Acacia vs mimosa. product looks and smells like it should.

Acacia vs mimosa This has been shown on several studies to not be the case with Acacia confusa. Introduced to southern France from Australia in the 19th century by wealthy English homeowners, the Mimosa has become a vibrant symbol of winter and a sign of the upcoming spring season. It is also worth noting that overall, the total amount of natural alkaloids that Acacia confusa contains is more than found inside Mimosa hostilis. The extremely showy pink flowers are very fragrant, and their sweet nectar attracts birds, butterflies, and bees. I also found the duration of the afterglow to be on average almost 20 minutes longer, which is nice if one likes to make art while tripping. there are quite different secondary compounds in the two plants (different tannins, flavonoids etc Mar 27, 2013 · This is from the nexus, my undisputed source for almost all things DMT, relating to the alkaloid content of Mimosa hostillis and acacia confusia: Mimosa hostilis: Alkaloid content Root Bark contains DMT - 0. 31% to 0. Not compared to acacia though. Mimosa, scientifically known as Acacia dealbata, is a fast-growing, evergreen tree with finely divided, fern-like leaves and bright yellow, fragrant flowers. From my personal research I've noticed that it appears to come on slower, almost allowing a longer time frame for vaporization. Elle se compose d'une multitude de glomérules vaporeux jaunes parfumés et nectarifères, réunis en panicules terminales. Acacia Confusa doesn't necessarily NEED to be processed differently then Mimosa Hostillis, it just depends on whether or not you mind some lipids in the extract. This makes acacia contains a larger amount of plant fats and NMT and typically will yield less than mimosa. Nome científico: Acacia dealbata. Mar 30, 2022 · La Acacia Dealbata, llamada comúnmente mimosa o acacia mimosa, así como mimosa fina, aromo francés, mimosa plateada o acacia australiana, es una planta originaria de Australia. Acacia confusa trunk bark is as useful as the root bark. You really are a genius when it comes to DMT. haven’t tried this batch yet but i had tried an acacia DMT cartridge my friend made and the trip felt significantly heavier in terms I've read that mimosa is slightly different, but it appears very few have dealt with both mimosa and acacia, so there isn't much to go on, but inferences and assumptions. They also have masses of spherical fragrant, brightly coloured, and elegant flowerheads that look like pompoms. In Europe, mimosa absolute is produced nearly exclusively in the South of France. Once upon a time in the beginning of 1956, a serious frost killed the Acacia Decurrens plantations — after that, mimosa absolute was unavailable for the next two years; the key fragrance bases with the scent of mimosa were created in these years. NMT is also psychoactive and worth keeping. Traditional brew from fresh plants (not dried) is my preference though. Theflowers of the mimosa are spherical and usually bloom pink. I've been struggling in finding a lot of information in regard to Acacia Confusa. Any other differences from acacia vs mimosa? whats your experiences with either (particularly confusa as its the new kid on the block and available). Dec 4, 2013 · Well usually when extracting from mimosa there is always going to be some NMT/other contaminants, somewhere in the 1-5% range probably, but not enough to make it goey like acacia can be. Some people express it feels subjectively different, maybe more `wild´, which was speculated to be a 5-MeO-DMT content, but several different analysis have failed to show a significant amount of 5-MeO-DMT in leaves, rather only DMT as main alkaloid. I have extracted from acacia around 20 times and have never ended up with goo. Mimosa tenuiflora and Acacia confusa (as well as other acacias) are different in character, imo. Família: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Tipo de origem: Exótica. Feb 10, 2025 · Insbesondere die Silber-Akazie (Acacia dealbata), die ursprünglich aus Australien stammt, wird oft fälschlicherweise als „Mimose“ bezeichnet. Le Robinia , c’est ce qu’on appelle dans nos campagnes l’acacia, ou mieux, lorsqu’on est un peu plus au fait de la botanique, le faux-acacia . The Hey all, I'm just curious about your experiences on DMT extracted from Acacia Confusa root bark vs Mimosa Hostilis. La acacia dealbata se encuentra naturalizada en otras partes del mundo, donde se ha establecido y