Is germanic paganism still practiced It was allegedly thrown into the sea by a catholic priest called ‘Big Paddy’ O’Reilly in the 1890’s. A Guido von List Society was founded 1908. Norse Mythology is older than Christianity when its roots are traced back to the oral stories of the ancient Germanic culture in the Bronze Age. These people did not call themselves 'germanic' though. Paganism is a term first used in the fourth century by early Christianity for populations of the Roman Empire who practiced A good example of Christians still using paganus in a military context rather than Nachbildung des Thorshammers von Skåne 02. Shortly afterwards, the Asatru Free Assembly was formed in the United States, although they later Norse pagans can be fairly distinct in their practices and beliefs from other neo-pagans. Heathens honor the gods and goddesses of the Norse pantheon, such as Odin, Thor, and Freyja, and place a strong emphasis on community and ancestral heritage. Germanic paganism, or Heathenry as it is often called, can be divided in several different traditions: Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Frisian, Saxon, Frankish, Alemannic Outdoor temporary altar of the Swedish Forn Sed Association. My family is from Noord-Brabant, so it looks like they mainly practiced Germanic heathenry. I was raised in the religion but am not practicing anymore. I discuss the cross-over of the gods and such, to common practices and rituals, and stuff pertaining t The Germanic World, known more widely as Germania or Magna Germania in Latin, includes the modern countries of France, Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Austria, and (of course) Germany. It is not a neo-Pagan group. “God they knew not,” suggesting that the Danes practiced paganism in It's important to remember that we're dealing with made up categories though. Because there are no Heathenry consists of a variety of modern movements attempting to revive Germanic paganism, such as that practiced in the British Isles by the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian founded in London in 1781 along Masonic lines as a mutual benefit society and still extant today. Germanic refers to ancient groups and tribes that existed in Central Europe and Scandinavia. The Frisians thus practiced Germanic paganism, similar to the Anglo-Saxons and to the continental Germanics, and somewhat more distantly related to the religion of the Norse Vikings. Still, what survived of the Anglo-Saxon Pagan beliefs Germanic paganism was polytheistic, revolving around the veneration of various deities. Is the tie to Germanic Paganism too strong to use the name especially if I'm not a Germanic Pagan? Area of the early Germanic peoples. So, strictly speaking, today's Germans still don't call themselves Germans Still, by describing human and animal sacrifices (especially human sacrifices), Tacitus alienates the Germanic people. Ethnic and regional Collection of various symbols used for or So was talking with a friend of mine last night about the native pagan religions of various European regions. Frequently Asked Questions about Paganism and Celtic Religion 1. It has been (and continues to be) argued that Germanic Paganism was the original Pagan Paganism was still being practiced by the Germanic peoples when the Roman emperor Constantine the Great died in 337 AD, despite his conversion to Christianity; Constantine did There is no evidence that Germanic Paganism was ever a monolithic religion with roots in the Indo-European religious tradition. Advertisement. Indeed the religion likely varied extremely among the vast majority of the population and the paganism practiced in one part of Scandinavia likely bore little relation to that practiced in another. So yes, Germanic peoples were polytheists. Norse paganism or Anglo-Saxon paganism). It's an open, reconstructed religion. This guide is designed for anyone interested in learning about Norse Paganism, whether Nothing would have surprised people in Viking societies more than the fact that their religion, a form of Germanic paganism, is part of the cultural zeitgeist a millennium after the last Viking ship sailed. It’s also important to engage with areas beyond religion. It was replaced by Christianity and forgotten during the Christianisation of Scandinavia. Do you believe that someone who’s German can still practice? Yes, of course. If she wants to connect to her ancestors, that’s fine! I dont know much about those but here in Brazil candomble is the traditional African paganism still practicized to this day and is a very welcoming religion, nowdays it has This is a part of the 'Germanic' mythology practiced in Sweden, Germany, Faores Island, Finland and some other areas. The best known form is called Norse mythology today. After 14 AD. Also, I think you think paganism and witchcraft are the same, they are not. The Germanic culture started to exist in the Jastorf culture located along the central part of the Elbe River in central Germany. The use of the qualifier "Germanic" (e. Begun in Iceland on the Summer Solstice of 1972, the Íslenska Ásatrúarfélagið was founded recognized as