Haplogroup f1 The frequency of haplogroup B in the Tommy Site was high (69. The former Haplogroup F3-P96 is also under the new H, as is a newly discovered subgroup defined by Z5857 that will be named H3. It was established approximately 30,000-40,000 years ago, probably in South Asia or West Asia. 43% of all samples). A Network of haplogroup F1 (F1d, F1d1, F1c1a2a, F1g, and F1g1) complete mtDNA sequences, color-coded by Haplogroup F derives from an internal node R of the human mtDNA phylogenetic tree 10 and is a sister group toan eastern Eurasian haplogroup B, as well as to haplogroups H, J, Haplogroup F, defined by mutations M89, P14, and M213, is the direct ancestor of haplogroups G, H, IJ, and K, and through K the ancestor of haplogroups L-T (formerly K2). e. Y-DNA Haplogroup F and its Subclades - 2011 The entire work is The minor sub-groups, F*, F1, and F2 have not been well studied, but apparently occur only infrequently and primarily in the Indian subcontinent. It is linked to the diffusion of Afro-Asiatic languages and of Neolithic farmers from the Near East and the Balkans. retrieved. 1 reference. So anyway, this could point to SE China. It is believed to have evolved in Western Asia. Haplogroup O-M176 (aka O-SRY465) or O1b2 is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is best known for its part in the settlement of Korea and Japan. the Bashkirs) and Haplogroup F1 is also present among Tharus as F1*, F1c and F1d. Further considering the brain microstructure, the mtDNA haplogroup D (p = 0. It is a primary branch of haplogroup R9. English Wikipedia. Freebase Data Dumps. [1] It is also distributed among the Soqotri (1. Haplogroup Q-L275 can be identified through genealogical DNA testing. It is most common in Central Africa and West Africa. Haplogroup F and Subclades Haplogroup Parent Haplogroup Publication Defining SNPs 23andMe Genoset deCodeMe Genoset Full Genomic Sequence (FTDNA and Argus Bio) F: R9: 249d 6392 10310: F1: F Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country. Haplogroup K or K-M9 is a genetic lineage within human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. F* has been observed in two individuals in Portugal, possibly representing a remnant of 15th and 16th Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism was analysed in a sample of 108 Croatians from the Adriatic Island isolate of Hvar. Along with R-U152 and R-L21, the lineage is to a significant extent associated with Proto-Celtic, Celtic and later Celtiberian movements. Haplogroup E1b1b is the main paternal lineage of North Africa. [2]Haplogroup T is present at low frequencies throughout Western and Central Asia and Europe, with varying degrees of prevalence and certainly might have been present in Haplogroup Q-M120, also known as Q1a1a1, is a Y-DNA haplogroup. F* has been observed in two individuals in Portugal, possibly representing a remnant of 15th and 16th Haplogroup F1 (Y-DNA) Summary "Haplogroup F1 (Y-DNA)": article Haplogroup R1b. Study from Asian has suggested that haplogroup F was significantly associated with a risk of T2DM in Japanese subjects, but not replicated in Korean individuals (8). 015, OR = 2. Within the field of medical genetics, certain polymorphisms specific to haplogroup J have been associated Main article: Haplogroup F1 (Y-DNA) This subclade is defined by the SNP P91. 2003b), all the characteristic nucleotide variations for haplogroup F2 were located in the coding The haplogroup F of the Guizhou Tai-Kadai-speaking population (20. The mean age of the subjects was 77. The extent of the distribution of haplogroups F1 and F2 is not yet known for certain, but these two clades, like F*, seem to occur only at a very low frequency among modern human Haplogroup F, also known as F-M89 and previously as Haplogroup FT is a very common Y-chromosome haplogroup. 01. , 2010). F1 (P91) Main article: Haplogroup F1 (Y-DNA) This subclade is defined by the SNP P91. Haplogroup K, formerly Haplogroup UK, is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. Apa itu Kelas Karyawan? Tahukah kamu bahwa selain menyediakan program reguler, ternyata kampus-kampus tertentu juga mengadakan program kelas karyawan lho. Haplogroup D-Z27276 also known as Haplogroup D1a1 is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. Our results indicated that mtDNA background confers genetic susceptibility to NPC in Chaoshan Han Chinese, and R9, particularly its sub-haplogroup F1, is a risk factor for NPC. C, D Spatial frequency distribution map of sub-haplogroup F1d and F1c in Asia. 25,000 years ago. [2] [26] F2 (M427) Main article: Haplogroup F2 (Y-DNA) History and description of Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-chromosomal DNA) and its subclades. Based on ancient DNA tests, haplogroup K appears to have been absent among the Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHG) who occupied western and central Europe before the Neolithic period. com The rare clades F1 (P91, P104) and F2 (M427, M428) have been identified among some of the Haplogroup F-M89 Y-chromosomes that formerly were classified Haplogroup J-M267, also commonly known as Haplogroup J1, is a subclade (branch) of Y-DNA haplogroup J-P209 (commonly known as haplogroup J) along with its sibling clade haplogroup J-M172 (commonly known as haplogroup J2). The pathogenesis of NPC is affected by a complex interaction of nuclear genes, viruses and environmental factors, these factors might interact with mtDNA in NPC patients and increase the Besides typically European varieties of human maternal lineages, haplogroup F was found in a considerable frequency (8. It is also found at lower frequencies in There are two major subclades of I2a2 : I2a2a and I2a2b, the former further subdivided in four subclades: Haplogroup I2a2a (M223) I2a2a (formerly I2b1) amounts to over 90% of I2a2. 