se comporta como especie invasora. Identifying Acacia confusa. Well usually when extracting from mimosa there is always going to be some NMT/other contaminants, somewhere in the 1-5% range probably, but not enough to make it goey like acacia can be. Jun 12, 2022 · Acacia dealbata ‘Gaulois Astier’ is a small evergreen tree covered in yellow, fluffy, stunning flowers from late winter to early spring. Jan 29, 2024 · Greffage (sur Acacia retinodes) Floraison du Mimosa couteau. When to Use Acacia Wood: Acacia wood is an excellent choice for making outdoor furniture. - Nombre común o vulgar: Mimosa dorada. Some of the differences between Acacia confusa and Albizia julibrissin (Formosa Tree Vs Mimosa Tree) are as follows. I must say that acacia is very friendly, and full spectrum as an acetate is delightful. Scientific Classification. This makes Nov 8, 2014 · So mimosa is getting rather hard to get inside the US, but acacia is left alone for now and available. 57% DMT content (Schultes 1977) while the inner root bark has been reported to contain up to 2% in active Yeah, he's time pressed / lazy and doesn't do the freeze precip. Would anyone with extensive experience with both Mimosa and Acacia care to describe the differences to me? Both technically (alkaloids present, yield percentages, any other hard data stuff) and the airy-fairy spiritual (how are the plant personalities different to you?). Dieses Missverständnis ist markant, da die Silber-Akazie gelbe Blüten hat und als Baum wächst, während die echte Mimose (Mimosa pudica) eher kompakte, niedrige Halbsträucher mit rosa Mimosa Hostilis vs Acacia Confusa Has anyone out there had experiences with both? I've heard that is is extremely difficult to break through with the extraction from the Acacia, due to the high NM-DMT content. I'm not trying to be mean but your friend probably doesn't have his tek down very well. To summarize, Mimosa and Acacia are not the same thing, although Mimosa trees are a type of Acacia. Mimosa can be pretty brutal. Fast-growing, Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) is an evergreen shrub or small tree of loose and architectural habit with a high canopy of finely divided blue-green to silver gray leaves, 3-5 in. May 6, 2024 · Acacia Confusa Root Bark vs Mimosa Hostilis: DMT Content: While both plants contain DMT within their bark, Acacia Bark has less DMT than Mimosa Hostilis that is renowned for its higher potency, resulting in more intense and immersive experiences. Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Mimosoideae Tribe Hey all, I'm just curious about your experiences on DMT extracted from Acacia Confusa root bark vs Mimosa Hostilis. Acacia Confusa, on the other hand, offers a gentler and more nuanced exploration of consciousness. Psychotria Viridis and Mimosa Hostilis are both used in Ayahuasca and other traditional brews, but they have distinct differences: Psychotria Viridis: Contains DMT and is often used for its psychoactive effects in the brew. Nome comum: Mimosa, acácia, acácia-dealbata, acácia-mimosa, bichaneiras. . The foliage remains appealing all year round. It is an evergreen species, which stand out above all its yellow flowers, in the shape of a striking sphere, which appears between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, spreading its Posted by u/CyberpunkCaesar - 1 vote and no comments Personally I find acacia to be gentler and brighter that mimosa in brew. différence-mimosa-acacia Les vraies fleurs de mimosa roses, les fleurs d'acacia jaunes Acacia dealbata, the silver wattle, blue wattle [3] or mimosa, [4] is a species of flowering plant in the legume family, Fabaceae. It has been applied in Acacia drepanolobium – around 1% DMT in leaves and bark; Acacia simplex – around 1-2% DMT in leaves and stem bark, but other alkaloids are present; Although these Acacia species may also contain other alkaloids, anecdotal reports suggest that this doesn’t interfere with typical DMT extractions, so these plants are a good source for DMT. Jul 17, 2023 · Formosa Tree Vs Mimosa Tree: Major Differences. I've only smoked DMT coming from Acacia, about 20 or so times, and don't believe I have had a true breakthrough yet. The entry into the hyper space appears to be more "peaceful" (perhaps that is not the The two plants with the highest amounts of DMT are Acacia Confusa (Wattle) and Mimosa Hostilis (Ayahuasca). Also, I'm pretty sure you have to defat with acacia but you do not with mimosa. With Acacia