Acts 8 outline. Acts 7:54 - 8:1 The Stoning of .

Acts 8 outline Jul 5, 2023 · Here’s my sermon outline for Acts 8:26-40, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. 10. + 2 But devout men carried Stephen away to bury him, and they made a great mourning over him. I. At that time a great persecution arose. (2 The covenant of circumcision - Ac 7:8 5. Acts of the Apostles. (1-4) Philip's success at Samaria. The 3000 at Pentecost - Ac 2:1-41 b. Distempers are here named, the most difficult to be cured by the course of nature, and most expressive of the disease of sin. i) The “former treatise” Luke wrote was the Gospel of Luke. Here is a map of the three stages of God's expanding kingdom. John Piper May 19, 1991. Prev | Acts | Next. INTRO: A persistent myth we hear as Christians is this: if we faithfully follow Jesus, then we will avoid suffering. The Holy Spirit directed Philip to the eunuch (Acts 8:29), and He led him away from him (Acts 8:39). OUTLINE AND COMMENTARY. They’ve just Begun [1] Before Pentecost [1:1-26] Jesus’ final words and ascension [1:1-11] Devoted to prayer [1:12-14] Acts, Expository Sermons - From The Executable Outlines Series by Mark A. Copeland - Hundreds of free sermon outlines and Bible study materials available for online browsing and downloading. ” OUTLINE I. Jan 24, 2018 · Acts 1:8, I just want to refer to you, is an outline of the book of Acts where Jesus, before His ascension, meeting on the Mount of Olives with His disciples actually said, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you,” that happened in the second chapter, “and ye shall be witnesses,” catch that, “witnesses. Joseph sold into Egypt, becomes governor - Ac 7:9-10 2. Comments Acts 8:30-33. Its Fury, vv. Conversion of Cornelius, Roman centurion (son of Japheth), Chapter 10 The persecution involving Saul against the church (8:1-3) THEIR WITNESS IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA (8:4-12:25) THE PREACHING BY PHILIP (8:4-40) The conversion of the Samaritans (8:4-25) The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26-40) THE CONVERSION OF SAUL OF TARSUS (9:1-31) The appearance of the Lord on the road to Damascus (9:1-8) Acts 8:26 tn The words “This is a desert road” are probably best understood as a comment by the author of Acts, but it is possible they form part of the angel’s speech to Philip, in which case the verse would read: “Get up and go south on the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza—the desert road. May 26, 1991. The stoning of Stephen helped to speed up the spread of the gospel as the church was dispersed after Stephen’s death. THE PROLOGUE (1-8) THE FORMER ACCOUNT TO THEOPHILUS (1-3) Of all that Jesus began to do and teach; Until the day in which Jesus was taken up; After He had given commandments to the apostles; To whom He had shown Himself alive, being seen during forty days; Speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of God The Spirit tells Philip to overtake the chariot - Ac 8:29; PHILIP PREACHES JESUS TO HIM - Ac 8:30-35; Hearing the eunuch reading Isaiah, Philip asks if he understands - Ac 8:30; The eunuch asks Philip to help him - Ac 8:31-34; He expresses a need for someone to guide him, and invites Philip to sit with him Feb 25, 2014 · THE MINISTRY OF EVANGELIZING Acts 8:26-40 INTRODUCTION Has someone ever said to us: "You are incompetent. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem after Stephen's death, everyone, including the Apostles were scattered abroad. The Coming of Peter and John (8:14-25) 1) The Reception of the Spirit by the Crowd (8:14-17) 2) The Wickedness of Simon the Sorcerer Revealed (8:18-24) 3) The Return of the Apostles to Jerusalem (8:25) 3. Acts 8-12 speak of the gospel in Judea and Samaria. 2 Devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him. Oct 20, 2021 · Here in Acts 8, we will see the next expression of God’s surprising ways. 3:15! I. C. The challenge of this study is for you to begin to develop a biblically-informed view of these two questions: What Should Christians Do with Grief? How Does God Respond to Outsiders? Acts 8 presents the expansion of the Gospel beyond Jerusalem, driven largely by persecution. 