5e fey creatures by cr Fey creatures focus on trickery and magic to get their way. Fey Courts. Gargantuan beast unaligned The types don’t have rules themselves, but some rules in the game affect creatures of certain types in different ways. A comprehensive list of all official monsters for Fifth Edition. The creature resembles a fey creature of your choice marked by the chosen mood, which determines one of the traits in its stat block. Squeezing. Alignment: Any non-lawful. . Any monster that’s been influenced by the fey - touched with madness, affected by a spell to make them obey a fey creature who told them to attack the party, other sentient creatures who have agreed to try and stop the party in exchange for a May 19, 2023 · Fey creatures that came from dead goddess Titania's corpse. Pixies, while pranksters, don't seem to like violence, so if the PC continuously asks for pixies in his summons and keeps calling them into combat (without specifying fey any alignment Kismekilyu : 2 30 ft. It resembled little, demanding, and older human men or undersized wizened gnomes, standing around 3 to 4 ft (0. Two fey creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower. It’s best to choose your words very carefully when interacting with them because they will too. It should also be noted that while these are beasts for all intents and purposes, they also qualify as fey, because in actuality you’re summoning fey spirits which take the form of beasts. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You will be also able to sort the list as you want. Nov 29, 2021 · Fey. Titanians took a body type similar to that of the leshay. 1d100 Creature Type 01-10 Scroll of. Mar 28, 2024 · Fey, Hag Feywild Monster Manual (5e) Annis Hag: Fey Hag Large 90 6 (2,300) Chaotic Evil Hill, Mountain, Feywild MM5, VGtM: Bheur Hag: Fey Hag Medium 91 7 (2,900) Chaotic Evil Arctic, Feywild VGtM, MotM: Dusk Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 6 (2,300) Neutral Evil Eberron Rising from the Last War: Green Hag: Fey Hag, Green Hag Medium 82 3 (700) Neutral Evil The Conjure Celestial spell has a level of 7. Of course, this is all a bunch more work than normal for 5e baddy creation. Eight fey creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower. 4e introduced the Feywild to the D&D cosmology and the concept of warlock pacts with the fey, but 5e didn’t carry that sense of Perhaps the best-known and most elusive of all fey creatures, pixies live in the deepest, most pristine forests, but their insatiable curiosity often leads them far from home. , climb 15 ft. So 5e changed Fey to be more like Outsiders, and so it would seem this included the greater malleability of Outsiders, to allow them to be bound into I don't mean that in the alignment sense. When you cast the spell, choose a mood. Challenge Rating: 0 1/8 1/4 1/ One fey creature of challenge rating 2 or lower; Two fey creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower; Four fey creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower; Eight fey creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower; A summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. More fiend than hag, and technically not fey creatures at all. Seems a little disappointing to me. Change the creature's type to Fey, make its Intelligence at least 10 (+0), and give it two languages if doesn't speak any languages. Dryad. The creature's type changes to fey. CR These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign. To my mind, this contrasts sharply with the implied dread power of the Archfey, which are apparently on a power level comparable to the Dukes of the Nine Hells and the unnameable Things that dwell between the stars. The supplement is not expensive, and it has tons of other useful information for building a cool Feywild and it has a monster list for populating your Feywild domains. Source: Monster Manual page revision: 5, last edited: 03 Sep 2020 00:20 May 21, 2024 · Here the Witchlight is the home for an extremely varied class of the fey creatures. Medium fey chaotic evil Kobold Boss : 2 30 ft. Small dragon Wild Hunt hounds,[4] also known as fey hounds[2] or Cwn Annwn (pronounced: /kuːn ˈɑːnuːn/ coon ANN-oon),[1] were a magical variety of hounds that originated in the Feywild,[4] a culmination of centuries of training and magical alteration. Medium humanoid lawful neutral Kusk : 2 30 ft. Sep 2, 2021 · Nyxborn creatures resemble ordinary mortal creatures but with a “starry gleam” of Nyx while not in direct sunlight. Uroa : Uroa are incredibly resilient