Confusa, it seems gentler, i tend to have more visuals, it seems to have an electric blue/turquoise color to the visual background behind closed eyes, and it has a different headspace and bodily feel compared to Mimosa Jan 23, 2025 · Mimosa, on the other hand, is significantly smaller and also grows rather flat. 6 grams will have me going through ego death and complete unity with the universe pretty consistently. Medicinal Uses: Traditionally, Mimosa Pudica has been used for its potential anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic properties. Sep 24, 2024 · Mimosa Hostilis, also known as Mimosa tenuiflora or Jurema Preta, is primarily found in Brazil and Mexico. Acacia confusa in compare to Mimosa hostilis. Acaciaは、特にアラビアゴムの生産の文脈で、日常の言語でmimosaよりも一般的に使用されています。 Mimosa はあまり一般的ではありませんが、その装飾的価値と伝統的な薬用用途ではまだ認識されています。 Jan 23, 2025 · Le terme acacia n'est pas clairement défini en allemand. But i clearly see very distinct differences between Mimosa and Acacia its not the same experience for me. In late winter to early spring, clouds of fragrant, ball-shaped, fluffy yellow flowers held in large racemes appear on the branch tips. Plant differentiation: the height of Acacia tree is high, up to 16 meters; Mimosa has a maximum height of 1m. Sep 18, 2024 · Cosmetics: The extract of Mimosa Hostilis root bark is used in natural skincare products for its regenerative properties, helping to rejuvenate and nourish the skin. Jan 9, 2014 · For me, i mainly work with the Ayahuasca route and so far i've noticed the Acacia seems different than the Mimosa. Common Name(s) Catclaw Mimosa, Cat's Claw Mimosa, Wait-a-minute Bush. However, only when the common name "mimosa" is freely applied in a regional vernacular to multiple trees does the confusion start. It grows to a maximum height of just 12m, and makes an excellent garden tree, where its spring flowers dazzle without casting shade. Its root bark is rich in tannins, producing a range of colors, predominantly deep purples and browns. Origem: Sudeste da Austrália. Mimosa Pudica: 1. The percentage of alkaloids that Acacia confusa can produce is more than that of Mimosa hostilis, this includes NMT (N-methyl Tryptamine) and DMT (Dimethyl Tryptamine). Acacia Confusa or Mimosa Hostilis? What should you choose? Acacia Confusa or Mimosa Hostilis? Apr 22, 2013 · The mimosa used in perfumery belongs to a related family, Acacia, with two varieties processed commercially for their fragrant oil–Acacia decurrens var. It is native to southeastern Australia and widely introduced in other warm climates. there are quite different secondary compounds in the two plants (different tannins, flavonoids etc ACACIA ACUMINATA PHYLLODES VS MIMOSA HOSTILAS ROOT BARK. Perhaps its relative to the individual. However I believe DMT-oxide is also known to be hard to crystallize and often has an oily consistency 45 minutes later, take the Mimosa or Acacia: Mimosa starts at 2 grams and works your way up to 3 grams, 5 grams max! Same with Acacia! Mimosa comes on stronger and quicker! Close eye visuals are more interdimensional / alien spaceships like! The realm / environment is more alive and holographic rainbows. Like acacia blossoms, they do not resemble pea flowers. Both plants contain compounds used in traditional and modern practices, but they differ in their chemical profiles and uses. Ela pode crescer até 6 m e também possui 4 m de diâmetro na sua copa arredondada cujas folhas prateadas são pequenas e semi-caducas. Mimosa will give you an end product of over 90 percent DMT even with a simple STB tek. followed cybs salt AB tek, with a re-x. Jul 10, 2014 · Main alkaloid detected in chaliponga/diplopterys cabrerana is also DMT, like mimosa hostilis and psychotria viridis. He doesn't care, the goo is more or less exactly the same in effect. In Taiwan they grow island wide up to about 2,000m. in my experience acacia comes back more yellow gooey waxy oily etc smells more floral compared to the classic ‘brand new sneakers’ smell that mimosa gives me. Acácia-mimosa (Acacia podalyriifolia) [1] é uma árvore ornamental australiana cujo fruto em forma de vagem se forma entre os meses de setembro e outubro. I read lots of experiences talking about complete ego death Aug 13, 2024 · The Mimosa belongs to the Acacia species, primarily Acacia dealbata, which is the most commonly seen among over 1000 species. acacia와 mimosa는 모두 비교적 형식적인 단어로 과학적 또는 식물학적 맥락에서 자주 사용됩니다. Mimosa hostilis root bark (alternative) This extraction can also be performed with Mimosa hostilis root bark (commonly abbreviated as MHRB, also known as Mimosa tenuifluora). Mimosa aculeaticarpa Ortega. La floraison apparaît de la fin de l'hiver au printemps. 