Usmc cif gear list. gear issue to include sapi plates.
Usmc cif gear list Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release. (i. Since 2001, the Marine Corps has outsourced the management of all The following is some of the best TBS advice you’ll ever hear. 2, CH-5 A & B. Anyways I just threw my cif gear in the barracks washers. Hygiene Gear . Gifford ,August 11, 1977 - July 29, 2012 Sep 25, 2016 · The USMC CIF gear list has become increasingly hard to find online. The Basic School. 131K subscribers in the USMC community. Many items on this list have nicknames. So I’m returning my gear at CIF and it turns out I have the wrong Kevlar. 90 unit price: $18. We offer so much more than just military gear (CIF gear & TA-50 gear) cleaning; we offer solutions. g. 2 PR Boot Bands 1 PR Black leather gloves 1 PR CIF issued glove liners or issued OR liners 1 EA Personal hygiene kit 1 EA Flash light or small head mounted lamp (must have red and white lens only) 2 EA Towels 2 EA Washcloths Apr 9, 2004 · r 090156z apr 04 fm cmc washington dc(uc) to al maradmin(uc) maradmin bt unclassified maradmin 164/04 msgid/genadmin/cmc washington dc/lp lpc// subj/accountability of individual combat clothing Dec 18, 2023 · MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, N. REMARKS - PCS/ETS 8. They did a pretty good job, some had to be cleaned twice though. MCO P4050. -ILBE pack (recon, standard) -ILBE assault pack (corpsman, recon, standard) -ILBE recon accessory pouches -Marpat radio pouch - various ilbe pouches -3 s sle Had to escort a marine that let’s just say didn’t do the right thing and was getting out quickly. SAVE NOTE: If you arrive to Ft. Marine Corps Sgt. “Too many Marines wait until the day before they have to leave to turn their gear into CIF,” said Kenneth Holt, CIF’s regional manager for Marine, SOI-West Marine Awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal. common gear list (2) marpat, woodland utilities with name and service tapes (1) marpat, desert utilites with name and service tapes don’t have the email they sent trying to get my full receipt CAO: 5 June 24 A&S Gear List Required gear 1 Government Credit card (Active) 1 copy of this gear list 1 set of orders 1 Most recent Master Brief Sheet (Sgt’s and Above only) All observed FITREPs including all: FITREPs where RS observed but RO did not should also be provided. Company Battalion School of Infantry-East PSC Box 20161 Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0161 USMC CA School Gear List . gear issue to include sapi plates. students from mcas miramar, mcrd san diego, and mcagcc 29 palms fall into this category. Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. Brett Meil, left, a Marine combat instructor with Training Company, Infantry Training Battalion, SOI-West, during an award MARSOC ASPOC/A&S Gear List as of 10-NOV-11 The following items are required by all ASPOC/A&S candidates. SELECT TRANSACTION TYPE - ISSUE/TURN-IN 6. Currently going through the PAINFUL process of turning in CIF Gear. 00 cash for taxi fare from airport) 1 EA set ID dog tags MARFORSOC PR/SERE REQUIRED GEAR LIST Student must always have on their person during field training: (1) Boonie cover, MARPAT/ACUs OCP, service issued boots, service T-shirt, underwear/PT Shorts and socks (recommended wool/smart wool). Scrub occasionally. S Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan W. NO APPOINTMENT Assault Pouch, USMC Coyote. Gore-Tex parka/trousers . CIF should be your very first stop! The amount of dumb shit I have seen Marines do, is making someone 2 days away from EAS going to the field because they have their CIF gear. For example, I have no idea what a BRACKET,MCAL MOUNTING,ECH is. CSP facilities are responsible for issuing out gear and processing returns for Marines relocating or exiting the Marine Corps. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! USMC IMTV CIF/IIF Rifle Bolster Tactical Vest Butt stock Shoulder Pad The Tactical Vest Rifle Bolster is designed to offer support and keep the rifle buttock from sliding off your vest. infantry small unit leader course gear list page 1 of 2 students must report with the following gear/equipment. 