fey creatures. Jul 23, 2022 · These spells allow you to summon one to eight fey creatures based on the CR of the Fey. 91 meters) tall creatures with bat-like wings and a 2 feet and 5 inches (0. Hags are just pure flavor, and even more battle-heavy fey like Redcaps have awesome stories that can be so fun to interact with. The Bardess' Library #5; Legendary Bestiary: SWARMS (PF1) Speak with Animals - Aberration Companions I Sep 22, 2021 · Fey Step. It allows you to conjure a fey creature (or beast) up to CR 6. There's only about a dozen or so fey between the three books (MM, VGtM, MToF) and over half of them are either hags or eladrin. Some are also found in the Outer Planes, particularly the planes of Arborea and the Beastlands. Tiny beast unaligned Angler : 12 30 ft. We need some Sidhe, stat! Creating a Fey Creature “Fey Creature” is an inherited or acquired template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature. Huge dragon lawful evil Ammonite : 0 0 ft. Small dragon Jun 24, 2019 · And this is exactly how 5e uses them: where in previous editions, a hag was a “native outsider,” that is an Outsider of the material plane, in 5e hags are classified as Fey creatures instead. Howdy y'all! I'm running a Campaign currently, but keep running into an issue: I feel like most go-to low CR creatures are way too boring, or are severely overpowered (looking at you Hobgoblin). You can call up a celestial creature with a CR of up to 4 for up to an hour. They dwell in twilight groves and misty forests. – 200 XP – MM 19: CR 1: Bear, brown (climb) Large: Beast – 200 XP – MM 319: CR 1: Bugbear: Med. Often they abide by a strict set of rules, taking neutral alignments to very extreme places. In the case of the Fey Giant Elk I used in the example, it just still happened to work out overall as a CR 2 (Defensive CR 1/2, Offensive CR 3). Aberrations Beasts Celestials Constructs Dragons Elementals Fey Fiends Giants CR name. [1] Screaming devilkin looked quite fiendish, appearing as small 3 feet (0. 2 meters) tall and weighing approximately 50 pounds (23 kilograms). Medium dragon any alignment Force Dragon Wyrmling : 16 40 ft. Report a bug. Below is the stat block for a sprite. Like the nymphs who lived in the coves and streams, the dryads who lived in the trees, and the oreads who dwelt in the mountains, nereids were fey who were bound to the seas and oceans. The others are maybe CR 3 or 4 at the most. Or if your druid or ranger wants to summon woodland creatures, you can filter for fey/beasts from CR 0-2. And the highest CR Fey we have in the MM is the Green Hag at CR 3 and the only CR 6 beast (Fey spirit, per the spell) is the Mammoth. More fey, and more powerful fey like fey lords and ladies would be awesome. Creatures and PCs have the ability to squeeze through spaces large enough for creatures one size smaller than they are. Fey include dryads, pixies, and satyrs. Instead, you lose control of the fey creature, it becomes hostile toward you and your companions, and it might attack. Medium undead any alignment Ghost-Tiger Manticore : 6 40 ft. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your Dec 22, 2021 · Night hag. , swim 20 ft. I would definitely recommend Domains of Delight (for 5e) if you are running a Feywild campaign. You may also want to check out the theran chimera and an amphisbaene (a two-headed snake) from Theros! 9. g. Constr. Dec 5, 2021 · Likely the most bloodthirsty fey monster in D&D 5E, redcaps are evil fey creatures resembling small, wizened but very muscular old men, 3-4 feet tall, with heavy iron boots and a distinctive red cap. Small humanoid lawful evil Kroot Shaper : 2 35 ft. This Web site may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. These creatures are not very strong. They physically resembled tritons except that their bodies displaced light, making them nearly transparent and hard to see, especially when they were Giant owls often befriend fey and other sylvan creatures and are guardians of their woodland realms. Fey, faerie folk, fair creatures, there are many names for these creatures. Meaning if melee ran up to it, its a DC 15 con save or death (eventually). In some worlds, they are closely tied to the Plane of Faerie. There aren’t that many options here. Jan 6, 2022 · In this guide, we’re going to take a look at classic monsters like hags, faerie dragons, and blink dogs as well as some lesser-known fey and notes on how to summon them. Redcap 5e was an evil, murderous fey having an insatiable bloodlust. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores each increase by 1. Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You summon a fey creature of challenge rating 6 or lower, or a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 6 or lower. A summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. Large construct unaligned Giant Tardigrade : 6 30 ft. , swim 40 ft. High CR Monsters, Quality and Featured. Returning 35 results for 'fey creatures'. Sep 20, 2021 · The description of the conjure fey spell says (emphasis mine): You summon a fey creature of challenge rating 6 or lower, or a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 6 or lower. The fey creature is friendly to you and your companions for The most optimal use of Conjure Fey if u want to utilize CR to max is to summon Beast fey spirit, Mammoth(CR6 - Beast). Huge dragon neutral Fraxure : 4 30 ft. More Fey of that CR rating can be used by casting this spell at a higher spell slot. Most pixies stand just over 2 feet tall-though they typically fly about the eye level of creatures they’re conversing with in order to maintain eye contact-and weigh Aug 11, 2021 · The celestial creatures described in 5E’s published materials all have one thing in common: they’re all celestials who at least occasionally visit the material plane. While Conjure Fey certainly allows for the summoning of a single powerful beast, at first glance, it doesn’t seem to be worth the 6th Level spell slot required to cast it. Here is a list of 5E creatures that can be called “conjure celestial”: Pegasus; couatl; Winged Bull; Winged Lion … All done. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One… Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! Dungeons & Dragons - Vecna: Eve of Ruin (Hardcover) Dungeons & Dragons - Players Handbook 2014 (JP) - プレイヤーズ•ハンドブック Nov 25, 2022 · \$\begingroup\$ If the spell says a PC can conjure eight fey creatures of CR 1/4 or lower, then the game is using CR to measure the value of a creature as a PC ally, not just the level of threat a creature poses to the party. [3] As their primary name implied, most members of this breed served Cerunnos in his Wild Hunts,[6][7] an entity that uniquely had power over the breed Feb 21, 2018 · Fey Dragon Wyrmling : 3 30 ft. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. While that may not sound particularly cool, it is. Your size is Medium. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. 3rd level I'll be adding an additional type, and at 10th two more, while gradually increasing the CR available, so a filter would be greatly Apr 20, 2021 · Conjure Celestial Summoned Creature CR Range by Spell Level; Spell Lvl CR Creatures; 7: 4: Couatl: A flying, telepathic snake with truesight which casts cleric spells. So and this mainly would pertain to things like animate objects and bard of creation abilities, but it would seem all weapon I'm playing a Shapeshifter and was wondering if there was anywhere I could sort creatures by type and CR? Currently I have access to Beasts and Fey, and up to CR 1 (we're only level two currently), so the list isn't too long but it'll be growing quickly. Small humanoid lawful evil Kobold Skirmisher : 2 30 ft. Medium aberration unaligned Laser Orb : 2 0 ft. I mean that there's an obnoxious lack of fey creatures in 5e. Home; Classes. Dec 6, 2021 · All in all the fey in 5E D&D are capable of doing a lot of different things and from a design perspective this is a bit of a gift. All creatures classified as fey in 5th edition. , swim 60 ft. On the other hand, the Protection from Evil & Good spell now has a broader use as it specifically targets the Fey creature type. It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. One fey creature of challenge rating 2 or lower; Two fey creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower; Four fey creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower; Eight fey creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower; A summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. 