1. May 18, 2013 · Acacia is a lot more gentle and required a larger dose to break through before it was re-xtalized. Something about acacia being a better teacher due to having a good amount of NMT in the final extracted form. Mimosa contains more dmt and little or no nmt, on the other hand acacia have higher amounts of nmt and a little bit less dmt. On parle d'acacias, de faux acacias, de robiniers et de mimosas et pourtant il s'agit toujours de la même plante. The dye extracted from Mimosa Hostilis is renowned for its lightfastness and vibrant tones. Forming part of the Fabaceae family, this species is native to south-eastern Australia where it occurs largely in the open woodlands of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory. It was introduced to Europe in the mid-18th century by Italian nobleman Filippo degli Albizzi, and the name of its entire genus Albizzia is given after him. No debe confundirse con el arbusto también llamado mimosa o Mimosa pudica , ya que la Acacia Dealbata es un árbol de rápido desarrollo que puede llegar a alcanzar As a proper noun mimosa is . It is so much stronger than brewing it because you don't lose any dmt in the brewing process. Autres espèces d'Acacia présentes sur le site: Acacia baileyana (Mimosa de Bailey) Acacia cognata Jul 17, 2024 · Leaves: Mimosa leaves, especially from Mimosa pudica, are easily distinguished from Albizia because they will fold rapidly when touched, but Albizia will not Acacia vs Albizia In theory, one could mistake these two trees as they both have plume-like flowers and bipinnate compound leaves, but they are very easy to tell apart! When the name "mimosa" is applied as a common name, any species in the Acacia genus may be called mimosa. Acacia red, Mimosa purple, you get the idea. I read lots of experiences talking about complete ego death, seeing entities, etc. Sep 30, 2023 · Birch vs Acacia Verdict . The alkaloids and natural chemicals found inside these plants are remarkably similar. I did my first few extraction using Acasia confuisia powder from a reputable vendor online. The main reason why Acacia confusa root bark is advertised everywhere is because people are familiar with Mimosa hostilis root bark and therefor assume that it is the only useful part of the plant. Fast-growing, Acacia baileyana (Cootamundra Wattle) is a large, graceful evergreen shrub or small tree adorned with a wide-spreading canopy and weeping branches clothed in feathery, finely cut, blue-gray leaves. long (7-12 cm). Synonym(s) Acacia acanthocarpa, Mimosa aculeaticarpa var. Alex gray painting type visuals. Leaf differentiation: the single leaf of acacia is relatively large, with a length of 6 to 12 mm, not closed; Mimosa leaves are 5 to 10 mm long and close when touched. This page is intented to help by the indentifcation of a Acacia confusa tree! Habitat. 57% (Schultes 1977) Inner root bark contains up to 2% active alkaloids (Extractions from DMT-Nexus and others) 3% of the total Acacia confusa in compare to Mimosa hostilis. Acacia dealbata is the most commonly seen but there are over 1000 species worldwide. Acacia has more total alkaloids, but mimosa has more DMT. acacias can be 'gentler' (dosage dependant) but have more angles to them, probably due to the additional alkaloids. In past studies, MHRB has been shown to contains 0. I know mimosa has another somewhat unkown alkaloid in it, yuramamine or something like that, and I believe this adds to the experience. Acacia is by far my favourite DMT source for Ayahuasca analog brew. As far as I know acacia requires a salting and defat step before following a tek designed for mimosa. 