3%). Its distribution doesn't give much hint regarding its origin. Our study also demonstrated that various mitochondrial functions of haplogroups F1 and F2 are notably decreased during hypoxia-ischemia. The highest frequencies of haplogroup G appear in the Caucasus region; however it also shows significant frequencies in the Mediterranean areas and the Middle East [69,70]. NO1 is the sole confirmed subclade of Haplogroup K- M2313 (a. These haplogroups were further confirmed to confer high NPC risk in males and/or individuals $40 years of age, but not in females or in subjects ,40 years old. my. It is now known that K is a subclade of U8. (All these haplogroups have had other historical names listed below. Individuals within a haplogroup share The rare clades F1 (P91, P104) and F2 (M427, M428) have been identified among some of the Haplogroup F-M89 Y-chromosomes that formerly were classified as F*. Its various subclades (labelled U1–U9, diverging over the course of the Upper Paleolithic) are found widely distributed across Northern and Eastern Europe, Central, Western and South Asia, as well as North Africa, the Horn of Haplogroup R, or R-M207, is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. [4] There is also an important frequency in Taiwanese aborigines, Khakas, Kets, Han Chinese (and, thus, nearly all of sub-haplogroup F1 (P= 0. It is not found among the populations of India to the south and southwest. A primary subclade of Haplogroup R (R-M207), it is defined by the SNP M173. Haplogroup F of Y-DNA. The clade derives from the haplogroup JT, which also gave rise to haplogroup T. [3] Origin. Haplogroup X has never been found among Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Haplogroup F1; Haplogroup F2; Media in category "Haplogroup F of Y-DNA" The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total. The significantly increased risk of Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2011. Haplogroup F, also known as F-M89 and previously as Haplogroup FT, is a very common Y-chromosome haplogroup. Hmm, apa yang dimaksud dengan kelas karyawan? Apa bedanya dengan kelas reguler? This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. 1c c522- a523- a750g a1438g t2483c a2706g c3970t a4769g t6392c a6905g g6962a c7028t t7660y g8533a a8563g a8860g t8870c g10310a t10609c t10790c g11719a a12361g g12406a c12882t g13928c t14470c a14566c The human mtDNA is a circular double-stranded genome of 16,569 base pairs (bp) in the hg38 reference sequence, encoding 37 genes for 13 proteins, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs. carry also the basal lineage of the Y chromosome haplogroup F-M89. Haplogroup E-P147, along with the less common haplogroup E-M75, is one of the two main branches of the older haplogroup E-M96. This haplogroup and its subclades contain more than 90% of the world's extant male population, including almost everyone outside of Africa. Besides typically European varieties of human maternal lineages, haplogroup F was F1 P104 * P91 info; Haplogroup YTree v13. The reduced median network of F1a showed that there are two major clusters (F1a In this video, we will look at the distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroup F. One additional subgroup of Haplogroup F may be Haplogroup F1, but the status of this group, possibly defined by SNPs P91 and/or P104, is presently uncertain. 14 VIII. It is a descendant of Haplogroup O-P31, and it has been estimated to share a most recent common ancestor with its nearest outgroup, Haplogroup O-K18, approximately 28,300 [95% CI 26,100 <-> 30,500] years before Y-DNA haplogroup LT is an old lineage widely distributed at low concentrations. This haplogroup and its subclades. The clade arose from haplogroup R, likely during the early Upper Paleolithic. [1]Basal paragroup K2b* has not been identified among living males but was found MtDNA haplogroup F was associated with ischemic stroke in the Asian population (Tsai et al. It is primarily found among populations in Southeast Asia and East Asia. Together with our findings, the The Apt marker, reported as the F1 haplogroup by the Y Chromosome Consortium (2002), has the derived state at M69 and belongs to the H lineage (Supplemental Fig. Haplogroup G1 is a primary subclade of haplogroup G. The E-P147 clade is commonly observed throughout Africa and is divided into two subclades: the less common, haplogroup E-M132, and the more common, haplogroup E-P177. It is by far the most numerically significant subclade of Haplogroup S1a (and its sole primary subclade, Haplogroup S-P405). Haplogroup names and Y Chromosome Consortium (YCC) sample numbers are given at the tips of the tree, and major clades are labeled with large capital letters and shaded in color (the entire cladogram is The Mine Canyon Site exhibited a much higher frequency of haplogroup A than the Tommy Site (58. Haplogroup P1, also known as P-M45 and K2b2a, is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup in human genetics. Some authorities have also suggested, more controversially, that Haplogroup H is a descendant of haplogroup HV. Bearers of extant sub-clades of haplogroup A are almost exclusively found in Africa (or among the African diaspora), in contrast with haplogroup BT, bearers of which participated in the Out of Africa migration of early modern humans. Transmitochondrial cytoplasmic hybrid (cybrid) cells harboring haplogroup F present downregulation of oxidative phosphorylation and upregulation of glycolysis, which affect type 2 diabetes (Hwang et al. The F is an mtDNA Haplogroup. Haplogroup R1a (R-M420), is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup which is distributed in a large region in Eurasia, extending from Scandinavia and Central Europe to Central Asia, southern Siberia and South Asia. 0 kya 95% CI). ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree. It has not been found among Native Americans. On the other hand, haplogroup R6 in Nepal suggests gene flow from India to Nepal. This tends to suggest that Basal BT* has not been documented in any living individuals or ancient remains. 00043), suggesting that haplogroup F1 confers a Conversely, haplogroup F, the second most common haplogroup in the control population, was the least frequent haplogroup in LHON. , 2014), As the haplogroup K association observed in this study may be the result of a complex interplay with other mtDNA variants and their nuclear backgrounds, which can act directly or indirectly together with Asian specific Haplogroup F1 was observed highest among all the studied populations (Table 1 and Table S1), and shared their closest haplotypes with Northeast Indian populations. L-M20 is found at its highest frequency in India, The role of haplogroup H in the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases is due to the fact that, as it shows a high energy efficiency, it generates a greater oxidative stress, increasing the production In human genetics, Haplogroup R-DF27 (R1b1a2a1a2a) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subdivision of haplogroup R-M269 (more specifically, its subclade R-) defined by the presence of the marker DF27 (also known as S250). 6% Haplogroup N is a descendant of East Asian macro-haplogroup NO. Herawati menyebut, penelusuran genetik memperlihatkan di Indonesia bagian timur banyak jejak denisovan, sedangkan di bagian barat ada neanderthal. Haplogroup CT is a human Y chromosome haplogroup. CF is defined by the SNP P143, and its existence and distribution are inferred from the fact that haplogroups descended from CF include most human male lineages in Eurasia, Oceania, and The Americas. 4%), which is typical of populations in the Southwest (Lorenz and Smith 1996) but much higher than the frequency of this haplogroup at the Mine Canyon Site (33. 2008 Member: The India DNA Project is an independent heritage research Karafet et al. The Y-chromosome haplogroup is determined by performing a The old Haplogroup H-M69 becomes Haplogroup H1-M69 in the new scheme. Though there are small direct subclades of F, including F1, F2, F3 and F4, few men have been tested Main article: Haplogroup F1 (Y-DNA) This subclade is defined by the SNP P91. The haplogroup F of the Guizhou Tai-Kadai-speaking population (20. Purified RNA was American inventor and painter Samuel Morse (1791-1872) presumably belonged to haplogroup I1-L22 based on results from the Morse/Moss DNA Project (Family 1, descendant of Anthony Morse, 1606-1686, from Wiltshire, England). 3 years. In our analysis, the risk of T2D patients for the haplogroup F1 was approximately 10% (Fig. The presence of R6 in the Nepalese, on the other hand, suggests that the gene flow between India and Nepal has been reciprocal. The basal haplogroup T* is found among Algerians in Oran (1. png 1,545 × 936; 1. S-M254 is the most common haplogroup among males in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. The mutation defining haplogroup T happened some time around 29,000 years ago, probably in the East Mediterranean region. Haplogroup YTree v13. NHPCA: Non-human Primate Single-cell Atlas; B10K: Bird 10,000 Genomes; FishT1K: Transcriptomes of 1,000 Fishes; Fish10K: The 10,000 Fish Genomes; 1KITE: Haplogroup R2, or R-M479, is a Y-chromosome haplogroup characterized by genetic marker M479. Freebase ID /m/0blpnl. Two main boughs of the subset of the limb F1, F1a and F1b, are Haplogroup F is the parent of haplogroups from G to R; however excluding these common haplogroups, the minor clades F*, F1, and F2, seem to appear in the Indian continent [68]. It branches subsequently into two direct descendants: Haplogroup G (M201/PF2957) and Haplogroup HIJK (F929/M578 Haplogroup S also known as S-B254 is a human Y-DNA haplogroup, defined by the SNPs B254 and Z33355. Haplogroup F was in the original In human genetics, a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by specific mutations in the non- recombining portions of DNA on the male-specific Y chromosome (Y-DNA). In this haplogroup F1, and their haplogroup status was fur-ther confirmed by the variation at 12406. The occurrence of haplogroup F1 in the Nepalese sample implies that Nepal might have served as a bridge for the flow of eastern lineages to India. The only consistent pattern is a fairly elevated In human genetics, Haplogroup F (defining mutations M89, P14, and M213) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. The relatively reduced induction of HIF-1α in haplogroup F1 cybrids after hypoxia-ischemia further supports the clinical findings of a vulnerability to ischemic stroke in patients harboring mtDNA haplogroup F1. 0005). 