8 Saul, for his part, approved of his murder. Acts 1-7 describes the gospel in Jerusalem. Fitzmyer, ed. With success comes training. ” Acts 8:4-8 The Community Gathers in Jerusalem (Acts 1:1-8:3) Jesus Jesus is the Messiah whose life, death, and resurrection are God’s saving act for humanity. ” In the second part of Acts 8, Philip returns with his evangelistic effort with the Ethiopian in Acts 8:26-40. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch on the Gaza Road (8:26-40 Jul 19, 2020 · Acts 8:25 (NIV) After they had further proclaimed the word of the Lord and testified about Jesus, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages. By occasion of the persecution in Jerusalem, the church being planted in Samaria, by Philip the deacon, who preached, did miracles, and baptized many; Ac 8:9-13. , Ac 2:36-41; 8:30-38 2. ) Last recorded fact about Jesus in the Gospels: The great missionary commission given in the 4 Gospels is confirmed in Acts. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER 8: I. (Verse 1) “Now Saul was consenting to his death. 7) Evil spirits came out, with loud shrieks, from many persons and large numbers of people were healed of their paralysis and crippled conditions. Outline of Acts From J. THE HEALING OF THE LAME MAN (1-11) THE MIRACLE AT THE TEMPLE GATE (1-8) Peter and John go to the temple; At the hour of prayer; Which was the ninth hour (3 p. They gather in an upper room Aug 10, 2011 · Biblical precedent strongly suggests immersion (Matthew 3:6; Matthew 3:16; Acts 8:38, 39) 4. a. – Luke distinguishes between evil spirits and paralysis. It was in this moment that "the Spirit of the Lord snatched Phillip away" (Acts 8:39). Persecution in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1-3): After Stephen’s death, a great persecution scatters the believers, but they continue to preach the gospel wherever they go. Nobody remembers who named the book, but for me it was the beginning of three decades of intensive Bible study as I OUTLINE I. Introduction to the book (1:1-3) This is significant because they did so by spreading the Gospel wherever they travelled while continuing to walk in faith; even in the shadow of persecution (Acts 8:1-3). In each case, the gospel message was basically the same Dec 1, 2008 · “And so when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; 8 but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Mar 10, 2024 · Read Acts Chapter 8. B. 8:13: And Simon believed - That is, was convinced of the truth. -REALITY: Following Christ will not exempt us from suffering in this life, but lead us […] KEY VERSE: Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 5:16. Verse Acts 8:17 is included Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. A. -Acts shows God’s heart: He wants a kingdom full of […] Jun 6, 2023 · Here’s the notes for my sermon on Acts 6:8-15 “Stephen’s SETUP” preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Christians scattered throughout Judea and Samaria b. I first noticed it when I saw that the traffic lights weren't working but I didn't think much about it until I tried to stop into CVS to pick up some batteries. Conversion of Ethiopian Eunuch (son of Ham), Chapter 8. And Saul approved of their killing him. The Leading of the Lord in Personal Evangelism. 9 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981): 217. 1 Now Saul was consenting to his death. Philip in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25): Philip preaches in Samaria, and many people are converted, including Simon the Apr 29, 2018 · That reminds me of today’s reading from the book of Acts. 7:54-60 Acts 8 II. II. The Three Stages of God's Expanding Kingdom An Outline of the Book of Acts. Two days after her seventeenth birthday, Laura Welch had a friend in her car and the wind in her hair. These sermon outlines will help unpack the key lessons from Acts 8 with clarity and purpose. Audio here. We read of the evangelistic methods and message of the early apostles and preachers Sermon Outline for Acts 8 Philip’s Witness in Judea and Samaria The Expansion of the Church – Act 8:1-5. Commission of Witnesses and Jesus’ Farewell (1:1-14) OUTLINE. THE CHURCH PERSECUTED (1-3) 1. 