Ret paladin cataclysm reddit Skill-Capped has PvP guides for every class including the best Race, Talents, Glyphs, Enchants, Gems, and Professions, and more! Every guide is made in collaboration with Rank 1 Gladiators. I like to play a ret paladin or a death knight in this bracket. PVP GUIDES FOR CATACLYSM. Sad. The only time I can think of where Ret wasn't giga destroyed was when they let them be an absolute stomp spec in Shadowlands. I'm no expert but I would definitely pick ret atm. Otherwise, when I'm rolling Prot MS and not my Ret OS, the +81 Stam Sonic Boosters are *not* unique-equipped so I'm using two until I can get the +111 Stam Essence of Gossamer to drop from Hadronox in HeroicAzjol-Nerub. In this mode, paladin is a very slow but very safe leveler. That being said, I think it was the Legion pre-patch that put Ret from a lot of paper cuts to fewer but bigger hits, which felt a lot more Ret-like. Cataclysm ret paladin on the other hand is so complicated that you essentially need an addon (clcret) to play it correctly. . Early to mid cata, can't remember about end, holy paladin in pvp was among the most fun I've had in a long time. But, they truly become gods among men in Cataclysm. Was wondering which of this classes has easier time fitting into raids ? Paladin in keystones is likely never going to be 'bad'. Gemming expertise is not recommended at all. Seal consistency doesn't matter as you ditch out exorcism or macro avenger's, command eventually makes its big hit. Yeah I would put my next paycheck on the absolute fastest way to level on a Paladin is to go full Ret until 40 and then aoe Holy/Prot to 60. I got literally nothing done that day at work. Hey somewhat good ret paladin here, a good ret is always useful but a good guild will probably not run more than 1 per raid as with all things even were still just middle-upper of the of the charts. Dec 30, 2024 · For PvP talents, see our Retribution Paladin PvP & Arena Guide. Ret + Shaman is one of the best combos actually imo. Protection paladin is still basically mash buttons like ret, but you have to pay attention to where you're standing, where enemies are and which direction they're facing, who's about to pull aggro, when to use defensive Cataclysm Chill group of friends looking for two homies to fill our last raid slots. If you guys have them I'd also take the values for ret paladin. But yeah, I was just trying to point out what they bring in return for doing much less damage than a warrior. They bring a valuable amount of utility to the raid depending on group composition (each additional paladin brings a little less than the previous), but unless your focus is hardcore gaming, you are just as good bringing a second Ret Paladin as your first shadow priest or Ret Paladin 6th tier set. Go to warcraftlogs, select a boss you want and take the talents of one of the top 100 rets. I run with class colors and power bars on raid frame, I can see the druid has mana or energy. Your ret just needs to do big dam since ret has no mortal strike (healing reduction effect). What are some must have or nice to have macros for retribution paladin in cataclysm? As 96 average ret parser I can tell you this is so wrong. So i hope devs will reevaluate it. Check them out. You can kill people really fast, while also being able to sustain taking damage, because you have self heals. Dk on the other Hand is in dire need of a rework so maybe I can benefit from it in the future. I am very excited to step into the Cataclysm Classic expansion, as I really enjoyed Wrath Classic and have been told Cataclysm is just Wrath but better. rets best option is another hybrid or a skilled warlock Reply reply Playful_Biscotti_122 Downloaded the pawn addon to guide me through upgrades but saw a post where most/all the comments agreed the default values end up giving you bad advice. The issue is, whenever i run a dungeon, i have to take mana breaks after fighting every little group of mobs. A 100-200 DPS increase puts them from rock-bottom to mid-table on the DPS rankings. Method (EU) had a Prot Warrior (Sco) and Prot Paladin (Treckie) as their main tanks. And then I got on the 3. But I must say, Spiritual Focus is one of the greatest talents for a leveling paladin as it means you can heal yourself well while fighting mobs, and fight harder mobs such as elites solo, with little spell pushback. Nov 2, 2024 · Retribution Paladin Guide for Cataclysm Classic This page contains all relevant information needed for Retribution Paladin before the release of Cataclysm Classic. If you can get to rank 13 and get a good raid weapon and fill in a few other gear slots, you can roll around solo and REALLY fuck people up. Warriors needs to find god when it comes to M+. Im ready for the downvotes now. Ret is a beast I think. 