" using a standard 27 point buy: 15, 15, 15, 8, 8, 8 Feb 7, 2020 · TL;DR? There's a split in the group on an ability score generation method where some people feel the standard 5e array is fine / good even, and others either gag or at least have their mouths twist at the idea. I've used an "improved" standard array that was 15, 15, 14, 13, 10, 8. Most PHB races(*) have a +2/+1 boost pair, which works out to the following stat arrays, all with a total of +7 to ability score modifiers: 16, 16, 13, 12, 10, 8 = two +3 bonuses. You could just use the standard array from 5e, but with OSR modifiers. But I’m in a campaign now where we did 4d6, reroll 1s once, drop lowest, and it’s a good time! Also 4d6+1d4, drop 2, is surprisingly nice SOLVED I’ve been watching some gm videos (admittedly focused on dnd5e) and they suggested characters (from 5e) start the game with a standard array for ability scores (17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8) that they can allocate as they pleased. 5 times the baseline, Excellent damage doubles the baseline Feb 20, 2016 · The DMG has rules for different point buy setups, and you can find various alternate rule sets online. How To Use Standard Array. What is Standard Array The standa Standard Array: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 Powerful Array: 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, 8 This way, with a standard +2/+1 race you can start with an 18 and 16 in your primary and secondary stats, which is what most people who prefer rolling are looking for anyway. May 17, 2017 · Some GMs may prefer to allow players to have an array of stats, or use these as an alternative for those who roll poorly or are simply unsatisfied with rolling stats in general. You're the one setting up to run a game and know how you intend to run it. Sep 14, 2022 · The Pros of Standard Array in DnD 5e. Using the point-buy system yields scores in this same basic range. What is the standard array in D&D 5e? The standard array is a method for giving characters their ability scores. I have systematically went through almost all possible combinations of rolling dice for stats and selected around 300 of them which generate stats that are between 50% and 200% of what you get just buy taking a standard array. If you wanna keep stats in the 3d6 average range, you can make the array 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 7. With this method, there's not a lot of flexibility as you get certain numbers that can be spread across the six different stats. Jun 8, 2021 · Standard Array. The Standard Array is extremely simple to explain to new players. The earliest that they can get an 18 is level 4 and a 20 is typically level 6 for a fighter or 8 for everyone else. When you choose Standard Array, you get the following ability scores: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. These standard numbers ate: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. 5 was actually 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, if you want a version that's more symmetrical and Sep 23, 2022 · However, standard array is not without flaws, so throughout the rest of the article, I am going to explain both the pros and cons of standard array, then showcase other options you have for getting your character’s stats. ---Random Points by Yunru 8d6 point buy is the current method we're using. 5 times the baseline, Excellent damage doubles the baseline Standard Array. You can then distribute them as you see fit among your six stats. The bottom half of the array however is fairly option less and you just put them into your weaker stats. Charisma: 15; Constitution: 14; Dexterity: 13 Jan 5, 2022 · Standard Array. Apr 13, 2015 · I think the racial bonus distributions in 5e makes point buy more problematic than previous editions (and I didn't like it then). Standard array is probably the stupidest thing to refuse to play over and that is a major red flag from a player if they're already throwing a tantrum over it. Someone asked about an array for 3d6 on RPG net once upon a time. Mar 16, 2022 · [#34] Hello, adventurers! This week Jason, Josey, Jim, and Greg dive down the rabbit hole of generating player character ability scores in D&D 5e. My issue with the array is that the strengths and weaknesses are as defined as I would like so I've come up with the following array : 16 +3 14 +2 Here’s an easy house rule to help players more easily select ability scores when building characters in 5e games. also and this is just personal opinion, while i do like having big scores in my character to make them more powerful i find often the lowest scores are what make a character fun to play Sep 19, 2024 · The 5e Standard Array is a valuable tool for character creation in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Jun 28, 2019 · they meant a +£ to each score not each modifier (e. This is written assuming you go for method 1 or 3, or you go for method 2 and the players roll a good set of stats. I also want variety in stats. The scores for players to choose from for standard array are as follows: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. The DM gave us a rather laxed way to get the character's ability score: 80 points to assign between the various stats. Pros of Standard