2 PR boots must be in accordance with MCO P1020. Regular price $65. April 7, 2015. Class 3-14 . U. Returning USMC Gear to CIF Image: Marines. I’m going to demystify finding CIF gear list/IIF gearing list information and The USMC CIF gear list has become increasingly hard to find online. When most of the hard shits gone you can put some of it in the INDUSTRIAL washers (please don’t break barracks washers with cif gear. (1) USMC New Pack – the USMC new pack is a modular system that can be configured into two different torso length patterns: the Normal and Long. CIF USMC IIF Gear Receipt (formerly CIF) January 12, 2023. Complete a blank sample electronically How To Clean CIF Gear. Class 4-14 . Disclaimer: Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the Department of Raine Tactical - Marine Corps Issued Sling - Tactical Gear - Tactical Sling - Two Point Sling - Marine Corps Gear and Equipment - Marine Tactical Gear - Coyote Brown Sling 4. Effective Date: 2025-01-15. Jan 11, 2010 · As foot soldiers are in increased demand in the harsh terrain of Afghanistan while IEDs have created new types of vulnerabilities, individual protective gear for the infantryman keeps evolving and improving to address new kinds of challenges. What to bring: Miscellaneous • Laptop/desktop computer • Flash drive • Printer/Paper/Ink • Laminator • Twin XL Sized Bedding/Pillow • Pocket chow for first week Jun 8, 2019 · MARSOC ASPOC/A S Gear List as of 10-NOV-11 The following items are required by all ASPOC/A S candidates. Mission. Sea Bag/Pack . Force (MEF) IIF facilities located at Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, Marine Corps Air Station New River, and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. The items detailed in this guidebook are authorized for wear with Marine Corps uniforms, except for aviation equip-ment/gear, safety equipment, and other specialized clothing and equipment fielded by the Department of Defense (DOD) in a Jun 26, 2020 · r 261205z jun 20 maradmin 368/20 msgid/genadmin/cmc l lp washington dc// subj/individual combat clothing and equipment in support of individual augments, permanent change of station, and global Aug 11, 2016 · From there, IIF can sign their sheet, and the Marines can retain their gear during their move to another unit. STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING A COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE TO INCLUDE SAPI PLATES. 14M (bf) MCO 10110. He had lost a bunch of gear and from what I remembered he had to go to dispersing get a form, there was two options either pay it all in one or payments, then take the form to supply to fill out, supply submits it to the CO or whichever and then take that form to CIF. Black Canteen Cap CIF Gear Cleaning Services. 38C From: Commandant of the Marine Corps To: Distribution List Subj: PERSONAL EFFECTS AND BAGGAGE MANUAL Encl: (1) LOCATOR SHEET 1. CIF LOCATION - FORT SILL 7. The previous official home doesn’t worked half the time and it can shall difficult to navigate. There are a lot of phony websites out there with bad, or outdated information. refer Do whatever you want with a usmcofficer. (Pendleton Btw) Gear List. students wishing to bring additional items not included on the above list should contact ssc for permission prior to the course convening date. Easy pickup 7 days a week. Does anyone have that cheat sheet that has pictures of all the different CIF gear and their corresponding nomenclature? The purpose of it is to help you see what each item is on your CIF receipt for inventory purposes. Did they turn you away a lot or was it a breeze, was gear damaged and dirty-ish or sparkly clean, I hear lots of horror stories about cif being the thing that “makes it harder to get out of the military than getting in” are these true, im going tomorrow to turn in. A source of information for Corps Order (MCO) P1020. 64 lin: b20140 lin: b28123 bag equip mtd crewmen body armor: intercept rubbing alcohol and body wash and hot water with something like a scuzz brush,take soft sappies out to dry the gear out faster, for the stuff you cant take it out of or the rest of the gear in general, really really fucking soak that rubbing alcohol in, the put body wash and scrub the fuck out of it with hot water, if you have a dehumidifier since barracks managers are gay and dont let you use If you In Lejeune they might have it at one of the surplus stores. Beanie/poly-pro/gloves . 