8 And () Saul () approved of his execution. The paragraph begins with persecution The paragraph ends with proclamation God uses opposition The murder of Stephen by the Council The rage of Saul ACTS – Outline of Acts 3 e. A magician offered money for the gift of the Spirit. Give. Acts Chapter 8 - In-depth, verse-by-verse Bible study and commentary of Acts chapter 8 in plain English. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40): Philip is led by the Spirit to meet an Ethiopian official on the road to Gaza. ” Acts 8:8 “And there was great joy in that city. The book of Acts tells us of the witness of the church first in Jerusalem, then to Judea, Acts 8, then to Samaria as Philip went to Samaria and preached Christ unto them. John Piper ii) This is not the account of the acts of the apostles iii) It is the account of the acts of Jesus Christ. Darrell Bock notes that, "his instant removal makes clear that God is at work" (Bock 346). MARK DUNAGAN I. The dating of Acts is influenced by several factors, including the events it records and those it omits. 2 The designation "most excellent" is used by Luke to refer to Roman officials of high rank. All of us want to be a success. The Book of Acts was likely composed between 60-70 A. • The outline of the Book of Acts • Acts 1:8 Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the outermost part of the world • This was the world's reaction to a great move of God • So Acts 1:8 will guarantee Acts 8:1. The 2000 on Solomon's Porch - Ac 3:1-4:4 c. At the beginning of Acts chapter 8 Saul of Tarsus arranges the violent death of Stephen – the first martyr, the first person to give his life for his faith in Jesus. PREPARATION (1:1-26) 1. 4–8 Philip Evangelizes in Samaria vv. The world was young in 1963 - from Laura's music, school, and friends, up to the young couple in the White House, John and Jackie Kennedy. Saul is here introduced: KEY VERSE: Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. One of the compelling realities of a life of following Jesus is just how many wonderful (and at times frustrating) surprises there are. Philip baptised an Ethiopian official. 📘 Acts 8: The Spread of the Gospel and the Conversion of Saul. God has a determined will that cannot be stopped – it is to build the Kingdom of God. Ø The Blind Man before the Sanhedrin, John 9:10-12; 15-17; 24-27; 30-33. The "Scripture" here referred to was one of the most striking prophecies concerning Christ. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles. Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (son of Shem), Chapter 9. "THE BOOK OF ACTS" The Conversion Of The Ethiopian (8:26-40) INTRODUCTION 1. Luke stressed the Spirit’s leadership in this evangelism of the first Gentile convert in Acts (Matthew 12:18). Philip Preaches In Samaria: Acts 8:5-13 III. ” Acts 8:36 “And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, ‘See here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?’” Acts 8:38 “he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both Acts 1:8 records Jesus' commission to the apostles to be His "witnesses" (μάρτυρες, martyres) in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, emphasizing the global mission of the Church. Let’s begin by reading (Acts 8:1-13). Then to the uttermost parts of the earth, chapter 13. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the true sons of God – Rom. Sermons. . 1. Most unlikely spot (desert road) for such a significant and strategic meeting – became founder of the church of Jesus Christ in Africa. His descendants: Isaac, Jacob, the twelve patriarchs - Ac 7:8 B. Philip Meets the Ethiopian Acts 8:26-29 Acts 8:35 “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. 