002) and white matter volumes in the left precuneus corrected for Haplogroup F (Y-DNA) In human genetics, Haplogroup F (defining mutations M89, P14, and M213) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. It happens. "Jadi 'bos' dari seluruhnya pulau Nusantara itu masing-masing punya. Haplogroup K was significantly associated with a protective role for thyroid cancer in southeast European, but The network for haplogroup F1 implies maternal genetic relationships among C_Yunnan, NNW_Yunnan, and ancient populations from Thailand (Fig. It also is found in various percentages of populations of the Russian Far East, South Asia, Central Asia, Caucasus, Crimea, Ukraine, Iran, Oceania, Madagascar and the Comoros. 93%). This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the method. 41 MB. (2010) suggest haplogroup O-M119 was part of a four-phase colonization model in which Paleolithic migrations of hunter-gatherers shaped the primary structure of current Y-Chromosome diversity of Maritime Southeast Asia. M1 haplogroups are extremely rare in Europe and only exist in the very fringe southern portions of Europe, like Sicily. , 2019). Haplogroups are subdivided into one or more levels, called subclades, and thus forming a tree. After further comparison of the different haplogroups, we found that only two genes were specifically expressed in F1 but not the other three haplogroups: ANGPTL4 and FAP . The initial NGS-based RNASeq analysis revealed 16 DEGs in haplogroup F1, 27 DEGs in haplogroup F2, 9 DEGs in B4, and 11 DEGs in B5. 1- (or redundantly M304-, not in Haplogroup J), and M9- (not in macro-Haplogroup K). The direct descendants of Haplogroup K1 (L298 = P326, also Map showing frequency of R1a haplogroup in Europe. After Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2008. [3] [2]The R1a (R-M420) subclade diverged from R1 (R-M173) 15-25,000 [2] [4] [5] years ago, its subclade Methods. G1 is possibly believed to have originated in Iran. stated in. 6). [4] Several independent studies conclude that haplogroup H probably evolved in Western Asia c. 00043), suggesting that haplogroup F1 confers a protective effect. 2D; Table 2). The haplogroup seems much more rare in Japan and northern China. In conclusion, we report a novel autochthonous deep-rooting M43 lineage, Haplogroup F HVR1 differences from CRS 16129A 16162G 16172C 16304C 16399G 16519C The low resolution matches listed by FTDNA: 3 Japanese 1 Korean (to which one can add another 5 or 6% of other F1's). members of BT outside the only two known branches of CT, namely haplogroups CF and DE – have been identified. Clade G, defined by two mutations, contains 11 internal mutations that mark 10 lineages (Supplemental Fig. Both sites Haplogroup J-M304, also known as J, [Phylogenetics 1] is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. From these analyses it is possible to confirm a Origins & History. 5% of the population has it. The clade and its subclades constitute over 90% of paternal Download scientific diagram | Diversity and distribution pattern of haplogroup F1. The other is D-M55 which is only found in Japan. Some descendant subclades have been found since pre-history in Europe, Central Asia and South Asia. Distribution of haplogroups F (Y-DNA). P19- or M258-, not in Haplogroup I), 12f2. 2014. F* has been observed in two individuals in Portugal, possibly representing a remnant of 15th and 16th Haplogroup M9 is the main haplogroup in Tibetans (Kang et al. 96, P = 0. 2D). [2] The clade spread from there during the Neolithic, primarily into North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Socotra Archipelago, the Caucasus, Europe, Anatolia, Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Reset List Show map based on current samples. Haplogroup O is a primary descendant of Pooling the B2 female data with those of our previously published study that used only A haplogroup females (Padua, Zeh, Bonilla, & Zeh, 2014) again yielded a highly significant effect of male haplogroup (F1,26 = 15. In July 2008 ancient mtDNA from an Haplogroup S-M230, also known as S1a1b (and previously as S* or K2b1a4), is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The distributions of sex, age at onset and heteroplasmy were not significantly To determine a haplogroup the following should be analyzed SNPs or polymorphisms relevant, on the one hand at Mitochondrial DNA and on the other at Y chromosome. B network of sub-haplogroup F1d1, color-coded by geographic origin. had motif 16302–16304–16497–249d, and three others. These haplogroups now comprise most of the male lineages among Native Americans, Animal. It is both numerous and widespread among modern populations. 00 (14 January 2025) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ → Scientific sample prefixes and any related scholarly papers are listed here . Haplogroup Q is a branch of haplogroup P (M45). 3% and 3%, respectively). This component comprises the N haplogroups I and W, and the R haplogroups R0, H, T2 and U (xU2a Haplogroup K originated in West Asia as a subclade of haplogroup U8b some time between 20,000 and 38,000 years ago. 13. 67%) and Reguibate Sahrawi (0. 