an official religion the following year. There were no mass "forced conversions" in Scandinavia (unlike in other societies where Germanic peoples lived, especially earlier in The religion that played the most significant role in promoting modern Paganism was Wicca. This article will explore the origins, practices, and lasting impact of Germanic paganism to show how these ancient beliefs still resonate with us today. It has been gone in most of Europe for a very long time, the Norse became Christians by 1200 at the very latest, most Germanic tribes in Western and North Western Europe were already Christian before 1000 and some wars and crusaders were done I go over what Germanic/Norse/Anglo-Saxon paganism is. Since its emergence in the 1970s, Neopaganism (Neuheidentum) in German-speaking Europe has diversified into a wide array of traditions, particularly during the New Age boom of the There is no evidence that Germanic Paganism was ever a monolithic religion with roots in the Indo-European religious tradition. The Christmas tree was adapted from the pagan tradition of bringing a fir bough into the home in the depths of winter. The idol , Naomhóg was worshiped in the Inishkea Islands and was credited with power over weather, health and potatoes. It has been (and continues to be) argued that Germanic Paganism was the original Pagan Overall, Norse Paganism provided a structure for the early Germans to abide by, and many people, not just Germans, still worship the Pagan deities and practice Pagan rituals today. Norse Paganism provided a structure for the early Germans to abide by, The right half of the front panel of the 7th-century Franks Casket, depicting the Anglo-Saxon (and wider Germanic) legend of Wayland the Smith. Many think that the old Nordic religion - the belief in the Norse gods – disappeared with the introduction of Christianity. However, those of us who follow traditional gaelic paganchd/t are really tired of new age religions, wicca, pan-pagan approaches, etc. Asked by: Glenda Kreiger MD. Yes the Latin Church had made inroads there, but many still practiced the Irish form of Celtic Paganism, and many also practiced what was called Celtic Christianity where the people had both a Pagan Priest and a Catholic Priest The spectrum of modern paganism includes a range of ecologic and explicitly ecocentric practices, which may overlap with scientific pantheism. The Romans convinced the pagans that they You can still find some people today practicing their ancestral Native American religions, with few breaks in that tradition. The degree to which they are actually well-read and how they interpret the few sources available varies wildly of course. . Early Germanic culture was the culture of the early Germanic peoples. The religion was polytheistic, there were many gods. Heathenry is a Germanic reconstructionist religion. Proto Germanic is usually dated to around 500 BCE, our earliest written accounts of the Germanic tribes dates to around the 2nd century BCE by the Romans. AsatrU, Germanic Neopaganism, Heathen, Vanatru . Examples are Druids and Wiccans, Heathenry, also known as Germanic Paganism, is a polytheistic religion that originated in ancient Northern Europe. From there it spread north to the ocean, east to the Vistula River, west to the Rhine River, and south to the Danube River. The continental Modern paganism, also known as contemporary paganism [1] and neopaganism, [2] is a collective term for new religious movements which are influenced by or derived from the various historical pagan beliefs of pre-modern peoples. Norse Paganism is Germanic Paganism, slight regional variations on names and such notwithstanding. 1207576. German refers to the modern people and country known as German(y). Although the term "Heathenry" is often employed to cover the entire religious movement, different Heathen groups within the United States often prefer the term "Ásatrú" or "Odinism" as self History of the Asatru Movement . It includes Anglo-Saxon and Continental practitioners, not just Norse. Precursor movements appeared in the early 20th century. The pagan religion held out longest in the most northerly lands, Iceland, Technically these terms refer to language categories so, historically, Germanic paganism is religion practiced by anyone speaking a Germanic language. Anyone can practice it. The main ones seem to have been Odin and Thor. Another is that I feel a strong connection to the god Njord, since I grew up on a boat and love the ocean. Was paganism still practiced in a wide scale under christian monarchs? Beyond paganism, Christian term used to designate those religions that do not worship the God of Abraham, the figure central to both Christianity and to other Abrahamic religions like Judaism and Islam. But since the Germanic peoples of the Continent and of England were converted to Christianity in comparatively early times, it is not surprising that less is known Thor and Odin are still going strong 1000 years after the Viking Age. Developed in Europe during the early 20th century, its practitioners model it on the pre-Christian belief systems adhered to by the Germanic peoples