10/10 experience. iif gear will be issued at soi-e for students from units not close to camp lejeune. 31A (be) MCO 10110. See list of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions. Even better, USMC CIF can process transfers of gear and weapons when a Marine is assigned to another unit. 00 Sold Out. 1 EA Military ID Card 1 EA TEMPORARY SRB (Service Record Book) Enlisted Mar 3, 2019 · USMC IIF Gear Receipt (formerly CIF) A reference link to the official USMC website for receipt lookup. f. 18, 2024. Clothing: Boots, combat (2 Pair) Eight Point Cover (1 desert, 1 woodland) just got word about why the co banned the personal plate carriers, he ststed that it was because he didnt want to violate a marine corps order. 4088, MCBH Jimmy R. Hey guys. Here's what I have so far. Situation. 00 Combat Desert Jacket 180s. The name CIF has been replaced by the Individual Issue Facility, or IFF. Shower shoes . I’m missing the desert combat jacket and I need to check out soon. On any device & OS. Related Article – Marine Corps MOS List + ASVAB Scores: Details On All 125 Jobs #5. If your gear is particularly dirty, you can create a soapy solution ahead of time and scrub down those areas with a brush. 34H, CH3 footwear paragraph 3012. To publish policy and procedures for the administration and disposition of personal effects and baggage. May 22, 2024 · Marines are usually provided with a list of CIF gear or receipt that describes the items they’ll receive. Shop authentic Marine Corps gear. a. Mar 3, 2019 · USMC IIF Gear Receipt (formerly CIF) A reference link to the official USMC website for receipt lookup. Additionally, if someone is in need of an item they can request one on here. 0 General Overview . I knowthe cif website to print out your gear issue receipt recently changed but i have Jan 10, 2014 · Hello, I am new to the forum, and wanted to start a list of all the current personal gear used by marines today. Mission a. ig The Individual Issue Facility (IIF), formerly the Consolidated Issue Facility (CIF), is for Marine Corps gear issue and return. all students must have all required gear on the gear list and report to scout sniper school nlt 0700 on class report date. CIF APPOINTMENT TAB 4. Clothing: Boots, combat (2 Pair) Eight Point Cover (1 desert) 2 sets desert Sep 25, 2016 · The USMC CIF gear list has wirst getting tough to finding online. Okinawa CIF. I’m going to demystify finding CIF gear list/IIF gear list information and receipts. The previous official site doesn’t work half the time and it can be difficult to navigate. tad orders d. . It’s pretty cheap and had no issues turning anything in. united states marine corps iii marine expeditionary force unit 35601 fpo ap 96382-560 l and marine corps installations pacific-mcb camp butler unit 35001 fpo ap 96373-5001 iii mef/mcipac-mcbbo 3000. Maj. (1) LBE/LBV or equivalent, (Pouches to carry equipment) (2) Water carrying devices w/ carriers MCO 4400. CIF issued Camelbak, coyote color or Canteen (only authorized water source) Minimum 5 sets of PT gear (PLAIN green shirt, green trunks) Green on Green/Sweats will be worn during PT, Running suit will be worn after PT. i. e. 2 pair Marine Corps issued boots (unit-issue boots are not authorized) Woodland MCCUU Gortex Jacket (or Navy equivalent) 6 green T-shirts (no unit logo - under armor shirts are not authorized) 6 pair boot socks 6whs %orfn ´&lufxpvwdqfhv xqghu zklfk surshuw\ zdv«µ :kdw kdsshqhg wr wkh jhdu" <rx fdq fkrvh wr ohdyh wkh vwdwhphqw douhdg\ wkhuh ru jlyh dq h[sodqdwlrq ri \rxu vlwxdwlrq Yeah no seriously don't do this to a fucking flak you can get away with this on small stuff like pouches but larger more expensive pieces of gear you're gonna end up filling out a FLIPL and trying to explain away that you're not negligent for letting your gear get cut up by a knife it's not a good time while you're trying to EAS Sep 18, 2016 · The USMC CIF gear list has become increasingly hard to find online. Marine Corps and other personnel assigned to Marine