00), were associated significantly with increased NPC risk. Detailed analysis of haplogroup R7, coupled with a survey of ~12,000 mtDNAs from caste and tribal groups over the entire Indian subcontinent, reveals that one of its more recently derived branches (R7a1), is If authors state F1 is significantly higher/lower than B4/B5, appropriate statistics is needed. Haplogroup Q Y-chromosomes are also With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup I-BY161261 was born between the years 904 and 1651 CE. , 2020). . Like all clades of Haplogroup O-M175, Haplogroup O-P31 is found only among the males of modern Eastern Eurasian populations. It has a complex, diverse and not-yet fully understood internal structure; its downstream descendants include F1 is another prevalent haplogroup in Cambodians (18. T1 and T2 split from each others some 21,000 years ago, toward the end of the Last In cybrid studies, haplogroup F1 was associated with significantly lower complex I activity and respiration than B4c and M9 [163]. [Phylogenetics 1] [Phylogenetics 2]) Men from this lineage share a The Apt marker, reported as the F1 haplogroup by the Y Chromosome Consortium (2002), has the derived state at M69 and belongs to the H lineage (Supplemental Fig. 17 in cases (as observed here for H1) at a significance Haplogroup K2b1, known sometimes as haplogroup MS, is a human Y-DNA haplogroup, defined by SNPs P397 and P399. It is believed to have originated in Indochina or southern China approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. 6 +33. If Haplogroup F1 exists, it is likely Haplogroup R9, especially it sub-haplogroup F1, is likely to be a risk factor of NPC in Chaoshanese, especially in males and individuals ≥40 years of age. It is most common in Sri Lanka. CF descends from CT (CT-M168), and is the sibling of DE. It is believed to have arisen in Siberia approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. As previous studies had indicated that haplogroups F1 and F1a (a sister clade of F1c) probably had an origin in southern China and/or Southeast Haplogroup D-M15 is widely distributed throughout populations that dwell to the northwest, north, northeast, east, and southeast of the Himalaya. This ancient haplogroup may have first appeared in North Africa some 20,000 years before present. High frequencies of the clade are found among the Lahu from Yunnan (33% - 77%, average 52%), Nicobar Islands (50%), Shors from Kemerovo Oblast of Siberia (41%), and Arunachal Pradesh, India (31%). a. Conversely, haplogroup F, the second most common haplogroup in the control population, was the least frequent haplogroup in LHON. However, another study from Japan did not find association of haplogroup F and T2DM, but find association of haplogroup F1-subhaplogroup F as a risk factor for T2DM (29). ATP6 8701G (59A)) haplogroup M9 mtDNAs. The West Eurasian component. (2020) noted that individuals from the late Neolithic Longshan culture were genetically more similar to present-day populations in southern China and Southeast Asia populations ( Ning et Distribution of mtDNA haplogroup X in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. 00 (14 January 2025) Details of age estimation algorithm described in FAQ →. In human genetics, a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by specific mutations in the non-recombining portions of DNA on the male-specific Y chromosome (Y-DNA). Our results indicated that mtDNA background confers genetic Haplogroup J is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. The other primary subclade of Haplogroup R is Haplogroup R2 (R-M479). A sublineage of haplogroup IJK, K-M9, and its descendant clades represent a geographically widespread and diverse haplogroup. ND3 10398G (114A) and m. 22%), of which the most common sub-haplogroup is F1a . But I guess that's not big news, is it? Thus approximately 90% of the male population carry the mutations that define haplogroup F, though an individual is not considered to be in haplogroup F unless he also tests negative for mutations that define the haplogoups descended from F. This renaming will simplify the nomenclature for the early branches within Haplogroup F, and it will unify the major haplogroups of south Asia into In human genetics, Haplogroup Q (M242) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. P* rare; found mostly in Island South East Asia, Eastern Siberia and Central Asia P1 – the primary subclades are major haplogroups Q and R, which are now numerically dominant in Central Asia, Europe, South Asia, the Middle East and among Native Americans. Here, we report the analysis of 35 novel complete mtDNA sequences from India which refine the structure of Indian-specific varieties of haplogroup R. My watch list. Y-DNA haplogroups by ethnic group; Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of Europe; Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of the Caucasus Haplogroup U is a human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup (mtDNA). 91%) was the second matrilineal lineage in this population following haplogroup M * , and it was predominantly composed of sub Projected spatial distribution of haplogroup L1 in Africa. The haplogroups are identified by the letters, A through T. Haplogroup M9 is the main haplogroup in Tibetans (Kang et al. Hanya tergantung dari persentasenya berapa banyak," Haplogroup CF, also known as CF-P143 and CT(xDE), is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. (2007) and ours. It diverged from L1-6 at about 140,000 years ago (140. GHIJK is the major clade of Haplogroup F (F-M89). It has an extremely low frequency in modern populations, except (i) Iran and its western neighbors, and (ii) a region straddling south Central Siberia Likely migration route of haplogroup D according to Haber et al. Additionally, haplogroup B4 and F1 cybrids were prepared with and without the mtDNA variant in ND1 3394T>C (Y30H) reported to be associated with T2DM. The mutation defining haplogroup X is thought to have taken place during the late Upper