Array Character Creation. Sep 29, 2022 · In 5e, players can choose to start with a Standard Array of ability scores: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. With this method, you get a static pool of numbers to assign your ability scores from: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. g. It provides a balanced, straightforward method for determining ability scores, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced players alike. I call it the heroic standard array. The DnD 5e Sorcerer should have as high of a Charisma as possible, as this ability score is essential for spellcasting. chicken-dinner. IME that helps "reset" player expectations to realize that standard array is actually fairly powerful. Each number may only be taken once. I like it better than standard array ; it keeps the same weaknesses (8 and 10) but has more room for MAd builds. When compared to standard roll for stats(4d6 drop the lowest, reroll 1s one time), standard array/point buy just seems awful and horribly underpowered. Statgen. So, there is no difference in I like the standard array in particular (and point buy that conforms to the standard array) because the game is balanced around the standard array. So, there is no difference in Aug 17, 2024 · Strength-Based Melee Eldritch Knight / Psi Warrior Finesse/Archery; Point Buy Standard Array Point Buy Standard Array Point Buy Standard Array; Str: 15: 15: 15 Point Buy and Standard Array only, no rolled stats The odds of CR appropriate monsters failing saves is about 60% Baseline for DPR comparison is assuming a subclass less warlock casting the Hex Spell, taking eldritch blast and Ago Blast and maxing their CHM ASAP, Good damage can do about 1. Still, you'd be a pretty good high elf wizard, and full casters are a bit more fun with lower stat blocks. So you could say, a rolled array of 68 or less would allow a reroll if the player wanted, and score of over 78 would force a reroll (or a DM adjustment of stats) (or something similar). Oct 6, 2022 · First, Standard Array is the easiest way to create a character, plain and simple. Standard array, all the way. Visit the Sly Flourish Bloghttps://slyflourish. I think that's a good idea for the most part, but it's a problem for standard human. As we all know the Standard Array, (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) is a fine set of stats that make decent characters. I prefer rolling, but I'd take the standard array as a second-best alternative. 15, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8. Personally, I'd avoid method 2, since it has a lot of ways to go wrong that nobody would be happy with; if you want to give them a powerful array, just let them have one that you decide on, and then you know what level they're on. 5. STR - 8 DEX - 15 CON - 13 INT - 14 WIS - 10 CHA- 12 +2 to DEX for 17 +1 to CON for 14 Feat: Shadow Touched for +1 INT (15) Honestly, not a huge difference and I rolled poorly. Even when I first DMd I used a slightly increased version of the standard, just because I didn't like playing with a minus and didn't want my players to have to either. Mar 7, 2021 · For reference, the Standard Array total score is 72. In fact, my first group always used non-standard rolling or arrays, because we liked playing with high stats. Apr 27, 2020 · Standard Array. This is not higher-power, they're just folding the old racial attribute bonuses into the standard array. Hey, so, I like the standard array as a method for generating abilities scores but I feel like the current list (15, 14, 13, 12, 10 and 8) is a little flat. Mit dieser Methode erhältst du einen festen Pool von Zahlen, aus denen du deine Fähigkeitswerte zuweisen kannst: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 und 8. They determine how skilled characters are at doing things (and making saving throws and ability checks). There are other ways to generate ability scores, such as rolling for them using d6s, but Standard Array is the fastest and most balanced method. Dec 17, 2021 · Wie man das Standard Array in 5e verwendet. Alternatively, use standard array but give a free feat at 1st level. This is to make it easy for new groups to create characters and avoid power disparity between different D&D characters. These points are 15,14,13,12,10, and 8. 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 Aug 21, 2024 · Best Sorcerer Standard Array. It’s the easiest way to generate stats in D&D 5e. Jul 19, 2021 · Standard Array is one of several methods to establish your character’s ability scores in Dungeons & Dragons 5E. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It can take less than a minute if you know your prospective character well. On many of the guides/builds I have seen the starting stats for a Half-Orc Barbarian using the standard array put 15 for STR and 14 for CON, so with racial bonuses 17 STR and 15 CON. In 5e using PHB only, no multiclassing, no feats, using the standard array, playing a low magic setting, and ending campaigns at level 10 or lower is the most fun way to play for me 5th Edition Obviously fun is subjective, but this is my preferred way to play 5e. This method gives you six numbers to assign to your character’s ability scores, so you can start playing right away with this option. I love low stats and weaknesses but also enjoy epic badass characters. The difference between the "good", the "medium" and the "bad" is really small, especially when you convert into modifiers. Jan 2, 2024 · Standard Array 5e. ) Sep 26, 2024 · The main Standard Array variants in D&D 5e just alter the array – you can find some online or in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The standard array values are 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. First of all, this set of scores can be generated using the point buy method. For ability scores, the standard array is 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. Now you may ask “Where do these numbers come from?” and that would be a very good question. It appears I've unwittingly re-created most of the 'standard array' from 3. But once you, as a participant, or your gamers, get accustomed to using this selection, think about trying another fashion. Variant: Standard Ability Array Instead of rolling dice to determine your six ability scores, you may choose to use the following scores instead: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. The real discussion is between Point-Buy and Rolled Stats. Below are a number of different basic ability score arrays to suit each play style. Mar 24, 2018 · I've used them in 3. The only difference between the two in RAW is that you can't choose the allocation of points in standard array, but that isn't much of an issue for most builds, because standard array is a pretty good set of ability scores. There are no extreme characters that force you to either think tactically and use your party to compensate for weaknesses. 3 days ago · The standard array is a method for giving characters their ability scores. What is Standard Array The standa Jan 16, 2023 · Standard Array is best used for novice players and DMs, as it helps expedite character creation and removes the random chance associated with other methods. This is the correct answer, OP. This method also allows each party member to start the campaign on the same power level, ensuring that players don’t feel overshadowed by their teammates. For more stuff like that, and digital monster tokens, visit my patreon I think a revisit of the starting stats is really needed. So of course standard array with feat. By delaying the higher stats, it keeps the characters within a range of the 5e idea of bounded accuracy. Standard array presents the quickest and simplest way to choose a character’s ability scores in DnD 5e. In my opinion, using the standard array is great for new players and veterans who want to focus on the story and not so much on the challenge. I use a modified standard array. The standard array format for determining ability scores is meant to provide all characters with slightly above average stats of the same numbers. I'd hate to try rolling Paladin with those stats, e. (It won't prevent the player from finding standard array monotonous, but at least it won't look weak per se because it's stronger than ~90% of 3d6-in-order NPCs. So while me and my table where discussing silly things like, how to make a mage a melee class, or how many dice can we make a person roll for one single attack. Jan 1, 2024 · These standard arrays work for whatever flavor of 5e you happen to be playing including the 2014 D&D Player's Handbook, Tales of the Valiant, or Level Up Advanced 5e. Fixed Feral Tiefling. You can put these numbers in any ability you wish; strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. Feb 20, 2023 · Standard Array. If you're leaning towards playing any class with multiple attribute requirements, use standard array. May 24, 2024 · Author: Chris Katrev The standard array offers a straightforward approach to establishing your character's ability scores in D&D 5th edition. An alternative advanced standard array could be 15, 14, 13, 13, 11, 9. Instead of using a mixture of point-buy systems and either racial or background-based ability bonuses, suggest the two following standard arrays, applying them to the player’s abilities Feb 15, 2025 · The Standard Array is a valuable tool for creating balanced and effective characters in D&D 5e. Die Zahlen des Standard Arrays sind 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 und 8. The Standard Array is a fixed set of scores that cannot be changed. The second highest score using the Standard Array should go to your Constitution, as Sorcerer’s tend to be particularly vulnerable in combat. Some will want a more gritty experience where they have to account for more variables and decide where to allocate their resources, and others want a simpler experience to put As I prefer a higher power game than 5E, I liked that the Black Flag Standard Array for character stats was 16-15-13-12-10-8 rather than 5E's 15-14-13-12-10-8 (as well as the rolling method and point buy method being similarly adjusted upwards). By understanding how the array works and considering your class, role, and personal preferences, you can strategically assign your scores to create a hero that is both mechanically sound and true to your vision. Aug 17, 2024 · Level Feat(s) and Features Notes and Tactics; 1: Favored Enemy Natural explorer: For your starting equipment, choose leather armor (as much as we want the AC from scale mail, Disadvantage on Stealth is a problem), two short swords (or two daggers), either pack, and the longbow and arrows. You can get the pdf here. Standard Fantasy Array. I like middle numbers too and with every race getting bonuses it seems easy to get to that 20. Low Fantasy Array. Without needing to show how to roll dice, making calculations, removing the lowest, etc. I think it is especially so in 5e. This has the same benefit as point buy of giving every player equal opportunity, but reduces choice. 