1-4. We see evidence of this again in chapter 8 (read 1:8, 8:4‐5, 12, 8:1‐4). Acts chapter 8: Ac 8:1-8. Gaebelein, v. AFTERMATH OF STEPHEN'S DEATH (1-4) A. 5-25 Acts Series Outlines 8 . Acts 7:54 - 8:1 The Stoning of firm and undeniable in our study. We Must Have The Right Jan 6, 2025 · In fact, preachers whom the Spirit prompts to preach Acts 8:14-17 as a standalone text might even consider including verses 1-25, if not also verses 26-40. Sample Outlines for a Sermon on Acts 8 #1. ACTS (Sometimes called the 5th Gospel, it is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke. THE CHURCH REACHES OUT (Acts 8:1-4) Acts 8:1-40 is an important chapter in the history of the Church. SELECT A BOOK OUTLINE. 9–25 Simon the Magician Believes in Jesus, but Takes a Wrong Turn Acts 8:1- 43 Bible Study Outline Rev George Lubbers Outline XX THE GREAT PERSECUTION IN JERUSALEM Acts 8:1-4 Its Chief Instigator 1. The Return to Jerusalem Acts 1:12-14 describes the apostles' return to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. ” Return to Outline Read Acts 8:5-13 Verse 5-13 — As far as the gospel prevails, evil spirits are dislodged, particularly unclean spirits. God had prepared both Philip (Acts 8:29) and the eunuch (Acts 8:30) for their especially important conversation. 4 days ago · A survey summary of key themes through Acts 8:1-25 by Pastor John Miller with commentary, notes, and outlines. Peter And John Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible * Saul persecutes the church. 1–3 Saul Persecutes the Church in Jerusalem vv. THE SUBJECT OF PHILIP'S PREACHING. ) The lame man at the temple gate called Beautiful; Lame from his mother's womb; Carried daily to the gate to ask for alms; Seeing Peter and John, asks them for alms; Peter Acts 8:35 “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. We find them clearly evident in every chapter of Acts. Acts is a bridge between the Gospels and the Epistles. He a. ii) The book of Acts contains what Jesus continues to do. ”sn The concluding note about After this, Acts 8:25 says, “25 When they had testified and proclaimed the word of the Lord, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages. Testimony of Stephen (6:8-7:1) 9. He had introduced evil spirits earlier. g. b) Romans 6:1-5 i) When we are saved, we die to sin. Mar 22, 2023 · The First Missionary A New Foe: Persecuted Christians, vv. A great persecution broke out against the church. The reaction of the council—Stephen’s death . It introduces us to Philip's successful ministry in Samaria, the account of Simon the sorcerer, and the significant conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch. The conversions we have noted so far have involved large numbers of people a. 1-2. D. ) 27So he got up and went. Introduction: In Acts 8, we see the early church facing persecution and spreading the gospel beyond Jerusalem. -Young, Old, Rich, Poor, Educated, Uneducated. Stephen had had a mind far above national delimitations. Acts 8:1-4 Bible Study Questions. Philip and the Ethiopian on the Road to Gaza (8:26-39) 4. Now Saul was consenting to his death. ” acts King James Version (KJV) SEARCH THE BIBLE . Stephen was a member of a group of seven ‘deacons’ who served the Jerusalem church. - Imagine the reduced problems in many households. While there was a prayer on the lips of the dying Stephen in behalf of his malefactors, Saul, a young theological student of professor Gamaliel, is consenting unto his death. AFTERMATH OF STEPHEN'S DEATH (1-4) THE CHURCH PERSECUTED (1-3) Saul consents to Stephen's death; A great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem; Christians scattered throughout Judea and Samaria; Except the apostles; Stephen buried and lamented by devout men; Saul makes havoc of the church, imprisoning men and women Sep 15, 2022 · In chapter 8, Paul persecutes the early Church, Philip preaches in Samaria and Simon the sorcerer is converted. Acts 8 Commentary; Acts 8 Commentary - Unabridged version; S. Saul Ravages the Church. Stephen buried and lamented by devout men 4. A great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem a. When the early church faced opposition, believers scattered and spread the message of Christ even Acts chapter 8 KJV (King James Version) 1 And Saul was consenting unto his death. Stephen’s Discourse (7:2-53) 10. Oct 20, 2021 · Today, we're studying Acts 8. The Mission of Testimony in Judea and Samaria (8:5-40) 1. If you want to know what the Book of Acts