Paleolithic, some time between 20,000 and 35,000 years ago, probably in West Asia. It is defined by the HVR1 mutations 16224C and 16311C. After the adjustment for covariates, the mtDNA haplogroup D carriers showed significantly lower mini-mental state examination (MMSE) scores than other carriers (p = 0. This group is found in about 46. Y-DNA Haplogroup F and its Subclades - 2007 The entire work is The minor sub-groups, F*, F1, and F2 have not been well studied, but apparently occur only infrequently and primarily in the Indian subcontinent. The lineages have long been found among males on every continent except Antarctica. CF has two Haplogroup K2b (P331), also known as MPS [4] is a human y-chromosome haplogroup that is thought to be less than 3,000 years younger than K, and less than 10,000 years younger than F, meaning it probably is around 50,000 years old, according to the age estimates of Tatiana Karafet et al. It is also relatively common in some parts of Oceania, Wallacea and among indigenous Australians. Ning et al. The clade and its subclades constitute over 90% of paternal lineages outside of Africa. 251 in controls to 0. In some cases, because testing is undertaken only for geographically and historically likely haplogroups, the data required to According to Family Tree DNA, the two SNPs defining this haplogroup unite I, J, and K within F as a "brother clade" to G and H. In particular, the subhaplogroup F1c, whose high frequency was reported in Tibeto-Burman tribes of Thailand , China and India , is found in all Tharu groups. S1a is found primarily in Melanesia (especially in Papua New Guinea), Micronesia, Maritime Southeast Asia and among indigenous Australians. F1 (P91), F2 (M427) and F3 (M481; previously F5) are all highly rare and virtually exclusive to regions/ethnic minorities in Sri Lanka, For instance, haplogroup F is found to increase the risk for type 2 diabetes , and this effect lies mainly with F1 ; in Han Chinese patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), haplogroup F acts as a protective factor against the disease –; and a significant association of haplogroup F (especially subhaplogroup F3) with longevity To reinforce these findings, the authors evaluated functional differences between haplogroup F1 and other haplogroups using cytoplasmic hybrids (cybrids) , which are a fundamental tool in mitochondrial functional experiments. 91%) was the second matrilineal lineage in this population following haplogroup M * , and it was predominantly composed of sub The single most parsimonious tree of 153 haplogroups (left) showing correspondences with prior nomenclatures (right). k. F1 * P91, P104 F2 M427, M428 Y-DNA haplogroup F is the parent of all Y-DNA haplogroups G through T and contains more than 90 percent of the world's population. [6] NO is the dominant Y-DNA haplogroup in most parts of eastern and The Y Haplogroup classification of the male Y-chromosome is currently used to estimate the population group of the paternal line. 4 January 2018. chemeurope. [1]As of 2017, it includes an unnamed primary subclade referred to by ISOGG as "S1a~" (P405), [1] [2] A Network of haplogroup F1 (F1d, F1d1, F1c1a2a, F1g, and F1g1) complete mtDNA sequences, color-coded by geographic origin. NO-M2313, K2a1), [9] which is the sole subclade of Haplogroup K2a (K-M2308). 7 January 2018. Haplogroup K is believed to have originated in the mid-Upper Paleolithic, between about 30,000 and 22,000 years ago. software version identifier. [1]Both of the primary branches of haplogroup IJ – I-M170 and J-M304 – are found among modern populations of the Caucasus, Anatolia, and Southwest Asia. 2%). However, Haplogroup O-P31 is generally found with high frequency only among certain populations, such as the Austroasiatic peoples of India, Bangladesh and A pattern was considered to be associated to a haplogroup if it is present in at least 50% of the samples in the haplogroup Figures - uploaded by Gabriela Alexe Author content Results. Haplogroup F1 is also present among Tharus as F1*, F1c and F1d. [citation needed]In a These haplogroups were further confirmed to confer high NPC risk in males and/or individuals ≥ 40 years of age, but not in females or in subjects <40 years old. This component comprises the N haplogroups I and W, and the R haplogroups R0, H, T2 and U (xU2a Haplogroup A is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup, which includes all living human Y chromosomes. png 1,200 × 739; 775 KB. It is sometimes believed to The haplogroup F of the Guizhou Tai-Kadai-speaking population (20. S-M230 is commonly found among populations of the highlands of Papua New Guinea (Kayser 2003). 1c 315. Defined by the SNPs M45 and PF5962, P1 is a primary branch (subclade) of P (P-P295; K2b2). [1] Until 2016, it was known as Haplogroup S1. 7 −33. 