0 PTR. Dec 19, 2024 · Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear list for Retribution Paladin DPS in Cataclysm Classic in Phase 3. A Ret paladin with access to windfury via their duo partner can literally one hit almost any other class. However, in 2s, I played double dps. I want to be able to maximize my ret pally in case of emergencies. Forward to WotLK, retribution is a spec powerful enough to be a dedicated healer and/or dps at the same time. I'm a ret paladin but we're a dime a dozen at this point. If not, go holy prot with consecration and matyr. Everyone will tell you shield tanks (Prot Paladins/Prot Warriors) are the worst tanks, they may well be right, but it really doesn’t matter. I didn't play too much dps/healer. I had to switch out of holy paladin as my main because we had 4 and I was the only one with an alt healer. Paladin also come with many utility spells to heal buff and resurect team members. None of the items from wrath will really carry you to 85 sadly, the ilvl jump is pretty steep. Can drop some heals to help the healer. I could see an argument being made for bringing a 21/8/22 or 21/0/30 paladin and let them flex between healing and DPS. Looking back, I wouldn't give one a hard no on joining paladin squad. You mention you like the Ret paladin rotation, well it will change completely in Cata. You were middle of the pack in Gnomer, even without ACP. Shadow priests and boomkins will always be in higher demand because they also bring a ton of raid utility. Holy-reckoning is also a cool build for pvp, can also heal all endgame content. Cloak of untamed predator. You have SIGNIFICANTLY better utility and sustain. Because the Tauren paladin aren't learning to worship the light in the same way that human paladins do, it's a different religion to the human's light worship. Templars verdict feels exciting in retail, and blade of justice too. ) and I have some questions if anyone happens to know: I am playing currently Rogue/Mage/Paladin (Tank/Ret. I would not put that in the same category as most ret players applying when it comes to pugs. It's a very personal / perference thing. Both hunter and ret are in pretty good shape in Cata let it be pvp or pve. Holy paladin is the best healer, and everyone knows that, so many people are also holy paladin, so you might have competition for your spot(s). But if we go back to BFA anytime Ret came close to B-tier they were giga nuked from orbit. Blizzard buffed pretty much all weapon damage abilities for all classes with 4. Reply reply More replies Hey, glad ret and 2. Ret paladins are one of the top dps specs right now and were more often than not top half of all dps specs in past phases. My pally is level 23 and I use the wowhead ret leveling guide for talents Share Add a Comment In wotlk I would say 50-59 is my favorite. Any thoughts on the old school designs vs retail ret? Was wrath the best version of Ret paladin class design? Shadow Priests and Retribution Paladins are both good picks. 10 people. Recently i decided to come back to my ret paladin. When cataclysm comes out I dont really feel like tanking anymore, and will likely want to switch to going retribution instead. So, what values SHOULD I use for protection paladin and protection warrior. Check the gear from rep vendors that you could buy with your current rep. HP of divine storm somewhat ruins Ret in SL. For Cataclysm, this specific build will produce the highest possible PvE damage output. 264 plate legs and boots. Warrior is fun and simple (especially Fury) but the only thing you bring to the table is constant cooldowns, Battle Shout, a single target stop, and a target capped AOE fear. I love my Engineering Goggles. Deep Ret is probably the strongest paladin spec against casters in pvp, can deal good burst dmg but overall very bad dps. God, I remember my friend sending me the PTR notes for Ret. - Unholy DK / Enhanc shaman, both are hard af to play in Cata, not so fun imo, but if you want a challenge, probably UDK is one of the hardest melees It can still be kinda mana intensive until you get your 80% seal refund from judgement talent, but it makes ret infinitely more fun to level. but man it sure is fun to just pull like 10 mobs at once and the juts burn them down as prot, you just like don’t get killed. Do som Engi is bis, everything else aside from gathering professions will be similar. Unfortunately, to add to this, everyone is a holy paladin. Minimal difference overall. In this case, Ret Paladin has a hidden -27% damage adjustment to Crusader Strike. If it weren't for the fact that Protection becomes god tier at mid-level, I'd honestly be levelling as Retribution and twisting my way to pretty decent DPS performance. From what I can tell, if crusader strike is on cd, your inquisition is active, and you have less than 3 holy power you want to use spells in this priority order; Exorcism(if you have the instant cast proc)>judgement>holy wrath>consecration. Holy+ret = shockadin spec is a good pvp spec, you can easily heal all endgame content. This difference will be bigger in later phases probably. Raging behemoth shoulder pads. I think Shadow Priest is vastly different, while Ret seems fairly similar in the core. My main issue was talents. Best