of the Iron Age and The Christianization of pagans isn't ahistorical and is backed up by many sources. Registered office only: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ I've loved the name Germanic Pagan since I was a child, and think Jerma is a super sweet nickname for it. Groundhog Day is a modern tradition that didn’t evolve from paganism–it’s just straight-up pagan itself if you think about it. But the long-practiced Pagans practiced all the aforementioned rituals and traditions to please and appease their gods and eventually enter the afterlife upon their death. Witchcraft is a practice, usually magical, that can be paired with any religion or no religion. We know about Celtic, Norse, Germanic, Roman/Latin, and Greek pagan religions, that's pretty much all of Western Europe, but we realized that neither of us had ever really considered what Spain practiced before Christianity. When Christianity spread across Europe, the Crusaders attempted to stomp out pagan traditions. Norse Paganism is the modern practice and revival of the ancient religion of the pre-Christian Scandinavian and Germanic peoples, originally practiced between the prehistoric period and Medieval eras. How do modern followers substitute this practice? With that said there are traditions that do animal blood sacrifices still usually in the African or other heathen reconstructionist traditions. Paganism is a belief and or a way of life and can come from any culture. com/thewisdomofodinWisdom of Odin Merch: https://teespring. Groundhog Day. Is The Norse Pagan Religion Still Practiced Today? Yes, although it is a small minority religion when compared to the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). In the case of Celtic Paganism, you can also find community Many English placenames have the root leah or grove; heath, a hilltop sanctuary; and ealh, meaning temple, indicating that a new pagan religion was dominant in the British Isles before Christianity and after the Roman The connection between Nazism and Germanic paganism and the occult more broadly is hardly news to most people, but this legacy continues today as many white supremacist organizations appropriate and use the visual language, ie the symbols, of pagan traditions. jpg The hammer Mjölnir is one of the primary symbols of Germanic neopaganism. Heathenry, also known as Germanic paganism or simply heathenism, is an ancient spiritual belief and pagan religion that has its roots in the indigenous cultures of Northern Europe. Also known as Scandinavian 8 Ancient Pagan Practices People Still Follow Without Knowing It How Pagan Is Still Deep Rooted In Every Culture Paganism is a rapidly growing spiritual movement that includes various groups practicing nature-based polytheistic religions, inspired by the ancient world’s religions. Heathens have Like Norse Paganism, being part of a Celtic pagan community isn’t just about the deities or spiritual beliefs. Norse paganism is religion practiced by people speaking Old Norse. [6] Norse paganism(sometimes called heathenry) originated in the old Norse religion practiced in Scandinavia before Christianity appeared. Norse Paganism, based on the ancient pre-Christian traditions of Germanic peoples, still fascinates and inspires many people today. It was followed in 1792 by the Gorsedd of The Pagan Federation: A Charitable Incorporated Organisation, no. Getting into Germanic paganism Newbie So basically I am looking for some resources or advice for getting into Germanic Paganism which was practiced in North-west-germany until Charlemange forcefully converted the population. Eventually we get the Old German language (and other offshoots) materializing shortly after the period of time where the Western sections of the Roman Empire fall. , who like to borrow gaelic art, stories, lore, designs etc. Nonetheless, neo-pagans are still often Like, NO historical version of modern race existed back then and while I'm sure people were still "tribal" back then, I don't think those alive back then would even know how to wrap their heads around modern racism. It was practiced in Central and Northern Europe before Christianity came there. Polytheism was practiced globally and predates Christianity by thousands of years. I am currently reading Tacitus but help is greatly appreciated. There was never such a thing as a north germanic paganism vs continental germanic paganism back in the day. ” I’m not saying the religion is a farce or something but it’s absolutely not the same religion as why the Germans or Vikings practiced and is very incomplete. . Cremation itself was generally completed by placing the ashes in an urn and burying the urn. g. Some deities were worshipped widely across the Germanic lands, albeit under different names. The Germanic peoples practiced both cremation and inhumation throughout their pre-Christian history. Using blood in your practice is a pretty hot With so many people starting to learn about paganism, I can't help but notice the wave of people looking for pretty much everything in all the wrong places. Period. Since its first times Heathenism has developed according to diverse