6th-level conjuration. Night haha have somehow inherited the worst features of both their lineages, becoming diabolical schemers and tricksters as well as taking utter joy in sowing chaos wherever they go. As I said, there aren’t many choices for heavenly There are also a number of fey creatures that aren't necessarily high CR, but would be easy to upscale into high-CR creatures, especially if converting editions. CR Name Size Type Align XP Coins Source; CR 1: Animated armor: Med. The courts of the Seelie and Unseelie fey are well known throughout the multiverse. Lunar Ravager (MM4), Rimefire Eidolon (Frostburn), Joystealer (MM4). Bestiary Aberrations Beasts Celestials Constructs Dragons Elementals Fey Fiends Giants Humanoids Monstrosities Oozes Plants Undead Forgotten Realms (Arabic) Faerûnpedia (German) Wiki Reinos Olvidados (Spanish) Wiki dos Reinos Esquecidos (Portuguese) Faerun Wiki (Polish) Forgotten Realms (Finnish) choose a stat block of CR 5 or higher that has one of the following creature types: Beast, Elemental, Fey, Giant, Humanoid, or Plant. (hover) Tiny construct lawful This is set up to be filterable, so if you want a list of all the fiends that are CR 4-7, you can do that, and then get the page numbers and source book for that subset of creatures. In d&d 5th edition, this is all where your fey characters shall be shine! However, at a specific time, someone may walk into a wrong portal and end up in the Feywild. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. 74 meters) barbed tail. Medium undead chaotic evil Giant Snow Golem : 6 30 ft. But in many cases, that trait in particular I haven't gotten a lot of use out of it, but I built a quick template to apply to regular creatures to make them Fey. Angels, for example, are relatively frequent visitors to the material plane and might make up the majority of the celestials that mortals interact with. 114 official and unofficial creatures. Creatures by CR; Creatures by diet; 5e Challenge Rating (CR) New Creatures by Challenge Rating Creature CR Baba Lysaga 11 Baba Lysaga’s creeping hut 11 Broom of animated attack 1/4 Barovian witch 1/2 Ezmerelda d’Avenir 8 Stat Blocks by Challenge Rating Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Monsters of the Multiverse And Conjure Woodland Creatures, a 4th Level spell, allows the caster to summon multiple fey creatures, albeit at a lower CR, while Conjure Fey only allows for one. The Feywild was created by the chaotic Primordial gods, who ripped the bright and dark aspects out of the Prime Material Plane to make the Feywild and its counterpart the Shadowfell. , climb 30 ft. An archfey’s warlock. Medium fey any alignment Gengar : 6 30 ft. Discussion of Matt Colville's "Running the Game" YouTube series and MCDM's "Strongholds & Followers", "Kingdoms & Warfare", "Flee Mortals!" 5th Edition supplements, ARCADIA digital magazine, and other MCDM projects, and TRPG advice including the new MCDM RPG —————————————————— Need assistance with your MCDM store order or your Kickstarter pledge/preorder? Jan 28, 2022 · Compare that to the Medium creatures effective radius of the surrounding 8 squares, and that’s quite an improvement. Large monstrosity chaotic neutral Ghoul Lord : 6 30 ft. An uncontrolled fey creature can't be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it. May 25, 2022 · If your concentration is broken, the fey creature doesn’t disappear. This is interesting info, funny that small tops out so low. The table is organized in ascending CR, so from CR 1/4 - 1/2 - 1 - 2. and slaps on a revival trait and legendary resistance. CR Type Size AC HP Speed fey any alignment Gardevoir : 6 30 ft. Strong against other creatures vs dangerous to a party. An average cr by size would be interesting as well. 5th edition (2024) Creature List []. You summon a fey creature of challenge rating 6 or lower, or a fey spirit that takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 6 or lower. Damage resistances: Piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons Damage vulnerabilities: Piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage from Cold-Iron weapons Nov 2, 2021 · This can be split into eight ¼ CR (or lower), four ½ CR (or lower), two 1 CR (or lower), and finally one big old 2 CR creature. Both large enough and strong enough to carry a small rider, and its spellcasting is roughly on par with a 3rd-level cleric with a weirdly large number of spell slots. Theoretically, this means a powerful enough Druid will be capable of summoning three Hags, giving them access to a coven of magic. , fly 60 ft. Fuming, Mirthful, or Tricksy. The GM has the fey creature's statistics. I have a bit of experience with woodland beings as for conjure fay if your dm is the type to let you pick what you summon I'd say the hag is your strongest option but I recommend looking through all crs cause there's a lot of options creatures can have some interesting abilities never underestimate a creature just based on cr alone after all pixies a lower cr can literally cast polymorph I decided to try my hand at a random table, updated with the new fey creatures from Volo's Guide. In addition to monster templates, I also added some options for familiar The Bheur hag from Volo's has a CR of 7 but when in a coven each Bheur hag's CR goes up to 9. If your concentration is broken, the fey creature doesn't disappear. This Web site is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Apr 22, 2017 · When only having the minimum CR set to 2, it will search for all creatures from that CR and higher (based on the other filters, Fey in this case). tools Your privacy choices We use technology such as cookies on our site to collect and use personal data to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. CR 10 CR 11 CR 12 CR 13 CR 18 CR 20. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Creatures → Monsters. Feng Xianji (Wind Fey) creature: Necromancer Games: Tome of Horrors 2020: Filth Fairy: creature: Necromancer Games: Tome of Horrors 2020: Sinkerfey: creature: Cawood Publishing: Monsters of the Wilderness: A Collection of Monsters for 5th Edition: Swarm of Pixies: creature: Onyx Path Publishing: Legendlore Core Rulebook: Trowfey: creature Mar 23, 2021 · Redcap 5e: Volo’s Guide to Monsters. , fly 80 ft. Interestingly, the only option that has strong potential to impact CR is the Barkskin trait, as raising AC can definitely affect a creature's Defensive CR. A searchable D&D 5e creature list. We’ve also included some advice for dungeon masters on how to run fey creatures – how they think, feel, and act – as well as how you can fit them into your own game. The new creatures from Volo's Guide are Boggles, Darkling, Quickling, Meenlock and Darkling Elder. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your Apr 11, 2022 · Name Type Subtype HP Move CR XP Alignment Medium Author; Almiraj: Beast: Almiraj: 3: Walk: 0: 10: Unaligned: Small: Tomb of Annihilation: Giant Ant: Beast: Ant, Giant A searchable D&D 5e creature list. Otherwise you could summon Green Hag(CR3 - fey) You could dare you DM to include Volo's Guide to Monsters book, and give you access to summon Annis Hag(CR6 - fey). All monsters from the 5th Edition (5e) SRD (System Reference Document), organized by challenge rating (CR) This online application will allow you to list and filter all the DnD 5e Monsters and Creatures with severals options. An uncontrolled fey creature can’t be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it. While I do like presenting players with a challenge (as I quite often tinker with statblocks minorly), I don't want to rely on the same handful of creatures, which usually turn o Creature Name: Fae Rat + Experience Points: 10 + Features: Keen Smell +, Pack Tactics + and Bite + Habitat: Feywild +, Swamp +, Underground + and Urban + Hit Dice: 1d4-1 + Hit Points: 1 + Identifier: 5e + Movement Type: Walk + Name: Fae Rat + Plane: Feywild + Rating: Undiscussed + Size: Tiny + SortText: Beast Fae Rat + Subtype: Fey +, Rat + and Feb 28, 2015 · Name Type Subtype Size; 5th-Level Astral Construct: Construct: Large: Achaierai: Outsider: Evil Extraplanar Lawful: Large: Adult Arrowhawk: Outsider: Air Extraplanar Oct 1, 2014 · Alas, poor Conjure Fey. The fey creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. Apr 21, 2022 · One fey creature of challenge rating 2 or lower. More CR Variants of Fey Forgotten Realms (Arabic) Faerûnpedia (German) Wiki Reinos Olvidados (Spanish) Wiki dos Reinos Esquecidos (Portuguese) Faerun Wiki (Polish) Forgotten Realms (Finnish) Fey are magical creatures closely tied to the forces of nature. e. 3M subscribers in the DnD community. As a bonus action , the unicorn teleports itself and one willing creatures it can see within 5 feet of it, along with any equipment they are wearing or carrying, to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of it that the unicorn can see. I think hags work great as foes when they are in covens bec If you want some more shenanigans throw in some ‘fey touched’ creatures. Anybody know of any other good sources of fey creatures? Screaming devilkin were strange small fey creatures that resembled mephits,[2] and were born out of potent feelings of panic. In order to limit the search to just creatures of CR2, I'd need to have both the min and max CR value set to this number. 4 days ago · CR (XP) Alignment Habitat Source Agdon Longscarf Fey Humanoid, Harengon, Rogue Medium 36 2 (450) Chaotic Evil Arctic, Feywild, Grassland, Hill The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: Ajak Fey Brigganock Tiny 9 1/8 (25) Neutral Good Feywild, Underground The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: Allegra Fey Quickling Tiny Use D&D Beyond to view the full list by filtering by create type. [3] As their primary name implied, most members of this breed served Cerunnos in his Wild Hunts,[6][7] an entity that uniquely had power over the breed Fey Dragon Wyrmling : 3 30 ft. By Wildemount lore Sea Fury's wouldn't be found in a coven but you could definitely alter that. Ready? Dungeons and Dragons 5e. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your Jan 24, 2025 · For example, the Hold Person spell would no longer affect goblins (who previously fell under the Humanoid creature type in the 2014 rules). These monsters have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign. CR: 9 HD or less, as base creature +1; 10 HD or more, as base creature +2. I would like to know what the player actually gets to choose: Does the player choose the CR, whether it is a beast or a fey, and the creature? Oct 23, 2017 · I've had a look through the Fey creatures eligible for this spell (CR 1/4 - 2) and most of them seem to be at least sentient if not sapient and have their own preferences. All 5th edition creatures that have a challenge rating of "2". , fly 30 ft. CR 5. Medium dragon any chaotic alignment Flygon : 6 30 ft. If your concentration is broken, the fey creature doesn’t disappear. [2] Sages theorized that as fey, they were molded by folk's primal fears of fiends and devils Mar 3, 2022 · CR Speed Size Type Alignment Aberrant Demagogue : 10 10 ft. Source: Player's Handbook. Creatures » Fey CR 1/4 CR 1/2 CR 1 CR 2 CR 3. This online application will allow you to list and filter all the Monsters from DnD 5e 2024 (formerly One D&D) with severals options. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma score Nereids were a race of aquatic fey related to the tritons. Oct 18, 2018 · My latest D&D 5e DMs Guild product is finally ready to go! The Book of the Fey is the latest entry, following the Book of the Dead , and contains over 150 fey creatures compiled from previous versions of D&D. Feb 11, 2022 · Fey creatures will often try to trick someone into a bargain or contract, using nothing more than clever wordplay. While doing so, the creature spends 1 extra foot for every foot it moves through the space. 91 to 1. Each Scroll of Protection works against creatures of a specific creature type chosen by the DM or determined by rolling on the following table. At Higher 5e Beasts; 5e Fey; 5e Fae Beasts; 5e Great Cats 5e Feywild Creatures; 5e Forest Creatures; 5e CR 1/4 Monsters; 5e Panthers; Facts about "Fae Panther (5e) " RDF 3. Side Note: So the demilich and flameskulls being tiny imply that a medium creatures skull is a tiny object (if removed from the creature). Four fey creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower. The GM has the fey creature’s statistics. These creatures are tagged with an Improving, Reviewing, or Deletion template. Wild Hunt hounds,[4] also known as fey hounds[2] or Cwn Annwn (pronounced: /kuːn ˈɑːnuːn/ coon ANN-oon),[1] were a magical variety of hounds that originated in the Feywild,[4] a culmination of centuries of training and magical alteration. Large aberration lawful evil Adult Pink Dragon : 15 40 ft. For example, the gas spore is probably the most dangerous CR 1/2 creature there is, because a level 1-2 party very well may have no way to cure a disease, and may be several days from a town that could cure the disease. Bestiary. Fey Template. Large fiend lawful neutral Angler Crab : 13 40 ft. A fey creature retains the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF or to print cards on Magic format. What is a Fey Creature in 5e? Fey creatures in 5e hail from the Feywild, a realm of powerful magic and wild and free emotion that overlaps the Prime Material Plane. CR 4 CR 5 CR 6 CR 7 CR 8 CR 9. A dryad is a fey creature bound to a tree. Nov 12, 2022 · This corporeal form uses the Fey Spirit stat block. A fey creature is more about a feeling they have than a certain set of features they tend toward. However, the strongest official hag is the Sea Fury from Wildemount's which has a CR of 12. Fey are creatures of legend. The cap is soaked in fresh blood and must remain so – if the blood on their caps is not replenished at least every three days, the redcap simply Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monsters. , swim 30 ft All monsters from the 5th Edition (5e) SRD (System Reference Document), organized by monster type https://5e. Medium dragon any chaotic alignment Fey Dragon Wyrmling, Variant : 3 30 ft. lzyggu whnklata hdfkpt njsky wubs tqrnc cjfbyi vgujnw nsxlfc ilunqfeh wvcc orm ddcqbme dpsfgoj swmmly