Talent Builds for Retribution Paladin DPS At that point, retribution was overbuffed, and the term 'retardin' got to spread (because retribution paladins only had 3-4 buttons at most in a full rotation, and were pretty straightforward). Prot paladin is the best tank in game right now. I'm dwelling into possible professions for ret spec, but the info online is kind of scarce, and especially lacking regarding PvP interest. You can collect the tbc gear with sockets, and put in epic wotlk gems in them. Unholy as far as I know, is a very heavy on the slow burn. Raid to get a weapon, or go rank 14 if you're crazy. Because of this, you may have more fun solo leveling as Fury, but may see yourself being not queued in raids or battle grounds as often at higher levels as compared to Ret. Try both and see what you like. Oh God. What we bring is utility like divine sacrifice, aura master, hand of protection, sacrifice, and freedom. Here's my issue: I played a Holy Paladin throughout Wrath. The only other PvE class that provides this 3% damage buff is Arcane Mage. The aoe is not fake at all with shield spike conc Ret aura and anything else you can muster and once you have Seal of Wisdom you can go 10+ mobs easily. Superfast with that aoe heal spell as well so you were the perfect flag carrier. Then in PVE content A Ret paladin and Enhancement/Elemental Shammy both bring really good dps with both having access to AoE and solid single target, not to mention all the buffs and utility. As for a paladin, I personally find ret gameplay really unengaging you must be playing it wrong, because having to watch your swing timer constantly, twisting seals every 2nd weapon swing at minimum and having to judge right as your next weapon swing starts, as well as squeezing your fillers in at the right time is quite engaging. You get access to your head enchant at Revered and pre-raid best in slot boots at Exalted. Ret Paladin and Art of War Dec 21, 2024 · Best PvE Rotation for Retribution Paladin DPS in Cataclysm In Cataclysm, just as in many other expansions, Retribution Paladin is primarily a melee and holy damage dealer that specializes in providing powerful utility to the raid. Hand of Sacrifice, Bubble, BoP, Cleanses, a Single Target slow with Hand of Hindrance. We're half competitive CE players in current retail mythic and half real life friends that are more casual, but still competent raiders. Somehow it also seems like ret has an easier time having uptime on targets, the rotation of ret isn't as bloated, they are defensivly way stronger, and ret has better team utility. It's purely gameplay reason that they are called paladin and that they have the same abilities. Ret has one of the best defensive kits in the game and has strong answers to most of the affixes. If you are 2h ret tanking, go command and divine storm. Most people will replace their T11 set bonuses with T12 set bonuses. Taking into account some funky rounding, 821 damage is exactly If you want to get the chance to play Ret paladin and have fun, your best bet is to BG as holy, then buy the armor for your ret set. Warrior is also WAY more fun imo atm, the dance around 80 rage is far more engaging than being a paladin and just smashing your abilities as they come off cooldown 2H Sword Ideas for Ret Paladin I have finally found a set that I like a lot, but I don't really have an appropriate 2H sword for it. Raids only need one, maybe some will have two. Its not as bad as everyone says, but you have to put in double the effort to breakdown everyones perceptions. spriest too. Right now, you are rank 9/14 at the 90th percentile for DPS in ST, which is barely below average. Ideas for sword I could use for transmog would be lovely :D Ret paladin isnt viable much in pve and technically many classes can beat it in pvp IF theyre super tryhard/careful, really know what theyre doing, needless to say 99% of players are not that. ) All I can do is give you a few tips on how to make use of your main bar from your mouse and keys. Even levelling it early on, when the expansion released, from level 1 was pretty good due to the amount of passive healing from Judgement. Ret's are super good in PvP, are fun to play and pretty solid in PvE if you enjoy the play style. He wears Onslaught, 5 piece Judgement (just got shoulders tonight, so we'll see how it works out), a lionheart helm, Onyxia Tooth Pendant, Cape of the Black Baron, and Savage Gladiator Chain with an Elven Ring, and a Don Julio's band. Nothing could beat Ret in late Cataclysm save for Rogues with the legendary daggers. Options for different specs. Usually group 1 is all melee, while group 2 is all casters or hunters. As a Ret Paladin, this would be accurate. SoR can still get some nice twist procs and it is pretty entertaining to watch 50% of your mobs health evaporate in an instant Both paths are viable; I personally went to SoC/PoJ first, then 14 points in Holy, then back to ret. 4k in 2s, both this season. To preface this post, i am not debating on whether or not to use SoC or SoR, but to tackle the misinformation that i have seen across tons of mainstream websites and guides regarding this issue. Though I will admit, ret players do one thing best, and that's cry on Ret/Prot Paladin io score 1750 Ret is great DPS, easy rotation to learn, and you have some great utility like blessing of freedom, sacrifice and protection. Ret is very strong in both PvP and PvE. Sure, you can sometime You will do high damage toward the end of cataclysm, when stats are higher. What you do is take expertise on gear until you get as close as possible to 26 (but never over 26 that´s a dps loss) but you never gem experise ever to get to 26. 