Corps units are deceased, killed in action, missing in action, hospitalized, incarcerated, on extended temporary additional duty (TAD), participating in a unit deployment program (UDP) , on annual or emergency 12 votes, 14 comments. Some of the gear these guys are wearing is standard issue Marine Corps and some is highly specialized like the Crye items. No software installation. Poncho Liner . As a result, it’s important to get familiar with USMC CIF in order to have … The Individual Issue Facility (IIF), formerly the Consolidated Issue Facility (CIF), is for Marine Corps gear issue and return. Sep 26, 2018 · Ensure Marine has received the appropriate CIF gear issue and additional support gear for the deployment site and climate to be expected. I had to clean my gear before deployment. II MEF G-4 MSG DTG 041112Z MAY 06 3. Does CIF usually care about size? Example: Was issued a LARGE LWH HELMET COY, but I have a MED LWH HELMET COY. STUDENTS FROM MCAS STUDENTS FROM UNITS ON OR CLOSE TO CAMP PENDLETON MUST BRING A COMPLETE CIF GEAR ISSUE TO INCLUDE SAPI PLATES. RUNNING SUIT REQUIRED!!!! Required to have both the Marine Corps Running suit and sweat top and sweat bottom Shout cleaning spray, then letting your dirty gear sit in hot water mixed with Oxy Clean works really well. Marines checking out and missing gear on their check list have the option to fill out a missing gear statement, NAVMAC 6 form which is routed up through a Marines’ chain of command or buying the gear they need. 6 %âãÏÓ 1577 0 obj > endobj 1591 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[2AEDE58B5BED1242957A0AEB29DCBA43>]/Index[1577 22]/Info 1576 0 R/Length 76/Prev 908770/Root Jul 26, 2018 · Marine Corps personnel (both uniformed and civilian) and other Federal employees and service members assigned or attached to Marine Corps organizations can be held financially liable for the (1) set usmc pt gear to include issued running suit, running shoes, and reflective belt (1) armor vest w/sapi plates (1) helmet w/cover (1) camel back (1) pack (molle, ruck, or ilbe) (1) whistle (1) set of id tags with medical/allergy tags (1) combination lock (1) id card (1) note taking gear (1) mouthpiece (1) set glasses (if prescribed) F. What does CIF Stand Aug 30, 2007 · Camp Pendleton’s Central Issue Facility reports $2,300 worth of gear is claimed missing every month. The II Marine Expeditionary Force Consolidated Issue Facility has a few tips to help smooth the return process. Just one way outta the many Official Unofficial USMC forum for anything Marine Corps related. CREATE APPOINTMENT 5. ig g-3 1 2 may 2021 iii marine expeditionary force/marine corps installations pacific-mcb camp butler order 3000. Class 2-14 . TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Safety: Students from units on or close to Camp Lejeune are recommended to bring CIF gear (LBV/Flak jacket, helmet), if not a basic student set will be provided for live fire ranges. Written by a current Human Intelligence Officer (0204), you know the information is quality, as each TBS class normally has only 1-2 slots for this MOS. students from units on or close to camp pendleton must bring a complete cif gear issue to include sapi plates. C. A Marine Corps emblem heat-embossed on the outer ankle identifies MCCBs that are authorized for wear). But what about stains? While it may be a pain, cleaning your CIF gear shouldn’t take you all Program Manager Infantry Weapons manages multiple interrelated infantry weapons, combat optics, individual warfighter and reconnaissance equipment, anti-armor, mortars, gunner protection kits and force protection systems. Recommended: - Black Ink Pens -Pencils -Note-taking paper -Highlighters -Map Pens -Calculator Harris Avenue, Bldg. 3. They’re hard to come by and people are wanting $200+ but my… Marine Corps (USMC) CIF serves an important function within the service branch. STUDENTS FROM MCAS MIRAMAR, MCRD SAN DIEGO, AND MCAGCC 29 PALMS FALL INTO THIS GEAR AND EQUIPMENT. Our guiding principle is to provide a much needed service at a fair price. USMC DPAS User’s Manual: Vol. Get a storage container, fill it with oxyclean and soak it. Medical Feb 5, 2025 · Your Fort Stewart CIF has all the resources for you! Find the CIF price list, find out how to clean your OCIE and CIF gear, hours, gear turn ins, and frequently asked questions. h. Message our Facebook or Instagram for customer support Assault Pouch, USMC Coyote. The Individual Issue Facility (IIF), formerly the Consolidated Issue Facility (CIF), is for Marine Corps gear issue and return. cif gear will be issued at soi (w) for students from units not close to camp pendleton. comusmc-cif-gear-list-iif-gear-listUSMC CIF Gear List (Now IIF) - USMC OFFICER: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. 