17-15-13-12-10-8. The standard array of ability scores is 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. I really love rolling stats but I really appreciate the thought they put into it. Each of these 5e variants has their own ways to handle ability scores and bonuses but they're all close enough to these standard arrays that any differences don't really matter. While rolling for stats was traditionally how it was done, many tables have since moved to standard array. Jan 1, 2024 · These standard arrays work for whatever flavor of 5e you happen to be playing including the 2014 D&D Player's Handbook, Tales of the Valiant, or Level Up Advanced 5e. First, let's talk about the least exciting method of creating a D&D character: standard array. Stats are very important. In heroic fantasy (which 5e is), you don't really want randomized stats because it creates an uneven party. vs Standard Array. like a 662, giving a 14, or 334, outputting 10. The Standard Array method of determining ability scores is a balanced option that trades the potential of rolling high for the safety of not potentially rolling low. The scores are 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8, which in the Point Buy system would equal 27 points. Change method on the left, refer to method that appears on the right. If I had to do a point buy method, I'd just charge 1 point per point of stat and give out 72 points to spend. That's also a smaller bump over the standard array, as it's essentially the standard array +1 to everything. Oct 4, 2014 · Also, if there is debate on the accuracy of the 4d6 array, it would be nice to see how the debate would alter the results of these alternate spreads. Essentially it's a predefined 31-points point-buy I used to expedite character creation in high turnover / lots of beginners games. I like both high and low numbers. And the ones that feel the standard array is fine / good have a similar reaction to my proposed alternative, feeling it's too powerful. In DnD 5e (At least your post seems to be for it) you are supposed to use the standard array 15-14-13-12-10-8. Getting the hang of how Standard Arrays function in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) can truly redefine your gaming experience. I agree with most of your ideas in the post regarding the various methods. My proposal is to use the array but assign the values randomly, how does it work? Roll 1d12-1d10-1d8-1d6-1d4, Jan 6, 2022 · Standard Array. The standard array method is arguably the most common approach to determining starting abilities in modern D&D. The thing is that you can use point buy to get the same scores as standard array. 5e Standard Array and 27 Point Buy stats are simply too low for what characters in 5e need in terms of stats - particularly those who chose MAD classes and subclasses such as paladins, barbarians, STRangers or swords/valor bards. Assign one each to strength, constitution, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, charisma and you’re done. Feb 8, 2022 · When it comes to creating a Dungeons & Dragons character, there are some DMs and organizations that insist on players using D&D 5E's Standard Array numbers. If I recall, 4d6 drop the lowest tends to trend higher. Depending on the type of game, it could work well. This creates the following new Standard Point Arrays of 17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10 (With 40 points), or 18, 16, 15, 13, 12, 10 (With 45 points). u/talanall brought the most thorough history lesson on that front so far, so props! (note: the standard array from 3. Many players choose standard array when rolling up a D&D character for its simplicity. 10 points of difference shouldn't be too wildly swingy in total power level. That can be super useful if a player doesn’t quite understand how to roll and then place. However, that array is based on rolling 4d6 and keeping the highest three dice. Jason cites the Tic Tac Toe method. In the past I’ve used the standard array and “4d6, drop 1, total must be >=70 or reroll”. These numbers are: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. Jun 18, 2021 · Standard Array ability score generation takes that potential issue out of the equation. , a new player can construct a character. Ability Scores For generating ability scores, we recommend allowing players to choose between the standard array — 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, Dec 16, 2017 · Standard Array. I like to keep things fair, and the standard array stops folks from min maxing. Jun 6, 2024 · In Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, the standard array is a set of ability scores that players can use to create their characters. oxse zru eneeyh kinwo gojbshj qdcmfg qhmygq dwxqnw qwrp upl pgdu hxm zhhw jtw jma