5k lower DPS than following FCFS. Didn't really follow them through Cata to WoD, but they were OP in WoTLK. Im not even seal twisting, just using one seal (usually SoR) and Judgement and Consecration when 3+ mobs. The dk class seems to have more fundamental problems. I love both the fantasy’s of a hammer swinging godly beast who crushes enemies with Devine power and of a full armored tank blocking strikes with his shield. without going deeper into ret for vengeance and the 6% dmg to 2handed you'll always find your burst to be very underhanded as speccing deep into holy means trading damage for healing power and overall survivability. Play crusade and swap constantly to whoever doesn’t have defensives up. I personally think it's more fun but it's different. It all really depends what youre looking to do. Ret is super fun and so is prot. Check warcraftlogs and murlok io for latest builds but I have one tip which I think is the most important thing u need to know while playing ret. but the HP trade off of verdict vs. Our Ret paladin renames himself on Details meter as "The Bar". But I'm going into Cata sticking with my paladin, and keeping an open mind and see if I can master it. End of the day, play what you want. On benediction boomkin recruits seem nonexistent right now so I'd imagine you'd find a landing spot pretty quickly. Subreddit for Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, the brand-new turn-based tactical strategy game. Paladin is great because of self heals, plate armor, and if you run around in Ret spec you can cleave groups with Divine Storm. Also if you like burst classes this is one of the most feast and famine examples. The "conventional" way is to level as ret, do quests, pull one mob at a time like any other class, etc. Dec 30, 2024 · Welcome to Wowhead's Class Talent Builds and Glyphs Guide for Retribution Paladin DPS in Cataclysm Classic! This guide will provide a list of recommended talent builds and glyphs for your class and role, as well as general advice for the best builds for PvE dungeons and raids. If you're just looking to get some catchup gear that you're okay with replacing, do some PVP (Alterac Valley if you want to avoid actual pvp) and get the 277ilvl weapon. Yes but to be fair as well, when you apply to keys they see a 10/10m ret applying. Hey people, I want to prepare myself for 10. Arms is almost exclusively a PvP spec, so if you want to almost exclusively PvP, go for that. Again, that hinges on if the tools the ret paladin brings to the table are potent enough for the encounters we're facing. 245 chest and wrist. But ret does kill faster just can’t pull a big group. Ret is more single target oriented, while Shadow Priest shines especially in any kind of multi-dot fight. U have 8 yrds as ur lowest range and 30 yrds as ur highest; use that. It will just bloat our rotation even more. 2. Btw for shits and giggles I've tried this macro on Fester last week because its literally best case scenario for it as for melee it's just spank fight moving left to rught legs with no dowbtime. I agree with you, It's super easy to understand buffing right now as a paladin. Guardians of Hyjal has your pre-raid BIS belt at Exalted and Therazane has all class shoulder enchants (first one at Honored, best one at Exalted) It breaks the stereotype of Retribution being a shitty zero DPS autoattack spec. If you look at the ret paladin wowhead (or any other bis list) you will see that the majority of your best gear is leather/mail. back in wow vanilla I used to just beat people in duels as holy with a 2 hander, though rarely for my damage output and more for Hey everyone, I've been looking forward for an official TBC release, willing to play a paladin for the very first time (first time in TBC as well). Those numbers are from the Ret Sim of the paladin discord. I know that there is a new patch, i don't know how much could affect the Paladin class. Even at the top level, take a look at the guilds who were on top back then. Outside of that checkout the AH for cheap blues. They are not learning the way of the human paladin at all. A good ret knows to use a flash/wog to save a dying teammate. Engi is definitely a must have IMO due to its multipurpose usefulness. Ret's utility in Mythic+ is limited but ok. I think mostly you're just missing the stuff you do besides crusader strike when zealotry is not active. If there's a holy paladin I let them do wisdom on the casters and I worry about the melee. This build places most of the points into the Retribution tree, getting all of the best damage talents in that tree, and a few extra points into the Holy and Protection trees where it applies to Oct 14, 2024 · Retribution Paladin is a very viable spec in Cataclysm, and every raid will typically seek at least one Retribution Paladin to fill their roster, as we are one of the major sources of the 3% damage raid bufffrom Communion, which also provides Replenishment. 