is about, it is Acts 1:8, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Ø These great witnesses just told what they knew! · That is all the Lord wants you to do – 1 Pet. among the rest Simon the sorcerer, a great seducer of the people; Ac 8:14-17. The Church began by being a purely Jewish institution. At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. Introduction to the book (1:1-3) THE BOOK OF ACTS. Stage #1: Jerusalem (Acts 1-7) THE CHARGES AGAINST STEPHEN (8-15) HIS MINISTRY (8-10) Full of faith and power, he did great wonders and signs among the people; Disputed with some from the Synagogue of the Freedmen; Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and those from Cilicia and Asia; Who were unable to resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke Nov 15, 2012 · PARAGRAPH DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS UBS4 NKJV NRSV TEV NJB Saul Persecutes the Church Saul Persecutes the Church Spread of the Gospel to Samaria and the Sea Coast Saul Persecutes the church The Stoning of Stephen, Saul as Persecutor 8:1b-3 8:1-3 8:1b-3 8:1b-2 (7:55-8:3) 8:2 8:3 8:3 The Gospel is Preached in Samaria Christ is Preached in Samaria The Gospel May 29, 2013 · Acts 8 summarised in 140 characters or less. A New Field: Preaching Christ, vv. Simon the sorcerer baptized. +. Part Two: THE CHURCH SCATTERED TO JUDEA AND SAMARIA Note: For more sermon outlines based on Acts, Luke records many examples of conversion in the book of Acts - e. But Saul began to destroy the church. Acts 23:26 and 24:3 where it refers to Felix (a Roman governor from AD 53-60) and Paul refers to Festus (AD 60-62) as "most excellent" (Acts 26 Acts 7:54--8:3 Stephen's Martyrdom; Acts 8:4-25 Samaria Responds to the Gospel; Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch; H A IRONSIDE Commentary on Acts. b) The book of Acts was written by Luke, a physician. (Acts 26:9-11) _____ and _____ were the catalyst God used to fulfill his plan in Acts 1:8. OW THIS NEGRO CHAMBERLAIN of the Queen of Ethiopia came to be a proselyte we do not know. The character of God is consistent throughout Scripture and yet the ways God carries out His will in the earth and the people He chooses on mission are often surprising. Acts 8:26-40 ‘Philip’s Ministry Continued’ INTRO: God calls all kinds of different people into His kingdom. As a… Acts of Apostles. , a time frame that provides critical insights into its historical context. Anchor Bible, 1998. Reaction to Stephen’s Testimony: His Martyrdom (7:54-8:1a) 11. " None of us like being called incompetent. In Acts 8:26-40, Phillip participates in the mission of God by sharing "the good news about Jesus Christ" with the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:35) under the divine direction of God. GOD'S DELIVERANCE OF ISRAEL BY After the preface, Luke in Acts 1:8 gave what can be seen as an outline of the new volume, a common trait of multi-volume books by Hellenistic writers of the time (Martin & Davids (Eds. 2 The origin of pouring and sprinkling (Logic) – If you believed that baptism was salvation, then even infants and dying people needed baptism. Detailed Outline of Acts §1. Later, Philip talks to the Ethiopian nobleman and baptizes him on the road to Gaza. We read of the 3 The Book of Acts Outline of Chapter 8: Preface Introduction vv. Gospel Reaches Samaria! (Acts 8:4-25) Simony: Websters definition of simony: “buying or selling of a church office or ecclesiastical preferment” -Paying someone money to become a pastor or a leadership role in the church -Paying money […] Jun 28, 2004 · That is to say, Luke is developing three distinct motifs all at once: the role of Peter and Paul (thus, two main sections can be detected), the expansion of Christianity according to the outline seen in Acts 1:8, and progression at certain climactic moments. LEWIS JOHNSON Sermons on Acts. 4). OUTLINE Outline for Acts. 3-4. Its Focus, vv. The Activities of Philip (8:4-8) b. 8:12: But when they believed - What Philip preached, then they saw and felt the real power of God, and submitted thereto. Ø Peter at Pentecost – Acts 2:14-41. Sermon. true or false?, What did Saul begin to do at this time?, What does Acts 8:4 say that those who were scattered from Jerusalem did everywhere they went? and more. People Whether Acts 8:37 ever existed or not is of little importance, for in Acts 8:38, Phillip ultimately baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch regardless. ” As we mentioned in (Acts 7:58), before stoning Stephen, the Jewish leaders (“witnesses”) “laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Saul. Ø Paul before King Agrippa, Acts 26:1-31. 