7). It is a very old haplogroup, originating some 10,000 Haplogroup S1a is a human Y-DNA haplogroup, defined by SNPs Z41335, Z41336, Z41337, Z41338, Z41339, Z41340, and Z41341. Clade G. 43, 95% CI = 1. But the haplogroup might have been historically widespread in the Eurasian steppe and north Asia since it is found among Cimmerians in Moldova and Bronze Age natives Mt-haplogroup T2 is a relatively widespread, yet mysterious haplogroup. The most likely estimate is 43,264 BCE, rounded to 43,000 BCE. It is the most frequently occurring paternal lineage in Western Europe, as well as some parts of Russia (e. Scientific sample Furthermore, in Asian populations, sub-haplogroup F1 confers genetic susceptibility to nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Hu et al. VK359 - Oland: CT-M168 (CT) haplogroup F1 and ischemic stroke, we used NGS-based RNASeq to assess the alterations of mRNA expression after hypoxia-ischemia in di erent haplogroups. It is one of two branches of Haplogroup D1, one of the descendants of Haplogroup D. This haplogroup is divided into two subclades: G1 is defined Y-chromosomal haplogroup G-M201 is widely dis- tributed in the populations of the Caucasus, the Near East, and Southern Europe, with the highest frequencies occurring in the North Caucasus Haplogroup NO1 (M214/Page39; F176/M2314; CTS5858/M2325/F346; CTS11572), [8] also known as NO-M214, [8] is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. [3] It is a primary branch of haplogroup R9. As had been revealed by our recent study (Kong et al. Haplogroup F is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. 3 A). This negative association was narrowed down to subhaplogroup F1 (P = 0. The clade and its subclades constitute over 90% of paternal lineages outside of Africa. Here is an example, in page 7, lines 231 – 233; “In addition, mitochondrial membrane potential Δψm, which represents mitochondrial function, was significantly decreased in haplogroup F1 compared to haplogroup B4 after hypoxia-ischemia (Figure Haplogroup F, also known as F-M89 and previously as Haplogroup FT, is a very common Y-chromosome haplogroup. It is one of two primary descendants of Haplogroup R (R-M207), the other being R1 (R-M173). Haplogroup O, also known as O-M175, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Haplogroup F is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. Distrinution of basal haplogroups D, C and F. It appears to reach its highest levels among the Burusho people in North Pakistan. 91%) was the second matrilineal lineage in this population following haplogroup M * , and it was predominantly composed of sub Haplogroup F, also known as F-M89 and previously as Haplogroup FT, is a very common Y-chromosome haplogroup. The presence of R6 in the Nepalese, on the other hand, suggests A haplotype is a group of alleles in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent, [1] [2] and a haplogroup (haploid from the Greek: ἁπλοῦς, haploûs, "onefold, simple" and English: group) is a group of similar haplotypes that Using RNA sequencing, it was shown that the mitochondrial haplogroup F1 (Mthapg F1)-encoding gene was overexpressed in patients with ischemic stroke and that Mthapg F1 upregulation induced ROS The occurrence of haplogroup F1 in the Nepalese sample implies that Nepal might have served as a bridge for the flow of eastern lineages to India. Haplogroup N1* and N1c were both found at high frequency (26 out of 70 samples, or 37%) in Neolithic and Bronze Age remains (4500-700 BCE) from the West Liao River valley in Haplogroup E-P147 is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The haplogroup assignment of K1 Alpine mitogenomes (thirty-six from the present study and six from37) are listed on the right-hand side of the tree. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup F-F15527 was born between the years 51,227 and 36,472 BCE. , 2014), while haplogroup D4a is associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer (Fang et al. imported from Wikimedia project. Origins & History. A prospective, multicenter, observational study was carried out in six Spanish ICUs. Others have long been present, at lower levels, in parts of West Asia and Africa. In relation to single mtDNA nucleotide variants, the 10398G>A variant is associated with increased risk of T2DM in India [164] and Japan [161] while the mtDNA control region variant at nt 16189C in associated with In human genetics, Haplogroup G-M285 or G-M342, also known as Haplogroup G1, is a Y-chromosome haplogroup. Age estimates of haplogroups are reported close The presence of haplogroups F1 and B5a in Uttar Pradesh suggests minor maternal contribution from Southeast Asia to Northern India. , 2011). Links. The Cambridge Reference Sequence (CRS), which until recently was the human mitochondrial sequence to which all others were compared, belongs to haplogroup H2a2a1. The F haplogroup is fairly common in East Asia. This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup F subclades is based on the paper by Mannis van Oven and Manfred Kayser Updated comprehensive Y-DNA haplogroup F is the parent of all Y-DNA haplogroups G through T and contains more than 90 percent of the world's population. Haplogroup Q-L275 or Haplogroup Q2 (formerly Haplogroup Q1b) is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup believed to have originated in Eurasia. The root of the tree is denoted with an arrow. Out of 308 Asian populations (Additional File 2: Table S4), only the A power analysis of mitochondrial haplogroup association studies such as the present one (investigating 17 haplotypes) reveals that a sample of size similar to ours (515 cases and 515 controls) only provides 50% power to detect a change in haplogroup frequency from 0. Identifiers. I2a2a1 (M284+) I2-M284 occurs almost exclusively in Britain and Ireland, but has also been found in Portugal, France, Germany and Norway. This haplogroup is divided into two subclades: G1 is defined Additional file 2 Population distribution of haplogroup M9a'b. The distribution of Haplogroup D1 in Southeast Asia is also very limited, as it is found there only at low frequency and only among populations that speak Tibeto The following articles are lists of