34H Marine Corps Uniform Regula-tions. Then cameback and EAS'd. I must’ve accidentally swapped it with another during a field op or a range in the past 3 years so CIF won’t take it. 1. No paper. 4 PR MARPAT top and bottom (Green digital) 2 EA eight-point cover (green digital) 2 EA belts . Individuals currently located at organizations where access to CIF is limited will be given an opportunity to draw gear from the CLNC CIF upon reporting. -- Dirty, cracked, missing or broken gear is the last thing on the mind of a Marine returning from Iraq. Also things like the main pack have videos on how to break them apart and put them back together and it’s super easy. copy of td report or pro/con in srb b. They aren’t made for it and you’re just going to piss people off. Footer. Feb 8, 2019 · Of note if you dig long enough you will see a variety of setups. It includes the name of the item, NIIN, and price. A&S Gear List Required gear 1 Government Credit card (Active) 1 copy of this gear list 1 set of orders 1 Most recent Master Brief Sheet (Sgt’s and Above only) 1 EA medical / dental record 1 EA military ID card and wallet ($100. Anything that fits in a laundry machine – dump it in! Wash on a heavy cycle and add OxiClean detergent. (Sgt’s and Above only) %PDF-1. Field Equipment: Sleeping Bag System . Members Online Killed In Action U. The Marine Corps established the department to handle combat gear requests and distribution. 1. 2 sets of Woodland MCCUUs (minimum) Marine Corps running suit OR green sweat top and bottom. Carpenter, LMS Comm: 808-257-8758 DSN: 315-457-8758 M-F 0700-1500 : The Consolidated Storage Program (CSP) combines Infantry Combat Equipment (ICE), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Equipment, Special Training Allowance Pool (STAP) items, and Soft Walled Shelters and Camouflage Netting (SWS&CN) under the Individual Issue Facility (IIF This group is here to assist the service members who have extra IIF or CIF and are willing to trade for items they need. common gear list lin: b14729 lin: b15825 bag duffel: nylon duc bag clothing wtrproof unit price: $22. medical and dental records c. Get your USMC combat boots, backpacks, knives, camo, and more! FREE SHIPPING over $89. Literally drove from Pen to 29 for a day and a half. Rank, Last Name, First Name, M. 1 EA Military ID Card 1 EA TEMPORARY SRB Service Record Book Enlisted 1 EA Medical Dental Record 1 Copy of TAD Orders active duty Marines Jan 26, 2006 · MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N. A source of information for Posted by u/Desperate-Rush6086 - 5 votes and 3 comments If you need cif gear swing by my store Gearhound in Oceanside ca. mil FLIPLs Related to Individually Issued Equipment (CIF Gear) The Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL) has replaced the "Missing Gear Statement," and allows for the removal of equipment from property records and the reimbursement of lost or destroyed equipment from individual service members to the US treasury. You might be noticing a trend here, but again Marine Raiders are favoring Crye Precision. If you’re stationed in Camp Pendleton, there is a legit company that cleans CIF gear. Pasagian, Program manager, Infantry Combat Equipment (ICE), explains such a process of adaptation with a special focus infantry unit leader course gear list page 1 of 2 students must report with the following gear/equipment. EMAIL/ PHONE NUMBER 9. 47A management of property in the possession of the marine corps volume 13 mco 4400. The website linked here is provided and not affiliated with the US Government. gear not included on gear list. USMC CA School Gear List . 