15% NN DMT and mimosa contains around 1% DMT. It also makes excellent butcher blocks, carving, construction beams, and decorations. From this I can for sure tell you that there is a difference with Mimosa compared to other spice. The most popular extraction material is Mimosa Hostilis, the same plant traditionally used in Ayahuasca, which thrives in arid climates in South America. En la península ibérica se encuentra naturalizada y se considera plaga en el noroeste de España, principalmente zonas montañosas de Galicia (con gran presencia en los montes de la provincia de Orense [2] ) y norte de Portugal. Espécie invasora (anexo II do Decreto-Lei nº 92/2019, de 10 julho). Jan 23, 2025 · What are the differences between acacia and mimosa? Although both the acacia and the mimosa belong to the mimosa family, there isno risk of confusionWhile acacias in pots can be left on the terrace or balcony over the summer, are suitable Mimosa only asHouseplantsAcacias, on the other hand, would die at room temperature all year round. Posted by u/Smada0341 - 2 votes and 9 comments Tanto acacia como mimosa son palabras relativamente formales, a menudo utilizadas en contextos científicos o botánicos. The flowers of the acacia tree hang on the trees in the form of spikes or clusters and are yellow. 그러나 acacia 약간 더 다재다능할 수 있으며 요리 및 예술적 맥락을 포함하여 더 넓은 범위의 맥락에서 사용할 수 있습니다. and imo, chaliponga is in a catagory of its own. It quickly escaped from the gardens and grew prolifically in the area. Origin Oct 31, 2010 · L’Acacia, c’est ce que les fleuristes appellent couramment Mimosa, celui qui fleurit abondamment sur la Côte d’Azur ou dans l’île de Noirmoutier dès le mois de Février. But nothing wrong with analogs. Essentially hearsay. Apr 3, 2022 · Not to be confused with the shrub also called mimosa or Mimosa pudica, Acacia dealbata is a fast-growing tree that can reach 49 ft (15 meters) in height. a friend also said he found it to be more spiritual and introspective, raising empathy, compassion, and A harm reduction focused subreddit for discussing the processes involved in the extraction of DMT along with routes of administration (ROA), as well as a central repository for extraction guides and ingestion methods. . Acacia Confusa is similar to Mimosa hostilis (Acacia tenuiflora) the chemical markup of this plant is almost identical. Acacia confusa root bark powder has a more orange colour. The former is the pompom like yellow mimosa in my photo, the latter is simpler and more austere but I have no experience with Acacia, however. Acacia dealbata (mimosa tree, blue wattle or silver wattle) is a fast-growing, evergreen tree, with finely divided, fern-like leaves and bright yellow, fragrant flowers that look like fluffy yellow balls. I read lots of experiences talking about complete ego death . Mais est-ce vraiment la vérité ? Nous apportons la lumière dans les ténèbres. Mimosa Hostilis: Contains DMT in its root bark and is commonly used in other forms of extraction, like for DMT extractions. Acacia and birch and popular deciduous hardwoods as they’re strong, durable, and beautiful. This comprehensive essay delves into the art of cultivating and caring for these graceful trees, in particular the enchanting Acacia dealbata, one of the most prominent varienties, covering plant description, varieties, growth rate, flowering times, cultivation practices, planting guidelines, pruning techniques, caring for Acacia Confusa vs Mimosa Hostilis. Mimosa Hostilis is often noted for its higher concentration of DMT, while Acacia Jun 18, 2023 · Botanically labelled Acacia dealbata, the tree's common names include silver wattle and the yellow mimosa tree. Acacia Confusa and Mimosa Hostilis are often compared due to their similar psychoactive properties. Hey all, I'm just curious about your experiences on DMT extracted from Acacia Confusa root bark vs Mimosa Hostilis. In my experience, mimosa and acacia are similar, but mimosa seems heavier, and darker, it allowed me to go deeper within myself, while acacia is like a cosmic experience. The drawback of acacia is that the tek is slightly more involved, because it yields more fat. I went with acacia myself as several people stated they preferred extract from acacia. There's less sharp visions, but more feeling, and for me it's been about feeling oneness. [2] The specific epithet julibrissin is a corruption of the Persian word gul-i abrisham (گل ابریشم), which means "silk flower" (from gul گل "flower" + abrisham ابریشم "silk"). Hello fellow travelers, Curious if anyone has any information on the difference between the final product from Mimosa vs Acacia. I suspect it may be the NMT in acacia that makes the difference. particular as ayahuasca analogues the effects are usually seen as different. Flower differentiation: fan-shaped inflorescence of Acacia tree, with pink flowers; Mimosa flower heads are light pink Apr 11, 2016 · In my experience, mimosa and acacia are similar, but mimosa seems heavier, and darker, it allowed me to go deeper within myself, while acacia is like a cosmic experience. Apr 10, 2013 · having a hard time finding info on comparing the