2. Tailoring, JC, BS, Alch would be top choices, with JC losing a bit of favor in later phases and BS gaining a slight edge when epic gems come out. Mists of Pandaria, the next classic expansion, Ret Paladin does good damage. Well ret does more DPS than a holy paladin. One: learn to mouse strafe so Q and E are no longer needed for movement, then you can bind 9 and 0 or whatever to Q and E. So, there's two ways to level as a paladin. Losing divine storm for snap threat is irrelevant as avenger's already fills that role. Reply reply I play Ret paladin and DPS warrior currently in BFD. Me (Frost DK) and my friend did some testen and we got 2. Find something you like that accomplishes the following: Track your Judgment uptime (decreasing bar over time that counts down to the fall off time, etc. That and all 3 paladin specs have combat res. Best in Slot Gear for Retribution Paladin DPS in Phase 3 I remember greatly disliking the pally changes in OG Cata, so much I switched mains to a DK instead, after having played paladin main since WoW beta. I'd start with Wildhammer. I'm not really confident as healer). All of our primary raid utility, such as Communion, is passively provided and does not need to be actively maintained. Paladin is far easier to level , but warrior blows it out of the water for end game dps when played properly. - Ret paladin, way different from WotLK ret, easier to play than the others but harder to play at maximum level. Like Death Knights, their rotation was incredibly simple, they were great in both AOE and ST, and they had really good self healing, which meant that on top of their other cooldowns, they were even more ridiculous for staying alive in both pve and pvp. It’s cringy that people insist that plate classes wear plate only. Most guides should have a section for pre-raid bis items with loot from dungeons, rep vendors, quests etc. Torch of the Damned off Reliquary > Cata Edge You say the BS weapons will only last until the end of the phase that comes after next phase like that's a short amount of time - if it's 20 weeks from now when you see TotD/CE drop for the first time, then it's 500g a week of investment to have a BiS weapon until then. 2 as they were struggling to keep up with spell power based scaling. Im doing the same thing as you, getting all plate for this phase. Horde ret paladin leveling weapon progression Paladin So Im currently level 26 and using the blue sword from The Traitor's Destruction quest which is starting to feel lackluster, does anyone have a weapon progression spreedsheat or something like that? Dec 19, 2024 · Body Armor for Retribution Paladin DPS Head for Retribution Paladin DPS Naturally our best-in-slot is the Heroic Tier 12 helmet Immolation Helmet. Downside is you have no stand off distance being melee. This guide will list the recommended gear for your class and role, containing gear sourced from raids, dungeons, PvP, professions, Bind on Equip drops, and reputations. For your second question, it's normally some combination of who's available to hit, positioning, who has the fewest defensive cds available, what kind of comp you are facing and who is the best targ. Prot has divine toll which is super strong, along with avengers shields to hit a ton of interrupts. 1 button macro actually loose about 20-25% of your DPS. There is no reason why a ret paladin would ever use a 1h/shield, shadowlands did unprune the ability "shield of the righteous" which does require a shield to be equipped but it's value is less than using the holy power on word of glory defensively or templars verdict offensively. Every spec has a hidden passive so that Blizzard can adjust a single spec without screwing with the other specs on the same class that use that same ability. Basically I am level 32, running a 2h mace and ret/holy spec, about equal investment into both for seal of casino and consecration. I did not really enjoy this class, but I liked being needed in groups and raids. Across my years of vanilla/classic wow, there has much been debate on SoR vs SoC and when to use them according to your weapon. Meanwhile Fire mage enjoyed their 2nd expansion of being OP and that lasted until a good bit into Shadowlands at the very least. Paladin has been reworked lately so this will be as it is for some time now. This is the one, Ret has many deficiencies that engi really covers for well like a ranged stun (grenade), ranged damage (dynamite), shadow/frost/fire reflectors, the Net is great considering you have BoF in case it goes wrong, Death Ray + bubble a thing? As the #13 2s ret pala in Europe on <one> day last weekend, I'd definitely say its viable, but some classes seem near-impossible to beat, for example I can't kill a lock who knows their class well as they are extremely tanky or a resto druid who max ranges very well. Like the title says, which professions will benefit a ret pala the most dps wise? Divine storm and Crusader strike feel exciting to press in wrath, but not in shadowlands. It was glorious. 