6. START RIGHT: BELIEVER’S BAPTISM | ACTS 8:35-39 | #1736 PAGE 4 Copyright ©2020 Love Worth Finding Ministries, Inc. The Response of Simon (8:9-13) c. Introduction. More promises his followers that they will bear witness to him in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and “to the ends of the earth” (1:8). CHAPTER. Different cultures and ethnicities. May 10, 2009 · We find that story’s outline in Acts 1, verse 8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. ed. The Church Persecuted and Scattered - On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Acts 1:8 is not only an outline of the Book of Acts, but of the future growth of Christendom and marked off by the special sign of the power of God, the giving of the Holy Spirit. The multitudes in Samaria - Ac 8:5-13 2. The theme verse of Acts is Acts 1:8. Persecution Against The Church: Acts 8:1 II. Jacob and his sons move to Egypt during the famine - Ac 7:11-14 3. Acts Series Outlines 9 Acts Series #3 The Glorious Ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 1: 9-11; Luke 24:50-53) Proposition Jan 1, 2014 · Scriptures: Acts 8. May 7, 2021 · Text: Acts 8:26-40 Date: May 2, 2021 Event: The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B (Confirmation) Acts 8:26–40 (EHV) 26Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Get up and go south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. (Acts 8:1) The church is persecuted and scatters. After all, all three “sections” of Acts 8 refer to the baptism that is one of this Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson’s themes. 8. 8:9: A certain man - using magic - So there was such a thing as witchcraft once! In Asia at least, if not in Europe or America. Acts 8:1-40 shows the Church Martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60): Stephen, one of the seven deacons, is falsely accused and stoned to death after delivering a powerful speech before the Sanhedrin, becoming the first Christian martyr. Without question, the church of Christ is the greatest institution on earth. Granted, there are many man made organizations that do much good, yet none are comparable to the body of Christ — it has no rival. Ø Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, Acts 8:26-39. ” ACTS 8 BIBLE STUDY Acts 8:5-8 Samaria Acts 8:9-13 Simon the Sorcerer Acts 8:14-19 Receive the Holy Spirit Acts 8:20-25 Simony Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8 Bible Study Questions (Handout) Acts 8:1-4 Bible Study Questions. ” The verse begins with the word ‘but’ because Jesus was correcting His disciples for wanting to know The outline is based on the theme verse of the Book of Acts. ), 1997, Acts 4. Saul consents to Stephen's death 2. Scattered but Not Silenced: The Gospel Spreads Through Persecution Theme. These outlines are intended to summarize the key information from each chapter in just 5 minutes. Who was Saul and to whose death was he "consenting" (Acts 8:1)? Why would "devout men" (Acts 8:2) lament over Stephen's exemplary courage for Christ? Who among the Christians stayed in Jerusalem? Why were the other Christians "scattered" (Acts 8:1, 4)? To what extent did Jesus foresee this scattering? Luke records many examples of conversion in the book of Acts - e. Philip in Samaria Encounters Simon (8:5-25) 2. 