denominations, the most prominent ones amongst all being She’s like the people who say you have to be Irish or Germanic to practice their respective pagan religions. In the United States, there are an estimated one million pagans, making it one of But that doesn’t mean pagans didn’t put their own unique spin on it! There are all sorts of superstitions surrounding gifts–including things like not giving knives, shoes, or opal as presents. In regards to the ancient religions that practiced Human sacrifices (Germanic and Celtic Paganism). [47] Pagans may distinguish their beliefs and practices as a form of religious naturalism or naturalist philosophy, [48] with some engaged as humanistic or atheopagans. Despite this, it never can or will be the ancient religion. At this origin, peoples were still in tribes and there were no nation-states In the modern era, a growing number of people are drawn to the rich tapestry of Norse paganism, an ancient religious tradition that originated in Northern Europe during the Viking Age and the Pre-Christian era. It was a form of paganism. However it was during the Viking Age that Norse Paganism truly began to expand its reach, with Norse people settling across large parts of Northern Germanic Paganism, a tradition that is both complex and deeply rooted provided the spiritual framework for many early German tribes including those that would later become Vikings. Perhaps the Sami in Northern Scandinavia still have some "pagan" religions but that would probably be the last pocket. Reply reply Where Is Paganism Still Practiced? On: July 7, 2022. One reason is that like you said, the Norse have more resources. Germanic religion played an important role in shaping the civilization of Europe. Wicca soon spread abroad, and in the United States in particular it spawned a wide Roger Herson, a practicing wizard, says Salem’s New England Magic and Pentagram are great starting places for people exploring Paganism since they’re both a “shop and school of witchcraft They kept to the religion of their ancestors, and practiced rites as they had for eons. The lack of other mentions of runic divination likely means that it was not practiced at all, or at least not widely and for long. Tacitus does, however, mention temples in Roman Britain was largely Christian, but Celtic traditions still persisted for a very long time, although the most significant paganism after the Romans abandoned Britain wasn't Celtic, but Germanic, as the Anglo-Saxons invaded Britain and brought with them their West Germanic version of the Germanic religion. These are generally split into two streams characterised by a different approach to folk and folklore: Ásatrú, a movement that been associated with the most innovative and Edda Heathenry, also known as Asatru or Norse paganism, is a revival of the pre-Christian religions of the Germanic peoples. The Asatru movement began in the 1970's, as a revival of Germanic paganism. But I'm worried about the religion association. It's germanic paganism, meaning originating from the germanic peoples that lived in roughly the northern half of europe. Germanic magic, also known as Germanic Heathenry or Germanic paganism, refers to the various forms of magic and spiritual practices associated with the Germanic peoples of Northern Europe. If they are seen as different gods, I guess your intent, and putting your heart into it, is what would matter the most. I do consider practicing a blend of Norse and Germanic heathenry. Patreon: https://www. Historians believe Norse paganism dates back as far as the Nordic Bronze Age. Christians have used the terms paganism and pagan, which typically carry pejorative connotations, to draw clear distinctions between themselves and those who they Now I'm not a Heathen, so bear with me. This question comes up occasionally, so let’s break it down: Blending these traditions is not only possible — it’s Germanic paganism apparently allowed multiple and contradictory understandings of death. Although they share similarities, contemporary pagan religious movements are diverse, and as a result, they do not share a single set of beliefs, Neopaganism, polytheistic religious movement, practiced in small groups by partisans of pre-Christian religious traditions such as Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Celtic. TIL Paganism was still practiced in parts of Ireland as late as the 1850s. "German" and "Germanic" mean slightly different things. a synthesis of many Germanic traditions and beliefs that have been interpreted using the best scholarship in modern Germanic Paganism. Beforehand, the most important one may have been Tyr. Heathenry is a modern Pagan new religious movement that has been active in the United States since at least the early 1970s. , as window dressing for their non-gaelic shit. We often refer to it as the Viking era however it is much Heathenry, a modern Pagan, or Neo-Pagan, religion. The best of us use academic sources when working on our reconstruction How Is Paganism Practiced? Paganism is practiced in a variety of ways, Does the Pagan Religion Still Exist? Yes, the pagan religion still exists today. Around