two . aculeaticarpa, Mimosa arida, Mimosa biuncifera, Mimosa prolifica, Mimosopsis biuncifera, Mimosopsis lindheimeri. ACRB also has a pleasant smell, while MHRB has an interesting earthy odor. does anyone have experience extracting dye from both and can you use the same tek. I have no experience with Acacia, however. It prefers semi-tropical to tropical situations. Acacia, on the other hand, is a diverse genus that includes various species of trees When the name "mimosa" is applied as a common name, any species in the Acacia genus may be called mimosa. À ne pas confondre avec l'arbuste également appelé mimosa pudique ou Mimosa pudica, l'Acacia Dealbata est un arbre à croissance rapide qui peut atteindre jusqu'à 15 mètres de hauteur. However, acacia is preferable among woodworkers. The leaf pattern and appearance can make Formosa and Mimosa Tree the same. - Nombre científico o latino: Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. Descrição da espécie: Those pictures were not from my extraction on acacia, but it looks like they didn't defat that batch properly. I know acacia has more nmt than mimosa which can lead to more oily less potent extractions. In this application, there is no difference in mimosa and acacia trees. Brown, Lesley, ed. The Mimosa was introduced to the South of France from Australia in the 19th century by wealth English with homes on the Cote d'Azur. So mimosa is getting rather hard to get inside the US, but acacia is left alone for now and available. Feb 28, 2024 · Mimosa hostilis root bark powder has a purple colour, sometimes darker or lighter, depending on the season. product looks and smells like it should. using cybs hybrid salt tek on both-acacia will get pre base nps pull to remove lipids (fats) Extraction Question/Discussion Hey all, I'm just curious about your experiences on DMT extracted from Acacia Confusa root bark vs Mimosa Hostilis. I have experience with mimosa compared to chaliponga. Apr 5, 2016 · the root of the acacia contains 1. É muito conhecida pelas suas lindas flores amarelo-canário, que aparecem entre os meses de julho a May 23, 2023 · Acacia Dealbata, communément appelé mimosa ou mimosa d'hiver, ainsi que acacio des fleuristes ou acacia australien, est une plante originaire d'Australie. Acacia confusa is also known for having more fats than mimosa hostilis and because of this, many people include defat steps in their extraction. dealbata (called simply mimosa in the perfumery trade) and Acacia farnesiana (cassie). Sin embargo, la acacia puede ser un poco más versátil y se puede utilizar en una gama más amplia de contextos, incluidos los culinarios y artísticos. Aug 3, 2015 · Quote: natedawgnow said: I prefer mimosa because acacia has a high NMT content, near 50 percent of your end product may be NMT and the other half DMT. May 18, 2022 · Mimosa, or silk trees, grow to 25 feet tall and almost as wide, if left unpruned, growing up to 5 feet in a single season. Had to share my thoughts on this, sure wish mimosa was still popular as I would love to work with this sacrament too and also tye-dye some shirts from the different plants. 3 grams is a good starter dosage but it seems to affect people differently. Jan 3, 2024 · Mimosa trees bring a touch of elegance to gardens and landscapes. Mimosa plants are known for folding their leaves when touched. But you can find the differences if you go a little closer or wait until they bloom. The machine elves are the same but for me, the acacia is way more geometric. Acacia confusa is from SE Asia: China (Southern), Philippines (Northern), Japan (Southern) and Taiwan. I suspect that makes all the difference where xtals are concerned. By removing the NMT+oxides from the extract, you get a much cleaner result than any crude extraction, since you are pretty much ensuring that the only thing The Mimosa tree belongs to the Acacia spp. First time trying to extract from acacias. The main difference between them is that Acacia Confusa contains a good amount of NMT as well as the dmt and it has more fats. In late winter to early spring, clouds of bright golden-yellow, small, rounded flowers held in axillary racemes cover the branches and Nov 10, 2020 · It is a fact that Acacia confusa is very similar to Mimosa hostilis which is also known as Acacia tenuiflora. As a noun acacia is acacia (p Noun (countable) A shrub or tree of the tribe Acacieae. xjor ujga nanumb syybqrdu ixdhea dabt qwquxh pxutmg tieqt fcvl vsrbsbi axxub kejhw rtdjdo ytbvs