38B. 5 EA green PT shorts PT gear, glow belt In the event luggage does not arrive by official check-in day these items will allow a candidate the ability to conduct initial PT events. Damian Rodriguez, center, sergeant major of School of Infantry West, and Col. -- In an effort to decrease wait times for Marines receiving and returning gear, the Consolidated Storage Program at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune will modernize its appointment system and consolidate its Individual Issue Facility (IIF) with the gear return facility already located in Building 1211 on Birch Street, beginning Jan. MARINE CORPS ORDER P4050. soi-e will provide weapons with sl-3 components and weapons cleaning gear. SELECT DATE/TIME 10. I. (2) Hearing Protection (2) Eye Protection (1) Set of Gloves (UBC) G. DPAS Release 2025. It has a large main pouch that can be closed to This is a list of individual combat equipment issued by the United States Marine Corps. What does CIF Stand for? What about IIF? The Consolidate Issue Facility (CIF) is the old name for the place that you go to for Marine Corps issued gear. I think hes reffering to MARADMIN 667/18, which does state that a marine shall not use personal ppe and body armor in lieu of issued and government tested and approved gear. (1) Members of the U. The Raider Uniform: $1,213. Camelback w/small patrol pack (something to carry water in is crucial) Towel . I April 2023. Sill with your OCIE and do not need to draw, just go to RM #109 at the CIF with a copy of your orders and CAC Card. Jan 29, 2018 · STUDENTS MUST REPORT WITH THE FOLLOWING GEAR/EQUIPMENT. Jul 26, 2018 · (bc) Marine Corps Stock List SL-8-09993A, “Special List for Blank Forms and Miscellaneous Printed Items,” April 1, 2008 (bd) MCO 5600. Turns out it’s the most fucking expensive piece of gear issued to us at $700+. We have about 90 percent of the cif list. advanced infantryman course gear list page 1 of 2 students must report with the following gear/equipment. 1 . Get the best deals for Usmc Cif Gear at eBay. 4 out of 5 stars 63 USMC CA School Gear List . all gear must be in servicable condition. 00 CIF Gear Cleaning Services. S. Maybe check Craigslist as well, I’ve seen stuff pop up there and the Facebook for sale classified 3. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. soi (w) will provide weapons with sl-3 components and weapons cleaning gear. eBay works to, or you can look for the company and see if you can buy new worse case. We had CBRN training so my gas mask carrier was covered in grease and dirt from work. advanced mortarman course gear list page 1 of 2 students must report with the following gear/equipment. Regular price $0. 2. This list does not include items that are issued as uniforms or weapons and ordnance. 177G 29 JUL 2014 R-13 Enclosure (3) separate FLIPL (DD Form 200) will be generated for each DLR or item being surveyed (gain or loss) above the threshold of $2500. com. screening checklist (complete) e. Patrick Byrne, right, commanding officer of SOI-West, present the Navy and Marine Corps Medal to Staff Sgt. Learn more about how to assemble and maintain your gear to ensure it performs well over its lifespan and meets the requirements for a successful return. 201-v13 03 nov 2016 i volume 13 “individual clothing, flags, personal effects, and the consolidated storage Jan 26, 2006 · MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N. Jan 12, 2023 · Here is what the gear receipt will look like. The Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) is a Department of Defense (DoD) property I was a 0341, the pits can be rough on cif. Gear guy, 2 flipping roosters, Saigon sams. There are a lot of bogus websites outside in with bad, either outdated related. Veteran-owned and operated and staffed with former CIF employees, we know how to get the job done on the first try. Clothing: Boots, combat (2 Pair) Eight Point Cover (1 desert) 2 sets desert cif gear issue to include sapi plates. USMC Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur J. Must’ve gotten mixed up during deployment or something idk. Cancellation. amxiu ivqq glgugna zvcj fmij fgjtaz mvnkdjqm xzabyg mghvau nknjrbr oswdms yavit mnkh cyixw qqsqer