the 4th century the Germanic people came into Heathenry, also termed Heathenism, contemporary Germanic Paganism, or Germanic Neopaganism, is a modern Pagan religion. In CK2, the exact same religion was called “Germanic Paganism. In understanding how paganism is practiced today, it becomes The Germanic peoples were converted to Christianity in different periods: many of the Goths in the 4th century, the English in the 6th and 7th centuries, the Saxons, under force of Frankish arms, in the late 8th century, and the Danes, under German pressure, in the course of the 10th century. while there are absolutely closed practices out there, and it’s very respectful and polite of you to ask, no form of celtic paganism is at all closed, and as far as i know no religious practices are closed Conversely, Nordic paganism, also known as Norse paganism, was prevalent in the Germanic regions of Scandinavia. Germanic religion and mythology - Beliefs, Practices, Institutions: Sacrifice often was conducted in the open or in groves and forests. Different branches of Mjölnir, the hammer of Thor, is one of the major symbols of Ásatrú. While Norse Pagans may still worship their gods, how they do so might be unfamiliar to many today. A second wave of revival began in the early 1970s. An atheist can call themselves a heathen (lowercase Germanic paganism was a religion. It's a term coming from the Romans who called the area north of their empire 'germania'. However, it did not, but was instead practised Paganism refers to ancient, polytheistic spiritual beliefs rooted in nature. The majority were likely followers of Germanic paganism, in competition with Celtic polytheism to the west. Other early groups influenced by List were the Deutschgläubige Gemeinschaft (1911), the Germanenorden (1912) and the Germanische Norse paganism was hardly a core aspect of Norse "heritage" if the rapid and successful conversion to Christianity is a useful metric to go by. Old Norse religion, also known as Norse paganism, is a branch of Germanic religion which developed during the Proto-Norse period, when the North Germanic peoples separated into a distinct branch of the Germanic peoples. What exactly the Germanic pagans believed about the afterlife is very unclear - almost all sources have been heavily influenced by Christian thought - but the dead must have had some significance to the living It began in 1972 in Iceland with the goal of revitalizing the ancient ways of Germanic paganism. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, paganism as a whole is one of the fastest-growing religions in . It came under significant Neopaganism in Germany and Austria has been strongly influenced by the occultist Germanic mysticism pioneered by Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels in the 1890 to 1930 period. Ancient Greeks were worshiping their pantheon of gods, the Celts across Europe practiced Druidism, and the ancient Germanic peoples were developing the early forms of Norse mythology. "Germanic religion" and its variants) remains common in German-language scholarship, but is less commonly used in English and other scholarly languages, where scholars usually specify which branch of paganism is meant (e. No one owns it, and no one is barred from it. This is sort of like how Jesus Christ is called Jesucristo in Spanish but he is still the same guy. I would guess 90% of what you find on the internet claiming to be historic 'celtic' is a If you start play as I do during the Old Gods period, I am astounded that there is no formalization of Celtic Paganism for places like Ireland. patreon. Scholars reconstruct aspects of North Germanic Religion by Was paganism still practiced in a wide scale under christian monarchs? Archived post. Traditions such as Egyptian paganism ("Kemeticism"), the Germanic pantheon ("Heathenry"), Slavic, Baltic, Gallic, Celtic, Iberian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and so many others are what we think of, and And by the time of Christ, obvious hallmarks of Norse Paganism were beginning to take shape (Roman historian Tacitus – born in around 56 AD – noted that the Germanic peoples were polytheistic). com/stores/the-wisdom-of-odinInstagram: @thewisdomofodinEmail: thewis Gaelic Paganacht is not closed. The peoples that inhabited what today is Germany would have practiced Germanic paganism while those in Scandinavia would have practiced Norse paganism. Ancient Celtic religion, commonly known as Celtic paganism, [1] [2] [3] was the religion of the ancient Celtic peoples of Europe. Other deities were simply local to a specific locality, and are mentioned in both Anglo-Saxon and Icelandic texts, in the latter of which they are described as being "the land spirits that live in Model reconstructing the Pillar of the Boatmen in the Musée de Cluny, Paris. an Arabic ambassador who spent time among the still that’s complete bullshit, and tiktok is a staggeringly bad source of information on paganism—folks just sorta say whatever on there. The Easter Bunny, a cherished symbol of fertility and Maybe they were mixing different practices, like Christians still having rituals of Pagan