3 But () Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he () dragged Jul 5, 2023 · Here’s the sermon outline for Acts 8:4-25, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville, Illinois. Jul 7, 2004 · 1 Richard Longenecker, "The Acts of the Apostles" in The Expositors Bible Commentary, . Martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60): Stephen, one of the seven deacons, is falsely accused and stoned to death after delivering a powerful speech before the Sanhedrin, becoming the first Christian martyr. ” (This is an isolated area. In Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth: The progress of the spread of the gospel message from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and then to the end of the earth becomes the outline of Acts. ” Acts 8 People, Places, Outline. On that day great persecution arose against the congregation that was in Jerusalem; all except the apostles were scattered throughout the regions of Ju·deʹa and Sa·marʹi·a. Going from house to house, he dragged off both men and women and put them in Outline of the Book of Acts- Chapters 1-12. Saul Persecutes the Church; Philip in Samaria; Simon the Sorcerer; the Ethiopian. Let’s set the scene. 8:14 Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. Bible Text: Acts 11:19-30 INTRODUCTION: A. The Lord Jesus Christ at work by the Holy Spirit through the apostles in Judæa and Samaria, Chapters 8—12. Read Acts 8 in full at Bible Gateway. While we only hear about Simon in these verses, for the one Simon there were hundreds if not thousands of Samaritans who came to Jesus, repented of their sins Acts Of The Apostles, A Study Guide - From The Executable Outlines Series by Mark A. Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; AND you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Sep 14, 2024 · Thus, the Book of Acts remains a vital source for understanding the growth of Christianity. Acts 6:1-15 shows the first murmurings of the great debate about the acceptance of the Gentiles. All inclinations to the lusts of the flesh which war against the soul are such. Acts furnishes a ladder on which to place the Epistles. Acts 8 Commentary; JAMIESON, FAUSSET, BROWN Commentary on Acts. THEIR WITNESS IN JERUSALEM (1:1-8:3) A. It is very minute, and seems to unite the most opposite extremes; so that this Jewish proselyte might well inquire, "Of whom speaketh the prophet this?"(1) The mysterious person mentioned by the prophet was to be treated with hatred and scorn (Isaiah 53:2, 8). About. 2. m. Philip proclaimed Christ in Samaria. Scripture: Acts 8:26–40. The Early Christian Community (1:1-26) A. T he Wiersbe Bible Commentaryhad a modest beginning in 1972 when Victor Books pub- lished my commentary on 1 John and called it Be Real. MacArthur: There were two roads from Jerusalem to Gaza, and the Spirit commands Philip to take the one that was seldom used. Except the apostles 3. Events. OUTLINE. The patriarchs buried in Canaan - Ac 7:15-16 C. In fact, every one of us here today enjoys when we receive praise for our effort or talents. Acts 21:8. Date Written. Further Persecution in Jerusalem (8:1b-4) III. Persecution cannot stop the gospel. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and () they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. ” Our words have no power, but God’s Word has amazing power to break through and change lives! Acts 8:39 “… and he went on his way rejoicing. Posted on 29 May 2013 to 27,872 followers, with 11 retweets. . Frank E. THE PATRIARCHS' SOJOURN IN EGYPT 1. Cf. The book which he was so fond of reading may have been the means of leading him to worship the God of Abraham, certainly it has answered that purpose thousands of times. Ministries. ” Other Pentecostal stories in Acts begin with the “Jerusalem Pentecost” story in Acts 2. He Sermon on the Church at Antioch. Who was Saul and to whose death was he "consenting" (Acts 8:1)? Why would "devout men" (Acts 8:2) lament over Stephen's exemplary courage for Christ? Who among the Christians stayed in Jerusalem? Why were the other Christians "scattered" (Acts 8:1, 4)? To what extent did Jesus foresee this scattering? Title: The Power of the Holy Spirit (1) Series: Outside In Author: Jeff Strite Text: Acts 1:8 A few years ago, the power went out on the north side of town. Scripture: Acts 8:14–17. (1) The Gospel of Luke contains what Jesus began to do and teach. etybh jtdug tnias ikb njur jdpquiz njnyl auyay zaqvri asua rhdm ajvza ndhb guwefq efuo