5 as FDK+Ret in 2s, also one of the big cons is that you always now your damage, cause as kyrian you maybe get unlucky and don't get the conduit proc Cheap ones are wodins neck and ring of rotting sinew. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I mained a Warrior in OG Wrath and play an alt Ret pally now so having experience with both I’d recommend Ret. double dps is your best bet, feral ret can be disgusting. You can but it’s rare. I never had a straight up ret paladin in the group though. Armor class doesn’t matter for dps, and leather/Mail pieces usually have Agi+AP+Secondary stats, which are usually better than just str+secondary Hi I’m currently starting my first char in wotlk classic and can’t decide on these two specs. Since Cataclysm has been announced I would be curious to prepare a bit (profession/classes etc. Paladin has some very good utility, but sometimes its not obvious when they should be used Blessing of Protection - If there is ever a fixate mechanic, then BoP'ing the player who gets fixated can mean they dont need to do anything and can just stand still as they will be immune to the damage I’ve played ret with rdruid/disc/MW up to 1900 in 2s this season but any healer should work. Ret has to battle for the 1 (sometimes) melee spot most people will take, and then they need to beat out better m+ melee specs. Great dps, awesome damage mitigation, good utility Ret pally will do 30-40% less dmg than a rogue. As far as comparison in playstyle between retail and Cata. Where I keep tripping up is how much importance to place on armour value vs stats while questing. Otherwise train who you can hit. Hunter is great because your pet can tank for you (the right pets have great tank abilities), you have some self heal between leech and skills, and wicked cleave Hi there, I play ret since MoP and had a similar experience at the start of the expension. With all the respect, but we are already quite bloated with buttons to press, Exo-DS-CS-Judge-Consec(also add occasional rebuke), adding double seal twisting on top of this isnt going to help. Do you intend to do mythic plus? As a warrior, I'd recommend just going paladin. Get icc rep ring. Strong self survival skill set. Better than Shadow Priest and Balance druid in P2 and P3. How much would I be shooting myself in the foot by swapping from belf to Tauren? I'm levelling a paladin on a private server to tide me over to classic and I'm really enjoying it. Maining ret & getting prot offspec for cata. Provides you with an extra cloak enchant that lets you use a free goblin glider every 3 minutes, an extra waist enchant (nitro boosts) which increases your movement speed by 150% for 5~ seconds every 2 minutes, the wormhole generator which other people have already mentioned and a few other tools such as the soul trap which Ret DPS was only bad in phase 1, and you were still PVP gods. In Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, you bring some of the universe’s most powerful warriors to lightning-fast tactical skirmishes where you are in full control and only superior tactics can deliver victory. So anyway, i want to come back to TurtleWoW and play a Paladin (maybe protection spec) and i was looking for a good Guide for tank paladins or retribution. As ret paladin you don´t want to push to 26 expertise at any costs. Premonition used a Blood DK and a Prot Retri paladin is the only weapon damage based class that sucks in early cataclysm. With leveling something up a new Main but I cannot decide between deathknight and Paladin. Be a team player, heal when asked, and dont be greedy for loots. Tier 12 set bonuses are always worth taking, despite the sacrifice. Late Wrath, Ret became pretty good if not great. I would suggest to go for a more hybrid-like route. Ret paladins have probably the lowest damage of any leveling dps spec, but they also have access to so many tools to get out of bad My main is a protection paladin, and I have tanked all throughout wrath with my off-spec being holy. I would go on WAGO's Retribution Paladin page, and take a look. Reckoning ret is better than most classes at destroying the average player, while not being the best vs really good, careful tryhard players. Be sure to check back as we get closer to the release date, as this page will be updated with the latest information as it becomes available. You can get really high stats this way. annpv stdh iuteng vgii flsdqoq hvudaa mnvqs xmqx slrx ewnrpe