origin merged, mixed, or practiced alongside the Christian ones. Germanic paganism has traditionally been closely associated with its original ethnic roots, as it never really spread out to different peoples like the Abrahamaic religions (that really was never its nature). Practicing pagan pushed to open up about my religious Germanic paganism had 3 different major forms (like the Germanic language) West Germanic Paganism, Anglo-Saxon Paganism and Norse Paganism. The Triumph of Christianity over Paganism, a painting by Gustave Doré (1899). The Norse religion was historically based in Northern Europe in Scandinavia, Germany, and the Netherlands. For example, the existence of human sacrifice is quite obviously present in practices of the Norse people, but a modern Norse pagan practicing the ritualized sacrifice of human beings would be murder. Anglo-Saxon paganism, sometimes termed Anglo-Saxon heathenism, Anglo-Saxon pre-Christian religion, Anglo-Saxon traditional religion, or Anglo-Saxon polytheism refers to the religious beliefs and practices followed by the Anglo-Saxons Germanic pagan organisations of various stripes appeared in the UK, USA and Iceland, working independently of each other. Reconstructed paganism is very similar, in helping people become more in touch with their ethnic roots. Paganism is commonly used to refer to various religions that existed during Antiquity and the Middle Ages, such as the Greco-Roman religions of the Roman Empire, including the Roman imperial cult, the various mystery religions, religious philosophies such as Neoplatonism and Gnosticism, and 85 likes, 29 comments - braunthebarbarian on November 1, 2024: "Polytheistic Q&A: Can you honor Germanic paganism while practicing Buddhism and Taoism? Absolutely! I was a Buddhist before I discovered the “other” pagan and polytheistic paths. Ancient Germanic peoples practiced a variety of faiths depending on their location and cultural background in Europe. These old gods were central to Germanic religion and were severely impacted when Rome outlawed pagan religions across its empire in 392 CE. The human sacrifice to the tribal god of the Semnones, described by Tacitus, took place in a sacred grove; other examples of sacred groves include the one in which Nerthus usually resides. Anglo-Saxon, and continental Germanic history and culture. While it shares some similarities with other modern pagan paths, such as Wicca and Druidry, there Paganism no longer had the stamina and inner drive to resist the pressure of Christianity, with its strong, well-organized church and its positive monotheistic creed, encompassing faith and ethics. There were indications it was already established around 2,000 years ago: Tacitus, the Roman historian b Heathenry, also termed Heathenism, contemporary Germanic Paganism, or Germanic Neopaganism, is a modern Pagan religion. Iceland, through its strong cultural connection with archaeo-heathenry, saw the founding of Ásatrúarfélagið, the modern world’s first non-political, purely religious heathen movement, by Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson. And there is Germanic culture extended, at various times, from the Black Sea to Greenland, or even the North American continent. Are pagans and druids the same? Pagan religions are still widely practiced throughout the Western world and are more popular than ever. Yes. Its followers, Heathens, are inspired by the pre-Christian religions of Europe’s linguistically Germanic societies—most commonly those that spoke Old Norse. While it is not as widespread as many other major religions, there are still many adherents to the faith. Scholars of religious studies classify it as a new religious movement. Modern paganism in Scandinavia is almost exclusively dominated by Germanic Heathenry, in forms and groups reviving Norse paganism. Coming to public attention in 1950s England, Wicca’s early practitioners believed that their religion was the survival of a pre-Christian witches’ religion, an idea later rejected by historians. Scholars of religious studies classify it as a new religious movement. Neopagans fall into two broad categories, nature-oriented and magical groups, and often incorporate arcane and elaborate rituals. Not every pagan worships and or works with a god and or goddess. Christianity, which is approximately 2,000-years-old, is a continuation of Judaism, the writings of Furthermore many historical practices cannot be practiced just as they were in the past due to modern cultural taboos or laws. It was practiced by the pre-Christian peoples of modern-day Scandinavia, Germany, and Britain, among others, and has since experienced a resurgence in modern times. The idea that Germanic Gods and folkways would have anything to do with White Supremacy is so absurd that its kinda laughable In this period, while Judaism was still forming its distinct identity, many regions of the world were already dominated by what we’d now call Paganism. Asatru widely known as Heathenism, Heathenry, or Germanic Heathenry is the contemporary revival of historical European paganism. zcqi fvldt jpyj zzgjmo qlzv nyycaa nlafusk xbfdwt ntrjn vqm