human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups found in populations around the world. Haplogroup F was in the original migration out of Africa, or else it was founded soon afterward, because F and its sub-haplogroups are primarily found outside, with very few inside Furthermore, in Asian populations, sub-haplogroup F1 confers genetic susceptibility to nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Hu et al. Total RNA was extracted by a Trizolfi reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the instruction manual. FTDNA further states that haplogroup IJK's relationship with haplogroup F1 through F4 is unknown. Haplogroup L1 is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup. Y-DNA Haplogroup F and its Subclades - 2008 The entire work is The minor sub-groups, F*, F1, and F2 have not been well studied, but apparently occur only infrequently and primarily in the Indian subcontinent. Haplogroup Q-L275 is defined by the presence of the L275 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). And even on the island of Sicily less than 0. were with motif 16172–16304 Haplogroup F1. 047). The presence of haplogroup F1 in the Nepalese implies that Nepal could have served as a bridge for migrations from East Asia to India. This haplogroup contains the patrilineal ancestors of Siberians, Central Asians and many of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. This is an EXCEL file providing information includes sample sizes, geographic locations and distributions of sub-haplogroups. Its descendants are found mainly in populations indigenous to the Horn of Africa, North Africa, South Asia, West Asia, Central Asia and Europe. Thus approximately Haplogroup F is the parent of haplogroups from G to R; however excluding these common haplogroups, the minor clades F*, F1, and F2, seem to appear in the Indian continent [68]. 2019 Migration route of haplogroup D. The clade is most common in East Asia and Southeast Asia. No definite examples of BT(xCF,DE) – i. The lineage is most common amongst modern populations in eastern Eurasia. g. publication date. CT has two basal branches, CF and DE. 18–5. DE is divided into a predominantly Asia-distributed haplogroup D-CTS3946 and a predominantly Africa-distributed haplogroup E-M96, while CF is divided into an East Asian, Native American, and Oceanian haplogroup C-M130 and haplogroup F-M89, which dominates most Haplogroup R1, or R-M173, is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is the only primary branch of haplogroup Q1a1a (F746/NWT01). [3] Its emergence is associated with the early peopling of Africa by anatomically modern humans during the Eemian, and it is Haplogroup Q dan P merupakan penutur bahasa non-Austronesia," tambahnya. The only primary subclades of P1 are Haplogroup Q (Q-M242) and Haplogroup R (R-M207). Approximately 5000 BCE, Haplogroup O-M119 coalesced at Sundaland and migrated northwards to as far as Taiwan, where O-M50 Haplogroup O-P31 is notable for the peculiarities of its geographical distribution. We determined the mtDNA haplogroup, the COX specific activity/citrate synthase specific activity (COXa/CSa) ratio and the COX quantity/citrate synthase specific activity (COXq/CSa) ratio in circulating platelets at the Projected spatial frequency distribution for haplogroup T. P2 extremely rare and found only in the Philippines K2c – rare lineage, found mainly in males from Bali [6] haplogroup f1 crs a263g a750g a1438g a2706g a4769g c7028t a8860g c14766t a15326g kloss-brandstaetter f1 30-dec-2018 a73g a249- a263g 309. Therefore, there were big differences between the analyses of Fuku et al. 04. A 2008 estimate suggested that the most recent common ancestor of haplogroup IJ could have lived 30,500–46,200 years ago, [3] while another estimate suggests 43,000–45,700 years. Two of these. But lo and behold, I somehow ended up with that maternal haplogroup. Males carrying R-M173 in modern populations appear to comprise two subclades: R1a and R1b, which are found mainly in populations native to Haplogroup R1b (R-M343), previously known as Hg1 and Eu18, is a human Y-chromosome haplogroup. , 2016), the frequency of M9 in the Tibetan gene pool is obviously higher than that in other East Asians, such as Han people Haplogroup F1 is frequent in southern and southwestern China (Li et al. Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Cybrids in the context of mitochondrial biology are cells that all have the same nuclear genome, but different mtDNA. The frequency of T2 varies widely within linguistic families or countries that otherwise share similar ancestry, and even between regions of a same country. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture; 63 samples found (0. The most likely estimate is 1349 CE, rounded to 1350 CE. [2] [26] F2 (M427) Main article: Haplogroup F2 (Y-DNA) Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2007. ATP6 8701A (59T)) haplogroups B4 and F1 mtDNAs and from macro-haplogroup M (variants m. Other haplogroups related to the risk of T2D patients were B5b (30%), M8a1 (10%), D4 (10%) and G (10%) (Fig. R-M479 has been concentrated geographically in South Asia and Central Asia since prehistory. Haplogroup_H-APT_(Y-DNA) dbr:Haplogroup_F1_(Y-DNA) dbr:Haplogroup_F2_(Y-DNA) dbr:Haplogroup_F3_(Y-DNA) dbp:ancestor: Identification of mtDNA haplogroup F2. The known branches of haplogroup A are I have a haplogroup that is very rare in Europe too, M1a3b. We included 96 patients with severe sepsis. ntidgpe zec tpwd dlj avuo vkuym fpmog mblvpe siajq cqka